When a new season starts, it’s common to feel nostalgia. Seeing spring cherry blossom trees, fall fiery leaves, summer pool floats, serene lakes, and fireflies do this for me. 💬
Those are the common memories I grew up with living in the DC suburbs where July 4th fireworks still fly in star spangle awe over the Nation’s Capitol 🎇
Summer is a time of swinging transition. You can dream of fun memories you can make. And in nostalgia, bring back fond memories that you’ve held onto.
These days we’re all globally connecting with people from around the world. That naturally makes us think more (and are more aware) of places around the globe that we’re not physically in, but imagine in their different time zones, and what their lives could be like. 🌏
For me, working with digital nomads who scoot around the globe 🛹 with a backpack as easily as stepping out the door makes me more grateful for the world I’m in, and to not take life for granted.
They can be on a 12-hour time difference but working in the same synched zone. This brings us together. 👭
Like me in your situations you can realize how you have more similarities than differences with other cultures. Maybe you’ve felt that way from your work or school experiences.
When I was younger, we were world’s apart with no way to connect. But no matter what decade you grew up in, you probably dreamed up adventures. 🚀
I dreamed of going to Alaska from travel photos I had seen in magazines and television. The outdoor Alaskan experience seemed so different than my surrounding reality. And while I never made it to that outdoor nature experience, I did get a taste of international travel just a few years later.
I think of that first European vacation trip as unforgettable because I was just a kid. I haven’t forgotten the Venice gondola ride experience with the musician playing an accordion with soothing romantic melodies, fine dining foods such as spumoni ice cream and a view of a picturesque Swiss lake! That was a great modern Ayurvedic balancing experience especially at such an impressionable age!
And with that nostalgia I can bring back at any time, that serves as a source of calm and good mood change.
And, so then when I went back decades later, it was no less adventurous to see some of the same places with adult eyes.
Some tastes have changed, but some haven’t. And that’s for all of us. We all have those general experiences to celebrate.
And, what does that tell us?
…We’re naturally changing daily and we’re innately the same in our mind and bodies from when we were born. That’s the core of Ayurveda in a nutshell.
And we can see that in our daily experiences and in travel trying new foods and experiencing new languages, countries, and cities.
One city that makes the happiest place in the world list time and time again, is Copenhagen. It’s a strolling city. It’s also a bicycle city. 🚲
And I grew up always riding a bicycle (so that strikes nostalgia)…
The charming architecture and cobblestone street design make the historic European city postcard and travel magazine photo worthy.

When you’re in a calm area like Copenhagen with lots to see, you can think of other nostalgia memories that are in your wheelhouse.
For me, I think of peaceful ocean boardwalk cotton candy 🎡memories.
The peaceful memories mean less stress today, and more joy and happiness.
And if you’re missing that wanderlust feeling in new experiences, you can try this…
Turn on media to watch PBS adventures showing the tropical jungle or the Savannah desert life. Instantly your mind switches to a new gear (and you didn’t need to get any vaccines to experience 😅).
Or, watch the wildlife of Alaska that satisfy my inner child that never made it there. I don’t need to travel there to experience. And when I think of the stress effort it would take to fly there, I’m actually relieved.
And that feeling of relief reduces stress which is always welcomed.
The brain, btw doesn’t know the difference of whether we see a waterfall on our screen or live and in-person. It’s how we choose to interpret the experience.
So believe you do have an immediate say in your mind-body balance! 🧘🏻♀️
And that’s why experiencing those great movies, books, and stories you encounter that make you laugh, cry, appreciate, and wonder… are the perfect escapes. 💭
They don’t get the ooh…ahh from your friends, but the memories and nostalgia feelings are just as real, and whenever you recall them.
You may not take an Instagrammable photo… but who cares?
Everything we know about in this world has been photographed and shared. So capturing your photograhic memory is what matters most. 🧠

Some other ways to get those instant happy nostalgia feelings:
You can share about your experience and what you thought in small talk or a book club. Being in community with those you have affinity for not only are feel-good moments, they also help extend our healthy lives.
Another way is to take a streaming voice map tour where you get to experience another place, city, country, or culture from the convenience of your digital device. Maybe you don’t get the full 3-D experience, but you do at least get a 2-D one for a fraction of the price and cost for traveling to another location.
A good goal is to make every day feel special in some way. This could be as simple as turning on those moody jams 🎶
And wherever you are and whatever you’re doing today (and on this SUPER special holiday day), commemorate with a moment of gratitude that you can recall next year in feel-good nostalgia.😊

Happy Fourth of July!! 🇺🇸 Be safe! 🧨