New spring seasons are a time to celebrate growth. It’s when we see the birthing nature buds. 🌱 It’s also a new spring reminder of our year… a time of personal growth renewal, another chance to decide on goals, and a possible new direction change from a less active winter or Kapha season.

…And maybe that’s why spring is so often associated with spring cleaning or a spring makeover…And a fresh coat of green.
And with a new spring, there’s usually a lot of unpredictable, plus an up-and-down roller coaster winter weather season. Some things haven’t yet bloomed in our lives.
But one thing is for certain… we’re one season more mature by nature’s design. We get to be a year wiser. We don’t have to look out the same lens as last year. And that can make all the difference.
This welcomed change is especially great if, well… a year ago wasn’t so great.
And looking back 3 years, frozen in time we came together as a world when we started a new normal.
In my own reflection, the wheels underneath me were turning where I left positions that no longer served me. And that springboarded completely different seasons with new work, some that I still do today.
The fresh starts kept me productive. That’s where growth is and was highest, when I was most sensitive to new surroundings, new people, and there’s a steep climb learning curve.
You step out of your comfort zone. There’s excitement and nervousness with new beginnings. It’s the butterfly coming out of the chrysalis. 🦋
And in exchange for uncertainty, each day is an opportunity for bright possibilities and step-up manifestations.
…One day can pivot into a new direction. And each step brings more clarity and moves us closer to what our life’s purpose is about even if we can’t see it in the process or even today.
If nothing else, we all did and saw life differently just a few years ago.
And today, by focusing on learnings (and not dwelling on what didn’t work), you set yourself up for success. A winning mindset sees the positive and flips the script to help propel forward.
You may be embarking on, inching toward, or considering starting something new in your life. That’ll help you move one step closer to where you’ll be next.
When I left my corporate work in 2019 I didn’t know what the next steps would be. I had no plans in place. But the writing on the wall was clear.
And it wasn’t having a writing career.😊
I just knew I had no business being in the space I was occupying anymore. And after-hours one day, I heard a distinct whisper in my corner of the office that stuck with me: “you will not get this time back.”
My first reaction was, “oh no, not again” as I was just starting to get used to the new people, systems, and work projects I was around. And the hoopla of all-hands-on-deck Convention Center events.
The constant wouldn’t be those temporary experiences, but the life I had outside… The life I built and the friends I’d known forever are still my friends.
When we connect, we just pick up where we left off. It’s like a comfy pair of shoes that always fits and you still love ‘em.
That’s probably how it is for you in your life.
And then the new friends made were about shared similar interests. Being worlds apart made for interesting connections. Just a couple decades ago, that wouldn’t have been easily possible.
So we’re growing one way or another. We’re mixing the new with the old as we’re blending in-person with digital. And that helps us evolve. And it helps us bridge the life and identity transitions.
In my own transition, I was a mentor in the corporate space when my daily work in the corporate trenches had ended.
And that’s when new work took up residence and writing became the daily …every day I showed up to the keyboard and started typing. I didn’t realize how much I had to say and all the lessons I had accumulated to share with those who may want some answers in the same areas.
I was making a cup of tea when I burned my finger on the tea kettle and that became my first published article. How random!

And that’s how life miracles and blessings are. You can start something big in your life just from a simple occurrence in your day. And then you work in and manifest what happens next.
And today since I’m sharing about this particular new spring season, it’s a great time if you need a nudge or poke 😊, to find a new purposeful feeling in your life.
Maybe that’s from taking a hike,yoga classes, trips abroad. Or time off to journal. The world is at our fingertips.
And when you can get relaxed and find space to explore a new side of you that you never did before, that creates new openings.
..And you discover you actually are creative (as nature intended)! If you want to know how to create consistently daily, I wrote an article about that just for your encouragement.
…My daily writing and creativity would’ve never started, had I stayed in my corporate career.
So if today you’re feeling a bit stuck… take some time to see what you’d be interested in doing that makes you feel alive… that’s not a one-and-done experience. It’s something you can build on.
Get mind-body space to take it in. Maybe a ‘lil yoga?
Another example I had was in 2020, when I started baking that spring in lockdown. It started with simple scones baking like this orange scone recipe.
… And then my baking never stopped. Baking was never on my list of want-to-do weekly projects.
It seemed like work that went against my healthy values. But I found ways to look at it differently and do things my way.
So that’s how your amazing crafts can be. You put your stamp on how and what you do. And yes, they can be found in this new spring season!
Healthy Gluten-Free Carrot Cake Recipe
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1/3 cup shredded carrots
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- syrup for glaze
- Mix dry and wet ingredients. The coconut flour will absorb the milk more than a gluten flour. You will end up with a batter that looks like creamy mashed potatoes (instead of a more liquid batter).
- Bake at 350°F/180°C for at least 45 minutes depending on size of your baking vessel and amount of liquid. This recipe could be baked in a variety of baking pans: e.g. deep dish glass pan, oven-safe ceramic pan, or a bundt pan. When a toothpick comes out clean, then the cake is done.
- Add a glaze. Zhugh with nuts and mandarin oranges (optional).