
Don’t Worry Be Happy and 8 Ways to Worry Less

“Don’t worry be happy” is not just a song made famous by Bobby McFerrin.  Your thoughts can try to make you worry and overthink.  You have a better choice that helps you calm worry.

Worry less is something you can transform even if you’re born a worry wart (aka Vata mind). I know because I did. And if I can do it, you can too!

Don't worry and be happy and calm. That's how I felt traveling and exploring new countries.

8 ways to get calm (and don’t worry be happy):

 1. Don’t focus on what could happen, focus on what is.

When awake, your mind doesn’t naturally silence. When your mind gets ahead of itself or starts to attach a fantastical made up story line to your thoughts, that’s when you have a chance to take a pause, get present or distracted and busy.

How does that old saying go?… “the past has already happened, the future hasn’t occurred, and all we have is now.”

If only we could stay focused on the present moment (not the past or future).

If you’re multi-tasking, you can miss it and let worry settle in.  Mindfulness brings your awareness back (and you’re doing just fine if you let go of the past and future uncertainty).

2. Lower your standards to worry less.

We all have an idea as to what life should be and how we should be.  Our expectations create a set of worries and disappointments when we face a setback.

There is not a perfect human on this planet.  Accept that progress is made through your getting things done.

Who’s measuring perfection anyway?  No one except the critic inside you, or a parent or school teacher’s voice that no longer serves you (or runs your life).

3. Act like today is your last day to to stop your worrying.

If today were your last day, you would not be worried about most things on your mind.

You would focus on joys, celebrating the moments, and how to have peace.  Ah.. this is the secret to living every day.   So don’t worry be happy.

4. Believe that life is meant to work out in your favor.

With a positive outlook you have the chance to create your happy direction and life.  Every day is not going to be a great day.  But every day can be a good day, if you learn to live in self-contentment.

The positive way to look at this, is that you have a chance to appreciate your good and bad days.

Your not-so-good days will create good outcomes in the future.  Growing pains produce innovation beyond what your current imagination allows.

Great ideas don’t happen when everything is great.

But you aim for good and great because those things make life worth living.

5. Renew your worry mind regularly.

If you have negative thoughts, replace them.  If they nourish your sadness, then you are letting your self-pity emotions take over.  Fight against wasted time.

Let it go.

It’s healthy to purge emotions and let go of daily sadness over memories that happened years ago.

Find uplifting words, encouragement, upbeat music and thoughts.  Create a new happy memory associated with the sadness (bittersweet). Until you can make the memory, sweet.

How many times did you start the day happy and then as the day went on, your mind dragged you down?

We label these moments as moods, but they are decisive moments of choice.  You can take the high road and be happy, or just exist (and be slightly unproductive).

Your moods impact you, your work, other people around you, your productivity and creativity.

If you can’t shake your momentary mood, take a mind break.

Get some fresh air, do a few jumping jacks, meditate, take a 10-minute power nap, or get a snack.  Then come back recharged to be mindfully productive and happy again.

6. Use worry thoughts as a sign for happy change and growth.

Worry can stir up your life. It’s a double-edged sword that can waste your time, or help you be productive.

Use worry to make a positive change in your life.  Noodle out a better potential result from your worry.

Worried moods (that create a foggy mind) can be seasonal.  They are meant to help you.

They serve as body signals to redirect you.  If you are paying attention, you want to run away from feelings that aren’t doing you good.

The longer you hold onto non-serving feelings, the more they can weigh down your normal.

You cope, adapt, and get used to these feelings when you could use them to make better decisions for your life.  That’s why sudden changes can be beneficial.

Get sensitive about feelings you experience.

Getting affirmation from others that your feelings are “normal” or everyone feels that way will help comfort you but won’t necessarily help you make changes.

Impostor Syndrome or self-doubt can be a reason to describe why you don’t progress.

That starts with worry thoughts that something won’t pan out because… (fill in the blank).

These thoughts are self-destructive.  Get past the worry, and use those self-doubt thoughts to push through.

Do/act on what you realistically know you can do, and believe you can do more than you think you’re doing now. Life will unfold opportunities when you’re ready.

Don’t worry, be happy instead. And when you can’t find a way in your own mind…

7. Give it to the Universe.

Don’t make it your problem alone. Co-create a new thought.   Surrender what you can’t do and let go what you can’t change now.  The burden is no longer yours.

Feel lighter. Give yourself permission to feel free and have joy even when you go through problems and setbacks. In contrast, those counterbalancing feelings will give you a sense of peace.

8. Know the truth is in your heart (aka don’t worry be happy).

There are better answers in your heart (than in your mind).  You can tap into heart answers in a 5-step process.

  1. Clear your mind and be open to receive a better answer.
  2. Give attention to your heart, and speak aloud your intention.
  3. Believe you already have the better answer and you’re just waiting for the download.
  4. Sit in moments of silence expecting the answer in a quieter form.
  5. When you receive an interesting idea or impression that was not from your usual type of thinking (and doesn’t harm), do not judge, just know it’s authentic and the truth is wiser than you are, to know the best future outcome.

There’s nothing to worry about.  You can’t minimize life’s blows.  Worrying  adds wasted time and energy to your life.

Trials you face are blessings in disguise. They’re meant to help you grow and get to where you can go.

You will understand how they helped you, later down the road.  Trust that and you will see the goodness if you go through them with your head high.

Don’t worry and be happy today.

I’ve learned to rely on this inner truth to guide me in my blueprint.  When I messed up or took a re-routed wrong direction, it’s because I didn’t listen or follow my heart’s inner guide that whispered the answers to me.  Paying attention can provide a future vision or better course for your life different than the one you’re on.

In my 20’s and 30’s I worried about debt, finances, relationships, making ends meet, and layoffs.

I received setbacks that I call Life Happened, and realized the certain things that are meant to happen to you, will happen.

Then I used the inner guide to well.. guide me.  I didn’t take my hand off the wheel, I just relaxed, put one hand down and stopped gripping so tightly.

My results in life improved and I got my happiness back in the form of gratitude, simple joys, and contentment.

But when I was younger, I had fears and worries. One comfort was food. I remember distinctly was ice cream as my comfort happy food.

The cold delight was there after a visit to the dentist having some teeth pulled out… and when I got lost in the mall as a young kid I found my way to the ice cream parlor… and when I was offered this amazing ice cream I’ll never forget…  and temporarily took my worry away and replaced with a smile. Don’t worry ’bout a thing ’cause everything’s gonna be alright!


Spumoni Italian Ice Cream (No Eggs)

This is hands-down my favorite ice cream. I asked for seconds when I was on a family vacation in Italy that I've never forgotten as part of happy memories. You can use coconut cream to make a lower fat version without added sugar. The coconut undertone taste will add another dimension.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian


  • coconut cream for healthy or heavy cream
  • cocoa
  • cherries and cherry juice
  • pistachios
  • Pandan


  • You can mix and divide your coconut cream for the traditional Spumoni flavors: pistachio, cherry, and chocolate.
  • For pistachio, chop pistachios and add Pandan plant-based flavoring (has a almond-favorable taste)
  • For cherry, crush cherries and add cherry juice for coloring.
  • For chocolate, add cocoa.
  • Add to your ice cream maker to smoothly set before freezing or let freeze in your bowl of choice.


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