
Bear Chronotype At 9-5 Work

transition cherry blossom blooms
Cherry blossom blooms on the Tidal Basin is a reminder that every day is fleeting.

If you like animals, you like chronotype descriptions, where the Bear Chronotype is the one that 9-5 workers like. More on chronotypes below that are meant to help you develop better sleep habits.

But they can also be telltale for work types too..

In DC that I’m familiar with, it’s a transient area where many flock to the area for work. And where there’s an annual reminder of seasons and transition with the spring cherry blossom show.🌸

The common 9-5 job exists but often are loose hours as most work around the clock. Especially since WFH has become LIFE where real life vs. virtual world digital collides and you have more control over your day.

But, wherever you are in the world, maybe you’re in your pivot transition starting over in life, work, careers, or business.

Or you’re going back into a new office setting. If you’re considering what work to do next, before you make a move, it’s smart to first consider how you work best…

Because it could save you from stress eating, time you won’t get back, and unnecessary worry to name just a few things.

You can start by getting clues from your past experiences and how you’re naturally wired. And you can see how you fit as one of the 4 work types described below.

These can help you find the right, sustainable work environment especially if you’re in transition (e.g deciding if you want to stay in corporate work or branch off on your own).

For most, the mention of transition can drum up thoughts of dread, anticipation, or mixed emotions. Feelings like you had months and weeks before and on the first day of school during your younger years.

That’s where most of us who went to school remember first learning the ropes to what worked for us and what didn’t. We were faced with situations where we could make choices and others where there was no leeway.

But today, you have greater freedom to decide what you want to do with your work and life.

You can lean into the easier work or in a direction of work responsibilities and risk, where adversities and challenges can lead to higher rewards.

Transitions are often hard, but you can help yourself by believing that’s where growth comes.

Where growth is, there’s life (hope and love on the other side) and the chance to continue thriving with infinite possibilities that are more satisfying than mere existence.

Growth isn’t usually in the easy, happy times. Even though we’re wired to want the easy.

But when it isn’t easy, amid uncertainty and figuring things out, you can find daily joy and contentment as a sustainable way to be happy. That’s a skill that helps you the rest of your life.

It also helps to know why you’re making change and starting a new venture, so that when you reach tough winds, you still push through when you’re determined enough.

Dan Buettner, Founder of Blue Zones, is the expert and author of several books on Centenarian longevity lifestyles in the Blue Zone regions that exist in the world, like Sardinia and Okinawa (as the most well-known ones).

He studied these older and wiser pockets of people who lean into their community connections and joy living with greater purpose.

And in interviews, Dan recounts his past as a distance cyclist-athlete and how he physically pushed himself too hard.

And then one day, he was in a restaurant with his wife and friends and ended up in the hospital for over-exertion on his heart.

This later came as an a-ha to him that his life was missing balance.

We can all learn from his experience and relate to his wisdom. Sometimes it takes health scares, work situations, or life crises to make us feel and rethink our ways and path.

These can help us make needed changes. As can being in a work lifestyle (or lack of work-life balance) that doesn’t suit you.

Dan describes several different chronotype work types that consider when you would feel most active and productive.

They are:

Bears: A little more than half the population are Bears, productively getting things done between 9-5, the way our Corporate America society is wired. The Bear chronotype is all among us!

Lions: Described as the Early Bird people and the CEO types that like to get up in the wee-hours of the morning, making lists, and completing performance routines. Sounds a lot like the Pittas in modern Ayurveda living.

Wolves:  Those who like to stay up late, a.k.a. Night Owls and creatives, who can’t usually get to bed before midnight. I think of stand-up comedians who work at night.

Dolphins: A dolphin type is more similar to a Bear chronotype, but tends to have anxiety and worry. Not sure why it’s call a dolphin because I think I’m pretty calm around dolphins.


Which type describes you?

In transition, being aware of what creates worry and anxiety is going to be especially critical for Dolphins (and naturally if you’re a Vata). And being aware of what creates anger-irritation for a Lion (and a natural Pitta).

And, why does this matter?

If these are natural ways for you, they are holding you back from your best life.

But, you can transform those parts of your life. I’m living proof. 😊

I naturally identify as a Dolphin and a Vata, but there was a transition period that lasted many seasons before I could honor those ways and change from the Bear chronotype work-life I had.

It wasn’t overnight because  I needed to pivot to more creative work.

In the process, I let go of expressing anger that used to be a natural reaction as PTSD and what I learned starting at a young age.

But in awareness and desire to change, I started connecting the dots to feeling anger as the opposite of peace in my life.

And then I looked for ways to live in peace, joy, and love that I had never considered before.

And as I looked for more ways to self-improve, I grew more confident in my knowledge.

Finding wisdom is empowered knowledge and living in peace without regrets about choices made and opportunities not taken.

For all of us, finding a restored calm mind-body and sense of peace is going to be the respite to bring out our most productive, loving, and creative self.

That’s the best the world would love to see more of.

Finding Washington DC Metro 9-5 Corporate Work-Life Balance

washington dc metroOne of the most-watched cities in the world this week in Washington DC, where the Presidential Inauguration occurs on the Capitol steps. On heightened alert, the influential Washington DC metro area can seem intimidating to an outsider.

And, especially coming from news about political hoopla, wherefrom the outside, DC seems like chaos and a stressful place to live and work.

Actually, DC is as safe as any city to live in and has cleaned up over the years. Nearby residents are moving back into the city to be closer to their work and a more exciting, city lifestyle that the downtown offers. The suburban areas are calm and easily accessible.

That makes the DC metro area a great place to live and work! …and with all the new companies like Amazon coming to town creating buzz.

So many flock and move to the DC area for great job opportunities and work-life balance. Maybe that’s you or a Future You?

If so, I have some insider tips below that are helpful for someone or anyone who has just relocated (or is thinking of moving) to the area.

From an inside view, I became aware of the transient-ness vibe of the metro city area early on when I kept seeing an influx of people move in and out for a career, personal, or lower cost of living reasons.

The local residents who have grown up in the area (or lived in the area for most of their lives) are mostly friendly, helpful, educated, and cultured. Many have traveled overseas, are savvy on any subject, and dress the part.

What to Expect At Work In The Washington DC Metro Area

If you’re a new transplant adapting to the DC metro area, work-life balance can be tricky and you may need to adapt, as most people may not be as relaxed as you may be accustomed to depending on where you moved from.

If you moved here for work, your employer can have high expectations in a competitive city, where managers and organizations can provide employees even higher than the already stressful demands of many corporate jobs.

Even if you didn’t specialize in learning how to teach or do digital marketing, unless you’re a scientist or removed from working with people, expect to use general administrative and presentation skills, as your companies will expect you to run meetings, train others, and use digital communication tools, at the very least.

Wearing many hats that may or may not fit you, and speeding up your learning pace can play on your overall health and emotions. It’s important to find ways to relax, handle stress, and find work-life balance, especially if you’re planning to stay long term.

You want to stay connected to your core values.

It’s easy to forget your own goals and get off-balance when most jobs require more than working 9-5, or 8 hours per day. But you can find sustainable jobs that do fall in this category that I’ll point out below.

Like most cities, there are plenty of convenient delivery options and services that can help make your life easier. There isn’t one good hairstylist, burger joint, or dry cleaner in town, there are a bunch to choose from.

The large DC metro area attracts many go-getters, with a larger pool of jobs and work opportunities that other cities may not have as much to offer.

These are just a few industries in the area worth checking out if you’re looking for a good work-life balance:

Associations – most people don’t know that the DC metro area is one of the largest association towns in the U.S.  Old Town Alexandria and downtown DC houses many of the nation’s largest and well-known associations.

While the U.S. does have a reputation for a work-to-play lifestyle, many locals think to work hard now and relax at retirement age around 65.

Taking breaks and getting work freedom isn’t the path norm, but this is changing as people pivot and have second and third careers, or choose the side hustle lifestyle.

Continue reading “Finding Washington DC Metro 9-5 Corporate Work-Life Balance”

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