
100 Best Yoga Poses Celebrating 100th Blog Post

It’s celebrational Easter holy week. I’m also happy to announce (my and) this 100th  blog post lands this week. Double holy cow! I thought it’d be fun to celebrate by listing 100 best yoga poses 🎉

100 best yoga poses to celebrate 100 blog posts
Easter and 100 blog posts deserve confetti sprinkles 🧁

But before mentioning the 100 yoga poses, I just wanted to wish happy birthday to anyone who already had a birthday celebration this year. I try to find an excuse to send a cake whenever I can 🎂

Even if it’s just an emoji. But sentiment and kidding aside, these days, it’s easy to be reminded with showering confetti “Happy Birthday!” emoji messages that bring us a ‘lil joy.

I think of the ultimate birthday as those who have reached the 100-year-old mark, who I think deserve their own special confetti emoji. That milestone is definitely worth commemorating. You’ve got to admire Centenarians who have endured and thrived through life’s marathon.

Besides seeing and participating in what their friends and families (young and old) are doing, some of the longest-living people have been naturally active and practicing yoga all their lives.

In some cultures, they get up and off the floor (or out of their sitting position) on a daily mat in one fell swoop as they did in younger years. And that’s just another reason for them to get back up and go out and appreciate the day.

Some Centenarians can even still remember facts and figures that younger decade folks can’t. And they can retell stories of their youth like a historical tale.

They breathe purpose daily (…and have breathed about 1.4 million more breaths than a 30-year-old).

And whatever age you’re at, you can too with your purposeful breath and yoga moves.

Here’s a list of 10 yoga articles to inspire your specific moves and journey:

Yoga is amazing because of the benefits for the mind-body connection: where the mind and body “talk” to each other. If we’re lucky and focused we pick up on the cues as a witness to our mind-bodies.

This is an area that traditional Western doctors aren’t necessarily trained on. It originated from Ayurveda, an eastern life science perspective, that’s made its way slowly to the Western world (and I started practicing in 2008 when I became aware).

Over the past decade, we’ve learned that the prevention of chronic diseases and inflammation in the body is connected to better mental health and less stress we carry.

And we can often tell by our anxious, irritated, or lethargic moods.

Sometimes it’s hard to do yoga until we get in a balanced mood,  even though we know if we did yoga, we’d get there sooner. We can get in our way.

So, in case you need to overcome that or need a dose of moving or getting going inspiration, I’ve listed 100 best yoga poses that are timeless reminders, challenging, and fun (I think so anyway!).

I included some quick encouraging words for each pose that come to mind. They include thoughts of when to do the pose, reminders, or intentions that could be useful for you as they are for me. Some poses are better done when you have more energy.

And it helps if have a known purpose for doing the pose, to help be motivated. We can all use a good metaphor reminder in our daily lives.

So here we go…

Standing best yoga poses: 

1.      Sun salutations – reminder: life is constantly changing, and you keep moving. This is a good series of poses to start the day with, like just before you have your first glass of water for the day

2.      Warrior I – reminder: feel empowered to take on the day

3.      Warrior II – reminder: take up more space

4.      Warrior III – reminder: focus on moving forward

5.      Sun Warrior – reminder: don’t forget to look up and stay open

6.      Dancer pose – reminder: you’ve got this day with your calm and grace, and letting go of the past. Today is a new day 🌱

7.      Tree pose – reminder: you’re resilient and unshaken even in uncertain times

8.      Mountain pose – intention: peace and reaching higher

9.      Heart center hand – reminder: focus more on what’s in your heart and get out of your head if you’ve feeling stuck

10.   Chair – good for when you want to feel grounded

11.   Triangle looking up – good for seeing different perspectives

12.   Lunge – reminder: stay productive

13.   Humble Warrior – reminder: lessen ego and pride

14.   5-Pointed Star – do when you want to feel balanced

15.   Eagle – good for when you feel on top of the world

16.   Tree with hands straight in the air – reminder: you’re a unique tree

17.   Tree with hands at heart center – feel centered and connected

18.   Tree with hands in prayer pose behind your back – intention: feel more spiritual

19.   Half-moon – do this pose when you’re feeling daring (tip: you can do this against the wall so you have back support, and you can use a yoga block)

20.   Extended leg stretch – intention: feel energetic

21.   Bird of Paradise – intention: be more mindful for the best outcome

22.   Forward bend – intention: feel earthly

23.   Standing half-bend – reminder: pause, but keep going because you’re almost there

24.   Crescent lunge – reminder: be flexible

25.   Pyramid Pose – do when you need more structure (feeling scatter minded, i.e. Vata mind)

Seated poses:

26.      Boat – do when you want to feel less grounded

27.      Pigeon – intention: feel less stress stretching out common areas of tension (leg, back, shoulders)

28.      Seated spinal twist – reminder: the past is behind you

29.      Seated forward bend stretch – reminder: keep challenging yourself and you may just surprise yourself with how far you can go

30.      Seated side angle – reminder: try a different way

31.      Lotus – intention: peace, and serenity

32.      Baby Cradle – reminder: you’re in control of your body

33.      Cow Face – reminder: it’s possible even when it’s hidden

34.      Staff – reminder: sit up tall and be disciplined

35.   Thunderbolt – do when you have problems, and you can reverse engineer to come up with solutions

36.   Bound angle – reminder: stay calm

37.   Seated knee hug – reminder: you are loved

38.   Staff – do when you want to straighten your back and remind yourself that your back is an important part for your body’s support. (reminder: build strong abs)

Side best yoga poses: 

39.      Side angle – do when you need a break or stretch

40.      Extended side angle – intention: stretch your mind

41.      Side crow – do when you feel adventurous; one side is probably easier than the other and that’s your strength

42.      Side plank – do when you feel strong

43.      Falling Star – tip: like half-moon is great to do against a wall when you’re first starting out so you can lean further. Intention: feel free and creative

Front face down best yoga poses: 

44.      Cobra – reminder: you’re making progress

45.      Sphinx – reminder: you can do anything you want

46.      Upward Dog – reminder: you’re almost there!

47.      Turtle – reminder: stay steady on the course

48.      Bow – reminder: your hands, head, and feet are all closely connected

Lay down poses (starting with back flat on the mat): 

49.      Bridge – tip: use a block on the small of your back and feel grounded

50.      Fish – reminder: relax and let go of heavy problems

51.      Lay down spinal twist to one side – when you do this on each side, you see a different part of the room or space you’re in and is a good reminder that you have different options from different perspectives

52.      Corpse – intention: be stress-free

53.      Knees to chest (knee hug) – reminder: of self-love

54.      Half locust with one leg slightly lifted: reminder -it can feel strange but still be helpful

55.      Through the hole stretch – do when you feel tight like from driving or sitting, or when you feel uptight

56.      Spider laying down – intention: holding onto your purpose but letting go of how you’ll get there

On all 4’s: 

57.      Inverted plane – reminder: great for bringing your shoulders back in mindfulness

58.      Downward dog – intention: feel the day in earthly roots

59.      Downward dog with one leg lifted – intention: enjoy the day by doing something new

60.     Cat – do when you’re feeling fearless

61.      Cow – good for feeling balanced

62.      Balanced cat reaching out one arm and opposite leg

Back challenge: you can arch backward relying on all 4s

63.      Backward Bend – do when you’re feeling energetic and youthful

64.      Wheel – and you go higher to see and feel new possibilities

Front challenge: you may never do a full handstand, but you can get both feet off the ground

65.      Crow – intention: strength (you’re stronger than you think)

66.      Crane – and you can stretch higher

67.      Peacock – reminder: you can get over the limitations you have

68.      Firefly – reminder: you can do something different to light up the world. You may feel like a kid again doing this one (one of my fave poses and I have happy memories of catching fireflies  )

Inversion best yoga poses: 

69.      Shoulder stand – do when you’re feeling moderately energized

70.      Half shoulder stand – do when you want to feel energized

71.      Plow – reminder: encouragement that you can take two steps back and come out ahead

72.      Legs up the wall – intention: feel supported by the environment around you 

Resting best yoga poses:

73.      Child’s Pose – reminder: you don’t have to be doing something every minute of the day. It’s not how busy you are (something I had to unlearn)

74.      Hare – intention: purposefully resting

Other inspirational best yoga poses:

75.      Inclined plane – when you’re feeling like you want to get off the ground or you’re excited to start a new project

76.      Plank – intention: building daily strength for any trials or difficulties you’re going through

77.      Camel – reminder: let go

78.      Dolphin – reminder: we’re born with natural abilities

79.      Splits – intention: flexibly grow daily and watch progress

80.      Happy Baby – do when you want to feel safe and carefree

81.      Swan – reminder: have daily grace for those areas you can’t change

82.      Hero – reminder: we can all be a hero in our ways in our lives serving and doing what we do

83.    Neck rolls – intention: calming and releasing mind tension

84.   Neck side to side – intention: take a moment to relax

85.   Shoulder shrug – intention: be less stressed (letting the weight fall off your shoulders)

86.   Frog – intention: feel youthful and free to spread out

87.   Garland – reminder: take a break;  good for when you’re feeling unsure or in between energetic and tired

88.   Locust – reminder: try something different or take on a new project

89.   Wild Thing – intention: let go of worries and enjoy more

90.   Goddess – intention: feel ready for the world

91.   Swan dive – intention: go with the flow

92.   Cactus arms – reminder: take time off

93.   Airplane – intention: feel free and in control at the same time

94.   Spider with feet and hands on floor – reminder: you’re a beautifully unique creature

And then these sounds and breathing pair well with yoga poses and intentions:

95.   Om – making the sound clears nasal passages along with mind and body. Try a variation by using your mouth to create an ah-oh-mmm sound sequence. Intention: peace and living stress-free

In yoga, breathwork is super important and great for calming. If you get heart palpitations from anxiety, these are good breath exercises to refer to and do.

For all of us, staying mindful of breath gets us in a good reminder habit to be healthy-minded. And when you get a good breath of air you can send that energy through your mind and body, to help improve both mental and physical health.

Your nose acts as a natural filtration system. If you regularly breathe through your mouth when you sleep or if you have nasal congestion and obstructed nasal passages, you may want to look for solutions to help you breathe out of your nose regularly.

And these are the special breath exercises you can do with yoga:

96.   Sounding breath – this includes long and slow breaths while laying down, so is good to do when you’re getting in and out of bed. Reminder: you’re alive and able to take purposeful breaths

97.   Breath of fire – while sitting, exhale out short and quick breaths from your nose (like a fire-breathing dragon that doesn’t exist) until all your air from your diaphragm feels expelled. And then fill back up gradually like a balloon. Daily reminder: you’re a miracle with automatic breaths. You can control your breathing using your respiratory muscle, your diaphragm, that sits just below your two life-giving organs: your heart and lungs

98.   Bellows breath – do this one when you’re in standing mountain pose with hands at heart center (optional). Full inhale/exhale from the mouth. This is a good one to do in the morning when you’re first waking up

99.   Sufi Mother’s Breath – this is a simpler version than the Pranayama 4-7-8 version. Exhale through your nose, then inhale through your nose for a count of 7, and then exhale again for a count of 7. This is great and simple to do on a walk where you’re staying present and observing your surroundings

100.   Alternate Nostril Breath – take one hand and rest a middle finger on the forehead, thumb from the same hand rests on the closest nostril temporarily closing the airway, light ring, and baby finger on the opposite nostril. Then, inhaling through the open nostril. Intention: notice details about how each side feels as the air circulates more intently to one side of the body from your head to your feet. Reminder: how the air affects our body at and in this moment and how we affect others and the community around us with our breath

So there you go… those are my best yoga intentions and recommendations.

And one last thing that I wanted to mention…

Each week I bake and participate in an inspiring home baking challenge with a community of enthusiastic bakers.

And some could probably go on The Great British Baking Show. As for me, I won’t be applying to be a contestant anytime soon, even though I’m pretty sure I’m one of their biggest fans in my area. 😊

But since watching the show, I’ve learned a thing or two. Like this last season with German Week…

I’ve learned a sweet bun or two from The Great British Bakeoff show 🧡

And so, this week’s challenge is Hot Cross Buns, an egg-cellent choice for Easter. 🐇

I’ve never made the buns before, but I did make cinnamon buns for the first time this year. No matter how these hot buns turn out I’ll show you a photo in an upcoming blog post.

…And since I’m putting myself out there, maybe that’ll encourage you to stretch your mind-body and challenge yourself to a new yoga pose or two if baking isn’t your thing.

And if you need a ‘lil more gentle nudge, just send me a note (on the blog home page under contact) letting me know what muscle pain or soreness or intentions you want to work on, and I’ll send back 5 yoga poses that would be good for you this season to bring back some fun.

Happy Easter! 🐣

Wild Thing Pose to Get Your Wild Creativity Back

Wild Thing Pose is one of the most interesting name yoga poses. And it’s a beautiful pose like this wild natural artwork up the side of a bridge.

Sometimes you just need to let your hair down. So today I’m sharing two yoga poses that let you do just that, and maybe give you a few minutes of creative joy if you haven’t felt that in a while. One is called Wild Thing pose.

You may know the pose (or vintage song titles 📼 with the same name). The Wild Thing pose helps unleash your creativity, especially if you feel like you’re in a rut or ready to pivot. This pose can help you feel a little happier.

…On Fridays especially, don’t you feel like a little weight has been lifted off your shoulders from the weekly grind?

With more freedom where you can express your more fun side, in friendly conversation, wearing fun clothing, or even get around on different wheels 🛼 🛹 🚲

People on the receiving end are even in a better mood if you work in customer service. Friday makes up for Monday when stress is highest.

And it’s not easy to be creative when you’re feeling stressed. So, you may need to unwind between the two opposing moods.

If you feel irritated, anxious, or resistant (that’s Vata, Pitta, and Kapha all rolled up in one in varying degrees), then your body may be playing detox wellness catchup. There’s a delay in the mind-body connection.

So whether you’re ready to try the Wild Thing pose has a lot to do with how you’re feeling. Relaxed, calm, and a bit daring is a better time. It’s also a great pose to do after you’ve fully woken up and taken a shower to stretch your body and mind.

When you’re present in this moment, then this is a great way to celebrate. If say you’re still rehashing what happened or how a day or a happening could’ve gone better, then you’re probably better off to calm your mind down first and wait until later to do this pose.

And when you’re ready and refreshed, then you can start with a blank slate that works best for most creative endeavors.

At corporate work and public environments, they love rules, structure, and close-ended goals. In creativity work, it’s a white piece of paper or canvas waiting for you to come up with something new and unique.

So, the Wild Thing Pose is a great way to get in the spirit of your creative intention. Especially if you’re a content creator or share artistic expression, and today is a creative day. Anything goes.

You ready? 

How to Do the Wild Thing Yoga Pose:

Basically, the Wild Thing pose is a backbend and you decide what it looks like. It can be easier said than done…

One foot, two feet, and one hand or on all fours. It’s up to you. One way to find your Wild Thing pose, is starting in Downward Dog and then you peel one arm off your mat and look up or face up to the ceiling or sky.

Reach that arm up in the air. The other arm is grounded on the mat or floor. Then you decide how you position yourself and the rest of your body. There’s no definite structure. This is a common start. And you can work on your Wild Thing (but it shouldn’t feel like work).

For a present awareness move, then plant the foot already closer to the floor flat down. And you could rest the other leg out with the outer foot touching or resting on the floor.

There are no limitations or rules. And you can also get into this pose from Wheel Pose. Gymnasts do really well with these poses as it helps to be flexible. But not needed for home or studio yoga.

One thing’s for sure though… in the Wild Thing pose, you will definitely get off your mat, a metaphor for thinking outside the box. You get to express freedom and creativity.

And if you have a chance to look around at another Wild Thing pose like I did in a yoga studio and saw other Wild Things in the class, you see how differently wired and designed we are as unique humans. Use your Wild Thing pose as your creative expression that stretches your body, sides, and mind.

And when you’ve had enough of your Wild Thing pose, you may not want to stop just yet. You can find your Falling Star pose from there.

A falling star has a curvy trajectory so you could model after that. Like these curves made with chili pepper flakes for a chocolate granola snack. I made the star from beetroot powder that’s a great balancing ingredient.

Falling star beet granola
Falling star beet granola recipe below. 🌟

In the Falling Star pose, like the  Wild Thing pose, you choose. You can slightly adjust your Wild Thing pose into a Falling Star to get pose variations. Vatas love that 😊.  You can stay on the floor with your legs and arms widely spread out… or leave just one foot and one arm touching the mat.

When mindfully present, this is a great way to empower yourself and use your body and yoga pose to show off your intention in case you’re wondering what practical application this pose has.

And you can also choose to start over in a grounded standing position. Start in a Five-Pointed Star Pose where your two legs are spread wide apart beyond hip width, two arms stretched out to the sides. And your head makes up the fifth-star point.

You are a star! ⭐️

For your freestyle Falling Star, maybe you’re leaning or swaying even if ever so gently to one side, comfortably balanced, and letting go of the opposite leg and foot from resting on the floor beneath you. You don’t need a mirror to feel lighter and to trust your instincts.

This is a good metaphor for how letting go can be freeing in your life. You can fall away from getting in your own way of anything holding you back.

Letting go of outcomes is one of the hardest things in life I found. It’s not easy to let go of something you want to happen, especially when all your life you’ve been groomed to be in control. But that openness allows for something better to come along.

Sometimes we’re not thinking big enough. So in those times especially, being in a Falling Star yoga pose can be therapeutic and a good reminder.

Another Falling Star variation is to sway and bend your torso to the side a little or a lot (like how a palm tree can bend to withstand tropical storms). 🌴

You can also reach your helicopter arms out or up to help you balance. It’s not about how bendable you are. It’s that you’re willing to even try it!

You’ll get more flexible as you stay in the pose longer. It’s your unique Falling Star creation. 💫Just be sure to have fun! 🌟

And you can do that with this fallen star beet granola pan you can make in minutes with a few ingredients.

beet granola

Star Beet Granola Pan


  • plastic wrap


  • 2-1/2 cups oatmeal
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup light olive oil
  • 1/2 cup raw honey
  • chocolate, melted
  • beet powder
  • crushed red pepper flakes


  • Combine dry ingredients and then mix in wet ingredients.
  • Bake granola for about 25-40 minutes at 325°F or until toasted.
  • To make chocolate topping. Prepare chocolate on display pan you will be using. Take a piece of plastic wrap and put on top. Add melted chocolate and pour onto plastic wrap. Refrigerate until chocolate is hard. After granola is baked and cooled, you can pour into the pan and then add the hardened chocolate ontop removing the plastic.
  • To make beet heart: take a star stencil or make a star cutout with cardboard. Add beet powder to create star shape. For fallen star effect, use tweezers to pull out the yellow pepper flakes (found in crushed red pepper flakes) to make a fallen line.

Bird Pose Yoga For Balance, Strength, and Flexibility.

More about this “crouching tiger” looking photo below 🐯

Today I’m gonna share how bird pose yoga (and actually 4 bird yoga poses) can help you get some of the tight kinks out. Below I spend time on Pigeon Pose because I think it’s underrated for all the benefits (especially if your joints need some flexing).

And I believe everyone can use yoga no matter what profession we have or how active we are (as we tend to do repetitive actions that the body can get irritated with).

At some point, some part needs a stretch, and if you keep up with stretching, then the body cells remember the stretched feeling, and you don’t have to grease up the joints as much to get there.

I remember I took a season away from yoga at the beginning of my yoga journey and I thought I would have to start all over again.

I was surprised and happy to find that was not the case. I did lose muscle, but the time off actually restored certain smaller worn muscles. They appreciated the time off 😊

It’s like getting rest on the weekends. You probably need more self-care time than you initially think. Like if you take a few days off, your body kinda can unwind but isn’t totally relaxed. It’s ready to jump back into busyness, but that’s not good for your body.

And if you take a purposeful year off like I did to discover, travel, and recoup, you may sleep like a hibernating bear (and bypass a mid-life crises later on if that still exists). You could call it a gap year or sabbatical.

Then once restored and feeling like a million bucks, your body wants to get back in action.

Ignoring the body can catch up with all of us at some point, but the good news is we have a chance to make healthy changes along the way.

When we’re in a busy season, carving out time to work out is hard work, and so many of us don’t get to do it, or we prefer to spend our time with other fun or catch-up activities. Plus, how exciting is it to talk to others about your workout instead of a fun outing event you had?

But like many good things for you, they are not exciting.

Like habits. But little by little (and in micro-habits) they make a difference and the sooner you do them, the sooner they stick.

Yoga fitness is one (less intense) way you can do and stay consistent with fitness habits. And if it’s important for you to check off working out for your week, consistent yoga could be your savior… and you never know, could pivot you into other fitness areas as you discover more about your body.

You can do yoga anytime and anywhere without a change of clothing (or babysitter). If I told you some of the places I did yoga, you’d probably laugh… like on a cold, swept restaurant floor and on a busy, warm sanded beach…

I found that adding fun challenges with step and move goals kept me motivated. And keeping the eyes on the prize helps… like staying energetically healthy as life progresses. I think we all want that in our lives so we can have a high-quality life.

That’s where the bird yoga poses I mention below can help. The poses can relax and stretch you (both body and mind). And since none of us can fly on our own (at least not today), this is the closest we can get to being a bird. 😁

These inspirational bird yoga poses (that can be goals) could help encourage you to work on all or one of these core yoga areas: strength, flexibility, balance (holistic fitness), and I’d add alignment also because one side is usually tighter than another. Or, one slight tweak move in a muscle can be all you need for that nagging pain you or others have been complaining about in conversation.

Yoga isn’t a rigid practice (it’s individualistic), so you can call it stretching if it’s less intimidating and can stretch your imagination to wanting to give a GO.

The name of poses are really just to help you know which poses to get into, but your body and its needs are unique, so tweak the poses in a way that makes you feel good (and doesn’t hurt).

And in case you’re new, yoga stretches should not give you a wincing pain or any agony where you’re biting your lip. And if you’re not in alignment for certain poses (likes ones bearing the weight of certain body parts), you won’t necessarily feel the misalignment at the moment. It could show up in a day or two, like when you work out with weights. So use good form in the pose moment.

Stretches should feel like you needed the stretch, and the longer you hold the stretch the less tight it becomes, wearing off the tight kinks. And of course, if you have any injuries, avoid those areas until they fully heal.

But other than those caveats, yoga can solve most daily and accumulated nagging sore muscle issues! I’m living proof 😊

So here are 4 inspirational bird yoga poses to work on and towards (and btw, you won’t end up on all 4’s even if you start out that way, so you can test out your flying ability just a little).

Crane Pose – is a good mat pose for building strength in arms

In this one, you’re supporting your body with your arms. Your feet start off on the floor and then lift off.

You want to be careful not to twist your wrists (the good form is keeping them straight on your mat and perpendicular to your matching left and right shoulders).

When I went through a short season where I stopped doing my arm exercises like push-ups, getting in a crane was like starting over. I had to build back the arm strength that this pose requires. Your body may feel that way or may not have those issues, but instead other ones in other areas.

Yoga is a journey and that’s what I think keeps it interesting. You’re always working on something. And for you, it could also be strength and/or a combination of flexibility and balance (or all of the above).  We all start somewhere with our one and only body, so keep trying.

Pigeon Pose – is a floor or mat pose good for developing flexibility in the hip, legs, knees, and butt(ocks)

When you have tight quads or hips, this pose can help get you outta that quandary. As with most yoga poses, there are many variations and if you want to keep your arms and legs on the mat the whole time, that’s an option.

You want to find the body spots that are tight and sore and work on those. You can do this by moving around your pointed straight back leg after you get in the Pigeon Pose (that btw, your leg isn’t supporting the weight of other parts of your body so it’s OK to move it around in this pose if that doesn’t offer your body any pain).

And Pigeon Pose can help with your largest muscle groups like your quads, your glutes (butt), plus the tight muscles surrounding your knees that you wouldn’t easily be able to get to in everyday positions. We underestimate how much we need our knees to easily work to be mobile.

In Pigeon Pose, each side won’t necessarily be equal in terms of tightness and you’ll realize that quickly. So give more attention to the side that needs the longer stretch.

The easiest way to get in this pose is to start in Downward Dog (your “V” with all 4’s planted) and then hinge your body and arms forward with one leg you want to have in front. Do this like a flow motion (also called Vinyasa).

Then sit down on the mat focusing on squaring (aligned) hips to your shoulders. And the opposite leg will rest straight (not bent) back behind you with the top of your foot on the mat. You should feel long and that can feel good in itself!

With this bird yoga pose, you can also work on opening your shoulders if you can reach back and grab your bent leg and foot. This is a chance to look up to the ceiling or sky. It’s a nice break for your neck.

If you regularly cook, clean floors, or work on a laptop on your lap, you may not realize how many hours you’re looking down all the time, and that hurts your neck that supports your head, brain, and reminder… your mind control center.

Well, when it’s put that way!…

But anyway

In this active Pigeon Pose, there’s a good opportunity to look up (and restore your neck).

OK, this reminds me of movie theaters… have you ever sat in the front row of a movie theater? I haven’t been to one in ages. But when I was a teen, movie theaters were often packed and we’d arrive later and not having a choice, had to sit in the front row just a few feet away from the big screen.

That felt like the worst movie scenario at the time. We had to crank our necks and gaze up for the entire movie.  Looking back now, we didn’t know the yoga neck-posture benefits we were deploying back then. You may remember me next time you’re at the movie theater 😉

So deploy that head up move in your active Pigeon Pose… or you can gracefully go into a more passive Swan Pose (like in the theater production Swan Lake).  This is almost like a resting child’s pose, but a great stretch all around as your arms are stretched long on the mat and your one leg behind you. I love this bird yoga pose as you feel graceful as your body is stretched from one end of the mat to the other (maybe why ballerinas love it too).🩰

If you have tight quads or muscles you can’t seem to get to in your regular stretch routines, this pose can do the trick over time or days. The longer you can hold the pose (like minutes at a time), the better the benefit. You feel the healing working when you ever so slightly move and the tightness eases up.

It feels good just talkin’ about it 😉

Here’s a Good Reminder!

Eagle pose – is a good standing balance pose

On earth, eagles are harder to come by in the world. They were an endangered species and can fly higher than their prey and vultures. That’s the meaning behind: “I can fly higher than an eagle” song verse in Bette Midler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings” song.

This one takes a little body coordination memory. Just remember, the same side where one leg is lifted off the ground is the same side where the arm/elbow will wrap underneath the other. Then in union (the definition of yoga), the hands will meet.

When you’re in this pose, you feel good for being able to stand on one leg in balance… and you can do this anytime and during commercial breaks. Or even in regular clothes, like this photo of me below where I’m in a dress wearing big costume jewelry ready to go to a holiday event, but still getting the benefits of my eagle here 🦅…

Eagle bird yoga pose.
Eagle Pose

Bird of Paradise – is a pose that challenges flexibility, balance, and leg strength (…and isn’t a bird at all. It’s a tropical orange flower that could be found in this type of paradise environment at the Miami Botanical Center).

When you can do this Bird of Paradise pose, then you can be thinking you reached yoga paradise

The Bird of Paradise pose is a complete mind-body pose (and not one in awareness where I want to be wearing a dress without showing too much of my flower if ya know what I mean!). So you’ll just have to trust me here and give it a try yourself.😉

And if you want to know the mind-body mechanics of the bird yoga pose, I wrote a past blog post on this great pose.

If you can do this pose, then you have a good shoulder opener, leg strength builder, and torso flexor, all-in-one. Plus your mind will be stretched in a good way (focused and in the moment). Just something to consider especially if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and stuck in life… Bird of Paradise yoga pose can be a nice little goal to take your mind off for a brief moment.

You can change your outlook one bird yoga pose (and day) at a time.

3 Work-Life Balance Ways For Daily Joy

Work-Life Balance is the way for daily joy and a recipe for daily joy helps too… Like this Almond Joy Smoothie reminiscent of the candy bar you grew up to without the calories and lower sugar.

almond joy smoothie drink.

Almond Coconut Smoothie Joy

Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup chocolate almond milk or cocoa powder
  • Additional cocoa powder
  • 1-1/2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 2 tsp almond butter


  • Blend ingredients and enjoy!


The main ingredient for a magical Almond Joy chocolatey-coconut smoothie beverage, is coconut flour, and  can be gluten-free. If you don't like coconut, then make a chocolate smoothie beverage without the coconut ingredients.
Almond Joy Smoothie (Recipe description BELOW)

These days, workers are choosing work-life balance, joy, self-care, and wellness. And some are consciously walking off the job for their personal lives, health, and safety.

You have to be your cheerleading advocate and make your best decisions for work-life balance. I know this from my almost two decades in DC working for Corporate America in tech companies, associations, and hotels run like corporate with little time balance.

(Reminder that you only get this one life).

And happiness at the end of the rainbow or sprinkles is something we all identify with and define differently.

In my early workdays, I soon realized happy employees don’t quit good companies and jobs. The motto used to be, “it’s hard to find a good employee,” and that seems to have shifted to: it’s hard to find a good employer. The roles are reversing in our evolving society.

How it pans out is revealed only after you take a job. Most jobs begin great. Like most relationships, where there’s the honeymoon period. And then the cracks become clear. You wouldn’t enter a bad one knowingly.

The 2021 Great Resignation trend is becoming a more defined movement with dissatisfied employees quitting. It’s not just one reason, but at the top of the list are better life and care, and overall work-life balance dissatisfaction (work misery, burnout, lack of employee care or concern, being pushed to the limit in work demands… and sadly, work toxicity, harassment, and bullying). Often these areas get brushed under the rug.

I know in my many management experiences, I often questioned demands, decisions, and lack of attention from the-powers-that-be, with no satisfying answers. For me, sales was a happier place to be because the role empowered me to make opportunities happen. And those were the good management jobs where I felt like a productive workhorse.

But not everyone is cut out for that work or the one they’re in.

Finding a good job these days is a diamond in the rough. And most are tough and will probably get more demanding before it gets better. So what can you do about a better work-life balance in those situations?

Lessons Learned: Creating Better Work-Life Balance and Happiness

As humans we have to find some joy in our lives, or we can break. Getting up in dread over our work is no way to live. And not having work stability is another tough place to be.

I’d been through the washing machine spin cycle (I thought), several times as an adult – starting at the bottom again after career switching and experiencing massive corporate layoffs.

In the post-2008 economy fallout, many industries fell apart like the one I was in. I went through years of the next phase (the drying machine years) where I found daily joy in the small things. Like a nice cup of chai tea. Or journaling. Seeing friends and volunteering.

And that’s how I ended up back to my hospitality roots where I left off and new opportunities existed (and now in life’s roll-of-the-dice 2020 uncertainty, is the industry that has been impacted the most).

Entering the dryer process lasted until the appointed time. I lost track of my age, as days turned to months. And then years. And I discovered contentment means happiness (and not what the strong-armed ego feeds you with baloney). True happiness and peace is from within and at the moment in the daily joy. You look out for it (and you can miss it in life’s noisyness).

I also learned patience (a virtue) in an impatient culture where Patience is a bad word. And where people show their impatience on the road and is part of the get-ahead mentality. People are irritated and angry and don’t realize it’s in the air. No judgment.

Love thy neighbor. We only see snapshots of people in time, and each person has the freedom and accountability to their own lives.

…and btw, have you noticed that when you purposefully let others go ahead of you in line, then deep down, you feel better that you’re sending good karma in the world. Your angel poofs out the ego critic.

Depending on how often you think to do kind acts, this can be your way or standard. The more you practice, the more it becomes what you see in the mirror and your daily habits. And you feel the difference between good and icky. It can be counter-cultural as we’re taught to try and be first, but you can realize where there’s misalignment between giving and getting.

And, you and I who are wiser, are looking to create more impact in this world and our lives. We are connecting the dots and letting go of disconnects so we can live our best life now or at least start the process.

For me, that starts in flow, getting in Happy Baby Pose, working out the neck and body kinks, and getting intentional in daily purpose. Something to fit in today at home if you need a suggestion.

…So, during the unfulfilling season (about a decade ago) after I started my yoga and quiet practices, I could find deep gratitude, contentment, be patient, and let go of judgment and complaining attitudes. And that became my way. It wasn’t in the things I had or didn’t have. It was a choice.

As with most things, it was in the missing pieces I had to search for and figure out.

Today, I’m grateful for that long season. The practices and attitudes I adopted help define who I am. And while that was happening, healthier options and new digital resources are available to us today (something else to be grateful for).

These days, it’s hard to be bored, and very easy to get distracted and not listening to our thoughts. Growing up we found activities with a radio, television, and books. And that was a lot compared to my parents age who grew up on less book options and radio only. There was no streaming (live or not) or doing online research… I know it’s hard to think of life without!…right?

I believe whatever time you were born into isn’t going wasted. You were born for the exact right moment that works with you and what you’re meant to do, and that you can make the most of every day in a joyful way.

On that brighter note…

Here are 3 ways to add joy into your work-life balance and day: Continue reading “3 Work-Life Balance Ways For Daily Joy”

Yoga Tips and Home Gym Workout Exercises Even With A Sprain

Sometimes body injuries happen outside our control that come and go. And when you’re slightly injured, say with a common sprain, you can still do light work around home workouts being careful, and then gradually restoring back to regular exercising and good fit health routines.

For a light strain or sprain, you can be out for a few weeks before you’re back to regular activities. If you have a more serious injury, it can be a few months before you’re mobile, and that’s when you may want to come up with a different strategy so the rest of your healthy body doesn’t have to wait. It’s easy to get out of a regular workout routine with a good excuse!

…I want to encourage you to keep doing home exercises year-round no matter what (unless your doctor tells you not to or you’re sick), as your mental health and happiness improve — a fact we all know about the happy hormones and endorphins that release in working out.

As you get the blood circulating into your brain and body, you gain more energy from working out and that can help you sleep and eat healthier. If you have a foot sprain injury, for example, you could still do simple arm exercises to keep moving (a good body goal to maintain).

With common inflammation, you probably know it’s good to rest and ice your injury first, which can take a few days or weeks (everyone is different).

If you’re an athlete, you’re usually less fragile as your body is strong compared to someone who doesn’t work out as often.

In either case, when you’re back on the road to body recovery, you can think about strengthening other body parts. You don’t want to not do any exercise for weeks waiting for your sprain to heal completely if you can, so you can stay strong (and not get weak) both overall mentally and physically. 

Physical therapy (exercises) exists, so you can rehabilitate your overall body and health back to your norm or stronger than before your injury.

If you think about it, when you do regular daily activities like brushing your teeth, cooking, or cleaning, you still need miracle muscle strength to do those common tasks. We underestimate the need for muscles unless we don’t have the ability to do what we need to do.

Even though our muscles are adaptable, we want to create progressive muscle growth, especially in our large muscle groups like our legs, buttocks, arms, and upper body so we can be independent to lift, walk, and pull or push even daily light weighted things.

Ok cool.. all makes sense so far, right?

Below I share a few of my favorite exercises, sprain injured or not, for staying toned and getting some cardio in even if you have light limitations, such as a common foot sprain.

We all have some personal fitness goals even if we don’t believe in writing resolutions. One of mine is staying the same consistent size, proportions, and weight. Since I’ve been the same size for years, measuring is not necessary but if I were trying to lose or gain weight, then measuring would be more accurate and a way to determine if what I was doing, was working.

Another goal is staying toned (or sculpted which sounds like a muscular statue). This is good no matter what your weight is… it’s obvious if you’re toned or not from a mirror, so you don’t have to step on a scale.

The tone goal is good for most women because if you’re serious about achieving good tone, you will naturally do the things in between or in the process to make that happen, like eat less and do more pushups.

Remember the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”? – the second habit is “begin with the end in mind,” which is good for any goal setting you do. (I’m having a déjà vu moment right now where I can picture Stephen Covey who wrote the 7 habits.  I was in a class of his decades ago where he taught his principles… I digress)…

Continue reading “Yoga Tips and Home Gym Workout Exercises Even With A Sprain”

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