Uncertainty can be made certain when you cook dishes you can’t mess up like shakshuka that always tastes great.
Start your day with a healthy morning breakfast like this Shakshuka egg-tomato dish 🍳 And balancing Ayurvedic spices that you can use to help restore your imbalance. Recipe below. ⬇️
Most of life is uncertain. Some days we have some certainty over planned future events and in yesterday’s events.
But we have uncertainty about tomorrow and sometimes what will happen today.
And uncertainty can come with all sorts of flavors and emotions.
Some uncertain days are filled with excitement, so those are double bonus… and are often few and far between over routine days. But that gives us a buffer so we feel the good effects compared to the previous nothing-special happening days.
And on uneventful days, it’s good to be grateful for our own contentment good.
That will get rattled up eventually with the sudden news that changes the direction of our day and possible season.
The way to best handle every situation is to find your joy. And if there is none that a sad or stressful situation can bring, then shed the cleansing tears and find peace. No matter what.
…Because the situation will happen regardless of your misery or staying calm and happy. So why not lean into the healthy positive expressing feelings that your body will reward you for?
Plus, you make more sound decisions that way.
A decision can be as simple as whether to react or not react. Because whatever our actions are, especially when others are involved, there are consequences.
And my best advice for you in uncertainty is if you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything you could regret until you know what to do.
Then bringing this to your awareness, an answer follows at some point. It’s not an automatic response like a knowing that comes with practice and habits and then builds confidence the next time.
Trained professionals know what to do in their specialties, and you know what to do in yours, but not necessarily in theirs.
And when you take an action or make a reaction from a place of peace of wanting to give, then you know you’ve done your best.
So often we take action because someone else has projected the situation onto us and put the burden on our shoulders. It’s our modern protective job (since we’re not running from tigers) to evaluate objectively.
And not always jump on what is asked if the hoops are the wrong ones where we don’t set boundaries. And we end up resentful or bitter about what could have been handled differently.
Give yourself first the chance to think: What are the facts? What do you know about the entire situation that may have a history?
And if we can sleep on the idea over a night or two, then we see how we feel after we think or pray about the idea in peace and meditation which can be starkly different than the knee-jerk reaction. Time and rest allow for wisdom to enter instead of our worry-fear actions.
…Which BTW, this is a great life skill habit to learn and practice.
We’ve all had examples and some practice over the past few years. Our worlds were shaken by the disruptions of the global crises we all experienced on our planet from climate to pandemic.
This led to the greatest uncertainty that may end up being the most in our lifetime.
The toughest unique situations we each had to individually go through may still feel like open wounds. And those are maybe ones we don’t want to think about since we just went through them and are still processing.
BUT, the healthiest thing we can do is to not delay and think about the effects on us this year. We each had trauma of sorts and we want to prevent post-trauma effects that our mind-bodies will cling onto.
The trauma could have been the change in jobs, relationships, losses, lifestyle habits, and where you live, or all of the above. Or that you’re still in those situations. And the bottom line is: there was and is uncertainty.
And on top, there could be fresh wounds mounding on top of older ones.
All of that is part of the adult life. And when you’re super tested during difficult times to take on additional stressors, you can choose to feel like throwing in the towel… or you can look at the upside!
Your tough trials, situations, and setbacks get you ready for what’s on the other side. 🌈
So in the mud, find the hope vision. That could be as simple as recalling the thoughts that when you’re down, there’s nowhere to go but up.
And when you’re feeling Kapha tired, you plow through anyway… not because you feel like doing the work or task, but because you know you’ll feel better after you do. And you’re looking for that victorious after-burn feeling! 😎
It always gets better… and that’s not cliche if you’ve already lived to mid-life.
In the down, you become the resilient person that is needed to appreciate the pot of gold if you fight for your own victory that’s inevitable in your beliefs and if you don’t give up.
So today and every day, find a ray of hope and glimmer. ✨Borrow from nature that hums and runs 24-7 without pause on any part of the globe.
Where I was the year before the pandemic started, was working in close-knit quarters. I was at large-scale annual events where as many as 100,000 global members were invited. And I traveled internationally more frequently than non-existently.
Working in my local offices, I recall appreciating the time I had working remote for years prior in my early 30s. That also made adapting to 2020 life easier.
…Similarly, leaning into your positives in your situations can be your saving grace. Recalling your past that helped you in the tough times and today can make you feel that all will be well. And it will!
…It’s that same knowing from experience, that if you have a bad day, the next ones will be great.
Focus on those optimistic thoughts and look forward to your next steps.
Find your blessings amid uncertainty. Staying in joy is going to help you not lose precious years of productivity.
Maybe look at life as a learning opportunity?
Each year comes with different situations and dreams. And you want to keep your head high and ride the cloud through the stormy and silver linings as though every opportunity is a joy to learn something.
And when you look down, you notice that the ground below you offers a chance to jump on a new landed opportunity and experience.
Make this year a triumph in how you see life and learning… and maybe someone you know needed to hear this that you can pass this on to, especially since we just passed Mental Health Awareness month that’s now part of our every month.
You’re never alone. And life is on your side. 🎉
And one thing you can control is keeping your joy and restoring your balance preferences with your spices.
You can restore your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha balance with Shakshuka
Course Breakfast
Cuisine lebanese
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets
tomato sauce
coriander or cumin (cooling)- Pitta restoring
red pepper (heating) - Kapha restoring
oregano and tarragon - Vata restoring
olive oil
Add your tomato sauce and EVOO and leave 3 dips to add your eggs. Cook until sauce is thickened about 10 minutes. Add the spices you want using your nose as to which you want to add. Your preferences will change because your nose knows to balance your Ayurvedic dosha that needs balancing related to your moods (e.g. tired, anger, anxious).
Bake dish at 350°F/180° C with spices about another 10 minutes.
Healthy eating habits includes anti-inflammatory desserts and that can include foods like this chocolate avocado mousse that’s delicious, easy to make, and may make you no longer reach for pre-packaged, ultra processed foods.
Good or bad eating habits start with just one intentional thought. And breaking healthy eating habits is even easier with or without intention.
And if you have high cortisol running in your body, then you can be under attack at any time which can show up with negative thoughts or decisions you regret.
I’ll give you an example:
So I stumbled on a site that took me to a free fries Friday offer at McDonald’s. You’ve probably seen that or similar.
And like for many others, my first thought was, hmmm… that sounds good as my inner child kicked in. 👶 It’s actually on a day that works for me (and probably millions of people) because I’m heading in that direction anyway on those days.
And mind you, I prepare 99% of my meals so purchasing prepared foods is not a norm for me these days, or my habits
…so that lets you know how tempting convincing an offer like that can be. Except there were hoops to jump through… such as downloading and purchasing through an app that gave me pause.
In those crucial decision seconds, my rational mind kicked in and I hit the brakes on the idea that could’ve turned into a habit…
Where one Friday becomes an every Friday french fry addictive bad habit. That’s how it all starts for all of us. It’s just one step we take because of a small opportunity.
And then we find ourselves on a roller coaster with ourselves because one day our minds catch up with us… and we wonder about things like, why am I going through this drive-thru cycle?
Just because we can… and it won’t destroy any of us, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!
And so I switched to a healthy thought channel (that any of us can choose to do)… and I thought, I’ll pay for those freedom fries so I enjoy them even more if I ever order them again, thank you!🍟
So the point here is, don’t get started…. stick with your healthy habits and you’ll be happier with yourself. You’ll have fun in so many more ways. In this example, from fitting in the cute clothes you want to wear and spending that same time relaxing instead of going through a drive-thru.
And if the subconscious mind wants to keep nagging about the fries, well… I was headed to the store anyway and I’ll pick up a bag of potatoes that I can peel, bake, and then enjoy all week (and not just in one quick bite).
Healthy eating habits like that pick up more happy hormones that stick around longer than the seconds it takes to eat one small French fry order. And peacefully cooked fries are what I’m talkin’ about! 🤸♀️
Another idea on this is in an activity half of us adults in America participate in and can be our favorite past-time… no, not baseball… But, coffee.
And if you’re in that drinking preference category and of working age, you may wonder why you get occasional brain fog. One cause could be the pesticides in coffee.
So, if you’re having several cups a day, and they’re not from organic beans (free of pesticides), then you could feel the daily effects on your cognitive ability.
Coffee (as much as I love my morning coffee routine) is healthy in antioxidant ways… but if you want to lower your stress hormone (cortisol), cutting back to acuppa cuppa joes over an all-day love affair coffee habit is going to help your groove.
A coffee memory I had that doesn’t fade ☕️
And when you sleep, if you wake up say in the wee hours of the morning, it could be because of your coffee… not because of the lingering caffeine effects, but the increased cortisol hormone keeping or waking you up.
I remember one season when I took a sabbatical that lasted for a year and after a few months of traveling and doing the things I wanted to do without the work responsibilities, I kept waking up at 3 am. That interruptive sleep-wakeup pattern was likely because of the stress of not having stress (or a real purpose).
We are meant to have work, meaning, and a specific, daily purpose to get up for in our lives. So if that’s what’s missing in your life, then maybe going on a quest to find that would be good for you.
And whether you lose a little sleep, or you sleep like a baby overnight these days, you could wake up with groggy, stressed, or worried thoughts first thing in the morning when cortisol rises. That’s built into our DNA.
And if you want to know how to turn around those negative morning thought routines (that could settle in and clutter your mind…sound familiar?)… I have a healthy recipe for you to automatically receive happier thoughts before your coffee energy kicks in, and well, that involves maybe you even doing some light dancing and singing before your day starts 🎶…
And if that describes what you would like to feel like doing and thinking naturally in the morning, take the free Body Balance Quiz and in the notes, type in “cortisol,” I’ll give you the symptom-specific healthy-natural balancing recipe that has helped so many others (including yours truly). 🌱
unsweetened 70% cocoa (natural, not dutch processed)
shredded coconut
Blend milk, avocado, and cocoa.
Zhugh with raspberries. These are anti-inflammatory ingredient pairings.
To make this healthy version is 3 main ingredients: ripe avocado, almond milk, and unsweetened cocoa (garnished with raspberries and shredded coconut).
Oh, and if you’re interested to lose weight and/or learn anti-inflammatory practices, get the FREE Intermittent Fasting guide to optimize your healthy eating habits enjoyment. 🌱
Upper gut is not something we daily talk about but we can feel if we have heartburn.
Looks like rhubarb but it’s actually swiss chard… a super healthy spring veggie from a farmer’s market where you get in-season, fresh, organic produce 🥬
We tend to oversimplify body symptoms of the gut when we’re trying to fix the upper gut. Some upper gut symptoms are easily fixable within a few days of diet changes, and that’s what this blog post article is about.
The lower gut has different symptoms and needs…
Such as bloating symptoms that are usually a discomfort-pain in the lower gut or abdomen.
Similar to a headache, bloating can have many causes including diet with disagreeable foods or food sensitivities, chronic inflammation, and diseases.
Eating less food while increasing more fiber, can help for simple bloating stomach fixes.
An even simpler fix is if you aren’t drinking enough water… and as soon as you fill up, you start feeling better.
For upper gut diet-related cause issues, you can change your symptoms from your eating habits in a few days. Some people call this an elimination diet.
…And moving toward more alkalizing foods may be what you need to do (and eat more of) to restore balance in the gut.
One type of upper gut issue already mentioned is heartburn that’s usually coming from a Pitta imbalance and a relatively easy-fix.
Many hard-charging personalities have this symptom often. And that can be exacerbated by stress and the wrong foods. If acid is coming back up the esophagus, then that’s referred to as GERD.
So then, changing diet is a good habit, challenge, and a healthier fix over popping daily antacid pills that look like candy.
Below I’ll give you some better food diet ideas.
But just to be more clear on this (as parts of the body can get confusing)…
Basically, if you have a dull or discomfort in the upper abdominal area where your esophagus meets your stomach, or you burp often, then heartburn-gas symptoms is more likely what you’re dealing with.
Gas gets trapped anywhere in the stomach that comes from air that we intake when we eat foods. And many foods we eat are acidic and stimulate stomach acid.
Two things that are commonly missed in our daily diets:
❌ Often, we’re eating the wrong foods for our situations. We’re eating too many acidic foods that make the heartburn worse. We hear that a food is healthy and we order that when we need to shift gears to alkaline foods such as more veggies (plant-forward).
❌We’ve eaten and because certain food don’t agree with us, we may misdiagnose the feelings as a food allergy or sensitivity when it’s not the food itself… it’s the combination order we are eating the foods.
Our bodies look at digested food differently than we do with our eyes. If we set a reminder to think “our eyes are bigger than our stomachs” (as the saying goes), then we can do ourselves a favor.
Our bodies process what lands in our stomachs mixed with everything still unprocessed (looking a lot like a dump truck if we could see inside).
And, you may be surprised to know that many super healthy, anti-inflammatory foods are acidic making heartburn worse.😳
But let’s be clear… for daily health, energy, and our longevity efforts, we want to eat a diverse selection of anti-inflammatory foods. They are hands-down the best especially if we’re smart about our eating combinations.
But if you’re experiencing the effects of a high acidic stomach, you want to pause or reduce some of those specific foods until your symptoms disappear. For example: EVOO, grains, starches, and most animal proteins. It’s a balancing game (as is most everything good in Life 😊).
Finding the alkalizing balancing foods that are going to keep your stomach more neutral but filled with nutrients, is the perfect balance.
In acidic situations, choose from a smaller food list, like plenty of vegetables and proteins, such as eggs, tofu, chicken breast, and seeds. Try to eat the same things for meals. Remember, it’s only for a few days or until your symptoms go away.
The BRAT diet (bread, rice, apples, toast) was what we used to eat when we had a sour stomach but we can do better than that in macro nutrition with veggies, lean, and plant-based proteins.
And if you want a soft protein alternative to eggs or tofu, try:
Cottage cheese with peaches or Greek yogurt with berries (but not common grocery store pasteurized cheese or milks, or nut-milk alternatives).
Bananas also make good cushions in the stomach, and they are both prebiotic and probiotic. Another superfood carb is apples that are still the Queen fruit all around.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence they’re abundant year-round and there so many varieties blooming every season.
Then with avocado as the King fruit (my name for 🥑), you could add to your protein meals as the fat. It doesn’t always have to be healthy EVOO which is actually an acidic no-no, but great any other time.
And instead of 2 cups of coffee a day, switch one cup to green tea. And maybe an herbal tea later in the day when you aren’t seeking caffeine. Cold brew coffee is also less acidic than regular warm coffee brews.
If you’re a Vata, and you get an acidic Pitta stomach often, changing your “food as medicine” diet to less sweet alternatives can be one of the habit challenges. But definitely doable if you have your mind set on making positive changes.
Just remember, most fruits are okay for sweets, so that’s the saving grace. And it’s better to end on that sweet note.
Because also how you start your food day will matter. Like many, I used to start my breakfast with cereal or sweetened oatmeal. Over time, I replaced those less filling options with a vegetable-protein-fat macro-full meal.
…That may sound like a heavier mid-day lunch or dinner (as it did to me once-upon-a-time), but that combo is a better healthy start and will help with your lose weight goals and energy levels as your body is pleased with your healthy considerations… and will reward you with feeling better.
And when you’re not facing any upper gut acidic issues, if you want to add other healthy bread, starches, or desserts, that’s your choice. But, better to add those later in your meals and day than at the start.
…In my working with catering events for about 10 years, I got used to the idea of 3-4 course dinner meals with appetizers called hors d’oeuvres. But that’s a bit heavy for everyday eating. Would you agree?
One of the simplest platters we served was Crudite. It was a plate of raw veggies such as carrots, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, and colorful bell peppers.
And this can be part of the lighter home dinner fare. Instead of a creamy, ranch-type dressing to accompany, you can eat veggies plain or add a Greek yogurt with a dash of Worcestershire sauce (for a healthy sour cream copycat) or vinegar that’s going to help your gut. Or spices like coriander and fennel.
And if you want to kick it up a notch, when your upper gut is back to its norm, you can make a stuffed bell pepper with very little prep needed as a plant-based full meal…
Cook your whole grains like quinoa or wild rice, and then stuff at the bottom, layering with legumes, veggies, and your fave herbs like fresh cilantro or parsley.
In one of the Blue Zones with the oldest living people, they have a dish called “three sisters” (corn, squash, and beans). You could do that…
And also enjoy with a lime soaked-yellow corn tortilla (or sprouted toast) if you want to stay on the longevity-healthy theme.🤸♀️
Stuffed bell peppers is a great way to stuff with proteins, whole grains, and more veggies!
Kapha tiredness is an accurate way to describe seasons when you’re feeling lazy and sleepy.
A morning coffee and walk in the park can be a good way to wake up tired Kapha energy.
These are some common life situations that make us tired…
✔️Taking care of everyone and their demands
✔️Getting up early for routine work
✔️Staying up late to get more done
✔️Allergy congestion and headaches
✔️Burden from a stressful or emotional situation
✔️Colder seasons
These all put our bodies on overdrive where more rest is needed. And if we’re not giving that to our bodies, then we’re outta balance. Our tired Ayurvedic Kapha runs the show (when Vata and Pitta are still in the background).
We all have Kapha tiredness traits in us and some of us are born Kapha dominant.
In those tired Kapha heavy seasons, whether we sleep 5 hours or 9 hours, we’re tired (and maybe walking around like human zombies).
Because overall we’re not getting enough sleep. And Kapha metabolism may slow down.
These are a few easy, but effective habits to help your body push through (and not cut corners when you’re called for more):
…Having cold brew coffee ready to go while the fresh warm coffee is brewing makes life easier. ☕️ There are many healthy caffeine sources for energy other than coffee.
I didn’t start drinking coffee until I was over 35. Other caffeine sources can be black tea, green tea, and matcha tea.
And there are many other healthy energy sources besides beverages such as:
…Have savory leftovers to tie us over for an energy-giving meal. 🌯. Energy foods include prebiotic pickle juice that’s fermented, eggs with B-vitamins, and pasta.
…Do jumping jacks or running in place to get your heart beat up and blood flowing for instant brain energy.
You could add a spice kick like cloves or cinnamon, or punchy flavors like lime, onion, or cilantro to your meals.
I remember myths (we used to refer to as rumors) that you can’t catch up on sleep. But actually, you can!
And if your body gets a dose, your Kapha tiredness can grow. That’s a sign that you’re depleted.
And if you’re never tired, that can also be a waving flag to pay attention to…
Because this life is meant to have work burdens and unpredictability for our best life of meaning.
Short-term stressors give us growth and can wake us up temporaily. But if we’ve been tired over a season, then for our good we need to do something about it to prevent burnout.
One thing we can try first is to gain more appreciation for what we have so we change our perspective and outlook.
We can also try new things. Failing at many things means we’re trying, and trying is leading us to purpose.
Without purpose, that can lead us to more stuck tiredness and weariness.
If you’ve ever watched the animals in the wild either live or on film footage, every moment is a form of work for them. They sleep out of necessity, but they are always on guard if not hunting.
…Or just surviving the natural that’s getting harder with climate change.
Finding shade in hot temps and shelter in cold seasons is a challenge.
They live nomadic lives that are very different than the house cats and dogs around us, that still have those primitive instincts but to a much lesser degree.
Today’s household pets are kinda like us modern peeps compared to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. 🐯
And what we can learn from wild animals is that: they do it anyway.
They are motivated to stay alive and keep their young alive. They do it tired and for survival.
Laziness would be a luxury.
And in our daily human modern lives, it’s complex because we aren’t often faced with li-gers to deal with.
But our minds are and make it complex. Beneath our rational mind, if the ego intercepts at any moment, then we’re driven down a lesser path.
And for those who don’t even know that they’re being intercepted daily is the biggest danger of all. Those are the male lions of today and the pride in us.
Usually, it’s muddled in modern fear. In those moments for any of us, we all have a choice to either live in denial (stands for “Don’t Even kNow IAm Lying”)… or flip the switch back to healthy thinking.
I’ve written many articles and posts on healthy thinking. And that comes from learning from my own suffering from unhealthy thinking and ego attacks.
Similarly, anyone unaware that they’re under daily attack is the most dangerous to themselves and others especially without a plan
In my case, I moved away from the prideful environment I lived in and gained awareness. It was the same area that had tiring demands and a faster-paced life.
So, if you’re tired or busy, you’re more likely to be unaware.
Changing your environment (work, moving, etc.) could also be your remedy and just what you need too for Kapha tiredness.
When you’re younger you don’t have those choices, but now you do.
Like, when I was a child, they commonly used smelling salt to keep us on our toes and from fainting in body-shocking situations. It worked. As we got older and went through more experiences, our body systems learned to adapt better.
Getting more experiences keeps us growing and helps us from growing tired and the Kapha tiredness in you.
To grow less tired, find something that you can use your gift and talents with. At home, that could be dancing, singing, yoga, or gardening.
Or working on a project like muddling coffee beans or dips, decorating, or painting. It doesn’t have to require much, just change your tired feelings.
And from there, when you’re wrapped up in the moment, then you can think of other wake-up opportunities. Because when you’re alive, that impacts everything you do in the season.
So I have a quick question for you…
Do you remember the last time you were excited about possibilities? You know that feeling where you felt lit up and endorphins awakened your senses.
You probably had strong desires to pursue and stay up late because of the hope in possibilities.
…And if that was too long ago to remember, then you especially want to get going with something new…
Because one day, your biological age will catch up to you. And you’ll realize you aren’t the same age or person you were in your younger adult years (and even a decade ago).
And that could lead to thoughts of regret if you didn’t pursue all that you wanted in those unrepeatable years.
The way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to make every day count.
I know when I worked in the “rat race” that was not how I felt. I did a job, went home, and then did the same work the next day. I was lucky I didn’t spend my time all in one place so I could grow quicker and have more stressor experiences.
Those times and experiences helped me to get to today, the only time that matters.
Tomorrow is the next most important.
And this is for everyone. Your experiences do the same for you (looking different in each of us)!
And especially if you feel stuck, one thing you can do almost immediately is volunteer or try a new activity.
Volunteer experiences were introduced to us as teenagers.
Everywhere on this planet there’s help needed… I was a volunteer candy striper in a local hospital.
And while I was not cut out for the work, I learned to be dedicated and give back my time.
We always have something we can offer even when we don’t have the gifts and talents.
And it’s always a learning opportunity that stimulates our minds as we’re growing and excited about new possibilities. This helps our Kapha tiredness and breaking out of a slump.
Most volunteer general tasks are easy enough to do that even most young teenagers can do. For adults, it can be a welcomed break to do something easy and can open up more doors.
The most valuable is when you do it for a cause or purpose outside of you, then you’re growing and making an impact that awakens our souls.
It’s healthy to think of volunteering not as work, but an opportunity to serve. It’s providing more than what we’re giving. But we won’t know what that “more” is until we raise our hand to participate. ✋
These days you can find volunteer opportunities online or in-person and this can be what sets you apart from the rest. And you gain gratitude for your good fortunes.
You always see friendly volunteer faces that are glad to see you. And that happiness is infectious. You’ll also develop more positive skills and learn sides of yourself that you didn’t know before.
…And that can help you get out of any tired season. 🤗
Onions are good for teeth as they’re antibacterial and spinach has teeth remineralizing properties, so chomping on a few leaves is a good thing! 🥬
Have you ever thought about the worse that could happen in a situation like dental worry, but it didn’t end up so bad?… Or end up at all?
…And that’s usually because your worry prevented a bad outcome. Some worry is healthy… it’s built into our DNA human-ness.
But in society, we tend to demonize all worry when it can help us to magnify an area we should focus more on, and then put the thoughts to rest.
Worry is healthy when it prevents growing problems. And worry is healthy when it helps us come up with better solutions.
When it falls healthy short and is outta balance, is when the scales need to tip back to peace and calm.
Don’t let your worry take over your Vata mind and from living life… because long-term stress is an inflammation cause in the mind-body connection that shows up in or on the body as a warning.
When you’re conscious knowing what you’re doing and thinking, you activate your subconscious to help you out in the back of your mind.
…EVEN when you can’t connect the dots.
Your subconscious mind is like your passenger seat helper who’s providing directions even when you’re focused on what’s in front of you.
…So, when I didn’t get to the dentist because of the pandemic and several moves later, I thought I would have a bad report.
A month before I could get into the busy dentist’s office, I did everything to keep my teeth and healthy smile at their maintained best… flossing with multiple flosser types, brushing, rinsing, and even scraping. And if you have teeth and dental worry about your teeth, then you may floss more often.
These days, it’s so much more easy… we have much better dental supplies from convenience stores than we did as kids… or imagine what they did back in the Stone Ages?
And those memories and dental worry kept me magnifying on healthy habits leading up to the Big D-Day…
At that dentist chair moment, time stood still and I was pleasantly surprised with the assessment. I had nothing to dental worry about.
It was a compliment when I heard the word “good” from my new dentist, and was even asked about how I take care of my teeth.
She asked me what I did. And my response was, “I do everything!”
I shared my routine and healthy daily teeth habits that make up for the food and coffee acid, and sugar buildup. Really the best tip is to brush more often softly or with an electric toothbrush. 🪥
…There’s nothing new under the sun. ☀️
But I also told the dentist about teeth healthy foods I ate to fortify the good and diminish the bad. We add back healthy for a more neutral effect.
So often we forget that foods act as secondary toothbrushes when we can’t get to our toothbrush.
You don’t need to dental worry if you brush after eating sugary foods.
And with acidic sources… you can soften the blow. For ACV, use an eyedropper or a straw where you drop the liquid to the back of your throat.
And certain foods are teeth helpers that have Vitamin D, calcium, and other minerals that re-mineralize natural teeth enamel.
That’s double bonus points for bones and teeth. 🎯
Stronger teeth enamel helps prevent common inflammation or an infection spreading inflammation.
Because inflammation or worsened infections in the mouth can cause problems just like inflammation in other parts of the body.
To counteract, they say that flossing can add 4 years and so can eating beans. (They these days are healthy social media sources that’s common knowledge). But at worst, you won’t lose 4 years, so it’s worth the effort gamble. 😉