
Overcome Performance Anxiety: Examples in “The Great British Baking Show”

performance anxiety

In my life, I first noticed my performance anxiety early on when it came to test-taking time in school.

Since then I figured out that performance anxiety comes from panic, perfectionism, and overthinking. Those all had one thing in common – my mind.

That’s where it all started when I believed I wasn’t prepared enough.

That set my subconscious mind sending unclear messages that left me in an internal nervous frenzy and blowing up into anxiety and panic, which further prevented productive rational conscious thinking (and maybe this has happened to you also).

All through childhood, I grew up achieving ideal perfectionist standards that aren’t so easy to shake off as an adult, even with constant reminders.

But doing it imperfectly and progress over perfection is the better mantra way, that has also changed in schools.

In school terms, that’s being a “C” student and passing, over being an excellent “A” student as the only successful path.

A few years ago, I may have cringed at that thought. But we’ve turned into a more empathetic world that allows us to be brave and follow Nike’s long-running ad advice, just do it.

There are still times when you’re asked in your work to strive for perfection. On those occasions, you’re asked to nail the performance or delivery, and you’re not gonna turn down the ask if it’s your employer.

But if it’s self-imposed, then that’s something to be observant about and look out for.

You can ask yourself why you didn’t hit send or complete the intended task imperfectly. That’s what I do as checks and balance along with believing, love is in detail (the positive side of perfectionism).

In our gray decision-making world and in finding our own individual balance, we can get better at when to turn it on or off for different scenarios.

In a test-taking performance environment, overthinking test questions and re-writing subjective essay answers can hurt a test taker.

Usually, your gut instinct and the first thought are better than second-guessing. If you’re not sure, stick with your first guess.

When you combine these complex dimensions of growing panic, aiming for perfectionism, and overthinking, those elements mixed together are a recipe for performance anxiety and a test-taking disaster (and in my scenarios all I could do was hope for the best and move on).

Performance Anxiety on The Great British Baking Show Competition

On the topic of combining and mixing, in The Great British Baking Show series, the invited competitors are challenged to create great bakes, that require overcoming performance anxiety on top of great talent and skill.

They’re the nation’s best bakers.

If the contestant can wow the judges week after a week staying in the competition, stay calm, keep emotions in check, and not lose his or her marbles, they move onto the final rounds.

By the final week, nerves can grow for each contestant, as you would expect. The final ones that get in their heads with worry and anxiety are the ones that end up making mistakes and messing up because of their overriding emotions and minds sending mixed messages.

They can have the greatest talent and high skills under low-pressure conditions like baking at home, where they could create perfect masterpiece bakes.

But when put in a stressful lab environment and varying conditions, those most affected in performance are often Vatas. The natural Pittas and Kaphas are generally better built for stamina and competition settings. Continue reading “Overcome Performance Anxiety: Examples in “The Great British Baking Show””

Workplace Balance Ayurvedic Tips To De-Stress

Workplace balance tips below can save you. And using Ayurveda in your work space can create a better work calm and stress-less zone.

A kitchari meal with egg is an Ayurvedic balancing meal. Recipe below. 🌱

This article has the perspective of Ayurveda workplace balance tips for the Western world modern office that can be stressful. And no a disco ball like this one I worked in is not needed. 😉

Workplace balance doesn't always come with a disco ball like this office I worked in had.

Despite its window view and disco ball, this was a tough office environment.

If the work could have been taken outdoors in nature that would have been more calming. Or even a photo of outdoors can help calm.

An example of a nature image you could have at your office desk.

And help create a collaborating and harmony environment that’s beneficial for productivity. In political organizations that have management hierarchies, finding those ways are the keys to mind freedom and better work life balance.

Because office relationships drive the bus for your success.

If you’re brave or want to develop your personal leadership skills, getting in tune with your co-workers can be worth the time and effort.

Taking your nose off the work grind and looking up at what’s going on around you no matter how busy you are, can pay off and change the way you see your work.

It could be the difference between your work happiness or dissatisfaction.

Learning to live balanced in your personal life plus incorporating  Ayurveda workplace balance tips add up to your overall happiness.

Here are the 7 Ayurveda workplace balance tips to calm stress: 

The first 5 tips are to benefit you and your surrounding co-workers (that apply to you too if you’re the boss!). The last 2 are for your edge-up with your higher-up boss manager.

1. Meetings.  A subtle thing you can do is create a calm surrounding around you.

When you’re in inter-office meetings, bring your calming scents either in your coffee or tea mug, or wear subtle scents if others don’t have allergies that you’re aware of.

Beverage scent allergies don’t exist. Even people who don’t drink coffee don’t mind the brewed coffee scents, as they’ve gotten used to the aromatic smell.

Adding rose water in your coffee (…betcha that’s a slightly new one for you!) will help to calm you and the stressed worker next to you.

Match the desired beverage to the people you expect to be in your meeting.

You can also wear a subtle hint of patchouli or bergamot perfume scent.

…I know this can sound a ‘lil silly to be so coordinated. But why do you think when you walk into a nice spa or luxury hotel, the room you’re in smells so lovely and calming?

(The answer is, it changes how guests perceive their hotel property experience).

Being an ex-hotelier, I know the ways they try to win back return customers with subtle mood changers and amenities.

Scents help you and others stay calm and centered, and help to create a positive energy field.

On that note, keeping your smartphone in your pocket or a small bag from distracting notifications and silently vibrating phones can be what you need for a little peace moment.

You don’t see a phone in the yoga studio, so in the same way, you can treat your daily meetings with yourself like meditation breaks or an off-the-grid intentional focus session.

2. Your workspace.  At your desk, play calming music like light classical music if you’re allowed to have music or sounds running in the background.

Like white noise, you can drown out some of the unimportant conversations and noises around you.

If you play relaxing sounds like ocean waves that can be too relaxing, you’re likely to put everyone to sleep including yourself.

Invite your manager to have meetings at your desk or space so you have the “home-court advantage,” as they’re coming to you and you’re not interrupting them.

Before their visit and preparing for unexpected visits, be sure you have an inviting space.

3. Have visible calming props. Watercolors paintings or pictures are good, such as Monet lilies and you can easily find a variety of blank cards or calendars from a gift and cards novelty store, that you can frame or rest on your desk.

It’s a similar to Zoom backgrounds where there’s an unspoken ambiance that’s created.

Pictures of your life are good for you, but they are distracting to others after they’ve seen them the first few times.

Competitive Pittas especially are very visual people. Many go-getting office workers are Type-A Pittas, so they will tend to look at your calming image choices and your surroundings.

Some other balancing items:  bring in a perfectly round edible orange.

The California navel orange color and scent are good for calming worry-anxious energy.

And the scent from one fresh rose can soothe an angry-irritated mood. 💐

4. Take stressed co-workers out for tea or coffee. If you normally do lunch at your desk, taking a 15-minute break for tea or coffee with a co-worker is a good excuse to casually get to know them a little better.

If you’re short on time, bring them a new tea bag from home that they’ve never tried. For a Vata imbalance especially, this is going to be good and comforting, especially if it has cinnamon tones.

Next time you travel, find and collect unique souvenir treats that don’t have a short shelf life and you can offer up as a treat for “a better day.”

For a Pitta imbalance try bringing a lavender tea such as a lavender de-stress tea or a lemony flavor tea. Iced teas are good for irritated workers and even during winter, depending on their case severity.

For a Kapha, try a brisk Early Grey or If they love chocolate, bring them a piece. Chocolate is universally a happy gift. 😊

In a practical way, if you know that a co-worker is under a lot of stress or has recent demands in workload, then a stress-reducing tea is a thoughtful gesture.

You can also gift tea bags as a reason for conversation…  and a great way to make work friends.

I know you’re wondering, “well… how do you know what balanced or imbalanced dosha(s) your co-workers have?”

In general, you’re better off just sticking with the basics with what they’ve told you they like or you see them with.

Everyone has traces of all the dosha profiles.  And anyone can get imbalanced in any dosha at any time.

This is one of the core reasons why you can see a sudden mood or preference change in a co-worker when they say nothing is wrong as they may not know there’s anything different.

And why even if you’re paying attention and know what’s going on with them regularly, like with a cubicle mate friend that you visit often, you and they won’t always know.

And this is the same mysterious reason you prefer some foods, sounds, and activities now, that you didn’t like before.  And then this changes again. It’s all connected.

You can call it a different season or mood, but your internal mind-body is always happening and changing, if ever so slightly like a second hand on a clock.

Your mind-body is always keeping score, so it’s good to practice Ayurveda workplace balance tips, habits, and ways, both at work and home.

Your mind-body is constantly revealing information about yourself.

That’s why the insight coming from the body balance quiz is invaluable for anyone in any season, and those you care about who is willing to dive deeper (like your friends… as you’re probably not gonna ask your boss to take a quiz unless you’re also friends).

5. Find a common interest with a core work group. Book clubs and fantasy football are common.

When you have a hobby, interest, or passion that you share in common, that creates a calm mind space.

Conversation creates harmony for workplace balance.

When you think of these work people that have a shared interest, you see them as humans and not just workers.

In one of my jobs, there were a group of women who liked scrapbooking photo albums (I think the hobby is still around and some of us have recent albums as proof 📔).

One attendee to one of the gatherings was a boss so we became work friends. So the dynamic changed and work was a better place.

That ice breaker made me see her in a different light, even though we didn’t discuss our common hobby when we were working.

6. Create a clean space for your manager to walk into. Clean and organizational tidyness shows respect for your workplace (where you’re working on “rented land”).

But, DO minimalistic-ally personalize. If you don’t have anything sitting on or around your desk, then you may not be occupying enough real estate.

If you’re too minimalistic, you will leave no mark or brand of who you are. And your manager can think you don’t have enough work to do. There’s a workplace balance needed with decor.

When you’re out, others may use your desk and it’ll look different when you come back.

This happens a lot with an Executive’s open office that is free of clutter or any personalization. And that’s up to you if you want that to happen.

When you make your workspace your second home, by taking up a little space, you create personal worth in your mind and can blend and balance your work-life better. You’re not just another employee.

Chair Facing Tip For Office Balance

How you situate your chairs in your office space matters. You want to a create a comfortable feeling space.

When you situate chairs facing the front of your desk where you sit, you’re in the power seat.

Anyone coming to see you feels like a subordinate. If you want to be collaborative, then you want them to sit more beside you. And even more open, they can see your computer screen and from your desk perspective. Rarely do you want your back facing the door.

If your manager comes to visit you, if they choose to sit, often you’ll usually see them either lean back or forward a little hunched to show they’re relaxed.

They’re the exception, as they’re never the subordinate in your workplace even if you’re more collaborative like in the tech industry.

7. If you want to have a meeting where your manager is more relaxed, arrange meetings with them late in the afternoon. This is a good opportunity if they say, “find a time on my calendar.”

As humans, we all get more tired as the day rolls on. By evening, we’ve done most of the important or urgent tasks for the day.

Stressed out managers (and micromanagers) are people too at the end of the day.

They look forward to the end of a long day as much as you do despite how they may come across.

You may encounter managers who are unprofessional, have a bulldog personality, or sharp edge. We’re all different in the workplace. And the workplace balance is finding how we work best together..

If you happen to find yourself in a defensive situation, and you sense a manager has had a bad day or week such as by acting grumpy or having irritated imbalance tendencies, acknowledge that, offer, and ask, “how can I help?”

Don’t worry that they would give you a list. That most likely won’t happen, at least not without huge thought. That would require more trust than they are willing to put on the line with just a conversation.

If they give you a general request, then do what they ask.

And in the case where they come back with a tall order, that shows that they respect you, you’re competent and probably worthy of promotion down the road. Plus, you get to learn something new. So it’s a win-win for you.

And in addtion to these tips you can implement right away to create a calmer (feeling) space and workplace, you can create a balancing spice kitchari work meal with rice and lentils.

A poached egg that’s easy to do (or egg whites) in minutes ontop of a kitchari meal could be the lunch that hits the spot.


Kitchari with Egg

If you want to add protein with your kitchari mixture of lentils and rice, adding an egg adds energy to your day. Coriander and cumin are cooling for Pitta balancing and ginger is good for digestion and Vata balancing. Black pepper enhances turmeric's anti-inflammatory effects and adds e a smokey subtle heat to the dish.
Course Breakfast
Cuisine ayurvedic, Indian
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Ayurvedic spice mixture (coriander, cumin, turmeric, black pepper, ginger)
  • cooked lentils or mung beans
  • white rice
  • poached egg


  • Cook your lentils and rice with spices.
  • Cook egg whites or poached eggs to top off your meal.

Vata Body Mind Type: Is This Your Natural Way?

Vata body mind is a way to define a body and mind type. As a Vata, I know most of us are naturally thin and have worry tendencies.

Vata body mind type

Are you a Vata?

If so, this article post is all about you. And if you don’t know what a Vata is, you can discover more below.

You have several identities in this world.  I’ll share a few of mine…

Some are fun. You know those personality tests you can take (to learn about yourself and your friends).

Well… in the self-taking Enneagram test, I’m most closely a 7.  We’re the happy enthusiasts.  …Hoo-ray!

Maybe that’s why I created this place for others to glean off of my happy aura 😊.

By the way, all the Enneagram types 1-9 are great (you’re still a complex individual and have potential traces of all the types). If you’re not familiar, Enneagrams are based on your general life motivations.

Any one enneagram type is not better than another, but I like to cheer mine on (and be happy for the happy type). As an Enneagram 7, we’re known to be the optimistic and positive people in this world.

This makes sense because I naturally gravitate without hesitation towards life’s pleasures enjoying beauty, fashion and gourmet foods.

…Which makes people that know me wonder, how I can be so deeply spiritual?  I think of this combination as my superpower…  being in this world, but not entirely of this world.

On the outside, like all of us, I’m just a person having a daily spiritual journey.

I found better answers inside from life’s challenges and life’s non-answers. In other words, in the silence.

I was actually born 90% Vata. “A who?”, you may ask if this is new to you.

That’s right, I identify as the Vata body-mind type in Ayurveda.

There are 3 types:  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We all possess traces in varying degrees of each of these types and any of us can get off balance (irritated, anxious, lethargic, etc.) from these types.

Today I’m just focusing on the Vata type…

As a Vata, most of us are naturally thin or slender.  A Vata can eat and eat and eat, and gain little weight.

There are people you hate or envy because of this (not really… but you get my drift).  On the flipside, Vatas have thin bones and usually a more sensitive body.

We can take a warm bath and still feel cold especially in the winter.

Each body type has special features.

Another for Vata is, we epitomize the saying, “cold hands, warm heart.”

Our skin and hair stay on the naturally dry side.  We use deep moisturizers and conditioners. And adult eczema can arise that’s manageable.

Outside of appearances, the Vata body-mind type naturally holds onto worry and anxiety. An area that I did not care to hold onto so I learned to transform.

In pure Vata fashion, we naturally bounce from task to task (sometimes too much), as multi-taskers are our middle names. We also prefer variety as the spice of life.

We have or like more than one type of any product or food type.

Based on all these descriptions above, I’m 100% Vata.

You learn in life though, you adapt to situations and can balance or counterbalance any natural body type, especially with all the resources and great products we have in the world at our fingertips.

So why am I sharing all of this?…

Because I believe you have a choice to make changes in your life for the better.

I wanted to get up 10 times while writing this, but I forced myself to stay put. I also wanted to wonder what you would think reading this. I chose to not worry about anything that’s not helpful, and just be productive despite natural tendencies because I learned the better way.

But I still care about feelings and how I come across with thin skin, that I learned to toughen up over the years and through life’s situations.

There’s a part of me that still wants to be the reserved person who doesn’t want to share who she is, but I put myself out there anyway as I know I can help others.

I challenge myself to be fearless. Because I know that there’s no personal growth without bringing light to weaknesses, and places I’d rather suppress.

Then I see dynamic people in this world and I couldn’t even begin to do the things they do in their physical abilities and skills.

And I naturally want to believe they are happy.

But they’re not, inside.  And despite all they have.

They weren’t wired that way. But I was.

They live on what they know and their comforts. That’s not better or worse, it just is.

They have a choice to change parts of their lives if they choose.

As we all have choices relative to our lives and opportunities.

As long as we support one another as humans, and don’t judge one another, we can learn from each other and grow.

And that can be the greater world we are becoming in collaboration efforts.

If you’re a Vata (or think you’re one from my description above), high five and a big hug to you. I get you.

We naturally have anxious tendencies that can show up in the form of overwhelming feelings, heart palpitations, or nervous butterflies in the stomach.

You don’t have to live that way, as a regular way of being based on your thoughts and situations you can’t control.

I know this from my own learned past experiences.

Without anxiety awareness, you’re putting on a band-aid to calm the symptoms.

Breathing deeply and drinking plenty of water are super important habits to help soothe anxiety.

If you think you have anxiety in your life, confirm with this quiz, and get quick restoring tips and ongoing healthy and happy life balancing tip advice.

You too can change what’s not fully working. (Let it be easy… why live another day not being or feeling like your whole self?).

We live in an evolving world that changes whether we want it to or not.

…And there are lots going on.

But, I believe each of us can get ahead of anxiety and learn to manage and prevent anxiety in a healthy way.

Each situation is a teacher and a chance to find a remedy.

The statistics show our depressed society is growing.

Most women in America and maybe the world, don’t currently do or take the time to learn how to live healthy and happy in life’s busyness, despite all the resources available.

And, that’s where I hope I can shed light with my positivity, encouraging vibes, and sharing self-transformation lessons to help in this cause.

I encourage (and challenge you) to be your change for your life’s happiness.

You can learn all about the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in this in-depth balancing mind-body article which btw, as an example I’m dominant in Pitta mind (in addition to a Vata mind) to add fuel to the fire.

And very likely, you have more than one dominant mind type. That’s what makes each of us complex, unique, and alike in this life. It’s as simple and complicated as that. 😊



Balance Your Body Type (Inspired by a Deepak Chopra Program)

Balance your body type – Based on your score, you can find better health, balance, and passion-purpose work

A rainbow eucalyptus tree is a good metaphor symbol for our unique bodies where you can help to balance your body type for your best life today.

In 2008, I went through Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Health Program in Carlsbad, California that cost me more than any vacation I can remember. My reward has been a life changer, as I’ve used some of the life skills every day and still to this day, over a decade later (and you can use to help balance your body type).

I believe everyone can use this helpful information for their whole life in several ways, including better health to slow aging, whole balance, and finding passionate work.

How I Discovered the Program

I was personally struggling with remaining angry emotions from a stressful, uninspiring management position I had just left.

Some roles aren’t the right fit, and there was one in particular I held after a line of unsatisfying work that mildly put was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You could be good at your job and hate your job, which is how I felt, so I left that position (but my story had a good ending as a new role was created for me at the same company).

Hating the one position I held, led me to strong irritated feelings and heat throughout my body. I felt moody, out of sorts, and off (my usual) balance. I hadn’t started the position feeling that way.

I had small fleeting flare-ups with internal anger throughout my adulthood, but never this strong and for so long, that I could clearly isolate myself from one work situation and place.

This is how I came to delve deeper into learning about the mind-body connection (that has since grown in national awareness).

I had to do something pretty immediately, as my daily quality of life was affected. I knew I needed to find a permanent solution to help me deal with my stress-related and unhealthy burnt-out feelings.

I also knew I needed to attend something deep and experiential to have a change and lasting impact. I was looking for a hands-on solution that provided skills I could use throughout life, for preventative reasons.

I had already been following Deepak Chopra’s teachings through books and audio.

While researching, I discovered his Perfect Health Program that is based on Ayurveda (life science), an ancient 5,000-year-old scientific method of determining health and wellness through the mind, body, and spirit connection. In essence, the healing power of mind over body.

The concept of the mind-body connection is, if you have baggage (in your mind) that you’re holding onto from the past, that can translate to disease and disorder.

Cardiologist Dr. Dean Ornish in the Lifestyle Heart Trial proved that 48 advanced heart patients could reduce fatty plaque deposits blocking coronary arteries with their healthy lifestyle changes (exercise, yoga, meditation, and specific diet).

Ayurveda and The Perfect Health Program would take Ornish’s breakthrough study and apply principles to any disorder.

Deepak Chopra had been reporting Perfect Health approach successes for over a decade before his book Perfect Health (The Complete Mind Body Guide) was published. Many thousands of others had gone through the same Perfect Health Program I attended.

Perfect Health Teachings

For my situation, to help get me back to a calm equilibrium, I performed yoga and silent meditation for the first time through the Perfect Heath Program. But the most valuable information I learned was about the mind-body connection concept (and how my previous approach to balancing life, preventing disease, and other health issues, was more about external activities than internal wholeness).

To begin to learn about your current mind-body status and balance your body type, it’s critical to know there are three Ayurvedic body types (called Doshas). They are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Most people dominate with one Dosha (but we as humans all have traces of all three Doshas).

I’m a pure Vata determined by body frame, weight, eyes, complexion, hair, joints, sleep pattern, body temperature, feelings under stress, and temperament.

The human mind and body communicate and sends signals to each other that result in your (human) action, characteristics, emotions, and health problem tendencies related to the Doshas.

For mind-body, you can have a single, double, or triple (all 3) dosha(s).

Vata types typically act in indecision, bounce back and forth working on multiple activities, are extremely forgetful, feel anxious and worried, and have mood swings. Health issues can range from stomach, insomnia, and anxiety issues.

Pitta types can act hard-charging, or get easily stressed, angry or irritated. Health issues can range from severe heart attacks to mild heartburn.

Kapha types typically act easygoing, calm, and can be resistant to change. Health issues can range from depression to sinus or chest congestion.

Before attending the program I read Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Health (The Complete Mind Body Guide) that the Program was based on. I realized that I naturally have a Vata Body and Pitta-Vata Mind combination.

Enter The Deepak Chopra Perfect Health Program Solution

At the Chopra Center, I took a self-scored test and discovered my Pitta Mind/Body imbalance was off the charts, that needed correcting and counterbalancing (also called “pacifying a dosha”). That discovery came as no surprise based on my symptoms.

That explained why I could jump on the littlest thing, and why I could feel actual heat emanating from my body. These symptoms led me to desperately seek help.

There I also attended classes, health consultations, detox cleansing, and received Dosha-specific massages. I also tried group meditation and yoga for the first time. Yoga was just catching on the brink of mass appeal popularity.

A few participants in the same classes I attended had developed Fibromyalgia, a musculoskeletal pain disorder. This condition led them to seek help. I realized those with a disorder also could benefit from a mind-body connection solution.

These folks I met happened to also naturally have a Vata Dosha type and received warm blankets during their massage that sounded so nice to me, as it was chilly weather outside. Their imbalance was more Vata-focused.

I had a different imbalance (Pitta). To calm the fiery heat condition I had, the outside patio doors were opened for me in the middle of the cool winter, while I was laying down on the massage table.

That’s what my imbalanced Pitta body needed and felt good with, despite my brain saying I wanted warm comfy blankets like my new Vata friends had.

Similarly, a hot steam shower sounded good but would have made my imbalance worse.

From the program I learned, I could help restore balance again with some of the following healthy changes and additions to my life. I started these things right away:

Sounds: Turning off loud sounds, and deliberately listening to light and calming sounds like classical or relaxing music. Silent meditation (restful awareness) would have been good except I had lists running through my brain that I didn’t know how to silence as an inexperienced meditation beginner.

A typical balanced Pitta mind has a get things done attitude. I already learned I had a partial Pitta mind, so having a Pitta imbalance was adversely affecting my mind.

Smells and Foods: Adding foods to eat that were sweet, bitter, and astringent (and drinking relaxing chamomile tea which is not usually one I like). I gravitated to rose-scented candles. When they burned sandalwood incense in the Wellness Center’s bathroom, I was drawn to that scent that calmed me, while that same scent repelled others who needed other scents to pacify their other specific imbalances.

I could barely smell orange scents that a balanced Vata Dosha type, normally would gravitate towards. The same principle applies to and explains why certain perfumes and colognes smell better sometimes than other times.

I took a variety of natural herbs specific to the program and for my specific situation that helped with restoring balance and heat in my body (to lower my internal thermostat).

Exercise and Activities: Jumping in a pool in the middle of winter would have been great for me. As would ice skating and other wintery cooling sports. Hatha yoga became part of my weekly balance regimen (usually good for anyone, anytime).

I made these relatively easy, daily lifestyle adjustments after I came back from the program. I noticed my heated body and feelings of strong irritation started to disappear gradually.

Here’s a process you can take to learn more about how to live healthy for your mind-body:

Balance Your Body Type

Step 1: Take the Body Balance Quiz

You’ll learn (for free) what your primary Dosha body imbalance (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) is in this snapshot moment based on your situations, stressors, or season that can be different than your natural body Dosha tendencies.  You’ll also get suggestions you can print out on how you can begin to counteract and restore your imbalances back to balance.

The information is so revealing and can be life-changing (as it was for me). It’s also fun as you get to learn new lifestyle enhancements and tweaks that will benefit you and your health your entire life (and wish you knew sooner).

You commonly can have a different mind imbalance (than body imbalance). And you can be “tied” in the highest mind imbalance score, which means you have 1–2 mind imbalances (it’s rare to be tied in all 3). The same applies to body imbalances (e.g. balance your body type). Don’t let that intimidate you.

Just focus on the ones that are the highest scores. The idea is to lower those. For example, I had a score for Pitta Mind, so that was one I needed to work on.

Remember there’s a direct mind-body connection and correlation, so both are important.

Your imbalances will naturally differ at various times in your life. That’s why learning the skill of how to get balanced is helpful for various seasons in your life, and especially when you’re feeling something is “off.”

Getting back to balance allows you to:

    • Let your authentic body-mind nature shine through.
    • Live the positive aspects of your authentic body-mind nature.
    • Downplay the (seasonal) aspects of your body-mind nature holding you back.

Step 2: How to Apply This For Your Life (Balance Your Body Type)

After you know the primary Dosha imbalances you have, then for starters, make the following lifestyle modifications. You should overall feel good about your taste, smell, sound, and activity modifications.

Many people have a Pitta imbalance (like I had) since many people have stressful jobs. These are a few changes you can make for each imbalance.

Pitta: If you’re irritated/angered, listen to classical and light music, smell scents like sandalwoods, and do yoga.

Perform cooling activities. If your Pitta imbalance is strong, being cool/cold in the winter will still appeal to you (defying logical tendencies).

Vata: If you’re anxious/worried, then listen to music without regular beats.

Have an orange-scented candle near you and perform a varied motion activity like Tai Chi.

Kapha: If you’re feeling tired/lazy, then listen to heavy music and loud sounds like classic rock-n-roll.

Smell scents that wake you up like evergreen firs. Perform heavy workouts or exercises.

Deep yoga breathing exercises can really help also especially if your stress is in your chest.

Hopefully, you understand the process and some starting ideas on how to begin to counteract (pacify) your imbalances.

By discovering your imbalances, you can help prevent undesired daily moods, negative emotions, and health issues later down the road. You can feel peace when you balance your body type.

The sickness you should seek to avoid is the one that you are most prone to, and that is indicated by your prakruti.

Step 3: How To Take Your Newfound Knowledge And Find Your Passion Work

You can also apply this information above to discover your passion and purpose work (and by default, the work that would drain you and not be a good fit).

Inspired by how else I could use this valuable information, I creatively discovered this on my own.

I got out of positions doing unenjoyable hum-drum work using my skills and experiences that I was not passionate about. At these unfulfilling work choices, I questioned the impact I was making.

So one day I started creative(ly) writing. I did an experiment with this specific season where I was doing fulfilling writing work.

While writing regularly naturally feels like passionate work and I feel relaxed, I had a high Kapha Mind with a slight Pitta Body imbalance.

Kapha is not usually a strong imbalance for me. Having a lesser imbalance (lower score) would have been the best result, but having a Kapha imbalance was better for me than the other Dosha imbalances.

My typical body disposition (Prakruti) is Vata, and my mind is usually Pitta-Vata. When I was most stressed and went to the Perfect Health Program, I had a Pitta Mind and Body imbalance.

Any type of work that could make me feel anxious/worried (Vata tendencies) or angered/irritated (Pitta tendencies), would be the most stressful and worst combination for me.

Hypothetically, if my score had indicated a Vata imbalance during this time that I pursued fulfilling writing work, then I would likely have been severely or doubly anxious, forgetful, indecisive, etc. It could have resulted in some kind of dysfunction or deepening health issues later down the road.

As in most cases, there were lifestyle factors not accounted for (like what I was doing during the hours I wasn’t working in the 168 hours per week). For the most part, I did not have high stressors in my life.

I also took this similar inspired body balance quiz in the winter season, which is typically a heightened imbalance for Kapha, as it’s commonly associated with cold season and resisting (hibernation) tendencies.

Taking those additional factors into account, writing was not hurting my overall balance. I further confirm it was helping my overall feelings (of satisfaction) when I write.

Similarly, you can find or come close to discovering your sweet spot passion work by figuring out if your imbalance is acceptable. If you’re stressed and have a high Pitta imbalance that could be a tell-tale sign that you may not be doing activities that are good for you.

Before this knowledge, I had been looking at finding a balanced life, completely differently. Previously I sought work-life balance, working flexible hours. That’s part of the balance, but that doesn’t include the type of work you do, and loving what you do during those 40+ hours.

Now I look at balance as doing passionate work that enhances life. Then having a fulfilled life outside of work, to have them blend together. That seems to be the trend as many companies are trying to make the workplace more like the home. For example, casual dress at the workplace.

To optimize what I’m doing, using the Kapha Mind imbalance I have as an example, I do the following to help myself out…

Exercise and Activities for Kapha Mind/Pitta Body:

Sounds: Listening to loud music can get me going (Kapha mind). The opposite, calmer sounds like classical music (piano or jazz) are good for Pitta. Sound vibrations are primarily first picked up by the brain, but then permeate into the body cells (mind-body connection).

Exercise: Cardio work out. Since my Pitta body imbalance is low, the Kapha mind is the pacifying remedy I need to seek most. So rather than cooling down exercises, I seek high activity.

I discovered an easier, non-scientific (intuitive) way to learn your imbalances after you know what to look for.

Scanning Your Body Method (For Your Best Health, Life, and Work) – Balance Your Body Type

Besides scoring, you confirm any Dosha imbalances with how do you feel? And what is your body telling you? Since I want to do cardio work (and I feel good performing) and I don’t want to jump in a pool, I confirm naturally (through thoughts and feelings) that my Kapha imbalance is higher.

After practice, you can become an experienced Dosha/imbalance detecting pro or Dosha Expert, knowing which imbalance you have as it becomes your natural way.

You learn what your body and mind need by being attuned and internally sensitive to your mind and body needs by your actions and reactions…

Are you anxious or worried over everything and anything (Vata)? Are you irritated or anger easily (Pitta)? Are you accumulating things or lazy (Kapha)?

These are giveaways and natural health signs. You can see signs throughout your day to day if you know what to look for.

Third Benefit For Seeking Balance

The information you’ll discover about yourself can be used to balance your body type, and find your healthiest and highest and best use purpose work. All of this can help you from aging.

There’s another third benefit I discovered in finding your balance.

You can get deeply creative. When you’re in your happiest pure joy, then you can get in the flow. And get in your mind to exceed capabilities beyond your ordinary.

Through the Perfect Health Program, I realized that balance and stress reduction includes meditation (to become aware of the present moment). Getting rest awareness during this time helps with clarity when you’re in the real world. This can also be achieved through intentions in yoga.

What I Learned To Balance Your Body Type:

#1. Overall Health and Balance Starts in Your Mind to Balance Your Body Type

Good health is preventative and not just from what I eat or intake (vitamins, herbs, etc.). Mindfulness is important for reducing stress which reduces aging. I’m able to find peaceful moments more often, where my mind is calm, and content on good and bad situations, recognizing that’s part of the journey.

I’m able to be in the moment in activities like creative writing and yoga.

Finding my best work can reduce the negative sides of my natural Dosha tendencies, where I could be anxious, worried, irritated, or moody.

I learned that my Fibromyalgia classmates had formed this disorder because of past emotional hurts that needed healing (starting out in the mind).

I was able to let go of childhood wounds that were holding me back. I had to be mindful and distance myself from myself as a child. I was able to imagine a younger me (from a photo image I had) and comfort her, telling her everything is okay now and forgiving my parents. That took the weight off my shoulders. I was able to heal and restore my mind and body.

That brought me back to internal balance (for authentic whole balance). This came from more than just participating in various external activities (that I previously thought was the solution).

# 2. Balancing My Natural (Vata) Dosha Restores Me:

I can take anxious and worried energy and exchange for peace in yoga and meditation intention.

I can make the right choices easier. Since Vata is my primary Dosha, it’s easy for me to be naturally indecisive. But I can refer to the knowledge I learned when I’m out food shopping, buying a candle, or music. Before I go to the store, I’m purposeful about what I’m looking for to help balance me. This saves time from making decisions and reduces trial-and-error.

I have fun confirming what I know about my current body imbalance, sniffing candles and spices. I don’t make too many mistakes of buying or trying the wrong thing and then having remorse. I can answer the question: What does my body need?

# 3. Finding Contentment and Peace As A Better Way of Living (Over Anger)

From learning about how to reduce my imbalances and centering (in yoga or mindfulness), I can better keep myself feeling peaceful and calm. That’s the ideal way to be. I’m not fluctuating, up-and-down, and dependent on my life circumstances to bring me happiness. I’m not making decisions based on moods.

I’ve learned to be content and never again feeling like I’m riding an emotional roller coaster despite life’s twists and turns. In my opinion, that’s the best part of what I learned from my experience.

I hope you can discover and get a glimpse in your mind or life, to anything that may be holding you back, so you can be emotionally free, present, and restore balance. Then, discover your passion work and creativity.

Want to learn more? Get your personalized mind-body calm recipe to balance your body type.