Mental health matters. We are learning this slowly when it has been there all along.

We can see proof in our culture. A wake up call and mental health revolution is needed.
Because those who need serious help, hide their depression and sadness. And especially at work where we wear a mask.
They’re not likely to call a support helpline even if it’s just 3 numbers because their mind is not telling them to do so.
It starts in the mind. And that’s why animals never have that issue, because they don’t have that mind feature.
Prayer is needed for these people, situations, and any disorders. 🙏
The less we make mental health a stigma opens up the conversations. We can be compassionate, allow vulnerability, and acknowledge depression within a safe space.
And it’s critical to get and keep our own sanity in check because we are not robot machinery. We have a built-in subconscious ego feature that is on 24×7 and influences our thoughts daily.
The feature can go awry if we don’t stay aware as a first step.
In #MentalIllnessAwarenessWeek, this is a good time to do a mental health check to recognize regrets or sadness held onto from the past and into the present.
You don’t have to live in trauma. So many of us have undetected PTSD.
And you can bring that out by being less busy, finding more quiet time, journaling, shadow work, and praying.
Below, I share some of my lessons learned and how I applied them to life.
But first, let me set the big picture stage of what will make the biggest happiness shift and difference in your life…
It’s your fighting for your most healthy mental self because it drives the bus to everything you do and think to be the best version of you.
It’s your empowered happiness that I’m passionate about and why I even wrote a published book on the topic with that exact title Empowered Happiness.
The first chapter is Love Yourself First.
That’s why mental health matters most. Because if you don’t love yourself, then you’re hurting yourself.
Regularly checking in on your daily mental health habits and looking at reasons why you’re spending time doing something specific and taking proactive action matters toward your life matters.
Because often objects are closer than they appear. You can’t see the invisible air in front of you.
We don’t always see ourselves close up even when looking at a mirror. We can be myopic and then become blindsided looking in the rearview mirror.
It’s much easier to make changes before they become our way, mindset, and habits.
We want to find daily inspiration, enjoyment, and activities that light us up. That helps us keep our mental health in-check.
So often we operate from insecurities and fears, instead of flipping the script to love and abundance.
It’s no one’s fault. We set off innocent as babies and then the world shows up that we need to protect ourselves from hurt, pain, and threats.
So then our subconscious mind spins what we need to do to survive in the environment reality.
We aren’t chased by tigers but a triggering message is the modern equivalent to our brains. And to keep us “safe,” our brains replay the message over and over again until the mind threat disappears from brain view or is replaced.
Managing our minds is critical for our healthy lives and regularly replacing thoughts that don’t serve us.
Think of a factory line where the items come down the line (and those are your thoughts) and your job is to evaluate and eliminate the faulty items (non-serving or negative thoughts), leaving the good items (healthy serving and loving thoughts) to pass through the line.
And those thoughts pass better results for your productivity, relationships, and daily health.
Those are just a few areas why mental health matters most. It starts with our thoughts.
Some changing thought benefits:
For one, you can stop yourself from making a knee-jerk reaction to something your ego feels is right to do at the moment, but isn’t the wisest move.
*Lean on lessons learned from your past is the best way for your present.
💡Did you get the results you wanted in situations that you wished turned out differently? If not, what part did you play in the outcome.
Learn from those and try not to repeat them. Life is forgiving. It will keep serving you situations and each time you have a chance to change your outcome.
The misalignment is often ego-led choices. We see this in disconnects in our world and in our own lives.
If we turn to loving sources and thoughts, we move closer to our abundant potential (and not further away).
Unhealthy ego pride (that goes hand in hand) can be a source that blinds any of us.
Humility is the love call fix every time in those cases. It’s much easier when you have a simple protocol to follow and can re-direct the complex mind.
💡You can ask yourself: am I being humble in this situation?
We all call out what’s happening as observers of our thoughts. Because under the radar, our ego loves to remind us about remnants of the past that were take away from us.
It likes to hide and block out healthy information. When its unhealthy, it stronghold binds and show us unhealthy information that we can choose to walk away from and ignore.
By catching your ego self from taking action, you have the ability and the opportunity right then and there to practice changing the thought channel to a healthy one, and re-writing an unhealthy automatic thought pattern…
Mental health matters and check-ins help daily peace and joy.
An example is I had memories pop up about choices I made in the past that affect me today. And that’s pretty natural for most of us.
But instead of letting those thoughts go on and on like I used to, I chose to rewrite the ending to a good factual truth. And I voiced it aloud so it was louder than my ego.
Eventually it got the hint and left. That’s what’s needed.
Applying lessons learned wisdom from your past is a great start.
[This wiser than ego ability is in your wheelhouse. You were built with higher intellect. You go from ego to eagle 🦅 that soars higher than any other bird out there 😉].
You can also find a healthy motivation. Mine was I didn’t want the negative energy to spill over into the next week. And that’s a good one!
I know it sounds easier said than done especially when you have every right to be hurt, upset, or irritated.
But if you keep practicing finding ways to be aware of your thoughts and actions, and your why is to not create more strife in your life, it will also be palatable and simpler to do.
You won’t be debating with yourself so much with what to do. Your wise decisions become more clear and you are more aligned with yourself and your mind.
This creates better outcomes than protecting ego… that remember, likes to scream thoughts in your head.
Using mantras help.
Finding catchy clichés that we can use as a positive trigger like ”two wrongs don’t make a right” or a loving Bible verse may be all that’s needed to find a better way… at least for the moment.
And each time you’re teaching yourself to do better.
And when you tune into the higher love channel, you can see past another’s offense and get their perspectives when they communicate… that translated is their lack or hurts that never got healed (and still show up today).
And if you don’t know why you can’t do the above steps or rise above a situation, then often it’s something in the past keeping you. So start there.
Otherwise, you can unknowingly stay in a victim mentality and not be a victor in your life. That was one of my lessons learned in discovering abundance.
The game changer is getting to the other side. The air is lighter and more clear. It’s not rainbows and sunshine, but you have a new perspective that gives you better outcomes.
You have new ways to handle and process situations that arise. Life is meant to be an adventure to gain experience, grow, and enjoy. And when you can embrace what you have gained (vs. losses), then you no longer are a victim to yourself.
That’s what healthy thoughts can do and why optimizing mental health matters.
Take it easy and have a happy week! 😊 Enjoy a healthy bite and I’ll see you next week! 🧡
Easy One-Bowl Oatmeal Raisin Energy Cookie Bites
- 1-1/2 cup oats, dry
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 2 oz applesauce
- 1 tsp total baking soda and baking powder
- 1 egg
- Mix ingredients and scoop or roll into balls.
- Bake on 350°F/180°C for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown edges.