
Transformation Change Lead to Purpose

Transformation change such as changes in identity (and realizing that you won’t go back to past and old identities that no longer serve you) lead to personal growth and purpose.

Keep going keep growing sign is a motto to live by for personal transformation change.

That’s what this article is about.

And I believe what this Life is meant for (…while enjoying the perks and good foods that our living planet offers). 🎉

Consider: why would you stay the same as you started as an adult? You know the better way now than you did even a few years ago.

As adults, one identity we all grow out of is our childhood identity as a rite of passage.

With more years, we gain more experience, knowledge, privileges and freedoms, and respect for our wisdom gained and shown in our lives and communities we belong in.

Accumulated wisdom is a wealth of knowledge as byproduct of transformation change.

And life transformations are about wise growth and celebration of life where each year we live, we can celebrate a new year and our birthdays.

We also get the free-will choice to live life differently than our past… making healthy changes.

And a positive transformation change from personal growth would enhance our future lives (for the rest of our lives).

Embracing a new change inside us could change us deeply.

While we’re not in control of our life destinies or even what opportunities come our way, we can take wise daily steps that lead us to the right ones for us when we’re ready.

If we’re open to and available when something big comes our way or when opportunities call that may not be what we thought or thought we wanted, that can accelerate our growth and reaching our fullfilling purposes we’re destined for.

If we’re stuck, going in a different direction is worth investigating.

Avoiding a new direction in front of you would be like trying to turn back time or fit the genie back in the bottle to the former life seasons with the better perspectives you have now.

Because today and now is already yesterday tomorrow. The clock and current situations move whether we want it to.

…So being proactive and unafraid to jump into our lives’ fullness is a good way to look at making big leap changes that’ll help us sooner and head us toward our brighter future. 🚀

Being open to what we didn’t know before as truth and NOW DO know is even better.

No regrets of the past because our past led us to better discoveries and ways today.

And that keeps us fearless and pressing onward.

Making a radical transformation change (personality, beliefs, and identities) could be the difference maker. And from what I know, it comes from within…

It starts with you.

No one can make those decisions for you except you.

And no one can make other people’s life decisions except them.

So often we want to help others and our input backfires.

They do what is not best for them anyway because of their strong emotions or beliefs running inside that can go in any direction.

And sometimes what we miss about what they did was actually their best for them at the time. They were called to a different destiny than the one we thought they should head toward.

We have no control over that or them, so we stay mostly in our lane and focus on working on ourselves for our healthy lives.

I think everyone reaches a crossroad in their life where they get to pause, wonder, and productively cross-examine if they’re still on the right path… not the right career or where to live that changes over time anyway… but the higher path that’s also the wiser path.

I know for me that became evident when I had life problems in every balance wheel of life area that gave me my first gray hair stress sign at 25. That was not a wisdom hair.

…I didn’t know where to turn. So that set me on a quest to seek answers and a transformation change and transformational path that I may not have entered otherwise.

And when those problems gradually resolved (that felt like forever at the time but lasted a few years), new season challenging circumstances took their place.

Transitions happened often in my life. A lot like today’s world where two years is a long time.

But back then, I felt like the poster child for adaptability in new work environments.

From taking close, harder looks from my experiences, I realized the beliefs I had were mostly culture-influenced.

…And doing me no healthy good. They were hurting me.

I grew up and worked mostly in the Washington DC metro area that’s one of the most competitive areas in the country.

I leaned on the external clues to measure success, growth, and happiness.

But over many packing up moves and career moves, I realized it’s not about career or where you live that matters most.

It’s what you carry inside you that determines what happens next and how healthy you are (mind-body connection).

And I’ll pause here a second to recognize that I know not everyone sees life problem signs as helpful ones to make a life change…

But doing so is a gift.

It was a blessing for me so I didn’t have to live the same life I started in.

…And one that can make designed life transformation change  more smooth and enjoyable than fighting truths (what’s meant to be) that can be exhausting and anxiety-fear filled.

Truths align and lead you to fulfilling purposes and your best future destiny outcome.

An illustration: we see signs blown up in celebrity’s lives who live under microscopes in America.

In prime media channels, we see whether their lives have evolved in a healthy or in an unhealthy way… such as trying to live their past selves because that’s what made them into a celebrity identity.

But holding on would hold them back in personal growth and transformation where they’re meant to move into other areas with greater impact.

It’s the same for us peeps in ordinary lives. 😊

We are all on this journey of life living and learning in the One Life we‘re given, where we look out from our perspective. No one else has the exact same perspective.

We can make our vantage point an advantage in our lives.

The point we stand is different for all of us snowflakes, but to grow, each of can ask ourselves: what am I missing in this life?

Questioning life is always good… because there’s nothing more important than life.

And if the complicated mind feeds you ideas that there is a companion, a pet, dream job, or better career that hasn’t shown up yet… then keep looking deeper and higher.

Because none of those earthly desires are answers to forever happiness. It’s what you do within that will bring the daily joy and happiness to carry you along moment by moment.

External things are a temporary vantage point.

If you were living out the dreams, after some time reality challenges would show up and the honeymoon happy feelings would wear off because now it’s every day… and that’s why we have good and bad days so we can celebrate the good ones. 

Happiness is not about getting what you want, like children and young adults would tell you.

Fleeting happy feelings and getting stuff keep us moving ahead in life until we’re more mature, so we can handle more and get to the fulfilling, fruit bearing stuff that become our life passions in ripe timing.

It’s the deeper discovery within and above that will bring the joy on Life’s journey. And life transformations are the vehicles.

The life choices made today take us to tomorrow. Wisely, they will also be a part of the past soon enough. So the only thing not fleeting and temporary is who you and I are in our now vantage point that we look out from that moves with us.

We carry us and our vantage point everywhere we go, even on vacations.

And if ever stuck, we can ask the Universe to help us with our intentions: can you take me higher?

Reminds me of the song lyrics in “Higher” by Creed:

At sunrise I fight to stay asleep, cause I don’t want to leave the comfort of this place, ‘cause there’s a hunger, a longing to escape.

It’s a choice to get insight from our higher selves. This accelerates  growth and in areas that may never grow if we stay doing life the same way we’ve always done.

One healthy way to look at it is we embrace transformation change.

That’s the deeper wisdom and the higher path.

Those will lead to the highest purposes for our lives here on earth.

I used to be afraid deeper spiritual change would lead me to a life I would hate or a life as a martyr, but trust led to grander things than I could have imagined.

There’s no magic age where purpose aligns in our lives, but the sooner we reach up and out, the sooner we get to leave our former caterpillar identities we started out as.

We get to transform to butterflies sooner and enjoy the sweet nectar and honey that comes along.

In yoga terms, we can go from looking down to the ground in caterpillar pose to opening up in butterfly pose and choosing to look out and up.

That’s the wise growth path I know and maybe one that helps you on your journey. 🌱

Worry Not and Be Bold

Worry is a state of mind that is not productive. You can lose sleep when worry is left unattended… meaning, that after you’ve thought of what the worry theme is about and what you can do about it, then putting the worry to bed (and away from your good sleep 💤) is productive.

…If only it were that easy! 😉

But it’s a smart choice we get to make to let go of worry that drains.

We can’t always choose what happens to us or the thoughts that enter, but we can choose what we do in reaction and what thoughts we allow to stay.

Because worry can linger around like heavy gray clouds until it passes.

And walking away is one proactive way to get away from worry. At least temporarily…

You can quickly distract yourself from worried thoughts by changing your scenery.

Your new sensory environment changes your thoughts even if it’s just clearing your head walking down the hallway.

And this is because we get a new perspective in sight, sounds, and smells.

For me, colors, music, and pleasing scents break the pattern in my world.

And that can be for you too. You may not have yoga as a practice, so that could also be a pattern break.

In yoga poses, when you look up to the ceiling or sky, you get a different perspective than when you look down to the floor or to the side of the room that can change how you feel… calm, grounded, inspired…

Away from a mat, that’s the effect exciting travel has. When you explore a new city or place, your new senses are heightened.

If you spot a new painting or a new view from a picture window, this can be a joyful experience and mindful change of pace.

But as time passes, wherever you are and no matter how far you’ve traveled, the original worry thoughts creep back in.

The euphoric feeling from distractions wear off and the worry thoughts pop back in as easily as they popped out.

You can only distract yourself for so long and then your mind catches back up to reality.

…Your life reality (that can be worry-free thoughts).

But that’s why no one can run away from problems carried in the conscience for long in conscious living.

I tried one summer when I was 20, moving away to the beach. It didn’t work. 😀

But so often we choose to numb in semi-conscious daily living.

Like when we’re on a mission, we tend to forget nature buzzing around us carrying out life. They’re in their environment and we’re in ours, even if it’s within earshot.

As long as we’re not in harm’s way, we can miss what’s happening around us… and sometimes the calls to us that could lead to our greater life’s purpose.

If you think about it, a bird chirping is pretty loud in decibels. But often we don’t hear those over the voice and noises in our head…

And I’m no bird expert, but I’m told this bird in a tree is a red tailed hawk. It caught my eye because of its sounding vocal chords.

Worry thoughts can make us miss a loud red tailed hawk in the trees.

While I stopped to stare at the big bird for a few moments, I also noticed most people in the parking lot didn’t do the same.

…In fact, no one around me looked up. They just went on their busy day’s mission.

That’s how it is with us if we’re running on our mind’s mission. We don’t make time for interruptions… and sometimes opportunities calling us.

When we’re in a hurry, that’s even more true listening to our daily to-do list creating stress.

Worry and stress thoughts can be loud like that.

…So loud that we can miss that they’re robbing us of our full presence and better happy day.

And worry especially can play into our insecurities without us knowing (in semi-conscious living), affecting more than just our daily choices we make.

Worry is part of our DNA. It’s a Vata sign and trait in Ayurvedic terms.

Most of us have some or dominating Vata in us.

If you find yourself worrying for no good reason about everything going on in your life and others, then you likely have a Vata imbalance.

For most, that can be restored with simple lifestyle changes.

It’s not a sentence you’re stuck with in life.

If you want to know if you have a Vata imbalance and then how to restore, take the body balance quiz.

Your body helps us out by giving us preferences and through our senses.

But sometimes those are blocked from us for reasons like the noisy complex culture we’re in.

…So even if a meditation or yoga break sounds like a good idea, we could put it off even though we could definitely use the reset to help remedy our worry.

And transforming worry ways as a daily way is very possible… I know because I did just that. I got tired of holding onto worry. It’s too darn draining.

And as some friends would say, “Girl, I ain’t got time for that!”

One good habit that changed it all was to proactively pray off the worry. That was one of the 8 ways I shared to live out a don’t worry be happy life!

And another way is to picture yourself bold and fearless. Or put yourself in that frame of mind by reminding yourself how you feel and act when you’re confident…

If you’re a caring or reserved person, this is where you stop caring so much about what others think or what will happen.

You get out of your head and into your empowered self and abundant life.

It’s not about others or what happens next… it’s about you and your peace. What makes sense to you? Do it.

Let the outcomes happen. Your life is rigged in your favor with the Universe on your side.

You will be met on the other side with your bold confident moves.

The world wants the best YOU and you get to decide what that is!

So let go of worry and let go of the control of how things pan out. I know that was one lesson that took me the longest to embrace. 

When I could trust “what happens next are meant to be’s,” that released me from unnecessary worry.

You’re equipped with the intuition. So when you have to make a choice, do your best and let the rest work out… even if it’s in another direction or environment.

Mind the Gap For Happiness Today

Mind the gap as a metaphor helps us in our lives.

It started out as a carved out message reminder in the London Underground waiting platform to pay attention to the gap getting on the train.

London "Look" message painted on the pavement are like "mind the gap" messages in the Underground.
A London Look painted message is helpful for some who stop to look. 🛑

And all around London you find painted “Look” signs 👀 and messages that can be helpful or at least interesting to look at.

For a brief moment then, we look down at our feet so we don’t misstep.

Most of us have seen these type of signs… or have had the experience of riding a bus, subway, or metro train where for a gap moment we were mindful seeing or not seeing a sign.

The mind the gap written sign is a metaphor for our unscripted happy lives…  putting mindful focus on what’s actually in front of us, and putting emphasis on the love and productive sides of our lives.

Mind the gap metaphors are opportunities for more awareness in our lives (and what they’re becoming).

…Because if we’re living in daily awareness knowing what we’re doing, observing what’s happening around us and how we react, then we’re less likely to slip into the gap in our conscious lives.

The gap could be fear, darkness, or what we don’t want.

In our unconscious sleeping lives or altered state of consciousness in meditation, we intentionally look for falling into the gap calm and silencing the mind moments, so we experience better health and stress calming benefits.

It’s our awake subconscious mind that often adds complication to our lives as we’re moving and taking action, but only partial conscious of what we’re thinking.

To bypass our awake subconscious from derailing our happy outcomes and thoughts, we can ask revealing questions to ourselves:

Are we inconsistent?

Is what we say different than what we actually do in certain areas (because rarely is it all the time)? Or are we projecting onto others when we’re the ones that are going through the projected experience?

Is there a misalignment in our life?

Do we feel disconnected in some way?

Do we lack purpose and meaning and a reason to wake up on time?

These are all opportunities to make internal life shifts that will change our outer habits and happiness to bring more on!

We can look around for signs to get more in tune with our mind, will, and emotion alignment that is our entire soul being.

We can also check in with our our external influenced-internal deeper desires coming from our spirit, Universe, and higher source greater than ourselves.

Our spirit in us never dies as our essence being.

And our thoughts come from higher sources other than our current, past, and future dream thoughts.

We get clues and hints from those around us on our planet and what’s happening to us in our daily lives.

But hints are usually subtle and missed… they’re in the daily miracles and we witness them if we better mind the gap.

I can’t tell you the number of times a day I have a random thought that pops up, and in awareness I notice the external noise in my life repeats the same message or exact words seconds later.

This could come from a television screen, audio on my device, or something I read.

Those aren’t coincidences without meaning.

I use those daily miracle opportunities to mind the gap for a moment to reconnect with my spiritual self and tune out culture.

That helps to connect us to our deeper, higher, and loving selves that block out the fear and unrest sides.

Zooming out, our loving lives are not happenstance and chaos. There’s a productive plan and order. And we’re not alone. Ever.

If we navigate toward our love, then we don’t have to go down dark side trails that lead to rabbit holes that then lead us back to light.

Observe thoughts…

There’s no better way to empower our happiness than changing our thoughts to the better ones we want. It’s also the quickest way to our happiness if we know how to exercise this higher power we possess.

We start by observing or witnessing our thoughts as though we’re an objective third-party to our thoughts.

We’re our own mentor and coach.

This is on top of all the other roles we carry out in our day. So we’re juggling life in the real world and the greater Universe.

And it pays in reward with growth, better life clarity, and alignment.

Then, we can separate ourselves from our negative thoughts holding us back… and non-serving beliefs we could’ve picked up while growing up or along our journey.

To serve us better, we may want to pause and look into those and do shadow work to better understand ourselves while the idea is fresh in mind and so we don’t have to back track.

Then, we can start to take the old beliefs that shaped us and transform them in our happy and evolving better lives when we mind the gap.

A gap question example to ask ourselves:

Do we dislike something in our daily life that we wish were different?

We have better control of our outcome when we mind the gap.

Real Life Example: Why is there a window in our bathroom that we have to clean and make sure that it’s covered so no one peeks in?

Instead we re-write the thought and think: thank you window for being there to give us natural light.

The more daily examples we can flip to the positive, the more we bring light and happiness into our life.

Are we living in joy?

Our subconscious minds, the side that agitates problems, get nourished by feeling bad or pity, so we can end up doing the unhealthy things.

But when we’re lifted up and feeling good, we do the healthy things. And we enjoy more too.

So it’s a double win to find more joy.

That comes about from shutting down bad thoughts in awareness. We’ve saved ourselves wasted time and energy.

Joy is internal and in our control and can be experienced in this moment.

If we find in our free time we’re thinking, I wish I had more time to enjoy… then we’ve missed it because we can focus on enjoying now.

Now is what we have to enjoy.

The glass half or almost full pulls us out of our own misery (that’s our choice).

Doing what it takes to get ourselves to enjoy and feel good again is a healthy priority and can be our goal so we look forward to the rest of our day where we get more than one.

Using our 5 body senses is a good, easy way that we like:

…Maybe we read a good book, watch a feel-good movie, listen to happy music, or do a healthy activity to get there. But we purposefully get there. 👉👈

Then we’re able to forget about time and unproductive thoughts in our happy distraction.

Maybe we do that in quiet moments or in yoga to re-center.

And maybe we go to bed early to start a new day that changes our mood. Or we enjoy a no-butter guiltless snack bite like this honey-glazed matcha lemon coconut cookie.

Honey glazed matcha cream lemon coconut cookie bites.

Those healthy moves turn the tide moment by moment to bounce us back to our productive, happy self.

Then our happy outlook follows and improves, and that helps us to grow our lives, healthy ambitions, and selves.

And we also look forward to creating new ways where we look up and out to make us feel good and accomplished.

New way examples include:

-learn a new skill

-contribute to a new group


-develop our better daily habits

-write out our good intentions for the week/year to come

-strive to become the best we can be or a better person

And in our growth, we can pause to check-in and see where we stand in our pride snapshot that can get in the way of our happy, productive lives at any time even if we’re well on our way.

It’s part of the subconscious mind and ego that never shuts down as long as we’re breathing.

Are we free of pride and selfishness?

We know by the relationships we have with others and ourselves whether it’s going well deep down in us.

We feel good or we get a pit in our stomach when a name or thought arises.

People serve as reflections to our lives. At any time we can mess up with them by not trying or being considerate and doing the best we can.

And more easily we can tell if we’ve created barriers over better communication that may be all we need to provide in better thought re-writes in us.

Pride can show up as many flavors… like this mixed bowl of homemade soft ice cream with avocado ice cream.

Bowl of homemade avocado ice cream with mango and chocolate.

Pride can show up in some situations, and not others. It’s gray to us unless we make it black and white.

But, when we’re observant of ourselves and our lives, we authentically know if we’ve crossed our lines.

We can also ask ourselves these revealing questions:

Do we always have to be right?

Do we feel superior in certain areas or do we gladly welcome in new ideas and continually willing to learn?

Do we feel we’re entitled to certain things?

Do we dishonor people’s time by showing up when or if we show up?

Do we assume what others think or would say before they’ve spoken? Do we jump to conclusions?

Those are all signs that we have layers of unhealthy pride running our show that are hurting us and our relationships.

One improvement way is if we approach our relationships as though we’re a team.

There’s no “I” in team and that helps with our pride checks.

When we do our part independently, and consider interdependence on the team, then we’re on a balanced, healthy track that builds more healthy pride.

We want to do more for ourselves and others.

If we’re willing to compromise, make adjustments, and re-route while letting go of the outcomes, those help us bypass problems and allow in our happy lives.

Letting go of what’s not working is a good mind the gap example.

We gain more clarity and our lives get easier. We don’t get in our own way.

Staying clear keeps us aligned to our best life in our choosing. 🎉

Brain Fog Is Often Spiritual

Brain fog is a way to describe the forgetfulness nature that Ayurvedic Vata minds commonly daily express that we accept as part of us.

Our morning habit choices we choose could be adding to brain fog.
Brain fog accumulates in our daily lives.

In this article, you can learn all about brain fog from our daily environment and simple things we can tweak. You’ll also learn how brain fog isn’t always bad like when it’s from spiritual sources.

Brain fog is the general symptom description for not being able to think clearly.

Often this is when you want the mind to work for you.

Brain fog moments often shows up as confusion, lack of focus, or forgetfulness.

So brain fog would make sense as an explanation for simple memory blips.

But there’s more to this from a spiritual lens that I explain further below on how you can see it as a benefit and a blessing at times.

Because usually brain fog only has negative connotations in our practical culture.

And this article provides some healthy lifestyle tips to eliminate those daily negative brain fog aspects, plus presenting the balancing Vata brain fog positives (that’s a common built-in feature in our Vata mind nature).

In either positive or negative case, we don’t often sit around and analyze what’s going on with brain fog when our minds are in the clouded mist.

And what we experience is usually harmless, like forgetting eye glasses on our heads and looking everywhere for them.

While that can be comical, it’s extra minutes of distraction when the answer was sitting on you above your nose.

For daily routines and tasks, Vatas often create forgetfulness habits to set reminders and purposefully not forget.

High Vatas have active minds of worry-anxiety, more so than Pittas and Kaphas that can have other brain fog distractions.

This btw happened to me when I baked a healthy dessert for the morning and next morning. And the next morning, I forgot about all about it in my mind’s distraction.

A simple scenario like that happens to all of us at some point.

Peach biscuit. Recipe is below. 🍑

…And when I remembered the forgotten cool peach dessert, it was actually when I would appreciate the bite more after lunch so it could be an enjoyment positive experience.

In your daily life, if someone ever asks you why you didn’t do something and you answer I forgot, you often don’t get a lot of out-of-the-ordinary questioning.

Because forgetting is so normal.

Forgetting can also be healthy for us who like to control ideas. You let go of controlling your mind or the device in front of you that you’re tethered to.

This can invite in creativity inside us and help us let go of rigid ways.

But then there are also negatives such as cognitive decline brain fog instances we want to help prevent. It’s the “elephant in the room” but a diagnosis growing in our world, and that’s something we can be aware of and doing something about in our lives today.

Preventative Healthy Living Helps With Brain Fog

Brain fog can grow when we have these elements in our daily lives: high-processed foods, pesticides, phthalates, non-purified air, and mold, to name a few culprits in our modern lifestyles.

They alter our bodies and that affects our mind in the body-mind connection and in our mental health.

Processed foods for example become whole nutrient-stripped in the plant process (as in factory plant 🏭).

Organic plants 🌱 are better options where we don’t find the same trace levels of pesticides that are found in non-organic foods.

If you garden, you know what natural sprays you’ve used or not used in your care. And when you bake like I do, you know what ingredients you’ve added. You know the wholesomeness details.

In grocery stores, we see the ingredients in our carts we’ll be using to cook with or eat. And we can read labels.

But we don’t see the processes in-between, so this makes comparing foods an apples to oranges experience.

Cheese is an example. Rennet that is found in some parts of the world isn’t the pasteurized cheese process found along the shelf rows in our American grocery stores.

The goat and sheep’s cheese that the Sardinians farm and eat isn’t what we find in our guts.

And for daily coffee drinkers, switching to organic is good for preventative health as coffee is naturally high in mold.

Mold is a brain fog offender.

Organic coffee is considerably more expensive and more difficult to source, but it’s out there when you look and put your health first.

You can get resourceful and save money by buying whole roasts and then doing the grind work yourself. You can feel much more grounded like your coffee when you do. 😊

Daily clean air is also going to be healthy preventative help against the brain fog cause. Developing daily hayfever-like allergy symptoms is one common sign.

And building in more wellness habits and healthy intentions to your life is going to help you most in your sleep, health conditions, and mental fatigue. Yoga is one way to bring in more self-awareness intention.

When you calm and relax your mind and self that also brings down your stress and anxiety levels that help Vata brain fog.

Calming and Relaxing the Mind

Good answers and thoughts show up when the mind is calm and relaxed, and not anxious or worried like when running with high Vata brain fog symptoms.

When our minds are under stress, often we can’t think of the answer when put on the spot.

If we’re asked a Family Feud game show question like what is the first thing you do in the morning?, we can usually come up with an answer. And maybe one that lights up on the board.

But when someone asks us the same question in an interview where we know others will put judgment on what we say, we can’t come up with the answer under mind stress.

We could just give a safe answer.

…Or you may surprise yourself by blurting an answer that surprises you.

Those answers that pop up in memory unexpectedly often come from our spirit.

The answer that pops in our mind come from our deeper wisdom inside us.

We didn’t rack our brain for the answer. They just entered out of no where.

Those thoughts can be blessings when you connect-the-dots.

I’ve had a lot of time and spiritual experiences to teach me wisdom lessons learned to show me this.

Over time, the lessons gave me a different perspective to gain the deeper meaning behind those memory moment lapse blessings.
Once you know you can’t go back to not-knowing and wouldn’t want to as cracking the code secrets toward a happier life.

And you can notice when thought lapses land in aligned perfect timing.

That’s when it’s a spiritual miracle and blessing.

An example is we forget what we were going to say from our rational brain from losing our train of thought.

We get other thoughts that enter.

In groups I attended, we called these other thoughts: popcorn thoughts. These answers come from our heart as though we didn’t process the thought first.

If it’s a helpful suggestive thought, it’s often helpful for others to hear who need the suggestion.

If you can get over what others will think or any  insecurities you have in those moments, and blurt out what you’re thinking, often it helps someone else.

You don’t necessarily know how it will help, but it does when you dare to stay vulnerable in sharing.

They are spiritual collaboration opportunities that are expressed when you speak them aloud. You can feel good about showing up.

In the same token, sometimes others blurt out something you needed that sticks with you. It’s the same when purposefully listening to a podcast or a message that you need.

So we’re giving back in a way.

We can all contribute and give back in the energy of life in this way and without much effort.

If you want more of these opportunities to show up and are willing to have your day rearranged in some way, ask quietly aloud or in self-talk: what can I do today to be helpful?

Then be prepared to be useful to others. 😊

And in daily life, these prompted thoughts and memories will show up more frequently if you pay attention (that’s an active move).

You could ignore and override those thoughts to stay on your linear agenda.

That’s how I was until I knew better.

As a planner, we don’t prefer going off course. But over the years, I grew to embrace impromptu thoughts entering, seeing this new spiritual perspective.

And maybe that would help you.

Spiritual impromptu thoughts help you align and redirect to a better way, day, and life. They lead to a life of more purpose, happiness, meaning, and fulfillment. 🎉

So you can be curious next time and openly ask yourself: why did I have ____ particular thought? And see if you get anything back as a thought.

Most likely you won’t immediately.

But that makes you consider another way of thinking and living that can be spirit-filled and coming from deeper inside of you that knows deeply what you want.

And you can stay curious and wondering until something clicks like it finally did for me.

So if we wonder about those spiritual impromptu thoughts, that opens the door to our exploring our spiritual wisdom inside us that isn’t brain fog.

This can be our new norm.

And for our daily mattering lives, we can invite in ad hoc thoughts in our mantras, meditation, and centering to help advise us on what to do next.

And as you can tell, I enjoy baking meditation where this dessert was dreamed up and you can enjoy making.✨


Low-Sugar Peach Shortcake Dessert

Course Dessert
Cuisine American, French
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 2-3 eggs
  • fresh peaches
  • sugar and salt (optional)


  • Melt the butter in the milk and water on medium heat on the stove.
  • Add the flour and stir.
  • Take the mixture to a mixer and mix in egg yolks.
  • Pipe into a baking vessel to make a shape or add on a baking pan for a free form.
  • Bake at 325°F/165°C until warm golden brown.
  • Use your favorite filling, topping, and add diced peaches as the star ingredient. Peaches have fiber, Vitamin C, and A antioxidants.

Born Again Is Your Spiritual Choice

Born Again is a mysterious phrase.

Potato waffles are like being born again where you can’t turn them back to the mashed potato form they were before. And they’re so much better. 

It’s a spiritual reference that you don’t hear often except in churches and The Bible.

And it’s a miraculous life changing event like being born.

To do it again (as in born again) means to live a completely changed life.

Like birth, it’s only once.

And it’s by choice, if ever.

For an adult, it’s a personal decision.

It’s the profound choice that makes this life wondrous  because it’s not what you set out for.

It’s what Life tells you in the whispers of the wind.

And your day-to-day living drifts toward those whispers.

Born again is usually marked by adult baptism.

The baptism you had as a baby doesn’t count because you weren’t of mature thinking mind to make the choice.

A conscious baptism personal choice is an important event, like getting married.

There’s no going back as it’s part of your past.

And like the potato waffles that are pictured above, they started out as another form of the same food. Those spuds can’t go back to being a raw potato. 🥔

You can’t take back what’s already happened in the past and you can’t go back in your mother’s womb.

And you wouldn’t want to… as life gets better.

Or in this born again case, back into your pre-born again  younger self identity.

“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” – John 3:5

After you’re born again, you’re alive with the spirit living inside you.

In the Bible, it’s the same as living with the Holy Spirit.

Becoming Born Again isn’t by coincidence… and your being here is no accident.

The story of your real life birth from your birth parents may have sounded like you were an accident oops! baby, but it was no spiritual accident..

…I know this experience intimately because that’s what happened to me.

And as life is an adventure one day after another, I never set out for that mission.

I didn’t grow up religious either.

This was something I grew into gradually.

Never having been baptized before and then for the first time as a mature adult, that’s when my Born Again life began.

What It’s Like to Be Born Again 

It was an ordinary day with extraordinary impact.

You never forget the baptism day.

You wonder how being submerged in a pool of warm water can be so profound.

But it is.

Every fiber of your being changes and you get the rest of your life to figure out how to apply those changes.

Because it’s not like your life has suddenly changed around you.

It the meaning you apply to what just happened in your ceremony.

You’re now living with the Spirit inside you helping to guide you.

And you look at your life and the eclipse differently.

You feel chills and something deeper emotionally happening inside you that you now know are tied to the Spirit inside you.

You’re not alone.

And you can explain where those waves of tears and emotions are coming from.

And when you see a painted sky, it reminds you of where you came from and where your future will be in heaven.

born again is a miracle like a unique painted sky that you may be the only one notices.

You can be less interested in culture and more interested in your personal growth.

That’s how it was for me.

I grew up in an ego-centric area outside Washington, DC.

…I had to leave those ways to keep going and growing.

And because after Born Again, life has more meaning.

You want to discover more about yourself and your potential.

You’re not just cut out to do a job and retire.

This life is so much more!

And from then on, you know you were touched by God and the Universe in love, finding out what your role and purpose is.

You seek out why you’re specifically here.

Because that’s where your BEST LIFE is.

Gaining Biblical knowledge fuels your understanding as the Word of God and love letter from God who only wants the best for you.

After being Born Again, you know there’s a spirit living inside you to comfort you, send daily messages to you when you ask, and give you favor on any ordinary day.

The Spirit is often referred to as the wind (or a dove) 🕊️

It’s the same spirit that connects us all under the sun, and that came upon Jesus after he was baptized in the Jordan River.

The connection is an energy.

It’s also the guided handed helper, comforter, and all-knowing messenger all rolled-up-in-one.y.

After The Baptism Honeymoon

After some time has passed from your baptism day, the feelings will fade as you sink back into everyday reality and this life.

It would help you to pray for higher answers, and trust that those be the ones best for you even if they don’t make logical sense.

Pre-Born Again life, I called these gut instincts. I just thought the Universe was in my favor but I didn’t know how.

Now I know it’s the spirit that comes from our Creator source.

To keep growing, you’ll want to surround yourself with like-minded people.

I had to let go of some people in my life who weren’t helping me grow. And you’ll likely face those situations.

And what I gained in my life was people I could trust where many my Christian life, I couldn’t.

No one on earth is perfect but I didn’t have the same people problems from those I chose to surround myself with as friends.

You’ll want to learn from Christians who are motivated to love others and do the life God wants for them.

They are the ones that can help you with Bible interpretations that apply to your life today.

Because they have wisdom and discernment, they can help you navigate without giving up. They help to support your growth, such as becoming more humble and less prideful.

And as a new Born Again butterfly, they are vested to help you because they know they will see you again in the future life.

Looking back, I could see that I acted pretty foolishly when I was younger, but I thought I was invincible and smart at the time.

What to Expect With A Born Again Life

Expect to have favor in your daily Born Again walk if you maintain a deep relationship with your spirit inside you and God.

Also take chances as God is waiting for you to make a move. If you take a small “wrong” step, you’ll learn.

And the more daily, alone walks you do with the spirit, the more clear you become and make less missteps.

You walk straighter to your purpose even when you can’t see the forest through the trees.

Your season in life can look confusing or uncertain like the future is for everyone.

But inside you, you know you’re making the right moves for your purpose.

I started out my adult life mostly in the structured corporate work life as I was learning how to be a Christian.

Then in my second act (Born Again), I got to do satisfying work for myself.

But I needed the skills and know-how that I learned working for and with others.

And bam! one day after I was laid off from one of many corporate jobs… a spiritual intervention happened to me.

About two years after that incident, that’s when I got Born Again.

And that’s when life got really quiet around me. I found I was in sabbatical.

If I weren’t born again, I would’ve been lonely as people weren’t around me regularly.

But instead I felt loved and never alone.

That’s part of the inner peace that comes with being Born Again

That season, the work was easy.

I found I had time to look at personal and spiritual development areas that I didn’t delve into ever before.

I knew I would be provided for even when I didn’t know where on earth that would come from.

I knew it would come from above.

And in your life, you’d know when doors shut it’s not a coincidence or bad luck…

And the ones that open, you’re anointed so you get massive daily favor. Troubles that others face, you dodge.

Problems get miraculously fixed in the places you’re supposed to be in for your purpose.

Those bittersweet open doors aren’t permanent, but they’re nice

And in those experiences, I learned life isn’t about what you do.

…It matters most who and what you’re becoming in this life.

And on the journey, you can be proud to look in the mirror at who you are (that’s not an aged person staring back).

Life looks different than before when the goals were about what you would achieve, how long it would take to retire, and all the material things that could be acquired.

You get more and you get to make impact in the world.

Being born again, you’ve also transformed fear, anxiety, and worry that don’t have to take over and permeate life. Especially fear.
When I was a child I was afraid of everything from lightning, darkness, to boogie monsters.
And Born Again, I exchanged fear for love and feeling protected.

And never alone.

Not for one moment even when I moved to places for years where I knew no one and no one knew me.

And that’s when I could focus on the things that matter. And realize nothing in my past was wasted.

I worked in catering for a reason and it’s no coincidence that one of my passions today is food.

I can’t get enough of coming up with new recipes and enjoying brunch waffles.

And in your Born Again life (if that’s what you choose), you’ll get to do the things you love and were born and gifted to do! 🧡