
Morning Healthy Move Reminders

Morning is when we set the tone for our day.

Often we don’t consider the early wee hours as part of the morning.

If you wake up at 3 am and can’t fall back asleep easily, you can wisely use that awake time to think of solutions to your worry, and what’s on your mind or eating at you.

…But will you? 

The ego can murky the waters instead of focusing on finding answers and reframing early awakening to the positive.

And if you can remind yourself of the positive way (as minutes can turn into an hour), then you create a special occasion healthy morning ritual that’s a personal growth reflection session.

Because unless it’s our job, we’re asked, or on relaxing vacations, most of don’t sit around during the busy day or waking hours to idly come up with creative solutions.

We’re focused with the task-at-hand.

But this little extra bit of carved out early morning time brings out ideas and may just be what you need.

And as far as losing sleep, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Because the fact is you’ve already slept a few hours in the earlier part of the night (in Part 1 of your sleep), so your body has done its needed reset for survival for the next day.

In Part 2 of sleep in the morning, mostly you’re missing out on REM sleep or dreams.

And if you consider it, coming up with real-life solutions is more productive than meaningless dream movies.

So when you reframe your lack of sleep hours to productive self-time, your calm helps the day you’re entering.

…And often that is why busy, inspired people on a mission don’t need more than a few hours of sleep-a-night.

The last few morning hours are slightly optional.

It’s not a good regular sleep habit to get into, but sporadically or for a short season is not going to hurt you.

It’s like when you pull several all-nighters to cram for an exam or take a red-eye flight.

Because if you’re excited to wake up for a purpose, your enthusiasm or excitement makes up for the lack of total sleep hours.

Ok, so now you can sleep better tonight even if you don’t get the 7-9 hours. 😊 🛌 💤

And below are some healthy reminders and yoga moves when the sun rises for your best day.

Morning routine can include letting the sunlight in.…So wake up, Sunshine! Rise and shine.

In the morning when you get out of bed, you use you mind-body muscles to get you up as part of the daily, morning human routine.

Sitting up and standing helps to clear your mind and passages that get stuffy from laying down in resting pose.

Morning is a great time to start deep breathing to clear the air waves for more oxygen… a natural way to get more immediate energy circulating. ⚡️

Eyes open, you can focus on the best morning light.

That will be the eastern exposure windows in your home or if you have indoor/outdoor living where you can step outside.

Be sure to let light into your eyes for at least 30 seconds to invigorate Vitamin D production.

Just think, you’re your own vitamin supplement factory. 🏭

[But remember, wearing blue glasses to protect eyes from digital screens and outdoor shades during the rest of the day is a good idea! 😎 Too much sunlight is not a good thing.]

In the morning with the naked eye when it’s not direct sunlight like it is at noon, you can see what’s happening in your natural environment while you enjoy your morning water, smoothie, or coffee beverage.

Scan and enjoy the horizon if you’re up early enough. 🌅

If you’re not naturally a morning person, creating good morning practices like these help to wake you up.

And if you’re prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that’s typical in winter, healthy practices can be the game changer.

Women need more sleep than men and children need more sleep than adults, so that can help you be sympathetic to those sleepyheads still in bed while you’ve run circles around the neighborhood. 😊

Natural Kaphas also tend to be more tired than Pitta counterparts.

And Vatas are more inconsistent waking up at different times each day. It is a brand new day experience for these folks!

And for anyone, these tendencies can easily drift with a gradual seasonal imbalance.

You can get tips on how to restore your Ayurvedic imbalance with the body balance quiz.

Morning Yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️

Morning yoga for even 5-minutes is worth the effort!

Everyone has 5 minutes they can sneak in as a habit stack to a water or bathroom break.

Getting into Table Top pose and doing a few Cat/Cows can change your day because mostly your calm mood is improved.

With yoga, your Ayurvedic routine can include ginger and water or herbal tea that are good for the body.

Like finding gaps in the wee hours of the morning (if you’re awake), finding your regular morning imbalances and self-restoring is going to help your healthy, happy day.

One easy practice to do would be to use mood-feeling clues to discover what is dominant:

If you’re super tired or withdrawn, Kapha is dominant.

If you’re feeling hard charging or opinionated, Pitta is dominant.

If you’re feeling scattered or anxious, Vata is dominant.

And if you feel a little this-and-that throughout the day, know that Vata runs the show so restoring that energy first will do you good!

And restoring each mood as it appears will help you feel better than letting the hodge podge of feelings take over.

Welcome in the feelings and assess each one to restore separately is a good way to start the morning and invite in the day.

Do you need to calm from worry (Vata)? Are you thinking-feeling critical of others (Pitta)? Are you feeling disengaged or the needy opposite (also Kapha)?

Getting on your yoga mat to assess can change the trajectory of your day.

Deep breathing in and out on your mat is one helpful cure-all to help restore… calming anxiety/worry, lowering blood pressure, and breathing in oxygen for energy and love.

This is a good way to ease into the morning or Vinyasa flow to the next part of the day you’re called into.

And here’s a simple daily yoga morning practice that you can use and tweak up…

Do your standing Sun Salutations.

Rise up slowly and as controlled as you can like one spinal vertebrae at a time, into a standing Mountain pose position.

Then sit or lay down.

Feel and test your body for any kinks and tightness.

Cracking joint sounds are more common in the morning or sharp changes in temperature.

Seated, do a Seated Spinal Twist to see if your sides are tight. This was one we did as kids (…maybe, hoopla hooping or Sit-n-Spin twistering).

Check your back too.

Lay down. Do a Bridge pose. See if and where there’s tension in your bridge that you can restore.

Easy Yoga for Beginners

If you’re intimidated by the idea of yoga and doing poses wrong, don’t be

I’ve been in morning yoga classes before where I would hear people say they’re “not good at yoga.”

Re-framing your yoga ability thoughts to encouraging messages help you and then you’re better at yoga!

It’s a good metaphor for being a lifelong learner.

We all start as yoga move beginners and each morning is a re-start, so your body feels different than the day before. You get to try something new.

Laying down flat on your back or Corpse pose is a fancy name for just being.

You’re connected or in union with yourself. 🔌

In a class, everyone is busy concentrating and looking at their own body parts and poses.

It’s a non-competitive, individual sport and pursuit.

You get a chance to look inward and see yourself like when you look in a mirror.

If you’re self-conscious, yoga can help you break away from judgmental feelings about yourself or others.

When I attended my first class I felt disassociated because I didn’t know what I was doing. And there was no home yoga back then…

But today years later, practicing yoga at home is accessible and can help give you the confidence you need.

Have fun with getting to know your body and mind as part of your you-uniqueness in the mind-body connection.

Trust the process of showing up and taking baby steps, and the rest will work itself out.

Having a morning yoga routine can reset your life balance and centering priority.

I hope my tips help your morning jam! 🌅


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Dry January The Healthy Tea Way

Dry January is catchy these days as people (…maybe you?) want to be better to their health and bodies than before because living longer optimally is available.

…And I have an offer below 👇 (that’s FREE) to help this cause, and if that’s where you are!

Dry January healthy smoothie recipe and anti-inflammatory drink ideas.

Drinking healthy is smart and good for weight loss as metabolism and the body changes over decades.

…And no matter what age you are, we’re living in tech exciting times.

That surely (if nothing else yet) keeps us curious to what’s next and on our toes! 🩰

Curiosity and wonder is what this life journey is all about. 💭

And to enjoy life fully, being healthy changes everything about daily life.

It’s the daily little steps that make all the difference. 🐾

And this article is all about how you can optimize your life with healthy tea (and other anti-inflammatory drinks) you can celebrate the ride with through dry January if that’s what you’re doing or aspiring to.

Your healthy drink habit intentions and efforts could be the one action step change that changes the trajectory of your future. No judgment wherever you are, just a mild fact.

…You can avoid surprising health diagnoses and gain healthy outcomes with the one life you and I get by your daily drink habits.

And off the bat, ruling out excessive drinking is good for your body.

…Not just cocktails, but also regular mocktails 🧉filled with sugar. That often comes in a pretty and shiny can.

And for starters, I’m a Sugar Queen.

I know all about the substance as I was the kid who delighted in spoonfuls of sugar out of the sugar jar and always had candy, cookies, cakes… you name it.

If you had a sweet emergency, you could always count on me to have something sweet-on-hand to calm your nerves. 😁

And today I still enjoy the sweet bakes with low-sugar so I can feed my craving that’s not a sugar addiction.

Sugar drinks is where you can score lots of points. I had my own lessons learned experiences. That’s  how I started my mornings for a few years  where cola felt good.

These days, I can’t tell you the last time I picked up a soda pop because I broke the bad habit.

When you get to that point, your body helps you too and you no longer have a sweet soda craving (addiction).

But getting there can be gradual.

And a good place to start is replacing bad drink habits with simple and low-sugar drinks that are good for your health, like healthy smoothies.

There are also plenty of delicious natural drinks that have a great taste out-of-the-box that don’t need much thought to make or zhugh to create…

Teas are at the top of list.

With a little added water (that is the drink of life), you’re off to the races, avoiding some headaches and overeating.

Water is life and naturally the drink for all life, like camels that can’t get enough of the flowing crystal liquid 🐪

And water in tea as flavoring is a great way to add variety drinks to your day!

The healthy tea benefits outweigh the concerns for stained teeth and any other tea-related disadvantages.

…I’ve been drinking black tea and all different color 🌈 and types of teas my entire adult life, and my teeth are still white.

Plus, we live in an era of whitener options to get them pearly.

And tea is much better for your teeth than sugar.

One super tea is green tea (more on this below 👇).

And if you’re not a green tea  🍵 flavor fan (like most Vata first people that prefer sweet), there are options, like: fruity herbal tea and adding cinnamon spice.

There is so much drink-from-the-rainbow variety! 🌈

And last time I checked the stores, there were whole aisle shelves filled with teas, so you’re in good company to support a dry January cause that can be year-round.

Packaged tea from grocery stores often come with 20 bags and for under $20 you can buy lots of tea variety.

But before you head to the stores, check your teas at home.

When you’re ready, head to your tea stash to survey what your current options are. And maybe think of how you can add to the deficit. 

In your kitchen shelves, as part of organization, you can pull out all your tea bags and loose teas (whether they’re in bags or not).

Sniff how fresh they are.

And see what your (Ayurvedic) preferences are as your nose knows!

That’s what I like to do also with spices during the holidays.

…This sniffing idea caught on with me from childhood slumber parties I went to.

Sleepovers were a popular thing to do.

And one New Year’s childhood sleepover (…back then, they were all dry 😊), we stormed my friend’s kitchen (aka parent’s cabinets) and pulled out all the spices and set them on the table… and from there we did a fun blind sniff test on one another.

That started my cinnamon curiosity. 💕

…And that cinnamon stick memory sticks with me as decades later I’m into the Ayurvedic spice. 😊

Just like that, I grew from sugar to cinnamon girl! 🧒🏻 🦸🏻‍♀️

And today you can do the same fun experience with your tea and spices at home.

…In the malls I went to (another popular past-time), there were Teavana stores (that Starbucks currently owns) where they kept loose teas and they would let you sniff the loose tea wafts.

The employees waved the tin tops so you can make your own tea pairing blends.

And you could bring back the canisters to refill. I miss those days when I fell in love with mate tea and chai undertones that are BOTH even more popular today!

That’s inspiration for making your own home tea blends that can be made from spices, and vice versa.

…And with teas in front of you, you can mix-and-match and have a dry January party every day. 🎉

You can even double-up with 2 tea bag flavors to light your tea fancy.

…And this is how you can fit your green tea in that goes well with peach and other fruity flavors.

Leaving the teas out so they’re visible brings tea possibilities.

Detox, black, green, herbal, white, and red (rooibos) teas… bring it on! This is my sample stash that changes as often as the seasons…

Pull out your tea stash of variety!

When you sniff teas, the tea smell strength tells the tea story… of how it will taste brewed. And also how healthy it will be.

The healthy profile is in the fresh, so that’s one reason why freshness and expiration dates do matter.

On Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most healthy tea types, and matcha tea is one potent green tea type that is high in tea caffeine if that’s important to you. 🍵

Teas have anti-inflammatory healthy profiles. Like L-theanine in green teas and catechin (polyphenols) in white and black teas.

Usually polyphenols are rainbow 🌈 colors, but black is void of colors and white has all the colors.

Like fine wines, green teas have grades and ceremonial grade is high-quality and going to be the most favorable for a sweet tooth.

Premium grade is close, but comes from a second harvest so will be a more like a traditional green tea that’s bitter and culinary grade.

And green tea is great for a tea ritual.

Dry January won’t seem as dry with your tea practice that is cozy warming 🕯️and complement yoga time on your mat. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Muti-tasking both is healthy.

And as for beginner tea tools:

Buy or bring out a tea pot that will make your party enjoyment easier.

Growing up, tea pots with jasmine tea are familiar to me because that’s when I saw them served with fortune cookies at Chinese restaurants my family occasionally went to.

And in trying this at home, keep in mind a tea pot is not a tea kettle. 🫖

Word to the wise: read the instructions that came in the box.

And if it’s a hand-me down pot or doesn’t come with any instruction (…sound familiar?), proceed with caution as many ceramic or clay pots are not boiling water heat-safe… so they could blow a lid.

Leave the tea pot on the serving table and pour the hot water from the stove tea kettle into the table tea pot.

And if you are drinking green tea, let any boiling water cool down first to steaming hot (but not boiling hot).

⛔️ Boiled water burns green tea leaves and that’s how you get a more bitter taste that isn’t favorable (that will make a non-green tea fan even less of a fan!).

To sweeten, you can also add honey and a great healthy flavor pairing is lemon.

Lemon and green tea are anti-inflammatory activating-powerful as a pairing. ⚡️

And when you lean into fun flavors like pucker-up lemon 🍋, dry January will no longer be as dry anymore… and also when you immerse yourself in teas that are easy to find.

Like, a Chai Latte where you fall in love with tea as your new go-to comfort when you’re feeling bored with water.

Or try a ginger tea and you’ve got a delicious drink that’ll give you something to hang your hat on (and not a hangover). Pair with lime, orange, or lemon that are all winter citrus fruits with a zippy vibe.

📣 NEW: For more inspiration, if you would like more daily healthy tea and drink ideas, grab my FREE digital/printable 7-Day healthy smoothie recipe guide.

👉 And if you want super easy and healthy blender recipe ideas, check out my NEW Magic Bullet recipes.

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Bran Waffle with Lemon

Bran waffle in your diet is good inspo for healthy and happy eating. It’s a great year-round breakfast or brunch idea.

To brighten the brown waffle color, lemons add sunny yellow and pucker-up tartness. And actually lemons are winter fruits that we celebrate more in summer! 🍋

You would never know that these waffles have bran and lemon in them!

bran waffle with sweet flavors,

But bran topping or blended in bran is loaded with fiber, and a handful of all bran may be the fiber you need (without all the sugar).

Bran is a whole food and grain which means that the bran, germ, and endosperm stay intact.

In common terms, that means that extra vitamins and fiber are included and not just the starchy carb middle layer found in many ordinary grains.

Bran is also a low glycemic index food that good for anti-inflammatory.

So it’s a good start, and when you mix bran in your waffle batter, you don’t have soggy bran like in cereal. 🥣

Bran also makes for a good foundation for other flavors like citrusy lemon that comes through.

The burst of sour sweetness wakes up!

And when you add another flavor dimension like anise seed or spice, you have one tasty waffle that’s also good for your stomach gut.

You can make pancakes with these ingredients, and if you like crunch and the idea of not waiting for your stove to heat up, you can make fresh waffles.

All you need are a few extra waffle ingredients and a waffle iron.

In case you’re debating whether to get one, I did the same. I wondered if it would be another tool that would take up valuable kitchen space.

And I’m proud to say it was a great investment because waffle irons are not expensive compared to other plug-in kitchen tools. 🔌

Mine gets used regularly, and yours would too!

They also take up little space standing upright like a book 📕 that I discovered when I read the paper instructions it came with.

…I would’ve never thought of that because I’ve only seen them in motion use either sitting on a table or at a self-serve hotel breakfast bar.

And that’s the story of how the waffle idea caught on with me (…and maybe for you too?). 🧇🧇🧇

…Oh, and the best part is if you don’t feel like cooking or waiting for your stove to wake up from cold sleep, a waffle iron is a fast-heating, convenient tool.

It’s as fast heating up as a curling iron for your hair that most of us grew up with.

…Once upon a time, I had a wavy iron. I’m glad that trend died and didn’t resurrect!

…And that no waffle iron hair took its place. 😊

Let’s keep the waffles for the kitchen.

And since they’re so easy to whip up in one bowl in 5-minutes, you can free-zer up your freezer space.

Just think, this weekend or today, a happy breakfast or brunch is served in minutes! 💭 And with a bran waffle stack idea, you have a healthy breakfast that could be a daily one.

The possibility of sweet pairing flavors is endless with easy and sweet one-bowl made waffles.

Like, you can amp up your waffle fries with healthy, savory potatoes with a french fry crunch 🍟. For other one-bowl easy waffles, check out my brunch waffles and recipes.


Bran Waffle with Lemon

Servings 3 waffles
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup all-bran cereal
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tbsp healthy oil
  • 1 tbsp anise seeds
  • 1 tsp cardamom (optional)
  • 1/2 lemon


  • Combine water to flour and add bran. Let the bran soften (or you can grind in advance).
  • Squeeze in lemon and add seeds. If you do not have anise seeds, you can substitute with poppy or chia seeds that will be also be a delight.
  • Cook waffles until golden brown (usually 3-5 minutes on medium setting on heated waffle iron).
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Bird Yoga Pose For Balance, Strength, and Flexibility

Bird yoga pose is one metaphor in life that can help you soar and help with your body balance, strength, and flexibility. It’s a healthy way to kick start your year. Learn what these poses are below. 🦅

Eagle pose is one bird yoga pose you can do anywhere.
More about this “crouching tiger” looking photo below 🐯

Today I’m gonna share how bird yoga pose (and actually 4 bird yoga poses) can help you get some of the tight kinks out.

Below I spend time on Pigeon Pose because I think it’s underrated for all the benefits (especially if your joints need some flexing).

And I believe everyone can use yoga no matter what profession we have or how active we are (as we tend to do repetitive actions that the body can get irritated with).

At some point, some part needs a stretch… and if you keep up with stretching, then the body cells remember the stretched feeling… and you don’t have to grease up the joints as much to get there.

I remember I took a season away from yoga at the beginning of my yoga journey and I thought I would have to start all over again.

I was surprised and happy to find that was not the case. I did lose muscle, but the time off actually restored certain smaller worn muscles. They appreciated the time off 😊

It’s like getting rest on the weekends. You probably need more self-care time than you initially think.

Like if you take a few days off, your body kinda can unwind but isn’t totally relaxed. It’s ready to jump back into busyness, but that’s not good for your body.

And if you take a purposeful year off like I did to discover, travel, and recoup, you may sleep like a hibernating bear (and bypass a mid-life crises later on if that still exists).

You could call it a gap year or sabbatical.

Then once restored and feeling like a million bucks, your body wants to get back in action. And that brings more meaning and purpose to your life.

In contrast, ignoring the body can catch up with all of us at some point, but the good news is we have a chance to make healthy changes along the way.

When we’re in a busy season, carving out time to work out is hard work, and so many of us don’t get to do it, or we prefer to spend our time with other fun or catch-up activities.

Plus, how exciting is it to talk to others about your workout instead of a fun outing event you had?

…But like many good things for you, they are not exciting.

Like habits. But little by little (and in micro-habits) they make a difference… and the sooner you do them, the sooner they stick.

Yoga fitness is one (less intense) way you can do and stay consistent with fitness habits. 🧘🏻‍♀️

And if it’s important for you to check off working out for your week, consistent yoga could be your Savior… and you never know, could pivot you into other fitness areas as you discover more about your body.

You can do yoga anytime and anywhere without a change of clothing (or babysitter).

If I told you some of the unique places I did yoga, you’d probably laugh… like I did once on a cold, swept restaurant floor and on a busy, warm sanded beach…

Wearing stretchy pants, I even showed off my Bird of Paradise pose to my co-workers.

I found that adding fun challenges with step and move goals, kept me motivated. And keeping the eye on the prize helps… like staying energetically healthy as life progresses.

…I think we all want that in our lives so we can have a high-quality of life as our generations are living longer.

That’s where the bird yoga pose and poses I mention below can help. The poses can relax and stretch you (both body and mind).

And since none of us can fly on our own (at least not today), this is the closest we can get to being a bird. 😁

An inspirational bird yoga pose (that can be goals) could help encourage you to work on all or one of these core yoga areas: strength, flexibility, balance (holistic fitness), and body alignment because one side is usually tighter than another.

…Or, one slight tweak move in a muscle can be all you need for that nagging pain you or others have been complaining about in conversation.

Yoga isn’t a rigid practice (…it’s individualistic), so you can call it stretching if it’s less intimidating and can stretch your imagination to wanting to give it a GO.

The name of poses are really just to help you know which poses to get into, but your body and its needs are you-nique, so tweak the poses in a way that makes you feel good (and doesn’t hurt)!

In case you’re new or consider yourself a yoga beginner, yoga stretches should not give you a wincing pain or any agony where you’re biting your lip.

So that helps for you wanting to come back for more and to try all the bird poses!

…And if you’re not in alignment for certain poses (likes ones bearing the weight of certain body parts), you won’t necessarily feel the misalignment at the moment.

It could show up in a day or two, like when you work out with weights.

…So use good form in the pose moment.

Stretches should feel like you needed the stretch, and the longer you hold the stretch… the less tight it becomes, wearing off the tight kinks.

Of course, if you have any injuries, avoid those areas until they fully heal.

But other than those caveats, yoga can solve most daily and accumulated nagging sore muscle issues!

I’m living proof 😊

So with that encouragement, here are 4 inspirational bird yoga poses to work on and towards (and btw, you won’t end up on all 4’s even if you start out that way, so you can test out your flying ability just a little).

Crane Pose – is a good mat pose for building strength in arms 

In this one, you’re supporting your body with your arms. Your feet start off on the floor and then lift off.

You want to be careful not to twist your wrists (the good form is keeping them straight on your mat and perpendicular to your matching left and right shoulders).

When I went through a short season where I stopped doing my arm exercises like push-ups, getting in a Crane pose was like starting over.

I had to build back the arm strength that this pose requires. Your body may feel that way or may not have those issues, but instead other ones in other areas.

Yoga is a journey and that’s what I think keeps it interesting. You’re always working on something.

For you, it could also be strength and/or a combination of flexibility and balance (or all of the above).  We all start somewhere with our one and only body, so keep trying.

Pigeon Pose – is a floor or mat pose good for developing flexibility in the hip, legs, knees, and butt(ocks)

When you have tight quads or hips, this pose can help get you outta that quandary.

As with most yoga poses, there are many variations… and if you want to keep your arms and legs on the mat the whole time, that’s an option.

You want to find the body spots that are tight and sore and work on those. You can do this by moving around your pointed straight back leg after you get in the Pigeon Pose (that btw, your leg isn’t supporting the weight of other parts of your body so it’s OK to move it around in this pose if that doesn’t offer your body any pain).

Pigeon Pose can help with your largest muscle groups like your quads, your glutes (butt), plus the tight muscles surrounding your knees that you wouldn’t easily be able to get to in everyday positions.

We underestimate how much we need our knees to easily work to be mobile.

In Pigeon Pose, each side won’t necessarily be equal in terms of tightness and you’ll realize that quickly.

So give more attention to the side that needs the longer stretch.

The easiest way to get in this pose is to start in Downward Dog (your “V” with all 4’s planted) and then hinge your body and arms forward with one leg you want to have in front.

Do this like a flow motion (also called Vinyasa).

Then sit down on the mat focusing on squaring (aligned) hips to your shoulders.

The opposite leg will rest straight (not bent) back behind you with the top of your foot on the mat.

You should feel long and that can feel good in itself!

With this bird yoga pose, you can also work on opening your shoulders if you can reach back and grab your bent leg and foot.

This is a chance to look up to the ceiling or sky.

It’s a nice break for your neck.

If you regularly cook, clean floors, or work on a laptop on your lap, you may not realize how many hours you’re looking down all the time, and that hurts your neck that supports your head, brain, and reminder… your mind control center.

Well, when it’s put that way!…

But anyway

In this active Pigeon Pose, there’s a good opportunity to look up (and restore your neck).

OK, this reminds me of movie theaters… have you ever sat in the front row of a movie theater? 🎭

I haven’t been to one in ages. But when I was a teen, movie theaters were often packed and we’d arrive later and not having a choice, had to sit in the front row just a few feet away from the big screen.

That felt like the worst movie scenario at the time. We had to crank our necks and gaze up for the entire movie.

Looking back now, we didn’t know the yoga neck-posture benefits we were deploying back then. You may remember me next time you’re at the movie theater 😉

So deploy that head up move in your active Pigeon Pose… or you can gracefully go into a more passive Swan Pose (like in the theater production Swan Lake). 🦢

This is almost like a resting child’s pose, but a great stretch all around as your arms are stretched long on the mat and your one leg behind you.

I love this bird yoga pose as you feel graceful as your body is stretched from one end of the mat to the other (maybe why ballerinas love it too).🩰

If you have tight quads or muscles you can’t seem to get to in your regular stretch routines, this pose can do the trick over time or days.

The longer you can hold the pose (like minutes at a time), the better the benefit. You feel the healing working when you ever so slightly move and the tightness eases up.

It feels good just talkin’ about it 😉

Here’s a Good Reminder!

Eagle pose – is a good standing balance bird yoga pose

On earth, eagles are harder to come by in the world. They were an endangered species and can fly higher than their prey and vultures.

That’s the meaning behind: “I can fly higher than an eagle” song verse in Bette Midler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings” song.

This one takes a little body coordination memory. Just remember, the same side where one leg is lifted off the ground is the same side where the arm/elbow will wrap underneath the other. Don’t overthink it!

Then in union (the definition of yoga), the hands will meet.

When you’re in this pose, you feel good for being able to stand on one leg in balance… and you can do this anytime and during commercial breaks.

Or even in regular clothes, like this photo of me below where I’m in a dress wearing big costume jewelry ready to go to a holiday event, but still getting the benefits of my eagle here 🦅…

Eagle bird yoga pose.
Eagle Pose

Bird of Paradise – is a pose that challenges flexibility, balance, and leg strength (…and isn’t a bird at all. It’s a tropical orange flower that could be found in this type of paradise environment at the Miami Botanical Center).

When you can do this Bird of Paradise pose, then you can be thinking you reached yoga paradise

The Bird of Paradise pose is a complete mind-body pose (and not one in awareness where I want to be wearing a dress without showing too much of my flower if ya know what I mean!). So you’ll just have to trust me here and give it a try yourself.😉

And if you want to know the mind-body mechanics of the bird yoga pose, I wrote a past blog post on this great mind challenge bird of paradise pose.

If you can do this pose, then you have a good shoulder opener, leg strength builder, and torso flexor, all-in-one.

Plus your mind will be stretched in a good way (focused and in the moment).

Just something to consider especially if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and stuck in life… Bird of Paradise yoga pose can be a nice little goal to take your mind off for a brief moment.

You can change your outlook one bird yoga pose (and day) at a time… like I did being one with this Takahe bird (or blue hen if you prefer).

standing bird yoga pose with a giant blue takahe bird statue.

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Gut Health For a Happier Life

Gut health is something that rules our happy life. This article is about reminders and what you can do about keeping the gut happy.

…And fermented foods is one way that makes for your healthier and happier life! 😊

Easy steps to make sourdough for gut health.
Easy steps to make sourdough for gut health. 👣

Like, baking sourdough is one way to take healthy measures to get a happy gut. And a great new year initiative. 🎉

For one, making sourdough is an immersive experience to learn about what fermented foods are.

In the process, you see how easily bacteria in the air (that we often avoid) is created and grows, and these become baked-in prebiotic foods to support our healthy gut bacteria.

I learned about these sides researching and writing articles for health and wellness publications… and going through the baking experience myself like so many during the pandemic.

Sourdough was a trend and maybe still is with you. 🥖

…If you’ve never tried making sourdough, it’s much easier to make (and regular bread too) than it sounds.

Actually… it’s sooo easy in steps, that it fits on the small square infographic image above that I created. ⬆️

…And that’s just one way to promote gut health.

A healthy gut is a happy life connection.

Where remember, over 90% of the happy hormones (serotonin) is made in the gut.

So if you have a less-than-balanced gut, then the happy moods can subtly run off… but often can be mood restored with TLC (self-care) and Ayurvedic restoration if it’s not caused by a health issue.

…If you don’t know why you have a sudden chip on your shoulder or are more emotionally lately, gut health could be one reason.

So it’s good to ask yourself: what have I been eating lately? And what in my life and lifestyle could have brought this temporary mood on?

The mind-body connection is as real as the happy gut health connection.

And if it’s lifestyle or mood-related, you can get your healthy and happy gut back on with some tweaks…

Eating more fiber from mostly veggies and fruits for morning starters is a good move! 🥕🥦

The fiber ones that are non-digestible are prebiotic. There’s a subset of plant-based foods or produce out there that qualify. 🍏 🍌

Prebiotic foods such as asparagus are abundant in spring. And garlic and onions peak… (see these ones peeking out here 🧅).

Along with probiotic healthy bacteria (like that found in Greek yogurt), prebiotic foods will encourage more good bacteria.

And so, mixing your banana (prebiotic) and Greek yogurt (probiotic) is a good idea. And when you add nuts or seeds and whole fruits, that makes a gut smile even more.

Starting your morning habits after a tall glass of water or ginger water sets you and your body on the right foot.

You can prevent leaky gut, dysbiosis, SIBO, and IBS caused by food habits.

Encouraging good gut bacteria growth in the body is similar to supporting positive, loving thoughts in the mind where you want to crowd out the negative, bad ones.

✋ Avoid Reminders:

Antibiotics destroy the gut microbiome and changing gut health flora. Take antibiotics when absolutely necessary.

Such as, most people wouldn’t take antibiotics for a common cold virus (as it wouldn’t help and is not necessary).

But it’s common to take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor as precaution for a growing bacterial infection. And supplementing with probiotics (including yogurt) help to support the gut damage.

If you think of a healthy gut like a well-run garden (vs. an unbalanced  jungle that can turn into weeds ), then you have a good mental picture of healthy balance vs. dysbiosis (gut imbalance).

…And you’re the gardener. 🧑‍🌾

Avoid the skin on foods that are non-organic.

Skin has nutrients but a lot of the modern healthy foods we eat today are sprayed with toxins in the process that negate the benefits and damage the gut.

So eating skin on certified organic foods or ones you personally plant and care for is the only real way to be safer in protecting your gut microbiome.

Stress is a killer. Our bodies naturally clean and detox during sleep, but stress puts wear and tear on our body’s natural defenses and adds a strain on its healthy housekeeping.

Avoiding stress at all costs is the best way.

With stressful seasons and situations that you experience, take daily deep breaths.

It’s amazing how the world looks different after a few deep breathing exercises like: Ujjayi, Lion’s Breath, or 4-7-8.

My favorite way is getting on my yoga mat to let the world and stress melt away. 🧘🏻‍♀️

It’s cathartic.

You can also take relaxing nature walks and experience tears of joy through Ayurvedic living.

The story of your stress is displayed in your gut, starting from cravings and what you eat… down to how food is digested and how it determines your bathroom life relative to other days and seasons.

The moods you think you’re feeling may not be the one your body is actually experiencing.

Remember, you are not your body or mind, but they are part of you.

You can tell signs by what you’re drawn or repelled to in foods, scents, and activities. That’s one way Ayurveda is useful to daily, modern life so you can make changes.

And that’s why I was hooked after I learned about the science …as we’re not prisoners to our situations and moods that are served up… we’re empowered to restore to our healthy and happy, best life and season.

…And we’re better off for it in daily joyful living and living healthy longer.

You can restore your moods and gut in one-fell swoop effort with your healthy moves when you know what to do (and then do it).

Mood foods are a good way to start and most fall in the anti-inflammatory food diet categories that’s catching on.

 Anti-inflammatory foods are the ones I focus on, as I found on my healthy living journey that they matter most.

They help to restore gut balance and bigger picture… they’re known to prevent certain common chronic diseases like heart diseases, Diabetes, cognitive decline, and certain cancers.

You can find anti-inflammatory profiles in many beverages, spices, and colorful polyphenol-filled rainbow foods when you look around. 🌈

…Like this butterfly blue tea drink filled with quercetin and other antioxidants that I made from bags of tea I purchased.

Keeping a daily happy gut with anti-inflammatory plant-based foods and creative healthy beverages, you live comfortably, have more energy, and get to fulfill more each day.

…Now that’s something to look forward to! ✨

One gut health pairing idea: a pear granola crumble (substitutable with apple) that’s tasty happy pair-enhanced with cinnamon. Use Ceylon cinnamon for additional anti-inflammatory benefits. 🧡 😋



Pear Granola Crumble

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • dry oats
  • pear
  • honey
  • cinnamon to liking
  • light EVOO


  • Add your layer of oats. And drizzle honey ontop and a drizzle of light olive oil so you get the toasty granola effect.
  • Add your cut pear slices. Add cinnamon as a divine flavor pairing.
  • Add another layer of oats and more cinnamon to liking.
  • Bake until toasted.
  • For healthy Vata balancing, add orange slices or zest and additional Ceylon cinnamon.

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