
Healthy Meal Prep Points to Enjoy

Healthy meal prep is rewarding like pizzas you can make and bake at home. This recipe is below. 🍴

healthy meal prep with homemade wood-fired pizza with mushrooms recipe.

Like this wood fired -inspired pizza you can make and bake in your apartment oven or home.

It’s no secret that healthy meal prep is the way to eat healthier meals and save time. But doing any type of meal planning enjoyably can be work and a challenge.

…And I remember the 10 years I breathed in event meal planning day and night as a professional career with the tasty outcomes it produced… and smiles on faces.

The happy event memories produced were lasting. And in home meal planning talk that’s like healthy foods to body cell memories.

I share tips below on how to gain the joy in the process of healthy meal prep.

I share from the lens of baking that can be applied to savory meals. Baking isn’t just for sweet tooths 😉

And you can tweak to your cooking methods whether it’s stovetop or grilling (too).

So here we go!

The first point for healthy meal prep is get your self-serving mindset on.

If the idea of meal prep or healthy meal prep sounds daunting to you, instead of looking at cooking and healthy meal prep as a chore, you can reframe to these enjoyable perspectives:

Use meal prep and cooking as a way to relax. 🍽️ The finished meal is the cherry on top. 🍒

Baking or cooking is a great way to detox from work or a stressful day. You can let ideas percolate as you listen to music or a show in the background. You don’t have to stare at your food cooking. You can use your low-key energy.

Listening to audio is a great use of 20-40 minutes. It’s my fave way to listen to music, podcasts, and have even recorded my own weekly. 🎧

While you’re waiting for your cooking to be ready, you can do your clean up exercise, so after dinner you’re smiling with your Houdini magic clean up job (…where poof! it’s gone). ✨

And you can do stretches, side bends, and exercise.

That’s how baking can be superior (because you don’t have to watch the stove or grill). The timer does the watching in the oven so you can take up other light activities.

Healthy meal prep and cooking is made easier.

Healthy generally means cleaner and simpler, less frou-frou embellished ingredients and sauces. The more whole ingredients and fewer processed ingredients, the better.

With healthy foods and fewer ingredients, meal prep time and cooking minutes are shorter because there are less steps.

And they’re easier steps. Adding a spice or two can be the anti-inflammatory flare needed, that’s less time than creating a roux or using multi-step French recipes. Save those for days where you have more relaxed time.

For most days, you can think of healthy meal prep as a new hobby. Didn’t consider it like that, did you? 🤔

Adding to the hobby idea… one great way to rid of racing thoughts is by getting distracted with a new hobby, creative pursuit, project, or passion that baking and cooking can be.

Healthy meal prep can be a part that inspires your new hobby.

Like most hobbies, you get to try new techniques and the result is your finished product version (aka meal). There’s no right or wrong. Just reward. 😋

Whatever you like and prefer will always be popular with you. And always trending on your food board, so it’s a win all around. And if you take up cooking as one of your regular hobbies, then you not only get a life skill that can serve you well and daily… you’ll also have one that others can enjoy in taste and photos if you document and share. 💖

Cooking is entertaining.

That’s what I know planning catered events working with the chefs in upscale hotel and foodie restaurant kitchens. And letting those vibes transcend into my own working kitchen.

What I like most about baking is the entertainment factor in the entire process. You get to watch the bake from scratch, in production and then placement on the plate and table.

That brings me back to my roots. But you can find your own version and maybe you enjoy food shows like I do. Who doesn’t love Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives?

Thank you, Great British Bake Off and weekend cooking shows for showing me that I’m not crazy!

When you watch inspirational and aspiring food shows like those, they can make the meal prep look easy on the set. They fast forward to the main steps. And that’s how it can be for you…

You can skip the multi-layer processes, waiting, cooling, and decorating steps and get to the main steps in healthy meal planning with less hassles.

Slip meal prep into your day.

And instead of doing everything all at once, you can take 10-minute breaks before your meal prep to pull out room temp ingredients, clean tools off, and mince foods. Or, do it early in the day or late at night when your mood fancies.

This will linger in your back burner as a sub-priority and prime you for happy meal prep mood.

As a creative at heart, I don’t believe you should be robotic in the kitchen and dicing perfectly if you don’t have to.

Finding what works for you, works.

As a Vata, I like to go off script and outta routine.

To balance, I put my planner hat back on and get back to a routine.

It’s like playing ball against a wall where you toss and catch. And the balance is that is that the ball is still in the air and you’re still  enjoying yourself!

Then after doing other work or activities, you’re prepped to come back to preparing your meal.

Snack while you’re preparing.

Enjoyment doesn’t have to be at the end either. Try a few items while you’re prepping. The benefit of being in the kitchen is being around all the goodies.

Develop your bonding relationship with food loves and new variety foods, as healthy. You’ll love your dishes even more when they’re ready.

Standing points.

When you’re meal prepping or cooking, you’re standing. If you sit most the day, you win points that you may be tracking. If a standing desk doesn’t work for you, then cooking is one activity that allows you to stand without feeling awkward.

Being relaxed and standing has its benefits.

And in between you can do a few more baking yoga stretches like yoga squats to win move and exercise points. Baking allows you to get into your bending yoga squat if you want to be at the level of your oven food.

Cooking and baking are also great ways to unwind from a stressful day where you’re not quite ready to sit down or retire for the night.

And finally, I saved the best for last…

Meal prep can be your meditation.

That’s how I see it as I let thoughts enter. And with eyes open, allow my mind to show me new areas that I haven’t thought about… places to have gratitude that come from my day… and how to relax while aromatic cooking is in the process. That’s food meditation🧘🏼‍♀️

Then to keep the balance and flow, I fast on certain days and hours where I intentionally stay away from the kitchen. That’s my second form of  meditation that helps me set my work week and healthy meal prep week.

If you want to learn how you can get free healthy meal plan recipes to align with your healthy weight intentions, check out the free intermittent fasting guide.

Print Recipe

homemade wood-fired pizza with mushrooms recipe.

Mushroom Neapolitan-Style Wood-Fired-Inspired Pizza For An Apartment Oven

You can make this delicious umami mozzarella pie in your home!
Course lunch, Main Course
Cuisine American, Italian
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • bread flour (or 00 flour)
  • salt
  • water
  • instant yeast
  • toppings (mushroom, buffalo mozzarella cheese, and sauce).
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • semolina for bench flour


  • Mix ingredients and knead until a cohesive pizza dough ball can be formed. If with a bread dough hook, about 5 minutes and double time by hand.
  • Add some olive oil to a container with a lid or can be covered.
  • Place dough in container and let proof for at least 2 hours. Can be left overnight.
  • Then add some bench flour (semolina flour is classic for Neapolitan pizza).
  • Flatten into shape except for the airy crust you'll make. Try to not smush down the crust at all with your hands.
  • When you're happy with your pizza shape, then place in oven and bake for about 20 minutes on 350°F oven. Then add toppings such as sauce, cheese and mushrooms.
  • Then add to top shelf at least 8 inches away from the oven heat coming from the top of the oven. Bake on broil (caliente hot!) setting for 2-5 minutes until crust is slightly charred giving the wood-burned fire "effect." Watch the broiling effect the entire time, so you don't set off the apartment alarm and to be safe.

Kapha Body Type Obvious Signs

Kapha body type is found in those with hearts… yes, that’s all of us, but not all of us are natural Kapha bodies. Gaining Kapha obvious signs and awareness-knowledge helps us in our daily lives.

Raspberries are good for heart health and even mimic heart shapes 🫀These whole wheat raspberry pop tarts celebrate heart health month. 💗 You can find this recipe in this blog website.

Whether you’re a natural Kapha body type or or another Ayurvedic body type (…that you’ll learn more about in this article), you can have a Kapha imbalance as all of us have some Kapha in us.

Kapha dosha is the earth and water 🌎 in us (that sometimes carries mud and creates sluggish seasons in our lives!).

The other elements are wind, fire, and air to complete the five elements.

Ayurvedic Pitta dosha is fire and water and Vata dosha is wind and air (or space) that rounds out our human body makeup. And mind too in the mind-body connection.

And with sharing water commonality, Pittas have more in common with the Kapha constitution than a Vata dosha body.

One area that’s a common distinction is that to naturally balance Kapha, this usually involves weight loss while Vata balancing is on the other end of the spectrum.

It doesn’t take a lot to find someone close to you that you can determine is a natural Kapha. You may have friends and relationships with many Kaphas who in-balance make great friends, but outta balance can rub off in not-so-great ways you’ll learn more about below.

…But for the most part, Kaphas are loving people at heart so we can lean toward those positive traits. 💕

Backing up just a ‘lil, you may not be so familiar with the Kapha body type description because it’s part of our newer age and Ayurveda today is a common approach among eastern way cultures where it started.

Thousands of miles away in America where I grew up and live, it’s catching on, but not everyone is aware. There, we learned about pear and apple body shapes as descriptors.

And endomorphs (Kapha) 🍐, mesomorphs (Pitta) 🍏, and ectomorphs (Vata) ⏳ body types… sound familiar? Body types were often illustrated with doodle images in magazines.

Today, a sturdy planted elm or a full fruit blossomed tree can be another Kapha body type description if you want to take it outside for nature descriptors or into your Ayurveda Tree yoga pose that has caught on like wildfire in the Western hemisphere.

And, of the three dosha ayurvedic body types (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata), Kaphas can usually withstand and endure tougher conditions like palm trees, that you can mimic in Swaying Palm Tree pose.

A Kapha body type is more like a palm tree that can endure and thrive in an ecosystem where they're planted.

Kaphas are like palms 🌴 that are enduring in nature.

Or, you can show off your Kapha body soul with firmly planted feet in a majestic Mountain Pose if balance poses a challenge in your Ayurvedic moves. ⛰️

Other obvious Kapha body type characteristics:

Kapha body type can be described as solid and larger frame (compared to the Pitta and Vata body types).

But there are other natural characteristics, like: dewey skin (moist) and a colder internal body thermostat. They share cooler body temps in common with Vatas.

That’s why it’s good to have a thick, comfy hoodie or warm blanket close by that comforts especially on wintery nights, wet days, and dreary weather  outside.

Often, Kapha lazy sides rule. Hibernation during the colder months warm the soul, along with deep sleeping.

A Kapha body type can carry a daily sinus life and a regular cough-as Kapha. Sleeping with breathing difficulties is also common, along with waking up with sinus or chest to head congestion since the body was laying flat.

And these are other noticeable common signs (tell-tale even amongst strangers):

A Kapha body type gains weight easily. Kaphas tend to have larger frames. And most noticeable on the outside to a Kapha body, is the tendency to add weight and fit in larger clothing. They also tend to digest slowly and store more fat easily as another sign.

Kaphas tend to walk slowly. Others (Pittas and Vatas) walk faster ahead. It’s easy to chalk this up to longer legs, but the Kapha slower pace is not just body-part related. It’s also Kapha mind connected to the way each likes to do lifein their Kapha body type if Kapha dominant overall, and taking life in stride. Think of the relaxed coastal lifestyle vs. fast city dweller life.

Which btw, a natural Vata mind and Kapha body is more anxious and a Pitta mind in a Kapha body takes life faster.

How these traits complement good Kapha body type sides:

As already mentioned, Kaphas prefer to embrace a relaxed, slower paced life that’s healthy and less stress to the body. So that can lead to a longer life if other health and wellness areas are self-care maintained.

…And this leads to a Kapha body type who lives more calm ☺️ than anxious Vata types 😦 or competitive Pitta Type-A’s. 😠

Mind you, none of the body types are better than the other per se, but being overall healthy is the best of all dosha worlds.

Kaphas also have a higher tendency to forgive other people as being sympathetic. And they have good memories (…a memory like an elephant 🐘), so they can make good reminders. Other types like Vatas, not so much as more forgetful.

And these help to support the idea that Kaphas often make great friends because they’re nice at heart, supportive, loving, and likable.

Kaphas are common among us and are often our funny, light-hearted entertaining friends we like to have fun and laugh with.

We love our balanced Kapha friends because in those moments they let things roll off their back and not bother them. They don’t take life too seriously like score-counting Pitta counterparts or worry wart Vatas.

Other body types wish they could be like the Kapha body type. They can get their superpower things done in ease. They don’t sweat the small things.

Now, these are the downsides that an imbalanced Kapha body type can exude:

Kapha people can be clingy in relationships where too much of a good thing can be cloying and smothering.

And as mentioned they tend to metabolize slowly, and accumulate pounds easily (“look at food and gain weight”).

Accumulation can also carry into their lives as hoarding, clutter, or disorganization. When someone has too much Kapha (or imbalanced Kapha), these are typical signs.

A Kapha body type can also tend to hold in feelings and not express sad or other hurtful feelings that eat on the inside. This can stay as trauma to the body and mind in the mind-body connection. They can be more sensitive to criticism than Vatas and Pittas.

But the great news is an imbalanced Kapha from an accumulated seasonal situation (and not a health triggered one) can be restored with specific lifestyle tweaks using the 5-senses.

Our human bodies are intuitive and have built-in natural preferences. To optimize our lives, we can learn the internal body language and uncover what those are to restore ourselves and our lives. You can do this better when you know whether you have a Kapha (Pitta or Vata) body imbalance or a combination, and know what to do when imbalanced for each for starters.

You can also complement Ayurvedic lifestyle tweaks with hormonal or aging health imbalances. Solutions (such as healthy foods) are both headed in the healthy direction, so there are overlaps in natural prescriptions.

Taking small action in those healthy guided directions help turn the tide sooner to get back to the happy-go-lucky and calm temperament that is natural to a Kapha body type and the sides everyone around you loves…

And by taking care and nipping-in-the-bud accumulating imbalances that accrue easily in our busy Western and comparing cultures, you can avoid unnecessary potential depression, infections, and obesity. ❣

Awareness, daily restoration, and prevention can change the trajectory toward better healthy outcomes, daily life enjoyment, and longevity.

Since the body communicates with us through feeling-good and healthy vs uncomfortable (or body symptoms), we can use those clues to gather more information from our bodies.

Here are some habit examples that can restore the 3 most common Kapha imbalances:

Clear sinus problems, nasal congestion, or excess phlegm. Mucus is actually a way for your body to protect you from foreign body invaders like allergens (and sometimes over protect with daily allergies).

One natural symptom remedy is: you can breathe in ACV steam like our older and grandmother generations taught. If you feel the sting in your passages, then it’s working.

Shower steam is also good. You can also use and sniff essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus that will help open up the passages.

A neti pot is also a good way habit that cleans out your passages naturally. You may want to do this regularly during heavy pollen season or year-round weekly (or bi-weekly). Use warm water and sea salt for best cleansing effect. You can prevent nasty sinus infections from this one cleansing move if you keep up with it!

Prevent weight gain and maintain a consistent healthy weight. When it’s colder, warm comfort foods are desired. Use healthy ingredients and consider making your own homemade soups and stews. Balance with plant-based foods such as beans, alliums, and indole veggies. And start the day with fiber like asparagus, bananas, oats, and whole grains.

You can have cook prepared veggies and salads ready-to-go on the side. You can also decide to have something “green” at every major meal.

And still focus on healthy proteins as the star of your meal that’ll keep you feeling full longer so you don’t feel the need to snack all day.

🌱 If healthy intermittent fasting is something you would like to learn more about, get the free comprehensive guide to start and sustain your IF or fasting lifestyle that works for all body types in bio-individuality.

Beating tiredness. Start your day with water. Get caffeinated and enough sleep. Intake enough Vitamin D and sunshine especially during colder months that doesn’t do Kaphas any favors.

Lessen blue light at night from devices and wear blue light blocking glasses that our grandmother’s ages didn’t have. Listen to uplifting and get-you-moving music ring tones that can also be your wake-up alarm.

And if you want to healthy balance weight and optimize sleep, intermittent fasting is one biohacking trick that helps in those areas and many other health longevity areas especially if you’re living and adjusting to your beyond 40s new normal body.

To learn more about Ayurvedic balance, take the body balance quiz.

Relaxing Easy Autumn Bread Recipes to Inspire You

autumn leaves inspires autumn creativity and autumn bread recipes for me that i share in this blog article.
When you blend autumn leaves together, they look like a colorful painting that life is. And that can give you inspiration for expressing creativity and your creative talents! One way I like to stay creative and express creativity is through baking. I share autumn recipe inspiration below that can help YOU find your colors. 🌈
Autumn bread recipes can be comforting for the soul. After baked, the hearty loafs with sweet or savory flavors bring moments of joy and satisfaction.

And creating your own easy autumn bread recipes is easy when you know what to do! You probably already have the few essential bread making ingredients needed in your kitchen cupboard. So you’re already half-way (or more) there to spark your inspiration. 🎨

After you’ve practiced and perfected your foundational bread making skills (aka making progress over perfection), you realize you don’t need “special” recipes to create your own bread masterpiece that will wow your taste buds and friends.

…And that can even be a table centerpiece for a few days, just long enough for you to have that enjoyment factor before it wears off. 😉

The simple things like bread can bring the most joy in this life. 🎉

And with satisfied feelings, bread baking is more an art, than a science experiment with baking measurements (in case that scares you off).

Bread chemistry science happens in the oven, so it’s mostly outta your hands! That can be comforting and take the pressure off.

And below step-by-step, I show you the easiest bread you can make and bake.

Your part is to put your love in your bread dough making process, and not to get mired down with complicated step-by-steps that doesn’t always pan out.

…And I learned this over many self-taught bread lessons. The a-ha is that sticking to the basics pans out every time. And that’s good for balancing Vata where the balance recipe is consistency.

The secret in making good bread is using your calm energy and heart where you enjoy the process. And maybe finding your bread making relaxing place, kinda like the one you find outdoors on a perfect fall day with no clouds in the sky.And then when the clouds roll in, spend time in your kitchen making progress on your bread baking skills. 🥖

Bread Making 101

Starting with pizza dough or crust is one easy way to learn bread making.

Because pizza crust is bread, and even if there’s no or low rise (or you don’t get it exactly right the first time), it usually tastes great. And will get eaten in minutes if you have delicious ingredients as toppings.

Oh, btw, did I mention I was a pizza maker for 4 teenage years, lol?

So in many ways, I got my feet wet with bread baking lessons starting from a young age. And in my more mature weekly recent home baking experiences, my pizza making lessons come inspired from those years.

When I do the bread in the young at heart way, then  it works out. And you can do this too with practice.

You need four common ingredients: bread flour, water, salt, and instant yeast.

(Tip: keep the salt and yeast in separate corners of the flour before the dough is formed, as salt can kill the yeast early on).

After breaking down the gluten by kneading and then forming a cohesive dough ball, you can let the dough rest and proof in a covered plastic bowl for a couple hours or longer. That’s proof that even bread need rest! 😁

You will get the hang of the elastic dough texture (like soft Play-doh) after you do it a few times. It becomes some of the easiest baking prep you can do!

Instead of intricately cutting out cookies or delicately icing your cake just right, bread doesn’t need slicing or icing precision. You might add a decorative incision or a glaze at the end, but those take less focused gaze on your part.

You can make rustic and airy bread when feeling a bit Kapha tired because it doesn’t require finesse (for my Great British Baking show friends who like to make cottage loafs). 🎪

Spice up autumn bread recipes with cinnamon like this bread muffin.

The hardest part (if there is one), is remembering to make and prep the dough hours or a day in advance, so the dough has time to proof. You let nature of time do the work.

So here are the easy steps to by pass flops. This is the skinny on what does work for quick bread making wins… and without making skinny bread! 🍞

Learn to Make Inspired French Bread Pizza  Crust

Once called “poor man’s bread,” this is actually an American invention that students love. In the public high school cafeteria I ate in, French bread pizza made a debut on certain days kinda like Taco Tuesdays.

With the same 4 ingredients you make pizza crust dough (mentioned above). After proofed, move the dough over to your baking sheet, and shape your dough in an oval or more football shape than a pizza circle.

Use a little bench flour to prevent sticky dough on your hands and the baking sheet.

When you’re about ready to bake and your oven is pre-heated to 350°F/180°C, you can flatten the dough center if you’ll be adding  toppings that are wet like tomatoes.

Or make your traditional French bread pizza with cheese and sauce only, and leave the center alone so it can rise in the middle (or the reason why you proofed the dough in the first place).

The trick to airy bread loafs, is to gently handle your dough (kinda like in baking cakes where at times you want to fold in your batter or ingredients like meringue whites, so you don’t flatten and knock out the air you just worked on).BUT, you’re the artisan, so you decide!

And then bake (or be-ake! in Great British Bake Off terms).

Healthy Autumn Bread for Balancing Vata and Kapha

Keeping bread healthy, breads that have light airy pockets like French bread interiors or pita bread will not be as heavy and can melt in the mouth.

Here’s the quick bread breakdown low-down on body science:

When bread first enters our mouths, the breakdown starts as an enzyme called amylase in your mouth that initiates the process. Bread is one of the unique foods that doesn’t have to get to your gut first to start digesting (breakdown).

And it’s also one food, if not chewed well in the mouth, that can sit in your stomach like lead (or at least feel that way).

If you have a Vata sensitive stomach or bloating that’s common, or more a Kapha body who’s trying to lose weight, then not eating as much dense bread like sandwich rolls and fast food buns definitely helps your healthy cause.

Whole grain and sprouted breads are wholesome alternatives that could be a game changer for your heartier and healthier bread life.

3 Sweet A-B-C Healthy Recipes (From Autumn Bread Recipes)

And when you have a sweet tooth, these are some autumn healthy wise tips and healthy recipes that can easily turn into healthy autumn bread recipes.

What I most appreciate about easy autumn bread recipes are the intense hearty flavors. Hearty is anti-inflammatory spices and ingredients. It’s healthy comforting food alongside your meals.

You can sweeten pair with a divine pear and cinnamon duo or add a chai tea flavor twist. And you can turn autumn bread recipes into a bread cake, scone, or muffin recipe with just a few simple tweaks. 

Sweet autumn bread recipes like these braided bread ones often have cinnamon or chai spices.

And these 3 sweet autumn baking recipes below are the healthy (my fave kind!)… with these ABC’s: apple, banana, or citrus orange. And loaded with other fall healthy spice and vinegar ingredients. And have no shortage of flavor burst wow! 🤩

Fall Apple Bundt Bread Cake with ACV (or pears) are loaded with polyphenols and apple cider vinegar is shown to lower blood sugar levels that’s good for losing weight and reducing risk of diabetes.

Healthy Fall Apple Bundt Cake Recipe

Chocolate Banana Cake Bread – banana and cocoa is loaded with polyphenols. Both will help to put a smile on your face so you don’t have to reach for processed foods and refined sugar sweets that lead to weight gain.

Chocolate Banana Cake Bread Recipe

Orange Scone – orange zest as a sweetner is loaded with Vitamin C and flavanoids. High in fiber and water content, that will help you feel full so you don’t eat other “bad” sweets with refined sugars.

Orange Scone Recipe

And before I leave you this week, I’m sharing some work inspiration from having professionally planned thousands of party menus with Lebanese food stirring up memories because of the pomegranates, that are an in-season autumn fruit. The red rubies are a dazzling pop of color that leave a juicy finish.

What do ya think?


Are You Out of Balance? Kapha Awareness (Part 3)

Kapha awareness can help you with choosing longevity boosting foods and activities.

Pita bread has a lower glycemic index (helps anti-inflammatory) than many breads if you’re  not willing to give up your bread… bread can still be a good thing! Easy pita bread recipe below. 🍴

If you’ve been spending time doing CARDIO for health and maybe Kapha awareness, listen up! These 100 year olds don’t rely on treadmills, but natural daily terrain and these life-giving activities that are shared in the “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” documentary movie.

In hot months, we are far away from Kapha season, but good to always have Kapha awareness that can hit us anytime of year.

Natural Kapha season is in the coldest months of the year (winter thru early spring) and we normally bundle up and eat more to keep us warm. It’s part of our natural evolution that falls after Vata autumn season… (you can learn about imbalances with Vata anxiety vs nervous feelings in last week’s Part 2 in this Ayurvedic series).

In Kapha awareness season that’s what this week’s article is about, we also naturally gravitate toward warm comfort foods as we know the cool light foods are Pitta Season that can cause Pitta mind body inflammation.

And if we’re having a Kapha body heavy season outside of natural Kapha season, that can put us out of balance and add more stress on our body keeping score. We know we’re Kapha imbalanced if we’re overeating or run toward processed or fatty foods more than usual.

In the Western world and especially America where I live, junk food is affordable, convenient food. Our societal environments aren’t supporting our longevity.

The opposite and healthiest populations with the largest number of Centenarians are in Loma Linda USA and the other Blue Zones (founded by Dan Buettner and described in his Netflix documentary, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones).

But most areas in the U.S. or the world don’t live those naturally active lifestyles with built-in healthy eating strategies.

In most areas in metropolitan America and where I live, buying and preparing healthy foods takes more time and effort than the convenient, processed food options that are in your face on the road.

These are a couple key takeaways as to why you should care:

For one, eating those less healthy options, add up to weight gain and accumulating a less healthy body that’s keeping score; and are linked to and can lead to chronic inflammations down the road as statistics show.

But another point is that it’s not always just a body issue… it’s a mind and body challenge because the mind is what influences us (the choice makers) most as to what to put in the body. There’s a mind-body connection and on the more surface level it starts with our thoughts. That’s what I learned in Ayurveda.

💡And the aftermaths are in the mind-body connection (internal language). The thoughts, feelings, emotions, daily actions and reactions (in insecurities and fears) show up as symptoms on the body. The strange and uncomfortable body ailments we find on bodies are snowballed by our past thoughts and trauma we’ve endured.

A simple example is why a pimple shows up when you have stress. They start from our thoughts that show up on the face or body the next day or even sooner. And this  same explanation is why someone with PTSD thoughts (aware or not) holds onto extra pounds.

…This connect-the-dots could be a revelation for some and one big reason why I’m so passionate about restoring imbalances for healthy reasons and daily happiness. 💕

And it’s not any of our faults, as more than 90% of our day is run on the subconscious mind level. We have  the job to connect-the-dots in self-awareness and knowledge.

Sometimes this can be coming from a hormone imbalance where we don’t know when to stop eating. And a rule like eating to 80% of feeling full won’t help in those cases.

…But as decision makers for our actions and desires, we can set our own controls in place that don’t require excessive hardwork (like calorie counting or hours of exercise).

And those ways are not smart either because that’s not how our natural minds and bodies most efficiently work.

…If we tell ourselves, we can’t eat something, then our minds have a field day with us and we just want the eye-candy food even more (the “no ___” translates into energy toward the devil food cake or easy-greasy foods).

…And our bodies don’t want depletion of calories, it wants dense-nutrition.

And I can attest to this as I tried to live on pasta and low-fat cookies in my 20s… how did that work? 👎 …and what happened on the scale? 📈 …and like many of us who tried diets, it ended up  like a yo-yo effect 🪀

Plus, restricted to changes in no longer being able to eat certain types or quantities of foods for the same quality of life we had is an uphill climb. That means we have to learn new habits if we don’t want to sacrifice our body’s health or how we look.

Finding better habits that work for us is the ticket to success in maintaining a consistent weight you’re happy with. And some may think, DUH, I’ve been trying that but it hasn’t been easy.

Finding a new perspective from your past is one of the ways out. For example, some want to live longer to see their grandkids grow up, and others value feeling or looking better and eating healthy is one of the strategies.

For me, I want to respect my body as the only one I got. And while weight gain isn’t my Vata issue, putting a hard stop on snacking all day and closing the kitchen is.

I can use this analogy… when I started drinking coffee in the morning, I found that my 2 cups habit led to an eventual bottomless mug.

And I’m a home baker who doesn’t naturally measure. But I naturally keep track of time, so I used that easy tracking.

…One day, instead of counting cups I decided to use a coffee clock as a more effective tool. 🕛

And anywhere you are in the world, you’re on a world clock. And that clock has a time. So I use 12 noon as my morning quitting time. And allow myself a light latte dessert drink after lunch.

And in that example, I’ve created a habit stack onto my lunch time. And a habit stick that works year-round.

Maybe you have the same dilemma with coffee o’clock around the clock, or its food o’clock all day and all night. I know that too as I would snack from the time I woke up… I mean, I had to put food in my belly so the coffee had a non-acidic soft place to land.

…And then I continued snacking in the late morning until late at night, and sometimes skipping dinner but still snacking. Mind you, my snacks are healthy nuts, popcorn, and nutritional foods 90% of the time. But snacking is snacking.

Eating something and whenever you want is putting your body to work.

And I did this every day 365 times a year, like most of us have been trained to do since we were young.

Until I did this one thing… I quit eating after lunch on 1-2 days a week. And again I used time as a tracker. And I learned that this was healthy.

And not what I was previously told needed to happen which was to snack every 4-5 hours I was awake. And not doing that, gave my body a well-deserved break from digesting

And after I did that for more than 6 months (8 months to date), my body got adjusted to this new way that’s metabolically good for the body and all its running parts.

I ending up eating less food. And I started seeing some tone to my torso. Hmm… not bad. But for me the best part is the simplifying my life part not having to think about eating good foods all the time.

…I started out my career in hotel catering and worked professionally with foods for a decade, so that’s always been HUGE for me. I’m passionate about foods.

But not having to prepare home meals all the time or find a snack substitution is liberating. Food is joy in my book, and taking a break for a day makes me appreciate the foods even more.

And, I use that non-eating time to be productive… and unlike a snack break commercial interrupt, get more things done besides stuffing my face. 😊

And as intermittent fasting is trending, research is demystifying that it’s healthy. Your body loves a good healthy trend. When our bodies carry too much weight it’s a heavy burden that can upset organ functions along our GI tract, heart, and pancreas creating insulin as a helper.

I shared my starting intermittent fasting journey earlier in 2023 that’s part of my weekly routine. No more uncomfortable what is that? stomach feeling. And we know the gut is responsible for over 90% of our happy hormones.

I allow my body to detox longer than through a night of sleep. And you can too if you’re a natural Vata, Pitta, or Kapha body.

And if you’re finding yourself holding onto extra pounds you’d like to shed off and have tried all the diets that brought you back to Square-One (or similar to my weight cycling diet experience, weighing higher months later), then IF is something you want to embrace as your last-stop try.

I’ve put together my free ultimate IF guide, that has all the info. to get started all-in-one-place that you can check out for FREE.

And in free-ing Kapha awareness and celebrating our healthy Kaphas that make us lovely human beings, we can be aware of our Kapha mind imbalances that rob our peaceful moods.

We can get out of balance with our lazy moods that we can’t shake off easily. This can start from anything including overeating, being bored, discouraged, or wanting a more exciting, creative life.

…Or another sign is we act clingy or needy (and we have Kapha awareness on this since close ones have told us nicely to backoff).

…Or we start to accumulate things (opposite of minimalist) and they show up in our lives and we notice when we consciously pay attention in Kapha awareness.

And all these daily actions (or inactions) let us know that we have an opportunity to change our Kapha mind imbalances that affect our daily perspectives and outlook.

And Kapha awareness is the first step to get you out (and Ayurvedic awareness for any of the mind-body imbalances), so you can daily make healthy choices that help to restore your balances.

…Cleanup and prevention positively impacts your upcoming seasons and life, so you want to nip-imbalances-in-the-bud. 🌹

Here is a super simple recipe that you can bake in your apartment oven and/or during warm months where you want to keep the oven low.

pita bread.

Easy Pita Bread

Pita is a great accompaniment for meals. The same ingredients used in general bread making is used in pita bread making. The technique slightly varies that gives the desired hollow pita pocket.
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • flour of choice (e.g. wheat and plain flour)
  • water
  • instant yeast
  • salt


  • Mix ingredients and form a bread dough. Knead for a few minutes by hand is fine. Set in a covered bowl to proof rise. Then punch down dough.
  • Roll out dough to about 1/8 inch thick or as thin as you can without holes. This is different that most bread methods because you're uniformly flattening the dough.
  • Cut out your pitas. For mini-pitas, you can use a drinking glass to cut out. And then pickup and move pita with small cake decorating spatula to baking sheet. Alternatively, you can roll out dough on the baking sheet "as is" and pull up the dough scraps that won't be used (and you'll be left with the cut outs).
  • Bake on 350°F oven (good for apartment ovens) and keeping heat energy low. Then bake until puffed up and golden browned, depending on size.

Accumulating Habits For a Healthy Wellness New Year

Accumulating is a Kapha heavy natural trait that can turn into accumulating stuff, weight, and bad habits. BUT you can turn the tide with healthy habits when you know how to restore the Kapha mind using your 5 senses in your body!

In winter months, it’s easy to start accumulating for any of us… and one healthy move is growing something green even when you have a brown thumb. Details are below 👇 on how to easily grow a year-round avocado seed to a plant that can serve as a healthy reminder on your bookshelf. 🥑

I once had a maintenance worker who was curious about my avocado babies (I had several around my apartment) and I explained how easy it is to grow this plant from a seed after you’ve enjoyed your avocado toast and smoothie. I suppose they would make happy gifts too. 🌱

Accumulating healthy points is having an avocado toast and smoothie for breakfast and then planting an avocado seed.
How to plant an avocado seed step-by-step instructions below. 🌱🥑

…Now that’s accumulating points! And so is a wellness, balanced approach that’s more sustainable and healthy (and is what this week is all about)…

And the reason I prefer a wellness new year over a hard list of rules and resolutions. I believe in positive reinforcement and being easy on yourself is motivating.

That’s how it is for most of us striving for balance. Sometimes it is two steps back, and one step forward. In a year that can be a big difference, and amazingly undescribable in a decade.

When you set the bar low and you make progress (over perfection), then you have an optimistic outlook, want to do more, and that leads to success in the areas you’re working on.

That’s what happened when I started on 6 minutes of cardio a day which has now turned into 8 minutes or more. That may be light or a lot for you… but just sayin’ it’s not easy for a Vata to like cardio.🧘🏻‍♀️ That’s work. And for Kapha, that can be yoga or not eating.

Whatever that tough activity is for you, your progress is all that counts. If you purposefully stand for another minute when you would’ve sat down, that’s a positive move. 🎉

All of that is accumulating in a good way that helps with healthy energy where body-mind balance thrives. It’s in the small moves and micro habits.

And then you can see what the optimized life can be all about… when you’re self-controlled and calm (that’s counter-cultural in our busy society) …and then get to your deeply creative self where you find meaning and purpose.

That can start by enjoying a healthy dose of time in self-love and building up self-esteem.

An easy way is standing in front of the mirror which seems to grow less important as we age. We can nitpick on an area we don’t like… but that doesn’t have to happen!

We can change why we look in the mirror.

It’s a good idea to find ways to build and love yourself up. And actually, the first chapter in my published book Empowered Happiness is all about ways to focus on loving yourself first, and keeping that priority first.

All your happy and healthy energy adds up and builds deeper confidence and happiness within you as you build up your deeper self that I believe life is meant to be about.

There’s so much more to us than meets the eye or when we first started out as adults.

And both our outer and inner selves are so important for running around healthy in this forever-changing world. Our mind-body connection is the gateway that runs deep alongside us taking in cues from our thoughts and feelings affecting us and our day. This point is often missed so it’s a hidden secret from us until we are aware.

The interconnected mind-body sends daily signals we can’t see and affects how we behave. If we are holding onto past trauma, this can shows up in our mind-body.

Some signals we receive are loud, and some are subtle.

And when you comply with the signs, your mind-body loves that and can show you by making more happy hormones that you can feel in your daily life as accomplishment or a warm feeling.

And if your goal is to improve daily mental health areas, then healthy habits like getting mindful in the moment, doing yoga to set intentions and balance, and changing negative thoughts regularly are daily game changers.

And if that becomes how you operate in life, those are also accumulating habit life game changers.

Another win can be in body goals to lose accumulating weight from last year and holidays.

One of the ways is to enjoy healthy foods as they often come with less calories and better nutrition, like cups of broccoli with a little flavoring. One of my favorites is edamame with a tad of coarse sea salt.


And one of my health wellness desires is to go more plant-based and add more veggies. …You too? 🙋🏻‍♀️ It’s good for the additional energy and nutrients that we all can use more of, Vata and Kapha alike.

And if you’re a natural Kapha body, healthy foods and veggies could also be part of the plan to sustainably maintain a comfortable dress size that sticks. That makes picking out clothes in the closet easier. And Kaphas often fluctuate in clothing size variety.

While Vatas lean toward wanting variety, so often there are a lot of clothing choices by choice. And that can be a different problem not in belt size, but in the wallet.

Either are self-controllable if we better balance our Vata mind and Kapha body and mind. And remember, we all have traces of Vata and Kapha even if they’re not dominant in us. And they can get out of balance at the drop of a hat or if our life situation changes.

But whatever your current scenario is…

It’s always easier to say what needs to happen to restore, but it’s not always easy to do as life can be hard…

There are too many ups and downs in life that lead us to food as the immediate soothing comfort blanket. Or our shopping habits to make us feel better.

Since we were a child, we’ve had a relationship with how our clothing made us feel more confident. And with certain foods that still light up our faces. But as adults, don’t show up on our bodies in a way that lights us up. 😏

And cutting out foods and food groups to cut calories doesn’t always work in the life long term. It’s hard to sustain unless you live around others who do the exact same to support your efforts. Or you live a slow, stress-free life. And that’s not usually the bubble we live in if we’re working and have busy lives.

With new situations come new situations to juggle in different seasons. And rarely if ever do you have the exact same situation triggers. It takes discernment.

Each situation can look different in disguise of the same effect, so it can take a few times to catch on to pinpoint our stressors. It’s easier for us to just make them go away with food and clothes buying, but then we pay the price.

A better way is…

Seeking a daily-balanced approach that can get you back on track (as you know when you’re off balance). You can use balance as your new comfort…

Balancing your Vatas and Kaphas (and occasional Pittas) can be your daily way.

With food, I started out working long hours in hotel catering planning for clients. And then in some foodie restaurants doing the same. I didn’t eat good for my body…

I ate well, but not always healthy. I definitely didn’t count calories or look at nutrition information as none was available with the hidden sauce calories and still isn’t published in those types of venues (like you find today at fast food joints).

And when I wasn’t in the food work lifestyle seasons, I was doing other work and I had a greater healthy eating balance.

No-frills home eating is actually my favorite (and I’ve had plenty of good food tastings and work experiences in catering event planning). And most of us have spent more time at home over the past couple of years.

You may have slid or improved your diet. What helped me was focusing on simple and tasty, healthy grocery foods and home-cooked dishes that I felt better about than food with amazing reviews!

And that helps with keeping calories low and the body running more efficiently and happily.

When you eat healthy, whole, and organic foods, you’re accumulating healthy points and healthy habits for life.

You appreciate the food’s natural tastes. Like avocado has a very pleasant taste. And then when you add 2-3 complementary flavors ontop of sprouted toast and tomatoes, that just takes it up a whole ‘nother level. And it’s so easy to put together and is as good and fresh (or better) than takeout. 🥑

The simple rocks!

And as much as I still love the French recipe cookbooks that helped paved the way to tastier catering meals like the ones described in Julie and Julia movie, some recipes still have over 20 ingredients, that’s not practical or easy for most of us modern-day people to whip up.

It’s meant for the competing Bobby Flay chefs out there in the world to prepare, but then you’re looking at calories again. So, a homemade simple but zhughed up healthy recipe is the best of both worlds.

…And you save time if you keep your recipes simple. And that your tastes will agree with. Because if it doesn’t taste good, then what would be the point of preparation?

But you can try a taste switcheroo. Like reaching for alfalfa sprouts or radishes instead of a sweet pastry thing that doesn’t go well with your green tea.😉

Just a thought and something sweet (that’s not sugar), and green to nosh over.

And from there, you could also lean into flavoring lentils or no-muss, no-fuss healthy leftovers that can be a meal anytime in the day. That lets you escape the urge to reach for a filler something that isn’t doing your body any healthy favors.

All of that is accumulating good wellness eating habits that you can stack, and can be part of the new year and your optimized-balanced health!

“The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why.”All I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

Grow an Easy Avocado Plant

After you enjoyed your avocado on toast or with a meal, you can plant your seed for an avocado plant for daily enjoyment. It's perfect greenery for an apartment or bookshelf where you can grow your own plant when you have a brown thumb or want to appreciate avocado abundance. This a great project for adults and kids! 🌱
Author: Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • drinking container or glass
  • toothpicks
  • paper towel


  • Clean off your seed. Larger round to medium seeds work better.
  • Peel off the brown outer layer so you see the bare seed flesh that has a peachy flesh color. Tip: Do this when before you go to the nail salon as you will need to use your finger nails. Knives and sharp objects won't do the job without damaging the seed. It may be easier to wet soak the outer layer first to make it easier to peel off.
  • Take a small piece of paper towel and full soak with water. Wrap around the entire seed.
  • Place the seed in a sealed plastic bag works best and set in a dark, cool room temperature place in a place you don't forget about.
  • When the paper towel starts to dry out over a few days, moisten with fresh or filtered water. Keep repeating this step. One day you will see a middle crack in the seed. This is to allow the root to sprout and grow that can take a few weeks. Be patient!
  • When you see an obvious root bud, you can place 3 toothpicks spread evenly around the seed to set on a drinking glass or container rim. Then add water so the bottom and middle of the seed is "bathing" in the water, but the top of the seed is not (appears to be floating at the surface).
  • Over more weeks, you will see the green stem grow taller and eventually leaves will sprout. Enjoy and keep adding water to your glass as your seed is thirsty. Your roots will eventually outgrow your glass where you may choose to transplant to a larger vessel. This is a great easy project for the Kindergardener in each of us.
    avocado plant in progress