
Turn Holiday Blues Lazy Ways Into Productivity


making waffle trees can bring holiday cheer instead of holiday blues
Bring some holiday cheer to holiday blues with an activity like making waffle trees 🧇

Holiday blues is common during the last two months of the year.

It’s the time of year where it’s easy to get lazy….

And, it’s a time where we can start to coast… crave more winter hibernation sleep and rest… and sometimes with a difficult year, get into our “let’s just get through the year” mantra.

It’s so easy to get caught up in holiday blues and sad emotions for what we don’t have and any losses we faced. Those situational feelings can turn into emotional unrest, where we end up blaming or hurting others or beating ourselves up.

And all this can be bittersweet because it’s also a seasonal time of renewal. And a time of holiday celebration. So we can oscillate between mixed emotions that we’re still processing…

BUT so, for your healthy breakthrough and escape from the stressors, do something productive instead.

Start with patting yourself on the back for something small and good you just did earlier today. Get that little stretch in to ease up the mood.

And if you just woke up… Congratulations, you are a new day wiser with possibilities.

While rest and relaxation is healthy to do and natural to catch up on, what if we did just a hair more with our lazy bones side where we want to lay around and do nothing or watch Neflix all day in our jammies (…we all have some Kapha in us afterall)?

What if instead to recharge the mind-body and get out of any funks, you re-channeled your energy into a NEW holiday purpose that becomes a new tradition?

That’s what creativity is. Creative energy comes from within. It’s tapping into the loving energy you have and not what you don’t have. Our ego love to focus on the negative. And the undesired behaviors show up as pity parties, Impostor Syndrome, or hurting others. 

And if negative is how you deeply feel because your thoughts have been feeding you negatively, then that’s when it’s good to refocus on self-awareness in this moment. Get a handle on picking yourself back up. You can start with focusing on your inhale/exhale breath.

But another good way to get out of holiday blues is to bring back fond happy memories!… 

Remember in your recent joy moments or past fun years when you came up with all kinds of resourceful activities? You baked cookies, danced around, and played games and outside in the snow. 🤸🏻

The younger-you was inventive with the resources you had. And that probably didn’t cost money or much as you used your creativity.

And today as an adult, you can remind yourself of those memories, and in that spirit do so much more with yourself because you’re not as limited.

At the least, you can make decisions you couldn’t as a kid.

And you’re years wiser than you once were. In wisdom, you want to grow. And that can mean being  more than a life watcher. You can be an active participant in your activities.

You can participate in your interests in a meaningful way in your life. You can create more impact and find your purpose in this life that’s inside you.

So – what do you have interest in learning more about?

And if you can’t come up with anything if you’re feeling uninspired…

Do something outside to change up your surroundings.

Too cold outside? Perfect time to have a peppermint marshmallow fun hot cocoa beverage. Stick a peppermint stick in your drink and dress up the rim.

You could also sign up to be a holiday volunteer. Holidays have so many great once-a-year happenings that are healthy to do.

And if you’re wanderlust for snowy effects, watch a Christmas movie to get into the snow globe holiday cheer. And let that be a happy recent memory for you. ⛄️

Play Christmas songs or festive music. String up lights or some popcorn and cranberries (left over from Thanksgiving that’s a fun treat). All so you can get your holly-jolly on without a lot of effort.

And then after you get in your better joyful mood, you can start doing the activity that makes your heart sing. …Maybe it’s singing? …Maybe it’s working with your hands with something arts and crafts? 🎤🧶

Start a creative project and let that swallow up the anxious or lazy moods.

Just know that whatever you enjoy, not everyone else does. So that makes you a different snowflake. ❄️ You can show off your creativity and skills to your friends and fam and let them have some enjoyment of your talent.

Creativity could be what you’re missing in life… it’s a form of purpose. And it’s a gift that can get lost if you haven’t used it in a while. I know this too well because I didn’t know I had hidden talents until I started participating after holding onto lesser work-created moods.

And that can be just what you need…

Purpose and creativity brings passion (the opposite of boredom) to life!

When you start giving more of yourself in a way that makes you giddy, by default you’re fully feeling less moody blues. You have a purpose to get up beyond the daily hum-drum have-to-do’s.

And when your heart sings, you’re free from the rocky roller coaster wheel of emotions you once were feeling because then you substitute fleshly feelings for deeper content feelings.

Contentment is on another wave frequency than situational happiness. And if you’re not content watching or hanging out on the sidelines, at some point your ego will point out to you loudly that you’re not in your game. And most likely then you feel off in a funk mood or not aligned in what you’re doing and how you feel.

And that can often lead to unhealthy ways such as staying on the never-ending emotional roller coaster.

This is where excitement is high through the build up to the peak, and then it’s downhill toward rock bottom which is where boredom is. 🎢 You want to escape and dodge that way.

Because to pick up the lows, often costs something high… resulting in sadness, overeating, or our self-control when we’ve been trying to improve our discipline. And then that’s a point where our dangerous ego can attack us if we feel self-defeated taking two steps forward and one step back.

So my friendly advice and encouragement if you feel holiday blues this season is to get back to your healthy self first… maybe detox from what’s not aligned. And that will set you up for a much better end of year to springboard you into next year! 📈

Better Morning Meditation Thoughts


morning meditation is made better with homemade orange-ade... orange you glad?
Homemade orange juice is a healthy OJ option without refined sugar, a plastic bottle, or wasting any part of the orange that attracts fly critters… this could be your new way – o-range you glad!? 🧡

Morning meditation thoughts matter! And, if you tuned in last week, I gave a calming idea for night meditation to doze off to. To keep the balance this week, I have a morning meditation routine idea to empower and inspire your healthy mindset and emotional well-being.

The morning meditation begins when you have those first few awakened thoughts… and maybe your body hasn’t caught up yet. Like, we haven’t stretched our wings yet, even though we know the early bird catches the worm. 🐦‍⬛

We can blame that on our morning head that often comes with messed up bed head hair. If you don’t have those assets, then consider yourself blessed in the morning. 🧢

But if you do (that’s most of us), then changing attitude is the way up. We know what’s up from down even if we can’t yet think or speak logically.

…And considering some of us (Kaphas) are naturally Sleepyheads or (Vatas) inconsistently wake up feeling tired or awake with no rhyme or reason.

…Tired or not, you want to rewrite the negative thoughts especially if you  woke up on the wrong side of the pillow.

And in my early meditation years wayback in the time machine when Y2K was in our sights, meditating was thinking thoughts and seeing how those thoughts feel. ❣️ …decades later, that’s still how I meditate.

The goal is to come out with better ideas to implement solutions and workout my creativity genes… and not so much focusing on stress-reduction and wellness that meditation today has primarily become.

…And btw, that Pitta and Kapha minds are naturally better at this than the Vata minds.

…And epic ideas also lead to less stress if you wanna look at it that way in attitude. 😉

Your Attitude

Because attitude is everything!… it’s a choice, not a feeling.

You decide that you do X or Y that have very different decisions. And if you choose the first choice, there is X consequence (and choosing Y has the Y consequence). Different consequences and results is what you have to live with mid-week and in your night meditation. So it snow balls with compounding effects.

Beginning with the end in mind (…thank you, Steven Covey!), focus on your outcome consequence so you can show your mind at the moment how different life can be by your thought choice, especially in those groggy early morning moments.

The best choice is always the positive and loving responses in any meditation method you choose.

Even if the situations you faced in your past life weigh heavy, today you rewrite what wasn’t right and that you aspire your future to be. And that gives you a new today and future.

You have everything you need to be happy.

And your attitude will steer your decisions and outlook that determine your future.

Choose to restore your thoughts starting with morning meditation.

Do it consistently every time as best you can. We’re all imperfect. Don’t you wish everyone in your life with expectations would say (and mean) these 6 magic words: just do the best you can. That should take the pressure off.

Say that to yourself as your deepest critic.

Come out peaceful.

Then develop a better mindset belief today that creates better habits.

Consider that even if you don’t know what that is, you believe it so because you’ve consistently pulled a rabbit out of the hat in those areas, so today is no different. Believe in yourself.

As part of our morning meditation routine, we can change our beliefs starting with ourselves.

You can do this with positive messages you listen to, uplifting music, and quote inspirations.

You won’t hold onto a positive and a negative belief for the same idea at the exact same time (as our brains won’t allow the confusion), so we have a small time gap to make a choice.

In the gap, make the positive up-choice easy.

And we delay our lesser knee-jerk thoughts and responses. And if we need to take action like write an email or message back to someone, we wait until we can re-write with the positive emotional undertone.

We can’t take back our words ever, and when they’re written (especially). These days on the whole, we’ve become a kinder more sensitive society, so we’ve been trained to be more thoughtful.

And re-wording to a positive narrative helps us receive kind back in kind.

Lessons are a Learning Opportunity

And if self-control in any shade is a struggle today, think of the X and Y consequences I mentioned earlier.

Fast action thinks there’s one consequence, but that choice is a gamble…

Remember times when acting fast backfired, and if a timeout would’ve been called, that second thought would’ve given a better play (consequence).

Slowing down the ball play in your life, you may have discovered this. And in mine, I accidentally missed a work beat to a problem at hand and learned it was ok, and: leave a problem long enough, it solves itself.

That sounds reactive, and not proactive for productivity. But choosing to not do anything until you know what next step to do is the wiser decision with a better outcome.

Offering a quick fix can require cleanup.

So stick to your inner wisdom.

Don’t be in such a hurry to put fires out (unless there’s a real fire 🔥).

Make your stamp of approval mean something aligned with your thoughts… and maybe ones you’ve noodled out in morning meditation…

Let your session permeate the day as the theme of the day.

Listen and weigh your thoughts as a learning opportunity. Build on permeating better thoughts one day at a time. 💭

7 Best Habits For Forgetfulness Sometimes

Peach and cherries are summer fruits that pair well together in a bowl. 🍒

Do you experience forgetfulness regularly or daily? Before you start freaking out that you have cognitive decline or dementia running in your veins… or even brain fog that gets described as a common daily symptom… realize that if you worry about this often, then you’re panicking for no reason… as those who aren’t aware are the ones to be more concerned with.

There’s no person out there who has never experienced short-term memory loss or forgetfulness. That’s why we setup reminders so we don’t forget. And why we use calendars to write or type on.

So if you forget easily and often these days, most likely you’re busy, stressed, or not getting enough sleep. And maybe that’s your natural way, as is for Vatas who have this built-in DNA feature along with worry. 🧠

BTW, forgetfulness can sometimes work to your advantage as you recall the important things, and let go of the unimportant ones.

Lists help sometimes and have their place: e.g. grocery store lists, important to-do’s, and details. But lists can also be distractions from priorities.

And some priority items calling you today could lead you to your life of meaning, if that’s important to you. When you focus on the things that matter most in the moment, that’s when you get to experience the best use of your time. You don’t get mired down in  what you ought-to-do minutiae that can often turn into negative moods as your good hearted spirit isn’t there.

In balance, daily re-routing your thoughts is healthy along with some planning.

If you’re in the balance flow already allowing in some daily breathing space changes, below are 7 good habits to intake so you never miss anything important!

Plus, the tips (below) can be practical prevention for forgetfulness. You don’t want to leave a bag of groceries or umbrella behind if you can avoid the inconvenience.

You probably don’t remember the first time you forgot something small, but you do remember some of the momentary forgetfulness you experienced in the past as long-term memory is different than short-term blips. It’s just part of the human quirks. None of us are perfect.

When we forget to do something, often the thoughts vanish into thin air or get lost. But instead of beating yourself up, it’s better to think it must not have been important. Because unless it’s a safety hazard, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not important and that helps us with daily contentment and joy.

And sometimes those thoughts reappear later when they are no longer needed. They can confirm how unimportant and no big deal the forgotten is or teach us a lesson to learn about how we can let it go.

Even better, is to set up consistent habits no matter how much you rely on your memory to serve and save you. Consistency will serve you will well in your life, where it’s more important than what you don’t say. And it helps with not forgetting.

Putting focus and energy on being consistent with healthy habits lead to your successful outcomes one (consistent) step at a time.

So here are some habit builds you can make for common important items.

Habit #1: Use a timer for the important items.

For a stove or oven, this can be a matter of safety. There are always interruptions, so setting a timer for your cooking not only gives you perfectly cooked meals, it can save you from burning up the kitchen. And if you’re a Great British Baking Show fan like me, ya know how critical that can be!

And for anything you want to be reminded of you can set a timer. It’s like the trick of tying a string around your finger that some did.

Habit #2: Use a timer when you have a 10-minute break.

Set an egg timer or the timer on your phone when you have minutes until the next activity. More likely than not you will distract yourself in those minutes on your phone or doing something that takes longer than a few minutes. So setting your timer on 9 minutes for a 10-minute break is a good idea to make use of that valuable time and keep track of the minutes. ⏲️

Habit #3: Reminders – write or type reminder notes that you check regularly.

Using the available reminder tools on your phone or tablet is a good habit. Let the reminder ping you on that date/time so you can be in the moment. And that can be a life saver for not missing important events and things to do.

Once you start, reminders are a hard habit to break. When you have a few minutes, you can go over your past and future reminders and sometimes you even pick up new ideas from old reminders. 💭

Habit #4: For your email inbox, use the snooze feature (on some programs, it is represented with a clock icon 🕓).

Snooze reminders are especially good for monthly reminders that are very easy to forget because the habit isn’t frequent enough for you to automatically do. And if forgetting calendar dates is one of your challenges, then this could be a life saver.

When you use a snooze feature, after you complete the task, set the snooze for the next month date. As a bonus, then you won’t doubly forget later whether you competed the task this month as you already set a new future date.

That’s genius… and an assistant assurance better than any AI tool can do! 😉

Habit #5: Have a backup calendar reminder.

Besides your natural memory, a backup reminder like a second calendar to rely on is a best bet, which btw… is s not askng another human to be the calendar. They can just as easily forget, get distracted, or never have prioritized you lists.

It’s a burden when you say: remind me to ______. Unless someone else asks to be used as a calendar or timer, don’t get in this old-fashioned habit that can be disappointing to you and annoying to others in this day and age.

Habit #6: Improve your memory with cardio exercise.

Getting oxygen to your brain helps energize your brain to function better. The more energy you have, the quicker your reaction time is, and sometimes that allows a little break for your brain (like witnessing a break in the clouds) to remember something important.

Plus, walking improves memory, but it won’t necessarily jog your memory. And lowering blood pressure is a good idea that taking a nature walk can help achieve.

Habit #7: Habit stack often.

When you do the activity that you already have a formed habit with and then add your new habit to, it’s proven to be a quicker way to form a habit. It works your automatic memory reflexes that takes less energy.

Animals in the wild do this well. They are natural habit stackers through instincts. They bypass forgetfulness, remembering to stick to what’s simple, natural and essential for survival and thriving in their habitat. Just a thought.

Neck Yoga Exercises + Easy Coconut Cookies

One part of our body that gets ignored often is our neck. It’s like a shadow to our face. …so neck yoga is needed and the best poses are below.

And a recipe you’ll love that you can prepare in in 5 minutes and bake in 10-12 minutes.

Jump to Recipe

How to make easy coconut cookies below (that are so easy that NO recipe is needed!)

Our necks vary in length even though we have the same number of neck vertebrae as giraffes. 🦒And our neck sizes vary as do our  Adam’s apples that are larger in males than females.

Our necks serve us to not just help support us in eating apples. 🍎Without our neck, we couldn’t use our brains. And we wouldn’t be connected to our body.

So regularly doing neck yoga exercises protect this vital body part and can work out some of the kinks from our bad computer postures and pillow sleeping habits.

Restoring your neck is a gentle way to get your groove back. And if you haven’t been in your yoga routine recently, this could be a good way to start again. Plus you can do it anywhere and everywhere. That can’t be said for many yoga poses.

And yoga is a great way to get your relaxation and breathing space back. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Sometimes all you need is just 5-10 minutes of yoga to reset your day and how you feel. So let’s begin… ⏲️

Take baby steps, Child’s pose is a great way to begin if you have floor space and a mat. It’s a calming move to set your relax neck intentions.

For neck yoga benefits, instead of tucking your neck down, try an Active Child’s pose where your neck is upward and out forward like the neck of a plane at take off ✈️

You can look at your pointed hands and fingers stretched forward on the mat. The intention can be to focus.

FYI, beginner poses like this are healthy good for anyone Advanced or Beginner.

You can use balancing (Hatha) poses. And go with a flow (Vinyasa) where you insert a Downward Dog in between the face down mat and face up poses… or anything you like if that’s too much or intimidating.

Yoga is flexible and hopefully when you do any yoga, you’ll become more joint-muscle flexible as one of the main benefits.

You’ll feel less soreness all around if any, and hear less joint cracking when you bend a certain way. Usually you’re benefitting more than one area at a time.

And the neck is no different.

But if you want to isolate the neck yoga exercise, moving your head side to side and from shoulder to shoulder like sunrise to sunset is a good regular practice. 🌅

It’s a healthy mantra to get you loose and let go of the unhealthy or tricky areas of your life situations. And yoga is great to manifest new habits and old thought patterns that don’t serve you any longer.

Making a tradition a habit is not a good idea if it keeps you stuck. And making a good habit a tradition is!

So now that you’re warmed up for neck yoga, here we go:

Front facing down mat: 

1.Active Child’s pose

As mentioned start with the Active Child’s pose. If your tendency is looking down most the day, then this will carry a good stretch in your neck. Look as far up to the ceiling or sky as you can.

2. Table pose

This is a neutral pose that you can take into standing or front down poses. In Table pose, look up to the ceiling. Feel the back of the neck yoga stretch.

Besides yoga habits, another habit you can do is when you’re waiting in neutral, look up.

I do this when I’m waiting for the warm water to brew for tea making. Or when I’m filling the water filter with water.

Habit stacking neck yoga with waiting is a good idea. Even when you’re looking at your phone, try to get in the habit of holding your device up.

3. Mountain Pose 🏔️

You can ease into a Downward Dog and then stand up in Mountain Pose with hands in the air or prayer hands, and look up to your hands or ceiling.

3. Bow pose

Torso body facing down on the mat, bend your knees. With legs up in the air that you can move around, send your arms to your back and grab your ankles.

You’ll feel a nice stretch along your torso and back, and if you look up you really get to take advantage of the neck yoga bend.

Then transition to a seated position with Downward Dog if you like.

Bottom on the mat:

4. Boat Pose

Look up and legs up in the air so you’re in “V” shape with your bottom as your anchor. Your neck gets a nice stretch.

Instead of counting breaths, when you hold the pose, you could think of something today that you’re grateful for that you otherwise would’ve missed in a busier moment. That’ll add stress-drop points to your day. 🌻

5. Fish pose

This is a fun water animal pose. On your back, arch your back and let your head dangle downward so you’re looking at the wall behind you and upside down.

This is something you can do on your beach towel in case you’re on vacation 😉 And you can roll up your towel to use as a temporary pillow so your head drapes over the rollup (mimicking your neck yoga pose in Fish) that takes the pressure off your neck.

6. Seated Leg stretch

And finally to finish off, while seated you can stretch forward to touch your toes in front of you or as far as you can stretch.

Look up  (and out as far as the eye can see) and you’ll feel the effects.

And after doing these 6 look up neck yoga poses, you’ll feel lighter.

And you could be ready for a treat like these summer light delights that are suprisingly healthy with superfood coconut goodness.

Coconut Cookies 🥥

Coconut lover? Move over macaroons (and macarons!). You’ll love these healthy, lower-fat cookies that need NO recipe or butter…

These healthy coconut toasted cookies are so easy to make with 4 ingredients and even less steps 👣: coconut flour (plus about a TBSP of AP flour), coconut oil, an egg, and shredded coconut.
Mix these ingredients together by hand and make a loose cookie dough that will have falling crumbs.
Shape into small circles, and bake on a no-stick baking sheet. Bake until sides are lightly toasted brown.
For the toasted coconut, if you want to be sure they don’t over toast while your cookie is still toasting 🥠, you can use this ‘lil trick:
Add shredded coconut to cookie tops about 5 minutes before the cookies are done. Then flip the cookies upside down on the baking sheet.
They look like crab cakes as an illusion. They’re coconut cookies.
And after you’ve been looking down on your baking tray, habit stack back to your look up neck yoga 🙆🏻‍♀️
coconut flour cookies recipe.

Low-Sugar Coconut Flour Cookies

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp AP flour
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
  • 1 Tbsp shredded coconut, sweetened

Uncertainty Turned To Joy With Good Habits

Uncertainty can be made certain when you cook dishes you can’t mess up like shakshuka that always tastes great.
A food dish like Shakshuka helps with uncertainty because you're certain it will turn out no matter what it looks like.
Start your day with a healthy morning breakfast like this Shakshuka egg-tomato dish 🍳 And balancing Ayurvedic spices that you can use to help restore your imbalance. Recipe below. ⬇️
Most of life is uncertain. Some days we have some certainty over planned future events and in yesterday’s events.
But we have uncertainty about tomorrow and sometimes what will happen today.
And uncertainty can come with all sorts of flavors and emotions.
Some uncertain days are filled with excitement, so those are double bonus… and are often few and far between over routine days. But that gives us a buffer so we feel the good effects compared to the previous nothing-special happening days.
And on uneventful days, it’s good to be grateful for our own contentment good.
That will get rattled up eventually with the sudden news that changes the direction of our day and possible season.
The way to best handle every situation is to find your joy. And if there is none that a sad or stressful situation can bring, then shed the cleansing tears and find peace. No matter what.
…Because the situation will happen regardless of your misery or staying calm and happy. So why not lean into the healthy positive expressing feelings that your body will reward you for? 
Plus, you make more sound decisions that way.
A decision can be as simple as whether to react or not react. Because whatever our actions are, especially when others are involved, there are consequences.
And my best advice for you in uncertainty is if you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything you could regret until you know what to do.
Then bringing this to your awareness, an answer follows at some point. It’s not an automatic response like a knowing that comes with practice and habits and then builds confidence the next time.
Trained professionals know what to do in their specialties, and you know what to do in yours, but not necessarily in theirs.
And when you take an action or make a reaction from a place of peace of wanting to give, then you know you’ve done your best.
So often we take action because someone else has projected the situation onto us and put the burden on our shoulders. It’s our modern protective job (since we’re not running from tigers) to evaluate objectively.
And not always jump on what is asked if the hoops are the wrong ones where we don’t set boundaries. And we end up resentful or bitter about what could have been handled differently.
Give yourself first the chance to think: What are the facts? What do you know about the entire situation that may have a history?
And if we can sleep on the idea over a night or two, then we see how we feel after we think or pray about the idea in peace and meditation which can be starkly different than the knee-jerk reaction. Time and rest allow for wisdom to enter instead of our worry-fear actions.
…Which BTW, this is a great life skill habit to learn and practice.
We’ve all had examples and some practice over the past few years. Our worlds were shaken by the disruptions of the global crises we all experienced on our planet from climate to pandemic.
This led to the greatest uncertainty that may end up being the most in our lifetime.
The toughest unique situations we each had to individually go through may still feel like open wounds. And those are maybe ones we don’t want to think about since we just went through them and are still processing.
BUT, the healthiest thing we can do is to not delay and think about the effects on us this year. We each had trauma of sorts and we want to prevent post-trauma effects that our mind-bodies will cling onto.
The trauma could have been the change in jobs, relationships, losses, lifestyle habits, and where you live, or all of the above. Or that you’re still in those situations. And the bottom line is: there was and is uncertainty.
Positive thoughts and vibes help with trauma and tough seasons.
And on top, there could be fresh wounds mounding on top of older ones.
All of that is part of the adult life. And when you’re super tested during difficult times to take on additional stressors, you can choose to feel like throwing in the towel… or you can look at the upside!
Your tough trials, situations, and setbacks get you ready for what’s on the other side. 🌈
So in the mud, find the hope vision. That could be as simple as recalling the thoughts that when you’re down, there’s nowhere to go but up.
And when you’re feeling Kapha tired, you plow through anyway… not because you feel like doing the work or task, but because you know you’ll feel better after you do. And you’re looking for that victorious after-burn feeling! 😎
It always gets better… and that’s not cliche if you’ve already lived to mid-life.
In the down, you become the resilient person that is needed to appreciate the pot of gold if you fight for your own victory that’s inevitable in your beliefs and if you don’t give up.
So today and every day, find a ray of hope and glimmer. ✨Borrow from nature that hums and runs 24-7 without pause on any part of the globe.
Where I was the year before the pandemic started, was working in close-knit quarters. I was at large-scale annual events where as many as 100,000 global members were invited. And I traveled internationally more frequently than non-existently.
Working in my local offices, I recall appreciating the time I had working remote for years prior in my early 30s. That also made adapting to 2020 life easier.
…Similarly, leaning into your positives in your situations can be your saving grace. Recalling your past that helped you in the tough times and today can make you feel that all will be well. And it will!
…It’s that same knowing from experience, that if you have a bad day, the next ones will be great.
Focus on those optimistic thoughts and look forward to your next steps.
Find your blessings amid uncertainty. Staying in joy is going to help you not lose precious years of productivity.
Maybe look at life as a learning opportunity? 
Each year comes with different situations and dreams. And you want to keep your head high and ride the cloud through the stormy and silver linings as though every opportunity is a joy to learn something.
And when you look down, you notice that the ground below you offers a chance to jump on a new landed opportunity and experience.
Make this year a triumph in how you see life and learning… and maybe someone you know needed to hear this that you can pass this on to, especially since we just passed Mental Health Awareness month that’s now part of our every month.
You’re never alone. And life is on your side. 🎉
And one thing you can control is keeping your joy and restoring your balance preferences with your spices.




You can restore your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha balance with Shakshuka
Course Breakfast
Cuisine lebanese
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • eggs
  • tomato sauce
  • coriander or cumin (cooling)- Pitta restoring
  • red pepper (heating) - Kapha restoring
  • oregano and tarragon - Vata restoring
  • olive oil


  • Add your tomato sauce and EVOO and leave 3 dips to add your eggs. Cook until sauce is thickened about 10 minutes. Add the spices you want using your nose as to which you want to add. Your preferences will change because your nose knows to balance your Ayurvedic dosha that needs balancing related to your moods (e.g. tired, anger, anxious).
  • Bake dish at 350°F/180° C with spices about another 10 minutes.
  • Add spinach that will wilt.