Passion project ideas work wonders for engaging your happy self. The happy sides that lead to your bigger purpose spiritual sides with passion and purpose meant for you.
If you’re feeling like you’re not living up to your potential, then this is a good article for you to read to ignite your inner passion that can eventually become your manifested dream life.
Because your passions are aligned with your bigger dreams meant for you. And if you believe, always have been meant for you!
The dreams you dreamt about when you were younger… or you may have felt in the deepest part of your heart and soul at some point.
These often disappeared into daily life and busyness. And you can resurface these if and when you bring your this season’s passions to the surface that may have also slid away and hid for a better day.
BUT – Let this season bring on the BETTER day. And start putting the dream delivery process in motion.
Start with passion. Because If you’re missing passion, then you’re most likely missing purpose as closely linked together and a part of dreams. And passion is easier to initially uncover.
Finding your passion project ideas is one doable way to unravel the discovery tide. It also can be exciting (breaks up routine) and if you’re underwhelmed, is a much-needed change in your season.
For better outcomes and for starters, give yourself at least a few days to mull over and process passion project ideas before starting to see if one sticks.
Here are the wise passion project ideas steps:
Seek inner wisdom and get encouragement from others. There’s a spirit in all of us. It’s a valuable tool available to us. So we can dig deeper and elicit our spirits and other spirits to help us grow…
If we’re not used to exercising our spirit, getting external validation from conversations with others can be an easier way to start the process. Especially if we can have a tendency to overthink or not think enough.
So then collect encouraging words from friends about areas of your life, interests, hobbies, and work you enjoy that they admire.
Magnify those words. Those are often clues of truth received from Universe vibes where purpose comes from.
Specifically, highlight what others who know you genuinely say you’re gifted in. Listen to the specificity in their descriptions and comments. Use those gifts and turn them into a passion project. You may find you have a list of passion project ideas.
This is different than specific guidance and asks coming from others’ agendas. Those often come from the logical mind that are not going to bring our your intended passion, purpose, and dreams. So you’re best to turn those ideas down.
Use your feelings here as a guide.
Be open to seek and ask outside your circle sources, and maybe even slight strangers in daily chance meetings you’re in conversation with. Also look at those who you look up to outside of your direct family and friends.
It’s up to you to take that information and process it through your systems. And even if the first project isn’t where you end up, it’s a start to get the passion ignited. Action provides clarity to the next baby step. And trying several passion project ideas shows you what you like better relative to the other.
Check-in with your moods and feelings. Your heart close to your spirit provides subtle guided feelings. Sometimes you can be misled as some surface feelings are confusing or mixed with daily moods.
Ask: is this is a daily passing mood-feeling? Daily moods are deceiving and changing during the day like the wind, and sometimes are affected by weather changes. Do you get in a tired mood when it’s cloudy-rainy outside?
Versus, seasonal moods and feelings that don’t shake off easily. Those temperature gauges are meant to help you specifically to your next step of change. Otherwise you may not want to make a change.
Example: if you feel tired, exhausted, and frustrated for a season (or with a situation), it’s time to look at other respite solutions and find your way to a new season with inspiration, interests, and passions.
If you don’t get internal or external answers, then simply dabble. Or doodle. Your intentions will help you in your manifestations.
Give yourself some time to gain clarity. Work on many things. One will jump out if you are dedicated to your best interest. Keep moving.
Look around at your manifested clues and go for it. Where have you been called that you didn’t attempt to make happen either recently or in your more recent past and that you can make happen (again) today?
Think of where you may have turned down an opportunity and potential passion project ideas that were possibly meant for you, but was the wrong timing for you then or you lacked energy to pursue?
If you’re feeling stuck, let the motivation of getting unstuck move you.
Get determined. And then take one step forward.
Purposefully fake it until you make it… it sounds suspect but it’s an authentic move. You don’t have to air what you’re doing to the world or anyone.
Quietly take on your new steps, unstuck place, and the persona mindset you need to adopt to get there, so that you DO get there.
That’s the point.
Seek passion project ideas where you’re being called.
Look for areas where you made decisions that you didn’t think much about but just seemed to happen easily.
These can come “out of the blue.”
They can be “suddenly” especially if they’re change-your-life decisions.
They can be impactful changes, but more likely you’ll find small daily changes that you make happen and that is meant for you. These daily smaller ticket moves can help steer you to the bigger ticket items.
Making things happen (big and small) can be as easy as replying to an email. And then seeing what is manifested for you.
Or… you just happen to turn on and watch a video or listen to a podcast and that got you started in a passion project direction. And that can snowball into your bigger steps.
If you know in your gut, you took the right healthy moves (at least for now), then your spirit is in it. The validation is the fruit, your happy satisfied feelings, and that you’re doing the project. The future will unfold the rest.
And, look under your feet.
If you’re already doing a project, then you’re already entrenched and involved. That’s the confirming sign.
…Because so often we’re looking for the “next best thing” instead of focusing on what we’re doing in daily reality.
We’re looking beyond and out, and not looking (at clues) right under our nose. And feet. This is where your experience is and where your future will be in some way.
Objects are closer than they appear…
Use the magnifying glass instead of the telescope, and spark daily inspiration to work on these passion project idea areas in your awareness.
See where you’ve excelled naturally. In my college Biology 100 level class, I remember I got a 100% on a mid-term test that was a highlighted college victory for me. That (natural) memory stuck with me where thousands of other memories dropped.
…And that’s commonly how it is for you.
Natural is Ayurvedic and it’s also a sign that it’s meant for you. Just like seasons, weather, and your body’s preferences.
My biology class memory was decades ago. In that memory, I remembered how much I enjoyed studying the human body and biology even though that wasn’t my college field or career path.
My first career job was in food catering management where learning food and dishes came naturally. I thought that’s how it was for everyone. We’ve all been eating since we were babies and kids.
But the fact is, some people don’t like food and don’t like meal prep. It’s can be a necessity and a hassle.
Only when I saw that it was special to me did my foodie and healthy work passion grow (leading closer to purpose).
What’s naturally easy for you?
Connect the dots.
Take it a step further.
Now I know why I like nutrition research so much. I connected-the-dots as to why those situations happened vs. so many others that could’ve happened. The ones that manifested were the ones that would become a passion.
And if you’re…feeling (still) stuck?
Maybe my past can help you…
When I was in corporate, the problem I had was that I was surrounded by robotic business language commonly used in a “real job” — the type of job that my family and network of educated friends took seriously.
Those high-level words used (symbolic for the work life I had) kept my mind away from wanting to create, and away from creating and writing useful, colorful guides that come from my inner creative spiritual sides…
Those ways didn’t align with my professional corporate identity I had back in the office working days.
The corporate side also didn’t help to align my inner child. The deeper inner child I discovered as a young adult needed healing FIRST, from years of being suppressed. And then could emerge to the surface as happy (embracing easy, fun, and practical).
And when I finally left corporate work, then I was able to remove the stigma and realize my creative passion desires and dub them as cool – and NOT silly.
I could also draw from my past hospitality foodie planning experiences as some of my first draft passion project ideas. And these days I have no problem with leaning into these sides! We all like to doodle in our ways.
But that was only after years of processing past trauma and being fully self-aware. Then the veil was lifted. I wasn’t held back in victim mentality and cloudy thoughts. All that helped my abundant, creative side emerge. And I believe is in all of us as purposes. It’s meant to be manifested if you want it to.
2-Ingredient Angel Food Cake
- 1 cup cake flour
- 12 egg whites
- Beat egg whites until stiff. Add a smaill amount of cream of tartar and sugar.
- Add flour gradually, folding gently.
- Line tin with parchment paper. Do not use butter or oil line the pan.
- Bake at 350°F/180°C for 35-40 minutes. The top will have a light toasty brown color.
- Add fruit such as strawberry ontop that will be the dessert sugar.