Positive thoughts like “you got this” can make a positive impact in your day.
And starting your day with a heart healthy recipe (🍓 below) like this delicious quinoa bowl breakfast idea to get excited about.

If you’re wanting a better day, you recognize the difference between positive thoughts and negative ones.
Thoughts all start in the divided minds we’re given, that’s either hurting or helping us. And if this is new territory for you, start there.
Maybe you recognize which bucket your negative or positive thoughts belongs in, but you don’t know how to toss out the draining ones.
They can show up anytime: when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or when triggered by a memory, situation, or person.
And then the subconscious mind (ego) feeds off the nourishment of holding onto negative feelings or pain as a form of protection and masks its agenda from you. But now you know better.
Bypass the unnecessary time wasted in dramatic sorrow. Be proactive with positive affirmations, meditation, yoga, or healthy distractions that are great ideas to reset and get rid of thoughts that have no good business being with you in the first place.
Sounds like a plan, right?
But then going about your day or even seconds later, new thoughts occur from news headlines you read, someone offends or irritates you, a situation stirs an emotional chord, and then you’re right back to negative thoughts and moods. It’s daily and non-stop.
Your mind and the negative thoughts grow even if you think you’re living in a safe bubble.
The unhelpful thoughts never have a chance to go away until you decide the one thing you can change and have in common in every thought is YOU.
And so, I share in this detailed blog article what needs to change to get the happy and helpful thought life you want.
This is the second part of the article from last week on relaxing your mind for the best ideas.
Managing thoughts is essential for lifelong learners, and as a prerequisite to being your most productive self, unleashing your creative self, attracting people to your energy, and living your optimal life.
Years ago, I thought traveling to exciting, new places and feeling in woo would conquer negative thoughts, as they temporarily disappeared when senses were heightened (like when you’re newly in love or starting passion work). But those fickle feelings don’t last and things always change after the newness wears off.
So then I dipped my toe in collaborating and aligning myself with the Universe and how to manifest the best life (that’s woo woo to some).
For me, I was on the right path and things were looking up, but I still had to do the inner core work in my mind.
When all that eventually clicked together, then I could feel the woo hoo! And that’s what we all can celebrate in our lives if and when we get there.
It takes all the pieces–knowledge, process, and application. And if you’re feeling lost, it helps to have a guide.
These are a few guiding and starter points that helped me and hopefully can help you or anyone else who’s trying to figure out a better (thought) life.
The first part can be the hardest–knowing that it all starts in your mind and not someone or somewhere else.
This seems elementary after you learn this, but the ego wants to steer you in another direction like something else is the cause or problem.
So if you’re busy or not paying attention, that can happen and go on until you’ve had enough.
Another point is, don’t let nagging thoughts (or drama in your mind) that won’t leave you alone play out for longer than needed which is no more than a minute.
And in relationships, especially. It takes just one step to cross the invisible boundaries of another person with your words that originated from thoughts.
Walk away from your thoughts to give yourself more peace. Below I have some suggestions on what to do.
So, How to Change From Negative to Positive Thoughts…
Our thoughts are natural to us, and they cause us to take action that can appear inconsistent or as disconnects to others.
To change this, operating from awareness is imperative. Initially, this may feel like work and working harder (like walking uphill with heavy boots instead of sliding downhill). But it’s totally worth it.
You learn a life skill to purge those unwanted thoughts that pop up impromptu and when triggered.
I think there should be a required course on this that you learn early on (and would solve some of the world’s problems as people are the problem or solution).
But anyway… changing thoughts gets easier when you’ve learned the skill and it becomes more automatic.
The negative thoughts won’t disappear immediately, but much quicker than before in your thought choice, and you’ll be wise enough to know you don’t have to act out or say aloud negative thoughts.
Which btw, doesn’t change your personality. It makes you more attractive to the right people.
And that’s part of what separates our discerning brains from animals, young children, or when we were younger…
We all started out immature compared to who we’ve become today.
So here’s how you can reset and get your loving daily juice. To promote loving thoughts, witness your thoughts (I’m sure you’ve heard of this).
Practice being aware of what’s coming in. If it’s garbage, then reject or walk away.
If it’s something that you have feelings about and need to process or work through, then allow yourself that grace.
Again, you don’t have to air your thoughts to anyone, and not putting energy into negative thoughts is going to help you avoid wasted time.
Let them pass through and find the loving side of those thoughts (i.e. how can these thoughts help me?).
In the beginning, as you’re learning or practicing, you want to draw a line in the sand and separate thoughts as helpful or hurtful, good, or bad.
Make it easy on yourself and not leave thoughts in the confusing gray zone that’s part of the baggage carried around.
And let’s be clear, these are thoughts and not the actions that could follow. We want to nip them in the bud.
The good thoughts you accept and the bad ones you reject for your own good. If it hurts others, then you toss in the reject pile and you figure out a win-win or kinder way to confront if that’s needed.
Ask yourself daily and often: What just came out of my mouth and what’s going on in my head? Hit the archive button if it’s a worry thought until you can find answers, and hit the delete button if it’s a harmful thought to you or anyone else.
Know those thoughts will still be there if you need them, which you won’t, but your brain tries to convince you that they’re important to protect you when they’re not needed (for survival). You can blame the ego (yet again) on that.
So, after you start to live life this deliberate-thinking way and focus on positive thoughts, you can see the difference in the quality of your life and the better air that’s there.
You’ll feel more peace, and that helps your stress level and health.
You allow room for ideas to come in, and you become more useful to the world with your abilities. You become part of the solution.
Find A Mantra for Positive Thoughts
Pre-social media days, we were not part of an aware culture like we are in today.
In those days along my journey, I came across these words: “Whatever the question, love is the answer.”
I don’t know who the author is that wrote that, but I knew back then that I wanted that. So I printed out and framed those wise words that are now ingrained in memory.
With intention, I used that as my mantra. And even though I didn’t know how to apply it in every difficult situation.
I knew that if I aspired to the meaning behind the words, it would one day catch up with me and my self-actualized desires.
So, if you have similar aspirations of a learner mindset, find a mantra or intention (or use the one I used) to go to if you’re trying to change to more positive thoughts and aspirations.
It can be used as a distraction from negative thoughts. And you eventually become your words and what you think of.
Use Your Internal Guide
As mentioned, it can be helpful to have a guide and for those ahead of us in certain areas and times in our lives.
But the best overall guide is your internal compass.
Sometimes our moods are body-mind imbalanced or off track for a season and we can restore them much quicker if we know what to do.
Our daily and busy lives can do this to us.
But we want to change them because sour moods can crowd out positive thoughts and exacerbate our need to judge, be critical of others or ourselves, and get easily irritated, which can cause our negative words or actions.
Being in healthy alignment with yourself is better because, in the end, you and your caretakers are the only ones that will be with you.
You’re the only one that’s with you (and your thoughts) always, wherever you move or travel to.
Sometimes, listening to your internal guide can be countercultural and a bit uncomfortable when you make decisions that aren’t popular or go with the flow.
And especially if you’re a harmonious or extroverted person who just wants to get along or people please.
That can make it difficult to live in integrity (doing, saying, and thinking the same thing).
Robots will have it easier than us in this way, but sadly the tin man is missing a heart. 🤖
As humans, when our thoughts don’t align that’s when we have a new chance to re-adjust.
Years ago, no one talked about mental health or wellness as part of the daily talk. Now we embrace “knowing better” in our lives.
We don’t have to just take our thoughts (or others at face value) that turn into actions that don’t always get good results and can even get us in trouble in a hyper-sensitive society.
Plus, we have more options to change the channels in every sense. And we’re more accountable.
We need this accountability. It makes us better as individual people and all together in our complex world.
So these are some accountable thoughts and maybe some personal growth homework (should you choose to accept the mission?) for turning sour cherry thoughts into sweet ones.
As a bonus, you’ll become a better person as a byproduct. I know because this is all stuff I went through. It takes one to know one, and we’re all here to figure out our best life and selves.
So, no judgment here (and actually that’s one of the assignments) 🧡 That’s a balanced Pitta way.
Pause on the gossiping:
Here’s the better way: if you wouldn’t share the news with others and the person you’re gossiping about in the room, then find a way to filter and say less.
If you’re not sure, ask.
More likely you’ll just zip your lip and that’s fine too. It’s really that simple. But even simpler is just not gossiping at all.
That becomes an automatic, better way.
When you find you can’t sit and talk in the same conversations with those who gossip, then you know you’ve changed that about yourself.
You end up productively filling your time with better ways that lead to better things.
Learn to not judge:
We never know the full picture of what’s going on with anyone else no matter how much we think we do.
Take the objective and loving-kind stance.
If you want to have an optimal life, the sooner you learn to let go (of judgment) and to stop controlling so much, the sooner that will start.
A prerequisite for this type of freedom (that it is), is to stop judging others at the first judgmental thought that enters and let the negative thoughts pass through.
Quit complaints:
If you say negative things, then you become a negative person when what you really want is happiness.
So if the first thought that enters your mind is to emphasize complaining, that hurts you.
Maybe you’re used to complaining to get your way (and learned the squeaky wheel gets the grease).
But also what’s happening in the process is you’ll be seen as a complainer.
People who don’t complain will stay away from you, so you’re in company with complainers or those who want you to complain for them or their causes, bringing more negativity in your life and less in theirs.
…If you can make these 3 life changes, you’ll be well on your way to a more peaceful life. It’s simple, but not always easy in the beginning.
It takes desire, self-control, and holding yourself accountable. Be patient and easy on yourself. The good news is these traits are changeable with practice.
And if you find people to support your efforts (and let go of the ones who aren’t), it’s easier.
Your supporters are your best allies.
Ultimately you decide what type of life you want to live. You get to decide what thoughts you keep. Copy that. 😉
Heart Healthy Strawberry Quinoa Cereal
- Red quinoa
- Organic fresh strawberries
- Almond milk
- Cook quinoa to soft. You can use red or traditional quinoa.
- Chop strawberries. Use organic and fresh strawberries. You can freeze what you don't use in a few days.
- Add milk.