
Bear Chronotype At 9-5 Work

Bear chronotype is how more than half of us are. We’re wired for the 9-5 work life especially in corporate offices.

transition cherry blossom blooms
Cherry blossom blooms on the Tidal Basin is a reminder that every day is fleeting.

If you like animals, you like chronotype descriptions, where the Bear Chronotype is the one that 9-5 workers like. More on chronotypes below that are meant to help you develop better sleep habits.

But they can also be telltale for work types too..

In DC that I’m familiar with, it’s a transient area where many flock to the area for work. And where there’s an annual reminder of seasons and transition with the spring cherry blossom show.🌸

The common 9-5 job exists but often are loose hours as most work around the clock. Especially since WFH has become LIFE where real life vs. virtual world digital collides and you have more control over your day.

But, wherever you are in the world, maybe you’re in your pivot transition starting over in life, work, careers, or business.

Or you’re going back into a new office setting. If you’re considering what work to do next, before you make a move, it’s smart to first consider how you work best…

Because it could save you from stress eating, time you won’t get back, and unnecessary worry to name just a few things.

You can start by getting clues from your past experiences and how you’re naturally wired. And you can see how you fit as one of the 4 work types described below.

These can help you find the right, sustainable work environment especially if you’re in transition (e.g deciding if you want to stay in corporate work or branch off on your own).

For most, the mention of transition can drum up thoughts of dread, anticipation, or mixed emotions. Feelings like you had months and weeks before and on the first day of school during your younger years.

That’s where most of us who went to school remember first learning the ropes to what worked for us and what didn’t. We were faced with situations where we could make choices and others where there was no leeway.

But today, you have greater freedom to decide what you want to do with your work and life.

You can lean into the easier work or in a direction of work responsibilities and risk, where adversities and challenges can lead to higher rewards.

Transitions are often hard, but you can help yourself by believing that’s where growth comes.

Where growth is, there’s life (hope and love on the other side) and the chance to continue thriving with infinite possibilities that are more satisfying than mere existence.

Growth isn’t usually in the easy, happy times. Even though we’re wired to want the easy.

But when it isn’t easy, amid uncertainty and figuring things out, you can find daily joy and contentment as a sustainable way to be happy. That’s a skill that helps you the rest of your life.

It also helps to know why you’re making change and starting a new venture, so that when you reach tough winds, you still push through when you’re determined enough.

Dan Buettner, Founder of Blue Zones, is the expert and author of several books on Centenarian longevity lifestyles in the Blue Zone regions that exist in the world, like Sardinia and Okinawa (as the most well-known ones).

He studied these older and wiser pockets of people who lean into their community connections and joy living with greater purpose.

And in interviews, Dan recounts his past as a distance cyclist-athlete and how he physically pushed himself too hard.

And then one day, he was in a restaurant with his wife and friends and ended up in the hospital for over-exertion on his heart.

This later came as an a-ha to him that his life was missing balance.

We can all learn from his experience and relate to his wisdom. Sometimes it takes health scares, work situations, or life crises to make us feel and rethink our ways and path.

These can help us make needed changes. As can being in a work lifestyle (or lack of work-life balance) that doesn’t suit you.

Dan describes several different chronotype work types that consider when you would feel most active and productive.

They are:

Bears: A little more than half the population are Bears, productively getting things done between 9-5, the way our Corporate America society is wired. The Bear chronotype is all among us!

Lions: Described as the Early Bird people and the CEO types that like to get up in the wee-hours of the morning, making lists, and completing performance routines. Sounds a lot like the Pittas in modern Ayurveda living.

Wolves:  Those who like to stay up late, a.k.a. Night Owls and creatives, who can’t usually get to bed before midnight. I think of stand-up comedians who work at night.

Dolphins: A dolphin type is more similar to a Bear chronotype, but tends to have anxiety and worry. Not sure why it’s call a dolphin because I think I’m pretty calm around dolphins.


Which type describes you?

In transition, being aware of what creates worry and anxiety is going to be especially critical for Dolphins (and naturally if you’re a Vata). And being aware of what creates anger-irritation for a Lion (and a natural Pitta).

And, why does this matter?

If these are natural ways for you, they are holding you back from your best life.

But, you can transform those parts of your life. I’m living proof. 😊

I naturally identify as a Dolphin and a Vata, but there was a transition period that lasted many seasons before I could honor those ways and change from the Bear chronotype work-life I had.

It wasn’t overnight because  I needed to pivot to more creative work.

In the process, I let go of expressing anger that used to be a natural reaction as PTSD and what I learned starting at a young age.

But in awareness and desire to change, I started connecting the dots to feeling anger as the opposite of peace in my life.

And then I looked for ways to live in peace, joy, and love that I had never considered before.

And as I looked for more ways to self-improve, I grew more confident in my knowledge.

Finding wisdom is empowered knowledge and living in peace without regrets about choices made and opportunities not taken.

For all of us, finding a restored calm mind-body and sense of peace is going to be the respite to bring out our most productive, loving, and creative self.

That’s the best the world would love to see more of.

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Proteins and Meal Prep For Healthy Living

Proteins are the most important macro for keeping you full and many other reasons that this article is about.

Legume proteins added to 2022 pantry
2022 Pantry

Probably like you, I’ve evolved eating habits and meal planning since 2020.

My meals are focused on healthy proteins, carbs, veggies, fiber, and healthy fats. My pantry reflects those balanced moves… and fewer sweets.

The bulk of sweets come from my weekly bakes, like poached cinnamon-honey pears or kiwi meringues.

Daily salty snacks are mostly from nuts that are a high source of protein (i.e. 1 ounce of almonds has 6 grams of protein).

Once in a while, popcorn (a whole grain) with a dash of turmeric comes on the scene for a good movie.

Or a dash of EVOO and white pepper that gives a savory umami buzz.

That’s important for a taste-o-phile. 😊

For most meal prep, the focus is on anti-inflammatory plant-based sources like legumes and phytochemical-rich fruits and veggies.

But I didn’t start off 2020 with my then-new pantry (in limbo transition)…

Pasta over proteins in 2020 pantry
2020 Pantry

The first meal I remember cooking was a box of pasta. It’s not touted on the daily news, but there’s a reason why pasta takes up one side of the grocery store aisle.

For the low cost, it offers good value. It beats a junk food replacement that’s more convenient.

Pasta is fairly easy and quick to cook and is a filling source of energy great for lunches.

And then you can add your favorite protein and veggies on top for a healthy meal.

It’s also a good source of potassium, B vitamins, protein, fiber and has very low sugar. You can also get the tricolor kind with tomato and spinach puree.

But yeah, anything from a box with a barcode isn’t likely to be nutrient-dense polyphenol healthy.

Sometimes I make my own pasta with eggs (which btw, both egg yolks and whites are a good source of proteins)…

Pasta is made with eggs with proteins

But any pasta isn’t gonna be as nutritious as a whole grain alternate or a pseudo-grain like quinoa (a complete protein) that has all 9 amino acids, including the ones your body doesn’t make.

The quinoa nutrition label won’t show that today, so all you see is the 4 grams of protein per half a cup (which still isn’t bad… but only half the scoop). You can add quinoa to your breakfast strategy!

Good to know, no matter whether you’re a natural Vata, Pitta, or Kapha Ayurvedic body type.

In case those terms are new… generally, Vatas are lean, Pittas are muscular, and Kapha body types are heavier set.

In all cases, protein is needed for functioning and is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.

Some amino acids (the building block of proteins) needed for life, only come from food sources.

Proteins are also needed for muscle growth and tissue repair.

Plus, eating proteins helps with focusing on tasks other than eating all day.

This is especially true if you’re a Vata body type with lean genes and skinny jeans where energy crashes and feeling occasional lightheadedness from low blood sugar can come with the territory too.

All in all, proteins keep us feeling full longer, and being filled gives us energy. Healthy protein sources can come from legumes like beans or tofu (i.e. 6 ounces of tofu has 11 grams of protein).

The 5 Blue Zone regions in the world have the highest concentration of Centenarians (the young-at-heart people passing the 100-year-old mark).

Legumes carry across the board are part of their longevity plans.


Sardinia, Italy/Ikaria, Greece – white/cannellini beans

Nicoya, Costa Rica – black beans

Okinawa, Japan – soy beans (tofu)

Loma Linda, CA – mixed (black, kidney, pinto, tofu, etc.)

Occasional lean animal proteins and fish also help us to stay healthy.

Choosing a variety is going to give you the diversity of vitamins and minerals your body optimally runs on.

You can think of getting a balanced meal from building a grain bowl or wrap like in a Chipotle meal.

Here’s a grain bowl example you can try in your at-home meal prep:

Grain Bowl with Proteins
Proteins lead the meal prep

Oh, and don’t forget the microgreens and chia seeds (I.e. 3 Tbsp chia seeds has 7 grams of protein).

If you’re like me who likes to boost her omega-3s with ground flaxseeds, you’re getting 6 grams of protein per 3 Tbsp.

While you may choose your greens first, for meal prep, proteins can still lead the meal choice. Here’s the healthy you could consider weekly:

1-2 cans of 15 oz beans or legumes (chickpeas/lentils)

Wild-caught fish and seafood

Lean Poultry (minimally processed)

Protein in egg yolks and egg whites.

Grass-fed or free-range meat

Uncured lunch meat

Here are some protein questions you can ask:

Which omega-3 protein-rich sources will I add?  Examples: Salmon, eggs (enriched eggs), sardines

Which plant-based proteins? Examples: Tofu, beans, legumes

Which lean B vitamin-rich proteins? Example: Chicken (minimally processed), uncured meats (without sodium nitrates or added nitrite)

B vitamins are water-soluble. Since the body doesn’t store them, we need to keep replenishing. B-vits work together and are responsible for healthy growth, vision, skin, hair, nails, metabolism, immune system support, memory, prevention of many potential body issues, and so much more.

For healthy balancing and easy recipes, check out the search bar feature.



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Where to Find Joy, Hope, and Faith Sources

Looking forward to the peony bush that usually only blooms for a few weeks in May.

Earth laughs in flowers.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Easter just weeks away is a reminder that we’re embarking on a new spring season and wild ride that this life is. Easter is a symbol of hope and a sign of life. It’s a time of celebration and joy. It’s one I look forward to, despite all the world’s turmoil.

I made this imprime (imprinted) cherry blossom jelly sponge roll over the weekend to take a break from all that’s going on.

I cut it in the shape of a letter and added cherries.

On that note and when life doesn’t feel like a bowl of cherries–when you feel hope is missing in this life–it’s important to reset on the hopeful. That’s a good time to evaluate your thoughts and hear uplifting messages of faith. That’s what I do and is one way to restore your joy and get out of self-sabotage moods.

Here are 3 other effective ways:

✔️ Feel compassion for others less fortunate than you. There are always people who fall into those categories. You don’t have to go far to hear about the needs. You can turn on the news to feel.

✔️ Answer the question: what is the worst that can happen? Come up with options from your current standpoint and knowledge. Doing this helps put your mind at ease with plan options. And so does knowing you’re never alone in this world (that’s never-ending evolving). If you stay in the belief that things will be better on the other side, then you stay hopeful.

✔️ Bring curiosity back. Reflect on daily unique coincidences in your life and try to discern the meaning. Maybe you keep running into the same good situation… like you’re the first in line or there’s one item left for you. Do you see these as blessings or nothing out of the ordinary luck?

Children are in awe over common things so much easier than adults. They get excited and wonder about the things we glance over. Things like nature, butterflies, and ladybugs. Children and growing living things give us hope.

You can also borrow hope from others who believe there is life after passing through this life… another form of hope.

If you are (or become) a believer, then your outlook and outcomes are very different than if you aren’t sure or don’t know. No one is born a believer even if they’re given guidance. It’s a deliberate choice that each person has the right to.

Believers know what’s at the end. That’s why they can walk around with a smile on their face even when they are going through chaos. Because they know in the end, good wins. But they too have to feed daily their healthy mind-body with the hopeful fuel to keep growing.

And they know who’s in charge at the end of the day and where to turn to, that’s not other people. And when they see other like-minded believers, they know they will see them again.

With a deeper perspective, there is a greater purpose in life. What if you could feel this way if you don’t already? You get to choose what you believe in almost any situation.

Seeing the writing on the wall happens from a change of heart, baby step actions towards a want, and often many failed attempts. Fail forward and fast is a much better belief than the one I grew up with of “don’t fail.” That was just a setup for failure. So glad that the world has wised up in its beliefs.

When I was younger, I didn’t know there was a free will choice to live a life other than the one I was living. But before knowing this as a young adult, I knew I didn’t like the course of life I had or the limited resources I carried. Or the problems that I was burdened with. I felt like I was missing something even though everything seemed to run okay on the outside. So I looked for other possibilities that I couldn’t see.

Having this why of wanting better led me to try to find formal mentors or professional help like therapy that turned into failed attempts that eventually steered me to the right places.

I also read self-help and expert-led books, getting knowledgeable through words and not just guessing. Authors I didn’t know were my mentors and I was my self-therapist. 😉

I also read Scripture and certain words jumped off the page. The comforting ones like “do not worry…” and “If God is for us, who can be against us”… which sometimes can be ourselves getting in our own way. (Amen?).

In the beginning, I thought the fun side of life I had would end. And for an Enneagram 7,  that’s hard to swallow as one of our motivators. I thought I’d have to start living a stricter life and had no idea how that would work.

But gradually, I learned the keys to daily peace, enjoyment, and guilt-free living. I went to Bible Study and church and then church again in the same week because I wanted to. My soul was fed and my spirit grew. The people were nice and liked to have fun, and we listened to the same types of rock music. And I felt safe.

All the things I wanted to change, gradually changed on their own with the desires in the back of my mind. It was an inside job that I can’t credit myself for.

And if you can relate or already live in a similar way, are you happy and healthy? Are you taking care of yourself (body, mind, and soul)? Are you living your “highest and best use”? This is a phrase I learned in business school that pertains to living out an optimal life in every area.

Pleasing others or playing it safe may not be your best life. The biggest rewards are from taking chances and having faith. Because I do think it’s a test and how you live here matters.

But if you’re unhappy (or know others who are), there’s a good chance that your (or their) gifts and talents are getting buried. You would know this because you’re not as creative or productive as you’re capable of or once were. And if you’re possibly feeling stuck or spinning wheels. I know this because that’s how I felt a lot when I knew it was time to move on.

Do you know or remember the parable of the gifts and talents? It’s a good reminder that the more you use your talents, the more you will get. We want to see your gifts in the world. Give and you will get more.

That’s how I believe I discovered hidden talents I didn’t even know I had inside me, as a mature adult. I started using gifts blindly not knowing what was ahead.

…Which btw reminds me of the idea of blind baking where there’s no real risk. But you do wonder if you’ll have an amazing bake, and if nothing else you learn something new in your repertoire to build on.

That’s how I see blind people in the news who better use their talents without sight, and who are both amazing and constantly learning. Now that’s hope. 🙏

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Happy Life Embraces Change

Happy life was something I always dreamt of. I never knew the ride would be so different like clouds.

As you get closer, the clouds change and along the journey you gain empowered happiness that changes your perspective.

View from above the clouds

Living a happy life today means leaning into change. But that wasn’t how it always was…

I learned the adaptable ropes mostly in the job roles I held. I started out as a planner.

I was more like a hard doll than a flexible Gumby as a toy visual.

I think doing corporate work is a good training ground for life, reality, and how to deal with tough situations that don’t require physical survival skills. But you do learn life skills.

These make you resilient and adaptable to change as you’re never fully in control.

No one in corporate really is the boss. Even the boss has a boss.

They could be customers or a Board. And once you get the hang of what you’re doing, something changes.

So leaning into change is the best thing you can do. It starts with changing your perspective on change.

Just knowing that what you’re temporarily going through will not last, helps.

Some things you wish would, but then some you’re glad didn’t. So it usually comes out in the wash.

But, our brains want us to focus on the negative stuff instead of positive thougthts. It’s our job to flip the switch for our happiness.

If you let your mind just wander to where it wants to go and stay, that’s where the unhappiness comes from.

It’s like when you want to leave an unhappy physical place and arrive at a better place (or the steps in between) to get to a better place.

The happiest place on earth is really inside you and your managed feelings that start from your thoughts.

…Not Disney Land or your favorite place in the world. If you’ve been around long enough or are a wise soul who has caught on, you know those changing feelings never last.

If and when you become change-nimble, you don’t hold onto the past or what could have been.

You let go and focus on today, but dream about tomorrow. And you use history and your past as good reminders, happy memories, and to recall your happy life.

And in your today situations, you learn what you can do. Sometimes it’s wait-and-see without active response, and sometimes it’s taking a step in a bold stance or in another direction.

You’re wise to use healthy internal discernment as a guide and rational facts as checks and balances.

We all get thrown curve balls at some point. We also get varying opinions and smartly we can know that even those you honor or look up to don’t always have the best advice.

I have found the easiest way to take the best advice is to give the same advice. And to make a radical bold shift in the way that makes sense, can require a whole new attitude.

That begins with a motivation to want to change even if you don’t know-how. You learn in the desire.

You start over like a kid wanting to learn how to take on a new challenge, adventuresome sport, or hobby. Learning to change your thoughts is not nearly as exciting.

But if you manage your thoughts, you’ll get to the activities you’re really good at a lot sooner and not spend years on time-wasting ones.

Say, for example, you want to stop blaming or criticizing so much but that’s not the way it is or has been.

So then you would find how to shift the situation so you become part of the solution. You seek change with peace and not tension as part of the goal. You do this by catching yourself and your thoughts.

This I believe is the truth to happiness and having a happy life.

When you learn how to jump straight to changing attitudes and perspectives, you bypass the messy middle… where even with best intentions, our brain design can get stuck there in the clouds.

And sometimes you may not even know your invisible perspectives.  I had a victim mentality and lens I was operating from that I didn’t even know was there.

Only until I was aware and observed my thoughts, could I change that.

With awareness in any area, you move towards a happy life.

If nothing else, believe that a better world and your better, happy life is in the process.

Because your beliefs make up your perspectives and attitudes. With all three in alignment, you’re destined to be unstoppable.

That’s how I transformed a victim mentality into an abundant one.

And you can too, or any other area you become aware of that you want to change and transform.

From a caterpillar existence to your butterfly happy living. 🦋

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Healthy Eating Lifestyle Balance Inspiration

Healthy eating starts with a lifestyle plan. And having inspiration helps us to stay on course like a visual or reminder.

Example of a healthy eating lifestyle plan for February heart healthy month.
February is heart healthy month

If you want to balance and optimize healthy eating and tasty foods, this article is meant to help encourage you.

I’m convinced you can fulfill both goals at the same time because that has been my practice and desire for my entire adult journey.

I’ve enjoyed and been enamored with foods like most people who think they have a deeper relationship with food (as a lifelong companion of comfort, love, and joy).

I started my young career around my passion for food in event planning, seeing through a “foodie” work lens in the kitchens I worked beside along with thousands of event hosts and planners.

I can’t think of one instance where healthy food menus were requested for the larger ballroom and banquet space events.

But, when I planned parties in restaurants, the healthy menu requests became more obvious.

Like in the Mediterranean restaurants that use healthier ingredients, methods, herbs, and spices. They used EVOO and vinegar bases for dishes, instead of creamy-butter sauces.

That aligned with a healthy identity I was evolving into where healthy foods can be good and better-tasting than non-healthy.

Plus, healthy eating is easier on the body where you and your gut get along better in happy and healthy agreement.

Reflecting on this, I think it starts from appreciating food and the body.

That’s where a healthy balance and triad relationship between you, food, and your body are daily observed from a mirror and a nutrient absorption lens (that only the body sees).

When we have a healthy eating lifestyle, then we don’t have to let the next evolving health trend (or diet) impact us so much or at all.  It’s sustainable until we choose to change our plan.

We can change one food or category under question or change, and rely on the variety of others.

Maybe you remember like I do when nuts were considered bad for you because of the fat content, and now they’re the hero of healthy fat and snacks.

If you eat them along with the right foods (like fat-soluble Vitamin A foods), they synergistically help your body.

From your body (aka the end-user or the health critic in you), it’s smart to know how foods are better absorbed from a nutrition-biology standpoint.

I made a visual of some of these nutrition synergies.

Some are palatable for pairing, like chocolate and raspberries. A few are odd and you have to really get creative to appreciate.

For those, instead of trying to put them together in the same dish, you could figure out how to start with one and end with the other.

Your gut doesn’t care what it looks like on a plate. It cares how it mixes together in your mouth and ultimately in your stomach.

It helps to be informed and to listen to your inner gut if that’s a strength for you.

If that’s not so easy or has not been helping you out much lately, then eating “from the rainbow” and having healthy eating habits is a good start.

You can turn a boring broccoli side into a delicious soup or a can of pinto beans into a zesty dip.

Both are then easier to digest and you get to enjoy better. That’s just a couple of examples of how healthy eating can be delicious.

Sometimes it just takes a little thought and food prep. It’s encouraging we can reset and start over each day with new healthy eating goals.

In my younger years, I studied the French language, and that helped me to learn catered dishes back then with French titles and names like hors d’oeuvres and foie gras.

The French are also known for their buttery recipes and patisseries, where a bakery is on every Parisian corner.

So, it’s interesting their obesity percentage stats are lower than we have in the U.S.

One reason for this is that French people eat smaller meals and take time to enjoy the bites.

They slow down to chew and appreciate food aromas.

They enjoy a slower-paced lifestyle.

Paris has the pace of living similar to a smaller metro city in the U.S. where the emphasis is on quality living, and not just immersing in the hustle and bustle.

French foods revolve around the idea of high quality over high production. There’s a respect for ingredients.

They have a different way of seeing and appreciating the food they eat. Take cheese: they use the highest quality milk to make their cheeses. And in our American factories, we turn the lower quality milk into cheese.

In the U.S., we love our convenience, fast-paced, and relatively inexpensive options. And in our Melting Pot culture and diversity, we have many cooking influences that help bring back helpful balances.

And each of us can get interested in the nuances behind what we eat, ingredients, cooking, and knowledge. And that helps to become healthy eating inspired. It’s a lifestyle choice.

Each day, it starts in the morning. Breakfast can be nourishing like a protein-rich smoothie.

You can choose a prebiotic-probiotic combination. Examples would be starting your day with oatmeal or a banana and yogurt.

Then rolling into lunch, you can add a healthy eating menu: cooked red onions with fermented foods.

It’s easier to make your own fermented foods than you think as they’re not advertised everywhere like fruits in a produce section.

These days, many of us are into sustainability and feel deeply for the climate changes we’ve seen especially over the past couple of years.

We value recycling despite knowing our efforts of placing our trash in the right bins are limited and we have almost no control.

One way where you can do something about this is to reuse grocery containers for fermented foods that are healthy for you, us, your gut, and the environment.

You could make simple sauerkraut leaving the slaw in a jar of water and salt out at room temperature for a few days and then refrigerate.

Your slaw tastes better and has health benefits. Plus you salvaged the jar as a bonus.

When you make healthy eating changes, in the beginning, it may seem odd to you and your stomach as you both adjust.

You can gauge how this impacts your daily gut and entire GI system and see how that lands.

All our bodies are different (e.g. we’re all given different metabolisms).

But our bodies are similar too as we have the same systems and needed organs to function.

So what works best for one person is different for another.

But I think too often we reject ways that could work for us because we don’t see the benefits of it working out for us or our busy lifestyle, and so we skip the healthy habit and lose out on an opportunity.

Another worthwhile cause (and food for thought) is snacking on healthy snacks like carrots and hummus every few hours in the day.

I think many would have their weight goals met as the body is happy with the food energy boost, and thereby fed assurance that it won’t need to go in survival mode.

Plus, it wouldn’t have to process as much food in one sitting.

…Retraining our body, restoring our body-minds and learning how the body functions along with the world can make a difference for all of us.

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