
From Dancer Pose To A Creative Intention


Which do you like better… onion rings of flower? Or…
A patchy grass with clovers? Either is a green lentil buffalo mozzarella plant-based homemade pizza loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients. 🌱

Plant-based pizza kinda makes me want to do a happy dance (or Dancer Pose). Pizza is one of my comfort foods and even better with healthy ingredients… you too?

Either way helps you pull out your versatile and whole self. 💃🏻

Even if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and want to get the tight muscle kinks out, a small healthy move can make a big difference.

…And to help stay in the movin’ habit this season especially if you need the encouragement! And to reset good intentions to your season (it’s fall now), even if your regular morning jam isn’t to do this pose.

And speaking of jam…

A nice delicious snack can be simple with berry jam wine with chocolate balsamic vinegar notes that has a bit of sweet, sour, and fruity for a good balance to Vata and Pitta. You can choose to dip with salty crackers, sweet biscuits, or bread…

Like a Babka knot with strawberry, chocolate, coconut oil, cinnamon, and cardamom flavors. That’s what I was in the mood for in my picnic jam. 🧺

…Anyway, those are my sweet notes and knot for the week. And just some enjoyable food inspo for in-between seasons when you’re not sure if you want bread or cake, and fresh strawberries or mulled berry jam that gets me into this week’s topic of Dancer pose.

Whether you love yoga or not, you can use Dancer pose productively for the next steps (or habit stack on top of another activity or intention).

Dancer pose is a good opportunity to feel like you’re already at that place you want to be in this season (where you can lift yourself off the floor ground).

You can believe yourself into your next destiny or destination. And you can feel fearless in the moment that can carry you in your day.

And it doesn’t require much.

You can do Dance pose anywhere you can stand and spread out. The middle of a room is a good place, but a good way to start off whether you’re new to the pose or not quite awake in the a.m… is to do the pose when you’re in the kitchen waiting for warm water or food to heat up or drinking a glass of water.

You don’t need to be cooking or baking (but that’s an option!). And you can use your kitchen counter or a solid above waist flat ledge to help you.

This’ll give you the edge for a better Dancer pose stretch and to give you a little balance foundation.

It may not be as pretty as free form, but it can give you your best form for the day.

Here’s the instruction for Dancer pose on your counter:

(Not dancing on the counter, but dancing using your counter 😊).

Dancer is a great balancing pose where you feel empowered to do more than you would. It can be a graceful pose, and if you like Barre classes, this might be up your alley!

You start by resting your palms on the counter. Then take one hand and grab the same side ankle and then extend that leg behind you. You’re now in a balanced Dancer pose (without worry of falling or wobbling over).

You’ll feel a nice stretch up to your backside and mid-back. So you don’t have to be on a mat face up or down. And when you do this standing pose for 30 seconds on each side, you’ll feel tension release from your back.

And as Dancer pose becomes (or is) second nature to you, and you can do before you’ve had your morning caffeine jolt if that’s your jam, then here’s one added useful intention:

Content creating that has grown wildly since around 2015. I’d been regularly blogging since 2009 (yeah… I’m one of the ones that started back when Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were the big social media sites, and blogs fell in those categories). Back when social media was the wild-wild west. 😁

And now this is how we regularly communicate with those we know, and grow ideas and do business life with.

So getting in the habit of doing Dancer first thing can be the way you habit stack to grow your ideas. And maybe take a pause to hold the pose a little longer than usual and come up with one creative idea as your intention.

We’ve gotten past the point of just sharing about our immediate lives. We want to share more (in what that means to each of us) and expand what we’re about. So a hobby or interest that we’re passionate about can be conveyed in photos, videos, and words.

Little did I know that I would be posting about my healthy baked creations. But this has become my passion over the past few years, second to writing. 

And so Dancer pose can help you find what it is that you want to communicate to the world in the first place.

Then when you content create regularly you build something special. We all start off wondering if we’ll stick with what we’re working on, or branch into something else. It’s all good.

And when you put a creative intention out to the world, and you want to contribute as a content creator in some way, that opens you up inside 

…Doesn’t that sound appealing to have a unique purpose along with some other activities you love, such as visiting the same stores where there’s comfort and familiarity? You can run the same track but do something with your tracks to find a new dimension in your life.

We’re all meant for so much in this life.

Your creativity has no limits. You’re only limited by your beliefs.

When I went from a traditional college to corporate work path,   my creativity drifted and stayed hidden. 

Only when I picked up writing as a regular habit and practice did my creative juices get ignited where I wasn’t needing to start and stop to let the creativity flow out of me.

And you have something in you that is wanting to come out, and the world would love to see… and more of!

For many of us, when we’re in school we’re chasing good grades. But grades never determine whether you’ll have a happy or successful life.

Those that chose an unconventional path to drop out or take a creative arts path I believe helped themselves out, so they could find that deep creative well earlier in life before practical adult responsibilities grew.

The good news is, the second best time to realize your dream… is NOW. And when you get in Dancer pose, that’s a leveling playing field. You can start at any age, wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing in life.

That could be a simple activity you use this season to bridge your creative intention, that brings new ideas, meaning, and purpose to your life. That’s where I’m heading now…

And all that’s needed is to rest your right palm on your heart to get centered and reach back your left hand to meet your left ankle. You got this! 🤸‍♀️


Want to unleash more of your creativity, check out how.



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