
Thanksgiving Spices Healthy Rainbow Variety and Za’atar Recipe

Thanksgiving spices can include cumin, turmeric, and cayenne.

Thanksgiving spices are afterthoughts to the big day 🦃… after deciding where you’ll be, how you’ll get there, and even scoring the turkey food table star.

The weeks before Thanksgiving builds up anticipation. And even the day before, it’s still not too late to craft up an Ayurveda beneficial and spice-filled menu for a Happy Thanksgiving, created with an inspired rainbow color and variety tasty feast in mind. 🌈

That can linger on year-round after the holiday week has come and gone.

I’ll never forget the memories when I had family come over and there were very few recipe sites. Today, it’s completely different!

I still reference Martha Stewart. She used to have a television show… I don’t know if you remember or know about it, but I was a fan. 🎉

I’m still a fan, but the show has long moved onto YouTube and Instagram videos! But back in the day, my raving fan energy was elevated when I got to actually visit the live television set.

The crew even sent us home with one of the show guest’s cookbook… Clinton Street Baking Co. Cookbook (that has become a big deal in the Big Apple).

How did they know that was the perfect gift for moi? They must’ve known I was coming 😅

And that weekend, they opened up Eataly (the first in the U.S.) in the Flat Iron NYC district. Those were the days when I was working in marketing and event planning for a popular Spanish restaurant chain in my area (La Tasca owned by a large U.K. restaurant company). Some good foodie memories there 🍽 and so fitting for my attendance as I had spent years in hotel catering and restaurant food party planning.

This year, is completely different. Your Thanksgiving plans may have changed but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a meal that knocks it out of the park!  You can have punchy flavors using Thanksgiving spices you may not have considered.

And even in the Martha Stewart days, it was still traditional thyme and rosemary spices.

Since Thanksgiving is usually a home food event, so it’s a good excuse to crank it up a notch if you want, and maybe even try  different, healthy Thanksgiving spices that pleases your tastes and creative desires. And wows your family and guests. 🤩

I know you’re probably like this…  you have your favorite Thanksgiving foods and can be a ‘lil scared to try something new.

But I’m hear to encourage you to rainbow spice it up and I have some original blend ideas below!

So let’s go!

First, here’s a way to get your food senses heightened the week before turkey day (this Happy Thanksgiving). For starters, you can test and sniff your spices in your spice rack or cabinet. This will give you a week or two to get the ingredients you need as Thanksgiving spices become less potent or pungent.

And you can sit on which ones could work with you. Probably any of them, since they are in your cabinet. 😁

Remember, most Thanksgiving spices (and year-round spices) have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits (preventing free radicals that can spike disease/cancer growth), so whatever you use, you and your guests will be healthier.

Thanksgiving spices (ground or whole from seeds) and herbs (plants) can be the secret ingredients you add to a new dish. And how you can create your own spectacular eye-pleasing food art at the end as some have some pretty cool colors like purple and red. I love how spices and herbs have unique colors that you can find in a 96-Crayola crayon set.

Here are 11 Thanksgiving spices (listed in rainbow color order). I also have dish enhancement ideas from my party planning experiences below.


1.Red: Saffron (bitter, sweet pungent):

The thin strands are good-looking and tasting on ooey-gooey honey desserts. Did you know saffron is a mood lifter? …so if you have an imbalanced Kapha to feed (…maybe yourself?), this is an amazing addition.

Year-round: Add saffron to your seafood bisques and Manhattan Clam Chowder. It’s not just for paella Continue reading “Thanksgiving Spices Healthy Rainbow Variety and Za’atar Recipe”

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Anxiety Attack What to Do and Causes

Anxiety attack

Anxiety attack or panic attack can be very shocking it happened the first time if you’ve never experienced before. It can be eye-opening and impact you for the days to come.

This article is about what to expect, do, and possible causes so you can be better prepared or prevent an attack.

I gratefully only had one panic attack that did not become a norm reaction. So I share what I did. I’m a Vata where we have natural anxious tendencies.

When you  spend your day worrying about the next time anxiety can take over your time and day, that’s not helping you. That’s not how you want your life to go. You want to get the life you want and a slower paced life.

You didn’t sign up for or schedule the setback anxiety interruption in your day.

Where now you can be dealing with any number of physical symptoms.  And you may even think you’re being a hypochondriac.

If that’s the case you want to rule out all the possible health reasons that caused your anxiety attack.

Dizziness and fuzzy brain could have come from nasal or head congestion and allergies, as your nose is connected to your inner ear that controls balance. And your frontal lobe near your forehead is where you do most of your cognitive, rational reasoning.

So if you can’t think clearly and it shows up around the same time every day, you could have developed seasonal allergies.

Hay fever fall symptoms may be worse in the afternoon than spring or summer morning allergies.

If you don’t eliminate common allergies as a potential cause, then that can lead you to create additional anxiety and worry that’s not helping.

Here Comes the Anxiety Attack

An anxiety attack can leave you dazed and unpleasantly change the course of your day.

You may feel you need to take the rest of the day off, suddenly rearranging your calendar.

An anxiety attack can also leave you feeling defeated because you’re working to manage your feelings and thoughts that can spew out into your body like uncontrollable bursts, showing up as heart palpitations, sweaty palms, dizziness, etc.

Similar to an anxiety attack, a panic attack can also come on suddenly.  Usually, it’s more serious and from a buildup of stressors in your life.

This can shock you.  You are no longer the same person you were just a few minutes ago where you were fine.

In a panic attack, the automatic functions in your body are still running but usually are frozen or hindered from taking action physically or cognitively.

When you come out on the other side, you are confronted with your life and have the opportunity to make a change so you don’t have another panic attack (or worse warning symptoms).

For me, that was in my 20’s from a series of life problems and roadblocks.

Post-trauma I never dealt with and ran away from in my mind by letting the past stay in the past.  The problem with that strategy is that your brain doesn’t work like that.

Your brain’s subconscious can hold onto your thoughts forever.  Sometimes when reminded or a trigger occurs, then you’re put back into reliving those memories.  And can start feeling panic or anxious again.

You can be brought back to your past as though it were yesterday.

Until you can heal and cut out the parts that were broken or scarred, you don’t function in the best that you could.  Your perceptions of life can get distorted.  You can hide or avoid certain situations.

Your insecurity guard can rise.

You can make wrong assumptions that provide a safe haven for your mind to temporarily settle in, but that can lead to problems down the road.

What to Do First After You Have an Anxiety or Panic Attack?

These are 3 important steps:

  1. You may feel shaken or light-headed.  Sit up and just breathe.  Then focus on your breath for a few moments. If there’s not a chair in the room, sit on the floor.
  2. Drink at least half a glass of water.
  3. Calm, relax and take the rest of the day off if you can (or at least a few personal moments to yourself).

Shut your door for privacy, and turn off your phone.  Disconnect for as long as you can for the day.

Take time to re-orient and relax.

Think as though: if you have ever gone in for an in-and-out surgical procedure, you take it easy for the rest of the day so you can recuperate.  You don’t push yourself as that can exacerbate your healing time.

If it’s your first anxiety attack, you may still be shell-shocked.

I know I was when I had a deeper panic attack where I sat frozen and the color on my face left and I was pale as a ghost.

I could feel my heart beating fast but nothing cognitive was registering and thoughts weren’t entering.

I wasn’t thinking.

I was just sitting in a chair, and I could feel my feet and hands numb and wet.  Time stood still and I felt helpless.

When I came to, I re-oriented myself to my immediate office space.

A friendly co-worker entered my space and I told her what happened, and avoided anything unpeaceful.

Fast forward over 20 years later, and I remember this episode like it was yesterday.

You may be alone away from people, so that is why it’s always good to have water next to you, as you never know when it can come in handy.

If your anxiety attack happens at nighttime that is common. First thing when you wake up, reflect for a few minutes on what you went through before you go about your routine.

If it happens in the morning, ease into the rest of the day.

The Same Week of the Attack

Journal and reflect on what stress buildup created the episode.

What have you been worrying about in your life that could have led up to your anxiety attack?

Find an easy, simple, and fun activity to lower your stress.

Easy is you don’t have to think long and hard to find the materials or start doing.  Knitting for me is a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles that take up little space.

Using your hands gives you a sense of usefulness.

Just the act of picking up your favorite tools or instruments can be satisfying and lower your blood pressure.

Remember the stress ball?  By the way, I love my special pens and baking whisk.

You could even create something simple that helps you feel accomplished.  A simple bake or your creative hobby can bring you in a better mood.

The idea is to keep it simple as you want to stay in awareness that this week was different because you had an anxiety attack. That’s the theme for your week.

You don’t want to forget so easily as you want to come up with solutions for now and the future.

Because otherwise you could later on the question whether you really did have an anxiety attack and then this could become a regular occurrence and way of life that you now have to manage.

Starting now, anxiety attack prevention is a better way.

To get you calm and reflecting deeper, you can do a little yoga or stretching that can be done anywhere. Using your legs can make you feel grounded and good.

Take the time and opportunity on the floor or yoga mat to self-discover more about what’s going on inside you.

Sometimes you can’t come up with the specific reasons to, “what could have caused the anxiety attack?”

So, What Else Could Have Caused your Anxiety Attack?

These are 3 possible causes:

Reason # 1: Your need to be in control.

Are you the type of person that wants to plan everything to feel comfortable?   If yes, you’re not alone.

That was me too.

In my first career, I worked with Brides, who as you know want “the perfect day” to happen. Even the nicest one of them can feel the pressure.

When you’re event planning, you learn to be flexible and let go.  This allows you to be present with clients and focus on their needs.

In that catering world, the norm is that changes are made every day (sometimes all day) and decisions can be made “on the fly.”

That way of being loosened me up to learn to surrender that which I could not change or control in my professional and personal life.

So in the same way in your life, you can ask yourself, “what changes can I make so that I can let go of the need to plan and know everything?”

Unknown and uncertainty can be the reason for your anxiety attack.

Consider, if you knew everything now about your life, you’d live a completely different experience.

You could have even less control than living in uncertainty because everything was planned out without you.

So if you find joy in the surprises and unknowing journey process of life, then you enjoy the now and your future.

Reason #2: Your ego.

Maintaining a healthy ego is important to prevent anxiety attacks.

Because the unhealthy ego will interject ugliness into your mind to prevent you from taking good action.

If left untreated by you, the ego can spiral out of control taking over your mind and life, affecting your relationships.

You can end up living selfishly, in delusion, or as two personalities.

I’m sure you’ve heard of people like this.

They appear bipolar or split-minded, that’s actually very common.  They do not see this quality in themselves, and therein lies the problems.

The ego lies to the person.

We have the ability to change our ego lives in our own awareness.

Ego can cleverly ruin your life by tricking you so naturally.

Here’s a simple example.

I can suggest you pull out a mirror, and tell yourself loving and positive self-affirmations.

And you may not choose to do it because something (an impostor) in your brain is resisting.

Such a simple action (pulling out a handheld mirror) that doesn’t necessarily require you to even get up from where you are.

And you can find the task hard to do because more deeply you don’t want to allow yourself to feel good about yourself.

To remedy this, you could in awareness act like a witness to this behavior (or non-behavior) for your own self-love and personal growth.

Toddlers and animals don’t have these hangups.

All they know is love and assume self-love without giving thought to any other way, as they’re missing that gear.

We can learn a thing or two from them.

Reason #3: Your worry.

You were expecting a job, a career to pan out, or a relationship, and got disappointed or frustrated.

As time went on, reality sunk in and the truth about your situation became clear.

You have worry, panic, and anxiety that comes from these situations in the mind-body connection.

Your body gets out of balance and you can have an anxiety attack.  Your thoughts can turn into inflammation or a stress pimple or gray hair.

You can decide to change your thoughts.

If you can flip your perspective and outlook of situations, this can change your life outcomes.

You can start with little stuff.

You spill a drink.

You could look at that as an inconvenience to have to wipe up.  Or you can look at it as an opportunity to clean your space and feel good afterward.

Similarly, if someone takes your parking spot, you could use that to demonstrate your self-control, patience, and kindness.

The more you practice, the better you get.

Be encouraged that the best blessings are in the waiting and in the unknown. You will grow. Stay hopeful and remember to believe that. 🧡

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High Acidic Foods and GERD Ayurveda Grocery List

GERD ayurveda grocery list

High acidic foods can wreak havoc on your daily gut-feeling life.

If you’re food shopping and trying to make choices for your grocery cart, adding a stomach-friendly GERD Ayurveda grocery list can enhance your eating life. Lowering stomach acidity and finding enhancing foods for balancing your body is fun, healthy, and sometimes what’s needed.

If you have a condition like high acid (or more severely GERD) in your stomach, whether you’re a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha (or have any of these imbalances), you’ll be interested in what you select for your refrigerator and pantry.

And, you’ve come to the right place for a list of safe foods to reduce GERD (or lower acidity) and increase balance (listed further below…)

Having a mix of fresh and pantry foods can give you a sense of calm, and especially if you have a backup supply of your favorite items because you leave any food comfort panic thoughts to rest. Continue reading “High Acidic Foods and GERD Ayurveda Grocery List”

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Overwhelming Life – What To Do?

Overwhelming is life at times.

Feeling overwhelming anxiety and stress can turn out to be productive or unhealthy in your choosing.

And this article is all about how to process stress and when life is overwhelming.

This photo reminds me of a relaxing Sunday morning stroll and time out in nature-filled Central Park. My head was cleared and was just what the doctor ordered during a stressful season of work pre-pandemic.

For better long-term health and productivity you could emphatically scream to release or let out your frustrations in private instead of bottling inside.

Or you could prefer quiet peace.

But whichever you choose, release the trauma in the present moment.

In the same stressful situation (all things being equal) for a Vata dosha that’s already anxious, the overwhelming anxiety and stress can turn into deeper worry and show up as any number of physical body symptoms.

For a Pitta or Pitta imbalance, that could be expressed and turned into criticism, blame, irritation, or heart-related issues.

For a Kapha dosha, that could be withdrawing from happiness or experiencing depression.

Know that you can restore any of the dosha mood imbalances through your daily restoring mind, and repair seasonal imbalances.

For any of us, short-term stress situations can temporarily create havoc in our life (where life is overwhelming at times). But some stress and temporary stress is good and can lead to success and discovery as you’re productive and get things done.

And we are grateful when the stress ends.

But when the long-term stress dust doesn’t settle (and runs as an undercurrent in our lives) without any end in sight, this can take a toll on your mind and body, that can result in discomforts.

And you can tell from your body symptoms  that you can help change.

They can show up as repeated Ground Hog day feelings, sluggish moods, and heavy thoughts that add up.

You can change the trajectory, operating from your own higher self-care awareness and creating better daily practices and habits that lead to a better outlook and happier, more balanced results.

You can learn repeatable and sustainable ways when you get clarity that’s what you want (and know you’ve had enough of what you don’t want to repeat again).

Balance Anxiety and Stress When Life is Overwhelming

Taking a pause and stepping back from stress can serve you. It’s a good strategy to embrace so you create habits around stress (that doesn’t have to be a daily existence).

Here’s how I took an overwhelm (anxiety and stress) break when I worked in a catering office…   with a sweet happy cake pop 🍰 afternoon pick me up.

Those were the days when I lived and breathed chick peas in hummus as a party appetizer working for a chic Lebanese restaurant chain.

overwhelming life was an understatement  during stressful holiday event planning work daysl
Catering and event planning during the holiday season can be filled with stressful endless paperwork and administrative overwhelm (I’m thrilled I went paperless and don’t have to print daily anymore!)

The definition of overwhelm is “bury or drown beneath a huge mass.”  And I think the 👆photo illustrates the point well. 😂

You know how you walk into someone’s office and you can tell the state of affairs. If they have nothing on their desk, you know they HAVE A LOT of help.

And if they can’t find their desk, then they NEED A LOT of help. I was definitely in the NEED HELP category!

…Once upon a time, I wouldn’t never shared such a photo where the office looked so messy and turned around (but times have changed)...

And that’s what it felt like back then… a storm came through the roof of the building and hit my desk. Oh my goodness!… this isn’t my work life now, but years ago, this is where I worked 15 hour days during the holidays in an overwhelmingly busy catering office.

My overwhelming work life was an understatement.

Some nights I burned the midnight oil trying to catch up on all the details required to put together social, corporate, and wedding events.

Sometimes I was too busy to even notice all the imbalances I had going on!

…Any hotel and restaurant people out there who can relate? 😉

And when you can get back time of processing your life (work or not), you can see how overwhelming and consuming it is.

Overwhelm feelings = you don’t fully own your life…

This is when the mind or body has taken over some control like in busyness where you go through the motions and keep going.

And you can keep going… going… going…

But one day the body shows stressor signs. I know that’s how it was when I worked in hotel catering offices.

Nothing is worse than a health warning that I experienced as a panic attack two decades earlier in life’s busy overwhelm.

In those moments, you hopefully learn (like I did in trials) to not deplete yourself of joy and to take care of your health.

I chose to prioritize work life balance after that.

No work is that important… I’m sure you would nod your head agreeing with me if you’ve ever felt helpless in life’s overbearing situations.

Taking A “Need a Break” Moment 

It’s okay to take breaks. Points aren’t won for killing yourself for a work goal.

Your mind and body are keeping score.

And taking short breaks add up…

We all can take a walk, stroll, get our steps in, do gentle stretching or yoga every day even if it’s just seconds at a time.

This can help our body’s balance and our mind’s balance life-work-passion.

We can help allow situations that feed our overwhelm or underwhelm seasons.

These are both possible malaise or dis-ease causes that negatively affect the mind-body.

The smallest things can rock us off our best selves, and create anxiety and stress undercurrents.

Like, if I wrote this article in all bold cap fonts, that could create anxiety, as could an alarm buzzer sounding (or not sounding) when scheduled. 😬

…Or end of year deadlines.

…Or when you deal with a series of mundane busy tasks that seem bottomless, the accumulation effect can leave you feeling bored and listless.

Our listless outlook can make us feel like we don’t matter… are not enough… and sometimes useless as life swallows us in self-pity.

Even though that’s hardly the truth as you have so much to offer and a much bigger future to be uncovered.

These are both subtle stressors.

Then there’s Impostor Syndrome (fueled by ego) lurking around the corner, and ready to kill our inspiration and get us to start and stop or never start.

So it’s not just our external circumstances.

It’s also us.

We can stop being so judgmental.

Be ready to stop the thought offender (ego) at the gate with inspiration, love, and joy. 💕

Flipping our internal dialogue to healthy self-talk and perspectives changes everything for us.

Especially in America where I live, we can definitely help ourselves with a heavy dose of relaxation and lowering our overachieving or overthinking standards.

Adding Ayurveda components to the modern grocery shopping list and activity lifestyle help to bring back the healthy bliss balance.

And reducing daily stress.

Reducing Stress and Restore Healing

And if you’re living in a major metro area, you may need this reminder regularly as it permeates the air.

Living in the #2 most stressed-out metro area in the nation, I had to breathe in this reality.

And no matter where you live, we’re all plugged in through the internet and smartphones that can create another anxious source.

You have relationships and work with people with that can create stress.

We all need to soothe our bodies, unplug our minds, and find time to disconnect from the outside world for our better health.

This also helps us with better moods which helps our relationships.

A mood can be characterized by happy, sad, anxious, worried, aggressive, or passive feelings that show up differently for each of us.

And with better moods, we have the ability to heal ourselves, even in high-stress seasons and moments, in the busy pace and slow dance of life.

Depending on what dosha you lead with, you can find your version of getting to pure joy.

For Vata, you could use your calm surroundings to impact your mind and body, to shift you away from automatic anxiety, worry, and then gradually ease you out of your overwhelm.

For Pitta, you can release your pent-up frustrations through physical activities.

And for Kapha, you can choose to stay actively inspired and purposefully plugged into your life.

To learn more about how to restore your imbalances, take the body balance quiz.

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“Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright

“Don’t Worry Bout a Thing” is a good song to hum to. Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder knew how to perform a  positive mantra in a catchy upbeat song.

That’s how you can begin to stay on top of your worry.

‘Cause every little thing is gonna be alright. Baby, don’t wo-rrry… ‘bout a thing. 

Worry won’t change a thing.

Imagine if you were learning to surf in the ocean water. All kinds of fears and anxieties could creep up in the back of your mind.

If fears of the water are on your mind’s forefront, you’d probably not surf unless you’re young or a sports extremist and that was your passion.

The fear of drowning, getting bit by a shark (like Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton), being caught up in a strong riptide, or being swept away by a powerful tsunami wave, could become reality.

I’m sharing this with you because obviously, you’re not in this situation now, since you’re online. But we all have our own dangerous situations.

If they came on suddenly, you would develop worry, that would activate adrenaline rushed anxiety pulsing through your veins, as seconds went by.  That could turn into a paralyzing panic daze fast if a big wave or similar formed.

Years ago before I could swim, I experienced my own dicey water situation… Continue reading ““Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright”

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