
Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Delivers You to Authentic Purpose

While having faith doesn’t help your rushed anxiety symptoms from happening, faith curbs anxious thoughts, and your anxious situations.  Many anxiety symptoms come from letting irrational thoughts and incessant worry get the better part of us.

That’s where it starts.

…Like a thief in the night, we don’t see what’s happening unless we are critical observers, looking in our own minds for us to be the solution instead of our own problem.

You can pray to not have those thoughts take a stronghold over you, and replace them with better, positive thoughts that can lead to productivity.  That helps to counteract your hurtful thoughts but doesn’t prevent your moods and emotions.

Believing there’s a better outcome or a bigger picture for why you’re going through your sour grape situations.  Those lemons you receive in life can give you the exact breakthrough you need.  That’s what your soul needs to heal and evolve, the purpose of your life.

Hmm… we all thought we were here to achieve and be happy, right? Continue reading “Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Delivers You to Authentic Purpose”

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