
Healthy Habits Today Matter Big-Time for Tomorrow

Healthy habits matter today big time for results tomorrow. And we can get a good dose of influence from the Blue Zones (discovered by Dan Buettner), where their habits feel like worlds apart from our modern, Western world.

But we can adopt their healthy ways. And I share a few of mine below along my journey including a healthy potato habit I have. 🥔

blue zones healthy habits.

As for healthy habits, I’ve been eating whole-wheat bread and foods since I was young. I don’t think I ever had a slice of white sandwich bread. It was wheat, rye, or pumpernickel… but never white.

Whole wheat cherry glace pancakes with frozen Greek yogurt for Sunday brunch! 🥞

I’m so glad I didn’t let those past years of dissatisfied field trip bag lunches hold me back. Those and other healthy habits are happy keepers.

Below you’ll learn about some Sunday brunch inspo that came from healthy habits and endings too.

And what you create as eating healthy habits today becomes your tomorrow’s habits. And can be part of happy memories.

Some of them stick around from when you were younger, and still work. They need no replacement.

When I was younger, working smart was en vogue. Why?… je ne sais quoi. 

Maybe we were trying to learn how to cut corners? But working hard never went outta-style. Work was (and is) what made the world go round but talking about grunt work especially would be like going rogue.

And today, in a sharing society, we learned that there are no shortcuts. The good stuff is in the work and comes from the working hard process. So glad we kept the healthy habits. 🌱

And even the tough work proved useful for growth and experience.

Especially when we’re young, we need all the experience we can get…

In those years, I walked everywhere. I had no wheels. I walked to the bus, to the dentist, to school, on the paper route, and to my friends’ houses.

And when my high school friend got a new set of wheels, a brand spanking new red Cabriolet convertible for her 16th birthday, she offered to pick me up in the mornings to take me to school. It surprised me when I turned down that exciting offer.

My young mind told me that I shouldn’t count on that routine. Our young intellects were at work even when we weren’t fully conscious. 😉

And in a higher gear, I knew I made the right choice. 

At that moment I solidified the habit of counting on myself… and not taking shortcuts that breed laziness. 

No lazy (Kapha) mind is a better mantra…

And a good way to break out of that mold is to exercise even when we don’t feel like doing it. You always feel better after the burn.

An easier way is to step outside. Because there you don’t feel the sting. You don’t count calories burned. Your wristband does it automatically for you.

And you breathe in new air and let your senses do the rest.

And when you naturally go up and down steps, you’re doing exercise without having to convince your brain to work. It’s automatic to your mind and legs.

Simply, if you want to get to where you’re going, you need to take steps… or even better, the stairs.  Fair, right?

Too often we automatically think of exercise as cardio and keeping up our heart rates. That’s just one type.

And the kind that makes a difference will be the exercises and moves you do.

Another habit area is consistently showing up.

Your presence becomes known. And you’re seen as someone who’s accountable and takes the time to be available. We all like to know people like this.

It’s a form of welcomed dependability. 

And there are ways we all can be consistent whether it’s online or in-person. And where we can be part of our community.

For some years, I was part of organizing a regular brunch group. It fit what I was doing. I was helping others plan their hosted events, so why not host my own? It was volunteer mixed with fun healthy habits.

What made the group special was that we (I had a co-lead with me) opened the event to everyone. There were always newcomers to the group and the DC metro area. And the restaurant of choice had to set up several tables.

It was fun to try out new local restaurants including swanky Michelin Blue Duck Tavern places, historic National Press Room restaurants, and mod-deco fare ones on the Potomac River. Many celebrated Cherry Blossoms 🌸 like this one (speaking of en vogue): 

And we met restaurateurs like this distinguished chef who put foodie restaurants on the maps in the 90s before Jose Andres.

Restaurant lunch time for brunch isn’t usually busy like dinner so that was a good fit for all. And being plugged in that way became part of healthy habits that season.

And during those years, as a theme, I was also inviting my own bunch to the restaurants where I ran the group events.

Similarly, if you take a look at your healthy habits, you’ll notice some repeats. Your regular habits that stick become what sticks out in your life tomorrow and years later.

Taking inventory of your healthy habits will help show you the gaps so you can have a fulfilling life.

You can consider:

Where are you spending most of your time?

What do you wish you were doing more of?

Are you plugged into your local community in some way?

How are you helping the world?

Just some food for thought as you go about your week.

For anti-inflammatory food shopping inspo, check out this 200 anti-inflammatory food grocery guide/list. 🛒

And these spuds could be part of your healthy habit start.


Healthy Loaded Baked Potato Skins

This used to be one of my favorite lunch meals when they had a loaded potato fixins' bar at my work. The skins are often tossed out and are loaded with fiber and vitamins that can be cooked, baked and enjoyed in our daily meal healthy habits!
Course Side Dish, vegetables
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Russet potatoes (or favorite potatoes)
  • Greek yogurt
  • Herbs (chives, thyme, and/or tarragon recommended)
  • Alliums (scallions or minced onions)
  • olive oil (optional)


  • Cook your potatoes until soft on the stove.
  • Cut each potato in half and face down halves on baking sheet drizzled with a little EVOO if you like.
  • Bake on 350°F until browning occurs.
  • Let potato cool sligthtly and then add your healthy Greek yogurt topping and herbs to garnish and enjoy!

Here’s Why Your Healthy Smile Matters


Homemade cold brew with plant-based milks for a healthy coffee smile 🦷

When you have a healthy smile, you gain confidence. I didn’t realize how much of an effect it has on a person until the first time I got my teeth whitened.

The next day others around me scratched their heads noticing something different about the way I looked, but couldn’t pinpoint what changed. That’s what healthy looking teeth can do, AND then you want to keep it up!

Looking back, one thing I’m grateful for is I have stayed relatively consistent looking over the years. For me, I KNOW how you look on the outside is not as important as the inside.

But what’s on the outside often reflects what’s going on inside… similar to the mind-body connection, in its bi-directional healthy signaling that radiates in and through our Beings.

And in my being and doing life’s journey, I’ve done a lot of blogging on blogs (like this one)… typing enough published words to cover the country if miles were measured in words 😉

One interesting place I blogged at was at a dentist’s office. It was meant to be. Personally, I would rather visit a dentist over the hospital any day, but that’s diff’rent for each person.

And in those health research days sitting in an office just a few feet away from dental chairs, I was constantly reminded that preventative dental care is how to keep your teeth healthy plus save a ton of money. And especially if going to the dentist does not bring up good memories or at least a neutral feeling.

Plus, when we pay the dental bills, we know that any reparative dental work can be off-the-charts, breaking any smart budget planning. Dipping into rainy-day funds can be harder than a consistent daily maintenance alternative.

…And an encouraging reminder like this can be a new wake-up call to healthy teeth habits again.

Especially if any have slid off the radar or you picked up a new food or beverage habit that you didn’t think twice about… where even a healthy addition like apple cider vinegar for food-as-medicine does daily damage to teeth enamel… esp. if teeth care is second fiddle in our healthy body thoughts.

Being mindful of a healthy smile makes you feel good. When I was at the dentist working and as an inquisitive patient, I learned that healthy choppers go hand-in-hand with healthy nutrition. It’s not just about avoiding cavities that I learned as a child.

Today we know there’s a teeth-gut connection. Foods impact us from the moment they enter our mouths. Like our bones, our porcelain teeth thrive off calcium and Vit-D.

It’s smart to keep a lot of healthy foods containing minerals and probiotics like teeth superfood, Greek yogurt.

Here are some other examples 😊

Wild salmon rich in Omega-3s, Vitamin D, and fiber-rich anti-inflammatory asparagus and anti-bacterial onion (alliums) are good for our health, gut, and teeth.

Anti-inflammatory foods are good for teeth and your healthy smile. They stave off bacteria that can bleed into gums.

And gum infections are body inflammations similar to other chronic inflammations that can lead to chronic diseases. That’s why flossing daily can add years to your life, and is probably more impactful than even adding weekly calcium/Vitamin-D-rich longevity beans and lentils. 🫘

And, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is good for our body and applies to our teeth because apples help clean teeth, especially when a toothbrush isn’t convenient. Apple pectin is an anti-bacterial fiber that helps flush out toxins starting in the mouth.

And so if it’s a “bad” food that’s not helping your body out, it’s probably hurting your teeth too. Sugar is a perfect example.

In my younger days, I was a bad example being a kid loving the candy shop.  You get a grace period before your baby teeth fall out. But then good habits save you no matter what age. And this is for most of us.

…I mean, couldn’t Halloween just be a fun costume day without the candy?


We have a say in the matter and a chance to change those ways as we grow up.

Even as a Vata, I grew up knowing I had a natural sweet tooth. And I realized not all of us do. It’s definitely a choice though, and when you change your ways and your reasons WHY you change, you can get back to the healthy ways that nature intended.

As someone who bakes weekly today, cutting out all sweets could be robbing joy and celebration good for mind health. So the sweet spot for me and maybe others like me, is sweet moderation and mostly sweet natural sources.

…As with everything else healthy and happy in life, it always comes back to the balance. ⚖️

Consider a ball attached to an elastic string that you wrap around a finger that comes back every time enjoyably and effortlessly. That’s the optimal balance effect.

…Compare that to a yo-yo ball that takes practice to master… or else it just leaves a trail of string that takes work to wrap back into the yo-yo.

Finding your right ball and rhythm and letting healthy balance be easy and fun is a life game-changer. 🧶

So you can get it done by building easy habits and habit stacking.

Because once you get the hang of it, you’ll want to continue doing the better way… until something better comes along.

And in awareness, you have a chance to think twice about going back to old ways.

We especially want a healthy inside to reflect on the outside so we stay sensitive to changes in us and outside of us.

Our healthy bodies are good at signaling to us. But when something gets off-balance, it’s to our benefit and our healthy job to stay aware using good judgment. Even when our cues or how we feel is off.

Often our hormones can drive the bus in our behaviors, but we don’t have to accept that as the only way or the new normal. No way!

…Just like we don’t have to accept anything but a healthy smile, no matter what our genes provided. Taking care of your teeth is something to smile about. 😃

Amino Acids In Daily Proteins Matter + Orange Chicken Recipe

Amino acids matter in the proteins we eat. Some recipes below for protein ideas like this delicious Orange Chicken.

Jump to Recipe

Orange chicken with a jam compote recipe below ⬇️for everyday dinners and daily protein counts with several important amino acids. 🧡

But first, I used to start mornings with very little protein and amino acids for breakfast.

Cereal took the place of whole foods. And very little adorning…  like these waffle trees decked out for holiday Advent season we’re in. 🎄

These days, there are more options like a quinoa cereal bowl, where you get a complete protein meal.

Quinoa has the 9 essential amino acid that you can turn into a sweet breakfast cereal.

The amino acids are what matter. You won’t see that on most food packaging labels. Both essential and non-essential amino acids.

The nine essential amino acids come only from foods, and like the ones I’m sharing today. They synergistically work together. One essential amino acid you may know by heart is tryptophan because Thanksgiving turkey has made it famous. And maybe you felt the sleepy effects this past week if you celebrated. 🦃

Tryptophan is also found in a range of foods like soybeans, nuts, seeds, and egg whites.

…Anyway, where was I? …Ok, so the other essential amino acids are the names ending in “ine” that you don’t see on most food packaging.

You usually only see “protein” as the macronutrient labeling, unless it’s protein powder packaging or a nutritional supplement bar that breaks down the granular protein ingredients.

We need amino acids for protein synthesis and tissue turnover. The body needs the right combo of essential amino acids (only found in foods). And essentially we determine what we put into our bodies so we have a lot of smart food decisions we can make.

And a complete protein has all 9 essential amino acids. And why I often start my mornings with a quinoa cereal bowl. I say often because Vatas like to mix it up… lentils porridge, warm oatmeal, and sweet potato soup are just a few others I can think of. …oh, and smoothies too!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you break the fast from eating for about 12 hours or so.

And since we’re talking numbers here…

As an adult, you need daily protein at least a recommended .36 x your weight.

For a female that can be at least 45 grams of protein.

And you can get to that daily goal much faster with lean animal proteins like 4 ounces of chicken breast (36 grams) and 1 cup of yogurt (12 grams or more).

…Beans and egg whites are healthy protein sources too, but you’ll be eating a lot to get there…

A whole can of beans (regular 15.5 ounces) is usually under 15 grams of protein. But is still a good protein and a great source of minerals like potassium that we need. So 2-3 cans a week is good plus other protein sources.

And legumes are good too. One I enjoyed as a little girl was when I would pick out the sugar snap peas at the grocery store and add to to the bag. It’s funny how the grocery store hasn’t changed a bit in that way, as there are still the same bags and ties …and maybe there will be better recyclable ways in the future. ♻️

Then at home, I enjoyed the snapping sound of taking off the ends (one side is the stem). That was my helper job. The peas were left in the pod and they were cooked all as one.

Snap peas, btw, are a good source of collagen and have a ‘lil protein, more than I expected for their petit pois size. That’s what we used to call them in catering and when I studied French.

These days, I take collagen protein supplements for stronger hair, skin, and nails. It’s easy to add to your coffee, and even better when eaten with vitamins like C in fruits and B6, B12, and B3 in eggs and animal proteins.

That could help make you rethink your morning choices! 🥣

And so many foods operate like this where they work better and rely on other nutrients and vitamins to operate and get absorbed more easily.

And to get to the simple bottom line… that’s why it helps your body to eat nutrient-rich diverse meals and a variety of foods all the time, so the nutrients synthesize and operate in harmony like an orchestra! 🎶

And getting enough protein to build lean muscle mass. As you age,   you lose muscle. Lean animal proteins are rich sources (like lean fish, salmon, and poultry) to help build muscles because of the amino acids.

And if you’re trying to lose weight, replacing fat with protein is an efficient way. Protein macronutrients have fewer calories than fat macros.

Of course, proteins are healthy preferred over sweets to the body, so if you’re sweet tooth challenged like I am, more proteins and plant-based options starting at breakfast can also help you get over this daily hump.

But whether you choose a diet high in proteins is your choice. You know how your body operates optimally (and non-optimally).

As a quintessential Vata body (…and maybe you are too), I’m never fully full enough without lean animal protein like fish and chicken that have higher amounts of carnitine, in addition to the plant-based ones.

We’re lucky that nature provides for us.

One protein source that comes to mind is Wild Alaskan salmon which feeds the Alaskan wildlife and us humans. Adult salmon lay their salmon eggs, and as they age they know to instinctively swim to the shallow streams where the entire animal ecosystem grocery shops for their instant salmon meal. How’s that for healthy convenience food?

The animal kingdom is fascinating to watch. And fun to watch in  related-timeless classic movies, like The Lion King which is still one of my Disney favorites.

It has evolved (as we have) from its original cartoon version to CGI animation and live-filmmaking. I don’t know if you remember those movies we watched with the 3-D movie theater cardboard glasses we got with the red and blue cellophane lenses to bring alive the effects in a Jaws movie. …It’s laughable today.

Those were the days. 😊

And in real life, sharks and lions are still at the top of the food chain. We need them to keep the animal ecosystem running in the wild. Just like us humans with our healthy checks and balances so we can rule the earth.

And so to stay on top, we need to keep our bodies renewed. And make sure we get enough amino acids like leucine (to stimulate mTOR) for new tissue growth. …And that’s a great reason to keep egg protein in your diet. 🥚

Plus… chicken is also amino acid rich too. Here’s one I made with an herb blend I mentioned in another post. If you only could have smelled the herb-y aroma coming from the oven and the orange-citrusy vibes on the stove. 🧡

daily protein orange chicken

Orange Chicken with Jam Compote

Chicken is a great way to get your tasty daily protein amino acids. The orange flavor is a brightening zest for daily and festive meals.
Course dinner
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 apple or pear
  • 1 orange
  • chicken breast or drumsticks (4-6 oz per person)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • jam (sweet tasting jam or less-sweet tasting jam tip below)
  • optional spices (rosemary, thyme, and coriander)


  • Remove skin from apples or pears. Chop fruit into small dices.
  • Cook down fruit until almost soft on cooktop/stove. Add balsamic vinegar, orange zest and your favorite fruit jam until reduced liquid. Tip: Use lighter, sweet jam to pair with light or sweet wine, and less-sweet tasting jam like fig or plum jam to pair with red wines.
  • Serve with chicken. For festive dishes you can add rosemary and for brightening lemon citrus to bring out orange, you can add coriander.
  • Zhugh with thin orange slices.

And year round this  is another full amino acid Fish 3 Sisters Recipe that is loaded with amino acid proteins!


Butternut Squash Three Sisters Fish Tacos

Pairing a 3 Sisters dish with fish tacos is a healthy dish.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • Butternut squash
  • Black beans, canned
  • Corn, canned
  • Fish
  • Basil
  • Olive oil


  • Cook your butternut squash until soft, then cut in half.
  • Cook until you can scoop out the squash.
  • Add the corn and beans drained from cans.
  • Cook fish and make salsa verde (basil and olive oil) or pesto (basil, olive oil, pine nuts).

Anti Inflammatory Foods – 200 Grocery List

Anti-inflammatory foods are good for prevention of chronic inflammation that can protect against chronic diseases.

A fruit bowl of anti-inflammatory foods that are good to add to a grocery list.

We know a healthy protein and plant-based diet is one that’s rewarding for our health. With an anti-inflammatory food guide resource you’re set with a preventative food healthy lifestyle that pays in longevity benefits.

These rainbow anti inflammatory foods below are alphabetized by food category for easy reference. 🌈

Some anti-inflammatory recipe suggestions and dish ideas are mentioned below. Stay tuned for more easy and healthy seasonal recipes.

You can sign up for notifications for the weekly blog article posts where new announcements are made. 📣

Vegetables/Greens/Salad Foods

1.Alfalfa sprouts

2.Artichoke hearts





7.Bell pepper

8.Bibb lettuce


10.Brussels Sprouts

11.Butternut squash







18.Cole slaw

19.Collard greens








27.Grape leaves

28.Green beans

29.Green peas or split peas

30.Hearts of palm

31.Iceberg lettuce




35.Leafy greens



38.Mustard greens



41.Onions (all)







48.Red bell pepper

49.Red cabbage

50.Romaine lettuce




54.Shredded cabbage

55.Snow peas


57.Spring mix salad

58.Sundried tomatoes

59.Sweet potatoes



62.Pickled Vegetables (unpasteurized)

63.Winter squash


65.Yellow peppers


67.Spaghettii squash

You can add tasty flavors with anti inflammatory foods in healthy oil, vinegar, butters, broths, and condiments.

And adding prebiotic veggies such as asparagus, onions, and garlic help the gut.

These are some prebiotic food ideas along with fall apple bundt cake recipe. Also enjoy healthy Game Day potato skins, an easy veggie breakfast frittata, and homemade zucchini fettuccine.

Additives – Flavor for Anti Inflammatory Foods

68.Almond butter

69.Apple cider vinegar (organic with the mother substance)

70.Avocado oil

71.Bone broth

72.Coconut oil

73.Cod liver oil


75.Grape seed oil



78.Mushroom broth

79.Olive oil

80.Peanut butter (all-natural)


82.Sea salt

83.Sesame oil

84.Sunflower oil


86.Vegetable broth

87.Vinegars (white, red, balsamic, etc.)

88.Walnut oil

89.Wheat germ oil

🛒 You can gather and check out some anti-inflammatory food ideas in this article link. Here is a  moist coconut oil chocolate banana bread recipe


Nuts have healthy fats, protein, fiber, minerals that make them anti inflammatory foods and make great snacks.


91.Brazil nuts


93.Chia seeds


95.Hemp seed

96.Macadamia nuts



99.Pine nuts


101.Poppy seeds

102.Pumpkin seeds



As anti inflammatory rich foods, seafood and fish are good sources of minerals. And certain lean proteins as well as eggs help with daily energy.





108.Fatty fishes


110.Pasteurized Eggs

111.Grass-fed beef

112.Grass-fed lamb

113.Mackerel fish

114.Organic chicken






120.Shellfish (clams, mussels, crabs, lobster)



123.Trout fish


125.Turkey (uncured)


Fruits contain Vitamin C which is an antioxidant and water-soluble to the body. Tropical fruits like kiwi and citrus fruits are highest in Vitamin C.

126.Acerola cherry



129.Bitter melon


131.Black currants














145.Green apples


147.Honeydew melon


















165.Red apples

166.Red currants


168.Spelt berry

169.Star fruit




Here are a few cool fruit recipes:

Watermelon mint salad

Rainbow Meringue Pie or Pavlova 

Rainbow meringue pie recipe.

Or a meringue base for a Pavlova (Pav-love) or a gluten-free Pumpkin Pie.


Whole grains are anti inflammatory foods and good sources of B-vitamins that we need daily, and that work together for our complex bodies to function.

Whole grains keep the bran (fiber), germ (vitamins such as B and E), and starchy endosperm. Look for minimally processed and “whole” in packaged ingredients.


174.Bran cereals

175.Brown rice



178.Cous cous









187.Spinach pasta

188.Sprouted bread

189.Tricolor pasta (with vegetables) like zucchini pasta

Zucchini pasta made with anti-inflammatory whole grains, zucchini, and eggs.





190.Wheat berries

191.Wheat tortilla

192.Whole grain pasta

You’ve probably heard that you can add years to your life if you eat beans weekly. Plus, they’re easy and inexpensive anti inflammatory foods to find.

Beans are types of legumes as are lentils, chickpeas, and peas are healthy additions to any diet. There are 20,000 different kinds, most of which we don’t see in the grocery places we shop. 


193.Black bean 

194.Black-eyed peas

195. Cannellini white beans

196.Chickpeas (or garbanzo beans)

197.Kidney beans


199.Lima beans

200.Navy beans

201.Pinto beans

Spices are considered high anti-inflammatory foods. Many have polyphenol compounds and some work together like black pepper and cardamom.

Within their tiny molecules, within the spice and herb aroma are the potent fighting antioxidant compounds that fight cell free radicals. Spices are usually the dried parts of the plant while herbs are the fresh parts like leaves.

You can enjoy this baked garbanzo bean pie.

Anti-inflammatory foods like chick peans or garbanzo bean food ideas like this savory pie.

Spices/Herbs for Anti Inflammatory Dishes




205.Black pepper


207.Cayenne pepper

208.Chili pepper








216.Ginger root



219.Nettle leaf











Dark chocolate is a nice anti inflammatory food treat. Look for over 70% dark chocolate. And if you pair with raspberries, you’ll have superfood healthy benefits.

This is a list of rainbow spices 🌈 to choose from to brighten up your meals.

Also, these are some of my favorite spice ideas and for the holidays.


230.Dairy that has probiotic, benefits the gut such as some cottage cheeses

231.Greek yogurt

Turn Greek yogurt into a cheesecake.





232. Reduced fat yogurt (2%)


Other Anti Inflammatory Foods

233.Dark chocolate (cocoa)

These are some easy decadent chocolate recipes to try:

Soft serve chocolate ice cream

soft serve ice cream chocolate recipe.





Total eclipse healthy chocolate cake

chocolate eclipse cake.
Turn healthy chocolate cake to a planet-worthy dessert. 🌎






Anti-Inflammatory chocolate mousse

Gooey center chocolate cake (like the fallen chocolate souffle served at the corporate parties I planned).

low glycemic index chocolate cake
You can make these low-glycemic index gooey center chocolate cakes.






And finally, some anti-inflammatory beverage ideas:

Blue matcha tea layered drink

…and watch changes like the blue ocean. 🌊





Hibiscus berry tea

And, other cool healthy beverages. 


🍓 Get the comprehensive 50-Page Anti-Inflammatory Food Guide with easy food lists you can print out for anti-inflammatory food grocery shopping and meal planning.

Anti-Inflammatory: Healthy Foods Made Easy

anti inflammatory foods made easy guide.

You can learn more on balanced foods and an anti-inflammatory lifestyle in my weekly healthy and happy blog. 🎉

Proteins and Meal Prep For Healthy Living

Proteins are the most important macro for keeping you full and many other reasons that this article is about.

Legume proteins added to 2022 pantry
2022 Pantry

Probably like you, I’ve evolved eating habits and meal planning since 2020.

My meals are focused on healthy proteins, carbs, veggies, fiber, and healthy fats. My pantry reflects those balanced moves… and fewer sweets.

The bulk of sweets come from my weekly bakes, like poached cinnamon-honey pears or kiwi meringues.

Daily salty snacks are mostly from nuts that are a high source of protein (i.e. 1 ounce of almonds has 6 grams of protein).

Once in a while, popcorn (a whole grain) with a dash of turmeric comes on the scene for a good movie.

Or a dash of EVOO and white pepper that gives a savory umami buzz.

That’s important for a taste-o-phile. 😊

For most meal prep, the focus is on anti-inflammatory plant-based sources like legumes and phytochemical-rich fruits and veggies.

But I didn’t start off 2020 with my then-new pantry (in limbo transition)…

Pasta over proteins in 2020 pantry
2020 Pantry

The first meal I remember cooking was a box of pasta. It’s not touted on the daily news, but there’s a reason why pasta takes up one side of the grocery store aisle.

For the low cost, it offers good value. It beats a junk food replacement that’s more convenient.

Pasta is fairly easy and quick to cook and is a filling source of energy great for lunches.

And then you can add your favorite protein and veggies on top for a healthy meal.

It’s also a good source of potassium, B vitamins, protein, fiber and has very low sugar. You can also get the tricolor kind with tomato and spinach puree.

But yeah, anything from a box with a barcode isn’t likely to be nutrient-dense polyphenol healthy.

Sometimes I make my own pasta with eggs (which btw, both egg yolks and whites are a good source of proteins)…

Pasta is made with eggs with proteins

But any pasta isn’t gonna be as nutritious as a whole grain alternate or a pseudo-grain like quinoa (a complete protein) that has all 9 amino acids, including the ones your body doesn’t make.

The quinoa nutrition label won’t show that today, so all you see is the 4 grams of protein per half a cup (which still isn’t bad… but only half the scoop). You can add quinoa to your breakfast strategy!

Good to know, no matter whether you’re a natural Vata, Pitta, or Kapha Ayurvedic body type.

In case those terms are new… generally, Vatas are lean, Pittas are muscular, and Kapha body types are heavier set.

In all cases, protein is needed for functioning and is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.

Some amino acids (the building block of proteins) needed for life, only come from food sources.

Proteins are also needed for muscle growth and tissue repair.

Plus, eating proteins helps with focusing on tasks other than eating all day.

This is especially true if you’re a Vata body type with lean genes and skinny jeans where energy crashes and feeling occasional lightheadedness from low blood sugar can come with the territory too.

All in all, proteins keep us feeling full longer, and being filled gives us energy. Healthy protein sources can come from legumes like beans or tofu (i.e. 6 ounces of tofu has 11 grams of protein).

The 5 Blue Zone regions in the world have the highest concentration of Centenarians (the young-at-heart people passing the 100-year-old mark).

Legumes carry across the board are part of their longevity plans.


Sardinia, Italy/Ikaria, Greece – white/cannellini beans

Nicoya, Costa Rica – black beans

Okinawa, Japan – soy beans (tofu)

Loma Linda, CA – mixed (black, kidney, pinto, tofu, etc.)

Occasional lean animal proteins and fish also help us to stay healthy.

Choosing a variety is going to give you the diversity of vitamins and minerals your body optimally runs on.

You can think of getting a balanced meal from building a grain bowl or wrap like in a Chipotle meal.

Here’s a grain bowl example you can try in your at-home meal prep:

Grain Bowl with Proteins
Proteins lead the meal prep

Oh, and don’t forget the microgreens and chia seeds (I.e. 3 Tbsp chia seeds has 7 grams of protein).

If you’re like me who likes to boost her omega-3s with ground flaxseeds, you’re getting 6 grams of protein per 3 Tbsp.

While you may choose your greens first, for meal prep, proteins can still lead the meal choice. Here’s the healthy you could consider weekly:

1-2 cans of 15 oz beans or legumes (chickpeas/lentils)

Wild-caught fish and seafood

Lean Poultry (minimally processed)

Protein in egg yolks and egg whites.

Grass-fed or free-range meat

Uncured lunch meat

Here are some protein questions you can ask:

Which omega-3 protein-rich sources will I add?  Examples: Salmon, eggs (enriched eggs), sardines

Which plant-based proteins? Examples: Tofu, beans, legumes

Which lean B vitamin-rich proteins? Example: Chicken (minimally processed), uncured meats (without sodium nitrates or added nitrite)

B vitamins are water-soluble. Since the body doesn’t store them, we need to keep replenishing. B-vits work together and are responsible for healthy growth, vision, skin, hair, nails, metabolism, immune system support, memory, prevention of many potential body issues, and so much more.

For healthy balancing and easy recipes, check out the search bar feature.