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Wellness🌱 and Food Blog Posts

Balance Your Body Type – Based on your score, you can find better health, balance, and passion-purpose work

In 2008, I went through Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Health Program in Carlsbad, California that cost me more than any vacation I can remember. My reward has been a life changer, as I’ve used some of the life skills every day and still to this day, over a decade later (and you can use to help balance your body type).

I believe everyone can use this helpful information for their whole life in several ways, including better health to slow aging, whole balance, and finding passionate work.


I was personally struggling with remaining angry emotions from a stressful, uninspiring management position I had just left.

Some roles aren’t the right fit, and there was one in particular I held after a line of unsatisfying work that mildly put was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You could be good at your job and hate your job, which is how I felt, so I left that position (but my story had a good ending as a new role was created for me at the same company). Continue reading…


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Fall Pizzas Recipe – Easy to Fall For

Fall pizzas are easy to fall for because you can use almost any type of flour to make a thin crust. You can love the crust and pizza! 😋

homemade wood-fired pizza with mushrooms recipe.

Pizza is the perfect comfort food for a cozy fall meal and all year round. And they can be made healthy!

Unlike bread making that needs a higher protein or gluten flour 🍞 for a higher rise, a pizza crust can work well for gluten-free people too. You don’t always need to use bread or 00 flour.

Especially flat bread pizzas that are more like cracker crusts, where the toppings are the stars.

You can use your healthy gluten-free flours like rice flour to produce a no-rise rice cracker-like crust (recipe below 🧡) .

Goes to show you, you can make a nice crust from just about anything. 😀… maybe not sawdust, but you know where I’m going.

That confidence came from practicing and making pizzas as one of my first loves. I worked in a busy pizza shop as a teen. That’s a throw back to when we sported our baseball caps that was part of our work uniform that we called our clown suits.

And us clowns banded together, so we were used to our daily attire 🤡

Who knew caps would become such popular wear?

And maybe that’s why I still like to sport a baseball cap when I’m baking or near the kitchen.

Decades later still sporting a baseball cap for pizza 🍕

Those pizza making shop days were so much FUN and I ended up staying on there for 4 years before I was rushed off to college.

The shop was like a second home to me before then. During fall football season 🏈, we were busy pizza making bees lined up on the make line. 🐝 🐝 🐝

And as busy bee pizza makers, we were not watching any TV.

We worked as a team under fun pressure to crank out pizzas as fast as we could… 30 minutes fast to be precise… that was the expectation from order taking to door delivery.

So that boiled down to about one-and-a-half minutes to make and prep each pizza from dough to toppings, and then into the magical baking oven.

That reminds me of an I Love Lucy chocolate factory episode ❤️

But we weren’t in a losing game most of the time… occasionally, when the line was backed up or an oven broke down, production came to a halt… it was people (and not machine production run) so we didn’t have to scarf down pizza ingredients to keep up.

…We just chilled out during those times.

And when back on track, our heads were down during the rush (that often was during a football rush). But if you weren’t a pizza ingredient or pizza-in-the-making in front of our eyes, we didn’t have time to look up.

Translated: if Kelce proposed to Taylor Swift on the field or they came into our shop, those moments would be missed.

…Our fall pizzas took priority no matter what.

And was worth it because making pizzas was a one-of-a-kind experience. Those franchise booming years were a recorded phenomenon…

It was history in the making as business college text books I read even had case studies on the 30-minute guarantee I knew firsthand.

And in the shop organized chaos hoopla, while breathing in pizzas, I learned the trick to consistent pizza crusts.

The shop dough would rest in the cold walk-in cooler overnight and get hand sprayed with water to keep from drying out.

It was such a critically important job that only the managers who were the kings of the shop made sure to treat the dough like babies.

They gave the dough some TLC and the proper rest needed that dough babies need to rise on game day.

And when game time was ON, the dough slapper would crank out dough crust, one after another with quick speed, tossing them in the air like frisbee footballs to the next team member…

Sometimes I was the receiver. And that’s where my play was.

If you were assigned the next role, you could catch the frisbee-shaped dough with your two fists and knuckles. Then you would flip out the dough on a pizza screen so they would lay flat and taut without wrinkles.

There’s a lot of dough gymnastic action going on. 🤸‍♀️

Or they were already set on a screen as the dough slapper’s choice. You could say they’re the Quarterbacks calling the plays.

And then after center screen placement, the pizza sauce is added. That’s a 10-second or so second position, that I was told was the second most important position too.

There’s no dilly-dally time to waste during the busy hours.

Saucing takes a little smooth surfing action 🏄 to evenly spread the sauce… stopping right at the crust like a professional skier at the bottom of a hill. ⛷️

During the slow hours, saucing was a skill that I got to learn, perfect, and throw the ladle in the sauce bucket without it splashing to show I was “a professional”… and I wish I could say that skill has paid off as a useful one, but all I can say is it was FUN. 😀

And today, that’s still the sauce technique I use at home under no pressure where all I do is imperfectly slow bake and prep.

And in that spirit, you can bake your own sporty no-stress pizza at home in about 35 minutes (and in less time than it takes to order out).

Once you know the basics you can apply this to any type of healthy pizza, fall pizza recipe, or crust style that fits your fancy.

Pizza Making 101

You need 4 ingredients for pizza: flour, salt, water, and yeast.

Sound familiar…maybe?

It’s the same 4 ingredients you need for bread making.

(Tip: try using semolina flour for your bench flour underneath your pizza for a nice crunch and to make your pizza experience special compared to bread making).

Semolina flour good for pizza bottoms feel like coarser desert sand and is more uniform than sugar or salt. It’s not fine like most all-purpose flours like we used in the shop.

Here’s how you can make homemade pizza step-by-step.

My all-time favorite is a mushroom Neapolitan Recipe where you don’t need any fancy pizza or wood-fired oven, but you do need an oven.

To prove the point, this pizza was made in an apartment oven.homemade wood-fired pizza with mushrooms recipe.

Other simple tips for fall pizzas include skipping the brown charring of the crust. Regular baked crusts are even easier to make.

Those are like the regular crusts we had in the pizza shop or when you order a pizza.

…where you simply mix the 4 ingredients, knead the dough, let the dough proof for a couple hours, shape and flatten the dough except for the crust, and then bake on 350°F for about 20 minutes.

From there, I then add the toppings that are already pre-cooked. I do that part separately as different toppings need different cook times in a regular oven. And from bake start to finish, a pizza is done in 30-35 golden minutes. That’s still a magical number today.

In the pizza shop ovens, we always added the uncooked flat meats and veggies first, and then the lumpy items.

They were timed to perfection because through the conveyor belt, the heat was distributed specifically for the needs of pizzas. They only needed 8-10 minutes of baking time.

In the shop, they also weren’t experimenting with new toppings. But they did have pre-made thin crusts (like a cracker crust) and pan pizza crusts that were baked in different ovens.

But the regular crust was the one that most people loved…

Like I did with this sea creature pizza 🦑..which btw, you don’t have to be Jacques Cousteau adventurous to come up with your own unusual creations…  like squid here that has a tougher texture.

squid can be a topping option for fall pizzas.

And if you’re a more traditional pizza fan, I GET it… I used to hate anchovies and now I love ’em.

And besides traditional mushrooms that I’ve always loved, onions make for great toppings on traditional fall pizzas.

Onions (and mushrooms 🍄) are great for boosting your immunity during cold and flu season. Red onions are more mild tasting than Vidalia or white onions. 🧅 And you mix and match.

In the spirit of veggie fall pizzas, you can have fun with your rings.

You can also make a very healthy eating pizza category. And add that to your meal planning list.

Ideas for fall pizzas like this mushroom topping cracker crust.

…Like this healthy rice cracker recipe that you can be made into a rustic low-carb calorie pizza.

For more savory and simple delicious ideas, you could add za’atar spices to your fall pizzas… or use za’atar crackers.

What else can you pizza dream up? 


Rice Crackers

Course Snack
Cuisine American, asian
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 1/2 cup water plus additional water (about 1 tbsp)
  • 1 tsp ground sea salt
  • Everything Bagel spice (garlic, seeds)


  • Mix flour and water into a paste. Add salt.
  • Sprinkle Everything Bagel spice evenly on top.
  • Bake in low heat oven (about 250°F) for about 25 minutes or until crispy texture desired.
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Wheat Crackers For Fall Vata Season

Wheat crackers are so easy to make and a nice fall backdrop to decorate a food table.🍁

It’s a perfect rustic add. And if you’re feeling the pinch of shinkflation, these crackers can certainly help your wallet.

…Or baking any of your own salty cracker snacks (as low-calorie carb choice meal accompaniments).

They’re an easy baking challenge. ⏲️

You game?

…And even easier when you’re already cranking up your oven.

I do this baking move while I’m prepping my 350°F bakes, that are mostly rising cakes and breads… and anything that’s needing dry heat.

To start, I turn the oven on a low 250°F or lower. That also works well on warm days where you can feel the heat in whatever season you’re experiencing. 🔥

And while the oven is warming up, is when I bake the crackers, tortillas, or toast depending on season or mood. It’s a good use of oven energy. ⚡️

And also baking effort… where prepping cracker paste for a sheet of crackers takes seconds.

All you need is an even flour-water mix, and then spread with a little balancing salt on a baking sheet.

That’s it.

…It doesn’t get easier than that for the basics.

But I have some useful tips below with ancient flours that can enhance your wheat crackers, and making-baking experience.

Plus there are so many flour varieties and cracker taste options to consider and get into for your happy wild-free self… maybe Wild Thing or Wheel Pose. Just sayin!  🎡

You can use any ground flour for cracker making which is a great way to clean out your pantry. You can ground your own gluten-free and seed versions. Grounds reminds me of coffee since I make my own cold brew daily. 💭

And like coffee, if you add anything else as ingredients besides your grounds, water, and flavor adds or seasonings to your cracker mix, then you’ve prepped another food… but not crackers.

K.I.S.S. (keep it super simple). 💋

…that means no oil or yeast as tempting as it can be.

The essence of crackers is dry, salty, and flat crunchy. That’s why it’s a good Vata season balancing snack.

Great for anyone in fall season or leaning into their Vata body.

For me, that’s a double score. 🧘🏻‍♀️…maybe you too?

…I didn’t make up these rules 😊

The ancient people were the inventors.

Flat breads still exist as precursors to our modern day crackers.

(See Ezekiel 4:9 in the Bible that mentions several grain flours for baking bread: “But as for you, take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, put them in one vessel and make them into bread for yourself…”).

And fast forwarding to today, the flour is still the star ingredient for bread and crackers.

…So, choosing a healthy flour is a smart choice.

Making homemade crackers is a good opportunity to use your healthy gluten-free flours and whole flours like whole wheat.

Whole grains rule because they keeps the entire kernel that has all the nutrients like extra B-vitamins that refined grains do not have.

Refined grains are also deprived of fiber that’s not added back even if the grain is enriched.

Keeping it simple, remember the fine print “whole” as a top ingredient when you’re looking through the shelves deciding which is the healthy good choice, all things being equal.

Whole is also a good intention for all us healthy intentional peeps to eliminate holes in our diet.

Some of the whole goodness comes in gluten flours (yes, gluten!) that can be used to make wheat crackers.

Whole wheat grain flours have more fiber, so if you can eat gluten it’s good to keep some higher quality whole wheat in your diet.

And ancient wheats like Einkorn, spelt, and emmer are good choices.

Einkorn has less gluten than the other two so it makes for a great cracker that doesn’t need proofing.

The proof is in the cracker recipe below. 🧡

…You can add your flavor touches and textures like chia seeds or Everything Bagel spices for crunch and vitamins.

Btw, chia seeds are loaded with some B-vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, and other minerals.

Chia vary from poppy seeds even though they look like twins and are both carbs. 👯‍♀️

…And when I hear people say that they don’t eat carbs, that saddens me.

Carbs include veggies AND also healthy grains that don’t wanna be missed. Veggies are usually low calories in case those points are added up.

And next to protein, grains support the body in B-vitamins that we need a lot of to work together.

They also help to lose weight along with fiber. 🎉

So if healthy eating is one of your goals too (and a good one since you’re eating for the rest of your life), building good habits that keep your weight the same or consistent year-round makes sense.

A rainbow variety diet with food as medicine works. 🌈

Yo-yo diets that I grew up around don’t support that.

And eating food like rustic wheat crackers can fill the gaps.

Since fresh baked are not preserved (with preservatives) like the crackers you could buy in grocery stores, they will change texture over time and days.

It’s best to enjoy them the same or next day after baking (and that helps to get us to bake or cook more, if that’s another goal initiative you’re trying to make).

You can leave your baked crackers out for a few more days but they will likely become more dry.

So you could add a little olive oil or keep a moist towel over them.

You can also bag and seal them when they’re still warm out of the oven and that will create some heat-rising condensation in the bag that will help them stay hydrated… a little cracker TLC.  😀

…Wheat is plant-based afterall 🪴

And if they dry out, you can still save and revive them.

You can add a little water back and let them dry out for a few hours and then enjoy again. Then they’re as good as new again!

The wheat cracker taste factor will be the same because remember water is the next inherent star ingredient. ⭐️

How’s that for fall-ing in love with wheat crackers? 


Wheat Crackers

Wheat crackers are so easy to make. You can make them and bake with your other bakes.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • whole wheat flour and einkorn flour
  • seeds (flax, chia, or sunflower)
  • salt to taste
  • water


  • Mix ingredients until you get a paste. Spoon out dough and make about 1/8" thin wit a knife. If you use more flour, you can alternatively roll out into a thin even paste. It will come out the same as a cracker.
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Anti-Inflammatory Fall Soups (Rainbow) 🌈

Anti-Inflammatory fall soups are special because they have healthy rainbow plate and bowl goodness that’s good for the palate too. Like this fall color beet soup that can look like weeds growing in a swamp. 🌱

cold beet anti inflammatory fall soups
Beet soup recipe below 🌈

…And the swampier the better for your body! 🌈

Hot or cold is an Ayurvedic choice that in balance can be a balance in weather season and your body balance needs! Our bodies wisely know what bowl would be better for each of us. 🥣

If we listened to our body… like the way we listened to our mothers, then we help ourselves out.

But the body is usually more subtle in its approval process… showing up in deeper satisfied feelings and as your healthy body without daily symptoms.

And in Ayurvedic terms, eating hot or cold makes a difference in healthy balancing your body.

Homeostasis (balance) means healthy. And the other good “H” word:  happy.

A happy body is a happy mind.

And a happy body-mind is a happy self.

Getting to this place is often from choices we make in lifestyle, environment, and work choices.

…I know this well working in buttery situations, with kitchens that used a lot of butter earlier on in my hospitality food career.

…That was the foundation I started with that helped teach me the better ways… similar to butter smeared on a cake pan to prevent sticking.

Those were my hotel days that gradually turned into Mediterranean food restaurant days where the ingredients grew more healthy over the years…

And cold soups first found a place in my culinary world when I tasted cold Gazpacho soup.

I was planning parties for a Washington DC metro Spanish restaurant chain then.

And after that a similar bowl scene in an Italian Capitol Hill restaurant that taught cooking classes.

I was warmed up to the cold soup idea by the time I got to a Lebanese restaurant chain where recommending food menus, promoting food, and tasting was my job.

Someone has to do the hard, dirty work 😋

I learned a thing or two in those years working with the talented culinary staff and foodie guests.

I looked forward to the seasonal menus like most of us do celebrating in-season and farmers market ingredients like watermelon 🍉 in summer… and pomegranates and pumpkin in fall. 🎃

And in my lessons, I learned no matter what temps are going on outside, you can make anti-inflammatory fall soups year-round.

Like a cold beet soup (recipe below 💗). You can’t beat that…

And especially with anti-inflammatory whole food pairings that taste like heaven on earth in the mouth.

…That’s what I lived and breathed planning event menus and food tastings for thousands of catered hotel and restaurant events before I embraced how healthy the ingredients are.

And a nice bowl of soup was part of that healthy immersive experience.

These are 7 soup-er bowls birthed from that healthy spirit.

Pumpkin and Cranberry Soup 

I brewed and added seasonal Bigelow Cranberry Harvest tea that will add a crisp acidic, sweet bitter taste with apple bits, hibiscus rose hips, and licorice root. That gives a grown-up sophisticated taste vibe in the mouth.

And you can add whole cranberry juice, plus tomatoes and carrots for balancing anti-inflammatory food pairings.

I used purple carrots here that have anti-inflammatory anthocyanin polyphenols (that are also in dark color berries). Each  color has special healthy effects. 🌈

Cook carrot variety of choice (or regular carrots 🥕) until soft. Add a dash of fresh ginger to pair the taste. If you’re not sure if you like ginger, you can use ginger spice to keep it subtle or leave out.












Creamy Tomato Soup 

And for a more traditional taste like tomato and grilled cheese with a restaurant-like twist, you can heat up a creamy tomato bowl 🍅 adding in a creamy cheese like Camembert or Brie to get a delicious pairing. You can skip the rind or leave in.

Movin’ on to other anti-inflammatory fall soups that bring a comfort smile… 😋

Chunky Sweet Potato

Cook your sweet potatoes in water, mash, and add to a bowl.

For hot and cold balanced spices, my favorites are trio medleys like: black pepper, turmeric, and coriander.

Or for an Ayurvedic heat-cooling duo, you can use black pepper and cumin.

This is good anytime if you’re leaning into your Vata or Kapha where you’re feeling a cold body internally regardless of the weather outside.

And since both doshas (Vata/Kapha) natually run cold, I’d recommend a warm soup like this one…

Warm Mushroom Soup 

mushroom soup









Mushroom soup is always my favorite. You can turn into a porridge with warmed oats.

And you can make your own creamy mushroom soup with two simple ingredients: mushrooms and creamy cheese.

You can even use milk or yogurt if you don’t have cheese on hand.

The creamy soups were my favorite growing up… and Cream of Mushroom was high on the list.

The way I like to do it is with the double boiler method where you heat the mushrooms slowly in the inside bowl, so they don’t get as mushy like on a sautee pan.

And you can use the natural mushroom juices to flavor the soup. You can also add a little sherry like they do in restaurants if you like. But this is where I leave the heavy cream in the restaurants. 😀

And near the end of heating up cooking, add the cheese like a creamy Camembert or Brie and let it melt to your liking. Camembert has B12, calcium, and proteins.

If you mix up your cheeses, then you get different healthy benefits. 🧀 And the gourmet creamy cheeses are healthier than regular store cream cheese or Boursin (Gournay cheese) that’s the restaurant equivalent.

If you don’t like any floating cheese that doesn’t melt in your soup, you can simply sift out those pieces. I personally like kitchen sink (everything) in my soup, leaving the cheese rind (mold) and all the natural, herby, and bitter tastes.

But that’s a preference you have a choice in if you make your own soups.

To finish off, I add a dash of white pepper from a mill to lean into the umami mushroom-y taste. 🍄‍🟫

Add a few drops of balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce and then I’m in Cream of Mushroom heaven.

Staying on the warming trend, this is another easy one that’s so good for you…

Warm Potato Soup 

Potato soup was the first soup I made from scratch and a good beginner soup you may have already discovered.

Earlier on I did like most… I bought my soups.

Then in 2020, like many I started making my own soups regularly. That’s when I made my first easy potato soup.

Btw, making soups is easier than making a salad ’cause there’s one star ingredient… potatoes. 🥔

That’s one sac of usually 5-lb bag of potatoes. You can add that as points to your fitness shopping routine that counts! 🎉

And then you don’t have to make extra effort to buy cans that take up space in your pantry and are usually loaded with sodium in case you’re on a DASH or MIND Diet.

Those diets btw have anti-inflammatory sentiments in mind.

Lentil Soup

And one more soup you should add to your list of anti-inflammatory fall soups is lentil soup. It’s pennies to make.

Plus, you can cook lentils faster than potatoes… like 35 minutes on a medium heat stove in case you want to have a good day start like the running hare 🐇 and not the slow turtle. 🐢

You can add coconut milk as a tasty pairing twist. And if you don’t have milk on hand, you can also use coconut flour for a curry lentil soup. Balancing spices to add: curry, turmeric, black pepper, ginger.

And finally without further ado… beet soup 🥣

bowl of beet cauliflower as one of the anti inflammatory fall soups

You can make some easy rustic comfort wheat crackers to go with your fall soups.


Cold Beet Cauliflower Soup (Rainbow)

Course Appetizer, Soup
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • beets
  • cauliflowers, cooked
  • tricolor carrots (purple, yellow, and orange carrots)
  • cherry tomatoes
  • microgreen (arugula or alfalfa sprouts)
  • crumbled goat cheese
  • cumin
  • salt and pepper
  • lemon pepper (optional)


  • Cook carrots, beets, and cauliflower until soft. Let cool and add to a blender if serving cold soup.
  • Add blended ingredients to a bowl and garnish with the cheese, other veggies, tomatoes, and spices.
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The Great British Baking Show Happy Days

The Great British Baking Show season means baking time, so that’s what this light-hearted foodie is sharing about today to lean into the happy! 😋

…And as a show fan, I get giddy like a school girl. I’ve even got my hair put up in a high up side ponytail like a teen to match my feelings. 🤸🏻

Oh, but don’t worry… this will probably be my only giddy post on the show if you’re not a fan (yet). I’ll be back on the healthy earth channel 🌱 next week… so stay tuned. 📺

…And tuning this week into The GBBS also known as the Great British Bake Off show 🇬🇧 is the alarm for me (and us home bakers) that it’s time to fall B-E-ake!

But before we bake, can you guess what this is?

It’s NOT butter. And it’s not fondant even though it makes a good food illusion 💭… but neither are good to eat on its own so that rules those out.

Well, hang on to your hat (for that finished thought), and keep reading as it will make more sense when I spill the butt-ah

Btw… in the States, we like our good sense, scents, and cents, as we’re multi-faceted and have many preferences to show.

We’re similar to our neighbors across the pond where we have adopted some nifty baking ways. Isn’t that right, Rahul? 😊… and we love that! 🇺🇸

I also love that we get to idea mingle with our UK friends that unite the kingdoms through our grams (Instagram and convertable baking gram measurements). 🇬🇧

…and isn’t it about worldly T-I-M-E!? 

Cheers! 🎉 (as in thank you in Brit-English and cheers 🥂).

Oh, and did I mention we’re getting mini-Brit speaking lessons from the show’s entertainment side? 🐿️

One lesson note-to-self: I’ll now know to bring more pants than trousers and trackies to the U.K. next time. 😉

But all-in-all, we have a lot and even more in common… both countries speaking some English-variety. We’re also closest in time zones when you consider the other Old World countries.

…And GBBO o‘clock 🕰️ helps us bridge the ocean divide. 🥧

But I will add… it’s a little weird seeing the show baked creations before the episode airs on Netflix.

Ah, but a few seasons in… like most watchers from the States, I’ve gotten used to the spilled (butt-ah 🧈) beans. 🫘

Plus I grew up in the simpler dialup era so no complaints (not my style).

Which btw, I think I saw one of those ☎️ this week and a green sewing machine that brought me back to my youth where we had one of those in the house.

Plus I learned a new mini checkerboard technique a.k.a Battenbergs that I heard about from the show. 🏁

And that’s what I was baking up this week in my no-pressure tent? 🎪 Well.. sorta, but not exactly!

…I get excited about sugar talk that goes straight to my head 💭…  I forget for a brief moment that I’m a low-sugar baker in the comforts of my kitchen.

So swept back to reality, a MINI Battenberg marzipan dessert is fitting. Because a mini one has very little sugar.

…And this one is reaallly small! …Good for maybe a big Barbie food table.

But too small to bake a cake in unless you’re Barbie baking for Ken and then it’s never too small. 💖

But for the rest o us, an all easy marzipan sweet bite can be made in minutes. It’s like playing with Play-dough.

Inspiration to The Great British Baking Show mini marzipan Battenberg but with no cake

…So that’s what I turned my butter illusion into. And making a fancy pattern marzipan is still less time than baking.

But I couldn’t leave my oven cold.

Because butter talk inspires baking.

…So I made a healthy delicious bake, but instead of butter (or butt-ah) I used an ingredient you may or may not have heard of… MCT oil.

It sounds like a pharmacy prescribed oil, but it’s OTC… and healthy! Now we’re back on track. 🌱

The healthy fat food supports weight loss, helping the body make ketones for energy that then gives us more energy.

It’s a form of coconut oil that most or all of us know. 🥥

And so I thought only fitting to make a healthy chocolate donut.🍩

That was made coconut tasty with organic unsweetened coconut chips that also make delicious snacks on their own!

Healthy coconut flour was used to lean into the tastes of chococonut (say that 10 times). The gluten-free flour makes a denser no-rise bake that’s great for pancakes or ONE donut here…

…that’s btw how us baking peeps fit into our fave jeans so we can better thrive in our mind-bodies 😊  where we’re all slightly different tuned that’s good to celebrate in our turning world.

Speaking of jeans👖…my baking genes wouldn’t fit in The Great British Baking Show fiery baking tent. 🎪

The show competitors got that competitive gene.🙌👏🏽

…And it looks like all of them this season were very blessed.

For the rest of us, we’re watching The Great British Baking Show and doing our stress-free baking.  And on that note, you can enjoy  with a best melted chocolate dessert.


Healthy Chocolate Coconut Donut (Gluten-Free)

This recipe uses chocolate and coconut chips as the sweet, and healthy coconut oil fat that used in moderation is a good sub for a delicious, weight-conscious donut.
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 2 tsp coconut oil for donut
  • 1 tsp coffee (optional)
  • 1 egg
  • milk (start with 1 tbsp)
  • unsweetened coconut chips (enough to cover top)
  • baking chocolate chip
  • coconut oil, a few drops for melting chocolate


  • Gently mix the 4 donut cake ingredients by hand. Use enough milk to get the consistency closest to a cake batter (not too liquid and not too dense). Grease your pan with coconut oil and pour batter into the pan. Bake until top looks baked and a toothpick comes out clean.
  • Make the chocolate glaze: melt chocolate chips in a few drops of coconut oil using a bain marie (double boiler) setup. You don't need steaming hot water for melting chocolate. I used an inexpensive self-heating water kettle. I added a small ceramic cup and put inside a ceramic bowl. I poured the hot-warm water into the bowl about half way and the chocolate melts in a minute or two.
  • Zhugh with organic coconut chips that is recommended for a more pure coconut taste plus a crunch with kernel intact (compared to shredded coconut).
  • With coconut oil, this dessert will stay good at room temperature for 2 days (the day it's baked and the day after). For longer lasting, keep completely covered in the refrigerator so it doesn't dry out.


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Grapefruit vs Orange Juice

Grapefruit vs orange juice is a GREAT juice. Grapefruit is a great immunity booster and has more Vitamin C than even orange juice that gets the better known rap. Neither have their own emoji so they’re on fair playing ground as far as I’m concerned 😊 🍇🟠

fresh grapefruit juice

Like grapes that grow in bunches, that’s where grapefruits got their name originally. 🍇 I’m thinking… mocktail wine idea. 💡

Grapefruit juice is punchy and sweet bitter compared to acidic OJ. The note endings are tart compared to bitter.

These climate changing days, you can find citrus before their winter citrus season and sometimes year-round.

Growing up, I drank grapefruit juice A BUNCH in the winter. So for me, it’s the preferred juice punch… and maybe for YOU TOO! 🤔

You can make your own homemade fresh juices today. They are pure and not concentrated. And the best part is when you make your own, artificial sugar isn’t added back in.

Fresh Grapefruit vs Orange Juice

And with fresh squeezed juices you don’t need that as the fruits themselves are sweet enough.

…I can say that being a hardcore sweet tooth (Vata 🙋🏻‍♀️) who has adapted to better tasting ways that are also more healthy (less sugar adds)! How is that possible?? Gratefully, it is.

And in grapefruit vs orange juice talk, if you choose the sweeter fruits like Cara Cara or navel oranges you will have a calming fresh orange juice that moves through your parasympathetic nerves.

There are over 400 orange types and over 20 grapefruit types.

With grapefruits, the more vibrant and gem color interiors are usually sweeter, where a pink grapefruit is a probably on the medium end.

Grapefruit juice is a perfect example. It has the tangy quality with some ending sweet notes.

For a kid, that’s a lot like pink lemonade that wins points. 💕

Plus, grapefruits are giant-size GREAT big fruits so you’re bound to quench your thirst that helps weight loss.

Anti-Inflammatory Grapefruits

Grapefruits are healthy illusions. Don’t let the translucent light pink to bursting pink colors fool you into thinking they’re light in vitamins.

Because actually grapefruits carry a few rainbow qualities… 🌈

They have  beta-carotene polyphenols like carrots and sweet potatoes, and also lycopene like tomatoes. 

…Grapefruits are also  good for the skin and counteracting skin inflammations that we all give a thumbs up to. 👍

So that makes a well-rounded grapefruit, anti-inflammatory drink experience all around.

AND Grapefruits are loaded with fiber, so they make for a great breakfast accompaniment.

And that reminds me… 💭

I remember the fancy modern buffets I went to on some brunch weekends with my DC metro gang that included a lightly caramelized half grapefruit where you could spoon out each individual juicy wedge.

Special food occasions like that call for special spoons with jagged edges that kinda look like shovels to do the heavy lifting. No juice was lost and no conversation was missed..

In brunch food talk, that was as juicy as a cherry-on-top that always gets noticed like a Ruby Red grapefruit color. 🍒


Grapefruit Juice Mocktail

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American


  • 1-2 grapefruit with pulp
  • 1 oz pineapple juice
  • mint leaf or ginger


  • Squeeze juices leaving in pulp and stir. Garnish with a mint leaf or crystallized ginger.
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