
Dolphin Pose Yoga + Water Animal Flexibility

Dolphin pose yoga is a common pose like Downward Dog. Both animals are enticing to pet and add joy to our celebration of life.

Dolphin pose yoga is named after a cute dolphin like this guy.

But if you can’t get your hands on petting a dolphin, today is National Strawberry Parfait Day.

You can celebrate a simple moment of joy with a summertime strawberry lemon parfait you can make that’s healthy and 100% delicious!

Strawberry parfait on National Strawberry Parfait Day.

…You can also get in your Dolphin pose right where you are!  🐬

For inspiration, dolphins are one of the friendliest animals to us out there… and we think of them as our happy, summer ocean friends we can pet.

…Next to our dog land friends. And maybe that’s why the yoga Dolphin pose is similar to Downward Dog… and both poses are done on dry land.

In Dolphin pose yoga moves, instead of your arms fully stretched out, your elbows bend while your forearms and palms are laying flat like pancakes on the mat.

Because of this, your nose in awareness is also a lot closer to the mat.

…Like dolphin beaks called rostroms that are in placement where noses usually are on mammals.

This gives dolphins their appearance that they’re smiling and then when they show their pearly whites, we smile… and maybe that’s partially how they charmed their way to Hollywood as celebrities in Dolphin Tale with Florida home perks. 😉

But back to noses, dolphins have blow holes at the top of their heads where air is connected to their lungs.

This is where they breathe like us (and not like fish with gills)… and we can remember them in our daily Ayurvedic yoga breathing.

On the mat (…maybe you’re there now?), our Dolphin pose yoga fins and palms are also flat on the mat for good yoga form.

You get a good stretch in your entire body from head-to-toe in Dolphin pose yoga moves.

What you may notice that’s different is your body formation.

Your top half of your body may not be the same length as your bottom half.

If you have long legs and a shorter torso, then you won’t be as high peaked.

Your upside down “V” in the air will look different if that’s your body description. So you get to play around (or splash around 💦) in your Dolphin pose.

…You’ll be more like a hill than a mountain by design.

And that helps you to embrace your unique body and special creature that you are!

…You look more like a dolphin swimming instead of jumping hoops in dolphin show formation. 😁

Like us, dolphins are social and intelligent creatures with abilities.

To get more of their vibe, you can swim with a dolphin and not be afraid that you’ll be thrown.

Well, I take that back…

Once upon a time I swam with dolphins… or a better description is I was thrown from a dolphin’s beak landing into a pool of water.

That was a dolphin ride! Even though in the beginning I wasn’t sure what to expect 🤔

But I did know dolphins are happy and friendly creatures, so I knew we’d get along great in the end. And we did that day.

So all was good…

And I got my Vata anti-worry and cool and simple Pitta balancing self-therapy day in.

In that spirit, you can try these other water animal yoga poses that help with flexibility, and you can do on dry land without a splash.

Water Animal Poses

You can use Dolphin pose as a transition break pose before ending in Fish Pose (that’s an opposite position pose on your back), reminding us that dolphins aren’t fish.

And if you’re starting in Dolphin, you can then transition into a Turtle Pose, turning and facing sideways on the mat.

This way you can use the length of the mat and get a new perspective of your surroundings. 

💡This is a good metaphor in life to change your perspectives for good outcomes.

Turtle Pose is especially good for shoulder streching and tight hamstrings where you’ll feel a good stretch in those parts.

In the pose, your shoulders are a bit hunched over forward to give that turtle back look. 🐢

Turtle is a low to the ground pose where you’re seated and legs  are ideally in “V” formation laying flat on the mat, or with slightly bent knees until you get more flexible.

Yoga is a journey.

Then you span your wings (that were fins in Dolphin pose) as far from one end to the other underneath your legs.

Maybe you bend forward with body closer to the mat if you can.

You can challenge yourself daily to bend forward as much as you can in the pose, and then build up your flexibility with knees straightening and legs flattening down toward the mat.

Then after you’ve spent enough time as a turtle, you can turn into a frog.

…Which btw, turtles are reptiles and frogs are amphibians even though they both live on land and water.

And in your land-water abilities, still optimizing the length of the mat, you can flow your legs that were positioned forward in a “V” previously… and move them behind you like frog legs.

Your arms can rest on the mat and floor in front of you.

Frog Pose is exceptional for inner hip and thigh flexibility.

🎉Between turtle and frog, you’re getting full upper leg stretches. Your legs are in the largest muscle group in the body.

You optimize your legs in Frog pose that looks just like the yoga pose name, so it’s easy to remember and get into the position.

If you’re a swimmer and know frog swimming strokes, then you’ll be a natural. 🐸

This is a good pose to challenge yourself and see how low you can go eventually, but if you can’t get there just yet (and still feeling a bit like a turtle), blocks are good to rest your forearms on.

For any yoga pose, don’t hurt yourself by overdoing it the first go-round.

Let yourself open up slowly like a lotus 🪷 and that way you protect your joints and tissues from injury.

💡It’s better to start up high and easy and then work your challenging way down, down, and more down to the mat over time.

In a good way, yoga can take you out of your regular norm and reset your mind because usually going down references in your day are easier than getting up and going.

You can pause and think about that one in the pose. And the longer you spend in the pose, the better! 😊

If you spend 5 seconds in a pose, that counts for total time. If you spend 30 seconds in one pose, that’s 6 times the amount for total time.

Not that you’re playing a game of keeping score, but the point is the longer you spend, the greater the daily benefit… and for next time.

Yoga flexibility is all about gradually stretching further each time.

The longer you hold the pose, the more flexible you become in your body’s abilities.

So don’t expect it to happen the first time.

And if you take a break or a season off from yoga, you’ll start over in flexibility. BUT, the your body cells don’t forget so you’ll likely get there quicker than the first time you tried.

Like dolphins that have good memories, body cells also have good memory.

And like the turtle fable metaphor, slow and steady wins the race.

If you’re naturally super flexible, you can rest your forehead on the back of your hands in front of you for both poses.

Then to round out your water poses, you can finish by going into a seated position and laying back into Fish pose. You can do a Dolphin pose yoga move before your transition if you like.

Fish Pose is a great stretch for your neck.

You lay back with your elbows resting on your mat behind your shoulders like you’re catching some rays. ☀️

Then you let your neck rest backward behind you.

Your neck could be wound up as we spend most of our day with our heads and necks leaning forward especially if we work most our day on a device.

So a counteracting reverse pose like Fish Pose helps our neck unwind.

Before you try it full on without prep, it’s good to stretch your neck looking up first to get it more ready and flexible.

Our necks are delicate because they have such small muscles that also have to hold up our heads that weigh like bowling balls.

Like other areas of injury, necks can take weeks to fully heal so be gentle the first few times.

For precaution, a good pre-stretch for the stretch can be practicing looking up toward the ceiling at least 15 seconds several times a day.

I micro-habit stack this move while I’m filling up the filtered water pitcher that takes about that amount of time.

You can also do head circular motions wherever you are and turn your neck from side to side. Those are good if you spend a lot of time car seated.

Hope this keeps you encouraged in your yoga moves and instruction. Stay cool! 😎

Burnout Prevention

Burnout is more common in the hot months and with modern Western style living.

This is where body heat, daily stress and nerves meet with our screaming mind-body limits. All while our bodies are keeping score.

I’m watching summer tennis scores that’s much more enjoyable. And you too can pause to enjoy a relaxing moment to get away from heated moments.

…I baked this relaxed and low-temperature oven strawberry-guava cheesecake with a ‘lil cafe while catching some tennis points. 🇫🇷

Guava dessert and cup of coffee to enjoy moments and prevent burnout.
Strawberry cheesecake with a guava tropical twist. Recipe below 💕

With summer boiling over to year-round heat these climate change days, this can test us all. We can be more sensitive to our daily situations, and easily rattled with weather changes that affect our day.

Those days can kick up our Pitta and fire burning inside us. ☄️

And while heated moments are part of life, our life’s direction shouldn’t be.

One slow boiling source can be when we know we’re passionlessly working, and not doing our life’s work. This is how it is for most of us at some points.

Often it’s how we start off until we gather enough experience or fire in the belly to do something different that we’re wired for.

If we start to feel in limbo, going through the motions and not living a lifestyle we’re happy with, this eats at us and the stress often shows up in odd symptoms on the body in the the mind-body connection.

I know that’s how I felt when I worked in corporate management jobs in a bustling metro city area like Washington DC  that’s a highly competitive work area. That’s where I grew up.

Being a local or not, finding work-life balance jobs there isn’t easy or in other places that are filled with movers and shakers who will do circles around you.

That’s when I found passion projects I pursued like scrapbooking as an outlet.

Being in a major metro city can often add additional stressful elements like commute time, turnover transitions, and higher costs of living.

The tradeoff is convenience as larger cities have more service-based businesses and infrastructure to make life better and more convenient.

But they can’t completely take away the daily stressors that add to accumulated stress. And that which can lead to burnout.

In burnout, basically your mind-body is telling you: you need to make changes or else your quality of life will dwindle as we carry you.

Burnout is often gradual like a simmering pot that hasn’t boiled over. It starts with symptoms like a common noticeable gray hair, pimple, or weight gain.

And then one day this grows into a health condition needing to be checked out, frustration or a short fuse, daily inner moods, or a panic attack to name a few inconveniences.

Those are all ways that our body’s alarm system gives us a wake-up call. Burnout symptoms are the body’s way of screaming “fire”in Ayurvedic Pitta terms.

In strong Pitta minds, it shows up as symptoms like being overly critical, blaming, and judging others. If we’re not paying attention or ignoring, this can be tolerable and we just keeping doing what we do.

But this can quickly turn into unhealthy ego-pride areas that can take over if allowed. We see this in road rage and people acting out in public who should know better but don’t.

And while that may not be us, we can have a fire inside us. Some people can be better at smoldering the fire from view, keeping it bottled inside in an unhealthy way.

One day there can be a blowup in another way from a fire buildup.

In burnout, that doesn’t often come from one isolated incident or situation.

A primary source can often be work. Sometimes close relationships. There can be a straw that breaks the camel’s back situation that pushes you over the edge.

The feeling can be like “I’m done (with this).” But, the reality can be you can’t leave just yet. And that’s where all sorts of unhealthy manifestations can harbor like resentment or depression.

In those seasons we’re no longer growing as we struggle with ourselves daily.

Burnout symptoms won’t change by themselves. One productive change you’re empowered to make is daily changes in your mind and body just where you are.

So that your cool, calm, and collected self can walk away from the burnout you had down the street.

Your mind and body are tools to help change your burnout symptoms.

I know this well in my journey because I have been there many times. Each time I thought I was doing something wrong: oh no, not again. 😳

Jobs always started off the same way in the honeymoon work period. You know, when you’re excited about going into work in a new promising role you’re impacting and contributing to.

You meet new people, learn new skills, and the new environment feels a little like you’re walking on Cloud 9 in la la land with your  work badge and office space making you feel like you belong and are needed.

And you think: this could be the ONE from the dream of finding an employer who will treat you fairly and you’ll be happy to retire with doing work for them the rest of your working life.

So you start digging into your enjoyable work and proving yourself.

Gradually as the months go by, one day something shifts in the air and you no longer feel new or growing. You feel like you have the weight of performing your job and those around you counting on you as responsibilities now count and add up.

There’s an unseen point system and you’re aware you’re a primary player on the scoreboard. You feel stress above and on your shoulders, and daily neck yoga moves help to release tension.

There’s another point system in your body watching daily, but keeping quiet.

…And as some daily tasks that you didn’t mind before are now seen to you as a waste of time or draining you slowly.

Maybe you don’t have enough hours in the day to achieve what’s expected of you. Or too many work hours where you wonder why you don’t have more responsibilities.🤔

At some point you’re also put to the pinnacle test. There’s always stress involved. For me that was presenting in front of a Board of Directors where I felt my job was on the line each time.

But those type of situations in your career make you resilient and help build character for your next leg of the journey (that’ll be your life dream 💭).

Over the work years, I became more adaptable from a panic-attack-beginning to transforming worry and overcoming fear.

I learned something new about myself in each work experience challenge and problems that arose. Each shift was pointing me closer to my design and passions. And never did I think, I wish I could go back to any one place I was at.

The desires of my heart and maybe yours is to keep growing, live a balanced healthy and happy lifestyle away from the stress-filled work life.

…And to have something worthwhile at the end of the journey.

I didn’t want to accumulate all this time to be used toward the end when age and health typically is not on our side compared to in our 30s, 40s, and 50s.

And maybe that’s how you feel and what you’re looking for as life design.

Looking back, I realized it was a myth I told myself: that there was a good job out there and that would stay that way. And that I just had to keep looking.

Then I realized, that’s not the truth. Nothing stays the same for long and definitely not in a transient area that the world is.

I also realized work opportunities are always out there, but there’s only one me.

And there’s only one you.

And in my last corporate job, I distinctly remember hearing the whisper in my mind: you will not get this time back. This was after work hours when I was the only one in the office I could hear. And from that day on, nothing was the same.

And I know it may sound like I’m saying take more vacations if you’re unhappy or enduring your job.

Vacations can definitely help prevent and soothe early burnout symptoms.

But if the burnout has gone on too long, vacation can be a temporary distraction where you take your overly stressed mind and body condition along with you.

So then you’re not fully present and enjoying your vacation destination. Plus lines, counters, and flight delays can be stressful.

So you could also take a staycation and work on soothing yourself.

Burnout doesn’t care if you’re at home, near home, or on travel. Burnout is a tipping point where you can choose to do a radical change in mind-body lifestyle nursing yourself.

I spent one summer mediating in a quiet indoor pool.

That was needed. And finding work with work-life balance is not a nice-to-have, it’s needed for our bodies daily.

We also all need reminders.

One burnout warning reminder is we should never ignore our symptoms because small symptom warnings can easily turn into inflammation of sorts when not addressed.

And those can turn to chronic inflammation that lead to the disease realities we’ve heard others have.

Ayurveda Daily Restoration in America

Sometimes we catch on, and other times we choose to ignore. In America, we’re not known for longevity records and that has a lot to do with our work lifestyles.

We’re also not taught health prevention anywhere along our journey.

We could have healthy minded parent influences, but their ideas fall by the wayside when our peers seem to be having the time of their lives who are not prioritizing health.

At work, we learn to do more and burn the midnight oil to get ahead and achieve more at all costs. And that goes against the body’s healthy balance desires.

So a goal commitment to ourselves can be to change any out-of-the-ordinary symptoms we notice within a week. We turn to restoration instead, so those symptoms don’t turn into weeks and months. Or grow out of hand.

You can see if you have a Pitta or any imbalances running by taking the body balance quiz.

And for any Pitta out-of-balance starters, a daily cooling activity is one restoring regimen. One easy way is I added guava for variety that has a tart and sweet taste, and very pretty pink color.

It’s fun to find new balancing fruits that have traveled across the tropics. If you’ve never tried, you could always start with a homemade fresh guava juice first.

Have a cool and calm week!

I’ll be back same time, same channel next week. 😀

healthy happy life secrets blog strawberry cheesecake


Strawberry Guava Layered Cheesecake

Course Breakfast, brunch, Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1-2 baking vessels about the same size or diameter. Round spring release pans work great.


  • ricotta, whole fat milk
  • yogurt, whole fat milk
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 guava (size of lime will work)
  • 2-3 frozen strawberries
  • black cocoa
  • maple syrup (optional)


  • Prepare two deep cake baking pans. Cake release cans work best. Spray sides to prevent sticking.
  • Add a layer of black cocoa on the bottom of one pan. You can alternate with Instant coffee or fine graham cracker crumbs that would also work.
  • Mix ricotta, yogurt, and egg.
  • Divide batter in half if you want to make two separate layers. Pour into each baking vessel.
  • Add guava to one vessel and strawberries to the other vessel. Optional: reserve some of the guava for topping.
  • Bake on 325°F/165°C for over one hour until cake is set. Sides will start to brown and may shrink/pull away from the baking vessel
  • Let cake(s) fully cool. Then remove from pan and assemble the layers.
  • Decorate/top with guava, berry jam, fruit, and or yogurt.
  • Drizzle with maple sugar for sweet.

Are You Out of Balance? Pitta Mind-Body Inflammation

Cooling Pitta mind-body Inflammation with summer fruits and Jell-O
Jell-O doesn’t win nutrition points, but helps for a happy mind and Pitta cooled body (like these peach choux) 😋

I’m starting with Pitta mind-body inflammation for a series on mind-body awareness and creating more harmony and balance to the drum of your body-mind or mind-body.

Specifically, if you’re not sure what’s wrong, and at the least you’re feeling less than usual yourself, or internally having a unusually high moody out-of-sorts season, I’ve got you.

Because most mood issues are self-curable. And we all know people we’ve come across that are moody (…we would never admit our own occasions though 😊).

I didn’t grow up openly expressing moods other than tears, because we weren’t afforded the luxury to feel and express as much. In fact, you wouldn’t find anxious or frustration openly discussed in schools back then, as now acceptable highlighted sub-moods to happy or sad.

…And along those lines, anger or aggressive moods weren’t emotionally addressed, and that leads to Pitta mind-body inflammation. So, this week I start with Pitta mind-body where anger is a clear outward sign opportunity to address the inside expression.

Pitta tension runs high in the air in these ending summer days and school year starts. Transitions can test any of us.

At any moment we can have an off-balance reaction in our mind when something sets us off. But if that becomes a week and a season, then that becomes a mind-body problem we would endure.

BUT for better living… we should restore Pitta mind-body inflammation, so we can thrive and not just survive in this one life we get because we know better. Nice reminder, huh? 😉

Sometimes all we need is the awareness and knowledge to know what to do, that experience and age can help us with in wisdom.

And in today’s summer heat awareness, if you’re feeling overheated in mind or body, then you’re embracing some heavy Pitta compounding in this already Pitta season.

If it’s causing a problem when you observe in your self-witnessing thought life, then you want to cool it down.

See, the real problem is our shouting ego wants to act like everything is fine when it’s not. And in the act, sends bullhorn loud messages. 📢

But aware and outsmarting your ego, you can proactively restore and fix your moods by daily small-effort choices that takes little effort. It’s not immediate like winning the lottery or a trip around the world can do 🗺️, but it turns the tide in your mind-body.

You gradually restore back to equilibrium so you don’t spend more days in dissatisfied living or misery.

I learned this in one season when I had off-the charts high Pitta daily that I could look at a clock and know it was Pitta o’clock. And it wasn’t 5 o’clock, so jumping in a pool didn’t work in those hours.

And it was winter time, so an indoor pool would’ve been the only pool meditation option.

And in your case, you have a different makeup or one that’s unique to you.

A Vata body’s natural way is on the cooler side. With cooler season, bundling up in the winter with turtlenecks and dormant turtle moves would be aligned in balance. If you’re a Kapha, then you’re also running these cool tendencies, but less dry.

And following the temps was the drumbeat I moved to. Why am I pointing this out? Because you know you’re not in nature’s balance when you’re feeling different body temps going on that changes your tempo and moods.

See where I’m going with this?…

Sometimes you see guys in shorts in the winter, and you may think it’s the extra body hair like bears to keep grizzly warm, but usually it’s the high Pitta trait common in males that exude this. And instead of feeling cool-cold, it’s warm-hot, and that causes unsaid mood changes too.

…And this can happen to any of us as we all have traces of Pitta, Kapha, and Vata.

My work situation triggered that one specific winter where my Vata was outta whack and showing more obvious Pitta mind-body inflammation signs.

Knowing what your personal makeup is, and what your imbalances are is useful because then you can get a formula to confidently change the tide and not live in a season of unnecessary discomfort, that up to now you’ve written off as subtle moods.

And the first step is to know what’s on fire so you can reverse the effects and then enjoy this season in mind-body calm peace.

Cool The Heated Body-Mind Steps

Weather hot vs. cold may sound like small, silly talk, but it’s a good indicator of your balance temperature. It can definitely be more silently dangerous than stress because it takes a while to accumulate.

And stress triggers can be the cause of Pitta mind-body inflammation… like a low-heat slow pot simmering. And overheating is the fiery pan that can cause a fire.

Heated humans don’t pose environmental danger (unless we deliberately react badly). But we do possess the harmful characteristics that can overheat our bodies.

And at its worse can shutdown or shout out like in burnout.

And it can definitely feel fiery inside us (like when we bite into a hot chili pepper)…

We get clues when we have a short fuse for others’ behaviors that irritate us and cause us to be more opinionated or quick to judge.

…Or we can have outward skin inflammations like rashes, redness, or heartburn.

These are all different signs that your body shows you because it wants to cool down. That’s when you want to nip it in the bud so it doesn’t grow from one spot.

You want to team with your body and run in the opposite direction.

But the usual way is we keep unintentionally igniting our mind-body’s heat by not making changes.

And that’s what’s really needed as part of the prescribed cool down: all food, thought, and mind-body intake.

And doing the right steps prevent Pitta mind-body inflammation. You do have a say in the matter.

But when your body has reached a boiling point that’s common with our busy lives, these are the core body cool down prescriptions (that I think are worth repeating especially in the hot summer).


Athletes do this well because they’re more proned to experience inflammation and sport injuries putting themselves in tough body situations.

And when there’s red inflammation, there are two solutions: ice and ice water.

A cold dip is good, and as painful as that first freezing cold dip is to the skin’s touch, the body is screaming “more please!”

Running toward a bear could sound easier in the moment, but stay as long as you can bear. Our bodies are wiser than we are and will calm down when we calm it down.

And like a fire, what matters is:


Ice as soon as possible. Don’t wait until you get home. Because inflammation grows and can spread into complicated areas if not attended to. You wouldn’t wait to put out a fire, so in the same way act fast on your body’s inflammation sign.

You may remember in school… if you got hurt in gym class, you went to the nurse’s office and she gave you immediate care. As adults, somehow we think getting through meetings or taking care of everyone else’s needs first is more important. Plus, our bodies were more resilient in those younger years.


If your inflammation is not getting better in a few days after icing that may need OTC relief, then take it seriously to seek more intense protocols or medical intervention as though your body is on fire. Because in a way, it is.

See it as your body’s cry for help. You’re not overreacting. And infections (that inflammations can turn into) are real and can happen at any time.

And in bi-directional effects, when you’ve taken care of your body, take care of your mind…

Running independently is a heated mind. When it’s so bad like in burnout or after the burn when you can’t take anymore… take the right steps so you snap out sooner and avoid a season of catchup from inflammation misery.

Prevention and quick restoration is a healthy decision and lifestyle choice you get to make.


🛒 You can checkout this list of 200 anti-inflammatory foods and/or purchase a comprehensive guide with specific food category lists, and learn what’s nutrition research important to know in anti-inflammatory foods and grocery shopping. 🌱

healthy peach profiteroles.

Peach Profiteroles

Course Dessert
Cuisine American, French
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 cup flour (combine bread and all purpose flour recommended)
  • 1 tbsp butter (a small amount will do you for the lighter effect)
  • 1/4 cup milk or nut milk
  • 1-2 eggs (thick, smooth, and pipeable batter)
  • 1 ripe peach
  • thick plain yogurt or Greek yogurt


  • Cook flour, butter, and milk.
  • Let cool and add egg. If the batter isn't thick enough then add an additional egg.
  • Bake on 350°F for about 30-35 minutes.
  • Optional: brush a whisked egg (egg wash) for additional shine before baking.
  • Fill with yogurt and decorate with peach bits.


Pool Meditation Idea For Ego Daily Calm

Pool meditation is underrated. And so is sea salt therapy especially for cooling Pitta.

Pink Himalayan sea salt therapy for cooling.

One of the intentions of Meditation is to quiet the mind that’s always running. And that’s how I came to discover pool meditation.

In any meditation, the peace is in the silence. And I have a pool meditation idea that worked for me… and I’m passing on to you in case you want to give it a try!

BTW, I am the first to admit I’m not a good half-conscious meditator. I prefer to silence my mind awake fully conscious and eyes open. And whatever works for you, works!

Specifically isolating the mind’s ego is a good goal for your meditation 🎯

…Because we’re stuck with our ego for life, and good or bad, whether we’re meditating or not.

And our ego is a good part of why life goes back to the way it was after the recent meditation effect gradually wears off. Even if that’s just ennui (boredom) that the ego can turn into woes-me.

When we go back to our lives from peace and meditation, the ego snaps right back into active mode. And it wants to be right (not necessarily happy).

So it’s a great idea to enhance the calming meditation effects and have it last longer.

I tried this for the first time years ago when I was practicing how to be conscious of the mind-body connection.

…Long before my first meditation experiences (when photos were fuzzy and taken from snap cameras 😉). Like traditional meditation, we could sit still in a chair or Indian-style sitting position on the floor.

Meditation Room at the Chopra Center

And today for any of us, ongoing calm can be the day and every day when focused and engaged in the moment (that’s part of our modern day self-awareness movement).

And long before my first meditation experience, I stepped into this calm discovery decades ago in an indoor swimming pool… 💭

In one temporary corporate job I held many moons ago, there were two great job benefits. The first one was leaving at 5 pm that was not a common occurrence in any modern work in the Western world. You probably know what I’m talkin’ about!

And the second benefit (and first ever perk for me) was use of the indoor pool attached to the conference center I worked in.

That summer, every weekday at 5 pm on the dot I got excited about my day change. I jumped into my swimsut and I transformed into my meditation calm.

The first few minutes in the pool cooled me off (both in mind and body). And the longer I stayed in, the more calm I felt.  Even on the drive home I could feel the stress of the world melt away.

pool meditation with a rainbow decorated unicorn float is always fun!

I still felt alive when I got home, that’s not the usual feeling from an exhausting work day around work people. And on some days I had a second job to go to. I had caught my second wind in the pool environment.

I didn’t need any special breathing techniques or calming meditation narration. The pool created a naturally calming effect on the Pitta summer side of things that’s heightened in the heat.

When you step into a cooling pool, it does your body good. Your body recognizes the environment as healing. Yes, it’s a healing pool of water. And our bodies are mostly water, so it’s natural osmosis.

You cool down with the shimmering body of blue water around you, and take yourself out of the usual dry earth we’re mostly around. Your mind can travel a million miles away from your life.

So it’s also an escape. 💭

And that’s how calming pool meditation can be for you where you dip your toes in this tranquil setting. You slip away from the earthly troubles and enter a new realm. Not to mention the blue ripple color is mesmerizing, serene, and good for eye-open meditators like me (…and maybe you too 👀).

You get a part two in your day like you’re starting a new day in the same day. And sometimes a start over if the first half wasn’t so good or relaxing.

Some cool pool meditation tips:

Sit by the pool steps to start with so your body is partially in the water. Then gradually enter the pool water. For indoor pool meditation, I like to hang along the pool’s edge like I’m reading a book, but I’m actually reading the calm in myself. I’m just chillin’ and forgetful of time. 😊

You not only cool and calm from stress, you work on letting go of those negative thoughts that your ego feeds you non-stop throughout the 9-5 day. So you do yourself healthy good.

Also, pool meditation only works well in a quiet pool setting. Not an outdoor pool with splish splashing kids playing or a pool class with instructor and a headset.

You’d be better off under the shade of a tree or in a cool spot inside, but it won’t be the same as an inside pool. Hotels usually have these indoor pools that are almost always quiet.

…Then when you get back home, capture the way you felt.

This is an amazing power and tool that you have control over. You don’t have to wait until the next free day or moments you have. You just reset yourself in that pool calm place in your imagination.

Your body may even cool down just from the thought. That’s the healthy power of the mind-body. 🌱

You may even want to have a blue wavy color or pool photo in front of you as a reminder. Visual cues are so powerful to empower you. 🎉

In contrast, a bright photo or retro Barbie colors in front of you invigorates, that can just heat things up in your mind. Bright red is even more alarming than the color of hot chili peppers and fire trucks (but BLUE is a soothing color in all shades).

…If you’re a bit Kapha minded these days, maybe that’s what you need! 💕

We had a neon pink light outside the meditation room that looks like a photo developing room (…maybe you remember those where the negatives 🎞️turned to positives 📸?). And from this room, we came out as transformed half-asleep meditated beings 😉

You may never have this glowing experience that I had, BUT you can do your own meditation wherever you are… or test pool meditation and see if that’s your meditation jam. 🧘🏻‍♀️

And from there you can get your creative personal essence back in case you’re having a creative mental block or dry spell season of ideas… or searching for your life’s purpose. And this is just one of many techniques that can get your cool-calm-and collected swag back as a first step. 😎

Here’s one dessert you can enjoy.

Tropical Fruit Pavlova.

Vitamin C Boost Tropical Fruit Plate

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Tropical fruits, chopped
  • Meringue (or grit pie bottom)
  • 1 15 ounce cream of coconut can


  • For Pavolva, whip egg whites to make meringue base. Add to a pan that will be your presenting dish/pan or use a Silpat for easy transfer. Alternatively you can make a grits pie base that's quicker to bake, with grits, egg, and coconut oil that complements tropical fruit flavors.
  • Bake in 200°F oven until it feels solid and formed (like packed snow).
  • Decorate with fruit (dragonfruit, pineapple, passion fruit, and guava). If you want to use less fruit sugar or for a breakfast Pavlova, you can alternatively add berries and green bananas.
  • Pipe coconut cream (solid flesh of coconut)

Simple Pitta Season Reminders

Pitta season is usually when heat starts up in the summer, but sometimes that can be sooner.

We’re reminded of our planet. And we can celebrate with cooling foods like pineapple, cumin, and yogurts. A Hawaiian pizza with pineapple below.

Celebrating a brownie with pineapple, cherry, and Greek yogurt funfetti never gets old! 🎉

Heat, heat, heat. And more heat.

That’s what Pitta season is about. Along with the bloom and celebration comes heat that is deceivingly dangerous. The solution: cool moisture. And I have some reminder hydrating tips below.

You may not be a Pitta, but Pitta season is a scorcher. Jumping in a cooling pool will give you a few minutes of relief but won’t help you from leathering up or collecting sun-kissed freckles… that I probably don’t need to remind you, catch up with you in sunspots and wrinkles when you get to the mirror.

So in that vain, prevention is always the best and easiest method.

Especially when you’re on vacation, you may forget how much moisturizing love the skin really needs.

Your best bet is to moisturize throughout the day when you get a break. And if you get heat rashes or inflammation.

And if you’re like me and tend to forget the SPF before heading out, do it first thing and bring it with you.

We can’t get away with SPF 0 or 2 like we once did, especially if you want to look good at mid-life. Try 50 (or 52 😉).

And when you’re back home, revive your skin by washing off the layer of SPF skin protection not needed indoors.

Steam is going to restore you and your skin back. And your critical-minutes after shower routine minutes will set the tone.

The right moisturizing lotion after showering helps to embalm the moisture.

There’s no one-size fits all for products (and that’s probably one of the reasons why there are so many options available). And once you find your formula or brand that works for you, stick with that. 

And, use a spritzing facial spray. I like rosewater (good for Pitta moods). If you don’t like the scent, you can choose a mint cooling spray.

That sets you on your merry way to start the second half of your day.

Mint btw, is also good for keeping away some flying insects that can really kick up the Pitta annoyed emotions.

Also, Witch Hazel has become a favorite oldie but goodie astringent that draws oil out that irritates (Pitta) heated and dry skin.

And if you like floral scents like jasmine, lavender, or rose, go with that which also helps the body cool or calm from a mind-body perspective.

It’s also a good reminder to: stop and smell the flowers.

Or magnolias in my case (known for symbolizing joy, love, and purity):

Look at this moisture-rich magnolia flower 💮

When you’re out, you also want to use an SPF lip balm. The higher SPF, the better.

At home, I use Burt’s Bees brand when no SPF is needed.

And a lip scrub, and then dab a little honey on the lips that moisturizes and keeps lips supple… trust me I’m all about the lip management with full lips. 🫦

I learned early on that lips don’t tan. 😅

And honey also has been used for centuries for skin inflammation as well as dehydration.

As you age, you notice the drier spots. The good news is your moisture-love efforts, accumulate.

Same with drinking water. If you use an aluminum bottle over glass, that can be super cooling.
And keep plenty of juicy fruits around as sweet snacks, such as healthy tropical fruits: pineapple, kiwi, and peeled-off skin grapes.
Remember to keep these quick reminders in mind during warm Pitta seasons. They could save you from dehydrating and provide easy-fix headache remedies… we don’t need to complicate the simple.