Happy life was something I always dreamt of. I never knew the ride would be so different like clouds.
As you get closer, the clouds change and along the journey you gain empowered happiness that changes your perspective.
View from above the clouds
Living a happy life today means leaning into change. But that wasn’t how it always was…
I learned the adaptable ropes mostly in the job roles I held. I started out as a planner.
I was more like a hard doll than a flexible Gumby as a toy visual.
I think doing corporate work is a good training ground for life, reality, and how to deal with tough situations that don’t require physical survival skills. But you do learn life skills.
These make you resilient and adaptable to change as you’re never fully in control.
No one in corporate really is the boss. Even the boss has a boss.
They could be customers or a Board. And once you get the hang of what you’re doing, something changes.
So leaning into change is the best thing you can do. It starts with changing your perspective on change.
Just knowing that what you’re temporarily going through will not last, helps.
Some things you wish would, but then some you’re glad didn’t. So it usually comes out in the wash.
If you let your mind just wander to where it wants to go and stay, that’s where the unhappiness comes from.
It’s like when you want to leave an unhappy physical place and arrive at a better place (or the steps in between) to get to a better place.
The happiest place on earth is really inside you and your managed feelings that start from your thoughts.
…Not Disney Land or your favorite place in the world. If you’ve been around long enough or are a wise soul who has caught on, you know those changing feelings never last.
If and when you become change-nimble, you don’t hold onto the past or what could have been.
You let go and focus on today, but dream about tomorrow. And you use history and your past as good reminders, happy memories, and to recall your happy life.
And in your today situations, you learn what you can do. Sometimes it’s wait-and-see without active response, and sometimes it’s taking a step in a bold stance or in another direction.
You’re wise to use healthy internal discernment as a guide and rational facts as checks and balances.
We all get thrown curve balls at some point. We also get varying opinions and smartly we can know that even those you honor or look up to don’t always have the best advice.
I have found the easiest way to take the best advice is to give the same advice. And to make a radical bold shift in the way that makes sense, can require a whole new attitude.
That begins with a motivation to want to change even if you don’t know-how. You learn in the desire.
You start over like a kid wanting to learn how to take on a new challenge, adventuresome sport, or hobby. Learning to change your thoughts is not nearly as exciting.
But if you manage your thoughts, you’ll get to the activities you’re really good at a lot sooner and not spend years on time-wasting ones.
Say, for example, you want to stop blaming or criticizing so much but that’s not the way it is or has been.
So then you would find how to shift the situation so you become part of the solution. You seek change with peace and not tension as part of the goal. You do this by catching yourself and your thoughts.
This I believe is the truth to happiness and having a happy life.
When you learn how to jump straight to changing attitudes and perspectives, you bypass the messy middle… where even with best intentions, our brain design can get stuck there in the clouds.
And sometimes you may not even know your invisible perspectives. I had a victim mentality and lens I was operating from that I didn’t even know was there.
Only until I was aware and observed my thoughts, could I change that.
With awareness in any area, you move towards a happy life.
If nothing else, believe that a better world and your better, happy life is in the process.
Because your beliefs make up your perspectives and attitudes. With all three in alignment, you’re destined to be unstoppable.
That’s how I transformed a victim mentality into an abundant one.
And you can too, or any other area you become aware of that you want to change and transform.
From a caterpillar existence to your butterfly happy living. 🦋
Luck is part of our happy lives. You run into it more when you try more things and is more visible to you when you’re working toward finding your purpose.
I believe the way to happiness is in finding a daily purpose. Eventually, you’ll run into examples of happy luck on your journey even if you’ve never considered yourself lucky.
That’s what this blog post today is about. So if you’ve been feeling unlucky, stuck, or wondering about how to get more good luck, grab a drink and keep reading.
One immediate additon you can make is to add a new joyful daily practice that’s different than the previous ones that aren’t “the ONE.”
Finding that can create the outlet or space you need to drift into your best season.
Staying open to new possibilities is gonna help lead you there and out of disappointment from unmet expectations.
If you’re super busy, even finding 10 minutes a day will move you in a healthy way. You don’t have to produce anything yet.
You just want to get the energy juices flowing inside you, and develop an interest in the process.
It matters to YOU what that is and what you do, but it doesn’t matter what it is to get that energy.
It’s your thoughts and feelings at the end of the day that carries you through.
You can start by simply pulling out a few (or all the) supplies needed.
Say, your practice is something simple like yoga, then you’d roll out your yoga mat and pull out your stretchy clothes. And here are 100 yoga poses you can start with.
Or if it’s as complex as lace making, you’d bring out your threads and materials.
My recommend is to start spending a ‘lil time (gathering supplies or working on your practice) in your spare time while you’re watching television. It doesn’t have to be either/or… when you get moving, juices flow easier.
When you can visually see what you need to work on as a practice or hobby, that can become top-of-mind consciousness instead of: “out of sight, out of mind.”
You put your mind towards a purpose. It can feel like an anxious distraction or passion freedom.
You were born naturally to be active, just like horses and greyhounds are born to run.
As kids, we knew we wanted to play. Go back to your natural instinct roots and wonder and play in the adult way. You may even find yourself in your calm Alpha waves state of mind.
That’s what I thought about scrapbooking years ago, but then I lost interest. So don’t be surprised if you go through different activities to find “the one.”
Our world today is like a lotus flower opening and evolving. We didn’t know the internet would turn out the way it is today, when it first came out, but we got involved. And look at it now!
I’ve never been able to watch the Australian Open live stream until this year—and with open access, I was more aware, interested, and curious in another part of the world than where I live.
And used some of that time to bake. See how we can use the world around us to be more open (even if we can’t do it exactly the way we want)?
It’s the one giving life to others too that you can share or do life with.
In the beginning, the satisfied feeling for doing your passion can be there just to make you feel better about yourself (a good way to get self-care and not overspend!).
Your day will feel more joyful. You don’t need a deep reason as to why you’re doing it. When you feel happier, however that shows up for you, then you can show up more giving and creative.
Our ego sourly wants us to believe that everything has to turn into some kind of accomplishment that others praise and has to turn into a high achievement (or else why do it?).
Don’t fall for those lies. Tell your ego who’s boss at the moment.
The real gift or takeaway is in the process of showing up (you’ve probably heard a zillion times), improving your practice regularly, and loving what you’re doing more than the praise or the idea that you can succeed or fail.
Do it to be productive, and make it a natural desire to your life, like as the hunting dog wants to chase.
When you’ve worked on your practice long enough (often years), that can form into your purpose and lead you to additional productive purposes from what you’ve already learned.
You pay your dues with low paid or free work and time, and once you’ve proven to yourself that you’ll do this practice even if you’re not paid, then you’re unstoppable in your niche.
And you’ll be rewarded for taking a risk in being productive.
What you know is, you’re on the right track even if you see no immediate fruit.
One sign is you would’ve given up on it for something else a long time ago. Sometimes people quit, get busy or distracted, and then come back, that’s almost a sure sign you’re on the right track no matter how it looks to others.
That’s why I believe you should go for what you really want to do with your life (and forget about what looks good on paper) because you only get this one life to do (and there’s not a do-over for anyone).
And so, the importance of time can catch up with you where you crave a high quality of life, balance, health, and relationships… and possibly over money.
Maybe that’s where you are (or are headed in that direction)?
Figuring out what makes you needed to the world sooner will give you more time to do more of that.
In growth, we try not to go backward and when we stumble on luck, we know it’s our time to run and build on that momentum.
So then, what is luck?
It’s a simple four-letter word, but leaning into luck is going to propel you to better things.
If you haven’t already, it may be useful to write out all the places where you felt you got lucky.
Nothing is too small. Scoring a parking spot is luck. And the more you can find these examples in your life, the more luck takes healthy root in your life as you look for more.
It’s often understated and why one person works super hard and the door never opens, and one person who barely tried falls into luck. It isn’t earned. It’s you walking into and towards your destiny.
It’s what we sometimes refer to as “beginner’s luck.” When you pair that with persistence (never giving up) plus hard work, you’re virtually unstoppable.
Luck is invisible but always involved. It’s our ego that says, “it was our doing,” when it was a collaboration with those involved and the Universe all along.
Luck really is your alignment with your assignments and purpose. It’s lining you up for the right next opportunity at the perfect time. Luck isn’t random luck.
And if you choose to believe that, then you can wonder how to use your luck in your favor.
You can use it to find your purpose and the reason why you’re here.
Nothing goes wasted. Remember, it’s our (ego) minds that mess with us and want us to believe we’re our ego. Outsmarting your ego is good advice.
And what you are productively doing now (even if it’s not exciting) will move you to the next thing.
You will end up using all of your experiences, on this seemingly chaotic planet. But when you dig deeper, you can see how organized it is, in every blade of grass and life’s full circle moments.
If you had a season you didn’t like, those lessons you learned can help make you aware to not do the same mistakes again.
That can sometimes take two steps forward and one step backward. Staying patient with yourself but keep trying… and laughing at life once in a while helps!
And if this all seems new or foreign to you, don’t worry, that’s part of why you’re here, and when you’re ready, you’ll figure out what you need.
The sooner you do, the more you get to do what you want to do and get all the great gifts associated as long as you don’t quit working, dreaming, and wanting.
Gifts can be new relationships, opportunities, money, praise, promotion, etc.
If you don’t like your grueling day job or are dissatisfied with corporate life, then maybe you want to look at other avenues. Sure, some of your old communities and friends will drift away, but you’ll develop new ones just like when you finished school or when you moved to a new town.
One day, John Lennon just walked out of the room and that was the end of The Beatles band. In the peaceful flow, he didn’t cut off ties. He just pivoted. One day.
Suddenly. It doesn’t have to be dramatic or have an announcement made (others can do that without you).
In my life, I took a sabbatical when it wasn’t the norm and I had to explain what that was as it sounds like a religious or college-related quest.
Now people are rethinking and opting to do the same. Maybe that’s your next pivot move? Or trying something completely new. Just starting is the best advice I’ve ever heard.
Whatever that productive next step is for you, stay the course until something else takes over, and then you can expectantly watch as a new kind of luck emerges that you would’ve never seen had you not taken the first step.
Confidence building is underrated if you don’t want a repeat of last year in certain aspects of your life. We’re meant to grow and get better.
And this could be a good blog article for you to read to bring out your confidence building skills this year…
My personal growth book helps those who want to transform their internal ways and insecurities, and turn them to external confidence building and lasting happiness.
Let’s start from the beginning…
If you were born into a home where love was expressed daily, then you felt a sense of security and confidence that others did not (but could develop).
Whether that was your luck in life or not, you grew up and don’t know any different life outside your body. It’s all relative to you.
And if you didn’t grow up with developed inner confidence building (how my life story began), you can give that to yourself in empowered confidence (and self-love) that maybe through my ethos, transparency, and sharing in this article can help to encourage you along your journey.
And a little sweet treat never hurt either. I grew up with blueberry muffins (and graduated to a blueberry muffin healthy recipe below that can be made into snack energy balls 🫐)
Btw, as a grown adult looking back, neither upbringing situation is better or worse, it’s what you do with your life situations that makes the difference in your outcomes and happiness.
So, that’s the first conscious belief you can be reminded of to help you.
“What you think, so you will become.”
-Napoleon Hill
But, if you didn’t grow up with an assured sense of familial belonging or love, then you probably started out not expecting as much from others and had the desired sense for comfort and belonging because that was missing early on in your life.
But that’s different than insecurity which is an area that manifests and shows up in many different ways for anyone and isn’t always as easy to detect.
Insecurity can run along the crevices and cracks in a person, showing up at any given moment or when triggered. Just like emotions can.
In an interview with Oprah, Priyanka Chopra Jonas acknowledged that her parents never fought in front of her when she was young, and that gave her a sense of balance and confidence (but she also faced insecurities from the external world because she lived in two different cultures). I stay attuned on the yoga mat!
Balance Is Life’s Answer
And Priyanka got the concept right. Balance is a healthy recipe for children growing up. But not everyone has that story theme running as a backdrop.
And in that case, you can be more hungry for what you didn’t have if and when you get a taste of it and want more… and then the balance can swing the other way (off-balance) on the pendulum until there is a counterbalance back to balance.
…So early on, I was far from knowing how to restore my imbalances (or counterbalance), so in hunger, I’m making up for in lost time 😉
These days, I choose to live calm and happy with optimal living and work towards longevity goals, over instant gratification and unsustainable desires.
I believe it all works out in the end in your confidence of knowing what you want that’s healthy. And I believe your beliefs carry you.
But that didn’t take effect until years after tasting work-life balance for the first time in my late 20s. Everything before that felt like a hard test I couldn’t pass on my own, I think.
In those days, I came to the realization that work-life balance was more important than grinding myself to the bone to meet life goals which was the opposite belief I held before then.
I had the opportunity to drop more things I had been dragging around as baggage crumbs, previously hidden under the rug.
And as years passed and experiences were gained, I realized Life can evolve into something different anyway. That can help us grow and change.
The one constant I have held onto is: time is more valuable than money. Paper is manmade and can be regenerated (and time cannot).
When I freed up mind time (letting go and surrendering old beliefs) and I started to work on myself, who I was becoming that would determine outcomes, and I noticed insecurities showed up.
Before then, insecurity was like an invisible blanket where there was a transparent veil covering.
Then unmasked, those feelings were mostly made aware to me in triggered relationship-related thoughts I had, and in those magnified situations, then I could take the opportunity to make a thought change at that moment and tell my mind who’s boss. 😊
Oh – joy… and how satisfying!
If you’re in an awareness zone or reflective season in life, then you know what I’m talking about as you evaluate your life.
And you know your thought life is changeable! You may not be good at it yet, but you know it’s possible. Yay! 🎉
Being aware is easier if you’re not so busy (and finding a few moments to reflect even if that means waking up a few minutes early but then feeling much better in your day).
With an aspired balanced lifestyle and evolved mind these days, I can work on myself, and confidence from the gains of this year and past year’s experiences. And finding Life happiness isn’t based on situations.
If balance or happiness are not natural or strong suits for you, then using a journal can be a good first step to purge thoughts and feelings.
As you reflect on this year’s end, you could make a list of all that you have accomplished including mindset shifts, attitudes, and beliefs. For starters, you probably are more patient, resilient, thankful, kind, valuing people, and less selfish (or maybe even a bit selfless).
Those traits will help you do and get more in your life!
Plus, add any tangible accomplishments. I’m sure there were A LOT more than you think in your mind at the (or this) moment.
After you’ve got them written and meditated on them, then let them go so your ego doesn’t get the better of you.
And those helpful actions will help bring healthy outcomes and changes in your life (that’ll pay dividends for the rest of your life).
And if you want to feel even better about yourself today, you could bring out your writing pad and pen or writing instrument and jot down a few extra thoughts about how you can use the changes you’ve made in the past year — for next year.
A little year-end goal-setting never hurts and can help because we know action provides clarity. You put one step in front and that provides a new experience and perspective.
And then openly see what comes up in new doors.
A good place to start is to think of an area you would like to grow in and expand by teaching or sharing with others what you know.
Whether you end up teaching or not is not the only endpoint.
It’s really just to get the action ball rolling and juices flowing. Because when you think of what you can teach, that requires you to have learned and processed what it is you want to teach.
And not knowing everything on that subject makes you better because you’re determined to learn and stay relevant.
And when you can teach others in a way they understand, then you know you’ve passed the test. You can also fine-tune and discover a deeper niche, or discover an area that you had previously dismissed (where the timing wasn’t right).
And if you have moments where your feel down on yourself or your accomplishments, refer to your positive pep-self-talks (the ones in front of a mirror) and your past-year accomplishment written notes you hopefully made (or will make) from the above suggestion.
It’s easy to forget what you did this year and a few years ago as current and year-end thoughts and feelings can crowd in, so just a nudge to take those few extra minutes to take a pause.
And another note is to focus more on who you became (who you are today) and are becoming more of, and not so muchon what the accomplishment means.
An example in my life is I wrote about lessons learned and ended up publishing a book that is easier to refer to than a bunch of micro-lessons. I didn’t set out to write a book but it made sense at the time.
Since then I’ve grown in other areas (that’s what growth mindset means) and I can’t go back and replace those exact thoughts in the same way, so the timing was (and is) everything.
I got the ball rolling, evolved, and am evolving… and that’s my encouragement to you.
You did great things this year and in 2020 (a year none of us will forget) and the time leading up to then. And some are gained life skills. That can help in confidence building toward your future.
You can diversify where you use your transferrable skills in different multi-passionate areas.
…And since I’m on a multi-area roll here, another area I like to be reminded of is about making new friends online which we all can do.
We find our people out there that we wouldn’t be able to without the internet (and with or without a pandemic).
While socially distanced, it’s a healthy comforting bright spot to be in a like-minded community, and we help one another be better versions of ourselves in some ways.
It’s not the vanity photos and words that we want to show off, but the inspirations, and ideas that we want to pass on.
The contagious energy brings more love, encouragement, and support to your life and others.
…And couldn’t we all use some of that in our lives to keep us lifted up and to further optimize our aspired highest quality of living?
You matter. And in your empowerment, it’s really about you participating and sharing some bit of brightness in the world in your unique way. Your brightness shines.
And then you gain more confidence building to move forward as you’re showered back with love.
That’s one of the best gifts that you can give a stranger and they can give back as you meet more people and get to know them.
…And finally… Yes, I’m getting down to the wire… it doesn’t hurt to take a few risks, and would probably serve you well.
When you learn something new and put a stake in the game, then you reap rewards. Part of that is in your belief about risk-reward.
This past year, I joined 4 courses and memberships. Two I’m still processing and for the other two I’m seeing the fruit and more clarity already by taking action.
That’s a 50-50 reward.
But had I not joined any of them, I’d still be in a similar “stuck” place. We just never know what will stick and what will go by the wayside.
That’s this life.
I recently learned that the business fraternity chapter I belonged to in college which was a big part of my life at the time and a “lifelong membership,” is ending this year.
I thought the Greek Alphabet classes of new members would keep extending. I had attended school with the Founding class, as I was in the Delta class (the 4th letter in the Greek Alphabet) and now it’s almost over.
And while that’s news in my life from my younger self-life… in my more recent life where I’ve been mentoring in a professional group, I know that will end one day and will be replaced by another group.
That’s a great place for me now, but like most things, that will end in the perfect time.
And, that’s why it’s best to be proactive in seeking what you want your life to be about rather than just wait and see.
Look for the good things and mask out the ones you don’t want to repeat or that can weigh you down.
Better replaces good.
We know good will happen and better can happen with us. Or another unique or great opportunity replaces that lost good happening, and that can be a lucky surprise.
However, those good happenings land in your lap, and you can focus on more evidence in your life that goodness is out there for you.
And that bit of assured confidence building (rest assured) is helping to build confidence within you, little by little.
And little by little, you can gain confidence building in small things like these healthy blueberry muffins you can make.
Healthy Blueberry Breakfast Muffins (Or Blueberry Energy Balls Pictured)
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets
2-1/2cupsgrits or bran flour
1cupwhole wheat or AP flour
1tspkosher salt
1/2tspcinnamon (optional)
1/4cup honey or monkfruit sugar
1cupGreek yogurt (or 7/8 cup or 7 oz)
1-1/2cupfrozen blueberries, drained
2eggs, beaten
1/2 tspbaking powder (for muffins)
1/2tspbaking soda (for muffins)
Combine ingredients. Bake on 350°F for 25-30 minutes for muffins (less minutes for energy balls).
For energy balls, you can eliminate yogurt, eggs, baking powder, and baking soda ingredients and can use less sugar/honey for a healthy version. Cinnamon can be the primary sweetness. Naturally, when you reduce sugar, you crave less sugar as your body tastes adjust when running optimally.
Journal ideas are a great way to grow in personal development.
And personalized gifts like journals with specific themes or words inside are unforgettable gifts.
I have a friend who has the gift of giving memorable personalized gifts (where she would write something nice or attach a thoughtful card).
I knew she had the gifting gift from the first gift she gave me which was a blank hard-bound Hallmark journal with heavy ivory parchment pages (that’s thicker than resume paper).
It had this popular in the day vintage book pattern, but with a mint green color. I don’t think Martha Stewart would mind me showing off one of her cookbooks I’ve held onto.
I remember my friend even said she didn’t think I would like a diary with a locket.
Looking back, journal ideas would have been different when you know it wasn’t read by someone else.
Those were the old-fashioned letter and journal writing days for memories.
Today, journal ideas on paper are good for purging emotions and a form of meditation. They are productive way to release thoughts and feelings, gain revelations, and a quiet practice to slow down.
Journal Ideas for Personal Growth
If you’re feeling stuck in life, writing in a journal or composition book… or typing thoughtful words on a computer is a great exercise to help you gain clarity.
It’s an easy action step that can give you the next breakthrough.
And you feel accomplished and calmer when you address areas of your life you may not have if left in your brain.
Journaling can be a good means to an end and help process what you haven’t figured out just yet.
Written details bring out solutions.
Gratitude Journal Ideas (#1): So one area you can start with is appreciation.
You can write a gratitude journal that lists out what you’re grateful, small and big.
So if someone showed kindness, you could write that down. And your mind will blow that up.
After then after you process or noodle through your journal ideas, thoughts, and feelings, you don’t need those in-between or bridging memories anymore.
So you could toss them out in our growing paperless world, and that can be freeing like burning a piece of clothing that you no longer wear or an old identity you were holding onto.
You can use prompts like:
I am grateful for ___________ today.
I appreciate _____________ in my life.
Revelation Journal Ideas (#2):
Reviewing your old journal writing you wrote can be eye-opening and fun.
You can laugh at life and discover who you’re becoming.
We are meant to grow and change.
You’re no longer in the process of where you were when you wrote the journal entry.
Your habits have changed and you’re in a different season.
the sadness stings or hardships have changed and hopefully lifted.
Some things you wrote could even put a smile on your face. Some are worth repeating (like re-reading) for the laughs.
And some journal ideas could be reminders for a future dream you can pickup today.
Prayer, Quotes, and Hope Journal Ideas (#3):
Using Scripture, quotes, and heartfelt mantras can be super helpful for uplifting, encouragement, and reminders that we all need.
They can get us to our next moment when situations are tough.
We can lean on others’ ideas that helped them through similar troubles that got them through.
That adds a ray of hope. 🌅
And you can use your journaling for shadow work. Sometimes we didn’t get what we needed in our past.
So we can add reminders like:
I am loved.
I am never alone.
S.W.O.T. Journal Ideas (#4): Using the SWOT Method In Your Journaling
S.W.O.T. stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
SWOT is a tool for strategic decision-making that I learned in my later college years.
We drew a lot of grids in business school and this one I’ve used for many areas of life to slow down and make decisions without regret.
I’m more practical than impulsive, but this is also great for those who are.
When applied to a writing tool, like in journaling, it can help you to process thoughts and evaluate from a more objective (higher) point of view.
You can count the pros and cons (and probably save time and money from hiring help) to make better decisions.
It can help you slow down (to ultimately speed up) and help you avoid making a wrong choice.
You can start by thinking of what your current strengths and focuses are today.
And then, what could hold you back (weaknesses and threats) from going all in?
Sometimes you discover it’s nothing or it something you can grow and change in you… that’s the best kind of SWOT journal ideas…
Then write what opportunities you have to move forward on.
Look for answers to know where you’re headed in your destiny and next steps.
If you want to transform your life, and you don’t have a chance or want to take a radical sabbatical now, you could meditate and journal for a few minutes a day in this season that can help propel you into the next one.
Tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feeling as shown in this word cloud are general feelings many of us have.
These are eye-opening common feelings from my community surveyed in September 2021
But you don’t have to stay tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed. It’s the start of a new season and you can transition into your best season (no matter your situation). You can handle it with grace if you stay conscious of your attitudes and what you’re focusing on.
How you react is a direct determinant of how you perceive and interpret your situation.
Today’s blog post (and it’s a big one) is all about your different tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings that bubble up when triggered that arise from some form of dissatisfaction (or trigger) in your life. I’m gonna share how to put those non-serving feelings aside so you can LIVE fully!
And that can start with a recipe that cools and refreshes.
Ice cream cookie recipe below 🍓
If you’re tired overall, then I’ve also got a tea beverage that’ll help put a pep in your step (especially if you have a Kapha imbalance). So keep on reading…
But – just a little side warning upfront: this is a long (and maybe deep) blog post. I didn’t intend for this to turn into an article-length piece, but I’m very passionate about the topic of balance restoration (having suffered in my ways before with unfulfilling work), so I believe that this is useful information for those who want it (and the data is showing people are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated these days).
So to further help with exhaustion and offer some tired relief in the way I know that works, I’m providing some know-how advice and practical nuggets of wisdom that I picked up along my journey.
I chopped up the blog article down into 4 main sections and here are some of the highlights:
Section 1: I explain how feelings can guide you and share what you could productively do with your feelings, plus lessons I learned that can help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings.
Section 2: I share how to turn your feelings around with your thoughts and two revelations that changed my life (and since the tennis U.S. Open just ended, I use an analogy from the sporting event to describe how you can improve your thought life).
I also share with you some of my lifelong learner ways you can use to help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings. And I explain how to reset your life now to a better path of possibilities.
Section 3: You can learn how to change your moods (whether they’re daily or seasonal moods) and how to use your time wisely with a break pause in your day (and life).
I include plenty of peppery questions you can ask yourself to get to the heart of the matter and find yourself in this season, along with oodles of examples throughout (so be sure to read it all and come back if you need to take a break!)
…and then finally in Section 4: you can learn how to change your perspectives from the tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed lens.
And I wrap up with some joy and inspiring ways you can look forward to your season and the upcoming 4 seasons.
So be ready to be encouraged and if you’re ready, grab a beverage and here we go!…