
How to Cure Social Anxiety: Lessons from A Dog’s Surprising Similarities!

how to cure social anxiety
I recorded a happy and calm “a day in the life” dog moment in this portrait painting 🙂

I once adopted a rescue chihuahua mix dog where I learned from him how to cure social anxiety.  He was the cutest and sweetest dog ever.  In my meeting with him, I knew he was the perfect dog for me then.

He acted calm (not jumpy like the Jack Russell terrier type).  Walking around, he also acted curious, interested and engaged.

So excited, I did the paperwork the next day and took him home.  I’d never had a dog before, but I was convinced he was a pet owner’s dream.  If you have a dog, I’m sure you understand as you probably think the same things with your dogs!

You know how much joy they can add to your life.  Dogs have temperaments, but they don’t project ego or judgment and all those complex human feelings that can get our human heads in a tail spin! Continue reading “How to Cure Social Anxiety: Lessons from A Dog’s Surprising Similarities!”

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