
Shower Thoughts For Self-Care and Creative Day

Shower thoughts often give us new and creative ideas because in the shower we’re relaxed and that’s good daily self-care.

Sometimes that brings a smile and a laugh to our day.

Bring on the feel-good water sprinkle! 🚿

self-care and shower thoughts

We can wash away our anxious thoughts temporarily.

And, you can get the dual benefit of self-care and shower thoughts from your  shower experiences. This article is how to embrace and bring more shower thoughts alive!

A shower can be both a sauna and steamy therapeutic experience more powerful than taking a walk outside.

You can turn showers into a productive ritual in your mindfulness where you’re focused in the moment.

Mindfulness is full of physical and mental health benefits in the mind-body connection you may not have known about.

When you feel good, that shows up as good happy feelings, but also as healthy in and on your body. In other words, your skin radiates too when you’re feeling good.

Plus, when you get shower clean, you’re washing away bacteria on your skin accumulated from sweat and dirt and maybe why you got in the shower as a daily ritual in the first place.

Another benefit to a shower is you can check in with your internal body thermostat temperature.

If your body feels warm when it’s cold outside, that could indicate an irritated Pitta emotional state for your season (or until your situation changes).

If you’re cold when it’s warm outside, then you could be feeling worried or anxious in Vata or depressed or tired in Kapha, as examples.

Your body leaves clues and you want your shower temperature to be a reminder and one solution to what you’re positively feeling and hoping to achieve this season.

With the right water temperature hitting your skin, you feel good, so that relaxes you all-around to allow good thoughts and creative ideas to come into your mind more easily.

Your brain feels safe and free from defense fight-or-flight mode. So then you can safely let your guard down in room seclusion.

Your spirit alignment can also come alive as you get deeper into your heart’s desires. These ideas also help you manifest your want to a life of purpose.

When relaxed, here are 3 things you can do productively:

1.You can get your best ideas in the shower when you least expect them. You can come up with new ideas while performing self-care practices.

When allowing in shower thoughts, you can get creative and adventuresome ideas for your projects, next trip, food and daily plans, and even solutions to problems you haven’t solved.

A-ha solutions can appear when you’ve forgotten you had a dilemma but were reminded at the moment. With time and space, your brain is seeking a different angle, perception, or perspective that allows these memories to pop up.

2.You can reset your daily intentions in the shower. You can change  you style approach in a situation using self-care and shower thoughts.

If you’re trying to stop knee-jerk reactions or blurting out often, you could exert self-control by thinking the word “jerk” is not what you want to be, and maybe that helps you change your patterns for the better.

Sometimes we lean into being hard on ourselves for our good, so we can get over the hump of missing the mark.

3.You can pray in the shower and get loving thoughts in return, similar to ideas but they can be more focused on growing yourself and handling relationships in your life.

You can get mental self-care and shower thoughts.

You can exchange critical-judgmental thoughts for open suggestions from your mind and what others have given. That’s a good way to cool off the Pitta mind.

Turn Past Abandonment Into Healing Growth

Shining light through the ordinary things in life helps create awareness and beauty. Awareness can heal past wounds, and trauma from abandonment feelings.

Our brains keep memories and our bodies keep score.

Your past is your past, but your mind processes random entering thoughts inefficiently, without using an organized filing system (where yesterday’s past can be mixed into today’s thoughts like spaghetti strands in today’s meal).

I know from my past that past abandonment thoughts that hadn’t yet healed can quickly muddy your current thoughts and actions.

Resurfacing pain-filled memories can do damage.

Abandonment Is a Spectrum

Abandonment can be one of those fuzzy and invisibly damaging memories that you may not know you have or are holding onto if you your family stayed intact. That’s my recollection.

On one end of the spectrum, if you grew up in a foster system or were physically abandoned by a parent, that would no question hurt who you were growing up and you possibly still carry hurt in who you are now.

On the other end, if you had small injuries you couldn’t put a label on with one defining incident, that can actually hurt you more because in the invisible (unconscious) you don’t know you need healing.

And if you have unattended wounds, one day, you can get triggered and start snapping at your partner or a close person, subconsciously displacing your emotions, and blaming the wrong person for leaving you or ignoring your wants.

If you’re aware, you realize that how you behaved has nothing to do with them, but all about you and your past!

Psychotherapist, Susan Anderson wrote in a Huffington Post article, that you could have any of these damaging 40 post-trauma effects that include lingering insecurity, anxiety, and shame.

That was my discovery in a nutshell.

In my childhood, I was invisible. That was my an identity memory I held into my 20s. And the wound left was feeling unworthy… Continue reading “Turn Past Abandonment Into Healing Growth”

The Mind-Body Connection For Mental Health

In America, our culture has noticeably woken up in awareness of this mind-body connection reality.

Your mental health is a reflection of your overall health, showing up in your physical body, through the internal mind-body connection.

If you were born before the internet, this could be a newer idea to you as you didn’t grow up with yoga or meditation practice.

In 2008, I attended yoga studios and classes weekly, but you had to do some research to find a general type of yoga class like Hatha or Vinyasa yoga.  Over a decade later, you can find studios everywhere, for beginner and advanced yoga, and every class flavor in between.

This growing popularity of yoga in the western world bridged eastern philosophies that the mind directly affects the body. There’s a fine line between fact and woo, and distinction to spiritual thinking.

The mind-body connection is factually based, and you can find enough supportive evidence without too much effort on just about any credible mental health site.  Personally, I’ve been living this out since my Perfect Health mind-body transformative experience.

Why the mind-body connection matters

Living in America, the bottom line to why mind-body connection matters to us are that we want to live our Best Self, so that:

1) we can have a great career, work-life, or business (or all three).

2) we can attract and keep a good relationship, have a happy family and friendships too.

3) we can stay healthy and look good and have the energy to pursue our passions, contribute, and give back.

Our Collective Bodies Today in America

In America, as a whole society, our bodies can get brushed aside unless we prioritize taking care of ourselves.  This has stayed steady through the generations and hasn’t changed much from past decades.

It still takes work to maintain our bodies, and how much we do this can depend on our limitations, body, genes, lifestyle, attitudes, and thoughts.

We take care of our bodies, first so we can look good and appear healthy, and we’ll spend the money to invest in ourselves.

No matter what our motivations are, by taking care of our bodies with healthy foods, exercise, and good habits, our bodies are naturally resilient and strong, and we can get back to our normal health with relative ease if we’re healthy.

Like so many, when I was in my twenties I felt healthy enough, so having life longevity goals just wasn’t a top priority (like in other countries around the world).

In some other countries, patients are told they’re physically well so that they think themselves to better health.  A healthy mind does good for the body.

In America, health prevention and pacing ourselves is not the way our society is set up. We don’t usually take the time to find out what’s going on behind the scenes in our bodies unless something goes wrong.

If we’re on the toilet too often or not enough, that becomes a mild concern as it’s telling us something about our current health story.

We hope and rely on modern medicine to cure and correct any building-up health problems.

If you go to the doctor’s office, they will prescribe some form of medication even if it’s just a mild pain killer.  They won’t usually just send you home with happy thoughts and a list of foods to eat.

Expecting to hear something wrong and how to fix the problem can cause pre-conditioned responses.  In thinking that we need medicine to heal or use as a “feel-better” crutch, addictions can take control (over minds and lives) if we’re not careful.

That can lead to hypochondriac thoughts and obsession over the smallest physical symptom that gets worse because of the excessive energy and worry thoughts put towards inflammation or ailment.

These are not good places for our minds to be. We want our thoughts to be happy, positive, and loving so we have healthy bodies (in the mind-body connection).

The thoughts that you agree with will drive your results.  Stress eating and unknown caused inflammation that often gets brushed under the rug as minor, are potential signs that a place in your mind isn’t happy.

Practical Mindful Tips for Mind-Body Connection Health

Here, I want to give you some practical mind tips to positively affect your mental health, so you can improve your physical health.  These can be wise gems you apply for longevity, overall good health, and a rockin’ body!

Begin with an open mind for what you want to achieve, whether that’s a great physical body or a healthy body, and your intention will help get you there in the mind-body connection.

Continue reading “The Mind-Body Connection For Mental Health”

What to Do In Your Anxiety Attack? 3 Eye-Opening Possible Causes

Anxiety attack

Are you one anxiety attack away from losing joy?  When you have to spend your day worrying about the next time anxiety can take over your time and day, that’s not helping you and is not the life you want.

You didn’t sign up for or schedule the setback anxiety interruption in your day.

Where now you can be dealing with any number of physical symptoms.  And you may even think you’re being a hypochondriac.  If that’s the case you want to rule out all the possible health reasons that caused your anxiety attack.

Dizziness and fuzzy brain could have come from nasal or head congestion and allergies, as your nose is connected to your inner ear that controls balance. And your frontal lobe near your forehead is where you do most of your cognitive, rational reasoning.

So if you can’t think clearly and it shows up around the same time every day, you could have developed seasonal allergies.

Hay fever fall symptoms may be worse in the afternoon than spring or summer morning allergies.

If you don’t eliminate common allergies as a potential cause, then that can lead you to create additional anxiety and worry that’s not helping.

Here Comes the Anxiety Attack

An anxiety attack can leave you dazed and unpleasantly change the course of your day.  You may feel you need to take the rest of the day off, suddenly rearranging your calendar.

An anxiety attack can also leave you feeling defeated because you’re working to manage your feelings and thoughts that can spew out into your body like uncontrollable bursts, showing up as heart palpitations, sweaty palms, dizziness, etc.

Similar to an anxiety attack, a panic attack can also come on suddenly.  Usually, it’s more serious and from a buildup of stressors in your life.  This can shock you.  You are no longer the same person you were just a few minutes ago where you were fine.

In a panic attack, the automatic functions in your body are still running but usually are frozen or hindered from taking action physically or cognitively.

When you come out on the other side, you are confronted with your life and have the opportunity to make a change so you don’t have another panic attack (or worse warning symptoms).

For me, that was in my 20’s from a series of life problems and roadblocks.  Post-trauma I never dealt with and ran away from in my mind by letting the past stay in the past.  The problem with that strategy is that your brain doesn’t work like that. Continue reading “What to Do In Your Anxiety Attack? 3 Eye-Opening Possible Causes”

“Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright

“Don’t Worry Bout a Thing” is a good song to hum to. Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder knew how to perform a  positive mantra in a catchy upbeat song.

That’s how you can begin to stay on top of your worry.

‘Cause every little thing is gonna be alright. Baby, don’t wo-rrry… ‘bout a thing. 

Worry won’t change a thing.

Imagine if you were learning to surf in the ocean water. All kinds of fears and anxieties could creep up in the back of your mind.

If fears of the water are on your mind’s forefront, you’d probably not surf unless you’re young or a sports extremist and that was your passion.

The fear of drowning, getting bit by a shark (like Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton), being caught up in a strong riptide, or being swept away by a powerful tsunami wave, could become reality.

I’m sharing this with you because obviously, you’re not in this situation now, since you’re online. But we all have our own dangerous situations.

If they came on suddenly, you would develop worry, that would activate adrenaline rushed anxiety pulsing through your veins, as seconds went by.  That could turn into a paralyzing panic daze fast if a big wave or similar formed.

Years ago before I could swim, I experienced my own dicey water situation… Continue reading ““Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright”

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