
Why PTSD Leaves Anxiety Clues and You Cry For No Reason

There are many reasons why PTSD leaves anxiety symptoms. For many PTSD survivors, they can cry at the drop of a hat (or express anger). Our bodies and feelings send clues to the undetected mind that repair is needed.   PTSD can leave residue feelings of shame, victimization, or lack of self-worth.

You can experience setbacks from delayed post-trauma realization.  Because you don’t realize the memories and thoughts that you’re still carrying in your subconscious mind.  The thoughts can live undetected in your gray matter (explained further, below) and can negatively impact your current life.

PTSD anxiety symptoms can be one result leaving clues (in the mind-body connection that exists). You can have stressful body symptoms that show up when triggered, but you may not know where they come from.

Showing up as panicking, lashing out, or getting angry or sad.  Or you can experience heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing, a knot in your stomach, a lump in your throat, or panicking feelings.  These can all come from PTSD that you don’t know you have or what the cause is. Continue reading “Why PTSD Leaves Anxiety Clues and You Cry For No Reason”

How to Cure Social Anxiety: Lessons from A Dog’s Surprising Similarities!

how to cure social anxiety
I recorded a happy and calm “a day in the life” dog moment in this portrait painting 🙂

I once adopted a rescue chihuahua mix dog where I learned from him how to cure social anxiety.  He was the cutest and sweetest dog ever.  In my meeting with him, I knew he was the perfect dog for me then.

He acted calm (not jumpy like the Jack Russell terrier type).  Walking around, he also acted curious, interested and engaged.

So excited, I did the paperwork the next day and took him home.  I’d never had a dog before, but I was convinced he was a pet owner’s dream.  If you have a dog, I’m sure you understand as you probably think the same things with your dogs!

You know how much joy they can add to your life.  Dogs have temperaments, but they don’t project ego or judgment and all those complex human feelings that can get our human heads in a tail spin! Continue reading “How to Cure Social Anxiety: Lessons from A Dog’s Surprising Similarities!”

Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Delivers You to Authentic Purpose

While having faith doesn’t help your rushed anxiety symptoms from happening, faith curbs anxious thoughts, and your anxious situations.  Many anxiety symptoms come from letting irrational thoughts and incessant worry get the better part of us.

That’s where it starts.

…Like a thief in the night, we don’t see what’s happening unless we are critical observers, looking in our own minds for us to be the solution instead of our own problem.

You can pray to not have those thoughts take a stronghold over you, and replace them with better, positive thoughts that can lead to productivity.  That helps to counteract your hurtful thoughts but doesn’t prevent your moods and emotions.

Believing there’s a better outcome or a bigger picture for why you’re going through your sour grape situations.  Those lemons you receive in life can give you the exact breakthrough you need.  That’s what your soul needs to heal and evolve, the purpose of your life.

Hmm… we all thought we were here to achieve and be happy, right? Continue reading “Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Delivers You to Authentic Purpose”

Vata Body Mind Type: Is This Your Natural Way?

Vata body mind typeVata is a way to define a body and mind type. As a Vata, I know most of us are naturally thin and have worry tendencies.

Are you a Vata?

If so, this article post is all about you. And if you don’t know what a Vata is, you can discover more below.

You have several identities in this world.  I’ll share a few of mine…

Some are fun. You know those personality tests you can take (to learn about yourself and your friends). Well… in the self-taking Enneagram test, I’m most closely a 7.  We’re the happy enthusiasts.  …Hoo-ray!

Maybe that’s why I created this place for others to glean off of my happy aura 😊.

By the way, all the Enneagram types 1-9 are great (you’re still a complex individual and have potential traces of all the types). If you’re not familiar, Enneagrams are based on your general life motivations. Any one enneagram type is not better than another, but I like to cheer mine on (and be happy for the happy type). As an Enneagram 7, we’re known to be the optimistic and positive people in this world.

This makes sense because I naturally gravitate without hesitation towards life’s pleasures enjoying beauty, fashion and gourmet foods. Which makes people that know me wonder, how I can be so deeply spiritual?  I think of this combination as my superpower…  being in this world, but not entirely of this world.

On the outside, like all of us, I’m just a person having a daily spiritual journey. I found better answers inside from life’s challenges and life’s non-answers. In other words, in the silence.

I was actually born 90% Vata. “A who?”, you may ask if this is new to you.  That’s right, I identify as the Vata body-mind type in Ayurveda.  There are 3 types:  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We all possess traces in varying degrees of each of these types and any of us can get off balance (irritated, anxious, lethargic, etc.) from these types.

Today I’m just focusing on the Vata type… Continue reading “Vata Body Mind Type: Is This Your Natural Way?”

Don’t Worry Be Happy and 8 Ways to Worry Less

“Don’t worry be happy” is not just a song made famous by Bobby McFerrin.  Your thoughts can try to make you worry and overthink.  You have a better choice that helps you calm worry.

Worry less is something you can transform even if you’re born a worry wart (aka Vata mind). I know because I did. And if I can do it, you can too!

Don't worry and be happy and calm. That's how I felt traveling and exploring new countries.

8 ways to get calm (and don’t worry be happy):

 1. Don’t focus on what could happen, focus on what is.

When awake, your mind doesn’t naturally silence. When your mind gets ahead of itself or starts to attach a fantastical made up story line to your thoughts, that’s when you have a chance to take a pause, get present or distracted and busy.

How does that old saying go?… “the past has already happened, the future hasn’t occurred, and all we have is now.”

If only we could stay focused on the present moment (not the past or future).

If you’re multi-tasking, you can miss it and let worry settle in.  Mindfulness brings your awareness back (and you’re doing just fine if you let go of the past and future uncertainty).

2. Lower your standards to worry less.

We all have an idea as to what life should be and how we should be.  Our expectations create a set of worries and disappointments when we face a setback.

There is not a perfect human on this planet.  Accept that progress is made through your getting things done.

Who’s measuring perfection anyway?  No one except the critic inside you, or a parent or school teacher’s voice that no longer serves you (or runs your life). Continue reading “Don’t Worry Be Happy and 8 Ways to Worry Less”

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