
3 Tips For Your High Acidic Stomach and Cleansing With Alkaline Foods

Here are some common signs you have a high acidic stomach (or higher than your usual), and where you can restore to a normal PH alkaline with your diet:

-Stomach discomfort especially where your GI tract meets the upper stomach intestinal wall.

-If you drink coffee and after you’ve eaten something light, food adds discomfort to your stomach. Btw, coffee on an empty stomach can “tear up the stomach.”

-If you burp more often, and especially if that’s not common for your body.

-You know you’ve been freely eating more of whatever you want, whenever you want, and maybe a usual food offender to your stomach. Our stomachs are naturally acidic and most of the foods we eat that we enjoy are acidic so maintaining a balance between joy and health will make the difference.

-And, if you have the taste of acid washing back up your throat (referred to as acid reflux), then that’s a sure sign. Many people pop antacids like candy after meals. But that’s masking an opportunity for a better and healthy solution of changing your eating lifestyle and habits.

Here are some quick fixes you can make to alleviate acidic stomach pain or discomfort: Continue reading “3 Tips For Your High Acidic Stomach and Cleansing With Alkaline Foods”

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