
Happy Place on Earth List

Happy place to me is tasty good food that can be from home.

And a happy new year is a 365-day opportunity to make happy moments (and visit your happy place more often whatever and wherever that may be).

At home, baking is my jam and how I swiss roll decorated with sprinkles, plus vanilla-chai and chocolate-flavored for both tastes. I see the cocoa and Greek yogurt ingredients as both healthy and happy 🧡

This rolls me into the mood to share my happy places on the planet besides home (and some are ranked happiest places and cities, so I know I’m not the only one 😊).

For some people in America, “the happiest place on earth” to visit is Disney World: a place where you can find the dressed-up celebrity mouse and his wife waltzing about their world adding to people’s fantasy land dreams.

A grown up city like Copenhagen is more my speed… it’s ranked as the happiest city in the world for its cobblestone-street charm and cool vibes on the water. I’m grateful I checked it off my list in 2018.

Every day is a postcard.

Copenhagen is a happy places that looks like a postcard!

It’s pretty magical and the culture embraces balance as a way of life. It’s in their calm and cool energy, taking time to slow down and not rush around.

This Little Mermaid is the most photographed woman (or fish) in the world

Then if you go north, into Bergen, Norway, you’re in troll central. It’s a different place where you may not be sure whether to put a smile on or give a puzzled look around the troll influence.

You know, the colorful ones like Poppy with her glitter-power, and friends from the movie, Trolls.

The whole idea of trolls is wondrous and can make you curious about what other places are out there? Or it can just be fun to look at all the indigenous troll trinkets, like characters in Disney World.

Cute or not-so-cute is for you to decide

Bergen is just a hop from little Norwegian towns surrounded by lush foliage and waterfalls. Occasionally you can see a cute roof, and then I wonder who lives in those homes.


…And what do they eat? I’m into biodiverse eating, but in Norway, they have fresh fruits and similar protein categories that are also in our healthier Western diets. You may have heard of the Nordic Diet, one of the anti-inflammatory diets out there today.

One main difference is they use canola oil over a southern Mediterranean diet that uses EVOO (and is not a “diet”). Unlike fad or buzzy trending diets, these are based on the daily foods (what they eat) in an entire region in the world.

(I’m all for the anti-inflammatory biodiverse eating around the Universe).

Like most cities, they have organic markets and local farmer’s markets with the freshest seasonal goods.

Here I saw some fresh berries:

And plenty o’ wild salmon (where many restaurants source their catches.)

Wild Norwegian salmon

…The, moving on, if you visit a city like Paris, the City of Lights, it stays naturally lit until late evening in the early summer. That works out really well for visiting Americans experiencing travel jet lag, so they can sleep in and not miss “daylight” hours.

In my happy place just under the Eiffel Towel.

It’s a walking city. Probably why the Eiffel Tower seems to sparkle at night to outshine the city light. ✨

And for a big city, they know how to slow it down. You can decide which side of the Seine you prefer to be on.

If you’re a fan of “Emily in Paris,” then you know this is where Emily’s friend sings with her “garage band” in Season 2

Paris is a happy place to visit as there’s so much to see walking around and when you just wanna chill, you can stop at one of the well-balanced (symmetrical) parks, and park yourself on a chaise lounge waiting for you.

The outdoor city plan is designed for enjoyment (even if that’s just a few days) and there’s no need to get off the beaten walk paths (that the metro is around).

For a big city, they have a big culinary scene as you’d expect, or many street foods like ham, creamy cheeses, and bread–so you decide.

Most of the time, you can slow it down with your meal where the attendants won’t bother you or hurry you along.

Another happy place to visit is the U.K. where there’s so much to see and do. If you’re from the States, it’s even easier because they only speak English. Currency conversion is the only big difference (and learning words like gutted, brilliant, and rubbish – if you want to speak Brit 🇬🇧).

Other differences: the U.K. is filled with flowers in the winter.

Oddly, the flowers seemed like Shakespeare’s Garden fantasy at his birthplace, centuries after his birth.

It’s a happy place for flowers.

Mind you, this was pre-climate-warming natural disasters that undeniably disturbed 2021.

If you’re a fan of The Great British Baking Show, you see how hot and cold weather flows in the white tent surrounded by a lush green lawn. But that never stops the baking fun and laughs on the show.

The bakers have more oven heat to sweat over. They get to deal with baking with chocolate (oh, and temperamental white chocolate) on a sweltering hot day. This makes my less-ideal humid east coast meringue climate seem like a piece of cake compared to their challenges.

And on that note, I think it’s time to get back in the city. London, that is.


And if you stop in the red telephone booth and Double Decker city, afternoon tea and scones can be unforgettable. Taking a cab is not like in any other city.

It’s more like a classic royal experience and worth the fare from the airport as you can pepper your cab guide with questions, who really is a guide, as they have to pass a tour guide test and re-certify just like a licensed specialist.

You can also take the Underground or the big red bus. We have the same concepts in my city, Washington, D.C. where I lived and worked most my life.

That I’d be completely remiss not to mention as a happy place to visit, even if balance is sometimes missing in the work areas.

You may know Washington, D.C. for the power-hungry, political society. All that’s in the air, but more invisible if you’re just visiting. Like the other locations, there’s a famous waterway where you can take a cruise.

You can even take a leisurely kayak or canoe on the Potomac River or take a  scenic drive along to see the monument skyline.

There’s plenty of American history to discover as it’s the place where Presidents temporarily live during office. And was permanent home to the first President, George Washington. Plus so much more.

Then when you’ve seen enough of the historical buildings, you can get away south (like birds migrate) to a slower pace without leaving the States and without a couple of plane rides.

Clearwater, Florida is another happy place and makes sense that’s it’s home to celeb star dolphins, Hope and Winter, from The Dolphin Tale movie. Dolphins are happy mammals, so that should tell you something 🐬

On vacay, you don’t feel the hustle and bustle from the city with slow driving cars, low on stress and tourists compared to other places. It has a tropical feel with Florida palm trees and the days end with beautiful sunsets.

In the daytime, you can see-thru the gulf light blue water where the pillow-foam soft waves.

The warmer (but never hot) water temperature feels like a soothing cotton ball massaging you in case you’re looking for a natural spa.

I’m not an ocean water person (you won’t catch me in the Pacific or Atlantic), but I will go in these crystal clear waters. And the fine-sugary sand beaches are attractive (never crowded).

When you’ve had enough of R&R, you can go fresh food hunting (not literally, but you have your options).

They’re known for fresh fish catches like fresh grouper, so a fishmonger will bring it to you cooked fresh from the boat.

And there’s lots to do nearby like visit the only Salvador Dali art museum in America.

If you like antiques, fishing, or art, there’s plenty to do in nearby excursions while you’re soaking up palm trees and a slower-paced life that’s not usual in a state on the east coast.

Then when you want to go all out since we’re talking “not usuals,” a trip to Venice, Italy should make it on your bucket list –it’s worth its weight in gold as a happy place.

If want to see a beautiful and calm water city, you’ll never mistake Venice for any other place.

With no cars, all roads lead to the Square. If you prefer not to walk, then a Vaporetto or gondola can be a good idea.

A recent tip I heard was to stay away from getting a ride at the Grand Canal if you want a smooth ride and glide into calm mode.

Each gondolier has a special craft (both skill and boat) responsibility. There are fewer gondoliers than knowledgeable London cab drivers and gondolas cost more than a luxury car as prized-vessels that the city is famous for.

So that’s the happy 7 places I can drop a pin on📍(…it’s actually 8 if you count the swiss cake 😋).