
Brain Fog Is Often Spiritual

Brain fog is a way to describe the forgetfulness nature that Ayurvedic Vata minds commonly daily express that we accept as part of us.

Our morning habit choices we choose could be adding to brain fog.
Brain fog accumulates in our daily lives.

In this article, you can learn all about brain fog from our daily environment and simple things we can tweak. You’ll also learn how brain fog isn’t always bad like when it’s from spiritual sources.

Brain fog is the general symptom description for not being able to think clearly.

Often this is when you want the mind to work for you.

Brain fog moments often shows up as confusion, lack of focus, or forgetfulness.

So brain fog would make sense as an explanation for simple memory blips.

But there’s more to this from a spiritual lens that I explain further below on how you can see it as a benefit and a blessing at times.

Because usually brain fog only has negative connotations in our practical culture.

And this article provides some healthy lifestyle tips to eliminate those daily negative brain fog aspects, plus presenting the balancing Vata brain fog positives (that’s a common built-in feature in our Vata mind nature).

In either positive or negative case, we don’t often sit around and analyze what’s going on with brain fog when our minds are in the clouded mist.

And what we experience is usually harmless, like forgetting eye glasses on our heads and looking everywhere for them.

While that can be comical, it’s extra minutes of distraction when the answer was sitting on you above your nose.

For daily routines and tasks, Vatas often create forgetfulness habits to set reminders and purposefully not forget.

High Vatas have active minds of worry-anxiety, more so than Pittas and Kaphas that can have other brain fog distractions.

This btw happened to me when I baked a healthy dessert for the morning and next morning. And the next morning, I forgot about all about it in my mind’s distraction.

A simple scenario like that happens to all of us at some point.

Peach biscuit. Recipe is below. 🍑

…And when I remembered the forgotten cool peach dessert, it was actually when I would appreciate the bite more after lunch so it could be an enjoyment positive experience.

In your daily life, if someone ever asks you why you didn’t do something and you answer I forgot, you often don’t get a lot of out-of-the-ordinary questioning.

Because forgetting is so normal.

Forgetting can also be healthy for us who like to control ideas. You let go of controlling your mind or the device in front of you that you’re tethered to.

This can invite in creativity inside us and help us let go of rigid ways.

But then there are also negatives such as cognitive decline brain fog instances we want to help prevent. It’s the “elephant in the room” but a diagnosis growing in our world, and that’s something we can be aware of and doing something about in our lives today.

Preventative Healthy Living Helps With Brain Fog

Brain fog can grow when we have these elements in our daily lives: high-processed foods, pesticides, phthalates, non-purified air, and mold, to name a few culprits in our modern lifestyles.

They alter our bodies and that affects our mind in the body-mind connection and in our mental health.

Processed foods for example become whole nutrient-stripped in the plant process (as in factory plant 🏭).

Organic plants 🌱 are better options where we don’t find the same trace levels of pesticides that are found in non-organic foods.

If you garden, you know what natural sprays you’ve used or not used in your care. And when you bake like I do, you know what ingredients you’ve added. You know the wholesomeness details.

In grocery stores, we see the ingredients in our carts we’ll be using to cook with or eat. And we can read labels.

But we don’t see the processes in-between, so this makes comparing foods an apples to oranges experience.

Cheese is an example. Rennet that is found in some parts of the world isn’t the pasteurized cheese process found along the shelf rows in our American grocery stores.

The goat and sheep’s cheese that the Sardinians farm and eat isn’t what we find in our guts.

And for daily coffee drinkers, switching to organic is good for preventative health as coffee is naturally high in mold.

Mold is a brain fog offender.

Organic coffee is considerably more expensive and more difficult to source, but it’s out there when you look and put your health first.

You can get resourceful and save money by buying whole roasts and then doing the grind work yourself. You can feel much more grounded like your coffee when you do. 😊

Daily clean air is also going to be healthy preventative help against the brain fog cause. Developing daily hayfever-like allergy symptoms is one common sign.

And building in more wellness habits and healthy intentions to your life is going to help you most in your sleep, health conditions, and mental fatigue. Yoga is one way to bring in more self-awareness intention.

When you calm and relax your mind and self that also brings down your stress and anxiety levels that help Vata brain fog.

Calming and Relaxing the Mind

Good answers and thoughts show up when the mind is calm and relaxed, and not anxious or worried like when running with high Vata brain fog symptoms.

When our minds are under stress, often we can’t think of the answer when put on the spot.

If we’re asked a Family Feud game show question like what is the first thing you do in the morning?, we can usually come up with an answer. And maybe one that lights up on the board.

But when someone asks us the same question in an interview where we know others will put judgment on what we say, we can’t come up with the answer under mind stress.

We could just give a safe answer.

…Or you may surprise yourself by blurting an answer that surprises you.

Those answers that pop up in memory unexpectedly often come from our spirit.

The answer that pops in our mind come from our deeper wisdom inside us.

We didn’t rack our brain for the answer. They just entered out of no where.

Those thoughts can be blessings when you connect-the-dots.

I’ve had a lot of time and spiritual experiences to teach me wisdom lessons learned to show me this.

Over time, the lessons gave me a different perspective to gain the deeper meaning behind those memory moment lapse blessings.
Once you know you can’t go back to not-knowing and wouldn’t want to as cracking the code secrets toward a happier life.

And you can notice when thought lapses land in aligned perfect timing.

That’s when it’s a spiritual miracle and blessing.

An example is we forget what we were going to say from our rational brain from losing our train of thought.

We get other thoughts that enter.

In groups I attended, we called these other thoughts: popcorn thoughts. These answers come from our heart as though we didn’t process the thought first.

If it’s a helpful suggestive thought, it’s often helpful for others to hear who need the suggestion.

If you can get over what others will think or any  insecurities you have in those moments, and blurt out what you’re thinking, often it helps someone else.

You don’t necessarily know how it will help, but it does when you dare to stay vulnerable in sharing.

They are spiritual collaboration opportunities that are expressed when you speak them aloud. You can feel good about showing up.

In the same token, sometimes others blurt out something you needed that sticks with you. It’s the same when purposefully listening to a podcast or a message that you need.

So we’re giving back in a way.

We can all contribute and give back in the energy of life in this way and without much effort.

If you want more of these opportunities to show up and are willing to have your day rearranged in some way, ask quietly aloud or in self-talk: what can I do today to be helpful?

Then be prepared to be useful to others. 😊

And in daily life, these prompted thoughts and memories will show up more frequently if you pay attention (that’s an active move).

You could ignore and override those thoughts to stay on your linear agenda.

That’s how I was until I knew better.

As a planner, we don’t prefer going off course. But over the years, I grew to embrace impromptu thoughts entering, seeing this new spiritual perspective.

And maybe that would help you.

Spiritual impromptu thoughts help you align and redirect to a better way, day, and life. They lead to a life of more purpose, happiness, meaning, and fulfillment. 🎉

So you can be curious next time and openly ask yourself: why did I have ____ particular thought? And see if you get anything back as a thought.

Most likely you won’t immediately.

But that makes you consider another way of thinking and living that can be spirit-filled and coming from deeper inside of you that knows deeply what you want.

And you can stay curious and wondering until something clicks like it finally did for me.

So if we wonder about those spiritual impromptu thoughts, that opens the door to our exploring our spiritual wisdom inside us that isn’t brain fog.

This can be our new norm.

And for our daily mattering lives, we can invite in ad hoc thoughts in our mantras, meditation, and centering to help advise us on what to do next.

And as you can tell, I enjoy baking meditation where this dessert was dreamed up and you can enjoy making.✨


Low-Sugar Peach Shortcake Dessert

Course Dessert
Cuisine American, French
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 2-3 eggs
  • fresh peaches
  • sugar and salt (optional)


  • Melt the butter in the milk and water on medium heat on the stove.
  • Add the flour and stir.
  • Take the mixture to a mixer and mix in egg yolks.
  • Pipe into a baking vessel to make a shape or add on a baking pan for a free form.
  • Bake at 325°F/165°C until warm golden brown.
  • Use your favorite filling, topping, and add diced peaches as the star ingredient. Peaches have fiber, Vitamin C, and A antioxidants.

Anxiety vs. Nervous – Are You Out of Balance? (Part 2)

Anxiety vs. nervous feelings can be better calmed with deep breathing but they show different body symptoms…

Wellness prescription if you’re feeling exceptionally Vata body: a comforting warm soup with calming mint for body aches 🌱

With back to school air and a new season, we can easily get out of balance. In transitions, we can have a Vata anxiety vs. nervous complex happening in our connected mind-body.

But we can lean into restoring our natural balance whether we’re naturally and mostly Vata mind-body. And below I share some valuable tips for your work, school, arising family situations, and other transitions you may be facing.

When we prepare for Vata season, our Vata runs the ship if we’re naturally mostly Vata or if Vata is our dosha balance we need to restore.

Naturally Vata bodies feel at home with outdoor cooler temps and leaves changing and falling. But external situations and transitions in a new season can especially cause anxiety and wreak stress havoc on our bodies keeping score.

And that can add to a strong Vata worry mind to stir up the Vata complex situation. If you’re naturally a Vata mind-body (that is, mind and body), all things equal, you’re naturally better with change than a Kapha mind-body who resists change.

But any of us can get the wind knocked out of our sails in life’s complex situations that shows us and our ever changing bodies what we’re made of.

And life has shown us young and old if we’re naturally Vata, by how we react with uncontrollable symptoms of panic or anxiety. These are classic signs of high Vata.

And if we keep that internal to us, then we can be high functioning but still Vata is our natural way.

And since this Part 2 week of the Ayurvedic series is about Vata, being aware of the obvious problematic anxiety characteristics below can save your from a season of aches and unenjoyment.

Some are more subtle. For example, one that can happen to any of us humans (with any dosha profile), is getting a headache even if it’s harmless and temporary.

One friend I was recently talking to said she had a specific headache feeling that she had experienced before. My first reaction thought was, did you drink enough water today?  I know Vatas are on the dry side, and I know this person is a Vata.

…which by the way, I know everyone’s Vata, Kapha, Pitta (dosha) natural and imbalanced dosha current profiles based on a few simple answers, that’s 100% much easier to diagnose than a headache.

…unless it’s just lack of drinking water, which is what we discovered in this friend’s case that was immediately solved.

But some people won’t research these small body signs or they just pop a pill without thinking twice…

To me, as a health nut 🤪 in a sensitive body, knowing a snapshot dosha profile (balance and imbalance) is a lifesaver because some things are easily restored from that perspective that need no pills or medical intervention. But most Western world people aren’t daily Ayurvedic aware, and certainly not at a preventative level.

And in our lives, if we choose healthy and happy ways for our primary doshas, then we prevent less than optimal daily living. Joy could be ours sooner and everyday with an awareness in our lifestyle choices as culprits.

We’re creatures of habit programmed to do the same even if it’s to our detriment, unless and until we’re aware there’s a better proven formula or something worth making the change for.

And when we’re aware in this moment (and every waking moment), we get to feel sensitized and as best we can. And that takes us to a creative place! We ‘re running on a higher, conscious energy frequency. And that just makes me want to sing 🎶

I’ve grown in deeper spirituality, but I couldn’t tap into these higher places until I got out of the daily, imbalanced culture and corporate work lifestyles I was repeating in my life, that didn’t agree with me.

…It was like, I was air and earth mingling with oil and fire. It was only after I took some life risks that I could see I needed to run to fresh air to thrive. I had to step out from some of the proven ways and do things my way that didn’t have a guide.

And before that I saw signs that showed up as stress, anxiety, and worry. And if I didn’t remind myself of how those feelings felt when I had a good season, I would easily get roped back into those incompatible situations staring me in the face as my surrounding opportunities.

And I’m sharing this because I know that’s how it is for many of us who don’t want to turn down opportunities or fight what culture teaches us is respected (and sounds good on paper), or disappoint people who have influence in our lives.

Our feelings toward letting down is temporary, but our regrets in unhappy life choices is permanent. Maybe that’s just the encouragement you need to make a leap.

If we listen and say yes! to ourselves to taking higher risks, then we’re fulfilling our highest calling. And I don’t know what’s higher than highest… where if these were our last days on earth, we would still be showing up in those fulfilling areas that ease stress.

Occasionally feeling stress and nervous is healthy and means you’re trying in life. If you had no stress or life hurdles, that means you’re leading a life where there are no challenges or growth. And that would eventually become a dull life, leaving so much purpose-filling potential on the table.

Our goal is to have joy and not to have everyday stress (or in every fiber cell of being).

If it’s a season of anxiety vs. nervous situations, then finding an exit would be your better bet.

The difference I like to describe between anxiety and nervousness is that with nervousness you have a new opportunity ahead of you.

Many go into an interview with sweaty palms or a presentation with butterflies or summersaults in the stomach.

Those nervous feelings often disappear in the first few minutes after breaking the ice or at the start of the event, and then your body gets back to its normal rhythm.

Nervous situations get you one step closer to something bigger. You grow because you’re putting yourself in situations that looking back become your memorable lessons learned experiences. It gets easier over practice.

With anxiety, your anxiety doesn’t improve each time you are encountered with a similar situation. You aren’t meant to be in that situation and your body is screaming to get out, as though a bear were chasing you. 🐻 Sometimes your body is reacting to your old brain signals, and when aware you can rewrite those thoughts.

Your anxiety vs. nervous feelings are a good way to remind yourself next time you’re put in those decision moments of do I do this again or do I change course? 

And here are some more characteristics to consider…

Vata Anxiety vs. Nervous Feelings

Anxiety intensity and duration: anxiety takes over (e.g. anxiety or panic attack). It can last for minutes, hours, or days, and settle in longer if no measures are taken to improve the situation. For example, if you’re in a new social situation, often the nervousness goes away after you find someone comfortable to talk to that’s different than high-functioning social anxiety feelings where you can’t wait to exit.

Anxiety feelings: there’s nothing good in anxiety except seeing that it’s a warning. The healthy goal is to get away from what’s triggering the anxiety, and not trying to overcome anxious feelings that are naturally pointing you in another direction.

Anxiety lingers uncomfortably in the foreground or background of the mind-body until the threat is completely gone.

Unlike a threat, a nervous response often turns into obvious relief and/or joy for putting yourself in the situation after it’s over. And leads to excitement or thriving on another favorable opportunity level.

Anxiety and Worry

If you have anxiety and worry running at the same, then that can be debilitating in daily functioning, like a physical symptom can.

Awareness is the first step to get you out so you don’t suffer a season. Re-shuffle your life, change route, or take bold risks.

But if you can’t get out of your situation, think of what you could gain out of the situation when you’re on the other side. Use your past situations as a reminder to what positively can come out of an anxiety vs. nervous or worrisome situation after the fact. 🌈 And use your anxious situations to victoriously learn how to be calm and get joy in any season.

✅If you want to see what your body is trying to tell you this season, take the 2-minute Body Balance Quiz. And if you recently did that or need more, a next easy 10-minute step you could do, is to get your personalized mind-body calm recipe.

Print Recipe

date muffin with orange.

One-Bowl Orange Date Muffin For Calming Anxiety

If you're feeling anxious, the orange zest and dates will be great for you.
Course desserts
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 3 finely chopped dates
  • 3/4 cup flour (can combine with gluten-free flours) + 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup milk (or almond milk)
  • orange zest from an orange


  • Combine ingredients. Bake on 325°F for about 25 minutes or until set.
  • Add orange zest for zhugh.

Unfocused Vata Mind Imbalance

Unfocused is a common mind trait. Sometimes it’s confused with ADHD that’s a common label tossed around.

Being unfocused is an Ayurvedic Vata trait. In this article you’ll learn how to better handle this in your life and  restore the imbalances.

Focusing on a drink changing can help with unfocused tendencies.
A creative green coffee drink can help with productivity and an unfocused Vata tendency. Recipe below. ☕️

For a natural Vata, it’s typical for the mind to be expressing and darting from task to task or idea to idea, instead of being laser focused.

That’s a general symptom diagnosis in the mind-body connection that’s common for many of us.

And when off-balance, this can mean getting up off the couch or outta your seat hundreds of times a day. This is one natural Vata mind tendency, anyway.

The better productivity solution is balancing the Vata mind, so that you don’t feel you have to keep doing something else other than what you’re doing. 

It doesn’t matter what the other thing is, but your mind is calling you impulsively to do it no matter what. Sound familiar?

This symptom description is often mistaken as ADHD in our ADD (or attention deficit disorder) world.

Technology has made this worse. We’re juggling our devices and the real world. And there are more noisy distractions that keeps us task switching and reinforcing the tendency to become a bad habit.

You can change your habits to better habits.

That’s completely in your healthy power to keep or change your ways, just like choosing to  make healthy meals.

The healthy way or habits could be to multi-task or time block and feel productive.

But when your mind causes unfocus, worry-anxiety around the imbalance, or you’re feeling unproductive because of your unfocused tendencies, that’s when you want to use restore balancing habit to restore your hyper-unfocused Vata mind imbalance.

Other signs are when your unfocused mind is distracting you or you’re leaning toward an unfocused day. That’s when restoring balance is called for.

And if that’s still tricky to pinpoint, you can make a tally sheet of how many times you switched tasks when your brain prompted you to in the moment (from what you had already planned to do in advance). That way you have a visual to compare to for yourself.

Sometimes you can observe the impulsive nature that the mind feeds.

Let that moment pass and help to give peace to the mind by writing down the thoughts, journaling, or creating a list.

Or if it makes sense as a 1-5-minute task, just take care of it quickly, but don’t re-route your day over the impulses if you want to live a consistent calming life that you’re in charge of.

Because 50 five-minute getting-up tasks is 250 minutes or over 4 hours that you won’t get back.

And not having enough time is one stressor we can avoid.

There’s enough chaos in the world that’ll shake off that daily depleting piece (and peace ✌️).

When we were kids, we didn’t have adult wisdom like that. Time wasn’t so important. Our moody feelings fed us and drove us to what we wanted to do.

We basically didn’t drive our bus.

But as adults, you don’t want your emotions to steer and get the better of you and then also lose time.

If you feel strong feelings about a situation, they serve a purpose to bring joy or cleanse sadness. Or… to show you something bigger about your life where you can make a change. But general daily moods don’t always help.

You don’t want the feelings to turn into daily, unproductive moody symptoms such as anxiety, anger, and lethargy where each represent a different imbalance.

And these can bleed into other Vata imbalances…

Another form of unfocused Vata-hyper mind is when it’s difficult to make decisions.

Because at the root of decision-making are your thoughts that drive what you do in the mind-body connection.

You don’t have control over your thoughts from entering, but you do have control over what you do with your thoughts.

The usual natural Pitta and Kapha profiles don’t show this symptom description unless they have a Vata imbalance which can happen to any of us at any time.

We all possess the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to varying degrees, even if it’s just a crumb.

For any of us, our imbalance is our Achilles Heel. Restoring our imbalances is in our power and often an easy fix that needs daily repetition until our imbalance settles down.

Pittas have more hard-charging personalities like the hare in the Aesop’s Fable on a competitive mission. Kaphas are more the slow and steady turtles that finish the race. 🐢

And when you’re overrun with Vata, you can miss the goal entirely in distractions with the scenic route.

The good news is you can balance this high Vata symptom in more ways than one….

Balancing your Vata imbalance through your food senses is one way to begin restoring balance…. because an unfocused Vata imbalance is related to Vata trait symptoms such as anxious feelings, and indecisiveness. It’s no coincidence in our natural mind-body balance system.

And directly related to the unfocused symptoms you experience… something you can do is to nail down a daily routine or habit practice, so you can get back to being grounded and focused.

This can look like at least one or two healthy time slots in your day that are non-negotiable, e.g. yoga or office hours during certain hours.

You set boundaries with people about these non-negotiables. You essentially training them that you are off-limits and disconnected to the world during those times.

The way this works is being consistent and not letting any exceptions in (besides emergencies) because once you do that, then others know that your rules and boundaries are not hard set and taken that seriously. So be firm.

I watch people on the sidelines who don’t have this in place. They’re on the opposite extreme and schedule anything, get distracted by shiny objects, and fill in slots anytime their mood fancies.

…But then they wonder where the time went OR why they’re not happy with their outputs and decisions.

They don’t manage their time well on calendars getting non-negotiables handled as first thing ,so it doesn’t get missed or during the optimized hours where their minds are sharpest.

And if you’re a unfocused Vata by nature with those tendencies, that only makes your life more chaotic like the wind, where you get tossed to-and-from.

You worsen your Vata-ness with too much unfocused Vata behaviors.

People-pleasing too much can be a cause when we’d be better off practicing proper kind words to say no.

And this can be saying no to ourselves since we have other non-negotiables. Like appointments with our wellness routines.

Knowing it will be okay if you say no could be the hurdle. But  you’re not letting others down more than you’re letting yourself down.

Because your immediate feeling of guilt can turn into resentment for others and unhappiness that’s far worse.

So you want to prepare what you will say with tact if someone wants to encroach on areas.

Often, this comes from those who live in chaos and impose their unstructured life on you.

And when you’re with routine, they can’t spill over onto you.

And when you can learn the right words to say, they become more natural and roll off your tongue.

They become and your new way and that helps your routine and focusing.

Plus, you spend more time in this short-lived life doing the things that really matter to you!

For example, you can be in your sweet spot boost of daily energy, and stick with your ideas. And find a routine that you stay competitive with as things in life change.

That will help tone down worry with purpose. And help wipe away the anxious bits that unfocused Vata often feel.

And when you’ve grounded with routines and consistency, you don’t have to stick to only boring routines. You can be creative that most natural Vatas are and love.

I know how that can be, having worked over a couple decades in-and-out of corporate environments where it was all about routine tasks, maintenance, performance, and people management.

None of those areas express creativity. Something Vatas crave.

Vatas are also naturally energetic, encouraging, and eager. Having an idea and then having to wait for management to approve if ever, is anything but encouraging.

And then having people and all the chaos along the way change the dynamics. Well… all that can zap creativity.

So finding a side hobby or hustle as a creative outlet is a good way to re-focus those energies.

And if you’re in flow or with daily creativity, then you’re in alignment with yourself.

That helps grow you toward your life purpose and your authentic identity where you get the deepest satisfaction and joy.

Summary: If you have an imbalanced unfocused Vata tendency today: stick to a routine, express your non-negotiables, find a creative outlet.

The wellness outcome is finding calm and daily joy that you want. And you’ll have a strategy and stick with it.

If you’re curious about what your imbalances are in this season, take the free Body Balance Quiz.

Earth Day plant based layered beverage.

Earth Day Layered Plant Based Cold Brew Coffee

This planet-reminding changing drink is a fun and delicious beverage.
Course beverage
Cuisine American


  • black cocoa
  • cold brew coffee
  • plant-based milks (almond milk, cashew milk, etc.)
  • gluten-free flour (coconut or almond flour)
  • blueberry tea
  • blueberries
  • Pandan (gel works best)


  • Layer and freeze each layer before adding another layer.
  • Layer 1: milk
  • Layer 2: layer with black cocoa, gluten-free flour, and milk (or cream) that's more creamy and good for beverages.
  • Layer 3: cold blueberry tea
  • Layer 4: cold brew coffee (or coffee of choice)
  • Layer 5: milk
  • Add a few blueberries if you like.
  • Make plant-based pandan ice cube. Add pandan mixed with water and freeze
  • Add the ice cube to the top frozen layer.
  • Bring drink out to regular room temperature about 10-15 minutes before you want to consume if semi-frozen and 30 minutes or longer if frozen solid. Watch your planet beverage change before your very eyes! For kids, you can swap cocoa or chocolate milk for the coffee layer.

Anxiety Attack What to Do and Causes

Anxiety attack

Anxiety attack or panic attack can be very shocking it happened the first time if you’ve never experienced before. It can be eye-opening and impact you for the days to come.

This article is about what to expect, do, and possible causes so you can be better prepared or prevent an attack.

I gratefully only had one panic attack that did not become a norm reaction. So I share what I did. I’m a Vata where we have natural anxious tendencies.

When you  spend your day worrying about the next time anxiety can take over your time and day, that’s not helping you. That’s not how you want your life to go. You want to get the life you want and a slower paced life.

You didn’t sign up for or schedule the setback anxiety interruption in your day.

Where now you can be dealing with any number of physical symptoms.  And you may even think you’re being a hypochondriac.

If that’s the case you want to rule out all the possible health reasons that caused your anxiety attack.

Dizziness and fuzzy brain could have come from nasal or head congestion and allergies, as your nose is connected to your inner ear that controls balance. And your frontal lobe near your forehead is where you do most of your cognitive, rational reasoning.

So if you can’t think clearly and it shows up around the same time every day, you could have developed seasonal allergies.

Hay fever fall symptoms may be worse in the afternoon than spring or summer morning allergies.

If you don’t eliminate common allergies as a potential cause, then that can lead you to create additional anxiety and worry that’s not helping.

Here Comes the Anxiety Attack

An anxiety attack can leave you dazed and unpleasantly change the course of your day.

You may feel you need to take the rest of the day off, suddenly rearranging your calendar.

An anxiety attack can also leave you feeling defeated because you’re working to manage your feelings and thoughts that can spew out into your body like uncontrollable bursts, showing up as heart palpitations, sweaty palms, dizziness, etc.

Similar to an anxiety attack, a panic attack can also come on suddenly.  Usually, it’s more serious and from a buildup of stressors in your life.

This can shock you.  You are no longer the same person you were just a few minutes ago where you were fine.

In a panic attack, the automatic functions in your body are still running but usually are frozen or hindered from taking action physically or cognitively.

When you come out on the other side, you are confronted with your life and have the opportunity to make a change so you don’t have another panic attack (or worse warning symptoms).

For me, that was in my 20’s from a series of life problems and roadblocks.

Post-trauma I never dealt with and ran away from in my mind by letting the past stay in the past.  The problem with that strategy is that your brain doesn’t work like that.

Your brain’s subconscious can hold onto your thoughts forever.  Sometimes when reminded or a trigger occurs, then you’re put back into reliving those memories.  And can start feeling panic or anxious again.

You can be brought back to your past as though it were yesterday.

Until you can heal and cut out the parts that were broken or scarred, you don’t function in the best that you could.  Your perceptions of life can get distorted.  You can hide or avoid certain situations.

Your insecurity guard can rise.

You can make wrong assumptions that provide a safe haven for your mind to temporarily settle in, but that can lead to problems down the road.

What to Do First After You Have an Anxiety or Panic Attack?

These are 3 important steps:

  1. You may feel shaken or light-headed.  Sit up and just breathe.  Then focus on your breath for a few moments. If there’s not a chair in the room, sit on the floor.
  2. Drink at least half a glass of water.
  3. Calm, relax and take the rest of the day off if you can (or at least a few personal moments to yourself).

Shut your door for privacy, and turn off your phone.  Disconnect for as long as you can for the day.

Take time to re-orient and relax.

Think as though: if you have ever gone in for an in-and-out surgical procedure, you take it easy for the rest of the day so you can recuperate.  You don’t push yourself as that can exacerbate your healing time.

If it’s your first anxiety attack, you may still be shell-shocked.

I know I was when I had a deeper panic attack where I sat frozen and the color on my face left and I was pale as a ghost.

I could feel my heart beating fast but nothing cognitive was registering and thoughts weren’t entering.

I wasn’t thinking.

I was just sitting in a chair, and I could feel my feet and hands numb and wet.  Time stood still and I felt helpless.

When I came to, I re-oriented myself to my immediate office space.

A friendly co-worker entered my space and I told her what happened, and avoided anything unpeaceful.

Fast forward over 20 years later, and I remember this episode like it was yesterday.

You may be alone away from people, so that is why it’s always good to have water next to you, as you never know when it can come in handy.

If your anxiety attack happens at nighttime that is common. First thing when you wake up, reflect for a few minutes on what you went through before you go about your routine.

If it happens in the morning, ease into the rest of the day.

The Same Week of the Attack

Journal and reflect on what stress buildup created the episode.

What have you been worrying about in your life that could have led up to your anxiety attack?

Find an easy, simple, and fun activity to lower your stress.

Easy is you don’t have to think long and hard to find the materials or start doing.  Knitting for me is a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles that take up little space.

Using your hands gives you a sense of usefulness.

Just the act of picking up your favorite tools or instruments can be satisfying and lower your blood pressure.

Remember the stress ball?  By the way, I love my special pens and baking whisk.

You could even create something simple that helps you feel accomplished.  A simple bake or your creative hobby can bring you in a better mood.

The idea is to keep it simple as you want to stay in awareness that this week was different because you had an anxiety attack. That’s the theme for your week.

You don’t want to forget so easily as you want to come up with solutions for now and the future.

Because otherwise you could later on the question whether you really did have an anxiety attack and then this could become a regular occurrence and way of life that you now have to manage.

Starting now, anxiety attack prevention is a better way.

To get you calm and reflecting deeper, you can do a little yoga or stretching that can be done anywhere. Using your legs can make you feel grounded and good.

Take the time and opportunity on the floor or yoga mat to self-discover more about what’s going on inside you.

Sometimes you can’t come up with the specific reasons to, “what could have caused the anxiety attack?”

So, What Else Could Have Caused your Anxiety Attack?

These are 3 possible causes:

Reason # 1: Your need to be in control.

Are you the type of person that wants to plan everything to feel comfortable?   If yes, you’re not alone.

That was me too.

In my first career, I worked with Brides, who as you know want “the perfect day” to happen. Even the nicest one of them can feel the pressure.

When you’re event planning, you learn to be flexible and let go.  This allows you to be present with clients and focus on their needs.

In that catering world, the norm is that changes are made every day (sometimes all day) and decisions can be made “on the fly.”

That way of being loosened me up to learn to surrender that which I could not change or control in my professional and personal life.

So in the same way in your life, you can ask yourself, “what changes can I make so that I can let go of the need to plan and know everything?”

Unknown and uncertainty can be the reason for your anxiety attack.

Consider, if you knew everything now about your life, you’d live a completely different experience.

You could have even less control than living in uncertainty because everything was planned out without you.

So if you find joy in the surprises and unknowing journey process of life, then you enjoy the now and your future.

Reason #2: Your ego.

Maintaining a healthy ego is important to prevent anxiety attacks.

Because the unhealthy ego will interject ugliness into your mind to prevent you from taking good action.

If left untreated by you, the ego can spiral out of control taking over your mind and life, affecting your relationships.

You can end up living selfishly, in delusion, or as two personalities.

I’m sure you’ve heard of people like this.

They appear bipolar or split-minded, that’s actually very common.  They do not see this quality in themselves, and therein lies the problems.

The ego lies to the person.

We have the ability to change our ego lives in our own awareness.

Ego can cleverly ruin your life by tricking you so naturally.

Here’s a simple example.

I can suggest you pull out a mirror, and tell yourself loving and positive self-affirmations.

And you may not choose to do it because something (an impostor) in your brain is resisting.

Such a simple action (pulling out a handheld mirror) that doesn’t necessarily require you to even get up from where you are.

And you can find the task hard to do because more deeply you don’t want to allow yourself to feel good about yourself.

To remedy this, you could in awareness act like a witness to this behavior (or non-behavior) for your own self-love and personal growth.

Toddlers and animals don’t have these hangups.

All they know is love and assume self-love without giving thought to any other way, as they’re missing that gear.

We can learn a thing or two from them.

Reason #3: Your worry.

You were expecting a job, a career to pan out, or a relationship, and got disappointed or frustrated.

As time went on, reality sunk in and the truth about your situation became clear.

You have worry, panic, and anxiety that comes from these situations in the mind-body connection.

Your body gets out of balance and you can have an anxiety attack.  Your thoughts can turn into inflammation or a stress pimple or gray hair.

You can decide to change your thoughts.

If you can flip your perspective and outlook of situations, this can change your life outcomes.

You can start with little stuff.

You spill a drink.

You could look at that as an inconvenience to have to wipe up.  Or you can look at it as an opportunity to clean your space and feel good afterward.

Similarly, if someone takes your parking spot, you could use that to demonstrate your self-control, patience, and kindness.

The more you practice, the better you get.

Be encouraged that the best blessings are in the waiting and in the unknown. You will grow. Stay hopeful and remember to believe that. 🧡

“Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright

“Don’t Worry Bout a Thing” is a good song to hum to. Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder knew how to perform a  positive mantra in a catchy upbeat song.

That’s how you can begin to stay on top of your worry.

‘Cause every little thing is gonna be alright. Baby, don’t wo-rrry… ‘bout a thing. 

Worry won’t change a thing.

Imagine if you were learning to surf in the ocean water. All kinds of fears and anxieties could creep up in the back of your mind.

If fears of the water are on your mind’s forefront, you’d probably not surf unless you’re young or a sports extremist and that was your passion.

The fear of drowning, getting bit by a shark (like Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton), being caught up in a strong riptide, or being swept away by a powerful tsunami wave, could become reality.

I’m sharing this with you because obviously, you’re not in this situation now, since you’re online. But we all have our own dangerous situations.

If they came on suddenly, you would develop worry, that would activate adrenaline rushed anxiety pulsing through your veins, as seconds went by.  That could turn into a paralyzing panic daze fast if a big wave or similar formed.

Years ago before I could swim, I experienced my own dicey water situation… Continue reading ““Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright”