
Are You Out of Balance? Kapha Awareness (Part 3)

Kapha awareness can help you with choosing longevity boosting foods and activities. Pita bread has a lower glycemic index (helps anti-inflammatory) than many breads if you’re  not willing to give up your bread… bread can still be a good thing! Easy pita bread recipe below. 🍴

Acting anti Kapha in energy and awareness using activity preferences and natural environment to build up physical activity so you can live long like in the Blue Zones.
If you’ve been spending time doing CARDIO for health and maybe Kapha awareness, listen up! These 100 year olds don’t rely on treadmills, but natural daily terrain and these life-giving activities that are shared in the “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” documentary movie.

In hot months, we are far away from Kapha season, but good to always have Kapha awareness that can hit us anytime of year.

Natural Kapha season is in the coldest months of the year (winter thru early spring) and we normally bundle up and eat more to keep us warm. It’s part of our natural evolution that falls after Vata autumn season… (you can learn about imbalances with Vata anxiety vs nervous feelings in last week’s Part 2 in this Ayurvedic series).

In Kapha awareness season that’s what this week’s article is about, we also naturally gravitate toward warm comfort foods as we know the cool light foods are Pitta Season that can cause Pitta mind body inflammation.

And if we’re having a Kapha body heavy season outside of natural Kapha season, that can put us out of balance and add more stress on our body keeping score. We know we’re Kapha imbalanced if we’re overeating or run toward processed or fatty foods more than usual.

In the Western world and especially America where I live, junk food is affordable, convenient food. Our societal environments aren’t supporting our longevity.

The opposite and healthiest populations with the largest number of Centenarians are in Loma Linda USA and the other Blue Zones (founded by Dan Buettner and described in his Netflix documentary, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones).

But most areas in the U.S. or the world don’t live those naturally active lifestyles with built-in healthy eating strategies.

In most areas in metropolitan America and where I live, buying and preparing healthy foods takes more time and effort than the convenient, processed food options that are in your face on the road.

These are a couple key takeaways as to why you should care:

For one, eating those less healthy options, add up to weight gain and accumulating a less healthy body that’s keeping score; and are linked to and can lead to chronic inflammations down the road as statistics show.

But another point is that it’s not always just a body issue… it’s a mind and body challenge because the mind is what influences us (the choice makers) most as to what to put in the body. There’s a mind-body connection and on the more surface level it starts with our thoughts. That’s what I learned in Ayurveda.

💡And the aftermaths are in the mind-body connection (internal language). The thoughts, feelings, emotions, daily actions and reactions (in insecurities and fears) show up as symptoms on the body. The strange and uncomfortable body ailments we find on bodies are snowballed by our past thoughts and trauma we’ve endured.

A simple example is why a pimple shows up when you have stress. They start from our thoughts that show up on the face or body the next day or even sooner. And this  same explanation is why someone with PTSD thoughts (aware or not) holds onto extra pounds.

…This connect-the-dots could be a revelation for some and one big reason why I’m so passionate about restoring imbalances for healthy reasons and daily happiness. 💕

And it’s not any of our faults, as more than 90% of our day is run on the subconscious mind level. We have  the job to connect-the-dots in self-awareness and knowledge.

Sometimes this can be coming from a hormone imbalance where we don’t know when to stop eating. And a rule like eating to 80% of feeling full won’t help in those cases.

…But as decision makers for our actions and desires, we can set our own controls in place that don’t require excessive hardwork (like calorie counting or hours of exercise).

And those ways are not smart either because that’s not how our natural minds and bodies most efficiently work.

…If we tell ourselves, we can’t eat something, then our minds have a field day with us and we just want the eye-candy food even more (the “no ___” translates into energy toward the devil food cake or easy-greasy foods).

…And our bodies don’t want depletion of calories, it wants dense-nutrition.

And I can attest to this as I tried to live on pasta and low-fat cookies in my 20s… how did that work? 👎 …and what happened on the scale? 📈 …and like many of us who tried diets, it ended up  like a yo-yo effect 🪀

Plus, restricted to changes in no longer being able to eat certain types or quantities of foods for the same quality of life we had is an uphill climb. That means we have to learn new habits if we don’t want to sacrifice our body’s health or how we look.

Finding better habits that work for us is the ticket to success in maintaining a consistent weight you’re happy with. And some may think, DUH, I’ve been trying that but it hasn’t been easy.

Finding a new perspective from your past is one of the ways out. For example, some want to live longer to see their grandkids grow up, and others value feeling or looking better and eating healthy is one of the strategies.

For me, I want to respect my body as the only one I got. And while weight gain isn’t my Vata issue, putting a hard stop on snacking all day and closing the kitchen is.

I can use this analogy… when I started drinking coffee in the morning, I found that my 2 cups habit led to an eventual bottomless mug.

And I’m a home baker who doesn’t naturally measure. But I naturally keep track of time, so I used that easy tracking.

…One day, instead of counting cups I decided to use a coffee clock as a more effective tool. 🕛

And anywhere you are in the world, you’re on a world clock. And that clock has a time. So I use 12 noon as my morning quitting time. And allow myself a light latte dessert drink after lunch.

And in that example, I’ve created a habit stack onto my lunch time. And a habit stick that works year-round.

Maybe you have the same dilemma with coffee o’clock around the clock, or its food o’clock all day and all night. I know that too as I would snack from the time I woke up… I mean, I had to put food in my belly so the coffee had a non-acidic soft place to land.

…And then I continued snacking in the late morning until late at night, and sometimes skipping dinner but still snacking. Mind you, my snacks are healthy nuts, popcorn, and nutritional foods 90% of the time. But snacking is snacking.

Eating something and whenever you want is putting your body to work.

And I did this every day 365 times a year, like most of us have been trained to do since we were young.

Until I did this one thing… I quit eating after lunch on 1-2 days a week. And again I used time as a tracker. And I learned that this was healthy.

And not what I was previously told needed to happen which was to snack every 4-5 hours I was awake. And not doing that, gave my body a well-deserved break from digesting

And after I did that for more than 6 months (8 months to date), my body got adjusted to this new way that’s metabolically good for the body and all its running parts.

I ending up eating less food. And I started seeing some tone to my torso. Hmm… not bad. But for me the best part is the simplifying my life part not having to think about eating good foods all the time.

…I started out my career in hotel catering and worked professionally with foods for a decade, so that’s always been HUGE for me. I’m passionate about foods.

But not having to prepare home meals all the time or find a snack substitution is liberating. Food is joy in my book, and taking a break for a day makes me appreciate the foods even more.

And, I use that non-eating time to be productive… and unlike a snack break commercial interrupt, get more things done besides stuffing my face. 😊

And as intermittent fasting is trending, research is demystifying that it’s healthy. Your body loves a good healthy trend. When our bodies carry too much weight it’s a heavy burden that can upset organ functions along our GI tract, heart, and pancreas creating insulin as a helper.

I shared my starting intermittent fasting journey earlier in 2023 that’s part of my weekly routine. No more uncomfortable what is that? stomach feeling. And we know the gut is responsible for over 90% of our happy hormones.

I allow my body to detox longer than through a night of sleep. And you can too if you’re a natural Vata, Pitta, or Kapha body.

And if you’re finding yourself holding onto extra pounds you’d like to shed off and have tried all the diets that brought you back to Square-One (or similar to my weight cycling diet experience, weighing higher months later), then IF is something you want to embrace as your last-stop try.

I’ve put together my free ultimate IF guide, that has all the info. to get started all-in-one-place that you can check out for FREE.

And in free-ing Kapha awareness and celebrating our healthy Kaphas that make us lovely human beings, we can be aware of our Kapha mind imbalances that rob our peaceful moods.

We can get out of balance with our lazy moods that we can’t shake off easily. This can start from anything including overeating, being bored, discouraged, or wanting a more exciting, creative life.

…Or another sign is we act clingy or needy (and we have Kapha awareness on this since close ones have told us nicely to backoff).

…Or we start to accumulate things (opposite of minimalist) and they show up in our lives and we notice when we consciously pay attention in Kapha awareness.

And all these daily actions (or inactions) let us know that we have an opportunity to change our Kapha mind imbalances that affect our daily perspectives and outlook.

And Kapha awareness is the first step to get you out (and Ayurvedic awareness for any of the mind-body imbalances), so you can daily make healthy choices that help to restore your balances.

…Cleanup and prevention positively impacts your upcoming seasons and life, so you want to nip-imbalances-in-the-bud. 🌹

Here is a super simple recipe that you can bake in your apartment oven and/or during warm months where you want to keep the oven low.

pita bread.

Easy Pita Bread

Pita is a great accompaniment for meals. The same ingredients used in general bread making is used in pita bread making. The technique slightly varies that gives the desired hollow pita pocket.
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American


  • flour of choice (e.g. wheat and plain flour)
  • water
  • instant yeast
  • salt


  • Mix ingredients and form a bread dough. Knead for a few minutes by hand is fine. Set in a covered bowl to proof rise. Then punch down dough.
  • Roll out dough to about 1/8 inch thick or as thin as you can without holes. This is different that most bread methods because you're uniformly flattening the dough.
  • Cut out your pitas. For mini-pitas, you can use a drinking glass to cut out. And then pickup and move pita with small cake decorating spatula to baking sheet. Alternatively, you can roll out dough on the baking sheet "as is" and pull up the dough scraps that won't be used (and you'll be left with the cut outs).
  • Bake on 350°F oven (good for apartment ovens) and keeping heat energy low. Then bake until puffed up and golden browned, depending on size.

Tired Kapha In All of Us

Tired Kapha is an accurate way to describe seasons when you’re feeling lazy. These are some common life situations that make us tired…

Plant-based whole wheat pizza for some light energy! 🌱

✔️Taking care of everyone and their demands

✔️Getting up early for routine work

✔️Staying up late to get more done

✔️Allergy congestion and headaches

✔️Burden from a stressful or emotional situation

✔️Colder seasons

These all put our bodies on overdrive where more rest is needed. And if we’re not giving that to our bodies, then we’re outta balance. Our tired Kapha runs the show (when Vata and Pitta are still in the background).

We all have tired Kapha traits in us and some of us are born Kapha dominant.

In those tired Kapha heavy seasons, whether we sleep 5 hours or 9 hours, we’re tired.  Because overall we’re not getting enough sleep. And Kapha metabolism may slow down.

These are a few easy, but effective habits to help your body push through (and not cut corners when you’re called for more):

…Have cold brew coffee ready to go while the fresh warm coffee is brewing. ☕️

…Have savory leftovers to tie us over for an energy-giving meal. 🌯

…Do jumping jacks or running in place to get your heart beat up and blood flowing for instant brain energy.

You could add a spice kick like cloves or cinnamon, or punchy flavors like lime, onion, or cilantro to your meals.

I remember myths (we used to refer to as rumors) that you can’t catch up on sleep. But actually, you can!

And if your body gets a dose, it can be even more tired to show you a sign that you’re depleted. Sometimes tiredness shows up a day later.

And if never tired, that can also be a waving flag to pay attention to…

Because this life is meant to have work burdens and unpredictability for our best life of meaning.

Short-term stressors give us growth. When we’re tired, we gain more appreciation especially when we’ve rested.

Being tired means we’re trying… and better to fail at many things than to be successful at nothing. Trying is purpose.

Without purpose, that can lead us to a different type of tiredness and weariness.

If you’ve ever watched the animals in the wild either live or on film footage, every moment is a form of work for them. They sleep out of necessity, but they are always on guard if not hunting.

…Or just surviving the natural that’s getting harder with climate change. Finding shade in hot temps and shelter in cold seasons is a challenge. They live nomadic lives that are very different than the house cats and dogs around us, that still have those primitive instincts but to a much lesser degree.

Today’s household pets are kinda like us modern peeps compared to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. 🐯

And what we can learn from wild animals is that: they do it anyway.

They are motivated to stay alive and keep their young alive. They do it tired and for survival.

Laziness would be a luxury.

And in our daily human modern lives, it’s complex because we aren’t often faced with li-gers to deal with.

But our minds are and make it complex. Beneath our rational mind, if the ego intercepts at any moment, then we’re driven down a lesser path.

And for those who don’t even know that they’re being intercepted daily is the biggest danger of all. Those are the male lions of today and the pride in us.

Usually, it’s muddled in modern fear. In those moments for any of us, we all have a choice to either live in denial (stands for “Don’t Even kNow I Am Lying”)… or flip the switch back to healthy thinking.

I’ve written many articles and posts on healthy thinking. And that comes from learning from my own suffering from unhealthy thinking and ego attacks.

Similarly, anyone unaware that they’re under daily attack is the most dangerous to themselves and others especially without a plan

In my case, I moved away from the prideful environment I lived in and gained awareness. It was the same area that had tiring demands and a faster-paced life.

So, if you’re tired or busy, you’re more likely to be unaware. Changing your environment (work, moving, etc.) could also be your remedy and just what you need too.

When you’re younger you don’t have those choices, but now you do.

Like, when I was a child, they commonly used smelling salt to keep us on our toes and from fainting in body-shocking situations. It worked. As we got older and went through more experiences, our body systems learned to adapt better.

Getting more experiences keeps us growing and helps us from growing tired and the tired Kapha in you.

To grow less tired, find something that you can use your gift and talents with. At home, that could be dancing, singing, yoga, or gardening.

Or working on a project like muddling coffee beans or dips, decorating, or painting. It doesn’t have to require much, just change your tired feelings.

And from there, when you’re wrapped up in the moment, then you can think of other wake-up opportunities. Because when you’re alive, that impacts everything you do in the season.

So I have a quick question for you…

Do you remember the last time you were excited about possibilities? You know that feeling where you felt lit up and endorphins awakened your senses.

You probably had strong desires to pursue and stay up late because of the hope in possibilities.

…And if that was too long ago to remember, then you especially want to get going with something new…

Because one day, your biological age will catch up to you. And you’ll realize you aren’t the same age or person you were in your younger adult years (and even a decade ago). And that could lead to thoughts of regret if you didn’t pursue all that you wanted in those unrepeatable years.

The way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to make every day count.

I know when I worked in the “rat race” that was not how I felt. I did a job, went home, and then did the same work the next day. I was lucky I didn’t spend my time all in one place so I could grow quicker and have more stressor experiences.

Those times and experiences helped me to get to today, the only time that matters. Tomorrow is the next most important.

And this is for everyone. Your experiences do the same for you (looking different in each of us)!

And especially if you feel stuck, one thing you can do almost immediately is volunteer.

Volunteer experiences were introduced to us as teenagers. Everywhere on this planet there’s help needed… I was a candy striper in a local hospital. And while I was not cut out for the work, I learned to be dedicated and give back my time.

We always have something we can offer even when we don’t have the gifts and talents.

And it’s always a learning opportunity.

Most volunteer general tasks are easy enough to do that even most young teenagers can do. For adults, it can be a welcomed break to do something easy and can open up more doors.

The most valuable is when you do it for a cause or purpose outside of you, then you’re growing and making an impact that awakens our souls.

It’s healthy to think of volunteering not as work, but an opportunity to serve. It’s providing more than what we’re giving. But we won’t know what that “more” is until we raise our hand to participate. ✋

These days you can find volunteer opportunities online or in-person and this can be what sets you apart from the rest. And you gain gratitude for your good fortunes.

You always see friendly volunteer faces that are glad to see you. And that happiness is infectious. You’ll also develop more positive skills and learn sides of yourself that you didn’t know before.

…And that can help you get out of any tired season. 🤗

And if you love bread and want a light bread recipe, you will love this pita recipe…

pita bread.

Easy Pita Bread

Pita is a great accompaniment for meals. The same ingredients used in general bread making is used in pita bread making. The technique slightly varies that gives the desired hollow pita pocket.
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American


  • flour of choice (e.g. wheat and plain flour)
  • water
  • instant yeast
  • salt


  • Mix ingredients and form a bread dough. Knead for a few minutes by hand is fine. Set in a covered bowl to proof rise. Then punch down dough.
  • Roll out dough to about 1/8 inch thick or as thin as you can without holes. This is different that most bread methods because you're uniformly flattening the dough.
  • Cut out your pitas. For mini-pitas, you can use a drinking glass to cut out. And then pickup and move pita with small cake decorating spatula to baking sheet. Alternatively, you can roll out dough on the baking sheet "as is" and pull up the dough scraps that won't be used (and you'll be left with the cut outs).
  • Bake on 350°F oven (good for apartment ovens) and keeping heat energy low. Then bake until puffed up and golden browned, depending on size.

Optimizing Kapha Metabolism and Losing Weight

If you’re a Kapha looking for sound and sustainable weight loss advice with Kapha metabolism slow downs beyond “eat less, move more,” then you’re in for a special treat this week as I have a FREE lose weight guide at the end you can download.

Which btw, we all have these imbalanced needs (Kapha metabolism, Vata anxiety, and Pitta irritated moods for example) from time to time, if not all the time, as we are made of all the earth, wind, and fire elements. That’s how I like to describe it anyway.

And, I’ll spill the exact beans about what the free resource is and how to get it today, at the end. So stick around.

But, first things first…

An avocado smoothie is in tall order to bring me back to my usual routine… and maybe good inspo for you and your healthy living.

kapha metabolism avocado smoothie drink
deliciously healthy avocado smoothie 🥑

I needed it because last week I was moving (and why you may have missed me last week). But I’m back now with a new inspo message every Tuesday, so keep comin’ back for more (and you can sign up to get convenient notifications when a new blog post is out so you get to it in one easy click).

And EASY is what we all need more of! One thing that’s never easy is moving that I just did but necessary to reach a new destination in life.

And let me just say, if you’re planning to move, try to avoid the summer when everyone else is moving! Spare yourself the hassle and do it earlier or later in the year.

And so to bring me back to this week’s calm, and to please my Vata palate, cool down my Pitta, AND wake up my Kapha, I took it one step further with an inspirational in-between summer and fall season inspiring quinoa morning bowl that’s loaded with plant-based goodness (great for burning calories and Kapha metabolism). I recommend this for everyone and anyone looking for anti-inflammatory eating lifestyle ideas! 🫐

Avocado, blueberries, dried papaya, cranberries, walnuts, bananas, and organic quinoa 🥣

…And just to catch us up here… last time I talked about Vata body needs, and before that I posted a summer series that included baking yoga, travel yoga, and chair yoga moves. I’d recommend all these stretch moves year-round.

Because if it ain’t broke, it can be restored with yoga that you can do at home… and I wish I learned this sooner! I can’t say enough about yoga, but will keep it hush-hush this time to focus on the Kapha losing weight topic at hand.

For yoga inspo, you can check out the last yoga blog post article I wrote on summer yoga, where I mentioned bits and pieces about turning into a pretzel. That’s the universal running joke description of yoga. 😊

It’s funny this week… I ended up making homemade pretzels. 🥨 Below is a recipe for sourdough pretzels that I fell in love with growing up with Pennsylvania Dutch pretzels. We had jumbo soft pretzels in the school cafeteria and maybe you love those too!

…One of the benefits of baking your own goods is you get to decide what to add in, like sourdough or rye flour to give your pretzels a healthy twist. To make up for the healthy here, I decided to add high mineral Himalayan salt.

Here you can see the salt in working action…

Bonus points are gained 💕 when healthy foods taste good PLUS have body health benefits. Like, Himalayan sea salt is known for its detoxifying properties, and you’ve probably seen or heard of the large crystal lamps or sea salt spa rooms.

We all want to feel more energetic, lighter, and healthier.

And you and I both know that weight is just one measurement of health… and btw, whatever your measurements happen to be, it should not define you.

If weight loss is on your agenda that’s usually with a slowing metabolism body, here are some reasons why it can be SUPER challenging:

  • There’s an abundance of (tempting) convenience food available around us 24-7.
  • Eating isn’t just something we do for sustenance. It’s reward gratification, a social activity, and soothing comfort. It’s an emotional activity and many foods send us back to our childhood roots and happy-sad memories.
  • Computers, cars, and technology have contributed to a much more sedentary lifestyle—we don’t all need to be physically active farmers to survive anymore, so we don’t prepare our own wholesome meals.
  • Reducing daily calorie counts is HARDWORK and it’s not easy to change habits in our busy lifestyle.
  • Diets are hard to maintain and they can work in the short-term, but fail long-term because they’re simply unsustainable and leave us feeling discouraged with diets.
  • And as we age, typically our metabolism slows down, but you can help yourself out!


First, Focus on the Kapha Metabolism Positives

Be easy on yourself so you can feel good about your changes.

And we want to keep our minds hopeful and stay encouraged that we can get our weight and fitness under our belts.

Personally, I’ve found that when trying to make goals, focusing on the positives is going to take you further so you don’t end up beating yourself up…

Accentuating what you’re doing right is sustainable to healthy living, so you can successfully create life-giving habit-forming eating plans daily and year-round.

And so you can get back up from where you left off. Your mind doesn’t forget what worked.

Plus, you can make up for any current deficits you feel, in other healthy ways like cleansing or detoxing, as you work on your sustainable eating routines.

Focus on the daily activity and keep the goal in the back of your mind. You can start with a healthy green smoothie or probiotic-friendly shake.

Staying consistent and away from tempting situations is what I often hear is a common body struggle. That’s what it was like when I worked in, out, and around food careers in catering sales that are not usually focused on healthy foods as a #1 priority. It’s happy over healthy.

And the way I found worked best for keeping consistent in weight (for my body that I manage) is focusing on staying on an eating healthy routine and schedule 5 days a week, versus burning calories (see “it’s hard work” 😭 bullet point above).

Plus, I believe an anti-inflammatory healthy eating plan is the best food planning way to stay fit and healthy.

Because inflammation is an early body warning sign. When left unattended, can lead to complications down the road. So best to change up any food-causing culprits that can show up one day.

The main point is to make healthy changes as needed and not get stuck in: this is what I’ve always done. So many people do this.

And dominant Kaphas (and those with high Kapha mind imbalances) can stay stuck in these stubborn patterns.

Try and stay objective to what works or is the truth (vs. how you feel).

And while health trends keep changing, certain anti-inflammatory foods like broccoli or Brussels sprouts aren’t likely to ever go out of healthy style anytime soon.

And if you don’t like those or the taste of certain healthy foods, you can pick others you like in the same category. Or make them creatively tasty and more exciting. Like sprinkling cauliflower or broccoli on top of your food to avoid the bland tastes and cruciferous textures.

It takes a little thought, but as a side benefit, you also get more choosy about what you put into your body.

And if you’re in a stressful season now where eating healthy is a challenge, you’re definitely not alone! It’s so easy to slip a little. The idea is to still focus on the positives and get in the good stuff 🥦, while you enjoy some comfort foods. 😋

Just don’t give up!

And the foodie in me wants to help encourage losing weight in a healthy way without compromising good-tasting foods. 😉

So figuring out how to make healthy foods palatable to your tastes is one smart strategy.

Remember the upside: when you change your tastes, your tastes change gradually. So start with one healthy flavor you like. Maybe it’s a spice, herb, or accouterment.

And as long as you personally WANT to go in the right direction and turn that desire into daily reality, you WILL make it happen.

Making habit healthy lifestyle changes today can make all the difference in the world for you.

One reward is you develop better habits, AND the habits you create develop a better lifestyle and quality of LIFE. When you can rewire your body’s metabolism through foods, you can have a better life.

And, here are some key Kapha metabolism things to know that make the difference.

Besides food and calories, your weight is based on genetics, family history, hormones, medications, stress, and sleep amount. There are so many things that your body does at rest: breathing, pumping blood, detoxing, etc. You start each day new and reset.

The amount of energy (calories) your body uses to perform these essential functions is your basal metabolic rate (or metabolism). Overall, your metabolism accounts for about two-thirds of the calories your body burns every day.

The Kapha metabolism is influenced mostly by your body size and composition. This means that people who have bigger bones and more muscle mass burn more calories at rest. Like men usually have more muscle, so they start with a higher metabolism (Kapha dominant or not).

And young people have this advantage too. As we age, bone and muscle mass naturally decrease (and fat mass naturally tends to increase).

Weight training (e.g., using weights or pushing your body against gravity) builds your muscles which increases your metabolic rate. And yes! certain yoga poses can help in this way. This is also where eating more healthy proteins can really give you an upper edge.

And if you struggle with a slow metabolism that Kapha bodies often do, here are some weight loss tips and reminders:

Set specific, realistic, forgiving goals

Instead of a goal to “lose weight,” try smaller and more specific goals that you can attain.

Daily or weekly goals can be, for example, to add more plant-based foods or lean proteins. This focuses on the positives.

Try to stick with a new habit for at least a week or two to start making it routine. Then when one habit becomes consistent, add another one (and habit stack).

It’s not uncommon to take 6 months to lose 5% of your body weight, so that may be a more realistic goal to aim for than the first few pounds that are easier to lose.

Ditch the “diet” mentality and focus on making lasting improvements for sustainable health.

-Focus on improving your food choices and food shopping for overall health or anti-inflammatory living, rather than “dieting” for weight loss. Food choices start with your grocery store cart and how often you go out to eat.

-Ditch traditional eating and try whole and plant-based foods (eating from the rainbow 🌈) in different ways and see what works for you. Like, you could make dinner your smallest meal or change up your cereal to prebiotic overnight oats or a probiotic healthy smoothie.

-Enjoy your food more and listen for fullness cues that subtly signal when you’re getting satisfied and it’s time to stop eating. 

-Eat more mindfully by focusing on and enjoying what you’re eating while you’re eating it. Pay attention to your food’s smell, taste, and texture as you’re eating it. Try to eat without drinking anything that can help you focus on the food more.

-Using your nose helps. Healthy foods that smell favorably strong to you in the moment, are healthy for your body as the fresh food molecules have more healthy-rich goodness. And since your body is intelligent and intuitive, it’s looking for the flavors it needs to restore your body balance. So go for the spices that your nose likes!

-If you have a habit of snacking in front of the TV or computer screen, try getting used to replacing the habit with a glass of water or herbal tea instead. Or better yet, do a ‘lil yoga and get another entertainment view!

Get the FREE Sustainable Intermittent Fasting Guide (The Start & Sustain Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Guide) 🌱

Enjoy these sourdough pretzels on your feasting days.


Homemade Sourdough Pretzels

Course Snack
Cuisine American


  • 2 cups flour + instant yeast
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup sourdough (leave water and flour mixed and covered out for two days or until bubbling)
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 egg
  • Coarse Himalayan Sea Salt or Kosher salt (optional)


  • Mix flour, yeast, water, and salt ingredients. Knead into dough. Let double in size. Proof under a towel or in a plastic container with a lid.
  • In a pot, boil water and baking soda. Let rest.
  • Shape pretzel dough into long dough logs. Have fun. Then easy twist them into a simple ribbon (like a Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon). Fold down. And you will see the knotted pretzel shape.
  • Dip them in the water-baking soda.
  • Brush egg wash over pretzels. Add coarse salt of choice.
  • Bake in 350°F oven until golden brown or about 50 minutes.

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