
Accumulating Habits For a Healthy Wellness New Year

Accumulating is a Kapha heavy natural trait that can turn into accumulating stuff, weight, and bad habits. BUT you can turn the tide with healthy habits when you know how to restore the Kapha mind using your 5 senses in your body!

In winter months, it’s easy to start accumulating for any of us… and one healthy move is growing something green even when you have a brown thumb. Details are below 👇 on how to easily grow a year-round avocado seed to a plant that can serve as a healthy reminder on your bookshelf. 🥑

I once had a maintenance worker who was curious about my avocado babies (I had several around my apartment) and I explained how easy it is to grow this plant from a seed after you’ve enjoyed your avocado toast and smoothie. I suppose they would make happy gifts too. 🌱

Accumulating healthy points is having an avocado toast and smoothie for breakfast and then planting an avocado seed.
How to plant an avocado seed step-by-step instructions below. 🌱🥑

…Now that’s accumulating points! And so is a wellness, balanced approach that’s more sustainable and healthy (and is what this week is all about)…

And the reason I prefer a wellness new year over a hard list of rules and resolutions. I believe in positive reinforcement and being easy on yourself is motivating.

That’s how it is for most of us striving for balance. Sometimes it is two steps back, and one step forward. In a year that can be a big difference, and amazingly undescribable in a decade.

When you set the bar low and you make progress (over perfection), then you have an optimistic outlook, want to do more, and that leads to success in the areas you’re working on.

That’s what happened when I started on 6 minutes of cardio a day which has now turned into 8 minutes or more. That may be light or a lot for you… but just sayin’ it’s not easy for a Vata to like cardio.🧘🏻‍♀️ That’s work. And for Kapha, that can be yoga or not eating.

Whatever that tough activity is for you, your progress is all that counts. If you purposefully stand for another minute when you would’ve sat down, that’s a positive move. 🎉

All of that is accumulating in a good way that helps with healthy energy where body-mind balance thrives. It’s in the small moves and micro habits.

And then you can see what the optimized life can be all about… when you’re self-controlled and calm (that’s counter-cultural in our busy society) …and then get to your deeply creative self where you find meaning and purpose.

That can start by enjoying a healthy dose of time in self-love and building up self-esteem.

An easy way is standing in front of the mirror which seems to grow less important as we age. We can nitpick on an area we don’t like… but that doesn’t have to happen!

We can change why we look in the mirror.

It’s a good idea to find ways to build and love yourself up. And actually, the first chapter in my published book Empowered Happiness is all about ways to focus on loving yourself first, and keeping that priority first.

All your happy and healthy energy adds up and builds deeper confidence and happiness within you as you build up your deeper self that I believe life is meant to be about.

There’s so much more to us than meets the eye or when we first started out as adults.

And both our outer and inner selves are so important for running around healthy in this forever-changing world. Our mind-body connection is the gateway that runs deep alongside us taking in cues from our thoughts and feelings affecting us and our day. This point is often missed so it’s a hidden secret from us until we are aware.

The interconnected mind-body sends daily signals we can’t see and affects how we behave. If we are holding onto past trauma, this can shows up in our mind-body.

Some signals we receive are loud, and some are subtle.

And when you comply with the signs, your mind-body loves that and can show you by making more happy hormones that you can feel in your daily life as accomplishment or a warm feeling.

And if your goal is to improve daily mental health areas, then healthy habits like getting mindful in the moment, doing yoga to set intentions and balance, and changing negative thoughts regularly are daily game changers.

And if that becomes how you operate in life, those are also accumulating habit life game changers.

Another win can be in body goals to lose accumulating weight from last year and holidays.

One of the ways is to enjoy healthy foods as they often come with less calories and better nutrition, like cups of broccoli with a little flavoring. One of my favorites is edamame with a tad of coarse sea salt.


And one of my health wellness desires is to go more plant-based and add more veggies. …You too? 🙋🏻‍♀️ It’s good for the additional energy and nutrients that we all can use more of, Vata and Kapha alike.

And if you’re a natural Kapha body, healthy foods and veggies could also be part of the plan to sustainably maintain a comfortable dress size that sticks. That makes picking out clothes in the closet easier. And Kaphas often fluctuate in clothing size variety.

While Vatas lean toward wanting variety, so often there are a lot of clothing choices by choice. And that can be a different problem not in belt size, but in the wallet.

Either are self-controllable if we better balance our Vata mind and Kapha body and mind. And remember, we all have traces of Vata and Kapha even if they’re not dominant in us. And they can get out of balance at the drop of a hat or if our life situation changes.

But whatever your current scenario is…

It’s always easier to say what needs to happen to restore, but it’s not always easy to do as life can be hard…

There are too many ups and downs in life that lead us to food as the immediate soothing comfort blanket. Or our shopping habits to make us feel better.

Since we were a child, we’ve had a relationship with how our clothing made us feel more confident. And with certain foods that still light up our faces. But as adults, don’t show up on our bodies in a way that lights us up. 😏

And cutting out foods and food groups to cut calories doesn’t always work in the life long term. It’s hard to sustain unless you live around others who do the exact same to support your efforts. Or you live a slow, stress-free life. And that’s not usually the bubble we live in if we’re working and have busy lives.

With new situations come new situations to juggle in different seasons. And rarely if ever do you have the exact same situation triggers. It takes discernment.

Each situation can look different in disguise of the same effect, so it can take a few times to catch on to pinpoint our stressors. It’s easier for us to just make them go away with food and clothes buying, but then we pay the price.

A better way is…

Seeking a daily-balanced approach that can get you back on track (as you know when you’re off balance). You can use balance as your new comfort…

Balancing your Vatas and Kaphas (and occasional Pittas) can be your daily way.

With food, I started out working long hours in hotel catering planning for clients. And then in some foodie restaurants doing the same. I didn’t eat good for my body…

I ate well, but not always healthy. I definitely didn’t count calories or look at nutrition information as none was available with the hidden sauce calories and still isn’t published in those types of venues (like you find today at fast food joints).

And when I wasn’t in the food work lifestyle seasons, I was doing other work and I had a greater healthy eating balance.

No-frills home eating is actually my favorite (and I’ve had plenty of good food tastings and work experiences in catering event planning). And most of us have spent more time at home over the past couple of years.

You may have slid or improved your diet. What helped me was focusing on simple and tasty, healthy grocery foods and home-cooked dishes that I felt better about than food with amazing reviews!

And that helps with keeping calories low and the body running more efficiently and happily.

When you eat healthy, whole, and organic foods, you’re accumulating healthy points and healthy habits for life.

You appreciate the food’s natural tastes. Like avocado has a very pleasant taste. And then when you add 2-3 complementary flavors ontop of sprouted toast and tomatoes, that just takes it up a whole ‘nother level. And it’s so easy to put together and is as good and fresh (or better) than takeout. 🥑

The simple rocks!

And as much as I still love the French recipe cookbooks that helped paved the way to tastier catering meals like the ones described in Julie and Julia movie, some recipes still have over 20 ingredients, that’s not practical or easy for most of us modern-day people to whip up.

It’s meant for the competing Bobby Flay chefs out there in the world to prepare, but then you’re looking at calories again. So, a homemade simple but zhughed up healthy recipe is the best of both worlds.

…And you save time if you keep your recipes simple. And that your tastes will agree with. Because if it doesn’t taste good, then what would be the point of preparation?

But you can try a taste switcheroo. Like reaching for alfalfa sprouts or radishes instead of a sweet pastry thing that doesn’t go well with your green tea.😉

Just a thought and something sweet (that’s not sugar), and green to nosh over.

And from there, you could also lean into flavoring lentils or no-muss, no-fuss healthy leftovers that can be a meal anytime in the day. That lets you escape the urge to reach for a filler something that isn’t doing your body any healthy favors.

All of that is accumulating good wellness eating habits that you can stack, and can be part of the new year and your optimized-balanced health!

“The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why.”All I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

Grow an Easy Avocado Plant

After you enjoyed your avocado on toast or with a meal, you can plant your seed for an avocado plant for daily enjoyment. It's perfect greenery for an apartment or bookshelf where you can grow your own plant when you have a brown thumb or want to appreciate avocado abundance. This a great project for adults and kids! 🌱


  • drinking container or glass
  • toothpicks
  • paper towel


  • Clean off your seed. Larger round to medium seeds work better.
  • Peel off the brown outer layer so you see the bare seed flesh that has a peachy flesh color. Tip: Do this when before you go to the nail salon as you will need to use your finger nails. Knives and sharp objects won't do the job without damaging the seed. It may be easier to wet soak the outer layer first to make it easier to peel off.
  • Take a small piece of paper towel and full soak with water. Wrap around the entire seed.
  • Place the seed in a sealed plastic bag works best and set in a dark, cool room temperature place in a place you don't forget about.
  • When the paper towel starts to dry out over a few days, moisten with fresh or filtered water. Keep repeating this step. One day you will see a middle crack in the seed. This is to allow the root to sprout and grow that can take a few weeks. Be patient!
  • When you see an obvious root bud, you can place 3 toothpicks spread evenly around the seed to set on a drinking glass or container rim. Then add water so the bottom and middle of the seed is "bathing" in the water, but the top of the seed is not (appears to be floating at the surface).
  • Over more weeks, you will see the green stem grow taller and eventually leaves will sprout. Enjoy and keep adding water to your glass as your seed is thirsty. Your roots will eventually outgrow your glass where you may choose to transplant to a larger vessel. This is a great easy project for the Kindergardener in each of us.
    avocado plant in progress

Healthy Gingerbread Cookie + Balancing Kapha Mind

I planted a healthy gingerbread cookie tree on this Silpat baking sheet. Recipe below ⤵️

Healthy gingerbread cookie trees are rare, and even this time of year when everyone is talking about lighting the Christmas trees.🌲

gingerbread oat cookies.

Easy Chai Oat Gingerbread Cookie


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour (with oats)
  • 1 12 tsp baking powder
  • 34 tsp teaspoon baking soda
  • 14  tsp teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 34  teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 14  teaspoon ground cloves (or 1/2 tsp of allspice if that's what you have on hand)
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter (or substitute with 1 TBSP coconut oil)
  • 3/4 cup dark brown sugar (reduce to 1/3 cup for less sugar and still have a delicious and nice cookie!)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1/4 cup oats


  • In a large bowl, add dry and wet ingredients.
  • Melt coconut oil add to bowl.
  • Roll out cookie dough to about 1/8" to 1/4" cookies.
  • Bake on 350°F for about 10-12 minutes.

I share the traditional old-fashioned recipe (below) that I’ve been using FOR-ever and that I spiced up even more this year! XOXO

Every year is a ‘lil different, and as a creator, I like to challenge myself to make new creations and not stick with the same cookie cutter ones over and over again… haha. As a healthy recipe developer, that means evolving into even healthier bakes.

And this helps me so that I keep outta Kapha imbalances in the kitchen. Btw, the level of Kapha dosha is relative to each of our bodies, but eating healthy, balanced meals always helps to prevent trouble down the road…

Which is part of the natural order that this life is… it’s not a matter of if… it’s a matter of when. And you can stay on the healthy side starting with body-mind awareness.

One of the symptom intersections is your feelings that constantly shift. They help guide you, and other times steer you down a rabbit hole.

And if you want to stay feeling peaceful, joyful, and happy (and be productive) all the time (…like when I’m relaxed baking healthy gingerbread cookies), then keeping the Kapha mind balanced is important.

Some examples of what will make the difference are your steadfastness to boundaries. And your commitment to yourself and to others involved. And finally, plowing through and making it easy on yourself in everyday situations that come up.

And that all starts in the mind.

So… when negative thoughts enter, dismiss them by replacing them.

The problem for many people is they don’t even know when they’re getting pulled down by negative information and thoughts…well, because that’s their mind.

And we don’t naturally challenge our own thoughts. That’s not something we’re born knowing how to do.

What most of do learn is how to challenge other people’s thoughts and opinions. Sound familiar?

Especially this time of year when it’s easy for stress to settle in trying to get end-of-year goals accomplished and fit into holiday-hoopla 🎉 that can be overwhelming for the mind-body. And not always bring out the best in us.

Our mind-body is connected in such a way that if you have a Kapha mind where you’re stuck in negative strongholds, feeling lazy, or find yourself accumulating clutter, that can easily turn into a couch potato Kapha body imbalance.

One easier way to know if a Kapha imbalance is causing our negative moods is if we’re feeling depressed or withdrawing from certain activities we’re usually drawn to or have been in the past.

And as we know, the ego tries to fool us, so to outwit we have to be doubly smart, pausing before reacting and making wise choices that influence our day.

Those stubborn Kapha mind mood tendencies can linger. But if you know what to do, you can get out of excessive Kapha faster and into feeling good. And erase hovering dark clouds that can easily become your weekend. Or gradually settle in for a season if you’re not careful.

But we can change this pretty easily one choice at a time…

We can turn off the external negative messages and listen to more uplifting ones. And that includes shutting off the news after getting the accumulated hour-or-so daily scoop.

This subtle shift helps for subtle situations…

For example, you could be having a bad morning where everything seems to go wrong and deciding in your mind that it’s going to be a bad day since the start was rough.

But by allowing uplifting thoughts to enter in to influence the rest of your day or lean into gratitude for what you DO have, that will help brighten your perspective that becomes self-fulfilling.

I know that can sound pollyanna-ish, and is not always easy if you’re in a miserable situation like a job you hate, or a living situation or relationship that isn’t working out.

BUT, you can better program your mind to work for you. If we can walk and chew gum and think thoughts at the same time, then we can do this! We are capable.💪

One way we can help ourselves is having a consistent activity where we’re learning and improving. That takes the focus off of our thoughts. You may already do this.

In the activity that calls you, you don’t want to miss a moment in what you’re doing. This improves your skills and helps your head game. You then look forward to the activity in your day that helps your entire day.

And something else you can easily do…

Change your environment. Maybe you start doing your activity in a warm, sunny spot. That can be outside. These days, there are no limits to where you can work or catch a break as we’re a virtually remote society that can access anything anywhere.

As a Vata, I like to mix up where I work. I use a desk, a closet, outdoors… it just depends on my mood. And that’s how I get things done productively: I change my scenery options.

And maybe that’s you… or you like the same zone you always are in as that’s your designated spot. And if that’s you, then maybe having a photo or a reminder of something to look forward to in the future like some R&R or an adventurous trip, will also help.

And if holiday overwhelm is taking over these days, let the reason for the season keep you grounded. Let Scripture verses provide comfort and wisdom, and help guide you.

And stay cozy warm uplifted and listen to cheery Christmas music 🎼and jingles… and better yet find your creative outlet. Get into your groove.

For me, this last weekend was partially about creating healthy gingerbread cookie dough.

And a Chai Oat healthy gingerbread cookie was on tall order to provide more holiday baking inspiration that’s both healthy and happy.

I wasn’t the only one as the Cookie Wars marathon was all over the media networks. And gingerbread was one of the themes like every year… it’s nice to be able to count on some things!

healthy gingerbread cookie

And I’ve been using the same base recipe that’s more happy than healthy.

This original recipe has been with me since 2004 when I printed it out. It was adapted from a Joy of Cooking recipe.

And I’ve been tweaking it up every year.

And backing up, decades ago, it was common to use shortening for cookies and Southern sweets, so finding a butter recipe with 3 grams of fat per cookie was a big deal because that’s what people cared about (the fat in calories). These days, we know there are healthier fats we can use to bake with…

So, I’ve evolved this once-a-year December recipe using coconut oil to give a nice consistency and dough to work with.

I added my notes in ( ) and below to my enhancements to this collaborative recipe. 😊

Easy Chai Gingerbread Cookies

3  cups all-purpose flour (add oats)

1 12 teaspoons baking powder

34 teaspoon baking soda

14 teaspoon salt

1  tablespoon ground ginger

1 34 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/4 cup oats (optional)

14 teaspoon ground cloves (or 1/2 tsp of allspice if that’s what you have on hand)

6  tablespoons unsalted butter (substitute with 1 TBSP coconut oil)

34 cup dark brown sugar (reduce to 1/3 cup for less sugar and still have a delicious and nice cookie!)

1  large egg

12 cup molasses

You can mix this all in one bowl. I like to bake on 325°F because cookies bake quickly. This’ll be about 15 minutes but it’s good to watch the oven.

Optimizing Kapha Metabolism and Losing Weight

If you’re a Kapha looking for sound and sustainable weight loss advice with Kapha metabolism slow downs beyond “eat less, move more,” then you’re in for a special treat this week as I have a FREE lose weight guide at the end you can download.

Which btw, we all have these imbalanced needs (Kapha metabolism, Vata anxiety, and Pitta irritated moods for example) from time to time, if not all the time, as we are made of all the earth, wind, and fire elements. That’s how I like to describe it anyway.

And, I’ll spill the exact beans about what the free resource is and how to get it today, at the end. So stick around.

But, first things first…

An avocado smoothie is in tall order to bring me back to my usual routine… and maybe good inspo for you and your healthy living.

kapha metabolism avocado smoothie drink
deliciously healthy avocado smoothie 🥑

I needed it because last week I was moving (and why you may have missed me last week). But I’m back now with a new inspo message every Tuesday, so keep comin’ back for more (and you can sign up to get convenient notifications when a new blog post is out so you get to it in one easy click).

And EASY is what we all need more of! One thing that’s never easy is moving that I just did but necessary to reach a new destination in life.

And let me just say, if you’re planning to move, try to avoid the summer when everyone else is moving! Spare yourself the hassle and do it earlier or later in the year.

And so to bring me back to this week’s calm, and to please my Vata palate, cool down my Pitta, AND wake up my Kapha, I took it one step further with an inspirational in-between summer and fall season inspiring quinoa morning bowl that’s loaded with plant-based goodness (great for burning calories and Kapha metabolism). I recommend this for everyone and anyone looking for anti-inflammatory eating lifestyle ideas! 🫐

Avocado, blueberries, dried papaya, cranberries, walnuts, bananas, and organic quinoa 🥣

…And just to catch us up here… last time I talked about Vata body needs, and before that I posted a summer series that included baking yoga, travel yoga, and chair yoga moves. I’d recommend all these stretch moves year-round.

Because if it ain’t broke, it can be restored with yoga that you can do at home… and I wish I learned this sooner! I can’t say enough about yoga, but will keep it hush-hush this time to focus on the Kapha losing weight topic at hand.

For yoga inspo, you can check out the last yoga blog post article I wrote on summer yoga, where I mentioned bits and pieces about turning into a pretzel. That’s the universal running joke description of yoga. 😊

It’s funny this week… I ended up making homemade pretzels. 🥨 Below is a recipe for sourdough pretzels that I fell in love with growing up with Pennsylvania Dutch pretzels. We had jumbo soft pretzels in the school cafeteria and maybe you love those too!

…One of the benefits of baking your own goods is you get to decide what to add in, like sourdough or rye flour to give your pretzels a healthy twist. To make up for the healthy here, I decided to add high mineral Himalayan salt.

Here you can see the salt in working action…

Bonus points are gained 💕 when healthy foods taste good PLUS have body health benefits. Like, Himalayan sea salt is known for its detoxifying properties, and you’ve probably seen or heard of the large crystal lamps or sea salt spa rooms.

We all want to feel more energetic, lighter, and healthier.

And you and I both know that weight is just one measurement of health… and btw, whatever your measurements happen to be, it should not define you.

If weight loss is on your agenda that’s usually with a slowing metabolism body, here are some reasons why it can be SUPER challenging:

  • There’s an abundance of (tempting) convenience food available around us 24-7.
  • Eating isn’t just something we do for sustenance. It’s reward gratification, a social activity, and soothing comfort. It’s an emotional activity and many foods send us back to our childhood roots and happy-sad memories.
  • Computers, cars, and technology have contributed to a much more sedentary lifestyle—we don’t all need to be physically active farmers to survive anymore, so we don’t prepare our own wholesome meals.
  • Reducing daily calorie counts is HARDWORK and it’s not easy to change habits in our busy lifestyle.
  • Diets are hard to maintain and they can work in the short-term, but fail long-term because they’re simply unsustainable and leave us feeling discouraged with diets.
  • And as we age, typically our metabolism slows down, but you can help yourself out!


First, Focus on the Kapha Metabolism Positives

Be easy on yourself so you can feel good about your changes.

And we want to keep our minds hopeful and stay encouraged that we can get our weight and fitness under our belts.

Personally, I’ve found that when trying to make goals, focusing on the positives is going to take you further so you don’t end up beating yourself up…

Accentuating what you’re doing right is sustainable to healthy living, so you can successfully create life-giving habit-forming eating plans daily and year-round.

And so you can get back up from where you left off. Your mind doesn’t forget what worked.

Plus, you can make up for any current deficits you feel, in other healthy ways like cleansing or detoxing, as you work on your sustainable eating routines.

Focus on the daily activity and keep the goal in the back of your mind. You can start with a healthy green smoothie or probiotic-friendly shake.

Staying consistent and away from tempting situations is what I often hear is a common body struggle. That’s what it was like when I worked in, out, and around food careers in catering sales that are not usually focused on healthy foods as a #1 priority. It’s happy over healthy.

And the way I found worked best for keeping consistent in weight (for my body that I manage) is focusing on staying on an eating healthy routine and schedule 5 days a week, versus burning calories (see “it’s hard work” 😭 bullet point above).

Plus, I believe an anti-inflammatory healthy eating plan is the best food planning way to stay fit and healthy.

Because inflammation is an early body warning sign. When left unattended, can lead to complications down the road. So best to change up any food-causing culprits that can show up one day.

The main point is to make healthy changes as needed and not get stuck in: this is what I’ve always done. So many people do this.

And dominant Kaphas (and those with high Kapha mind imbalances) can stay stuck in these stubborn patterns.

Try and stay objective to what works or is the truth (vs. how you feel).

And while health trends keep changing, certain anti-inflammatory foods like broccoli or Brussels sprouts aren’t likely to ever go out of healthy style anytime soon.

And if you don’t like those or the taste of certain healthy foods, you can pick others you like in the same category. Or make them creatively tasty and more exciting. Like sprinkling cauliflower or broccoli on top of your food to avoid the bland tastes and cruciferous textures.

It takes a little thought, but as a side benefit, you also get more choosy about what you put into your body.

And if you’re in a stressful season now where eating healthy is a challenge, you’re definitely not alone! It’s so easy to slip a little. The idea is to still focus on the positives and get in the good stuff 🥦, while you enjoy some comfort foods. 😋

Just don’t give up!

And the foodie in me wants to help encourage losing weight in a healthy way without compromising good-tasting foods. 😉

So figuring out how to make healthy foods palatable to your tastes is one smart strategy.

Remember the upside: when you change your tastes, your tastes change gradually. So start with one healthy flavor you like. Maybe it’s a spice, herb, or accouterment.

And as long as you personally WANT to go in the right direction and turn that desire into daily reality, you WILL make it happen.

Making habit healthy lifestyle changes today can make all the difference in the world for you.

One reward is you develop better habits, AND the habits you create develop a better lifestyle and quality of LIFE. When you can rewire your body’s metabolism through foods, you can have a better life.

And, here are some key Kapha metabolism things to know that make the difference.

Besides food and calories, your weight is based on genetics, family history, hormones, medications, stress, and sleep amount. There are so many things that your body does at rest: breathing, pumping blood, detoxing, etc. You start each day new and reset.

The amount of energy (calories) your body uses to perform these essential functions is your basal metabolic rate (or metabolism). Overall, your metabolism accounts for about two-thirds of the calories your body burns every day.

The Kapha metabolism is influenced mostly by your body size and composition. This means that people who have bigger bones and more muscle mass burn more calories at rest. Like men usually have more muscle, so they start with a higher metabolism (Kapha dominant or not).

And young people have this advantage too. As we age, bone and muscle mass naturally decrease (and fat mass naturally tends to increase).

Weight training (e.g., using weights or pushing your body against gravity) builds your muscles which increases your metabolic rate. And yes! certain yoga poses can help in this way. This is also where eating more healthy proteins can really give you an upper edge.

And if you struggle with a slow metabolism that Kapha bodies often do, here are some weight loss tips and reminders:

Set specific, realistic, forgiving goals

Instead of a goal to “lose weight,” try smaller and more specific goals that you can attain.

Daily or weekly goals can be, for example, to add more plant-based foods or lean proteins. This focuses on the positives.

Try to stick with a new habit for at least a week or two to start making it routine. Then when one habit becomes consistent, add another one (and habit stack).

It’s not uncommon to take 6 months to lose 5% of your body weight, so that may be a more realistic goal to aim for than the first few pounds that are easier to lose.

Ditch the “diet” mentality and focus on making lasting improvements for sustainable health.

-Focus on improving your food choices and food shopping for overall health or anti-inflammatory living, rather than “dieting” for weight loss. Food choices start with your grocery store cart and how often you go out to eat.

-Ditch traditional eating and try whole and plant-based foods (eating from the rainbow 🌈) in different ways and see what works for you. Like, you could make dinner your smallest meal or change up your cereal to prebiotic overnight oats or a probiotic healthy smoothie.

-Enjoy your food more and listen for fullness cues that subtly signal when you’re getting satisfied and it’s time to stop eating. 

-Eat more mindfully by focusing on and enjoying what you’re eating while you’re eating it. Pay attention to your food’s smell, taste, and texture as you’re eating it. Try to eat without drinking anything that can help you focus on the food more.

-Using your nose helps. Healthy foods that smell favorably strong to you in the moment, are healthy for your body as the fresh food molecules have more healthy-rich goodness. And since your body is intelligent and intuitive, it’s looking for the flavors it needs to restore your body balance. So go for the spices that your nose likes!

-If you have a habit of snacking in front of the TV or computer screen, try getting used to replacing the habit with a glass of water or herbal tea instead. Or better yet, do a ‘lil yoga and get another entertainment view!

Get the FREE Sustainable Intermittent Fasting Guide (The Start & Sustain Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Guide) 🌱

Enjoy these sourdough pretzels on your feasting days.


Homemade Sourdough Pretzels

Course Snack
Cuisine American


  • 2 cups flour + instant yeast
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup sourdough (leave water and flour mixed and covered out for two days or until bubbling)
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 egg
  • Coarse Himalayan Sea Salt or Kosher salt (optional)


  • Mix flour, yeast, water, and salt ingredients. Knead into dough. Let double in size. Proof under a towel or in a plastic container with a lid.
  • In a pot, boil water and baking soda. Let rest.
  • Shape pretzel dough into long dough logs. Have fun. Then easy twist them into a simple ribbon (like a Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon). Fold down. And you will see the knotted pretzel shape.
  • Dip them in the water-baking soda.
  • Brush egg wash over pretzels. Add coarse salt of choice.
  • Bake in 350°F oven until golden brown or about 50 minutes.

FREE Intermittent Fasting Guide For Healthy Living