
Sleep Revolution 

Sleep is the revolution we’re in. Previously the ambitious mantra was to forego sleep to get more done.

avocado toast breakfast
A healthy avocado breakfast to break the sleep fast! 🥑
Whether getting more sleep is on your list of resolutions or wellness intentions this year (or not), you’ll get a new side of sleep… not just back, left, or right but a whole NEW angle (in this week’s blog post article)…
Below, I share about Ayurvedic energy patterns that affect your sleep, and why it matters to your daily energy.
…And a NEW change this year I’ve made that’s revolutionized my sleep. 🎉
And sleep is everything to your body… and to you and me!

Even when it was endorsed and en vogue to sleep less to get more done just a decade ago from what I remember, I never bought into that belief.

I always thought sleep was the best thing ever. Better than sliced bread (which I’ve replaced with homemade bread loaves and airy pizza crust with anti-inflam Brussels sprouts 🥬…that’s not a healthy fad.)🥖

…And sleep isn’t a trendy fad.

Amazing sleep is on my daily bucket list. We never know when will be our last day, and sleep is wellness time spent well.

When you look like a Sleeping Beauty sound asleep, you’re at peace.

…Your conscious mind isn’t running where you have to act or make any decisions.

And even if you don’t love sleep… we HAVE to sleep as part of survival, so our bodies can restore and reset. With all the functions our bodies do second by second, it needs a rest.

And after a good night’s sleep, you naturally have more energy to be productive during the day. You run more efficiently as you gain minutes because you get more done in fewer hours.

And that leaves you less stressed. And to your body, less accumulated stress cuts down on oxidative stress (one of the reasons why we work so hard to eat healthy).

We also know we prevent diseases when we prevent chronic inflammation. And long before I became an advocate for anti-inflammation, I was uneasy with the idea of running on lack of sleep.

Sleeping in occasionally was a weekend luxury (that cost nothing!). It’s a happy feeling not having to look at the clock or having a blaring alarm to artificially wake up to. It’s freedom from a duty activity you have to do, like work or school.

But artificial alarm wake-up time is not the time your body wants to get up. If it’s super early or you had a rough night of sleep, that often shows up as bags and lines under the eyes.

And if giving a presentation was part of the new day, adding a few “get the red eyes” drops always came in handy.

We never wanted to show that we weren’t well rested. And I learned this as a child when school started way before it should be legal for a child to have to get up, LOL.

Before the sun rises is way too early, especially for our growing bodies (and adult bodies) that run best along sunshine/sundown circadian rhythms.

Night-time is nature’s way of preparing us for sleep…. and why in my youthful adult years I always felt tired out at social clubs. But the environment and friends kept me buzzing.

And even way back before those times, when waking up, I learned from teen magazines to take an ice cube and soothingly apply under each eye for a few seconds. Instantly that made you look well-rested even though your mind was still half-asleep…

This is how it felt eyes opened until the time my mind and mind-body caught up.

I wasn’t one of those kids whose parents introduced caffeine or coffee to them. My 90-year-old immigrant parents have still never had coffee or a soda EVER as far as I’m aware.

They didn’t grow up with it. And I didn’t either. I only started enjoying daily cuppa joes well into my adult years.

And this is my joyful daily routine over alarms.

…So as a schoolgirl, like many American kids in public schools, I had a bowl of cereal with milk and some juice for breakfast. That was supposed to tie me over until lunch.

By 8 am when I was at school, I plowed through the tiredness. There wasn’t another choice. From what I remember, putting your head down on your desk was only done when we had a classroom survey where we raised our hands anonymously.🙋🏻‍♀️ Or maybe used as a timeout tool that I never experienced. I was an obedient kid. 😁

And then after 11 am, my full day’s energy kicked in. 🤸🏻

But I noticed I was still alert for morning tests as you don’t need high energy to take tests. You need the answers from the mind. And sometimes our teachers gave us a Jolly Rancher candy for our veins so we stayed awake.

Then by the afternoon school lunch, the food that finally entered my stomach sunk like lead and I felt like crashing in the afternoon. (Now as an adult I know it was the heavy, processed carb meals from school lunches that caused the blood sugar rush).

And the change in pace from class and lunch socializing with friends didn’t help either to swing back into learning. Post-lunch, my mind was ready to shut down. (Today, we know it’s part of the gut-mind connection).

…It’s like going to a social event or a game where you’ve eaten party food and then trying to study. That doesn’t work too well if at all.😏

But that was the school’s schedule, and so that was my daily agenda. Priorities misaligned, they put school-age-kid bus schedules in front of the kids they serve.

…And if school started later in the day, school-age kids would have a better chance of getting enough sleep. We need a new sleep revolution in our society starting from a young age.

But that’s a whole ‘nother topic… and this isn’t a rant or discussion about revolutionizing schools.

Outside of school and those years, today we have better food and meal choices. And food is still one of the 4 basic needs along with water, shelter, and clothing.

And sleep should be on that list as a #5.

If you’re a naturally inconsistent sleeper, then likely you’re a natural Vata body where you wake up earlier one day over the next. Each night of sleep is an adventure as it varies.

We can’t change the way we naturally feel. So this stacks against us to be daytime productive unless we learn to use our natural bodies to our advantage.

These are some natural (circadian rhythm) times when we want to lean into each of our Ayurveda dosha “personalities”:

From 6 am – 10 am, if you’re up, that’s Kapha time. And from 10 am to 2 pm is Pitta time. (And as a child, a mind-productive time in the late morning thanks partially to the mind-body connection).

From 2 – 6 pm, Vata time kicks in. Naturally, Kapha-heavy bodies can want to take a nap while the Vata is still alert.

Example: I’m a dominant Vata body, so I enjoy working during those energy-filled afternoon hours (after I’m done with a Kapha coffee morning ☕️). But occasionally if my Kapha is imbalanced and high, then I can feel tired the whole day.

…Not revelationary, but an interesting perspective, huh?

And unless you feel imbalanced, daily tired, or low on energy, then don’t lose sleep over the Ayurveda time concept and idea that’s probably newer to you.

But if you do want to make changes as I do as life-healthy prevention and daily productivity, then you can try something new or a bio-hack that works…

Especially since winter and age are not on our side. We can be more sluggish to make changes. And our bodies want to sleep in but we want consistent sleep year-round to fit our schedules and lives.

…So what I did this month was I started fasting (time-restricted eating) a couple of days of the week on certain weeks of the month.

I sleep peacefully well on fasting nights ( like Sleeping Beauty described earlier). And my body needs less winter sleep (and the same 7, maybe 8 hours amount of sleep I prefer consistent year-round that’s also experienced in fall, spring, and summer).

And the day after fasting I feel naturally more energetic and more alert. Look forward to my fast day tomorrow! …and I’d love to know if that’s something you’ve tried or are doing (…maybe for the same reasons I’m doing or as part of a new year weight loss plan).

I’ll share more of my journey in the weeks to come. Until then, have a peaceful and blessed week! 🙏

Pursuit of Happiness In You

Pursuit of happiness is inside you.

Are you in the pursuit of happiness? Chickpea pie (like the one baked in love above) makes me hap-pea. And happiness is for a moment that’s different than meaningful joy.

This is a life area I think many people these days are redefining as their expectations for happiness fell short at least in the past few years.

And they don’t know what to do to change that as an undercurrent running in their minds as external situations are getting tougher.

If that’s you, be encouraged you’re in good company. We’ve all had to change situations that we didn’t choose.

And I’m gonna share some nuggets on how to help change the tide (and how I changed my ways).

First of all, I can totally relate to a chain of disappointments. And that’s how I got to see them as God’s appointments.

I was dealt some lemons… and I don’t know anyone who hasn’t who has lived this life for at least a quarter of a century.

Losses, unhappy situations, and failures are hard to swallow (and doesn’t help the pursuit of happiness). But going through is the fastest way to get to the other side. We often slow our progress by having pity parties. I know I did until I finally caught on.

By being aware you focus on the positives so you can thrive and not dwell on the same stuck feelings and thoughts that come back like a boomerang.

Your mind-body remembers, and so every February when nothing was going on… I was reminded of what wasn’t going on that I could’ve buried earlier if  I knew what to do.

But waiting seasons are needed, and that’s how I gradually learned how to flip the switch in not getting what I wanted. And trade that in for contentment and deeper joy, which produces feeling good.

And that’s what those who seem to have it all on the outside, don’t have…

I started out my young adult life wanting the same desires and dreams that most people have: a corporate job they are successful and feel good about (or at least aren’t feeling miserable in), a family of their own, good relationships, nice stuff, a college degree or two, and financial freedom.

These were the same sort of accomplishments many in the Washington DC metro area I grew up in, had.

But being in a high-pressure cooker environment that feeds into high-achieving egos didn’t help. That encouraged more of a self-absorbed life that turns into unfulfilling boredom and unhappiness.

After a while, I snapped out thinking, “there’s got to be more to life than just this.”

And while I had scattered bits and pieces of that old life description that carried me through my earlier years, that’s not the life I have now.

But what I do have today is a different proud lens to look out from, that’s everyday contentment. It’s not the same happiness lens that I used to aspire to that became a never-ending, up-and-down roller coaster ride.

…I hated that lifestyle based on external situations because the down was always a hard fall and a huge contrast from the going up feelings that felt good for the moment.

The problem with that is that you’re always chasing the next thing and high that seems better. It’s a bottomless pit because the feeling can never be satiated.

In this life, we always grow weary or tired of anything after a while. A good thing never stays good the same way for us. Everything is temporary, as are feelings.

But if you’re feeling deeper joy (that comes from the spirit) inside you every day, that’s sustaining for the soul (mind, body, free-will, and emotions). We can’t change the way we’re wired as humans.

And you’re not your mind-body that drives your thoughts and feelings, even though you make the decisions.

So what helps to feel good every day is to be productive, just like you need good sleep every day so you have energy.

And joy energy is needed to get more out of this life so you can show up creative, and have enough to give out to others.

Here are a couple of good idea reminders:

1.      Tune into the better daily channels for inner peace.

So if you’re like most in the pursuit of happiness, pay attention to the channels brought in, both external in what to listen to and watch, and internal thoughts aligned with the spirit (the whispers that bring out the joy).

Since I’m not in pursuit of the happiness that I started my life with, I listen to my inner desires.

Sometimes I’m a tired Vata because I don’t stick to an exact sleep routine (…good to get to bed early and get your proper ZZZ’s I tell my Night Owl self). But that’s all fixable with a cuppa joe and the next night’s sleep.

…What’s not fixable is waking up and focusing on the wrong desires (or strategy of life if you want to be more concrete).

And so when I get going, I have purpose and joy inside me that I get to make progress and impact in the day, and have meaningful work. I do life my way with freedom and space… and without pressures that sink in that create stress. I set a schedule that works for me, and when I get paid I can do more of the things I love. 🧡

That’s not how it was when I settled in as an employee. Or when I was starting out on my own.

If this or your dream life is more what you want and it’s not what you have today, start by figuring out how you can build that life by taking one baby step at a time. And then you’ll get more clarity from that step and in the next step.

See how you can get a few extra hours of time and freedom to do what you want.

…And then you won’t have regrets about your work life when you look back at the years that went by.

That was a big driver for me.

And looking back, none of the past work situations are relevant to the actual work I do today, even though they propelled me forward to keep growing and use some of the experiences gained for my next moves.

And not even the budding small business blog I had back in 2009 that took me back into a new corporate working life. And guess what?… yours truly here is still blogging today on more meaningful topics. ✍️

Your life doesn’t have to stay in the same lines it started in. No one says a straight-line work path to retirement is the best life except for culture and critics. If you take a life-changing sabbatical at 35 you get to take all that gained information you gathered and use it for the rest of your life.

And eventually, every situation and everyone’s situation changes.

And that’s more evidence that situations good or bad, happy or sad, are fleeting. What’s lasting is YOU who has come out with more knowledge and experiences. And maybe good memories too.

In the process of tough circumstances, trials, and setbacks, you become more resilient, patient, content, and learn what this life is more about so you can lean into what is good for your life that produces happiness.

And that brings me to a deeper #2…

2.                Find out what God wants from you

…And as my life unraveled I realized I was chasing the wrong dreams, and some led to problems and that helped me find my new life dreams.

And then even some healthy dreams that I was successful at and growing didn’t pan out because the timing wasn’t right (which means God wanted me somewhere else).

So, I’m actually writing a new book about finding this newer life (that everyone can)… and how to more easily co-create and get to fulfill bigger plans and heart dreams that were promised in your design before you were born.

…And in my old life, I always had healthy achieving desires. But they weren’t the exact ones that were designed for me by the Creator who created it all. His plan takes faith, belief, and patience. There’s a process.

That’s what I’ve come to know. And that’s the opposite of the “if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” mindset and lifestyle I grew up in.

He has a unique plan and bigger dreams for each of us that needs a different higher internal lens to discern. And being in the pursuit of happiness and following what culture defines as success doesn’t help. But having daily wisdom, joy, and peace does.

The book is one of my new year’s goals. We need a revolution of good change (that’s the new resolution) to be able to thrive in our exciting, new world emerging in today’s happiness.

And in your new year pursuits and heart’s desires, maybe you decide to rewrite your pursuit of happiness goals and align them to the written stars for you and who you’re becoming. 🌟

OH, OH, OH… and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! 🎄

Healthy Christmas chocolate peppermint heart cookie inspiration made from warm ginger spices and coconut oil (used for better heart-healthy cholesterol than butter).
Reminder of my past hotel catering life. Hotels always get decked out with Christmas trees and holiday poinsettia plants.

Baked Chick Peas or Garbanzo Beans (or Chic beans) Pie

Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Chickpeas, drained
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  • Bake to liking.

Lazy Yoga Accessories Mood Boost

Yoga accessories are a must for good yoga form, comfort, and help with balance for your Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. So is a recipe for hot water pastry and adding your balancing good foods below.

yoga accessories like a bolster, a block, and a blanket are classic. The yogi tea adds to pampered yoga wellness.
Yoga accessories like a bolster, a block or two, and a blanket are classic. The yogi tea adds to pampered yoga wellness. 🫖

Using yoga accessories or props on a lazy day can really help boost your mood.

And a peaceful mood is one you want to stay in daily whether you’re feeling busy and active before the holidays or lazier after Christmas has come and gone.
You may teeter back and forth. And eating well is one ingredient that can help restore balance.
Like this well-spiced open-faced savory pastry I made half with spinach, chickpeas, oni0ns, and a punchy five-spice blend (cinnamon, fennel, star anise, cloves, peppercorns) to balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. And the other half is a balanced mix of carrots, potatoes, scallions, and tarragon. Maybe this inspires you and puts you in a better mood? 
Hot water pastry with veggies. Recipe below. ⬇️
And speaking of mood balancing…
When I used to visit malls on the weekend as a downtime pastime, after a while I’d get bored… the look-forward to anticipation feelings turned to drained and uninspired energy. I couldn’t wait to exit…
Then there usually was a line to get out of the parking lot and into traffic, especially during the holidays. Sound familiar?
We didn’t have online Black Friday shopping so it was a sheer annual mayhem event.
Since those days, our world has evolved and so have we. And these days I steer away from malls like the Black Plague.
…But whether you do or not, you know the feeling of too much of a good thing becomes numbing to the mind-body.

That can be how you feel about some adventures and projects you’d rather stay away from even if they started out okay. You can avoid some, but others require you and your endurance, like certain work tasks and travel stress.

Those growing tired moods can sink in and take a while to lift, especially if they’re our regular routines in life.

…like sweeping kitchen crumbs for the 10th time or chores you hate doing. And if we ignore them and feel lazier than usual, that can turn into a Kapha imbalance.

Or if we feel irritated and uninspired…. then not making a change can lead to burnout. It doesn’t usually happen overnight but it can happen one day if you reach your snapping point. That’s more of a Pitta imbalance.

With both types of imbalances, lazy yoga poses can help you get your active balance and peaceful mood back.

(Corpse pose is a great one to relax your body and calm your mind.)

I know when I find time to just be still, sitting in silence, that’s when I feel the most peace. Maybe that’s how you feel?

The reason is centering allows you to focus on the calmness of this moment and the body can stop working so hard.

And by focusing on the silent moments, and not focusing on the busy activities like shopping or even watching Netflix (that can be good when you need a ‘lil downtime break), the quietness helps your mind to relax and to feel good again.

And in the silence, if you find your mind is racing, that’s a sign of an anxious Vata mind.

Sometimes we feel that way and to feel balanced, in my life journey, I found that getting a peaceful mind is easier when you tune into the right source for at least 8 waking hours a day and make it your habit in life.

Our lives are constructed in 24 hours of which 8 is good for sleeping, 8 for working, and 8 for doing everything else.

So during that everything-else time slot, that’s when it’s good to build in time to recharge, working on passions, and focusing mostly on less external influences (and maybe disconnecting from the world for minutes at a time).

And it’s good to find time to take breaks during work and about a  weekend day’s worth off to rest. Not everyone can take all of Sunday off.

And I find staying in that rhythm is how you can stay balanced, happy, and in a peaceful mood year-round so you can show up in life as your best.

That type of lifestyle years ago would have been laughed at or not taken seriously by my business and corporate worker companions. But now they are reconsidering too as wellness is part of the discussions.

Our world is changing for better health and wellness, thank goodness!

Because having consistency and wellness routines in your lifestyle and mind helps prevent life burnout or waking up one day unhappy or depressed.

Feeling those ways can take more time to backtrack and restore, and they usually have an aftermath of sorts. It’s better all around to take time out daily to restore and prevent.

And if you like the idea of preventatively restoring daily, then one small way is with lazy yoga moves. That’s what I call it anyway. Those are perfect on the days when it’s hard to move quickly, you had a rough night before, or it’s dreary weather outside.

On those days, you know intense exercise is out of the question.  But you can use that more tiring day for your lazy exercise day that still helps to invigorate your body and restore your mind.

We know that exercise is good for cognitive and physical fitness. So to stay in the game (of active life even when you’re not feeling it), you can use yoga props to help you engage and maybe even get off the couch if that’s what you find yourself doing and want to change that (…and your heavy Kapha mind may want to resist).

And those days would be a good time to do core work. When you have yoga accessories, doing ab work is not as challenging once you get moving… and maybe along with the right entertainment in the background.

So, here are a few yoga accessories and ideas that you can try and maybe build into a new habit:

Yoga Accessories:

A yoga block (or two), or a Yoga Wheel

Blocks are great especially in Bridge pose where you can turn the block vertically so that the longest side helps raise your back up to build a bridge higher than you can go without a block. This can really help you feel better instantly.

The evovled yoga wheel yoga accessories work in similar ways in a Bridge pose. I’m a bit old school as I prefer the block that raises up a new building structure without moving on you… and maybe a bit burned out from 90s fitness and turn-of-the-century gadgets and props that never got used more than a few times. 😉


Straps are great for keeping you focused on the guiding strap lines and that support your legs to various angles in the air when you’re laying flat back. These are great for helping you with flexibility that becomes more important as you grow wiser (and older too).

Bolster Yoga Pillow

Bolsters are pretty practical pillows to have around. And if you don’t have one, sometimes you can get creative and find lumbar pillows that some couches come with. And you can use other pillows and cushioned furniture pieces to be very effective.

I actually use an IKEA cushioned cube that I can rest my calves on when I’m laying back on my mat, and then do easy-ab roll-up work. And still, get all the benefits.

And then I can turn around and use the cube as a table or an ottoman. Now that’s usefulness! (No more ab roller devices and machines that take up additional space!)

Breathe device apps

I like the Apple Watch where you can feel the inhale and exhale vibrations of the Breathe app. It’s great for getting centered and intentional on your breath.

Another great prop (that you can add to your yoga accessories):


Legs Up the Wall pose is a great resting pose. You scoot and seat yourself as close to a wall as possible, and then lay back. Your legs are straight up against the wall. That should feel really good as you release tension from your legs.

You can rest your arms straight out and turn your head from side to side and be intentional to see different perspectives.

This can feel really good on lazy yoga days. The point is to never give up on yourself in any season of life!

Be the tortoise in Aesop’s fable. 🐢

You can be just one good move or pose away from getting you back into a good swing and crossing the finish line.

And people are back in yoga classes. …maybe that’s you or just what you need to keep your calm through the holiday and into the new year. Btw, are you counting down the days?

In addition to building a better Bridge yoga pose, I have my baking calendar on my mind. I’m coming up with building a better Yule log swiss roll this year from peppermint inspiration. 🍥

For savory hot water pastry, you can be inspired by this recipe.

Print Recipe


Easy Hot Water Pastry

Course Breakfast, lunch
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • flour of choice (whole wheat and plain flour work well)
  • hot-warm water, room temperature
  • 1 tbsp of butter (for larger batches and healthy, use a little more butter about a pat of butter per serving)
  • pinch of salt


  • Mix flour, water, and salt. Add pat of butter to melt. Work into a dough.
  • Shape into a shell or desired shape.
  • Bake until golden brown color.
  • Add cooked toppings desired (e.g. cheese, cooked veggies), and pop back into the oven for a few minutes.

Healthy Gingerbread Cookie + Balancing Kapha Mind

I planted a healthy gingerbread cookie tree on this Silpat baking sheet. Recipe below ⤵️

Healthy gingerbread cookie trees are rare, and even this time of year when everyone is talking about lighting the Christmas trees.🌲

gingerbread oat cookies.

Easy Chai Oat Gingerbread Cookie

Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour (with oats)
  • 1 12 tsp baking powder
  • 34 tsp teaspoon baking soda
  • 14  tsp teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 34  teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 14  teaspoon ground cloves (or 1/2 tsp of allspice if that's what you have on hand)
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter (or substitute with 1 TBSP coconut oil)
  • 3/4 cup dark brown sugar (reduce to 1/3 cup for less sugar and still have a delicious and nice cookie!)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1/4 cup oats


  • In a large bowl, add dry and wet ingredients.
  • Melt coconut oil add to bowl.
  • Roll out cookie dough to about 1/8" to 1/4" cookies.
  • Bake on 350°F for about 10-12 minutes.

I share the traditional old-fashioned recipe (below) that I’ve been using FOR-ever and that I spiced up even more this year! XOXO

Every year is a ‘lil different, and as a creator, I like to challenge myself to make new creations and not stick with the same cookie cutter ones over and over again… haha. As a healthy recipe developer, that means evolving into even healthier bakes.

And this helps me so that I keep outta Kapha imbalances in the kitchen. Btw, the level of Kapha dosha is relative to each of our bodies, but eating healthy, balanced meals always helps to prevent trouble down the road…

Which is part of the natural order that this life is… it’s not a matter of if… it’s a matter of when. And you can stay on the healthy side starting with body-mind awareness.

One of the symptom intersections is your feelings that constantly shift. They help guide you, and other times steer you down a rabbit hole.

And if you want to stay feeling peaceful, joyful, and happy (and be productive) all the time (…like when I’m relaxed baking healthy gingerbread cookies), then keeping the Kapha mind balanced is important.

Some examples of what will make the difference are your steadfastness to boundaries. And your commitment to yourself and to others involved. And finally, plowing through and making it easy on yourself in everyday situations that come up.

And that all starts in the mind.

So… when negative thoughts enter, dismiss them by replacing them.

The problem for many people is they don’t even know when they’re getting pulled down by negative information and thoughts…well, because that’s their mind.

And we don’t naturally challenge our own thoughts. That’s not something we’re born knowing how to do.

What most of do learn is how to challenge other people’s thoughts and opinions. Sound familiar?

Especially this time of year when it’s easy for stress to settle in trying to get end-of-year goals accomplished and fit into holiday-hoopla 🎉 that can be overwhelming for the mind-body. And not always bring out the best in us.

Our mind-body is connected in such a way that if you have a Kapha mind where you’re stuck in negative strongholds, feeling lazy, or find yourself accumulating clutter, that can easily turn into a couch potato Kapha body imbalance.

One easier way to know if a Kapha imbalance is causing our negative moods is if we’re feeling depressed or withdrawing from certain activities we’re usually drawn to or have been in the past.

And as we know, the ego tries to fool us, so to outwit we have to be doubly smart, pausing before reacting and making wise choices that influence our day.

Those stubborn Kapha mind mood tendencies can linger. But if you know what to do, you can get out of excessive Kapha faster and into feeling good. And erase hovering dark clouds that can easily become your weekend. Or gradually settle in for a season if you’re not careful.

But we can change this pretty easily one choice at a time…

We can turn off the external negative messages and listen to more uplifting ones. And that includes shutting off the news after getting the accumulated hour-or-so daily scoop.

This subtle shift helps for subtle situations…

For example, you could be having a bad morning where everything seems to go wrong and deciding in your mind that it’s going to be a bad day since the start was rough.

But by allowing uplifting thoughts to enter in to influence the rest of your day or lean into gratitude for what you DO have, that will help brighten your perspective that becomes self-fulfilling.

I know that can sound pollyanna-ish, and is not always easy if you’re in a miserable situation like a job you hate, or a living situation or relationship that isn’t working out.

BUT, you can better program your mind to work for you. If we can walk and chew gum and think thoughts at the same time, then we can do this! We are capable.💪

One way we can help ourselves is having a consistent activity where we’re learning and improving. That takes the focus off of our thoughts. You may already do this.

In the activity that calls you, you don’t want to miss a moment in what you’re doing. This improves your skills and helps your head game. You then look forward to the activity in your day that helps your entire day.

And something else you can easily do…

Change your environment. Maybe you start doing your activity in a warm, sunny spot. That can be outside. These days, there are no limits to where you can work or catch a break as we’re a virtually remote society that can access anything anywhere.

As a Vata, I like to mix up where I work. I use a desk, a closet, outdoors… it just depends on my mood. And that’s how I get things done productively: I change my scenery options.

And maybe that’s you… or you like the same zone you always are in as that’s your designated spot. And if that’s you, then maybe having a photo or a reminder of something to look forward to in the future like some R&R or an adventurous trip, will also help.

And if holiday overwhelm is taking over these days, let the reason for the season keep you grounded. Let Scripture verses provide comfort and wisdom, and help guide you.

And stay cozy warm uplifted and listen to cheery Christmas music 🎼and jingles… and better yet find your creative outlet. Get into your groove.

For me, this last weekend was partially about creating healthy gingerbread cookie dough.

And a Chai Oat healthy gingerbread cookie was on tall order to provide more holiday baking inspiration that’s both healthy and happy.

I wasn’t the only one as the Cookie Wars marathon was all over the media networks. And gingerbread was one of the themes like every year… it’s nice to be able to count on some things!

healthy gingerbread cookie

And I’ve been using the same base recipe that’s more happy than healthy.

This original recipe has been with me since 2004 when I printed it out. It was adapted from a Joy of Cooking recipe.

And I’ve been tweaking it up every year.

And backing up, decades ago, it was common to use shortening for cookies and Southern sweets, so finding a butter recipe with 3 grams of fat per cookie was a big deal because that’s what people cared about (the fat in calories). These days, we know there are healthier fats we can use to bake with…

So, I’ve evolved this once-a-year December recipe using coconut oil to give a nice consistency and dough to work with.

I added my notes in ( ) and below to my enhancements to this collaborative recipe. 😊

Easy Chai Gingerbread Cookies

3  cups all-purpose flour (add oats)

1 12 teaspoons baking powder

34 teaspoon baking soda

14 teaspoon salt

1  tablespoon ground ginger

1 34 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/4 cup oats (optional)

14 teaspoon ground cloves (or 1/2 tsp of allspice if that’s what you have on hand)

6  tablespoons unsalted butter (substitute with 1 TBSP coconut oil)

34 cup dark brown sugar (reduce to 1/3 cup for less sugar and still have a delicious and nice cookie!)

1  large egg

12 cup molasses

You can mix this all in one bowl. I like to bake on 325°F because cookies bake quickly. This’ll be about 15 minutes but it’s good to watch the oven.

Amino Acids In Daily Proteins Matter + Orange Chicken Recipe

Amino acids matter in the proteins we eat. Some recipes below for protein ideas like this delicious Orange Chicken.

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Orange chicken with a jam compote recipe below ⬇️for everyday dinners and daily protein counts with several important amino acids. 🧡

But first, I used to start mornings with very little protein and amino acids for breakfast.

Cereal took the place of whole foods. And very little adorning…  like these waffle trees decked out for holiday Advent season we’re in. 🎄

These days, there are more options like a quinoa cereal bowl, where you get a complete protein meal.

Quinoa has the 9 essential amino acid that you can turn into a sweet breakfast cereal.

The amino acids are what matter. You won’t see that on most food packaging labels. Both essential and non-essential amino acids.

The nine essential amino acids come only from foods, and like the ones I’m sharing today. They synergistically work together. One essential amino acid you may know by heart is tryptophan because Thanksgiving turkey has made it famous. And maybe you felt the sleepy effects this past week if you celebrated. 🦃

Tryptophan is also found in a range of foods like soybeans, nuts, seeds, and egg whites.

…Anyway, where was I? …Ok, so the other essential amino acids are the names ending in “ine” that you don’t see on most food packaging.

You usually only see “protein” as the macronutrient labeling, unless it’s protein powder packaging or a nutritional supplement bar that breaks down the granular protein ingredients.

We need amino acids for protein synthesis and tissue turnover. The body needs the right combo of essential amino acids (only found in foods). And essentially we determine what we put into our bodies so we have a lot of smart food decisions we can make.

And a complete protein has all 9 essential amino acids. And why I often start my mornings with a quinoa cereal bowl. I say often because Vatas like to mix it up… lentils porridge, warm oatmeal, and sweet potato soup are just a few others I can think of. …oh, and smoothies too!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you break the fast from eating for about 12 hours or so.

And since we’re talking numbers here…

As an adult, you need daily protein at least a recommended .36 x your weight.

For a female that can be at least 45 grams of protein.

And you can get to that daily goal much faster with lean animal proteins like 4 ounces of chicken breast (36 grams) and 1 cup of yogurt (12 grams or more).

…Beans and egg whites are healthy protein sources too, but you’ll be eating a lot to get there…

A whole can of beans (regular 15.5 ounces) is usually under 15 grams of protein. But is still a good protein and a great source of minerals like potassium that we need. So 2-3 cans a week is good plus other protein sources.

And legumes are good too. One I enjoyed as a little girl was when I would pick out the sugar snap peas at the grocery store and add to to the bag. It’s funny how the grocery store hasn’t changed a bit in that way, as there are still the same bags and ties …and maybe there will be better recyclable ways in the future. ♻️

Then at home, I enjoyed the snapping sound of taking off the ends (one side is the stem). That was my helper job. The peas were left in the pod and they were cooked all as one.

Snap peas, btw, are a good source of collagen and have a ‘lil protein, more than I expected for their petit pois size. That’s what we used to call them in catering and when I studied French.

These days, I take collagen protein supplements for stronger hair, skin, and nails. It’s easy to add to your coffee, and even better when eaten with vitamins like C in fruits and B6, B12, and B3 in eggs and animal proteins.

That could help make you rethink your morning choices! 🥣

And so many foods operate like this where they work better and rely on other nutrients and vitamins to operate and get absorbed more easily.

And to get to the simple bottom line… that’s why it helps your body to eat nutrient-rich diverse meals and a variety of foods all the time, so the nutrients synthesize and operate in harmony like an orchestra! 🎶

And getting enough protein to build lean muscle mass. As you age,   you lose muscle. Lean animal proteins are rich sources (like lean fish, salmon, and poultry) to help build muscles because of the amino acids.

And if you’re trying to lose weight, replacing fat with protein is an efficient way. Protein macronutrients have fewer calories than fat macros.

Of course, proteins are healthy preferred over sweets to the body, so if you’re sweet tooth challenged like I am, more proteins and plant-based options starting at breakfast can also help you get over this daily hump.

But whether you choose a diet high in proteins is your choice. You know how your body operates optimally (and non-optimally).

As a quintessential Vata body (…and maybe you are too), I’m never fully full enough without lean animal protein like fish and chicken that have higher amounts of carnitine, in addition to the plant-based ones.

We’re lucky that nature provides for us.

One protein source that comes to mind is Wild Alaskan salmon which feeds the Alaskan wildlife and us humans. Adult salmon lay their salmon eggs, and as they age they know to instinctively swim to the shallow streams where the entire animal ecosystem grocery shops for their instant salmon meal. How’s that for healthy convenience food?

The animal kingdom is fascinating to watch. And fun to watch in  related-timeless classic movies, like The Lion King which is still one of my Disney favorites.

It has evolved (as we have) from its original cartoon version to CGI animation and live-filmmaking. I don’t know if you remember those movies we watched with the 3-D movie theater cardboard glasses we got with the red and blue cellophane lenses to bring alive the effects in a Jaws movie. …It’s laughable today.

Those were the days. 😊

And in real life, sharks and lions are still at the top of the food chain. We need them to keep the animal ecosystem running in the wild. Just like us humans with our healthy checks and balances so we can rule the earth.

And so to stay on top, we need to keep our bodies renewed. And make sure we get enough amino acids like leucine (to stimulate mTOR) for new tissue growth. …And that’s a great reason to keep egg protein in your diet. 🥚

Plus… chicken is also amino acid rich too. Here’s one I made with an herb blend I mentioned in another post. If you only could have smelled the herb-y aroma coming from the oven and the orange-citrusy vibes on the stove. 🧡

daily protein orange chicken

Orange Chicken with Jam Compote

Chicken is a great way to get your tasty daily protein amino acids. The orange flavor is a brightening zest for daily and festive meals.
Course dinner
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 apple or pear
  • 1 orange
  • chicken breast or drumsticks (4-6 oz per person)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • jam (sweet tasting jam or less-sweet tasting jam tip below)
  • optional spices (rosemary, thyme, and coriander)


  • Remove skin from apples or pears. Chop fruit into small dices.
  • Cook down fruit until almost soft on cooktop/stove. Add balsamic vinegar, orange zest and your favorite fruit jam until reduced liquid. Tip: Use lighter, sweet jam to pair with light or sweet wine, and less-sweet tasting jam like fig or plum jam to pair with red wines.
  • Serve with chicken. For festive dishes you can add rosemary and for brightening lemon citrus to bring out orange, you can add coriander.
  • Zhugh with thin orange slices.

And year round this  is another full amino acid Fish 3 Sisters Recipe that is loaded with amino acid proteins!


Butternut Squash Three Sisters Fish Tacos

Pairing a 3 Sisters dish with fish tacos is a healthy dish.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Butternut squash
  • Black beans, canned
  • Corn, canned
  • Fish
  • Basil
  • Olive oil


  • Cook your butternut squash until soft, then cut in half.
  • Cook until you can scoop out the squash.
  • Add the corn and beans drained from cans.
  • Cook fish and make salsa verde (basil and olive oil) or pesto (basil, olive oil, pine nuts).