
5 Obvious Vata Signs You Are One

Vata is an Ayurvedic dosha that you could be born with.

There are three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. And if you have these 5 traits below, then most likely you are a dominant Vata. These are different than the other doshas. And even though as humans we all carry a little or a lot of each dosha, you know you are primarily Vata if you have these 5 signs:

1.Vatas craves variety.

Vatas naturally crave variety in food, sleep, preferences, and activities. One minute you love one food category and meal type for breakfast and then the next day you prefer something else completely different. And one morning you naturally wake up early and the next morning and several others during the week, you want to sleep in a few more minutes. These are telltale signs you are a Vata.

This is not the common way for the other two doshas in case you’re thinking you’re a Vata and you’re actually dominant in another dosha.

Knowing your Vata dosha helps you to know your strengths and weaknesses and how to apply them to a productive and optimal life. Afterall, your natural dosha doesn’t change and is one of the few things in this life that doesn’t. And if you want to lean into the pros and be aware of the cons so you can adapt and learn from the other doshas that are also in you, even if it’s just a smaller part of you.

Pros: Vatas are exceptionally good with change because they lean into variety change as a way of being more than the other doshas.

Con: Batching and sticking to habits can be a challenge because Vatas don’t want to stick to a routine. They often want to express creativity and get excited about a new activity.

2.Skinny Vata is a good description for Vatas.

Vatas are thin or smaller framed. A Vata can often wear skinny jeans and doesn’t gain weight easily. Weight fluctuations are not common. It’s usual for Vatas to stay about the same consistent weight as she or he ages in the prime years.

Pros: Few gaining weight concern like in Kapha dosha.

Cons: Vatas have thin bones that can leads to falls or osteoporosis-related diseases later in life.

3. A Vata is prone to feel anxious.

A Vata body is prone to uncontrollable anxiety symptoms under stress, and this can show up as heart palpitations, sweaty palms, panic attacks, and sensitive stomachs that are common in Vata.

Pros: Vatas can be more sensitive to what is going on inside and externally, as anxiety serves as a warning sign.

Cons: Difficult to function in varying degrees with anxious symptoms or under pressure, such as in competitive situations or in performing optimally.

4.A Vata is prone to dry skin that needs extra TLC.

It’s not uncommon for Vatas to have dry skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and beyond skin deep issues under the tissues such as fibromyalgia that can develop from deeper mind-body connection issues.

Pros: Sweating excessively or sticky skin is not common that can cause social embarrassment.

Cons: A habit of moisturizing often is necessary for prevention of skin disorder for dry, itchy skin.

5.Vatas refers sweet, vanilla, and orange scents in candles, perfume/fragrances, and food/spice scents.

A Vata will like the vanilla and orange scents. They are calming to the anxious Vata body. Vatas prefer fruity and sweet scents, and cinnamon spices that the body gravitates toward. The other doshas will not find cinnamon as favorable as other scents.

For food, a Vata leans into sweet and salty.

Pros: Sweet and salty are easy tastes to conveniently satiate, so a Vata doesn’t have to work so hard to please the senses.

Cons: They may crave sugar that is better avoided or eaten in moderation for healthy living.

Final Thoughts:

Knowing you’re a dominant Vata dosha is just the beginning. When you know, then you can add what a Vata body-mind type is that explains so much about your personality. And you can prevent and restore your body balance with tips from a 2-minute quiz.

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