
Tired Frustrated or Overwhelmed Feelings Are Common

Tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feeling as shown in this word cloud are general feelings many of us have.

Tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feeling are common
These are eye-opening common feelings from my community surveyed in September 2021

But you don’t have to stay tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed. It’s the start of a new season and you can transition into your best season (no matter your situation). You can handle it with grace if you stay conscious of your attitudes and what you’re focusing on.

How you react is a direct determinant of how you perceive and interpret your situation.

Today’s blog post (and it’s a big one) is all about your different tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings that bubble up when triggered that arise from some form of dissatisfaction (or trigger) in your life. I’m gonna share how to put those non-serving feelings aside so you can LIVE fully!

If you’re tired overall, then I’ve also got a tea beverage that’ll help put a pep in your step (especially if you have a Kapha imbalance). So keep on reading…

But – just a little side warning upfront: this is a long (and maybe deep) blog post. I didn’t intend for this to turn into an article-length piece, but I’m very passionate about the topic of balance restoration (having suffered in my ways before with unfulfilling work), so I believe that this is useful information for those who want it (and the data is showing people are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated these days).

So to further help with exhaustion and offer some tired relief in the way I know that works, I’m providing some know-how advice and practical nuggets of wisdom that I picked up along my journey.

I chopped up the blog article down into 4 main sections and here are some of the highlights:

Section 1: I explain how feelings can guide you and share what you could productively do with your feelings, plus lessons I learned that can help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings.

Section 2: I share how to turn your feelings around with your thoughts and two revelations that changed my life (and since the tennis U.S. Open just ended, I use an analogy from the sporting event to describe how you can improve your thought life).

I also share with you some of my lifelong learner ways you can use to help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings. And I explain how to reset your life now to a better path of possibilities.

Section 3: You can learn how to change your moods (whether they’re daily or seasonal moods) and how to use your time wisely with a break pause in your day (and life).

I include plenty of peppery questions you can ask yourself to get to the heart of the matter and find yourself in  this season, along with oodles of examples throughout (so be sure to read it all and come back if you need to take a break!)

…and then finally in Section 4:  you can learn how to change your perspectives from the tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed lens.

And I wrap up with some joy and inspiring ways you can look forward to your season and the upcoming  4 seasons.

So be ready to be encouraged and if you’re ready, grab a beverage and here we go!…

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