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Grow an Easy Avocado Plant

After you enjoyed your avocado on toast or with a meal, you can plant your seed for an avocado plant for daily enjoyment. It's perfect greenery for an apartment or bookshelf where you can grow your own plant when you have a brown thumb or want to appreciate avocado abundance. This a great project for adults and kids! 🌱
Author: Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • drinking container or glass
  • toothpicks
  • paper towel


  • Clean off your seed. Larger round to medium seeds work better.
  • Peel off the brown outer layer so you see the bare seed flesh that has a peachy flesh color. Tip: Do this when before you go to the nail salon as you will need to use your finger nails. Knives and sharp objects won't do the job without damaging the seed. It may be easier to wet soak the outer layer first to make it easier to peel off.
  • Take a small piece of paper towel and full soak with water. Wrap around the entire seed.
  • Place the seed in a sealed plastic bag works best and set in a dark, cool room temperature place in a place you don't forget about.
  • When the paper towel starts to dry out over a few days, moisten with fresh or filtered water. Keep repeating this step. One day you will see a middle crack in the seed. This is to allow the root to sprout and grow that can take a few weeks. Be patient!
  • When you see an obvious root bud, you can place 3 toothpicks spread evenly around the seed to set on a drinking glass or container rim. Then add water so the bottom and middle of the seed is "bathing" in the water, but the top of the seed is not (appears to be floating at the surface).
  • Over more weeks, you will see the green stem grow taller and eventually leaves will sprout. Enjoy and keep adding water to your glass as your seed is thirsty. Your roots will eventually outgrow your glass where you may choose to transplant to a larger vessel. This is a great easy project for the Kindergardener in each of us.
    avocado plant in progress