Work freedom is possible if that’s what you want. Keep in mind that you are in control of your ship and the experiences you are gaining today will be part of what you need in the future especially if it’s a creative one.
If you could have more work freedom in your life, what would that look like?
I describe freedoms below that I think would make all the difference in the world in work life balance, time flexibility, and to unleash creativity in your life if that’s what you want. 🌎
That’s what I wanted.
…And if that’s what you want, you deserve in this life, so your work future is worth fighting for!
Each of our personal desired versions of work freedom is different.
For me, like many of us, it’s not having a boss. And, being able to create my own schedule deciding when I’ll show up. In 2019, I started my humble self-employed journey after I left my last corporate job and office life.

As far as I’m concerned, I retired from my corporate career for good. Before that, I reported to many bosses with the exception of a few years in between when I dabbled on my own doing consulting work where I felt most empowered.
Some workplaces and bosses were good enough for a little while, and others, well… let’s just say they aren’t for everyone. 😉
And some left me Ayurvedically depleted.
All of us who have worked know what that’s like for at least part of our careers where we may have stuck it out as a stepping stone to climb the ladder 🪜 or as a bridge to our next venture.
…Or to take a different turn. I’ve done all of the above to eventually move toward my better work freedom.
I know that not having the pieces fit together in the dozen or so roles from my first, second, or even third corporate career helped me realize that’s what I wanted!
Every pivot made me more intentional about what I wanted my work life to look like.
And not having a mentor but instead becoming one, helped me realize I didn’t want to work for anybody EVER again.
I started out in corporate hospitality and working with catering management, so foodie likes is up my alley. And then I went into other office management fields.

But I had to take that windy journey in the corporate work world to confidently know that, and what I’m capable of…
And to also know that you can be excelling at your job that looks good on paper, but not be fulfilled.
Looking back, I realize those experiences made me the person I am today who’s resilient and not gonna settle for less than what the whole life has to best offer in every season (God willing!). No experience goes wasted.
And in my last corporate job, I had this whisper that could’ve been a billboard sign because it was that loud to me as by then I was used to following whispers that others often miss or ignore.
In my mind I heard, I would not get this time back. And from that point on a cascade of work problems followed where I knew I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The only way UP was OUT. And then I got my time freedom back. Once again I felt cage-free to pursue new opportunities.
And I know I’m not alone in how I feel here because even the conservative peers I’ve talked to in their mid-careers who left jobs prematurely before they thought they would, said they felt a weight lifted off their shoulders when they gave their notice.
Feeling good was a sign that a right decision was made. And every time I gave my notice, that’s how I felt.
But that satisfying feeling fades into now what? that gradually replaces excitement.
This is where people differ. Some would run from misery to insecurity and others would stick it out and stand firm for security.
And you know where you stand on that.
In the years I started in the workforce, workers didn’t leave jobs as they do for mental health and happiness reasons that are recognized these days.
Our younger workers today value health over stability and moving away from discomfort and into promising ideas and possibilities.
The workforce generations today have amped up the employers’ game where bosses can’t get away with the same toxic behavior or red tape antics they used to without a backlash or being caught on camera.
And I think that’s great that our society is moving away from that type of dysfunctional workplace.
So #1 is creating work freedom away from the wrong kind of bossing.
And #2 is freedom from stress or anxiety.
As someone who valued work-life balance in her 20s, I also believe reducing stress is underrated and needs more stressing these days.
Having lived through stressful work situations, I know enduring stress can be the cause of so many health problems and arising mystery ailments.
I think stress reduction is even more important than sleep because if you’re tired, your body crashes. With stress, it could go on quietly for years without visible detection and a remedy.
Our bodies do their best to try to daily whisper to us in headaches, our skin, and even our bathroom life. 🚽
But if we ignore the signs for too long, the wear-and-tears become loud. And in those anxious-filled stressful seasons, we aren’t running optimally as our self-care and immunity defenses go down.
Not to mention our creativity isn’t reachable.
…And creativity I believe is where our happiness is. It’s the passion we can control, that gives us freedom.
When we can birth new ideas or re-create old ones for new life, our body cells are happier and that radiates through our daily life, outlook, and how we feel about ourselves.
Don’t you beam from to ear-to-ear when you’ve contributed and acknowledged (or have been recognized by someone) that those new ideas came from you?
That uplifting feeling creates space for opportunity and opens doors for hope, more achievement, and possibilities that we all aspire to in our lives.
But most workers never get to that sweet spot.
I know I didn’t because of all the work constraints and limitations…
And the answer isn’t to quit your job necessarily. The answer is to add more playtime in the quality free time, doing the creative things that light you up and you’re passionate about. And maybe those activities become your next season.
A few hours could be an enjoyable weekend afternoon. And then let those happy feelings and memories carry you through the tough week ahead if that’s what you face.
And then look forward to the next free future playtime afternoon.
And if you find that you’re skipping off from work to do more of that, then maybe that’s a sign.
Because having been on both sides, I now know that not doing daily work that inspires you gets old.
The new could be: if today were your last day (not at work, but your LAST DAY), would you be happy?
…And if the answer is no, then coming up with a plan to do more of those passionate things or to discover more of what you want to do is going to help get you to your happiest place.
Explore creativity and develop your gifts, talents, and abilities. Remember, you won’t get this time back. And this season will end.
Not all plans come to fruition, but you’ll never know something better or your highest achieving potential self if you don’t try.
Take some risks and do projects that you want to do more of or explore to see what you like at both work and in your personal time.
With a more enriched life, you can dream new and better dreams and start heading in the new re-routed direction that becomes your NEW LIFE.
And eventually, if you keep pacing slowly, inching toward what you figure out you like, you’ll be doing more of what you want and not what was old in the past.
Like a butterfly that struggles to get out of the chrysalis, the creatures that we are, in determination successfully make it out.
Believe that in yourself.
That’s so liberating! 🦋
In the humble beginnings, like most, you pay the price of being inexperienced, and then the price is paid and life gets better with experiences.
And Life is unlimited. And you see it as abundant.
And once you get a taste of the potential and the genie is let out of the bottle, you know you’ll never go back to the old, lesser ways.
OK, and finally…
# 3. Mind freedom is another freedom worth gaining when you have work freedom. It’s another one that slips under the radar (and can cause stress).
But, with mind awareness, we know we can change our happiness from the inside out.
For whatever life and work freedom you’re yearning for most, mind freedom is something to create space for in yourself first to be successful.
It grows when you make mindset shifts from old ways, beliefs, and attitudes, and rewrite daily thoughts and doubts.
Because so easily, what is within our potential reach can easily fade if the mind isn’t daily reset, in-check, and our motivations (our why) isn’t prioritized.
So often our busy situations and demanding lives can get in the way and make us tired and lazy. And that’s how we get stuck while our clocks keep running.
So having your why and what defines your work freedom can keep you moving toward your north star. 🧭
And keep you from going back to the old thinking ways that are meant to stay in the past that got you to where you are today.
Keep pressing forward in your life and let that forward motion become your guide in life to greater freedom and happiness.
…That includes a passionate, purposeful life of creativity if you want that, where you get to express your human you-niqueness and contributions where work is joy.
Crispy Blueberry Dutch Baby Pancakes
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1/2 cup milk of choice
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1-2 tbsp butter
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup blueberries
- blueberry juice (for glaze)
- Blend the ingredients (except the butter). You can use a Magic Bullet that makes smoothie drinks if you have one.
- Let rest for at least 20 minutes.
- Coat the pan with butter and pour in batter.
- Bake in oven at 350°F/180°C until the pancakes are crispy.
- For syrup: add maple syrup and a little blueberry juice to make a jammy blueberry syrup.