
Flying Travel Essentials For Ayurvedic Body Self-Care

Flying travel essentials are good to pack so you are prepared to have a great trip without hassles.

You may be rusty and getting your travel legs back, as you and some of us have not traveled much over the past years. But this article will help you get excited again about packing and for your travel adventures. ✈️ Be sure to read the wellness list below.

Firstly, travel conveniences have evolved. Liquids don’t have to be pre-packed in bags anymore, so you want to be sure to bring your creams and eye drops you may have forgottten about especially if we haven’t traveled in a few years. There’s no total quantity limit.

And many innovative airports have smartphone chargers built-in. You sometimes don’t even have to bring out your cords for your newer devices. That something to get excited about before you board! 💛

flying travel essentials to take on your next trip.

Hello, I’m a planner at heart. I’m the person that will have what is needed while others fly by the seat of their pants. 😁 One profile that I adopted as an event planner early on is focusing on details. And in the details, we plan everything.

But some things we can’t plan.

Like the new space travel and space tourism category. Not too long ago, Jeff Bezos took off in his Blue Origin aircraft and we heard “best day ever!” after the 4-some landed back on earth.

I think it’s exciting that there are new possibilities and options available. This was kinda like the mission effect of the first man on the moon about half-a-century earlier. 🌕

But for most of us, we’re planning and dreaming of earth travel in new and familiar places that have been traveled to before.

I consider myself lucky to have leisurely traveled overseas almost every other year for a decade. 

Because travel offers a good change in scenery and a learning experience wherever you go. If that’s how you or someone you know feels now, I have some flying travel essentials and tips for your health to take with you so you adventure is enhanced and more enjoyable.

Plus a food-as-medicine healthy digestif elixir 🍶recipe you can prepare and carry with you that will solve some of your body feeling off symptoms for temporary situation changes.

OK, this is a little unknown, maybe unique fact about me that will help you make the hotel choice easy… because I love staying in hotels! Maybe that’s why I was attracted to and started my young career working in hotel catering management.

Hotels make vacation life easy, as they have an in-person check-in/out and additional services, a coffee café or restaurant with room service, and breakfast options usually. They run 24 x 7 so there’s always someone there to avoid hassles with a card or code that doesn’t work (that leads to Pitta frustration).

Keys were pre-Ayurvedic days. And these days, listening to your body and Ayurvedic habits pay off. No matter what temporary roof you have on travel, today we can do so much on-travel to self-restore our balance and wellness. 🌱

This can start with making choices like using a full-service hotel good for pampering and ultimate body self-care. Some hotel rooms even come with tempting luxury robes and irresistible turn-down chocolates if you’re lucky.

Some have a knowledgeable in-house concierge who can answer your questions, and in-hotel spa and attendants.

They also have bellmen that can do the heavy lift, moving your luggage to your room and can help you get around by ordering taxis for you.

And if those services aren’t enough, there are usually clothing cleaning valet services from the housekeeping staff who clean the rooms and make your bed every day. That could be a robot someday soon, just sayin’!. 🤖

During the pandemic, hotels were one of the first business impacted and testing robots to fold towels.

Another hotel feature is in-room safes that give us peace of mind so we can relax on vacation.

Hotels run a business with consistent features that’s different experience than a short-term rental run by your neighbor .

For short stays, hotels can be less stressful.

And in true Vata fashion on vacation, you don’t mind and like to move around from hotel to hotel, to get a different hotel vibe and soak in a new locale while visiting new places. For others, that may sound like work.

…But, everyone’s a little different. To each her own, and that’s what makes this world go round and each of us uniquely special. 🌍

One things that helps everyone is planning ahead. It comes in handy as it saves time and prevents hassle inconveniences as some need travel items can’t be found in certain places.

For flying travel essentials, I still put the liquids in a zip lock size bag (out of organized habit) and pack it to the rim. But now you can pack many more on your carry-on as long as any one liquid bottle does not exceed the amount limit. That’s something to be happy about. 😊

You can even bring your small liquid soaps, so you don’t have to use the shampoo or hard bar of soap. 

So go ahead and add those toiletries you can’t live without to your list now or in your carry-on bag.

Other flying travel essentials includes personal things that calm your senses like essential oils. Vanilla scents will help your anxiety and rose scents for your irritated moments. Those are common feelings you’ll experience on travel.

Also, dryness is usually a part of flying travel life, as the re-circulating air on planes is filtered, but drying and drinking too many liquids mean inconvenient bathroom runs.

Time zones also affect your body in every way. You want to moisturize your thirsty skin after you get settled and after you take a shower especially from a long overnight flight. You can also use a green tea, lavender, or rose face mist that feels soothing to restore a Pitta body.

Stress Reducing Flying Travel Essentials

Jet lag temporary stress doesn’t do body damage like chronic stress, but being on a vacation can produce stressful moments if you get lost, are on a time crunch, or when you’re with a new travel partner where you don’t know what to expect.

Some other common stress-inducing situations:

…Once you leave your house for vacation, your eating times, patterns, and what you eat routine changes as food is prepared for you unless you have access to a kitchen under your temporary vacation roof. But then foraging is always a new adventure. The ingredients consumed are different than back home. Maybe, bring a spice or two that reminds you of home cooking that’ll help calm nerves.

And also pack Ayurvedic spices like turmeric (anti-inflammatory), cumin when it’s Pitta hot, and cayenne pepper when it’s Kapha cool temperatures. Cinnamon is good for Vata and good for a sweet addition and sugar-alternative for beverages

…A home sleeping routine is interrupted. You rarely hear that people naturally slept better on a plane ride than in their bed at home. Bring your ear buds that come in handy in more ways than one.

Flying Travel Essentials: What to Pack in a Carry-on Bag (checklist)

__ Allowable liquids (remembering you’ll have to toss out water or any liquids larger than the size allotted when you get to Security after you airport checkin)

__ Bagged teas for comfort (peppermint tea bags to calm a stomach that’s doing somersaults. Herbal teas are found in most hotels)

__Eye drops and nasal sprays. You can also carry a little coconut oil or Vaseline that isn’t considered a liquid.

__Moisturizing lip balm, sunscreen lip balm, face, and hand moisturizer, and body sunscreen.

__A light essential oil scent like citrus, vanilla, or bergamot for calming. Taking a whiff of peppermint oil helps headaches. Gone are the days when wearing scents on a plane are customary.

__Scarf for coolness. In some countries, they require shoulders to be covered going inside churches so it’s good to have a lightweight one for covering.

__ Compression socks (good for flying where air changes and it gets cold). Wear regular socks on the plane as likely you’ll have to take your shoes off to go through Security. And there’s nothing less comforting than having to walk bare feet on the cold public floor.

__ Gloves  for if you get cold hands or it’s winter. An extra pair of gloves is good to bring as sometimes you lose one.

__A squishable hat or ballcap that you can attach to the outside of your bag makes you American, but so adorable. If you have long hair, remember to pack hair ties to keep you cool.

__Vitamins help to boost immunity when you don’t have immunity foods at your convenience and you’re in and around the public more often. 

Include: Vitamin C, a mushroom or onion complex, and/or zinc, elderberry. Take extra vitamin C as it’s water soluble and your body naturally rids of any extra (that’s not the case with B, A, and E that are also essential flying travel vitamins you can get in a multivitamin or immunity support supplement that you can dissolve in water).

__Minerals such as magnesium-calcium will help you on travel and with your circadian rhythm. Lavender tea or your Sleepy-time blend of tea can also help your sleeping efforts.

Some other miscellaneous flying travel essentials that are often forgotten, include: tissues, cough drops (in case your throat gets dry), and an apple good when you can’t brush your teeth. It will help clean teeth, so is better than gum.

Check-in bag items:

Water bottles are not always easy to find in some countries outside the U.S. So if you want to be cool, and stay cool, it’s good to bring an aluminum one. Plastic or aluminum ones can be expensive to buy in a pinch. I learned my lesson in Rome when the fountain-style public tap water is potable (safe to drink), but the water bottles for tourists to buy could be as high as $40. You can bring your cooling metal bottle or purchase a collapsible travel bottle to pack in your other bag.

Of course, you can use regular plastic water bottles you buy locally, but your water bottle would look cooler in your memorable photos. 📸

You can also bring cut ginger, to add to your water.  This is an Ayurvedic practice. The best way to get the ginger juices out is to chew the piece with your teeth and drink with water.

Ginger is great for morning hygiene and digestion. It’s a good primer before coffee in the morning. Or you can bring ginger spice (to make everything nice) for your long travel adventures.

For in-between meals, oatmeal is a good dry food to bring along as you can usually find warm water in your room from the room coffee/tea maker. Some chain hotels even offer free breakfasts with warm oatmeal or oatmeal packets.

It’s smart to carry nutrition bars just in case you get super hungry, have low blood sugar, or have a drop in potassium.

Carrying bars around even when you’re in town cruising around is a good idea as it won’t ruin your next meal but will tie you over

…I was once in a museum where you had to stand in a line and wait to go in, and the only food they sold in the gift shop was a high sugar candy bar. I could’ve brought a bar and not spent extra minutes moving around.

On travel, you can bring healthy energy powder supplement where you just add water. You can also consider protein powder if you want to squeeze in a run, or a quick workout in your room or the hotel gym. With a full-on meal, you’d have to wait for your food to digest. So powders and bars have their smart use in place!

It’s also a good idea to bring a bathing suit on any trip. I actually pack this in my travel flying essentials bag because it’s so lightweight and I know I’ll need it. Even if it’s winter and not warm beach weather, I find an indoor pool, spa, sauna, hot steam room, or jacuzzi that can be very relaxing and therapeutic. Aaah… I’m dreaming already. And the last thing you want to do is go bathing suit shopping on vacation unless you’re at the beach.

And one last thing…

Pack a pair of flip-flops. They take little bag space and they’re good to walk around with in a room, outdoor patio, or hotel spa (…ahhh!).

And you can wash them off with a little shampoo and water in your hotel room before you can quickly dry them off and put them back in your bag.

You can easily find cheap flip flops for a few bucks in America, in case you don’t want to bring them back home.

And this is a good food-as-medicine bottle to make and bring for your Ayurvedic balance…

organic navel orange peel for ayurveda drinks

Ayurvedic Apple Cider Vinegar Heartburn and Digestif Elixir

To calm heartburn, apple cider vinegar is a good "medicine" to have on you and this digestif will help with temporary indigestion symptoms.


  • apple cider vinegar (with the mother)
  • water
  • orange zest
  • cinnamon
  • five spice blend (fennel, cloves, anise, pepper)


  • Shake up apple cider vinegar if it has the healthy "mother."
  • Add ACV and water (about 1:1 ratio) to a small bottle. Add additional ingredients. Shake. Ready to go! Are you?

Life Abundance As the Natural Way

Life abundance is not by accident.

Life abundance is like a full plate like this seafood cocktail.

Do you believe in your life abundance? Or do you deep down think you need to work yourself to the bone in misery, possibly sacrificing health and relationships to gain the success you want? 

What if you could be both happy and successful with a daily mind reset, thinking life is abundant?

Life abundance means getting a new tank every day and feeling fulfilled and inspired. 

You look forward to getting up because you have a joyful purpose, belief, and hope. You have what you need and you use what you have. What you want changes, and you see that superficial is fleeting. Gaining that wise knowledge is reason to celebrate.

…Or maybe you just need a reminder. We all need reminders.

You can deepen meaning in each day, with your curiosity like the wonder of nature. You’re not disappointed with unmet expectations because you’re grateful for the unique life you have and that lets you accomplish more meaningful things.

If you watch outdoor nature in motion, you can see the abundance of birds. Every animal above and below ground has a role in the desert, forest, waters, and in your front or backyard.

David Attenborough’s Our Planet series shows you glimpses of this in wildlife survival and procreation.

On land, the desert trees are a sign that there’s water below to a thirsty elephant, and vultures above indicate food to land carnivores.

The abundant smaller fish feed the larger fish. Dolphins drive the smaller fish schools to feed the killer whales. Every animal has an enemy and an ally in its deep ocean ecosystem.

And the monkeys and the tigers and all the rest teach their young to hunt, defend, and start their own families. It’s fascinating to watch nature in action!

Like the remade 2019 movie Lion King, there’s a circle of life for every ecosystem. There’s survival and then there’s life abundance.

“Earth laughs in flowers.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Never-ending procreation is a sign of the earth’s abundance. In human life, the earthly evidence is in the over 360,000 human births per day!

To keep surviving 365 days a year, the earth has abundant, renewable resources. At the top of the food chain, we humans decide how we use and take care of those resources to survive and thrive.

As individuals, we have a deep well of rich resources built within us if we look from the right perspectives. The wisdom others have learned is infinitely available with helpful tools and media resource guides such as self-help books or King Solomon’s wise written words.

He wrote the 31 Proverbs that perfectly fit in every day of the month.

When we’re younger we think this life is all about us. We can let our pride run our world much like the male lions until they are kicked out of the lion’s pride and left to defend and hunt for themselves.

In vulnerable humility, they’re missing the confidence.

They learn and mature and then can join back into the pride. A lion’s goal is met when they help others in their pride (group).

We’re similarly meant to help others. We also can be missing self-confidence and learn to give ourselves what we lack.

If we live privileged with pride, we can take abundance for granted. It’s a delicate balance.

With whatever life we were given that we didn’t have control over, we have a choice to make the most from where we are. We can seek the truths down to our authentic core.

When we give, we get. When we’re kind and compassionate, the Universe returns us gifts 10-fold. We weren’t perfect but we tried with a pure heart.

When we rise above our egos and the layer of ourselves where we’re missing wholeness and love (holding onto fear and insecurity), then we get to the heart of what this life is about.

We allow ourselves to align with the Universe to use our talents abundantly.

In between and in our learning stages we can power struggle with ourselves. What are our deep-rooted motivations telling us?

When we’re not ready, we could squander the opportunity. We could get in our way and feel like an Imposter.

If we stay in our pain, regrets, and comfort zones, then we can self-sabotage. If instead we take our trials and setbacks to help others, then we bypass the drama in our minds and can be very productive.

I didn’t discover I had a gift of writing to empower others until I was ready. I couldn’t in my 20s because I was still maturing and hurting.

And I couldn’t in my 30s because I was still in a power struggle and a victim mentality. I hadn’t grown up yet and seen the better way on the other side of self-defeat.

Through experience and life’s up and down circumstances, I discovered the more productive way. I wanted to release what was holding me back.

The sooner we get to our productive places, we can start reaping the abundant harvest. Maybe you’re in that place.

If so, be encouraged you can start later and still blossom quickly. The point is to bloom as soon as you know and to look for ways to connects the dots in life (to bloom).

If you live life going the traditional route to your culture, you could miss out on so much more that you could have had. What looks foolish to one person is knowledge to another person.

I would never go back to living on an emotional roller coaster ride and chasing after the wrong things. The worldwide pandemic was a way to show us what’s of the highest importance to us.

When I was 20, I was in college, and I thought I was invincible so no invisible force could have intruded and that could have been tragic thinking. I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and you probably don’t know what you don’t know.

That’s why I pass on this message that your life can be so much more than the fun things you do and the nice things you get. We all want things, but we don’t always know what we really want that’ll make us happy as we didn’t create this life.

Life’s a secret in many ways because it’s not stagnant. You don’t see everything you need in one snapshot, with the naked eye or the original young lens that you were given.

You may not even see the hidden gems with a better prescription from years ago. You see it with new eyes and a fresh mind where life abundance is.

Life Abundance Signs You Could Look Out For:

Clues come from action. When you can reflect, see if what you’re doing checks any of these items…

It’s easy for you. There’s no double-minded confusion. You completed a specific task effortlessly.

It’s fruitful and growing. Your specific action produces and sometimes passively, without your time and energy.

You don’t feel like you’re missing out or that the ‘grass is greener’ on the other side. There’s nothing you’d rather be doing.

You feel grateful.  You feel contentment and humility at your core for the situation you’ve been given.

You’re making an impact. Others are noticing your work or service, or you’re getting positive feedback.

You’re too busy looking ahead to look behind you. You’re on a mission and there’s nothing that can stop you. You sense what you’re doing is sustainable or will lead to the next growth stage.

You want to give in your overflow. You have more than what you need so you are generous in time, money, or efforts.

Your health is good and you look healthy. When you have a purpose that you get up for, your mind is happy and your skin radiates in the mind-body connection.

You let go and slow down on worry. Because you know you’re aligned with what you’re doing otherwise another opportunity would show up. 

We all have harder days, but the point is to keep growing and stop to smell the roses.

The point is not to be sooo busy, counting what you did, and rushing through. That’s why I don’t have any numbering to the list above. I could stay open and keep adding ideas in our never-ending life abundance.

For today, keep doing what you’re doing until the next door opens and a worthwhile idea unfolds for you to take action on.

And gain more happiness.

FREE Intermittent Fasting Guide For Healthy Living