
Orange Scented Candle Calming For Anxiety

When you’re out shopping for candles, is there a candle good for calming your anxiety (in the sea of candles to choose from)?

candle calming for anxiety

Yes!  All Candles are not created equal to soothe and calm anxiety.  Orange candles are special.  Some candles have deeper scents like the Yankee Candle.

candle good for anxiety

I found one that I love.  It’s the Village Candle Orange Dreamsicle (creamsicle).  If you flip to the back, you’ll see I bought at HomeGoods for a fraction of the price.

candle good for anxiety

If your nose is drawn to those scents then they can help calm you as they positively affect your mind-body connection. Continue reading “Orange Scented Candle Calming For Anxiety”

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