God often speaks in nature like in bright sunflower blooms 🌻 and occasional rainbow skies 🌈 And in science like the rare total eclipse 🌘 and even in a pair of daily ducks.

We also sometimes forget that God winks in our food where nature provides plant-based foods.
Like these authentic whole wheat zucchini fettuccine getting drying-ready for cooking (recipe below 🧡).

I believe everyone needs encouragement in this life. It’s part of the healthy and happy journey. And one special form of encouragement that you may already turn to is the God winks that are specific to your life…
The daily favors, blessings, miracles… whatever you want to call it… like driving by a surprising display of flowers instead of the usual path to radiate the day 🌷
When something special, small or not happens in your day, you’re reminded that you’re watched over.
You know that you were given luck in some way by the Universe if you allow your beliefs to take you there and you push your ego aside that can thwart your efforts in your mind.
God is love and the ego is fear. And how you noodle yourself out of those times where it’s hard to see the love, will get you to more God winks sooner because you’ll see them. 👀
You see favor in life, whether you bypass a long line that was just there seconds before you got there. …Or, you’re lucky with your online submission that comes back favorable.
Your timing is perfect and the opportunity is for you. And that was no coincidence. That is meant to be encouraging to your day if you don’t miss it.
These can be a part of your every day, if you pay attention to the discernment message that the Universe sends. As you live longer and practice deciphering more you will get better at this!
In Christian living, it’s the Holy Spirit helping us out or the spirit in you.
There’s no mystery or woo-woo, it’s just the way it is on our planet and was established, all documented during Biblical times.
And we can this live out daily in our version of modern Biblical living if we choose.
An interesting thought: the book that made it in every hotel room (I worked in hotels) is full of good daily instruction.
Most of us don’t give it daily thought.
I know I didn’t for the first quarter of my life until the words came to life when I learned the content that helped align my life.
And in your life, the more wondering and connect the dots to the wonders and little miracles, the more you’ll see them and get God wink favors. Not everyone sees a rainbow in front of them. 🌈
And whether you do or don’t think you receive favor, your life will have ups and downs.
But if you know in the end that all will be well, that provides a sense of peace. And we all can use more of that if we want to live a life of meaning. Or when we feel discouraged.
So when things aren’t exactly working out the way you thought they would or you feel stuck, look up for the God winks. They will keep you going.
Align your prayerful thoughts and whether you speak them aloud or just think the thoughts especially while in public or around people.
When we stay on the channel of our daily, small thoughts that are mostly negative because it’s on the worldly level of this limited life, then we lose time with negative moods or emotions.
We keep ourselves from growing and getting to the next level. If we think and reach higher, we’re better off.
And we gain more then in the time it takes for us to try and do it by ourselves. If we plan about the future, that may not happen the way we thought if we don’t check in first with our heart and soul.
This is a simple exercise you can try.
Find something in your situations that has given you some tension or hasn’t worked out. You have several productive options. You can try again or look for a new solution.
An example is a tool that has broken. You can try to fix it. If you look at it from another angle, sometimes you figure it out.
But if you get upset or frustrated, then nothing gets accomplished. If you spend the same time praying, the solution comes to you.
It’s the same way you can pray off your worry, as Norman Vincent Peale taught in The Power of Positive Thinking.
It works because of your productive mindset and calm mood, but is also because of the higher-reaching power working in your life.
Another example, and one that was recent for me is new baking challenges. As someone who likes to experiment, not all bakes turn out. And when I wondered what happened, I use the bake as a lesson. It reminds me of what can go wrong. So instead of being disappointed, I see it as a way to grow.
Because in order to grow, there is always a struggle or sacrifice of sorts to varying degrees. You have to give up perfection or success in order to get better. You let go (or let God and reject ego).
Or you spend more time invested in learning than you thought. And this is how you get good and skilled at anything… by the failures and challenges. You don’t learn as much from the ones that turn out and where you get a few minutes of joy from right away. Never judge a book by its cover. Give things a second chance.
But joy does keep us encouraged and engaged in the balance of everything in life.
And these joyful pasta-ccines are very balanced with whole wheat and zucchini. 😋
Zucchini Fettuccine Whole Wheat Pasta
- blender or mortar and pestle (optional)
- cup measuring cup (optional)
- pasta machine or dough roller
- 1 cup whole wheat flour (can use gluten-free flours) per serving
- 1 egg per serving
- generous pinch of salt
- 1 zucchini, cooked and mashed
- Make a flour mound. Make a deep well with a spoon or the measuring cup you used. Add egg and salt.
- Knead. Add blended zucchini to the pasta dough.
- Make a dough disc. Let rest for at least 20 minutes.
- Divide the disc into two halves. Roll out pasta as thin as you can without getting holes. If using a pasta machine, start on a medium/wide setting such as "5" and then run through thinner setting such as "3." That may be the thinnest setting.If rolling by hand and dough roller, roll evenly to about 1/16".
- Let strands dry out enough so you can still make a curled nest or can break (like packaged processed pasta). These took about 2 hours.
- Cook like you would packaged pasta for about 20 minutes on medium heat for "al dente" pasta. Whole wheat pasta will take longer than other plain flour homemade pasta. You can store uncooked pasta in fridge for 2-3 days. Buon appetito!