
Kapha Body Type Obvious Signs

Kapha body type is found in those with hearts… yes, that’s all of us, but not all of us are natural Kapha bodies. Gaining Kapha obvious signs and awareness-knowledge helps us in our daily lives.

Raspberries are good for heart health and even mimic heart shapes 🫀These whole wheat raspberry pop tarts celebrate heart health month. 💗 You can find this recipe in this blog website.

Whether you’re a natural Kapha body type or or another Ayurvedic body type (…that you’ll learn more about in this article), you can have a Kapha imbalance as all of us have some Kapha in us.

Kapha dosha is the earth and water 🌎 in us (that sometimes carries mud and creates sluggish seasons in our lives!).

The other elements are wind, fire, and air to complete the five elements.

Ayurvedic Pitta dosha is fire and water and Vata dosha is wind and air (or space) that rounds out our human body makeup. And mind too in the mind-body connection.

And with sharing water commonality, Pittas have more in common with the Kapha constitution than a Vata dosha body.

One area that’s a common distinction is that to naturally balance Kapha, this usually involves weight loss while Vata balancing is on the other end of the spectrum.

It doesn’t take a lot to find someone close to you that you can determine is a natural Kapha. You may have friends and relationships with many Kaphas who in-balance make great friends, but outta balance can rub off in not-so-great ways you’ll learn more about below.

…But for the most part, Kaphas are loving people at heart so we can lean toward those positive traits. 💕

Backing up just a ‘lil, you may not be so familiar with the Kapha body type description because it’s part of our newer age and Ayurveda today is a common approach among eastern way cultures where it started.

Thousands of miles away in America where I grew up and live, it’s catching on, but not everyone is aware. There, we learned about pear and apple body shapes as descriptors.

And endomorphs (Kapha) 🍐, mesomorphs (Pitta) 🍏, and ectomorphs (Vata) ⏳ body types… sound familiar? Body types were often illustrated with doodle images in magazines.

Today, a sturdy planted elm or a full fruit blossomed tree can be another Kapha body type description if you want to take it outside for nature descriptors or into your Ayurveda Tree yoga pose that has caught on like wildfire in the Western hemisphere.

And, of the three dosha ayurvedic body types (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata), Kaphas can usually withstand and endure tougher conditions like palm trees, that you can mimic in Swaying Palm Tree pose.

A Kapha body type is more like a palm tree that can endure and thrive in an ecosystem where they're planted.

Kaphas are like palms 🌴 that are enduring in nature.

Or, you can show off your Kapha body soul with firmly planted feet in a majestic Mountain Pose if balance poses a challenge in your Ayurvedic moves. ⛰️

Other obvious Kapha body type characteristics:

Kapha body type can be described as solid and larger frame (compared to the Pitta and Vata body types).

But there are other natural characteristics, like: dewey skin (moist) and a colder internal body thermostat. They share cooler body temps in common with Vatas.

That’s why it’s good to have a thick, comfy hoodie or warm blanket close by that comforts especially on wintery nights, wet days, and dreary weather  outside.

Often, Kapha lazy sides rule. Hibernation during the colder months warm the soul, along with deep sleeping.

A Kapha body type can carry a daily sinus life and a regular cough-as Kapha. Sleeping with breathing difficulties is also common, along with waking up with sinus or chest to head congestion since the body was laying flat.

And these are other noticeable common signs (tell-tale even amongst strangers):

A Kapha body type gains weight easily. Kaphas tend to have larger frames. And most noticeable on the outside to a Kapha body, is the tendency to add weight and fit in larger clothing. They also tend to digest slowly and store more fat easily as another sign.

Kaphas tend to walk slowly. Others (Pittas and Vatas) walk faster ahead. It’s easy to chalk this up to longer legs, but the Kapha slower pace is not just body-part related. It’s also Kapha mind connected to the way each likes to do lifein their Kapha body type if Kapha dominant overall, and taking life in stride. Think of the relaxed coastal lifestyle vs. fast city dweller life.

Which btw, a natural Vata mind and Kapha body is more anxious and a Pitta mind in a Kapha body takes life faster.

How these traits complement good Kapha body type sides:

As already mentioned, Kaphas prefer to embrace a relaxed, slower paced life that’s healthy and less stress to the body. So that can lead to a longer life if other health and wellness areas are self-care maintained.

…And this leads to a Kapha body type who lives more calm ☺️ than anxious Vata types 😦 or competitive Pitta Type-A’s. 😠

Mind you, none of the body types are better than the other per se, but being overall healthy is the best of all dosha worlds.

Kaphas also have a higher tendency to forgive other people as being sympathetic. And they have good memories (…a memory like an elephant 🐘), so they can make good reminders. Other types like Vatas, not so much as more forgetful.

And these help to support the idea that Kaphas often make great friends because they’re nice at heart, supportive, loving, and likable.

Kaphas are common among us and are often our funny, light-hearted entertaining friends we like to have fun and laugh with.

We love our balanced Kapha friends because in those moments they let things roll off their back and not bother them. They don’t take life too seriously like score-counting Pitta counterparts or worry wart Vatas.

Other body types wish they could be like the Kapha body type. They can get their superpower things done in ease. They don’t sweat the small things.

Now, these are the downsides that an imbalanced Kapha body type can exude:

Kapha people can be clingy in relationships where too much of a good thing can be cloying and smothering.

And as mentioned they tend to metabolize slowly, and accumulate pounds easily (“look at food and gain weight”).

Accumulation can also carry into their lives as hoarding, clutter, or disorganization. When someone has too much Kapha (or imbalanced Kapha), these are typical signs.

A Kapha body type can also tend to hold in feelings and not express sad or other hurtful feelings that eat on the inside. This can stay as trauma to the body and mind in the mind-body connection. They can be more sensitive to criticism than Vatas and Pittas.

But the great news is an imbalanced Kapha from an accumulated seasonal situation (and not a health triggered one) can be restored with specific lifestyle tweaks using the 5-senses.

Our human bodies are intuitive and have built-in natural preferences. To optimize our lives, we can learn the internal body language and uncover what those are to restore ourselves and our lives. You can do this better when you know whether you have a Kapha (Pitta or Vata) body imbalance or a combination, and know what to do when imbalanced for each for starters.

You can also complement Ayurvedic lifestyle tweaks with hormonal or aging health imbalances. Solutions (such as healthy foods) are both headed in the healthy direction, so there are overlaps in natural prescriptions.

Taking small action in those healthy guided directions help turn the tide sooner to get back to the happy-go-lucky and calm temperament that is natural to a Kapha body type and the sides everyone around you loves…

And by taking care and nipping-in-the-bud accumulating imbalances that accrue easily in our busy Western and comparing cultures, you can avoid unnecessary potential depression, infections, and obesity. ❣

Awareness, daily restoration, and prevention can change the trajectory toward better healthy outcomes, daily life enjoyment, and longevity.

Since the body communicates with us through feeling-good and healthy vs uncomfortable (or body symptoms), we can use those clues to gather more information from our bodies.

Here are some habit examples that can restore the 3 most common Kapha imbalances:

Clear sinus problems, nasal congestion, or excess phlegm. Mucus is actually a way for your body to protect you from foreign body invaders like allergens (and sometimes over protect with daily allergies).

One natural symptom remedy is: you can breathe in ACV steam like our older and grandmother generations taught. If you feel the sting in your passages, then it’s working.

Shower steam is also good. You can also use and sniff essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus that will help open up the passages.

A neti pot is also a good way habit that cleans out your passages naturally. You may want to do this regularly during heavy pollen season or year-round weekly (or bi-weekly). Use warm water and sea salt for best cleansing effect. You can prevent nasty sinus infections from this one cleansing move if you keep up with it!

Prevent weight gain and maintain a consistent healthy weight. When it’s colder, warm comfort foods are desired. Use healthy ingredients and consider making your own homemade soups and stews. Balance with plant-based foods such as beans, alliums, and indole veggies. And start the day with fiber like asparagus, bananas, oats, and whole grains.

You can have cook prepared veggies and salads ready-to-go on the side. You can also decide to have something “green” at every major meal.

And still focus on healthy proteins as the star of your meal that’ll keep you feeling full longer so you don’t feel the need to snack all day.

🌱 If healthy intermittent fasting is something you would like to learn more about, get the free comprehensive guide to start and sustain your IF or fasting lifestyle that works for all body types in bio-individuality.

Beating tiredness. Start your day with water. Get caffeinated and enough sleep. Intake enough Vitamin D and sunshine especially during colder months that doesn’t do Kaphas any favors.

Lessen blue light at night from devices and wear blue light blocking glasses that our grandmother’s ages didn’t have. Listen to uplifting and get-you-moving music ring tones that can also be your wake-up alarm.

And if you want to healthy balance weight and optimize sleep, intermittent fasting is one biohacking trick that helps in those areas and many other health longevity areas especially if you’re living and adjusting to your beyond 40s new normal body.

To learn more about Ayurvedic balance, take the body balance quiz.

Restore Body Balance For Longevity

Restore body balance is the way to live a calm, more joyful, and less stressful daily life, while boosting longevity.

restore body balance

Over the past few decades, American culture is becoming more exposed and open to mind-body connection healthy revelations, where we know that our thoughts and mental health affect our bodies and physical health through the mind-body connection.

And that was the premise of the second part of this balance series and what I’m all about as a life balance seeker.

And, the reason why I’ve kept stress under control (and you should too!)… at least after the first 30 years when I started on this health-saving quest.

This has been a high priority for me ever since and I doubt I’m ever going back. I never say never because life is unpredictable, but when you’ve got a taste of the better life, why would you go backward in awareness?

…And I’m sure that’s how you feel.

In earlier years, I didn’t have the means for lower stress wisdom. I wasn’t ready and it probably would’ve hurt me, as I wouldn’t have stretched myself in work as much.

Plus, when you’ve suffered accumulated stress, then you know that you don’t want that life in your second and future acts. Your younger years are the best times to test out “what you don’t want” so life gets better and you grow.

When you’re younger, you’re more resilient and energetic. It’s a good time to develop habits that make you more adaptable and flexible.

And then you can look back and say, “I’m sooo glad I don’t have to do that again”!

And maybe that’s what you needed as encouragement to keep growing your mind-body balance in your life today and EVERY day moving forward.

Internal balance is not all about the better situations, like having work-life balance.

It’s influenced by how we process the situation and find new grounds like gratitude and attitude. Daily, we can choose to see something that appears negative to us (and our ego) and flip it into a positive like what we’re experiencing is needed to get us to where we want to go.

And when we get into the habit of doing this in the small life things like daily interrupts, then we get to feel more joy in this life and our energy comes across to others as approachable.

What people actually think about you (and don’t say to you) in all the important roles you play is one life success measurement that is underrated and often overlooked.

What you are trying to become can backfire if not careful (and I’m sure you’ve seen many examples of people saying they want to be more ____ and end up doing the opposite).

…So much of what happens is based on people’s subconscious reactions in the moment. And the only people you can control is you and your reactions!

So, flipping your script from what your subconscious ego wants to serve up daily as prickly and unattractive personality points is going to be one habit change that leads to your personal success.

At anytime, you can simply walk away from your moody self (and that’s healthy!) and reject the associated thoughts. That empowerment is 100% in your control.

…And you’re wise to do so, because when your mind takes on negative thoughts, then your body feels the effects from immediate feelings that get transferred in the mind-body connection. And over time, they often show up as delayed response symptoms on or in the body.

Body Imbalances

These unwanted body imbalances “show up” as events that often need to be prioritized and take you away from your busy, planned life. You take work effort to nurse yourself in the areas that need attention or take time out to see a doctor so that you get back to normal.

But the opposite is snowball-building body stressor events that lead to chronic inflammations and common diseases. And as mortals, heart-related (CVD) is still in the #1 spot (and in the top 5 list of mortality causes).

A quick, easy scan to know if you’re increasing your chances for body symptoms and illnesses is if you’re accumulating anxiety, anger, or depression. These are the extremes of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.

And if you have a natural mind-body accumulation for any one of those ways that align with your primary dosha body type, then you increase your chance of being in the hurricane-eye of accumulating body issues.

…So that’s especially why you want to pay attention to your body cues, prevent, and know your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha imbalances. And where we know most are life situation or lifestyle created.

And being conscious of this is a good thing because that means you can make changes that over time make an impact on your body.

Early on, I learned that if you’re sick or not physically well, you’re not helping anyone. And that thought stuck with me. Making impact in this world requires us to be healthy.

Restore Body Balance

Most of us want to restore body balance first (over mind body balance or mind-body connection balance that’s deeper to penetrate). One way to restore body balance is yoga, if you have a tightness.

You can restore your body symptoms and that can be healthy for your mind too as the mind-body and body-mind connection is bi-directional.

When you work to restore your body balance, you focus on doing everything you can to take care of your body so it gets well, and  you gain new and better healthy knowledge.

And one piece of knowledge today that’s helpful is measuring body mass index (BMI). It’s still one of the medical relied-upon predictor tools to help determine body health outcomes.

BMI doesn’t measure a stress-free, joyful, purpose, relationship-filled life that contributes to longevity healthy outcomes, but it’s something we can impact and change.

We don’t have a say in our genetics, but we do decide how we take care of our bodies in our environment. We are empowered with lifestyle choices, even if we’re not living our dream life yet.

We can take daily small steps and make quality choices, like in moving daily and choosing quality calories. We know apple calories are more nutritious than cake calories. So balancing our nutritious food choices is in our control.

The point is, we don’t need to see signs of inflammation to know that we are making better or not-so-good choices. We don’t need to test how far our body limits are.

We want to show our bodies love as showing up for us rain or shine…  so we can do what we want everyday.

And this love includes knowing that naturally our bodies are deteriorating slowly as we age and as we are exposed to daily pollutants. So better calories are feeding our compost growth, and not the gut weeds that can exponentially grow and leave a jungle path in our intestines.

When we adopt the healthy ways, we love ourselves and that adds a new happy to our lives. And we can show up to the world as our BEST selves that everyone on a similar mission is working toward.

We’re our best advocates. And that lets us live a more enriched life where we get to do more.

Restore Body Balance Healthy Lifestyle Leads to An Easier Life

And this makes our lives easier…

Like, when you eat the quality calories as your healthy habit, something great happens… you no longer have the same taste for the empty-quality calories that go down great, but leave you feeling and looking more full.

Similar to new habits, this takes a few weeks or longer for your body’s getting used to. But if you seesaw back and forth between old and new ways, you’ll not give the healthy way a real chance.

Healthy Mind For Body

To help your body out, start with the mind. If you want to be healthy eating, you want to tell your mind something that will choose the healthier option, especially in the beginning.

And when you do have a bite of the not-so-healthy, that’s okay too. Be okay with that. And actually DO that once a week, so you don’t cycle back to your old ways. That’s healthy wisdom. We’re not meant to be like sloths or koalas that eat leaves.

And every day, just keep on going without beating yourself up or going overboard because you didn’t meet an arbitrary goal.

Your healthy mind will show up on your body if you keep aiming for the healthy.

And eventually over time, the healthy will be your desired choice in every fiber of your being. And one day, fiber foods you didn’t consider before, will be something you reach for.

And I can use the analogy of intermittent fasting as something I do not do for losing weight reasons, but that would be my go-to if that was a goal.

Final Thoughts to Restore Your Body

Restore your body is like restoring your computer in many ways. Sometimes something breaks, like a part that needs to be put back together.

Body parts are resilient but when something breaks, then the area is fragile and open to damage. And that’s why physical therapy is so needed for sports injuries and the like.

And for disease-related problems, it’s the same. Once your body has a weakness, the wound is open and subsceptible to repeat chronic episodes.

If you look at football quarterbacks and how much they have to endure every play, they’ve made a career out of weekly restoration. They know how to bounce back with helpers trained to help them heal faster and to prevent injuries.

And they’re more appreciative to their bodies and how they perform like daily machines. We need that sometimes when we get used to something that we miss.

We need to see what we miss from a new perspective.

Prevention is the #1 defense. And that’s why having a healthy lifestyle is so important. 🌱

Healthy Eating Habits and Lowering Cortisol

Healthy eating habits includes anti-inflammatory desserts and that can include foods like this chocolate avocado mousse that’s delicious, easy to make, and may make you no longer reach for pre-packaged, ultra processed foods.
Yes, it’s that good! And we love our avocados. 🥑



Looking for anti-inflammatory food is part of healthy eating habits.
Tasty anti-inflammatory Chocolate avocado mousse recipe below. 👇
Good or bad eating habits start with just one intentional thought. And breaking healthy eating habits is even easier with or without intention.


And if you have high cortisol running in your body, then you can be under attack at any time which can show up with negative thoughts or decisions you regret.



I’ll give you an example:



So I stumbled on a site that took me to a free fries Friday offer at McDonald’s. You’ve probably seen that or similar.


And like for many others, my first thought was, hmmm… that sounds good as my inner child kicked in. 👶 It’s actually on a day that works for me (and probably millions of people) because I’m heading in that direction anyway on those days.



And mind you, I prepare 99% of my meals so purchasing prepared foods is not a norm for me these days, or my habits



…so that lets you know how tempting convincing an offer like that can be. Except there were hoops to jump through… such as downloading and purchasing through an app that gave me pause.



In those crucial decision seconds, my rational mind kicked in and I hit the brakes on the idea that could’ve turned into a habit…


Where one Friday becomes an every Friday french fry addictive bad habit. That’s how it all starts for all of us. It’s just one step we take because of a small opportunity.



And then we find ourselves on a roller coaster with ourselves because one day our minds catch up with us… and we wonder about things like, why am I going through this drive-thru cycle?



Just because we can… and it won’t destroy any of us, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!



And so I switched to a healthy thought channel (that any of us can choose to do)… and I thought, I’ll pay for those freedom fries so I enjoy them even more if I ever order them again, thank you!🍟


So the point here is, don’t get started…. stick with your healthy habits and you’ll be happier with yourself. You’ll have fun in so many more ways. In this example, from fitting in the cute clothes you want to wear and spending that same time relaxing instead of going through a drive-thru.


And if the subconscious mind wants to keep nagging about the fries, well… I was headed to the store anyway and I’ll pick up a bag of potatoes that I can peel, bake, and then enjoy all week (and not just in one quick bite).



Healthy eating habits like that pick up more happy hormones that stick around longer than the seconds it takes to eat one small French fry order. And peacefully cooked fries are what I’m talkin’ about! 🤸‍♀️


Another idea on this is in an activity half of us adults in America participate in and can be our favorite past-time… no, not baseball… But, coffee.



And if you’re in that drinking preference category and of working age, you may wonder why you get occasional brain fog. One cause could be the pesticides in coffee.



So, if you’re having several cups a day, and they’re not from organic beans (free of pesticides), then you could feel the daily effects on your cognitive ability.



Coffee (as much as I love my morning coffee routine) is healthy in antioxidant ways… but if you want to lower your stress hormone (cortisol), cutting back to acuppa cuppa joes over an all-day love affair coffee habit is going to help your groove.


A coffee memory I had that doesn’t fade ☕️



And when you sleep, if you wake up say in the wee hours of the morning, it could be because of your coffee… not because of the lingering caffeine effects, but the increased cortisol hormone keeping or waking you up.


I remember one season when I took a sabbatical that lasted for a year and after a few months of traveling and doing the things I wanted to do without the work responsibilities, I kept waking up at 3 am. That interruptive sleep-wakeup pattern was likely because of the stress of not having stress (or a real purpose).



We are meant to have work, meaning, and a specific, daily purpose to get up for in our lives. So if that’s what’s missing in your life, then maybe going on a quest to find that would be good for you.


And whether you lose a little sleep, or you sleep like a baby overnight these days, you could wake up with groggy, stressed, or worried thoughts first thing in the morning when cortisol rises. That’s built into our DNA.


And if you want to know how to turn around those negative morning thought routines (that could settle in and clutter your mind…sound familiar?)… I have a healthy recipe for you to automatically receive happier thoughts before your coffee energy kicks in, and well, that involves maybe you even doing some light dancing and singing before your day starts 🎶…


And if that describes what you would like to feel like doing and thinking naturally in the morning, take the free Body Balance Quiz and in the notes, type in “cortisol,” I’ll give you the symptom-specific healthy-natural balancing recipe that has helped so many others (including yours truly). 🌱



Anti-Inflammatory Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • almond milk
  • unsweetened 70% cocoa (natural, not dutch processed)
  • raspberries
  • shredded coconut


  • Blend milk, avocado, and cocoa.
  • Zhugh with raspberries. These are anti-inflammatory ingredient pairings.


To make this healthy version is 3 main ingredients: ripe avocado, almond milk, and unsweetened cocoa (garnished with raspberries and shredded coconut).


Oh, and if you’re interested to lose weight and/or learn anti-inflammatory practices, get the FREE Intermittent Fasting guide to optimize your healthy eating habits enjoyment. 🌱

Scents For Joy + Celebrate Your Nose Knows!

Have you ever noticed how certain scents bring joy to your face? Or that warm blanket spritzed with lavender that reminds you of a yoga mat or relaxing moment that instantly makes your troubling life situations better?

Using those olfactory memories and the comforting things available to us, can help us to make it through our day…  and sometimes is all we need to get inspired again. That’s all-so Ayurvedic!

One sweet spice way that we can capture daily is in our scents. I like to keep around a few perfumy bottles even though I rarely wear any. But I like to catch a citrusy sweet whiff every so often. Bergamot and citrus light scents don’t last as long as others so keeping them close by is a good idea.

And if you’re a Vata like me, cinnamon spice is one of your faves. Also, vanilla scents and sweet oranges like that from a California navel or Italian blood orange.

Celebrating the orange scents here on this table…

Can you guess what orange is here? It’s a Cara Cara orange.

So on those notes, these are a few of my go-to perfume aromatherapy scents for balance.

The heavy-knock-you-out-cold perfumes are a thing of the past. The kind your grandmother probably wore. And what my mom wore. Those memories are hard to erase.

But for everyday living, these two eau de parfums are more appropriate.

J.Lo Live – the version I bought is very citrusy. I stumbled on the perfume when I had extra minutes (hours) in an airport and decided to make use of that time by finding a good scent. Good idea, right?  And this one was the one that got my attention. Yes, it’s Jennifer Lopez’s (J.Lo) Live. And it also comes in a pretty bottle.

A good perfume is like a good dress. When you try it on, you know if it’s The One as you can’t stop grinning from ear to ear.

Viktor&Rolf – Flower Bomb is da bomb when it comes to scents, me thinks 😊 in me-time (that was how I thought in my youthful fun self) 🌼

Btw… do you ever wonder why you can’t smell certain scents that’s more about you liking a perfume scent one day and not-so-much the next day or next season?

There are a few reasons:

For one, as mentioned, the citrusy ones don’t last in the air too long. While they calm your parasympathetic nerves (and help to lower cortisol stress levels), they only last a few hours depending also on what other scents they are balanced with. So it’s fading daily along with bottle age.

And the other reason is… you!

You don’t smell them because you have a heavier imbalance in another dosha. But don’t worry, that can easily be restored back in a day or two. And the right scents can help put your day right back on track.

It always comes back to your Vata, Pitta, and Kaphas. 👧🏻 😡😴

Let me explain… so since I’m a Vata, sometimes I can’t smell the citrus scents strongly. And so I gravitate towards maybe a woodsy  or florally scent or a stronger sandalwood burning trees scent. 👃And that would indicate to me that I have a Pitta imbalance. Rarely these days, but back in my corporate work days that was the status quo. …Until I found a better new normal balance.

So primarily these days I like the Vata scents because that’s my natural body.

And if you’re interested in learning more about the intuitive body and how it can help you in your daily life and balance, then take the 2-minute Body Balance Quiz.

There is one scent in particular that I use to instantly know if I’m feeling balanced.

Wanna know what that is?…

I use another Viktor&Rolf’s scent called Bon Bon. It’s in a cute, hot pink cylindrical bottle. Hot pink was my favorite color growing up …and now everybody’s fave. 💕

…I Love how our society is becoming so close-knit and we see eye-to-eye on the important things 😉

So, here’s what I know.

When this candy scent is too cloying or sickenly sweet to me, then I know that my Vata is off. It has a burnt caramel scent to it that isn’t always likable. I figured this out while wearing it one day when I couldn’t wait to wash it off. That’s what happens.

AND… maybe I’ve inspired you to pull out your scents to test.

And if you ever wonder why you like a certain person… it could be the way they smell. Years before our society adopted Ayurvedic balance, a co-worker of mine wore Clinique’s Happy. And every time I was near her, I was happy! 🤸‍♀️

My day was brightened and I distinctly felt calmer. And now I know that’s because of the concentrated citrus orange notes. Once a Vata always a Vata!

So, if you want to be around more people like you, wear the scents you like. And if you wanna balance yourself out and attract your opposite, wears the scents they would like. …Just a scented meeting people advice note I thought I’d leave you on.

Spice Up 2023 With An Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle

This isn’t what it looks like (or doesn’t look like!). It’s actually a honey-saffron-pistachio-dates-sea salt whole wheat dessert inspired by baklava and the layers are filled with a wintery nut trio mix (walnuts, pistachio, and pecans). Healthy and happy!

Intermittent Fasting has become a popular way for those of us who want to be healthier and improve mental clarity (and is not just for losing weight).

It’s something I’m embracing in 2023. And I’m sharing my points with you in this jam-packed post that also includes 15 great spices I love… for good food inspo you can appreciate on feasting days if you’re on a sustainable healthy fasting lifestyle.

But first, let me back up two points as you may not be familiar with Intermittent Fasting.

#1. Fasting or Intermittent Fasting (within time windows) is becoming uber popular these days as a way to lose weight sustainably. It’s the opposite of a fad diet that I’m opposed to because the long-term effects can backfire.

#2. Weight loss for a healthy body mass index or waist circumference is one great benefit that shouldn’t be downplayed… and has side benefits that are even greater. Losing weight also reduces the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic breakdowns and developing adult-onset type-2 Diabetes that’s soaring in our modern world. T2D oftentimes can be better managed, prevented, and restored with healthy lifestyle choices.

And another point… is if you know me, you know I’m not doing IF for weight loss. It’s the sustainable, healthy lifestyle and side health benefits that I’m super excited about on my end!

…So I hope the information here gives you some insight and can help you decide if IF is right for you. There’s no shame or awkward feelings like “being on a diet” can have because Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a sustainable lifestyle.

…And actually, no one during your day will be able to note when you’re IF fasting or feasting if you want to keep it to yourself (as your choice). Drinking water and coffee is pretty normal stuff for most of us. 😊

And I use sleep time for almost half of the 16 hours I’m fasting these days. But the schedule you decide is completely flexible and changeable from season to season… and actually is better when you mix it up if you get stuck e.g. not losing more weight or you’re on your cycle for women (that’s different than 🚴‍♀️).

There are so many health benefits from switching in and out of glucose and ketones. I list a few below, but I can’t get into all of them here as the list is long (and this article is already pretty long)… but, if you want to seriously learn more about this, just fill out the 2-minute body balance quiz and mention your IF interest in the optional notes area, and I’ll pass on some good resources.

And in case this is your first time visiting my weekly blog, I’ve been into preventative health my entire adult life that started when I was marketing high-end nutritional supplements in my early 20s. Lowering fat calories (where even  “nuts are bad”) was part of the zeitgeist I grew up in. …and, well, these days that macro-talk has switched to carbs.

Personally, I like to focus on the macro positives like increasing healthy proteins and veggie-forward carbs.

But today, we’re on the brink of health research that’ll help us live longer optimally by biohacking our bodies. I think we need this to offset the toxins and global warming effects that we daily intake (and didn’t experience decades ago).

And I believe Intermittent Fasting will help our individual healthy e-missions as our world advances. More women and men are looking at IF as a healthy lifestyle choice. Here is a good reason why:

Because IF is good for chronic cardiovascular-related prevention  (heart disease is still the leading cause of death, along with certain cancers, and now cognitive decline and T2D)…

So this is why IF is good for all of us (Vatas, Pittas, and Kaphas). All our bodies perform autophagy cell clean up, and efficiently better with IF. And that helps us to reduce oxidative stress that leads to the chronic stresses that lead to chronic diseases. And if you get into a 24-hour fast, you can optimize this one benefit.

You can also look up autophagy: a new kind of recycling we can do, but with our bodies. 😊

…that benefit alone should raise an eyebrow! And is good news.

As a health and wellness freelance writer having spent countless hours consuming IF facts, benefits, and science-backed expert advice, Intermittent Fasting is aligned with my current healthy ways.

So, I’ve added this to my 2023 health and wellness plans.

And in my weekly Intermittent Fasting, what I eat and drink complements my anti-inflammatory diet and balancing Ayurvedic-lifestyle (from yoga to spices)… below, I share some of my fave Ayurvedic spices-and-everything-nice list that helps to enhance self-awareness by appreciating the foods put in the body.

On my “fasting days,” I eat from 8-4. I know that sounds like an “on the clock” job, but that’s hardly the way it feels. It’s so easy and actually makes my daily life easier.

…In my case, it keeps me from snacking all day and night, like so many of us. And even though my snacks are usually simple and healthy, like carrots, nuts, popcorn, and dark chocolate, my body rewards me for not snacking at all.

That includes giving up the habit of chewing gum that I stopped a few years ago.

All gum, sweet mints, cough drops, creamers, and flavored drinks all count as part of the calories that can unintentionally swing the “napping” fasting body back into work mode, and easily break a fast.

Breaking a Fast

The snack elephant in the room (on feasting days) for me is a few soft Twizzlers (strawberry, cherry, and black licorice). I was so going to say fresh Twizzlers, but you’d laugh at me because there are few if any fresh foods coming from a packaging manufacturing plant. 😉

…And just so we’re clear, that’s not a Twizzler endorsement for any of my weekly healthy food lists and plans (anti-inflam, Ayurvedic, or IF). I’m not trying to steer you down a Twizzler diet path (…lol).

Licorice is the happy food in my life. And you have your non-negotiable faves. Hopefully, they’re worth it!

…So, swinging the needle back to the healthy (and happy) body, here are some ways I use spices.

I like to go into my spice cabinet regularly and open up the small containers to cook and bake with. It’s an Ayurvedic balancing practice (not usually practiced when fasting).

Spices heighten the senses. And are a good way to develop recipes and come up with spiced-up! new meals. I’m a free-pour type of gal so rarely do I use teaspoons to measure spices. And sometimes being heavy-handed makes for a better dish or bake anyway.

Balancing the Body with Spices

And not only are spices a good way to appreciate your sense of taste and smell, they’re also a good indicator of where you’re balanced and off-balance. I mentioned the Body Balance Quiz earlier which uses this same concept.

This is body-mind self-awareness from the mind-body’s perspective.

Here’s how it works: whether you’re anxious/worried, irritated/angry, feeling critical, or feeling lazy, these emotions and moods all show up in your spice preferences!

This is one of the fun experiences I had when I learned Ayurveda in 2008. And then years later hadn’t forgotten, so I thought would be fun to give “the spice test” to my office-mate catering colleagues. It made for a nice break when we were all swamped and I had up to 7 events going on in a day.

…And somehow I found time to help out and work at one of The WeddingWire HQ catered events in those imbalanced hour days.

…So when I gave my officemates their personalized results, I think they felt like I magically 🪄knew them better than themselves that season (…and just with a few everyday seasonings I brought in!). Of course, I provided the counterbalancing solutions they specifically needed.

And these ordinary ones are some of the faves that can make an EXTRAORDINARY dish.

Sweet Spice:

✅Star anise. A spice blend with star anise as the star is Ras el hanout. You also get some punchy notes with cloves, balancing fennel, and mild-spicy black pepper.

✅Curry. Surprisingly I used to think this exotic spice smelled like an old shop full of food knick-knacks. And then grew into this sweet spice. It goes really well with chicken or potato dishes.


✅Sumac. This is not as common a spice. You would know if it was in your cabinet because it stands out with a dark purple color. It has the quintessential bitter taste along the same lines as dry mustard.

📝And bitter spices would probably not spike insulin on a fast (aka Intermittent Fasting), but the foods that went with it definitely would! 


Ginger. Freshly grated ginger is great for everything. It has a calming effect even though it has a distinctive spice kick at the end. And of course, ginger spice is great for gingerbread in the gingerbread house in the winter holiday seasons.

✅Cardamom. This takes a sophisticated taste. You either like it, are neutral, or detest. Most younger tastes go for the latter perspective. Maybe that’s why it has “mom” at the end because it’s meant for more mature tastes.

✅Black pepper. And there are studies that indicate if black pepper is added to cardamom, there are synergistic anti-inflammatory benefits. It’s not just good with salt. And you can take that for what it’s worth. I personally like waving black pepper around for opening up nasal congestion. 😊

✅Cloves. This is a versatile pungent spice. Unlike ginger which gets spicier, clove is a subtle spice. And maybe why a dark brown color to blend in. And cloves are off the charts when it comes to anti-inflammatory, meaning it’s super good for you.

It’s one of those hidden spices in the cabinet that should be brought out. And it’s often in the middle of the list of ingredients in a spice blend. It doesn’t get the glory recognition it deserves like bright orange turmeric news headlines these days.

And just a few more spice notes 🎶, and then we’re done. Btw, thanks for sticking with me!… Your dishes will thank me.


✅Garlic – good for adding a 3rd dimension and a good prebiotic we can always use more of.

✅Thyme – similar to oregano that’s generally more common.

✅Oregano – good for any Italian dishes, pizza, pasta, and red sauce.


✅Tarragon – for any savory dish you want to add a sweet herb and create a French bistro in-the-mouth vibe. This is great for savory breakfast foods like potatoes and eggs. They can also be part of your break the fast foods if you’re Intermittent Fasting.

✅Saffron – great for any seafood dishes and stews. And even sweets paired with honey, like baklava. Saffron is a Vata favorite because it has a very balanced, sweet, and distinct scent and taste. You can’t miss it in a paella seafood dish.

✅Dill – is lovely with any cold appetizers that need a ‘lil fresh pep. It also has a distinct green pine needle look, so it makes for a great last-minute dish dash (or final touch to top off).

Unlike rosemary which also has a needle-like appearance, dill is easy to chew. Dried rosemary… not so much, and since it’s prickly is better as an exterior skin flavoring or on a roast.

✅Mint – Not the candy mint no-no I mentioned earlier when I was talking about fasting, but the plant that’s actually an herb. Peppermint leaves are great for tea and baking extracts. Tea leaves are great for garnishes and also pair well with fruits.

✅Spearmint – always reminds me of Wrigley’s spearmint gum (another fasting faux pas) from my childhood years and is good in a tea blend. Also, good with dishes such as mint peas.

So, that’s what I have for spicy news this week until next week!

I record all my blog posts, so you can fold laundry or take a break from staring at a screen 📱

🎧 Listen to this 10-minute audio recording.

…And if you want to learn more about starting an Intermittent Fasting anti-inflammatory lifestyle habit you can stick to (and maintain a consistent weight), check out my FREE 27-page Intermittent Fasting Guide. 👙