Baking tool use is essential for every home baker for easy and enjoyable baking.
Last time I provided a few healthy baker tips with a ‘lil Bake Off show laughter.
And in that spirit, this week I’m sharing about an American baking tool that I love, that has been tested over the course of baking time.
Keeping them around has sentimental value. Some tools can last a lifetime and are especially worth investing in!… 😀
And some lives last over a century, like Centenarian lives in Blue Zone regions, such as Sardinia where they make weekly sourdough and the starter is passed down from generations.
Some of the greatest baking finds are not new ideas, and get better over time.
That’s the scrapbooker memory keeper in me. And the baker …I’m a long-time Martha fan admirer for all the baking and home making skills she brought to the table.
This was a photo of me sitting in her TV audience back when her Martha show aired. She looks almost exactly the same… and now I’m dating myself. 😊

Which btw, did you also hear about Martha Stewart’s Great American Tag Sale? If you’re into antiquing and knick knacks, her team setup great big giant tents of original stuff from her homes and collections so others could enjoy while she’s still busy working in her gardens.
… I would have loved to have picked through all that cookware and home decor, and maybe have picked up a cute Grandmillennial mint vase or even her butter knife she uses 😉.
But oh well, next time…
Speaking of big white tents, they aren’t just in America. We can watch The Great British Bake Off aired as The Great American Baking Show.
I had my own bake-off time this week for a chilled dessert good for brunch or any low-sugar break time you have a sweet craving.

Favorite American Baking Tool
Here’s what I do on baking day (or baking game day) that for me is weekends.
I start out by pulling out my baking tools in the morning. If there’s a crusty trace of ingredient love from my last baking, I like to take a pick and do a little grooming.
That’s meditation time spent in the kitchen.
Some pans are meant to be better over baking time like stoneware. The more worn, the better the bake taste. And some tools need a little TLC (tender loving crusty bit cleaning).
One is my favorite baking tool that you likely have in your stash. It’s the thick Pyrex measuring glass that many American kitchens have.
It’s great for one-bowl bakes for one person bites or when you have a sweet hankering. Like a giant healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookie that you can take a bite out of for breakfast.
I used to eat the DoubleTree cookie kind when I worked in catering management there that led to my passion purpose. 🍪 Back when comparing grocery cookies was something I would do.
The measuring glass baking tool has proven its usefulness many times over. It’s labelled for conversions from mL, to ounces and cups.
It’s useful for measuring liquids in bakes. That includes oils for less spills and more thrills.
If you’re thinking of investing in this kitchen tool if you don’t already have one, don’t get the plastic version… get the real deal.
It will stand the test of time.
Glass is eco-friendly, great for heat, dishwashers, and easy cleaning.
Glass is also breakable but the glass Pyrex is durable and thick and can sometimes survive falls to the kitchen floor.
Quality ware is part of the hand-me-down-culture that you don’t want to discredit.
A good Pyrex glass pan makes a good hand me down and a Bundt pan is always a great gift to a new baker.
Baking Organization
Early in my baking years, I didn’t bake often enough to practice good baking habits and organization. There was no method to the madness!
Habits and practice help for easy bakes when you don’t wanna think too much about what you’re making. You want to enjoy your music or what’s going on in the background.
And the Pyrex measuring cup can help you with this.
My Pyrex faux pas (lesson learned) early on was that I was using the measuring glass all wrong.
I used it for measuring baking ounces.
Baking recipes these days are usually in cups, grams, mL and/or teaspoons depending on the recipe (if you’re using one).
I used ounces because I first learned to read in ounces that’s still commonly found in traditional American cookbooks like the red and white tablecloth cover Better Homes New Cookbook.
So… often I was looking at the ounces and wrong measuring line and doing manual conversions in my head.
In baking, that can be a disaster and result in a bake that gets “well, at least it tastes good!” There’s a fine line difference between a creative and tasty bake and well-done bake.
I’m never looking for perfection, leaving that to the baking shows.
Home baking is for relaxation and enjoying, and that includes the sweet bake that comes out of the oven for enjoyment.
And if that’s your goal and desire, using one measuring language is easiest and you can do that with tools like the Pyrex.
Plus, teaspoons are also useful.
3 teaspoons equal a tablespoon.
Smaller teaspoons are easier to use for baking soda if you use the box kind with the small opening or want to use for a pinch of salt..
A Pyrex measuring cup isn’t good for those small measurements.
And then when you’re ready to bake, you can try this easy one that was baked in a Pyrex glass baking pan where you can see the sides.
Low-Sugar Baked Meringue Dessert Squares
- 1 cup Greek yogurt (whole milk)
- 1 cup ricotta cheese
- black cocoa
- 3 eggs
- Separate eggs. Tip: It's easier to separate eggs when they're cold and then let them sit until room temperature.
- Combine yogurt, cheese, and egg yolks by hand.
- Mix egg whites for about 5-7 minutes until whipped up. Optional: a few teaspoons of monkfruit or fine sugar. Depending on your baking pan/vessel size, you will have extra and can make meringue cookies with the extra.
- In your baking pan, add a layer of black cocoa (or regular cocoa will work).
- Add your yogurt dairy mixture layer.
- Add your egg whites and spread out evenly on top of the dairy layer.
- Bake on 325°F until set or the meringue is not too soft and sides may start browning.
- Let cool and serve chilled. This can be paired with ice cream.