
How to Soul Search Life Secrets

How to soul search is something I know a lot about as I’ve been doing it all my adult life with the core question in the back of my mind: what is this life really about?

Because on a deeper level, it’s not about our jobs, relationships or families.

They may consume parts and most of the time in our lives.

But we (you and me) are the most important part of our lives.

Because we’re the only ones we’re responsible for in the end.

And our best life is about our growth journey… and who we become.

yay! you're here is the happy feeling you get when you know how to soul search for a life of purpose and meaning

A decade from now you won’t care as much about what you did this year compared to who you’ve become 10 years later.

As we grow older, we’ve acquired more earthly proof in our experiences that nothing stays the same and experience impact fades… and we have chances to make big differences with change today and in the years we have left.

For our sake and our planet’s sake.

It’s individually up to us to crack the code of how to optimize this life and find meaning.

And I believe it’s through how to soul search in our lives.

…Because the deeper life answers are here and the mysteries of life are discovered there.

We don’t have to travel anywhere to discover what we need, so each of us has the same opportunity (that has no cost).

The universal core truths of why we’re here have stayed the same, while everything on earth changes.

Today, you’ve figured that out or like every person in every generation that gets to sooner, later, or not if you so choose.

Ultimately it matters because it’s not all up to you or me on how things turn out.

….It’s also not up to our bosses, parents, or anyone else that makes influence in your life even if they’re the loudest in our thoughts.

Then who is it up to?

Figuring out this life’s meaning I argue is the best way… choosing to agree with this life’s terms vs. fighting against it is the happier path of aligned purposed living without regrets along the way.

I was lucky to have discovered these life secrets on my journey and happy to share my how to soul search discoveries with you.

…That mind you, came after making many re-routes I took that helped me form my thoughts.

Because I had none of the answers taught to me growing up or in my 20s getting my feet off the ground, so I had to follow my blind instincts.

And that led me to unchartered wilderness places that would eventually land me into bigger and better places.

All those experiences helped me out and I know the Universe guided me along. I found my spirit before I found how to soul search.

My gut instincts came from an invisible hand giving me the blessed upper-hand in my situations where I was meant to go.

And that’s what’s daily playing out for most of us if we’re paying attention and open to the idea of miracle possibilities and forces greater than ourselves.

But when I was younger, I didn’t know all this.

…I just knew I couldn’t wait to grow up and be on my own.

I relied on the hopes of a better future and if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.

I didn’t have role models other than distant ones in magazines.

I lived on the surface. I never delved deep in my soul.

Then living as a young adult, I discovered everything in my life was wrong…

I had problems in every wheel of balance area of life… from my difficult work struggles, unhealthy and rocky relationships, and financial woes looming over my life that eventually caught up with me.

Those were the buckets that mattered most at that age in my life that I was juggling.

My life was completely off from the happy life I wanted. I was far from knowing how to soul search.

It wasn’t what I would have hoped for life would turn out to be dreaming of freedom as an adult.

…And if any of this hits a chord with you or problems are what you’re going through now, believe that your struggles will make you better and stronger on the other side.

You’ll be better off in your future because of your problems, (after you’ve processed what you went through). You’ll learn about deeper parts of you and how to search the soul.

And if you lean into your wiser soul better-half guide inside you (also guiding your heart), you’ll get your higher calling answers in your life… the better and deeper answers that are not the same ones you started off with or initially fear about daily from the “rational” brain.

Or irrational mind… that not going to help with how to soul search.

Wise soul plans are subtle in thought and can take years in the making to manifest.

When older people tell you that life gets better it’s because they’ve found the better ways of life through life.

And leaning on their confidence, you can gain wisdom and get there sooner rather than later.

I’m grateful my life has turned out that way.

…I felt like I was once a crawling caterpillar that grew into a butterfly. 🦋

But before I got to the life gets better part, my idea of a happy life had to go awry so that I could struggle, survive, and get out of the chrysalis to thrive.

Looking back, I had to go through the process of those messy and tough seasons for my own good and growth to come out another way.

But those early years, I was crushed.

And every year I was sad and hit with the winter blues.

Nothing changed quick enough.

I had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated college with a business degree (because I liked businesses).

…Even though I was so sure of my marketing major I chose.

But there was a disconnect of real life from the college life bubble of learning theories of economics and how to market goods and run a business.

So like most people, I did the next best thing: I got a job.

And starting with my first career, I had problems at work  that I had never heard of before from my friends and peers.

I was isolated because I didn’t know others who worked in the hospitality world (other than the ones that were in the same workplace I was).

In my bubble, a few months after starting I knew there was something wrong when I learned women in my office were harassed.

Made sense why they were all attractive with a Barbie dress code to match.

Then I realized that was me too.

This was decades before #metoo.

It wasn’t too long before I moved on into greener pastures.

I felt like I had made it as a catering manager with a better title and my own office… but it wasn’t long before my dream job landed turned into another work nightmare.

Your work life is only as happy as your relationship with direct bosses. That’s where I ran into troubles.

Those couple of years sitting next to the hotel brand’s bag of signature chocolate chip cookies only made me tougher.

I became a tough cookie even though I stayed soft and chewy outside. 🍪

Shaken by a sudden panic attack one day in my office taught me valuable lessons.

For one, I am not in control of this life.

…And I didn’t have it all together despite what my ego told me.

It took many more years of work experiences to make impressions on my soul, one traumatic event after another…

…from anger management bosses to micromanager and bullying managers.

Working in different toxic corporate management situations, I now know the root cause.

…and it’s the same one at the root of all human problems.

The ego is at the core of all relationship issues, arguments, misperceptions, and people acting out.

Same problem.

Different responses.

Humans aren’t looking eye-to-eye in their mind. It’s like the Tower of Babel where people are suddenly speaking different languages.

But back when I was in the work situations, I didn’t know any better.

I took what came at me at face value to survive and hold the job.

And for decades working in corporate office places, I wore rosy glasses thinking and hoping there were better places out there.

But job after job, I was disappointed.

Good people are there, but the egos show up and dominate.

Some places were downright miserable and the best ones didn’t last.

Everything changed eventually…

And I realized a forever dream job is a myth.

You can stay to retirement and be miserable and luckily I never got that opportunity. I got pivots instead.

Gaining this clarity from many work experiences helped shape my soul and I learned how to soul search from that standpoint.

And leaving the corporate world was my launching pad.

First off, I learned what the soul is…

The soul as witness to life is the part of you and me that is not on the surface.

But it’s not that deep below the surface either.

When you bare your soul, you’re sharing your authentic feelings and thoughts based on our opinions, personality, and interpretations.

Our soul are our deeper thoughts from our mind, will, and emotions that often gets confused with our spirit.

…Or our Spirit.

Our Spirit is a separate ethereal being inside us (and around us inside other people).

Spirit-thoughts are not our generated thoughts, but become our thoughts.

If you’re Christian, you’re familiar with hearing about the Spirit or Holy Spirit… even if you don’t know how that plays a part in your daily life today.

And that’s how it was for me before my spiritual intervention.

…I have enough to say about it now that I could write a book on the topic as someone living a faith-filled life. 😊

But I didn’t start out that way.

I was not born a Christian.

And I didn’t grow up in church.

How To Soul Search From Situations In Your Life

I became God seeking when opportunity arose and problems grew.

That started in those hotel working days in my 20s when I looked down at my body and everything was there.

But inside I knew something was missing…

Years later, I discovered the spirit first that was one way into finding my deeper soul.

Another way that supporting this was never feeling permanently satisfied in life.

So many moves and moons later, I gradually found my soul…

Along with my purpose and daily happiness that came as side gifts. 🎁

They were daily motivational keys 🔑 that unlocked deeper understanding of my soul.

Living a more emotionally and healthy balanced daily life created the growth foundation.

For me, that included lots of healthy sweet food inspiration (like the  healthy baking recipes I share  on this blog 🍥).

That was around the time my purpose started to shape up.

One day, I dedicated myself to the craft of writing: something I never dreamed of or sought to do before.

And I never stopped.

Balance and purpose were the keys that gave the most satisfaction and clarity to my life.

And those could be for you too…

Trying different things will help you to discover your purpose(s) and maybe some hidden talents along the way.

If you use your today gifts and talents to develop a craft that becomes your practice and purpose, you also develop more useful skills.

All that helps you to align to find your deeper purposes and eventual destiny.

I’m still in the deeper purposes part of life and I look forward to destiny when it’s time. I know it’s there.

And if you don’t know where to start, start with a passion and look at where you spent time in the past you enjoyed or were curious about.

Example: I worked with food as a passion that never died, so it’s no shock that I create and share daily healthy recipes today even though I had no idea I would. That came years later.

Because  I didn’t know I would do anything with food outside of the hotels and restaurant life I worked in for a decade.

Purpose and Soul Searching

That’s how purpose works…

You remove the outer self wrapped in pride (a form of ego) and you’re left with purpose.

Purpose is deep and daily happiness allows you to keep productively going and growing.

Then you’re left with a deep satisfied feeling that you often don’t get with life living on other people’s terms.

You’re emotionally freed up and have the headspace to be creative and innovative. Not the busy and anxious go-go-go ego environments of Corporate America.

Then being calm, creative, and satisfied-minded, you can minimize yourself and your needs and wonder more about possibilities.

You get and naturally want to explore more of who you are as a creator and spiritual being.

Feeling more inspired, you can more easily grow your deeper soul and parts inside you that you never knew existed (where there are beyond and abundant possibilities).

…That’s where dreams can manifest into real life.

Plus, more cool stuff in your life.

And remember, that can all start from life problems turned into blessings.

Hope Grows Our Spirituality

Hope is what keeps us motivated in any situation that well… seems hopeless. And in hopeful or hope-filled moods, we grow our spirituality… that opposes the outward feelings we have.

This article is about changing your moods back to hope and happy ones where you started and how you find your H.O.P.E…

First of all, our lives are rigged in our favor: we are meant to be blessed.

Often what is unfavorably happening to us in our situations is actually meant to help us in some way.

Finding what that is helps you.

Resetting and looking at your blessed life, as not what it once was peppered with past problems bypasses today’s sour moods.

Your life has grown better.

…And it’s meant to grow even better!

Better requires more experience and to be prepared for what’s ahead so we don’t fall flat on our faces. Challenges are healthy to keep us on the course!

Staying on course helps bring us back to our hope.

No matter the situation (favorable or not), as birthright we are called to hope in our situations if we want to prosper… (even when the stars aren’t exactly aligned 🌠).

You can always find a silver lining in the clouds if you want to. Because you were lucky enough to be born that will transcend this life if you believe.

And that’s where the rubber meets the road… 🛞

That’s the difference between your former younger self and who you are today, more mature in beliefs.

Today, you get to do so much more.

The former problems you had before are no longer in your life.

You have other replaced or new situations that ultimately have created a better life for you.

…Life that maybe is not the way you planned in your mind, but is good when you look back and see the golden nuggets.

Those misalignments helped you out in some way.

And your future will be even better because of these re-routes when you keep your moods from souring your day… or you pause from knee-jerk reactions you once would’ve made and regretted.

Today’s Situations

And today you have situations you are waiting on to pan out.

That’s this life in a nutshell… otherwise, you’d stop trying for your best life if things were so easy and you wanted nothing.

Well, when you put it that way. 💭

I realized from taking a sabbatical year-off years ago that not having a work schedule or consistent daily purpose is a double-edge sword.

Sleep and physical health nursed and healed me back to life  but then gradually a new stress grew from the mental stress (of not having a purpose).

And that eventually became stress on the body in the mind-body connection. As a result, waking up at 3 am every night was enough of a wake-up call for me.

…I also found I didn’t have the same exciting stuff to talk about with friends… I was basically just tagging along to their happenings. And I wasn’t quick on my toes in responses like I had been.

So I plugged back into my optimal life. 🔌

That break was enough for me to believe anti-retirement is the best way… ALWAYS.

We are happiest when we’re sharing about what’s happening in our lives and not living in the shadows of others.

Plus, life is too short to watch life go by.

And even if you’re waiting for a few situations to manifest,  you can be an active participant making impact on other areas of your (and others’ lives) that’s not like throwing spaghetti at the wall. 🍝

…You’re actually building something for the future that takes time to build with your gifts and talents.

That’s a good plan if the timing isn’t there yet for what you know or have an inkling will be, and that you’re hoping for most. Take heart. ❤️

And when your doubtful mind takes over your knowing mind, get outside.

Signs of hope can be found daily around us… like the hope reminders below to remind us to Have Open Peace Everyday.

And these flowers don’t need hope. They just bloom for our enjoyment and appreciation.

Hope can be found in flowers like these peonies that bloom every May.

Earth laughs in flowers.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We can rely on hope symbols like flowers on earth to find our inner peace (and distract our unproductive mind).

Dialing down our moods and loud thoughts is a healthy habit that we do as smart adults that used to get tossed to and from by our thoughts.

If we lean into hope and conviction in our beliefs, then we won’t fall when we’re in battle with our minds and moods.

Or else we’re back to Square One, tossed around like the daily wind that causes waves 🌊

So if we solidly know at our core what we believe, then we can withstand the tests.

…And if you’re a natural Vata body like I am, you and I need no more wind!

The stronger we make our beliefs for our best life, the stronger we are… and can lasso the moon that has the dreams we want. 🌙

Our belief grows with faith that our dreams  will come to pass even when we see no evidence at all.

…Like flowers that haven’t bloomed but we know one day will in ripe season. 🌻

Having firm beliefs and hope inside us keeps us going.

When we listen to our gut whispers, heart feelings, or what is promised to us that we’re aware of, then we are aligned with hope planted in our heart. 🪴

Our heart dreams will come to pass.

These are gentle impressions that only we ultimately know that arrive as passing thoughts and desires.

And yet our hope is that it will happen in our future. And if it doesn’t now or within a foreseeable timeframe, then we can re-route our way of thinking today to a new plan.

There’s only good in looking at hope for our productive life.

And if our flesh feelings or thoughts make us feel hopeless (that’s part of our human moody make up), our job or better way is to find our way back to hope (and NOT give up).

We can focus on the good things and progress that have happened as a result of or despite our situation, or what has happened.

That keeps us hopeful and chin up.

And then in better spirits, we can keep on moving, so that good things continue to happen and grow.

…Focusing on areas that are productive and peaceful in our lives.

H.O.P.E. today so that you keep building what is meant for you (and will actually last when it’s ready)…

Here’s what each letter stands for:

HHave resilience. When we get certain about what we want in life, we don’t give up easily. And we don’t let others define what our success looks like.

We walk away from our lesser situations that somehow we ended up in (or with) 😱, and we honor ourselves as the only ones we can control.

If we fall weak to a moment of feeling hopeless, we shake it off.

…we can use our stronger motivation to NOT GIVE UP.

For me, that’s looking for answers or doing research, both internal and external. They are proactive and that keeps the wheels going. 🛞

That always provides a new avenue.

It may not be the exact right one, but just by doing something positive, my mood shifts to better and I discover something new… ingredients in food at the grocery store or a new activity that stretches me.

So we commit to do whatever it takes to have our mind and bodies get with our better life program. That’s healthy stress we can challenge ourselves with! 💪

If our goal is to be 100% successful in our unique life however we define those areas, then finding out how we dodge our moods is going to be the game changer. That’s where Ayurveda for restoring moods can help.

…So often it’s not about the number of hours in the day. We all find enough hours to do what we’re excited, motivated or dedicated to.

It’s that we feel defeated in some way.

And if our moods are down, then we spend those hours on the couch binge-watching shows or procrastinating longer and longer.

It was never about the number of hours available.

How we communicate with ourselves (self-talk) and with others will set the tone for our lives.

And if we unknowingly encourage others to keep doing the same unwanted behaviors, then we’re setting ourselves up for more of the same frustration. Where are we unintentionally rewarding others for bad behavior we don’t want repeated? 

OOurselves is where we can find hope.

Self-sabotage in some way is often where we get stuck.

…When we get out of our own way, then our moods lift.

Getting ourselves aligned to do and think the right and better things, set us up for success.

If your situations don’t look like what you thought you wanted, figure out what you need to do to get back on the path you got off of. What were you last doing when things changed?

…Maybe you’re a little burnt out. Striking a better balance between real life vs virtual digital world could be called for.

Also, be committed to consistency (showing up), and find daily inspiration to stay the course as part of the balance.

Dig deep for answers that are already inside you waiting to emerge if they can get past your moods. 🪷

Then, hope flowers bloom again.

And tapping into hope grows spirituality.

If you take whatever your initial mind-body serves up, you’ll fall for all the irritated triggers du jour.

But when you decide on your better ways despite the bendy course you fall in, then you stay faithful to what you know will be without losing your joy that helps your hope.

P – Prioritize quiet time to your life as life unfolds. What is your mind doing when it’s not going a gazillion miles a minute or sleeping?

There is something stressful in play or as an undercurrent running in your mind if you pay attention… it’s the theme of the week or season.

If you were to sit on a bench or yoga mat quietly and scan your thoughts as they come in, you can intercept the moods and find better answers to your life now.

Prioritizing a shift to your peace mode and letting things go lets the Universe work things out on your behalf.

Your problems mysteriously work themselves out.

But if you let your ego intercept, that boxes in your possibilities because you’ve taken aggressive action.

Your ego doesn’t want your success or peace.

The ego wants you safe from anything new or questionable.

It will trick your perceptions and even attach unfactual information so it can keep running your show.

There’s no hope in ego drama.

EEgo-free living is the way back to hope.

Your ego will make its way back in without prompting and avoiding ego every time will produce your hopeful results that have a lasting chance.

In metro culture we’re not taught “to be”like a monk.

So finding a daily way to honor your ego without turning it on is a way to grow more aware.

When you do get quiet, you can hear nature outside or building equipment running inside. That’s when you can hear the silence of the ego.

You can observe thoughts.

And for romantics who watch the Hallmark channel, your ego calms because the movie ending is predictable. The girl ends up with the guy. But the plot circumstances are different and the drama in between is what’s going on as life is in play.

What usually makes the difference is that each character pauses or is confronted to take a look at their life and what’s important. And it always points to love.

Love is hope and the opposite of ego-living. And ego-free living helps grow our spirituality. 🧡

To your ego-free week! 😊

Overwhelmed? Spiritual Ways to Respond

Overwhelmed is an understatement especially during the holidays when year-end deadlines are looming and new year goals emerge. It’s important to stay healthy like this budding avocado tree…

It’s also best to stay focused and look at life not as seriously.

...Seriously, 😳 I say this through the lens of my experiences where I went through many seasons where I couldn’t see the forest through the trees.

My work life was overwhelming.

…Then that all disappeared… poof!, like that… it was gone. That happened for many seasons so I caught on and started over in different work industries, jobs, and relationships.

It feels good to have comical relief and laugh it out with new beginnings and pivots.

Personally, I know the universe is laughing along.

…and maybe that’s how you feel?

In 2020, all of our lives changed when the world shut down and daily offices closed.

Each of us had our choices as to how to respond.

For me in my microcosm, I took that as a spiritual sign.

The situation only confirmed further to me that everything in this life is going to keep changing, along with the good, bad, and ugly.

…That’s how this life is meant to be so our planet can survive and thrive.

Embracing that we’re in a spiritual experience and journey can help us see this better.

Because none of us are handed manuals to our lives… that look very different than our co-workers or neighbors living next to us… and even more different than our friends and families we know intimately.

And that’s how I came to grips that this life is about gathering experiences.

…It’s not a spectator sport like the famous baseball player, Jackie Robinson, said.

Life is like a sport that’s constantly in play and you never know what will happen until it happens.

The good and bad plays are the experiences that make us grow and gain new perspectives.

Good experiences make us want to go back, and bad ones…well, they add burden weight if we allow them to.

…But they also makes us head in another (often opposite) direction to grow even more and get past, if we’re open to seeing it that way.

…And feeling overwhelmed is one weight indicator that can make us want to choose a better or another path.

When I worked in the corporate world for two decades for multiple industries, stress was a frequent common daily response.

You got used to it (even though the body never does).

Stress is the body’s way of coping for unnatural circumstances (that stress is processed in the mind-body).

And longterm chronic stress is not the good life habit we want or need to live.

…So when I left the corporate world, it took years for a new life and breakthroughs (rebirth) to break out and sink in. Because I was still the same person.

It was like I traded in a familiar used car for a different and new set of wheels (life). Then I was like those transformer toy cars (…maybe you’re old enough to remember?)…

…Flipped around, they could change styles in a heartbeat, as they were built with two styles… and you could choose which one you were experiencing at any moment.

Almost like two personalities or people…

I could use my old corporate skills that came in handy (minus the stress headaches in the job 😉)… and bring creative energy to my newfound work with a different daily design.

My new life was anti-aging compared to the old one. It  came with normal 6-8 sleeping hours without an alarm clock.

I didn’t feel like a robot going through the motions of the week. 🤖 And I didn’t feel like a panicky human with constant heart palpitations lurking around every corner.

I could enjoyably stay up late to watch shows and not pay for it the next day.

…And when I lost all my computer data that can happen often with this new digital age, I didn’t freak out like I would’ve before in the corporate days.

I didn’t even worry one iota.

Instead I looked at it as a way to save me from the hassle of having to delete and make micro decisions on files that would be outdated soon enough.

My new assistant was technology working! 😁

So I went from one paper-filled world when I was working with foodie event contracts to paperless and data less.

And less data clutter is a metaphor for re-routing me.

But that was just the beginning…

When I reported to myself in this newly defined role of working for myself for the first time, I no longer felt overwhelmed.

I sometimes worked 8 hours a day, but those hours felt productive.

I didn’t watch the clock in excitement for the work day to end.

I also found time to do yoga. All you need is a mat and a few minutes. 🧘🏻‍♀️

And I worked on what inspired me as leading me to the path that I was meant to go, that’s purpose and spiritual.

…I could also ran errands on my time. Those mini-escapes let me have more quiet time…

…Quiet time allows for the inner self and spirit to get a word in edgewise.

I could find what my season is about on any day… I didn’t have to wait 6-months later for reality to kick in and feel like I was in a never-ending rat race job I didn’t like… or was missing out on something like a life opportunity..

…That btw is where every job I held in the past eventually landed.

In this new life, I could navigate and adjust daily what my next life step was and is.

There was a peace and calm in knowing that it would work out or else I would be doing something else I was meant to be doing.

But didn’t come without some stress like learning to trust that the Universe would provide.

Some stress is good because it keeps us motivated.

If you don’t have a bear on your back, you tend to get comfortable.

But when you’re backed into a corner, you tend to put pressure on yourself to make things happen quicker.

And I’ve come to grips that stress means you’re working, coming up with solutions, and contributing to our world of chaos.

Those gray hairs come from stress turned platinum. 😁

…And those platinum hairs are purposefully chic because you still care what you look like in the mirror and how others see you daily. 🪞

You’re also showing up for your part, so your stress is not in vain.

…And you’re on your journey to finding that sweet spot of your purpose and what you are meant for.

That’s spiritual and beyond outward talent that’s important.

…But talent is ever changing and your spiritual essence is not. Talent can die at any time.  Spirit moves and changes with you until the end.

You’re not likely to be overwhelmed by your spirit that is quietly whispering and subtle.

You and I don’t have to be seniors to know that… and between the two of us, you and I have seen so many examples of those we know who didn’t find their changing purposes guided by their spirit in life.

…Over time the shiny and new transformers became dull and listless.

Their engines aren’t revved up because they’ve given up on change in themselves.

But that won’t happen to you as long as you don’t give up on growing…  you’re bound to succeed in your desires.

But if you feel you need a tune-up, maybe instead of doing the same things you’ve done, consider taking a moment to do something radically different for your day to escape the regular rhythm flow.

The world and your work will still run with your pause.

Like: escape and read a book you would never consider before, with hopes to learn something new about yourself. 📚

Self-discovery is underrated because it’s invisible in the air, but we can inspire our wonder and stimulate our curiosity.

I find that reading books about other’s lives and memoirs helps me to stay grounded and learn things about my own life… and not take life so seriously!

We’re on a spiritual journey in life and when we know that, we aren’t as overwhelmed with what’s going on around us.

And enjoy the daily ride for all its parts. 🏎️

And if reading isn’t calling you: you could start writing a personal essay journal-style if you don’t want to feel overwhelmed.

Dare yourself.

Let out your thoughts and emotions. You can always crumple it up and delete it later.

Let the intention be that you learn more about your inner self.

And maybe discover your creativity.

Creativity is an escape and a sign that you’re out of overwhelmed feelings.

It’s a spiritual gift.

And you could find your calling that way.

That’s what happened to me… I wrote over a hundred 100 personal essays and put them out in the world.

And I never stopped…

…But I could’ve easily missed the writing calling.

And I almost did… had I chosen to stay in the corporate working world.

Because then and there I would be worrying what I would say and put out in the world.

That would create more stress and overwhelm than worth sharing.

But in my chosen new way o life, I creatively write and post during my previously forbidden corporate work hours.

And those are my carved out, glorious sacred work hours…

The world freezes around me and my blood pressure lowers in this cool, calm healthy environment. ☃️

Hopefully this inspires you to escape and find a way to emerge from any overwhelmed seasons… and find your spiritual schtick.

Creative Blocks No More

Creative blocks happen when there’s not a focus or intention to be creative. And when stressed. It’s as simple and complicated as that.

Because it’s not true that creative blocks exist for everyone at some point.

You don’t have to EVER get a block.

But if you’re like me or many of us, our busy lives get in the way.

…Where you could be aligned to do something else at this time and the Universe is helping you by focus your attention elsewhere.

But you would know the difference because your time and energy is spent in what’s important this season.

And when you’re ready to be creative, it’s there waiting for you!

…because we are creations, and so we were born creative beings.

And our gut, intuition, and creative minds don’t shut off, but we could be creating creative blocks and silencing them with our thought noise and busy world we live in.

Simply put, creativity doesn’t die.

Whatever your hidden talents are (…and you do have them!), as they’re inside you even if you’re not tapping into the sparks. ✨🔥

…And that’s why the creativity stays hidden (or smoldered) 🐦‍🔥

You may not have discovered yours (or fully) …and as I didn’t discover my writing ability until I was well into my corporate career years and then put writing aside for more years.

I never set out to be a writer, EVER. I was NEVER developing the writing skill.

…And when I was a child in my home, I was surrounded by artwork and had some art history awareness.

So I knew I had an artistic gene somewhere.

And when I moved away, I also didn’t use any of it in my day-to-day corporate life so I grew even further away.

…I found my creativity genes occasionally on weekends when I had enough time to get out of anxious energy, could relax, and then get into my creative outlet of making scrapbooks back then. 📔

…Otherwise, my mind was creative blocked from creative energy, being filled with busyness, stress, and staying in the logical left brain routine.

…And maybe that’s you if you don’t think you’re creative! 🎨 Or identify with “I’m not creative.”

In that case, know that creative blocks are moveable.

You’re just steps away from your creativity.

Remember, it’s your choice in life and if you want to, then you can start the steps in that direction.

Creativity is waiting for you when you’re not blocked by your thoughts and creative emotions.

When those are aligned, you gain clarity and are creatively unstoppable!

In those clear streams, there’s not a creative bad day…

Because we’re all born talented. So it’s not about talent.

But when we think we’re having a creative block, it’s happening because we’re stuck on the levels of this earth and our earthly non-productive emotions.

And if we don’t develop a creative practice, then we stay stuck and in creative blocks.

Whether you identify as a content creator, artist, writer, or dancer as some creative examples, if you don’t use the creative spiritual places in you, then creation is missed.

It’s like getting into the nooks and crannies of an English Muffin. 😊

In writer’s block specifically (as in staring at blank pages), this can be trying to write out of the wrong place in our minds that are either distracted, or a spiritual-given clue that we have better things to do.

When we write from the creative areas of our mind, then we’re not writing only from our perspective and experiences, as we’re co-creating our writing.

So then writing flows and words seem effortless as though we’re on fire with our flow. Or riding a cloud in the air. ☁️

We can’t type fast enough.

In flow, it’s not work when we’re clear in thought and open to our creative passages. It’s the opposite of a writer’s block or creative block.

It’s bliss work… and we forget that our amazing drink we poured has turned cold. I switched to coffee cold brew so I don’t have that dilemma. 🧋

But the more we can get that flow feeling from our regular practice, the more we create creative sustainability.

It’s our jam that sticks. And we do it like our morning routines. They become habits.

But if we lean in on the opposite deterring moods, we allow in distracted thoughts staring at a blank page. And we can choose to give up or muster through…

Some of those deja vu thoughts aren’t bad… and they have a purpose for us…

We can have wanderlust thoughts that make us dream again. 💭

And if we get lost or stuck too long, if we’ve practiced writing enough times, sometimes we can wing it and get by even though we know it’s not our finest work.

Only we know what we’re feeling and capable of.

…And we then know there’s room for improvement… and there’s always next time. We challenge ourselves.

Each time is an opportunity to start over and without our interfering ego that can be the creative blocks or writer’s block “elephant in the room” 🐘… when we’re alone in our writing room.

And co-creation happens when the ego is not high and active (like in imposter syndrome).

Co-creation is a higher inspiration tapping into your higher self for answers that are inside you (in heart, gut, and mind alignment).

How you get there is different for each of us…

When you find what inspires your creativity in you each day then you can always find your way back to your spark again. ✨

For me, when I look inward for deeper answers, I actually get a tap sensation back. I used to wonder what that chill up the spine or gentle touch under the skin was.

…Now over a decade in, I’m full of no-mistaken clarity of what that is as the spirit living inside.

It’s not spooky. 👻

…It’s angelic. 🪽

For other people, they sometimes get their inspirational energy as an invisible muse in the room like a critic or a figment of the imagination ghost-like person playing a harp. 💭

Stephen King writes about a muse in his On Writing documentary where his muse keeps him on track. He’s been writing a while..

…Or, if you’re finding your inspiration… it can be a mind whisper, faint visions, or impression from your spirit or mind’s eye.

These are as real as seeing objects in your life.

When you pay attention (lowering external noises) and pausing to record what you interpreted from inside you, that can become your lens and way of looking at life that uniquely helps you in your writing, creativity, and EVERYTHING in your life… since your created life is one massive creative endeavor, one happening after another.

If nothing else, you are the character in your creative story where the ending is unwritten.

Every day happening miracles not created by people (but maybe acted out in people) are normal in this life… we just don’t hear about them as often in our noisy culture’s headlines.

Miracles are special moments in life that aren’t unusual. I had my own season of special miracles of deeper meaning exposing love over ego from a spiritual intervention.

I could’ve looked at it as a creative block as I stopped writing, but that was an opportunity to grow. It was a slow season.

And in busy seasons, if a main intent is to be time managing, systematic, network social, and following our calendar to a T with very little wiggle room fulfilling pressures of what others of us, then we’ve probably missed it…

…I learned this though blowing off a creative work life for decades until I was ready.

When focused on relationship building activities, following other’s instructions, and coloring inside the lines, then you’re shielding away creative possibilities. But could be more focused on growing other areas.

Because creativity is coming up with something original from inside you that’s unique because no one else can come up with the exact same creation in your way. It may look or sound the same but it’s not the same as the originator is different.

…In other words, the idea may already be in the world (we have a big world!) but if you genuinely came up with the idea, then that’s what’s for you as your spirit is wired to the energy of the rest of the world.

And if you discover (in life’s miracles) that at the same time you discover the same thing with someone else, maybe you should get together and work on other ideas. 💡

When I was younger, we didn’t have the internet so we didn’t know what was going on in the opposite side of the world.

Creativity came from color pencils on paper and other resources we had around the house or that we could gather.

We were limited by our community resources and that helped build our creativity. 🎨

We could take a sheet of paper and trace over another paper source. And then we’d have a duplicate copy of work that we did by hand.

Those were days before we discovered the copying machine. 😊

So often we’re looking for an original idea to come out when we’re inspired by something else already out there. Because so many things are out there!

But that’s how inventions were and are made.

They don’t start from scratch.

We are all starting with ideas already out there that we’ve seen before and are part of our memory.

…And that’s why technology is always evolving.

Like technology that drives the bus for so many life areas (that I saw first hand spending almost 10 years of my working life in tech when I wasn’t around food planning settings)… and there, I witnessed idea stalls like 9-11 when the nation halted.

And you saw halts in the 2020 pandemic.

Some areas froze in ideas and sometimes regressed.

And other people, places, and things grew in ideas and creativity.

In those testing seasons, we had time to work on new solutions to get out of the freeze.

And that provided our pivots that often gave more hope, joy, purpose, and clarity.

In purpose life, we’re called to be creative and not just do what has been done.

In creativity, we’re not following a template already created.

We’re calling upon ourselves to get ourselves inspired and come up with something different from our gifts and imagination.

And if you feel stuck, maybe this will help you too…

Unblocking Your Learned UnCreativity

Unblocking creativity is something I had to work on in the beginning of my creative journey and what others like me would too if they spent most or their time in structure.

…Like where I had to re-learn what corporate work life and school taught me in back-to-back lessons in 30 years… the lesson was simply, do as told.

So now I’ve had enough, and I can break free and do as I’m told. As in what’s inside me (and what’s inside you).

When I unleashed myself from those environments that were downloading instructions, at first I didn’t know what to do minute-by-minute with my newfound time.

When that becomes your life, it’s different than a summer break or sabbatical where the point in those cases is to relax and rejuvenate and then go back.

In my new creative-purpose work, I didn’t have a schedule template to follow… and no one does. If anyone offers that to you… run, because robots will never run the world. They create creative blocks.

…So from an instructed life to a creative life, I had to make opposite direction mindset shifts.

Sometimes I would pause and wonder if I should write daily… or was it just a waste of time?

…Because it wouldn’t be graded and nobody would follow up like in the structured world I came from.

And that’s part of the beginning when you’re switching to being your own creative teacher and boss.

But with those risky growth changes, comes rewards.

And if that sounds like you or you’re starting over with these same creative break-out-on-your-own desires, be encouraged!

Give it time. Unlike structure, don’t give yourself arbitrary goal deadlines as it will take longer than you expect.

Give deadlines to your inspired projects and show up.

Be consistent in your practice. so you don’t allow creative blocks to creep in.

If you feel anxious or worried because of the new season’s financial uncertainty, then get a part-time job that you can clock-in and clock-out  of without any emotional attachment (as in stress, anxiety or boss struggles).

…You know what I mean! 😊

And if have a growth mindset that you lean into, then it won’t take you nearly as long to flip the script around and embrace your creative life.

Leaning into doing your passion (love) vs. fear will help you through. Do it afraid and do it when nothing looks like it’s happening.

Because you’ll continue to get ideas you’ll have to decide what to do with… and that’s a good problem to have!

You’ll take one baby step action that provides clarity for the next pivot that is needed for your growth and success… and the journey is exciting and not boring, predictable work that promotes creative blocks.

You’ll be learning new things while developing personal growth that didn’t happen in a corporate setting, teaching yourself daily, and learning about yourself as you tap of inside you for answers… growing your spiritual higher self. How cool is that!?

Lean into YOU GET TO DO THIS and you’re paid or provided for in other ways, and that a pretty darn good freeing feeling!… 🤸🏻

Your passion outweighs the uncertainty. And if you’re all in it, then you have no chance but to succeed because this Universe is wired for your success when you don’t give up!

And when you don’t… That’s the clear sign you’re on the right path for you.

And the fears disappear with your faithful spiritual growth and your trusting belief.

So – what are you waiting for?


Clarity Spirituality For Content Creation

Clarity is alignment. It’s as simple and brilliant as that.

Clarity is clear thoughts and creativity, and not misaligned thoughts and feelings.

Back in the day, I didn’t have “alignment” in my vocabulary.

Everything was cloudy. Those were the caterpillar days. 🐛 Living to please and fit in the modern culture I belong to didn’t help those efforts along.

And that’s most of us living in metro America and cities.

In those busy places, you’re surrounded by noise and not much inner peace as you live satisfying cultural norms and staying busy most your time.

But, you get clarity from your spiritual life that’s in the deeper space and crevices inside you that are also wired to Creation and everything that is creatively abundant. 🌕

And this article is about gaining more clarity for your Content Creation Life.

…Which btw, we’re all content creators if we want to be.

You make something and put it out in the sharing Universe and BOOM, you’re a creator.

The big “C” Creator is reserved for only the Divine.

And as a creator, realizing the messages sent out is co-created can sometimes take years to develop. We can give those non-winning points to our ego that loves that.

And ego doesn’t want us to know that our thoughts are not ours alone.

When the truth is we are not alone even if we’re by ourselves.

…And that helps us out by leaps and bounds that’s better than if we had a life manual. That can be part of our discoveries on our journey.

Early on in our life journeys, we’re focused more on what we can do in our own might and giving credit to our work when all along that move was what we were destined for (aligned to do)… and with a little nudge inside us, we did our little part by making a simple micro action of hitting a button or saying something.

Getting co-created revelation can be a profound journey.

But in the beginning, we don’t have that clarity. We sorta think it (maybe hoping), but still question if it’s in our lives. Does anyone out and up there care?

Early on (no matter what age that is for us running our own race), we haven’t made enough room yet for the Universe to manifest in our purposeful living, teetering back and forth to limiting beliefs in earthly living.

And our lives are supporting the culture beliefs on earth.

That’s what my life was about growing up in the Washington D.C. suburbs where keeping up with the Joneses, as in suburban mall life was a way of life.

If I counted how many times the word “mall” came up in friend-related conversations, it would be a crazy number. Maybe not as many as the words I’ve written here, but it was often in phrases… let’s meet at the mall.. what store do you want to go to?there’s a __ at the mall… what time will you be at the mall? 😊

I even worked in the mall at the information desk, retail shops… oh, and one of the restaurants I planned parties for was IN THE MALL!

It was in the Tyson’s Galleria.

…And I like to joke that my watch measured that I walked 4 miles for one event. I thank the mall for nice, comfy shoes. 👟

But so the more that I leaned in on pro-cultural norms like the mall, and doing work-life that looked good on paper and people pleasing, the less I liked myself and who I was becoming.

…And when I didn’t people please, I felt guilty not living up to pressures and culture’s standards. That’s how we were groomed from school age up.

So gradually I felt like I was losing my message.

I was blending in while the younger generations were moving in.

Where in my era of growing up, we wanted to be the same. Now everyone wants to be different so they can stand out.

…And that I believe is the better way because then you get to be YOU in your you-niqueness. You’re not trying to fulfill an image.

But back in my day, I was in a tug-o-war with my corporate work personna fitting in and living out my side purpose-filled spiritual desires.

And today is the same dilemma, there’s still a divide for most people living in culture with spirituality.

…Just turn on the news and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

And that is unconsciously building up pride by not running in the opposite direction… where a life of more meaning is. 

If you don’t turn on your conscious intentions, then you get swallowed by the subconscious negative thoughts that make their way in… OUCH!

I didn’t like that in me.

So with season changes, I moved away from that life.

…I didn’t like not being aligned with my thoughts and out-of-touch with feelings that writing helped me escape.

Tapping into my deeper spiritual self side gave me the more satisfying-purpose driven life and personal growth I needed for a healthy and whole life. And that led to a higher, creative path, daily content creation, and aligned clarity.

Alignment and clarity that I never knew about before.

Clarity is not certainty as no one can claim a clear crystal ball belief as truth until it happens in life. Life is like a sport. We play it out.

Even if we believe in our gut, heart, and prophetic ways what will happen.

But clarity doesn’t live with the same level of anxiety, fears, and worries that are living amongst cultural norms filled with fear at the root.

And when you spiritually transform fear and worry, you move away from lifestyle triggers of anxiety that modern culture and suburbia operate in.

Then you can more easily develop clarity and build creativity muscles. 💪🎉

In purposeful living, the glory is in you… and leaning on your higher self for guidance is the higher way of life that lets you pursue passions (and not meaningless work and desires).

And if that’s what you want…

Here’s how I started… I realized one day that I won’t get my time back.

None of us will.

And you can take that thought as your motivator.

Because tomorrow will be yesterday in 2 days. And forgotten as we focus on today. That’s not a riddle, it’s the truth. 😀

And in the end of our lives, most of the things we achieved in this life won’t matter to us.

They were placeholders.

They got us to the next moment and step… that got us to who me and you have become.

Btw, I used that in a job interview when I was in my Corporate Life… and I got the job.

So someone believed that too. 😉

And when you consider all those past jobs you had that have faded in impact in your current life… you get to realize that most never make it back to memory without prompting. So it’s not that important.

..And this wiser concept and way of thinking grows the more years and experiences you have here on earth. 🌍

I lean into forgetting parts of the past as helpful… having selective brain fog is a superpower 🔌  and is often spiritual guidance to help you and me toward our clarity light. 💡

When you look back and realize that the experiences and some early on breaks you got in your 20s and 30s didn’t last… you can start to wise up that there’s more to this life.

And the only way to fully discover that is to move on.

You often get a hint that “it’s time to move on” listening to that inner wisdom.

Doing so means growth.

And we are meant to personally grow.

To personally grow spiritually means birth to the deeper feelings of living a life of meaning and satisfaction that produce clarity-alignment.

You naturally grow out of your past or the things you once needed, but now no longer do.

And when you let go of the former things, the Universe will meet you there! 💕

Speaking of Universe, if you think of the astronauts stuck in outer Universe floating around with their hair sticking up, you’re visually reminded they’re in another place.

…Not just overseas, but above earth in outer space.

They have digital contact with earth, but they live on a spaceship in another space, at least temporarily.

Their new home is not the cultural norms we live in.

They don’t deal with the daily norms and noises we have on earth.

They don’t see cars, wildlife, and trees.

They are aligned with the rhythms up in space.

And in our different spaces and existences, we all have the ability to reach our spiritual potential, so we can live a life that’s focused on creativity and love, and away from fear.

How cool is that!

We’re tethered by our inner forces.

And aligned with clarity, we’re clear no matter what the distance is.

There’s not muck interfering. Our attenas work.

…Our daily fears, limiting beliefs, and subconscious insecurity wall defenses that lead us to the actions we take and reactions we make are knocked down.

Because left unattended, they become blockades and blockages and show up in our visible lives on earth.

…That’s when we can’t hear what’s outside our immediate world. We listen to our heads and what we see (cultural norms).

Living this way, not in full potential, keeps us stuck.

When we tap into our higher inner self, that’s when we can grow and manifest greater things that exponentially grow (beyond our thoughts) and yield clarity where we’re importing ideas from the Universe that knows better about the future.

…The higher Universe orchestrates coincidences as part of creation intent.

Next time, I’ll share more about creative blocks that are 100% removable when you want to let it happen. 🍥 I hope you’ll join me here same day, same channel. 😊