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Balance Your Body Type – Based on your score, you can find better health, balance, and passion-purpose work

In 2008, I went through Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Health Program in Carlsbad, California that cost me more than any vacation I can remember. My reward has been a life changer, as I’ve used some of the life skills every day and still to this day, over a decade later (and you can use to help balance your body type).

I believe everyone can use this helpful information for their whole life in several ways, including better health to slow aging, whole balance, and finding passionate work.


I was personally struggling with remaining angry emotions from a stressful, uninspiring management position I had just left.

Some roles aren’t the right fit, and there was one in particular I held after a line of unsatisfying work that mildly put was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You could be good at your job and hate your job, which is how I felt, so I left that position (but my story had a good ending as a new role was created for me at the same company). Continue reading…


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Best Way to Make Chai

Chai is the ultimate Ayurvedic tea. It’s filled with spices. And it’s one you prefer today or you don’t…best way to make chai is with chocolate milk

Here you’re in for a treat, as I have my favorite chai way explained below that made a menu board and I think is the best way to make chai if you want a smile on your face every time it’s chai time. 😀

Because chai tea is comforting and balanced. It’s the type of tea you have in hand on yoga day or sipping on the weekend.

And it sure tastes like it!

…That can be good or bad.

Chai is a commonly drank Indian tea where chai is the assumed tea so in that part of the world, they just say chai. In the western world, we have tea variety so we call it chai tea.

In both worlds, chai tea has minimal sweetness. And it has an Eastern taste. In the Western world, it sticks out. But you can make this drink the best of both worlds.

Below I explain how…

And if you’re game for sophisticated adult tastes like cinnamon, cardamom and cloves (the 3 C’s) or a spice-filled warming tea, then you pass the first test where chai could be the best drink for your mood.

Word of warning: if you’re feeling Pitta (in Ayurvedic terms), heated, or the weather is hot or warm out, you’ll likely feel off drinking chai.

…Even if the drink itself isn’t served hot.

Because in those times and seasons you want something lighter, maybe citrusy or floral… but not chai spices.

Like on a crisp fall day where you could go for cinnamon and apple or it’s a spring rainy hoodie day.

Or if you’re feeling like discovering something new or visiting a bookshop, then chai is a tea will give you some oomph for new adventure.

…So chai definitely has its place in the world and is a good go-to tea you’ll enjoy.

It’s one of the healthiest on the planet.

It doesn’t have to be your daily ritual, but it can be part of the variety and spice of life. 💕

And if how you feel about chai is meh, to add back some sweetness and younger (aka fun and happy memory tastes), this is my secret… add some chocolatey vibes.

This amps up the the drink to a chic level. It also balances out the spicy vibes.

Think of a chocolatey latte (or a warm chocolate milk).

You could make your own liquid chocolate, but a grocery shelf chocolate milk is the kind of taste that will elevate your chai.

And it will take the color from a dark brown to a warm brown in a second.

How’s that for fast order!? 

It will be obvious when you’ve elevated your chai. 😊

And for coffee lovers, this can be a soft landing drink to wean off another cup of coffee you’re debating about in your mind.

The new chocolate chai taste can run neck and neck in rankings with your cup of Joe.

And that’s because the chocolate adds a mix between hot cocoa and a decadent tea vibes. It mellows out the spice tastes and makes it a good year round drink.

Maybe you do start calling all your teas, Chai? 😁

It’s kinda like an experience of ordering a hot cocoa or doing afternoon tea.

…It’s an event. And the chai drink is great for meetups.

And these little events in our day make life just a little nicer.

Plus, chai has a ‘lil black tea caffeine kick but won’t keep you up at night (if you’re not super sensitive).

And just to show how I’m not the only one who gets excited over a chocolate chai….

I actually accidentally added a menu item at my church’s “Starbucks” coffee shop when I asked for chocolate tastes to be added in my drink from kind smiling volunteer order takers.

I don’t know if they added a chocolate sauce or cocoa, but it was delicious and just what I needed on that Sunday to give me an extra pep in my step.

I felt good with my decadent drink that inspired the drink that others could then order after me.

The secret to a good chocolate chai experience is getting a good chai tea that’s fresh and balanced with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom and allspice (that also has cloves).

So with double cloves and all the spices, you will get a punchy tea! 🤜

That’s unmistakably chai.

Cloves by the way is a spice that is highly anti-inflammatory, and great for anyone on a longevity mission or wanting to help prevent chronic inflammation (that’s known to cause chronic diseases).

So now you have a delicious and healthy tea beverage. It doesn’t get much better than that!

I invite you to make the tea and to come back for other great ideas that make your day Ayurvedic healthy and happy. 🎉


Chai with Chocolate

The best chai is with a little chocolate milk action.


  • 1 chai tea bag for 6 ounce drink
  • 1/4 cup chocolate almond milk
  • Cocoa dusting (optional)


  • Brew your chai tea bag for 2-3 minutes.
  • Let cool for a minute or so and then add the chocolate milk. Add cocoa for zhugh if you like.
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Vanilla Cookie (Vegan) – No Butter

Vanilla cookie with no butter or margarine is not heard of if you want something delicious.

Like these vanilla whirls 🍥 …

That are healthy cookies (but you would never know it by taste).

vanilla cookie with raspberry jam dollop
Vanilla cookie is cookie that is anything but plain!

Below is this healthy and delicious vanilla cookie recipe using affordable healthy ingredients (PLUS some budget-friendly grocery tips your wallet will love 🛒).

But first things first… what makes this cookie so special is it has NO BUTTER!

…And it tastes so buttery cookie decadent like a cookie should.

These little ones are made like the Stella D’Oro assortment cookies I grew up with. One of the assorted cookies had a fruit filling that look like these (like raspberry hearts  💌 in the middle).

They discontinued making this cookie, but you can make a similar copycat cookie with the recipe below 💕.

That btw is made from plant based (aka Vegan) ingredients. And I already hinted it has a buttery taste. 🌱

So you could use a Vegan butter….

But I found them pricey and they’re not the same butter tastes. Some common vegan butter brands out there are:

Trader Joe’s, Smart Balance, Country Crock, Earth Balance, and Miyoko’s.

So now that I gave you that option, now I can tell you what I used instead of any butter look-alike… 😊

Because who says for a vanilla cookie you need butt-ah (or margarine that I grew up with?) 🧈

Butter types is not what makes the cookie desirable.

For me, it’s more of a childhood fond memory I grew up with (and maybe you did too).

…And maybe you have a buttery tub that reminds you of childhood or home?


BUT-ter memories can stay part of our butterfly journeys that we can change. 🦋

They don’t have to stay as our daily habits for a healthy future if we choose.

And switching to more daily healthy eating ways (to substitute our old ways) is so much easier to do these days.

Sourcing longevity ingredients in a Mediterranean diet is easy.

…Like finding daily olive oil that no one I knew cooked with when I was growing up.

TODAY it’s a norm and an easy switch into healthy tastes.

When you’re grocery shopping, olive oil prices can be even better than butter.

Mostly because you end up using less of the golden liquid.

For $7 you can get 4 sticks of butter or a healthy EVOO bottle.

And if used wisely, you get more out of the liquid gold.

And yes! it can be used for light (more fluffy) cookie dough with the cookie textures we all love!

Which btw, I consider myself a cookie connoisseur (a ‘lil Cookie Monster if you will 🥠).

These days, I only bake my own cookies. I would’ve never have dreamed that would be my grown up destiny.

…But a nice crunch is a nice crunch.

Crunchy cookies like that in commercial cookies are so easy to home bake.

…That and pairing with the perfect low sugar sweet taste (that’s not too sweet and doesn’t make your skin crawl).

So in my mind, it’s the best of both worlds in cookie enjoyment.

Oh and plus, the healthiest cookie on the grocery shelves is not easy to find.

…I used to look at a graham cracker and think it was healthy because it was made with whole wheat. 🌾

…And back then in those days, if I knew how easy cookies were and are to make and bake with 2-3 basic ingredients, I may have made the switch much sooner.

Today, you get to make that decision for yourself. And you can start with an easy vanilla cookie.

In this batch I made, I include basic ingredients like honey (or maple syrup) for the sweetness, non-gluten plant-based flours (like coconut or almond flour), and olive oil (yes, oil instead of butter!).

These ingredient choices cost no more money or time to make and bake than the less healthy ingredients.

So why not?

…And when those around you are complaining about how much grocery costs have gone up.

I look at my grocery receipt total amounts and they’ve gone down. So I’m scratching my head happy because I get everything I want.

So the change is ME and my sourcing shopping mindset and habits.

And that’s something you can easily adopt!…

First, all I do is look for healthier ingredients. Then I get a ‘lil creative resourceful on how to make a delicious taste, texture, and healthy bake!

I have a rough idea in my mind about the final good. But I’m not stuck on the idea. That came from my catering work where I learned to be flexible.

It’s like dreaming up desserts but detaching from the outcome.

And for that to come true, it starts with choosing one ingredient at a time. And then pairing foods that taste good together.

In this vanilla cookie, I chose an extra virgin olive oil and you can use a lighter version or one that is infused with vanilla enhancing sweet flavors for baking cookies.

And even better… come up with infusing your own sweet blend ingredients.

You can squeeze in a ‘lil lemon juice and a capful of flavor extract that you can easily home make.

…With citrus fruity flavors, everything is enhanced brighter. Or you can infuse in zest or tea flavors. 🍋

Lemon goes with vanilla and creates a zesty moment.

You don’t have to visit gourmet specialty food stores or pay a price that you have to think twice about.

That’s the way of the past.

Healthy, delicious and whole ingredients today are comparable in price AND often less pricey.

When I go to the healthy food chains that people nickname Whole Paycheck, I come out saving money.

Healthy foods are NOT for the wealthy.

Like if you use bananas as your mirror… they are often pennies.

So when I’m shopping, I buy what works for the grocery bill wallet while using a planned list loosely.

That works every time and has for years..

…So I’m 100% sure you don’t have to have deep wallets to eat more healthy.

I’m like you and most of us who want good value and ingredients.

You don’t have to feel the effects of grocery bill inflation.

The main mindset I use is that if I don’t like the price I see, I keep looking at other store shelve items… or source online and for substitutes that work (and sometimes turn out even better).

Plus, I do a little research in advance that pays off, but I never go chasing coupons.

And actually, I can only remember using a coupon less than a handful of times in my adult life.

Coupons to me is too much work when you can coupon shop at actual products and prices available… looking for the discount on the shelves.

And having a home pantry full of ingredients to fall back on helps do that too because then you don’t feel like you HAVE to bring back something.

You can use an alternative already in your home.

And you can wait for the nice-to-have food ingredients to go on sale.

And that includes shopping for fruits that often cost less in-season because they have a short perishable shelf-life and their yield is abundant.

The stores can’t sell them soon enough!

And while I may not be balancing your budget, these tips have worked well for me.

And if you’re a green thumb gardener, you have an even greater advantage, as you can grow your own produce grocery store!

Prepared foods are more expensive and they are the ones with less-healthy ingredients.

For healthy, making your own healthy vanilla cookie is one good example. A healthy ingredient like vanilla pods are relatively expensive where I shop, and vanilla extract can also be.

Instead of using either, maple syrup or an infused vanilla tea can be a good sweet flavor substitute.

Honey is another good alternative that’s good in so many ways.

With those substitutes, you can make one mean swirl shape vanilla cookie, like the kind you found in the Danish butter cookie tins (but without the butter and all the sugar).

The best part is you can make delicious cookies with gluten-free flours.

Even if you’re not gluten sensitive, your body is sensitive to the tainted processed gluten flours these days.

For gluten-free flours, you can choose from rice, tapioca, almond, or coconut flour… just to name a few.


Vanilla Cookie (Viennese Whirls)

These sandwich cookies are so pretty and tasty.
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1/2 cup gluten-free flour (e.g. coconut, almond flour)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (plus more)
  • 1 tsp maple syrup or honey
  • 3 tbsp water plus additional water
  • pinch or salt
  • lemon (optional)
  • raspberry jam (optional)


  • Combine ingredients. Use enough water to make a paste that can be piped through a piping bag. Let rest for at least 10 minutes in refrigerator. For gluten-free flours, you will need more water than you would for gluten flours. So if it feels like you're adding a lot of water, don't worry. Use enough for it to hold together without excess dripping water. This will be a soft dough.
  • Add the dough to a piping bag with a star shape decorative tip for Viennese whirls. Make a round loop (like a wreath or rosette).
  • Bake on 325°F/165°C for 12 minutes or until bottom edges are golden brown. For a more even bake or more crunchy cookie: flip cookies over and then bake tops for another 2 minutes.
  • Let cool, and take 2 cookies to make a top and bottom sandwich and then fill middle with jam or add a dollop gem of jam on the top.
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Recuperate Yourself To Life

Recuperate is something we’ve all done in life whether it’s from a difficult season, illness, or exhaustion.

…Recently I felt the effects of a move where I had to take a break to recuperate.

…And why you may have missed me during my short break.

Well, I’m glad I’m back.

And I feel good NOW.

But before and during my move, I was exhausted as moves are exhausting.

It felt like a hangover everyday!

Every muscle in my body was at work packing, planning, or moving something from one corner to another.

…Oh, and I have a tendency to love a basket, pair of socks, or a mug as much as my television or comfy pillows.

So, making decisions for moving my things took a lot of care, planning, and effort… that was well worth it when I found a place for them in my new home.

Which btw,I know this move challenge and the need to recuperate feeling VERY well, as I’ve moved every couple of years and sometimes sooner.

I’m happy about that choice, so I can experience more and new places in this life.

And I wouldn’t be in my new happy place if I didn’t make those other moves.

That’s how you and I are similar.

Oh, and let’s be real, I know I won’t be doing this physical moving in my 70s and 80s… most of us won’t.

So losing a couple weeks while able is worth the time and effort.

The biggest tradeoff for me was giving up routines like blogging.

I had no creative ideas coming in and out as everything was focused on successfully moving.

…And that gave me a creative mind break.

So I’m  glad I took that time off from my weekly posts. And I’m even more glad I came back (and hopefully you are too!). 😊

I mean, we’re not machines…

We’re not meant to keep doing something just because our ego pride tells us we have to be 100% all the time in whatever that pursuit is… or else we’re not good enough.

Who says? 

Breaking self-imposed strongholds holding us back and keeping us stuck is satisfying, and telling the Imposter to take a hike is so gratifying!

And breaking have-to-do patterns is healthy!

If nothing else from the 2020 pandemic, that’s a lesson we all can embrace.

Amen? 😊

And taking recuperating breaks through life transitions is part of our life’s journey and daily joys.

Breaks allow us to let go and breathe in new energy and inspiration, grow, and discover what matters most to us!

In those ways, growth and discovery can be the best definition of success.

…Amen to that!

And that’s EXACTLY what the doctor ordered for me in my move!

…Plus indulging in a little coffee o’clock latte day break  in my new town helped.

When I felt so completely out of it from exhaustion being on go-go-go physical moving action for over a week, I was nursed back to life through daily joys.

Coffee latte to help recuperate

Because I was completely wiped out.

My discombobulation (…a word I almost never use 😎) happened mostly because of an unexpected last-minute broken elevator that changed my move plans.

Suddenly I found myself taking 52 steps for each up flight and 52 steps down flight (…but who’s counting anyway!? 😜). Plus all the stairs I was leaving behind.

Feeling the pain meant I was alive and determined!

Oh, and my poor movers had to endure that for a day too.

They didn’t have the emotional mental toll I had. It’s not the same when you’re doing it for others and emotionally detached.

…But it can be physically as taxing as it was for me.

…All in all, I raked up thousands of moving steps that was probably more steps than I’ve taken in all the mountain hikes I’ve accrued… where 300 steps plus the mile up was the comme d’habitude (usual way).

I have my daily Apple points as my witness. ⌚️

The points overflowed… and I not only met the goal, I think I ran an extra marathon. 🎯

That kind of abundance can only be a blessing from above.

Because I now have more gratitude for what my body-mind can do. 💪

And that was training ground for spring mountain hikes.

…Btw, I’m wondering why isn’t there a race sport for climbing steps? ⛰️

The Summit CBS reality competition show (…did you see it?) comes closest to the physical challenge I felt.

But anyway and thankfully… physical was the deepest challenge felt as there were no weather hindering events, other than rescheduling from a storm… and there were no social obstacles to climb besides skipping social media.

I gave up most my routines besides work and my yoga mat (more on that below).

Because during the move and finding time to recuperate, I was lucky if I slept a few hours without interrupted sleep.

The mind-body knows when life is interrupted.

Calming the mind-body is how to get those routines and good feelings back.

And using routines to relax is how to recuperate faster.


Unrest is often at the heart of why you can’t sleep… It’s NOT the lack of sleep hours, but the turmoil of change and stress happening inside your body.

So the sooner you can get to the routines, that helps the Vata (aka wind or change) in each of us and grounds the mind-body.

The body likes routine or predictability.

But the mind like a challenge to never be bored.

So during transitions like a move, let them duke it out 😊… as YOU the person grows and is healthier on the other side! 🫵

…Where sometimes you can’t see when the finger is pointing back atcha until you’re calm again.

And that’s what I went through to restore after the move and when the unpacking was finally over.

After I calmed my mind, I could use that to help recuperate my body where I still felt daily worn aches.


And rolling out the yoga mat from Day One was a NO-BRAINER.

Recuperate our bodies is something we can all do on a floor or yoga mat.

Every day my back, arms, and legs burned.

…And where it hurt the most was my hamstrings.

Fave poses: Sitting Forward Bend, Plow Pose, Bridge Pose.

I was also ravishingly hungry (that’s par for the course as a Vata body).

And during this transition time, I was burning so many move calories every day.

…I couldn’t eat enough.

And I delighted in childhood foods like ramen noodles. And mixed it with plant-based adult foods like pea shoots and kohlrabi.

In my travels, I found my grocery stores (Aldi, Lidl, Whole Foods, and Harris Teeter to name a few).

And I found a walk-to farmers market.

I mean, I couldn’t lose all the exercise I had just gained. 😊

…So I did a little of this and a little of that to get back to normal.

That was my way to recuperate and ease into my new post-move life.

And every time I had an idea for what to hang on my new home walls or rearrange into another drawer, I was putting my mind at ease and unleashing new ideas.

I was stirring up my creative juices again.

…And making fresh smoothies was part of that mix.

And of course, routine baking my way back to feeling like a human again.

There’s nothing like sweets that tell you you’re home! 🏠

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Ujjayi – Deep Breathing In Energy

Ujjayi is life-energy giving. Because if you’re feeling tired and your Kapha (in Ayurvedic terms) is revving high, this breathing technique will bring new oxygen into you. 💨

The Healthiest Response to Life is Joy.

-Deepak Chopra

And this article is all about revving high and getting deep breathing Ujjayi oomph in your life and season.

First off, Ujjayi is balance restoring.

With more breathed-in energy, you are more of your most productive and joyful self today.

Breathing intently can be the oomph in your day that gets you up or down that last step. Seriously!

It’s the tipping point that makes a difference in progress.

We start and end our life with breath.

So breathing matters most in this life.

And any deep breathing technique you purposefully do in whatever pose you’re in and wherever you are, you don’t feel as winded. Because you’re becoming One with the daily wind and creating your own breeze. 💨

…And Hopefully not a tornado.

If you’re feeling chaotic or Ayurvedic Vata anxious, then deep breathing will also calm you and any uncontrollable heart palpitations.

…So it’s energizing and calming.

And if you have body aches like a headache, deep breathing in peppermint oil scents you could add to a humidifier can help to restore those unwanted sensations.

For a Pitta imbalance, you can use Ujjayi deep breathing to calm and slow you down from the stressful life areas.

Adding a daily dose of rose or jasmine scents coupled with light instrumental music work toward your balance.

Tips: For Pitta heartburn, mix water with apple cider vinegar and take a teaspoon. With Kapha congestion, take a spoonful of raw honey 🍯, and drink lemon waters 🍋 and warm teas.  With Vata stomach ailments, add ginger 🫚 to your water and drink warm peppermint tea. 🫖

Those are all easy formulas that make each breath more enjoyable.

And a deep Ujjayi breathing practice can reset your day no  matter what unwanted moods you’re holding.

Sweep out the old, and make room for the new. 🧹

Ujjayi is also a great morning practice to reset your mind from cluttered cobweb (or confused) thoughts that enter.

Without costing anything or any inconvenience, Ujjayi breathing can solve your unhappy moments like a Happy Baby pose.

The problem thoughts melt away or at least give you a much-needed break from the soap opera going on in your head.

And that’s all you need for getting through to the other side of peace… in moment-to-moment just being and making play-by-play progress.

Because everything changes and will change soon enough.

And for those areas that don’t, they are meant to be there. If you lean into those areas, you’ll discover more of your purpose.

If you try to run from those truths, then you end up re-routing anyway or the opposite of happy… sooo, finding the joyful spirit and loving authentic paths is direct self-care.

…Too often we fool ourselves to think we need an expensive vacation to escape, or if only we had fill-in-the-blank outward dream things in our lives, we would be happy and our life would be set.

(That’s how I started out.)

Often those things take years or decades to manifest, if that’s still what we still want by then.

…And if the cheering-you-on Universe doesn’t change your plans en-route.

I’m a poster child for those ways, lol.

Even if those things you know you want now dropped in your lap, soon you would be wanting more or something different… something flashier to keep up with the Joneses or a higher bar goal met.

We all have examples from our past experiences to attest to this truth reality if we examine.

Our desires are moving targets.

And the unattainable bar keeps raising.

The better way is to save energy and stop chasing.

Be content where you are.

Deep breathe in contentment that’s the opposite of happiness based on situations and fleshly wants.

Reach and seek deeper inside.

You’ll be glad you did.

It’s not scary unless you’re scared to go in. So I dare you! 😊

Use your Ujjayi breathing to tap into those deeper areas of contentment.

Then expect to feel progress and personal growth.

Reaching new heights, you gain higher perspectives like a flying butterfly vs. a caterpillar on the ground.

Grounding is learning discipline that helps us grow.

And appreciating simple things like daily sunsets put a warm glow feeling in us that money can’t buy.

Ujjayi breath is also called ocean breath or victorious breathing.

…Plus, Ujjayi breathing that can help you get there faster.

Where you reset and change your thoughts and ways seconds later.

Higher perspectives never grow old and are lasting.

So anytime you catch an extra second or second wind in your day, find a spot on your yoga mat or floor to reset.

Reset time is never wasted time.

And a yoga mat is one of the best inventions EVER.

It’s portable, costs little, and supports working-on-me time.

It can be the BEST self-therapy tool out there.

Wherever you are in the world, grounding on a yoga mat or laying back completely with eyes closed and soaking it all in, is healing.

Having a mat tag along with you like your water bottle is a comfort reminder no matter what environment you’re in.

Roll out your mat anywhere and you’re off to the races to creating your own mind-body calm environment.

Or maybe counting breaths along with others in a class or someone else across a video screen.

Those are life-giving daily energy and wellness minutes.

And with self-care, taking care of your mind-body calm is going to give you the better answers in your life.

And likely spark creativity that could be hidden from view in this season.

…Ready for those sparks? ✨

If so, then taking quick inhales and letting it all out… as in letting it all go is the best next step.

…Even if all you have is just 5 minutes, deeply breathing is life changing as your stressed feelings are re-routed.

Just like that.

And that can make you feel like a million bucks that money and things can’t buy!

Inner peace and empowered happiness are priceless.

Give it a go…

Maybe take a pause now and inhale deep, hold your breath, and let it all go.

And if that 4-7-8 style of breathing feels good (…of course it does!)… then keep going with Ujjayi.

Ujjayi style breathwork, btw is popular in Ayurveda (the science of life) and yoga (union) practices.

It’s the healthy lifestyle way.

In the western hemisphere, it’s the ticket to longevity where stress, anxiety, and fear permeate the air.

Growing up in the mover and shaker DC metro area, I know all about the ego-centric shallow air with those energies.

And leaving that behind for a higher, balanced life, I haven’t met an Ayurveda way that isn’t life-giving healthy… from yoga poses to focused breathing!

And if you’re someone who loves cozy comfort creatures like soft sweaters and warm beverages, then learning to restore your own less-than moods and body balance is something that you’ll love… and never want to go back to less-than again. 💕

The calm energy is palpable… where you feel your spirit.

That’s usable air and power carried inside you that sometimes just needs to be plugged back in properly. 🔌

Your spirit helps lift the brain fog.

And in wellness, Ujjayi breathing is a habit that can fuel your inner spirit.

…That strong wind is invigorating. Think of it as like taking a cold plunge.

This can naturally kick you into a higher gear that propels you into an unstoppable season of good things…

No longer feeling stuck on the same ‘ol things and ways that were holding you back before.

And another way to unstick stuck areas is stepping outside and taking a walk.

Outside re-centers your breathing practice that’s always along for the hike.

It helps to clear your mind, purge thoughts, and bring new cathartic tears of joy.

And daily Ujjayi breathing exercises is a good purge way too.

A fun ending way is in Lion’s breath. 🦁

In the letting out exhale breath, emphasize sticking your tongue out like a roaring lion.

In a mirror, you can see if it’s reflecting a healthy color (…maybe from the rainbow color foods you eat 🌈).

It’s a good way to reflect and end your day with when the sky illuminates in rainbow colors.

That’s when I’m breathing in calm tunes where my day began. 🎶

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Morning Healthy Move Reminders

Morning is when we set the tone for our day.

Often we don’t consider the early wee hours as part of the morning.

If you wake up at 3 am and can’t fall back asleep easily, you can wisely use that awake time to think of solutions to your worry, and what’s on your mind or eating at you.

…But will you? 

The ego can murky the waters instead of focusing on finding answers and reframing early awakening to the positive.

And if you can remind yourself of the positive way (as minutes can turn into an hour), then you create a special occasion healthy morning ritual that’s a personal growth reflection session.

Because unless it’s our job, we’re asked, or on relaxing vacations, most of don’t sit around during the busy day or waking hours to idly come up with creative solutions.

We’re focused with the task-at-hand.

But this little extra bit of carved out early morning time brings out ideas and may just be what you need.

And as far as losing sleep, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Because the fact is you’ve already slept a few hours in the earlier part of the night (in Part 1 of your sleep), so your body has done its needed reset for survival for the next day.

In Part 2 of sleep in the morning, mostly you’re missing out on REM sleep or dreams.

And if you consider it, coming up with real-life solutions is more productive than meaningless dream movies.

So when you reframe your lack of sleep hours to productive self-time, your calm helps the day you’re entering.

…And often that is why busy, inspired people on a mission don’t need more than a few hours of sleep-a-night.

The last few morning hours are slightly optional.

It’s not a good regular sleep habit to get into, but sporadically or for a short season is not going to hurt you.

It’s like when you pull several all-nighters to cram for an exam or take a red-eye flight.

Because if you’re excited to wake up for a purpose, your enthusiasm or excitement makes up for the lack of total sleep hours.

Ok, so now you can sleep better tonight even if you don’t get the 7-9 hours. 😊 🛌 💤

And below are some healthy reminders and yoga moves when the sun rises for your best day.

Morning routine can include letting the sunlight in.…So wake up, Sunshine! Rise and shine.

In the morning when you get out of bed, you use you mind-body muscles to get you up as part of the daily, morning human routine.

Sitting up and standing helps to clear your mind and passages that get stuffy from laying down in resting pose.

Morning is a great time to start deep breathing to clear the air waves for more oxygen… a natural way to get more immediate energy circulating. ⚡️

Eyes open, you can focus on the best morning light.

That will be the eastern exposure windows in your home or if you have indoor/outdoor living where you can step outside.

Be sure to let light into your eyes for at least 30 seconds to invigorate Vitamin D production.

Just think, you’re your own vitamin supplement factory. 🏭

[But remember, wearing blue glasses to protect eyes from digital screens and outdoor shades during the rest of the day is a good idea! 😎 Too much sunlight is not a good thing.]

In the morning with the naked eye when it’s not direct sunlight like it is at noon, you can see what’s happening in your natural environment while you enjoy your morning water, smoothie, or coffee beverage.

Scan and enjoy the horizon if you’re up early enough. 🌅

If you’re not naturally a morning person, creating good morning practices like these help to wake you up.

And if you’re prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that’s typical in winter, healthy practices can be the game changer.

Women need more sleep than men and children need more sleep than adults, so that can help you be sympathetic to those sleepyheads still in bed while you’ve run circles around the neighborhood. 😊

Natural Kaphas also tend to be more tired than Pitta counterparts.

And Vatas are more inconsistent waking up at different times each day. It is a brand new day experience for these folks!

And for anyone, these tendencies can easily drift with a gradual seasonal imbalance.

You can get tips on how to restore your Ayurvedic imbalance with the body balance quiz.

Morning Yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️

Morning yoga for even 5-minutes is worth the effort!

Everyone has 5 minutes they can sneak in as a habit stack to a water or bathroom break.

Getting into Table Top pose and doing a few Cat/Cows can change your day because mostly your calm mood is improved.

With yoga, your Ayurvedic routine can include ginger and water or herbal tea that are good for the body.

Like finding gaps in the wee hours of the morning (if you’re awake), finding your regular morning imbalances and self-restoring is going to help your healthy, happy day.

One easy practice to do would be to use mood-feeling clues to discover what is dominant:

If you’re super tired or withdrawn, Kapha is dominant.

If you’re feeling hard charging or opinionated, Pitta is dominant.

If you’re feeling scattered or anxious, Vata is dominant.

And if you feel a little this-and-that throughout the day, know that Vata runs the show so restoring that energy first will do you good!

And restoring each mood as it appears will help you feel better than letting the hodge podge of feelings take over.

Welcome in the feelings and assess each one to restore separately is a good way to start the morning and invite in the day.

Do you need to calm from worry (Vata)? Are you thinking-feeling critical of others (Pitta)? Are you feeling disengaged or the needy opposite (also Kapha)?

Getting on your yoga mat to assess can change the trajectory of your day.

Deep breathing in and out on your mat is one helpful cure-all to help restore… calming anxiety/worry, lowering blood pressure, and breathing in oxygen for energy and love.

This is a good way to ease into the morning or Vinyasa flow to the next part of the day you’re called into.

And here’s a simple daily yoga morning practice that you can use and tweak up…

Do your standing Sun Salutations.

Rise up slowly and as controlled as you can like one spinal vertebrae at a time, into a standing Mountain pose position.

Then sit or lay down.

Feel and test your body for any kinks and tightness.

Cracking joint sounds are more common in the morning or sharp changes in temperature.

Seated, do a Seated Spinal Twist to see if your sides are tight. This was one we did as kids (…maybe, hoopla hooping or Sit-n-Spin twistering).

Check your back too.

Lay down. Do a Bridge pose. See if and where there’s tension in your bridge that you can restore.

Easy Yoga for Beginners

If you’re intimidated by the idea of yoga and doing poses wrong, don’t be

I’ve been in morning yoga classes before where I would hear people say they’re “not good at yoga.”

Re-framing your yoga ability thoughts to encouraging messages help you and then you’re better at yoga!

It’s a good metaphor for being a lifelong learner.

We all start as yoga move beginners and each morning is a re-start, so your body feels different than the day before. You get to try something new.

Laying down flat on your back or Corpse pose is a fancy name for just being.

You’re connected or in union with yourself. 🔌

In a class, everyone is busy concentrating and looking at their own body parts and poses.

It’s a non-competitive, individual sport and pursuit.

You get a chance to look inward and see yourself like when you look in a mirror.

If you’re self-conscious, yoga can help you break away from judgmental feelings about yourself or others.

When I attended my first class I felt disassociated because I didn’t know what I was doing. And there was no home yoga back then…

But today years later, practicing yoga at home is accessible and can help give you the confidence you need.

Have fun with getting to know your body and mind as part of your you-uniqueness in the mind-body connection.

Trust the process of showing up and taking baby steps, and the rest will work itself out.

Having a morning yoga routine can reset your life balance and centering priority.

I hope my tips help your morning jam! 🌅


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