
High Acidic Foods and GERD Ayurveda Grocery List

GERD ayurveda grocery list

High acidic foods can wreak havoc on your daily gut-feeling life.

If you’re food shopping and trying to make choices for your grocery cart, adding a stomach-friendly GERD Ayurveda grocery list can enhance your eating life. Lowering stomach acidity and finding enhancing foods for balancing your body is fun, healthy, and sometimes what’s needed.

If you have a condition like high acid (or more severely GERD) in your stomach, whether you’re a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha (or have any of these imbalances), you’ll be interested in what you select for your refrigerator and pantry.

And, you’ve come to the right place for a list of safe foods to reduce GERD (or lower acidity) and increase balance (listed further below…)

Having a mix of fresh and pantry foods can give you a sense of calm, and especially if you have a backup supply of your favorite items because you leave any food comfort panic thoughts to rest. Continue reading “High Acidic Foods and GERD Ayurveda Grocery List”

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Life is Overwhelming – What To Do?

Life is overwhelming at times. And in this 2020 modern era, yes? Feeling overwhelming anxiety and stress can turn out to be productive or unhealthy in your choosing. And this article is all about how to process stress and when life is overwhelming.

This photo reminds me of a relaxing Sunday morning stroll and time out in nature-filled Central Park. My head was cleared and was just what the doctor ordered during a stressful season of work pre-pandemic.

For better long-term health and productivity you could emphatically scream to release or let out your frustrations in private, instead of bottling inside.  Or you could prefer quiet peace.

But whichever you choose, release the trauma in the present.

In the same stressful situation, all things being equal, for a Vata dosha that’s already anxious, the overwhelming anxiety and stress can turn into deeper worry and show up as any number of physical body symptoms.

For a Pitta or Pitta imbalance, that could be expressed and turned into criticism, blame, irritation, or heart-related issues.

For a Kapha dosha, that could be withdrawing from happiness or experiencing depression.

Know that you can restore any of the dosha mood imbalances through your daily restoring mind, and repair seasonal imbalances.

For any of us, short-term stress situations can temporarily create havoc in our life (where life is overwhelming at times). But some stress and temporary stress is good and can lead to success and discovery as you’re productive and get things done.

And we are grateful when the stress ends.

But when the long-term stress dust doesn’t settle (and runs as an undercurrent in our lives) without any end in sight, this can take a toll on your mind and body, that can result in discomforts. And you can tell from your body symptoms  that you can help change.

They can show up as repeated Ground Hog day feelings, sluggish moods, and heavy thoughts that add up.

You can change the trajectory, operating from your own higher self-care awareness and creating better daily practices and habits that lead to a better outlook and happier, more balanced results.

You can learn repeatable and sustainable ways when you get clarity that’s what you want (and know you’ve had enough of what you don’t want to repeat again).

Balance Anxiety and Stress When Life is Overwhelming

Taking a pause and stepping back from stress can serve you. It’s a good strategy to embrace so you create habits around stress (that doesn’t have to be a daily existence).

Here’s how I took an overwhelm (anxiety and stress) break 5 years ago…   with a sweet happy cake pop 🍰 afternoon pick me up.

Those were the days when I lived and breathed chick peas in hummus as a party appetizer working for a chic Lebanese restaurant chain.

overwhelm anxiety and stress
Catering and event planning during the holiday season can be filled with stressful endless paperwork and administrative overwhelm (I’m thrilled I went paperless and don’t have to print daily anymore!)

The definition of overwhelm is “bury or drown beneath a huge mass.”  And I think the 👆photo illustrates the point well. 😂

You know how you walk into someone’s office and you can tell the state of affairs. If they have nothing on their desk, you know they HAVE A LOT of help. And if they can’t find their desk, then they NEED A LOT of help. I was definitely in the NEED HELP category!

And that’s what it felt like at the time… a storm came through the roof of the building and hit my desk. Oh my goodness!… this isn’t my work life now, but years ago, this is where I worked 15 hour days during the holidays in an overwhelmingly busy catering office. My work life is overwhelming was an understatement.

Some nights I burned the midnight oil trying to catch up on all the details required to put together social, corporate, and wedding events. Sometimes I was too busy to even notice all the imbalances I had going on!

…Any hotel and restaurant people out there who can relate? 😉 Continue reading “Life is Overwhelming – What To Do?”

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“Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright

“Don’t Worry Bout a Thing” is a good song to hum to. Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder knew how to perform a  positive mantra in a catchy upbeat song.

That’s how you can begin to stay on top of your worry.

‘Cause every little thing is gonna be alright. Baby, don’t wo-rrry… ‘bout a thing. 

Worry won’t change a thing.

Imagine if you were learning to surf in the ocean water. All kinds of fears and anxieties could creep up in the back of your mind.

If fears of the water are on your mind’s forefront, you’d probably not surf unless you’re young or a sports extremist and that was your passion.

The fear of drowning, getting bit by a shark (like Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton), being caught up in a strong riptide, or being swept away by a powerful tsunami wave, could become reality.

I’m sharing this with you because obviously, you’re not in this situation now, since you’re online. But we all have our own dangerous situations.

If they came on suddenly, you would develop worry, that would activate adrenaline rushed anxiety pulsing through your veins, as seconds went by.  That could turn into a paralyzing panic daze fast if a big wave or similar formed.

Years ago before I could swim, I experienced my own dicey water situation… Continue reading ““Don’t Worry Bout A Thing” Because Everything Will Be Alright”

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Fall Allergies and Sinus Congestion: Ayurveda vs. Allergy Medicine

Appreciating beauty of trees, even though the downfall is they create fall allergies and sinus congestion.
Trees (even your favorite ones!) create pollen and can create fall allergies havoc, but you can naturally improve your allergy and sinus congestion life and prevent nasty sinus infections with tips below.

Fall allergies and sinus congestion can leave you confused. People wonder, “isn’t pollen relatively low in the fall?” This article is all about addressing this.

I have been a year-round allergy sufferer who only developed allergies about 5 years ago. Post-allergy life is a new normal. If you experience allergies, they don’t have to run (or ruin) your life.

Feel lucky if you live allergy-free. I’m sharing below how I manage fall allergies and sinus congestion. If you experience bothersome sinuses, this could be because you have a Kapha nature (or imbalance). You can find out if you have a Kapha imbalance and how to restore your balance from that perspective. 

You can also opt to take an allergy test from an allergist (where they can gently prick your arm or back) and find out if your situation is more complicated. I chose to do that and learned my symptoms were mostly external ones like watery eyes and annoying (but moderate) nasal congestion.

Allergy symptoms can last all day. Late afternoon and evenings can be worse than mornings (the opposite of spring grass allergies).

You may avoid opening windows and live like you’re caged in your castle, but it beats dealing with symptoms that show up the next day. I’m with you because that’s how I spend my days. Gratefully I’m pampered in my fortress and hopefully, you are too 😉. Continue reading “Fall Allergies and Sinus Congestion: Ayurveda vs. Allergy Medicine”

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Why PTSD Leaves Anxiety Clues and You Cry For No Reason

There are many reasons why PTSD leaves anxiety symptoms. For many PTSD survivors, they can cry at the drop of a hat (or express anger). Our bodies and feelings send clues to the undetected mind that repair is needed.   PTSD can leave residue feelings of shame, victimization, or lack of self-worth.

You can experience setbacks from delayed post-trauma realization.  Because you don’t realize the memories and thoughts that you’re still carrying in your subconscious mind.  The thoughts can live undetected in your gray matter (explained further, below) and can negatively impact your current life.

PTSD anxiety symptoms can be one result leaving clues (in the mind-body connection that exists). You can have stressful body symptoms that show up when triggered, but you may not know where they come from.

Showing up as panicking, lashing out, or getting angry or sad.  Or you can experience heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing, a knot in your stomach, a lump in your throat, or panicking feelings.  These can all come from PTSD that you don’t know you have or what the cause is. Continue reading “Why PTSD Leaves Anxiety Clues and You Cry For No Reason”

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