
Healthy Habits Today Matter Big-Time for Tomorrow

Healthy habits matter today big time for results tomorrow. And we can get a good dose of influence from the Blue Zones (discovered by Dan Buettner), where their habits feel like worlds apart from our modern, Western world.

But we can adopt their healthy ways. And I share a few of mine below along my journey including a healthy potato habit I have. 🥔

blue zones healthy habits.

As for healthy habits, I’ve been eating whole-wheat bread and foods since I was young. I don’t think I ever had a slice of white sandwich bread. It was wheat, rye, or pumpernickel… but never white.

Whole wheat cherry glace pancakes with frozen Greek yogurt for Sunday brunch! 🥞

I’m so glad I didn’t let those past years of dissatisfied field trip bag lunches hold me back. Those and other healthy habits are happy keepers.

Below you’ll learn about some Sunday brunch inspo that came from healthy habits and endings too.

And what you create as eating healthy habits today becomes your tomorrow’s habits. And can be part of happy memories.

Some of them stick around from when you were younger, and still work. They need no replacement.

When I was younger, working smart was en vogue. Why?… je ne sais quoi. 

Maybe we were trying to learn how to cut corners? But working hard never went outta-style. Work was (and is) what made the world go round but talking about grunt work especially would be like going rogue.

And today, in a sharing society, we learned that there are no shortcuts. The good stuff is in the work and comes from the working hard process. So glad we kept the healthy habits. 🌱

And even the tough work proved useful for growth and experience.

Especially when we’re young, we need all the experience we can get…

In those years, I walked everywhere. I had no wheels. I walked to the bus, to the dentist, to school, on the paper route, and to my friends’ houses.

And when my high school friend got a new set of wheels, a brand spanking new red Cabriolet convertible for her 16th birthday, she offered to pick me up in the mornings to take me to school. It surprised me when I turned down that exciting offer.

My young mind told me that I shouldn’t count on that routine. Our young intellects were at work even when we weren’t fully conscious. 😉

And in a higher gear, I knew I made the right choice. 

At that moment I solidified the habit of counting on myself… and not taking shortcuts that breed laziness. 

No lazy (Kapha) mind is a better mantra…

And a good way to break out of that mold is to exercise even when we don’t feel like doing it. You always feel better after the burn.

An easier way is to step outside. Because there you don’t feel the sting. You don’t count calories burned. Your wristband does it automatically for you.

And you breathe in new air and let your senses do the rest.

And when you naturally go up and down steps, you’re doing exercise without having to convince your brain to work. It’s automatic to your mind and legs.

Simply, if you want to get to where you’re going, you need to take steps… or even better, the stairs.  Fair, right?

Too often we automatically think of exercise as cardio and keeping up our heart rates. That’s just one type.

And the kind that makes a difference will be the exercises and moves you do.

Another habit area is consistently showing up.

Your presence becomes known. And you’re seen as someone who’s accountable and takes the time to be available. We all like to know people like this.

It’s a form of welcomed dependability. 

And there are ways we all can be consistent whether it’s online or in-person. And where we can be part of our community.

For some years, I was part of organizing a regular brunch group. It fit what I was doing. I was helping others plan their hosted events, so why not host my own? It was volunteer mixed with fun healthy habits.

What made the group special was that we (I had a co-lead with me) opened the event to everyone. There were always newcomers to the group and the DC metro area. And the restaurant of choice had to set up several tables.

It was fun to try out new local restaurants including swanky Michelin Blue Duck Tavern places, historic National Press Room restaurants, and mod-deco fare ones on the Potomac River. Many celebrated Cherry Blossoms 🌸 like this one (speaking of en vogue): 

And we met restaurateurs like this distinguished chef who put foodie restaurants on the maps in the 90s before Jose Andres.

Restaurant lunch time for brunch isn’t usually busy like dinner so that was a good fit for all. And being plugged in that way became part of healthy habits that season.

And during those years, as a theme, I was also inviting my own bunch to the restaurants where I ran the group events.

Similarly, if you take a look at your healthy habits, you’ll notice some repeats. Your regular habits that stick become what sticks out in your life tomorrow and years later.

Taking inventory of your healthy habits will help show you the gaps so you can have a fulfilling life.

You can consider:

Where are you spending most of your time?

What do you wish you were doing more of?

Are you plugged into your local community in some way?

How are you helping the world?

Just some food for thought as you go about your week.

For anti-inflammatory food shopping inspo, check out this 200 anti-inflammatory food grocery guide/list. 🛒

And these spuds could be part of your healthy habit start.


Healthy Loaded Baked Potato Skins

This used to be one of my favorite lunch meals when they had a loaded potato fixins' bar at my work. The skins are often tossed out and are loaded with fiber and vitamins that can be cooked, baked and enjoyed in our daily meal healthy habits!
Course Side Dish, vegetables
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Russet potatoes (or favorite potatoes)
  • Greek yogurt
  • Herbs (chives, thyme, and/or tarragon recommended)
  • Alliums (scallions or minced onions)
  • olive oil (optional)


  • Cook your potatoes until soft on the stove.
  • Cut each potato in half and face down halves on baking sheet drizzled with a little EVOO if you like.
  • Bake on 350°F until browning occurs.
  • Let potato cool sligthtly and then add your healthy Greek yogurt topping and herbs to garnish and enjoy!

Happy Gut For a Happier Life

Happy gut is something that makes for your healthier and happy life!

Sourdough is one way to get a happy gut and this is how you make can make it so easily at home.

Sourdough is one way to take measures to get a happy gut. And making sourdough is a great experience to learn about fermented foods. In the process, you see how easily bacteria is created.

If you’ve never tried making sourdough, it’s much easier than it sounds. Actually… it’s so easy in steps, that it fits on the small infographic I created (here on my blog).

A happy gut= happy life. There’s a gut – life connection. Over 90% of the happy hormone (serotonin) is made  in the gut. So if you have a less-than-balanced gut, then the happy balance in moods and how you feel can run off (or need some restoration).

Our bodies are fascinating and even more interesting is all the nutrition and body science accumulated knowledge. It changes as fast as tech I know, having worked in both fields for years.

We’ll never know everything about our evolving bodies and as our bodies change with the society we’re living in. And those changes get passed down. Like newly prescribed antibodies that some of us are getting.

And in this article, you’ll learn some encouragement to evolve your healthy and happy gut with a few tweaks…

For one, if you want to calm your gut, try fermented foods like the sourdough mentioned, or sauerkraut.

And fermented beverages like kombucha.

Fermenting is an add-on new-old process that makes life smooth. We already established a happy gut is a happy life. 😊

And prebiotic fibers will feed the good bacteria. Foods such as asparagus are abundant in spring. And garlic and onions peak… (see these ones peeking out here 🧅).

Probiotic healthy bacteria will encourage more good bacteria. You can prevent leaky gut, dysbiosis, SIBO, and IBS that you hear more about in young and older people.

Good bacteria are kinda like the positive, loving thoughts we want to crowd out the negative, sour ones in our minds.

That’s the deeper gut-mind connection.

Anything can invade our bodies at any time. We live in a modern petri dish society. And if you ever take a round of antibiotics that most of us in this life have, probiotic supplements plus spoonfuls of low-sugar yogurts with bacteria strains are always recommended. 💊

Because antibiotics destroy the gut microbiome, changing the happy gut flora.

If you think of a healthy gut like a well-run garden (vs. an unbalanced  jungle that can turn into weeds), then you have a good mental picture of healthy balance vs. dysbiosis when we need to restore the healthy flora especially until things clear up.

When things go back to normal (and a new normal as our bodies are changing daily), then maintaining a regular gut tuneup lifestyle habit helps.

…And especially since most of us don’t just eat organic foods.  A lot of the modern healthy foods we eat today are sprayed with toxins in the process.

Prebiotic and probiotic foods like sourdough help with preventative tune-ups.

You may notice your gut doesn’t feel the same as usual. And the sign is that you feel a sore spot or dull ache discomfort. That’s stress on you and to the body.

Our bodies naturally clean and detox during sleep, but sometimes our stress and wear and tear outweigh our body’s defenses.

What you eat and what you don’t eat matters, and can change everything in healing the gut.

In my own healthy lifestyle journey, I found anti-inflammatory foods matter. They help to restore balance and they’re known to prevent certain common chronic diseases. You can find them in many beverages, spices, and foods when you look around. Many of them are eat from the rainbow foods with colorful polyphenols.

Staying sensitive to sensations in the body is a healthy choice.

…I found the best way to do this is to document or write down what you’re feeling with a dated entry. And that way, you can refer back to factually what has happened, and not just what you think happened.

Another effective way is to take photos to document what has happened in the process. You can show the medical practitioner (if needed) what your situation looked like besides the patient snapshot they see in front of them.

Like this antioxidant-full butterfly 🦋 tea drink… that gradually changes even though it’s still the same drink.

If you keep a daily happy gut, you live comfortably and enjoy and fulfill more each day. That’s something to look forward to! ✨

You can also start your day with a happy prebiotic oat meal with a pear granola crumble you can substitute with apples that’s a divine pairing with cinnamon. Use Ceylon cinnamon for additional anti-inflammatory benefits. 🧡


Pear Granola Crumble

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • dry oats
  • pear
  • honey
  • cinnamon to liking
  • light EVOO


  • Add your layer of oats. And drizzle honey ontop and a drizzle of light olive oil so you get the toasty granola effect.
  • Add your cut pear slices. Add cinnamon as a divine flavor pairing.
  • Add another layer of oats and more cinnamon to liking.
  • Bake until toasted.
  • For healthy Vata balancing, add orange slices or zest and additional Ceylon cinnamon.

Consistent Ways for The Inconsistent Vata

Consistent is the balance needed for a Vata whose middle name is “irregular” and “variety.” The balancing remedy is routine.

Oat Pear Crumble dish with Vata happy balancing cinnamon and oranges! Recipe below. 🧡

Today I share some better ways to get consistent so you’re in mind-body alignment. And if you’re in a season where you’re not in alignment (or have never been), you’ll have a hard time with the “A” word because you’re not there yet. But you can make that a mantra to get aligned!

And being in balance helps us get there …This time I’m focusing on Vatas, where every month looks different, like moon periods…

And every day of the month is inconsistent in some way… on top of the world around us is changing. The good news for all of us is, like plants, we’re growing just a bit daily. 🌱

And Vata patterns change more often than Pittas and Kaphas, even though those could be secondary dials that can ratcheted up.

For a Vata looking closely at her life, you’ll see how this affects your sleep, food, and play minute-by-minute… even what you reviewed in your productive time last time looks different.

And even though nothing about the work has changed. Because your last name is “change.”

Like the wind, Vatas by nature is changing all-the-time. Vata bodies don’t withstand temperature swings well… more like orchids than enduring palm trees.

So to balance and restore, doing the opposite helps. You want to be consistent and stay on task instead of letting the mind run you by sending a list of things you need to do this minute that aren’t urgent.

If you look at a tipping scale, the way to balance it is to add some weight to the opposite side. …makes sense, right? ⚖️

And if you’re feeling like you can’t sit still, or are going from task to task more than usual, you could be heavy on the Vata. And some daily tweaks could help you restore back to your usual ways pretty quickly.

For any of us, it doesn’t take much to get off balance in our Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.

For Vata, these are the balancing tricks you can help to tip the scales back to equilibrium:

1.Consistent sleep – just like you’ve been told is a good idea, keep the same schedule as much as possible. Even if you go to bed late, try to get up at the same AM time you normally do. You want to take advantage of circadian rhythms.

If you sleep in because your body has been tired for a season, you’ll be even more tired once your body gets a sleep dose. It’s part of the process of our bodies trying to restore balance.

Our one-and-only bodies send obvious signs and blaring warnings that we can still miss in our busy modern lives full of external noise. Alarms and coffee only go so far to help us awaken.

And while 8 hours of sleep is healthy and on average what most of us need, if you’ve had enough sleep, that’s all you need.

Worrying the Vata head is worse than not getting enough sleep in the mind-body connection, because then you add silent stress to your body. With a lack of sleep, your body will let you know by your tiredness, and other new symptoms over time.

Your body knows what it needs to reset and we’re not in charge of that. And if it’s running efficiently and you’ve been good to it by not overdoing yourself, then you may only need a few hours of sleep one night to be recharged.

The recommended 8 hours is just an average and works neatly for 1/3 of our 24-hour day.

But even if you have a perfect sleep record streak from measuring your sleep… at the end of the day, that just says you’re off to a good start with your daily health. It doesn’t indicate much else.

It’s more what you don’t do in sleep that shouldn’t be ignored. Any daily health telltale signs show up on the body and should be attended to quickly so they don’t become a new normal.

And getting the right dosage of sleep amount is individual as we all have different symptoms and bodies.

So… In short balance, the goal for each of us in sleep is getting enough. 💤

2.Consistent eating –  and having regular eating patterns is good. I shared how time-restricted eating (or Intermittent Fasting) could help set a discipline, like it does with me for snacking and late-night eating.

And one thing I would steer more into the Vata ways is variety and diversity in healthy foods. Pittas and Kaphas tend to stick more to the same foods.

Different healthy foods offer different nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and amounts. It’s also good to have macros: lean protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats in the diet.

Muscle gradually declines as we age so we need more protein. Healthy carbs give us bursts of energy and keep us full enough while junk carbs rob us. And healthy fats help the body absorb foods and fat-soluble vitamins better this way.

3.Consistent Practices and Activities – keep you calm as you do your daily routines you enjoy.

That can include exercise, your craft, quiet time, reading, etc.

When you’re tired, try to plow through those moods and do at least a little bit of your routine or practice. This will teach you to keep at it, which helps with balancing inconsistency. And you’ll be working on a skill you can use the rest of your life.

And if you need ideas, you can find outlets like this one here that gives life advice on pillows:


Life is good is a consistent outlook you can apply to daily life and a daily pillow or reminder helps.

And keeping it good is part of the balance. Because we all run into situations we’d rather not at some point. It can’t be all sunshine and roses (as part of the balance). 🥀

4.Consistent Behaviors with Other Influences 

It’s important to stay consistent even when we don’t live in a bubble. We interact with people and society.

And you do this in work and life where you can get tested.

I’ve had many experiences starting something new with new people involved that can be a bit stressful… and sometimes throw the balance off. I’m sure you can relate.

And to make those times easier, what I do is I stick to my gut thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. It’s smart not to react as the air shifts around you and in you.

I know not everyone has offenders in their lives (living in a bubble, haha!)…

But kidding aside, in daily life, some people have no idea how they come across to others (in lack of self-awareness). And sadly, others knowing better let their bad sides run, trying to work (play) the systems. You just happen to be someone muddled in their system.

That’s just how it is in this imperfect life where we only control and manage ourselves.

…And that should be enough to keep us all busy!

We all come from different backgrounds. Sticking to our own values and not compromising is going to do you and the world a world of good (say that 10 tongue twister 10 times 😊).

You teach people how to treat you and how to behave toward others.

I know it’s not easy.

But always remember: your life is not a dress rehearsal. You will never get this year or today back.

And you don’t want to live in your own regrets if you need a motivator.

Usually, the people who want to test your buttons are the ones who aren’t doing the right things to begin with… and they’re not the ones that you want to follow anyway.

So with the troublemakers who aren’t considerate and are annoyingly kicking up your Pitta, initially it could seem like a good idea to follow along their ways or at least not create waves. But wise not to fall into this temptation.

…But the innocent often fall and don’t follow the good rules. They cave into the squeaky grease and play along on their blind path game that leads to nowhere.

And innocently that’s ’cause they don’t want to cause friction with themselves or other people. But you teach people how to treat you today and in the future.

If you let others step on you, then expect more of that when you allow it once. That’s how it is with children, and some adults haven’t grown up yet or figured out their ego sides.

And last tip on that note: never, never ever reward bad behavior unless you want more of the same behavior.

To be a productive leader, you want to create and forge your own path. Be considerate but stop caring so much. And think for yourself. You’ll be glad you did at the end of whatever you’re facing.

And be consistent where you tell your heavy anxious Vata mind to stop worrying about what will or won’t happen.

Because what will happen is you’ll get respected by the people you respect, and get to do more of what you want (and work with the people you want to work with).

And you’ll get to build the consistent, work-life balance that you really want!

Next time I’ll follow up with the 2nd part of the self-awareness series I started a few weeks ago that you won’t want to miss! 🧡


Pear Granola Crumble

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • dry oats
  • pear
  • honey
  • cinnamon to liking
  • light EVOO


  • Add your layer of oats. And drizzle honey ontop and a drizzle of light olive oil so you get the toasty granola effect.
  • Add your cut pear slices. Add cinnamon as a divine flavor pairing.
  • Add another layer of oats and more cinnamon to liking.
  • Bake until toasted.
  • For healthy Vata balancing, add orange slices or zest and additional Ceylon cinnamon.

Lazy Yoga Accessories Mood Boost

Yoga accessories are a must for good yoga form, comfort, and help with balance for your Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. So is a recipe for hot water pastry and adding your balancing good foods below.

yoga accessories like a bolster, a block, and a blanket are classic. The yogi tea adds to pampered yoga wellness.
Yoga accessories like a bolster, a block or two, and a blanket are classic. The yogi tea adds to pampered yoga wellness. 🫖

Using yoga accessories or props on a lazy day can really help boost your mood.

And a peaceful mood is one you want to stay in daily whether you’re feeling busy and active before the holidays or lazier after Christmas has come and gone.
You may teeter back and forth. And eating well is one ingredient that can help restore balance.
Like this well-spiced open-faced savory pastry I made half with spinach, chickpeas, oni0ns, and a punchy five-spice blend (cinnamon, fennel, star anise, cloves, peppercorns) to balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. And the other half is a balanced mix of carrots, potatoes, scallions, and tarragon. Maybe this inspires you and puts you in a better mood? 
Hot water pastry with veggies. Recipe below. ⬇️
And speaking of mood balancing…
When I used to visit malls on the weekend as a downtime pastime, after a while I’d get bored… the look-forward to anticipation feelings turned to drained and uninspired energy. I couldn’t wait to exit…
Then there usually was a line to get out of the parking lot and into traffic, especially during the holidays. Sound familiar?
We didn’t have online Black Friday shopping so it was a sheer annual mayhem event.
Since those days, our world has evolved and so have we. And these days I steer away from malls like the Black Plague.
…But whether you do or not, you know the feeling of too much of a good thing becomes numbing to the mind-body.

That can be how you feel about some adventures and projects you’d rather stay away from even if they started out okay. You can avoid some, but others require you and your endurance, like certain work tasks and travel stress.

Those growing tired moods can sink in and take a while to lift, especially if they’re our regular routines in life.

…like sweeping kitchen crumbs for the 10th time or chores you hate doing. And if we ignore them and feel lazier than usual, that can turn into a Kapha imbalance.

Or if we feel irritated and uninspired…. then not making a change can lead to burnout. It doesn’t usually happen overnight but it can happen one day if you reach your snapping point. That’s more of a Pitta imbalance.

With both types of imbalances, lazy yoga poses can help you get your active balance and peaceful mood back.

(Corpse pose is a great one to relax your body and calm your mind.)

I know when I find time to just be still, sitting in silence, that’s when I feel the most peace. Maybe that’s how you feel?

The reason is centering allows you to focus on the calmness of this moment and the body can stop working so hard.

And by focusing on the silent moments, and not focusing on the busy activities like shopping or even watching Netflix (that can be good when you need a ‘lil downtime break), the quietness helps your mind to relax and to feel good again.

And in the silence, if you find your mind is racing, that’s a sign of an anxious Vata mind.

Sometimes we feel that way and to feel balanced, in my life journey, I found that getting a peaceful mind is easier when you tune into the right source for at least 8 waking hours a day and make it your habit in life.

Our lives are constructed in 24 hours of which 8 is good for sleeping, 8 for working, and 8 for doing everything else.

So during that everything-else time slot, that’s when it’s good to build in time to recharge, working on passions, and focusing mostly on less external influences (and maybe disconnecting from the world for minutes at a time).

And it’s good to find time to take breaks during work and about a  weekend day’s worth off to rest. Not everyone can take all of Sunday off.

And I find staying in that rhythm is how you can stay balanced, happy, and in a peaceful mood year-round so you can show up in life as your best.

That type of lifestyle years ago would have been laughed at or not taken seriously by my business and corporate worker companions. But now they are reconsidering too as wellness is part of the discussions.

Our world is changing for better health and wellness, thank goodness!

Because having consistency and wellness routines in your lifestyle and mind helps prevent life burnout or waking up one day unhappy or depressed.

Feeling those ways can take more time to backtrack and restore, and they usually have an aftermath of sorts. It’s better all around to take time out daily to restore and prevent.

And if you like the idea of preventatively restoring daily, then one small way is with lazy yoga moves. That’s what I call it anyway. Those are perfect on the days when it’s hard to move quickly, you had a rough night before, or it’s dreary weather outside.

On those days, you know intense exercise is out of the question.  But you can use that more tiring day for your lazy exercise day that still helps to invigorate your body and restore your mind.

We know that exercise is good for cognitive and physical fitness. So to stay in the game (of active life even when you’re not feeling it), you can use yoga props to help you engage and maybe even get off the couch if that’s what you find yourself doing and want to change that (…and your heavy Kapha mind may want to resist).

And those days would be a good time to do core work. When you have yoga accessories, doing ab work is not as challenging once you get moving… and maybe along with the right entertainment in the background.

So, here are a few yoga accessories and ideas that you can try and maybe build into a new habit:

Yoga Accessories:

A yoga block (or two), or a Yoga Wheel

Blocks are great especially in Bridge pose where you can turn the block vertically so that the longest side helps raise your back up to build a bridge higher than you can go without a block. This can really help you feel better instantly.

The evovled yoga wheel yoga accessories work in similar ways in a Bridge pose. I’m a bit old school as I prefer the block that raises up a new building structure without moving on you… and maybe a bit burned out from 90s fitness and turn-of-the-century gadgets and props that never got used more than a few times. 😉


Straps are great for keeping you focused on the guiding strap lines and that support your legs to various angles in the air when you’re laying flat back. These are great for helping you with flexibility that becomes more important as you grow wiser (and older too).

Bolster Yoga Pillow

Bolsters are pretty practical pillows to have around. And if you don’t have one, sometimes you can get creative and find lumbar pillows that some couches come with. And you can use other pillows and cushioned furniture pieces to be very effective.

I actually use an IKEA cushioned cube that I can rest my calves on when I’m laying back on my mat, and then do easy-ab roll-up work. And still, get all the benefits.

And then I can turn around and use the cube as a table or an ottoman. Now that’s usefulness! (No more ab roller devices and machines that take up additional space!)

Breathe device apps

I like the Apple Watch where you can feel the inhale and exhale vibrations of the Breathe app. It’s great for getting centered and intentional on your breath.

Another great prop (that you can add to your yoga accessories):


Legs Up the Wall pose is a great resting pose. You scoot and seat yourself as close to a wall as possible, and then lay back. Your legs are straight up against the wall. That should feel really good as you release tension from your legs.

You can rest your arms straight out and turn your head from side to side and be intentional to see different perspectives.

This can feel really good on lazy yoga days. The point is to never give up on yourself in any season of life!

Be the tortoise in Aesop’s fable. 🐢

You can be just one good move or pose away from getting you back into a good swing and crossing the finish line.

And people are back in yoga classes. …maybe that’s you or just what you need to keep your calm through the holiday and into the new year. Btw, are you counting down the days?

In addition to building a better Bridge yoga pose, I have my baking calendar on my mind. I’m coming up with building a better Yule log swiss roll this year from peppermint inspiration. 🍥

For savory hot water pastry, you can be inspired by this recipe.

Print Recipe


Easy Hot Water Pastry

Course Breakfast, lunch
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • flour of choice (whole wheat and plain flour work well)
  • hot-warm water, room temperature
  • 1 tbsp of butter (for larger batches and healthy, use a little more butter about a pat of butter per serving)
  • pinch of salt


  • Mix flour, water, and salt. Add pat of butter to melt. Work into a dough.
  • Shape into a shell or desired shape.
  • Bake until golden brown color.
  • Add cooked toppings desired (e.g. cheese, cooked veggies), and pop back into the oven for a few minutes.

Amino Acids In Daily Proteins Matter + Orange Chicken Recipe

Amino acids matter in the proteins we eat. Some recipes below for protein ideas like this delicious Orange Chicken.

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Orange chicken with a jam compote recipe below ⬇️for everyday dinners and daily protein counts with several important amino acids. 🧡

But first, I used to start mornings with very little protein and amino acids for breakfast.

Cereal took the place of whole foods. And very little adorning…  like these waffle trees decked out for holiday Advent season we’re in. 🎄

These days, there are more options like a quinoa cereal bowl, where you get a complete protein meal.

Quinoa has the 9 essential amino acid that you can turn into a sweet breakfast cereal.

The amino acids are what matter. You won’t see that on most food packaging labels. Both essential and non-essential amino acids.

The nine essential amino acids come only from foods, and like the ones I’m sharing today. They synergistically work together. One essential amino acid you may know by heart is tryptophan because Thanksgiving turkey has made it famous. And maybe you felt the sleepy effects this past week if you celebrated. 🦃

Tryptophan is also found in a range of foods like soybeans, nuts, seeds, and egg whites.

…Anyway, where was I? …Ok, so the other essential amino acids are the names ending in “ine” that you don’t see on most food packaging.

You usually only see “protein” as the macronutrient labeling, unless it’s protein powder packaging or a nutritional supplement bar that breaks down the granular protein ingredients.

We need amino acids for protein synthesis and tissue turnover. The body needs the right combo of essential amino acids (only found in foods). And essentially we determine what we put into our bodies so we have a lot of smart food decisions we can make.

And a complete protein has all 9 essential amino acids. And why I often start my mornings with a quinoa cereal bowl. I say often because Vatas like to mix it up… lentils porridge, warm oatmeal, and sweet potato soup are just a few others I can think of. …oh, and smoothies too!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you break the fast from eating for about 12 hours or so.

And since we’re talking numbers here…

As an adult, you need daily protein at least a recommended .36 x your weight.

For a female that can be at least 45 grams of protein.

And you can get to that daily goal much faster with lean animal proteins like 4 ounces of chicken breast (36 grams) and 1 cup of yogurt (12 grams or more).

…Beans and egg whites are healthy protein sources too, but you’ll be eating a lot to get there…

A whole can of beans (regular 15.5 ounces) is usually under 15 grams of protein. But is still a good protein and a great source of minerals like potassium that we need. So 2-3 cans a week is good plus other protein sources.

And legumes are good too. One I enjoyed as a little girl was when I would pick out the sugar snap peas at the grocery store and add to to the bag. It’s funny how the grocery store hasn’t changed a bit in that way, as there are still the same bags and ties …and maybe there will be better recyclable ways in the future. ♻️

Then at home, I enjoyed the snapping sound of taking off the ends (one side is the stem). That was my helper job. The peas were left in the pod and they were cooked all as one.

Snap peas, btw, are a good source of collagen and have a ‘lil protein, more than I expected for their petit pois size. That’s what we used to call them in catering and when I studied French.

These days, I take collagen protein supplements for stronger hair, skin, and nails. It’s easy to add to your coffee, and even better when eaten with vitamins like C in fruits and B6, B12, and B3 in eggs and animal proteins.

That could help make you rethink your morning choices! 🥣

And so many foods operate like this where they work better and rely on other nutrients and vitamins to operate and get absorbed more easily.

And to get to the simple bottom line… that’s why it helps your body to eat nutrient-rich diverse meals and a variety of foods all the time, so the nutrients synthesize and operate in harmony like an orchestra! 🎶

And getting enough protein to build lean muscle mass. As you age,   you lose muscle. Lean animal proteins are rich sources (like lean fish, salmon, and poultry) to help build muscles because of the amino acids.

And if you’re trying to lose weight, replacing fat with protein is an efficient way. Protein macronutrients have fewer calories than fat macros.

Of course, proteins are healthy preferred over sweets to the body, so if you’re sweet tooth challenged like I am, more proteins and plant-based options starting at breakfast can also help you get over this daily hump.

But whether you choose a diet high in proteins is your choice. You know how your body operates optimally (and non-optimally).

As a quintessential Vata body (…and maybe you are too), I’m never fully full enough without lean animal protein like fish and chicken that have higher amounts of carnitine, in addition to the plant-based ones.

We’re lucky that nature provides for us.

One protein source that comes to mind is Wild Alaskan salmon which feeds the Alaskan wildlife and us humans. Adult salmon lay their salmon eggs, and as they age they know to instinctively swim to the shallow streams where the entire animal ecosystem grocery shops for their instant salmon meal. How’s that for healthy convenience food?

The animal kingdom is fascinating to watch. And fun to watch in  related-timeless classic movies, like The Lion King which is still one of my Disney favorites.

It has evolved (as we have) from its original cartoon version to CGI animation and live-filmmaking. I don’t know if you remember those movies we watched with the 3-D movie theater cardboard glasses we got with the red and blue cellophane lenses to bring alive the effects in a Jaws movie. …It’s laughable today.

Those were the days. 😊

And in real life, sharks and lions are still at the top of the food chain. We need them to keep the animal ecosystem running in the wild. Just like us humans with our healthy checks and balances so we can rule the earth.

And so to stay on top, we need to keep our bodies renewed. And make sure we get enough amino acids like leucine (to stimulate mTOR) for new tissue growth. …And that’s a great reason to keep egg protein in your diet. 🥚

Plus… chicken is also amino acid rich too. Here’s one I made with an herb blend I mentioned in another post. If you only could have smelled the herb-y aroma coming from the oven and the orange-citrusy vibes on the stove. 🧡

daily protein orange chicken

Orange Chicken with Jam Compote

Chicken is a great way to get your tasty daily protein amino acids. The orange flavor is a brightening zest for daily and festive meals.
Course dinner
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 apple or pear
  • 1 orange
  • chicken breast or drumsticks (4-6 oz per person)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • jam (sweet tasting jam or less-sweet tasting jam tip below)
  • optional spices (rosemary, thyme, and coriander)


  • Remove skin from apples or pears. Chop fruit into small dices.
  • Cook down fruit until almost soft on cooktop/stove. Add balsamic vinegar, orange zest and your favorite fruit jam until reduced liquid. Tip: Use lighter, sweet jam to pair with light or sweet wine, and less-sweet tasting jam like fig or plum jam to pair with red wines.
  • Serve with chicken. For festive dishes you can add rosemary and for brightening lemon citrus to bring out orange, you can add coriander.
  • Zhugh with thin orange slices.

And year round this  is another full amino acid Fish 3 Sisters Recipe that is loaded with amino acid proteins!


Butternut Squash Three Sisters Fish Tacos

Pairing a 3 Sisters dish with fish tacos is a healthy dish.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Butternut squash
  • Black beans, canned
  • Corn, canned
  • Fish
  • Basil
  • Olive oil


  • Cook your butternut squash until soft, then cut in half.
  • Cook until you can scoop out the squash.
  • Add the corn and beans drained from cans.
  • Cook fish and make salsa verde (basil and olive oil) or pesto (basil, olive oil, pine nuts).