Peach profiteroles are a way to crush life’s bruising blows. And sometimes that can be our own pride that’s crushed.

Along with happy peach profiteroles, below I share some encouragement so you can use daily joy like peaches to crush pride feelings and life’s negative situations.
Life doesn’t have to be peachy. But can be filled with divine peaches.
First off, we all remember how tough things got when we were starting out.
We didn’t know what joy meant. A joy ride had a different meaning than today’s joy in life’s ride. And we didn’t know the power magnitude in pride’s grip (…and maybe that’s something we need to learn about).
Especially if it feels heavy today.
…Like the world is against us and we’re pushed up against a wall sometimes. But, that’s part of the process in our growing, and gaining wisdom in our individual life journeys…
Wisdom that’s deeper in us and that starts in our minds, and then permeates into our bodies in the mind-body connection.
Wisdom is a choice and its growth is fed one choice at a time.
In wisdom, we know we’re empowered and have much more of a say in what happens to us than our circumstances. And we can speed up our growth by removing the inner rocks and blocks that stand in our way.
With time and more experiences, we often forget former trials that we’ve passed. But we want to bring them back to remembrance for today’s joy and to acknowledge how far we’ve come.
Today, smoother sailing and small pebbles in those same areas can become our new normal if we allow in the better perspectives, attitudes, and higher thinking ways, and make them our new habits.
It’s a daily journey because in any moment our subconscious minds can send us a trigger that sends a message wave of we’re not happy where we’re at, and if we let that permeate, then that’s our reality.
Often it’s ourselves we’re upset with, but our ego pride protects us from believing that we could be holding ourselves back.
That’s when we can refer back to allowing in higher thinking ways.
We can outsmart our ancestral wiring that was built during non-modern B.C. times (before Christ). 😊
And robots today don’t have this ego feature, but they do have other malfunctions. And in both ego and robot interactions we have, we want to apply our higher thinking wisdom for better outcomes.
Peach Profiteroles 🍑
Peach Profiteroles
- 1 cup flour (combine bread and all purpose flour recommended)
- 1 tbsp butter (a small amount will do you for the lighter effect)
- 1/4 cup milk or nut milk
- 1-2 eggs (thick, smooth, and pipeable batter)
- 1 ripe peach
- thick plain yogurt or Greek yogurt
The culprit is our pride (that healthy peach profiteroles can remind you to be self-aware). And pride can be from high Pitta that peach profiteroles will help to you cool off).
Pride is the boulder we need to grow out of to remove. And most of the time all we need to do is the opposite and be humble, overriding what our helmet-protected heads tell us to do.
We can use kindness and healthy as a north star guide to help pull us up and out.
In metro city area culture, often these are countercultural moves and secondary priorities. I grew up in the most powerful city in the nation that’s always on the news. And being prideful is heightened, and appears as an invisible status symbol in the air…
I grew up believing that being perfect was an advantage in every way, and then over time re-learned that perfection got in the way of progress. Because perfection puffs up pride to get everything perfect when nothing is perfect.
I saw the damage toll in others who didn’t have the awareness to make changes.
And in my own wisdom and awareness, I saw striving for perfection as destruction in prioritizing results over relationships, health and personal growth. It robbed me of joy, peace, and progress.
And maybe for you it’s the same, or it’s some other pride-driven belief you were fed.
In modern society, we hail getting ahead which is good when it’s healthy, but when it’s sabotaging yourself or hurting others, that’s when it’s no longer working.
At the least, ego pride protects us from being vulnerable and crushed by the elements around us.
We defend by sticking up to rights and our feeling right. The problem is this divides us from others. And we rob ourselves of an opportunity for happiness and compassion for others.
Instead, we want to use humility and joy to crush pride.
The better news is we can witness our patterns and beliefs, and change them. For the previous few weeks, I shared my night, morning, and pool meditation ways that helped me in my journey, and they were all awake meditation moments allowing thoughts in (feeling the thoughts out).
…And I’m sure it was in those silent meditation moments that allowed for my breakthroughs leaving behind old, retired patterns that no longer served me. They were replaced by the loving thoughts.
And we all can do this throughout our day, one thought and action at a time.
Over time, we learn to react and say less like we did in our immature years. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.
We walk away so we don’t energize negative thoughts. We change our thoughts, so that our feelings stay loving and calm. We gain joy to crush pride. And we can stay aware of our joyful thoughts that make us feel good in the moment and/or we look forward to in the future.
This helps us stay at peace, calm, and without unnecessary stress that we know causes health deterioration. We can use joy to crush pride, stress, and anxiety in one fell-swoop.
In peace, we see other people’s perspectives other than our own. We stay open, and remove any stubbornness that puts a rock between our happiness.
And when we do this at the start of the day as our daily attitude and habit, our life improves and we’re no longer stuck in those areas we want to grow that may seem non-related.
But everything is related…
When we remove the boulders we don’t need to carry inside, our life and situations gets better!
Crush Pride Morning Prescription
We expect days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or everything goes off. We have a few go-to places ready to change our sails into better seas and into a good mood.
And the best ways are in our minds, so we get to a place of joy to crush pride.
Part of pride is our ego fooling us into believing that we need to make our lives complicated and bigger because we’re not feeling happy or we’re not enough, when we have everything that is enough.
So to combat, we don’t accumulate more than we need (that can be coming from a Kapha imbalance).
We decide to shut off those unhappy beliefs, and wake up to simple encouraging messages, inspirations, and passions where we feel gratitude and appreciation for having life today.
We wipe off our clinging unhealthy ego pride that wants to get the better of us by staying aware.
We don’t let our moods and what others say or do change our joyful tune.
Joy is a medicine. And it’s naturally infectious. 🎉
Have a great week and hope you find a few minutes to enjoy peach profiteroles you make.
…Oh, and in the upcoming weeks, I share an update with you about one healthy habit I’ve adopted this year that maybe you’re interested in or thinking of starting.
And I have a super cool Ayurvedic series that will help us all starting off with some relief for the Vata autumn season. You can signup at the top of the site to receive notifications to my weekly blog articles when they come fresh off the press. 😊