Child Pose yoga was something I wish I knew when I was first starting out in corporate work life. The day in hotel catering where I started was long and full of pressures, stress, and being in go-go-go mode.

And once in a while we would stop to enjoy a snack break. This is a healthy apple recipe idea for a great pairing bite. 🍏
(No Bake) Healthy "Candy" Granny Smith Apples
- Wooden sticks (use skewers if you prefer)
- Granny Smith apples
- Natural Almond butter
- Peanuts, other nuts, shredded coconut, fruit zest, or cinnamon spice to decorate
- 1.Insert wooden sticks or skewers into your apple tops, removing stems. Medium-size apples work best.
- 2.Dip in natural almond butter or peanut butter. Stir in a little water to make a smooth sauce consistency.
- 3.Dip in peanuts or "candy" of choice.
- 4.Refrigerate and enjoy!
And some of those moments brought in negative energy that would linger into the evening and then the next day where the same triggers started all over again. Maybe you can relate?
Weekends flew by where I was never caught up with rest and completing errands.
There was always more to do, but then the rat race workweek started with Monday. And I couldn’t remember what I did over the weekend. It was like being in Plow Pose but not the yoga kind. I felt hit by a plow catching up with sleep.
The balance in social activities was long forgotten.
If you have a corporate work life, you know exactly what being in the rat race lifestyle means, that’s rarely 9-5.
And I felt no work-life balance in my first work gig in hotel catering that averaged twelve hours a day roundtrip plus some weekends. While I did have hotel management perks of staying overnight on request, but who wants to stay at there work when they can go home and feel like a human again? That’s how I felt. Even if you’re in a fun place, it’s never the same when you’re working and you take your job seriously.
Stress-free life is a foreign concept in those long hour environments where you’re always “on.” Today, we don’t have to be so much like a professional robot, we can leave that to the actual AI robots. 😊
Then, years later I had a WLB epiphany… oh, that’s what work-life balance looks like.
I had an actual 9-5 work life that gave me time balance. But as all things come to an end, moving on and years later, I found other 9-5 work that came with the tradeoff of toxic work environments.
In those roles, I would’ve easily traded fewer hours to work around positive work energy. I carried anxious energy that robbed me of life and enjoyment on my days off during those work seasons, kinda like first job. The Universe was definitely sending me clues. And decades in, I caught on to the recurring patterns like Groundhog Day.
Until once again, I got out of those sometime miserable work seasons… and then I could breathe in the moment and feel calm in mindfulness. I was not thinking of past situations or what could happen in the future. I was living free.
And through years of work trials and tribulations, that’s how I determined self-care, protecting your calm energy, and valuing yourself is most important. Life is too short to live unfulfilled in the process because you have future end goals in mind. There’s a balance because no one is guaranteed tomorrow or their certain plans that goals count on.
Plus, living with prolonged stress is outright damaging to optimal health and longevity.
Relaxing-calm energy is a prescription for mind-body health that we all need.
One way to get your calm energy back sooner rather than later is to reverse the negatives into positives…
And in any “bad” situation, realize in awareness that the situation you’re in today, will one day end.
…Either by you or circumstances beyond your control. So today, what you are gaining in resilience and lessons learned will pay dividends for your future endeavors. And today and in this moment, you can practice this relaxing perspective in Child Pose yoga and these ways:
1) Take deep breaths in and out in your Child Pose. You can do this in the morning and night to help calm. You don’t need to have any certain energy, just a pulse. And if you have pent-up energy, push it out into deep huff and puff breaths onto your yoga mat.
2) Then when you get more time, you can flow into a peaceful walk outside to appreciate calm spaces and surroundings. Like a child, wonder about the trees and all those similar curiosities you had in your earlier days. These days, it’s easy to stop and stare at nature off-balance compared to previous years, and that can stir up some fond nostalgia memories of the happy inner child that are peaceful and innocent.
3) Meditating on daily devotionals is great way to start your morning with positive affirmations and mantras, hopeful Psalm Scriptures, and check in and see what thoughts pop up.
4) Do a few minutes in a productive joyful activity that’s a daily outlet. Maybe you have a personal project you’re working on. When you’re fully immersed, that gets your calm mind-body back.
5) When you go back to your yoga mat, do an active Child’s Pose where your fingers are facing each other and touching, pointed straight ahead on the mat. And also move them with palms down on the floor to about the 2 pm hand dial position. Stay there for a few breaths.
Then move along to 3 pm for a few breaths. And turn your Child Pose into Hare Pose with a rounded back. Looking down and inward, you gain a few more breaths of calm and comfort. And maybe find out what your inner child is needing.
Focus on relaxing muscles and your breath to be in present moment where anxious energy doesn’t exist. That’s all in the past thoughts and uncertain future worry that causes us unnecessary negative sensations. Just focus on this moment.
6) Listen to relaxing music to help put you back into a calm mind-body balance mood. I like to have soft music like Ingrid Michaelson, Ed Sheeran, or Norah Jones upbeat moody tones in the background that won’t put me to sleep. Having seen them all in concert, I can put some surround sound and lights to memory too… and that pleases my inner child.
7) And turn your Child Pose to an upside down Child Pose where you hug your knees. Doesn’t that feel good? If you were like me you grew up in a family that didn’t know how to give hugs and kisses. This hugging Child Pose is a great way to validate your inner child that didn’t get hugs and outward expressions of love.
What pleases your inner child? 👶 Maybe a Plow Pose.