
7 Workplace Balance Ayurvedic Tips To De-Stress

An example of a nature image you could have on your office desk.

The workplace balance tips below can save you. And using Ayurveda in your work space can create a better work calm and stress-less zone. Besides creating collaborating harmony, you can grow in personal development.

If you’re brave or want to develop your leadership skills, getting in tune with your co-workers can be worth the time and effort.

Taking your nose off the work grind and looking up at what’s going on around you no matter how busy you are, can pay off and change the way you see your work. It could be the difference between your work happiness or dissatisfaction.

Learning to live balanced in your personal life plus incorporating  Ayurveda workplace balance tips add up to your overall happiness.

So here we go!…

Here are the 7 Ayurveda workplace balance tips to calm stress: 

The first 5 tips are to benefit you and your surrounding co-workers (that apply to you too if you’re the boss!). The last 2 are for your edge-up with your higher-up boss manager.

1. Meetings.  A subtle thing you can do is create a calm surrounding around you. When you’re in inter-office meetings, bring your calming scents either in your coffee or tea mug, or wear subtle scents if others don’t have allergies that you’re aware of.

Beverage scent allergies don’t exist. Even people who don’t drink coffee don’t mind the brewed coffee scents, as they’ve gotten used to the aromatic smell. Adding rose water in your coffee (…betcha that’s a slightly new one for you!) will help to calm you and the stressed worker next to you.

Match the desired beverage to the people you expect to be in your meeting.

You can also wear a subtle hint of patchouli or bergamot perfume scent.

…I know this can sound a ‘lil silly to be so coordinated. But why do you think when you walk into a nice spa or luxury hotel, the room you’re in smells so lovely and calming?  (The answer is, it changes how guests perceive their hotel property experience).

Being an ex-hotelier, I know the ways they try to win back return customers with subtle mood changers and amenities.

Scents help you and others stay calm and centered, and help to create a positive energy field.

On that note, keeping your smartphone in your pocket or a small bag from distracting notifications and silently vibrating phones can be what you need for a little peace moment.

You don’t see a phone in the yoga studio, so in the same way, you can treat your daily meetings with yourself like meditation breaks or an off-the-grid intentional focus session. Continue reading “7 Workplace Balance Ayurvedic Tips To De-Stress”

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