
Mango Smoothie Benefits

Mango in a smoothie is one way to start your healthy morning. Learn about the fruit benefits and get ideas for your smoothie.

Mango is full of healthy benefits that you can add to a smoothie.

You’ll learn all about the mango healthy sides here…

First of all, the stone fruit has a good amount of fiber, so it’s a great morning starter to rev up the gut engines… plus the bright taste and sunny color is going to leave you happy. 🌅

You may not have a choice about what side of the bed you woke up on… but you do have a say in turning that wake-up frown, upside down to prepare you for your better day! 🥭

And saying yes to the fruit means adding vitamins and minerals that you may not have without.

For starters, mangos are loaded with Vitamin C that’s a smart morning staple. It’s the vitamin that has stayed constant in health benefits over the centuries. The “C” could stand for “cure” as it has been. And is a great immunity booster.

Plus, it’s water soluble so you can’t take too much.

The fruit is also a good source of Vitamin A good for eyesight and dry eyes if that’s you.

Mangos are inexpensive and found year-round in the U.S so there’s nothing stopping you.

You can get a fresh juice in seconds for less than you would pay for a soda loaded with sugars.

And if you think a mango is loaded with sugar… you’re right. It’s like a pineapple in that way. And mango has more sugar than low-sugar cookies.

…But the 20 or more vitamin and mineral benefits offset the sugar sides as shown in a 12-week study.

The findings include that despite the high sugar amount in a mango, the blood sugar in study participants tested lower as a deemed low-glycemic index food.

That’s what actually counts more than the printed sugar count on a cookie package.

And that news can be a game changer for pre-diabetes, preventing or even managing Diabetes if that’s a concern.

It also is named an anti-inflammatory food… that we like! And is good for everyone to protect against chronic inflammation and diseases.

Because of the polyphenol and fiber counts, eating a mango does good to help offset the gut-inflammatory aspects.

And in my own tests, my skin doesn’t crawl when I eat them… and is probably adding a rainbow glow and erasing lines. 😊

Which btw, you can probably guess what rainbow polyphenols are living in a mango based on its Goldenrod bright orange (paper) color. There was a Vitamin A hint above.

Found in carrots too, mangos have beta-carotene. They also have quercetin (found in apples and onions) as part of the great mango tango.

…And maybe that makes you dance inside a ‘lil 💃🏻 or look at a mango more positively than before.

Or even consider mango as a smoothie starter.

Add a banana and water or milk, and you’ve got a solid mango smoothie!

But you don’t have to stop there…

You can add all the healthy ingredients that help your gut, detox, and provide vitamins and antioxidants on top of mango!

You can pucker up with lemon that’s a winter citrus. It has a summer fruit reputation despite its year-round availability.

And for a third taste dimension, add ginger and turmeric that would make a super mango smoothie, that’s an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

If you’re food dreaming of a mango drink 🥭, then you may also love mango lassi spiced just right or a mango juice vs. orange juice. Or a tropical green smoothie or morning mango parfait for probiotic gut-health bonus.

The healthy variety of tastes is unlimited!


Mango Parfait

A morning mango parfait is an easy way to bring a smile to your mornings and weekends.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • mango, pureed
  • Greek yogurt
  • blueberries or blackberries (optional)


  • Layer yogurt bottom and add mango puree. Add a layer of contrasting berries if you like. Enjoy!

Frozen Cocoa Cherry Pistachio Beverage

Frozen cocoa beverage…whaattt? Cold cocoa (vs hot cocoa)  is probably not what you think of when you think of cozy Christmas-y holiday vibe drinks in December. ❄️

And not a beverage you would hold with mittens around a dreamy outdoor cozy fire.

…But before you turn away the idea, a frozen HYGGE-cozy flavored and FUN layered cocoa variety can be a welcomed chiller! 🧊 Think of it like an unusual frozen smoothie. And that is great for cooling any stress-irritated moods that can sink in.

Like this one I share how to easily make…cold cocoa beverage with cherry and pistachio

…It’s layered, and looking like a sand art glass (yes?). And one you can imagine maybe finding at a Christmas market or art show.

Oh, except this one is deliciously drinkable made with  drink slip away ingredients (and not slipping sand)! 🧋

And this frozen cocoa beverage is inspired by dairy-free spumoni ice cream flavors dreamt up from a childhood travel experience in Italy. 🇮🇹

Each layer is frozen and when the drink melts, it’s more fun to watch than a snowman melting. ☃️

You can use anti-inflammatory cocoa like I did with Hershey 100% raw cocoa, and then layer with cherry juice… and then add almond milk with a few drops of Pandan (for natural mint green color) and pistachios.

If you’ve never tasted Pandan 🌱, it’s a plant-based ingredient with a vanilla-nutty vibe that taste mixes well with plant-based milks like almond or cashew milk.

For healthy cocoa, instead of going to the cocoa mix beverage aisle of the grocery store, visit the baking or seasonal aisles instead to find the pure multi-purpose cocoa.

The cocoa can be used to make a drink like hot or cold cocoa, or used to bake with and make desserts like healthy chocolate cake, brownies, and cookies.

You want to find an unsweetened, raw cocoa that is not alkalized (processed or Dutched cocoa) for the healthy tastes. And this is the best kind to bake with too!

Most marketed drinking cocoa coming in packets or pouches with the options of marshmallows are the processed kind often loaded with sugar.

You can always sweet treat yourself with marshmallows (sugar) ontop at the end. Or simply zhugh with coconut chips or pistachio crumbles.

You can also substitute the cocoa with a healthy coffee milkshake or pure cold brew coffee.

And then after you’ve made your frozen cocoa beverage artwork 😁, you can serve with cocoa desserts like this cocoa brownie cake with cashews and dried raspberries.

Which btw, polyphenol-rich cocoa and raspberries are an anti-inflammatory power couple.

…But me-thinks 🧒🏻 that a frozen cocoa beverage is just what these healthy un-iced  and faceless molasses gingerbread men ordered. The mystery remains… 😊


Coconut Carrot Apple Smoothie

Coconut carrot apple smoothie is refreshing and healthy… and one you ought to consider on your list of smoothies.

Coconut carrot apple smoothie zhughed with shredded coconut.

It’s a bright anti-inflammatory smoothie that you can drink year-round and start your balanced breakfast with that includes fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fat to prep you for your protein bites.

AND it’s a great start for supporting weight loss goals

For starters:

Ginger – is a detox ingredient. This is a good ingredient to add to your daily beverage or water.  It’s a punchy flavor that helps digestion and inflammation.

Ginger pairs great with a carrot (…carrot ginger soup 💭).

Carrot is a balanced veggie that’s known for beta-carotene and it’s no surprise that it’s anti-inflammatory. Carrots also have lutein that’s good for eye health. 🥕

Pairing apple with carrot is another balanced pairing. “A” is for apple, and “b and c” is for beta-carotene and carrots.

Red Apple – loaded with anti-inflammatory quercetin. The apple skin has the most antioxidants, so when using all in your smoothie… choose organic apples.

A medium sweetness apple like Gala, Fuji, or Red Delicious apple works well.


Coconut flour is a gluten-free flour that is good for thickening. Since there’s no peanut butter or banana in this smoothie (that’s another smoothie 😋), you need a denser solid ingredient that complements the smoothie taste.

The flour version is a more subtle coconut taste that’s consistent and gives the smoothie a creaminess. If you’ve ever had coconut milks, you may have experienced the inconsistency, where the liquid separates from the solids.

The separation can cause a mix of tastes (not good for picky critics).

Btw, if you have someone who doesn’t like an ingredient, you can always substitute or omit.

…That’s close to my heart because I used to detest ginger and now I love it. And you have stories with your food journey where you evolve in tastes when you give foods another chance… and even some earlier food allergies, you can grow out of.

Spices can be part of that journey.

Cinnamon is one good sweet anti-inflammatory ingredient that you want to keep trying.

…Like in this coconut carrot apple smoothie as one way

Ceylon cinnamon is the cinnamon that’s good for beverages as it’s the healthiest. It has a more sophisticated taste (my way of saying an acquired adult taste) than Cassia or traditional cinnamon we usually see and fragrantly use in baking treats like apple pie or galette desserts.

And to smooth-ie balance this smoothie, add your milk of choice.

Almond milk is a balanced plant-based milk. It has Vitamin D, E, A.

Adding some healthy fat like almonds (that almond milk comes from) help absorption.

Plus almond milk is usually easy to find in the stores, next to the cow’s milk you grew up drinking (that helped you grow up maybe a few extra inches). 🥛

Ready to make this tall smoothie?

Coconut carrot apple smoothie with a cinnamon straw.


Coconut Carrot Apple Smoothie

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 tbsp coconut flour, gluten flour
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ½ red apple, chopped
  • 10 baby carrots, cooked and softened
  • ginger juice or powder to taste
  • Ceylon cinnamon to taste
  • shredded coconut to zhugh
  • seeds, crushed


  • Blend milk, apple, carrots, flour, cinnamon, and ginger. Tip: keep the peels for texture if you prefer with organic apples. Gala or Fuji apples work well.

Apple Smoothie Milkshake with Sweet Potato

Apple smoothie is a healthy fall-ish color drink you can smile about… and when paired with the balancing tastes of sweet potato and carrot, you’re also getting a trifecta of anti-inflammatory goodness with vitamins and beta-carotene that’s the orange rainbow compound good for eyes. 🌈


Plus these ingredients are easy to find year-round and is great for season transitions where hot and cold (life on ho-ld) meet. 😊 So that’s pretty much year-round for a year-round beverage option!

For a great breakfast smoothie, it’s as simple as cooking a sweet potato and 2 medium peeled carrots until soft.

Let them cool and then blend with milk and a chopped apple.

…Oh yeah, the apple is the star ingredient.

I chose a Red Delicious apple because it’s a bit more sweet than a green apple.

Red apples are the ones with quercetin that is buzz talk (or you may have heard of).

But green apples, like a famous tart Granny Smith is one of the most anti-inflammatory apples.

…So either red or green, you can’t go wrong when comparing apples to apples. 🍎🍏

And if you want to kick it up a notch, you can add a ‘lil cinnamon to give a better version taste like in cinnamon cereals, but without the added sugar.

…That’s huge!

And you can do the same tasty and anti-inflammatory goodness intentions with an apple smoothie milkshake (recipe below 🧃).

This drinkable shake is a breakfast meal (inside a drink) because it also has eggs.

apple milkshake with cinnamon and sweet potato.
An apple milkshake is all natural with real apples, eggs, sweet potato and cinnamon.

It’s a egg protein shake that’s bordering on ice cream for breakfast… that puts a smile on old faces especially when it’s hot enough outside. 😋

…Which btw, when you make homemade ice cream… it can be healthy with a few healthy ingredients.

So if you’re looking for a satisfying cool refreshing snack, this could be one to try that meets your hotter moods and sweet tooth.

…I remember as a child when I came home from the dentist after having cavities filled because I ate a lot of sugar… and I didn’t mind because I was always excited to have ice cream for dinner. 🍨

That was the sugar freak in me and still is today in a healthy living way.

And, maybe that’s what it’s like for you or someone in your household situation who wants to enjoy sweet, but lower the sugar intake.

I know I wouldn’t have liked a sophisticated (aka grown up) milkshake taste like apple-sweet potato.

But a vanilla milkshake… oh yes! or maybe even a Vanilla Cinnamon milkshake that’s closer to familiar common ice cream flavors that the little people like. 👧🏻

And then maybe grow up one day wanting to try other flavors they never liked before.

And if that’s what we’re up for, then adding a hint of natural peanut butter enhances the body’s absorption to an apple and sweet potato milkshake dessert snack-meal loaded with fat-soluble vitamins… plus another taste dimension!

Now that’s something to wake up for 🍎

And for a little detox kick, add a little ginger for a natural energy jolt⚡️to your souped up apple smoothie.

apple smoothie milkshake with sweet potato, cinnamon spice, and a nice ginger kick.

You can visit these links for more smoothie beverage recipe ideas and simple and delicious anti-inflammatory recipes.

apple milkshake with cinnamon and sweet potato.

Apple Smoothie Milkshake with Cinnamon


  • 2 medium or large eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 medium apple
  • cinnamon to taste
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 small sweet potato, cooked soft
  • cardamom
  • ginger to taste (or zhugh on top)


  • On low to medium stove heat in a pot, constantly stir eggs and milk until almost boiling (small bubbles). Then let cool in the refrigerator until cold.
  • Blend all the ingredients together. Then freeze.
  • Bring out to room temperature and enjoy! It's best to freeze the milkshake so it sets, and then add any leftover in the refrigerator if you do not finish.
  • If you want to build a (second) layer of the sweet potato, after you freeze the first layer, you can add the second layer. Easy peasy and you get to mix and enjoy all the flavors together when it has melted some.

Beet Smoothie With Blueberry and Ginger

Beet berry smoothie is one inviting drink that’s vibrant pretty to look at… and pretty gut healthy. Plus, tasty good!

Like a painting in creation, the Alizarin crimson hues in this beet red smoothie are deep saturated in color 🎨 and filled with rainbow polyphenol anti-inflammatory goodness.

More on this below…

Jump to Recipe

A beet smoothie drink with blueberry and ginger made at home.

Ginger as a punchy spice ingredient is good for digestion and calming bloating symptoms.

It’s one of the power spices for digestive health. And even recommended for IBS patients.

Plus, adding ginger to a beet smoothie gives it a flavor pairing knock-out punch…  that I’m all about coming from my catering days.

…And this one knocks you off your seat!

Ginger takes this beet drink from good to POW-WOW. 🤩

You may even skip a caffeine jolt as the flavors are awakening strong.

And if ginger is not a flavor vibe you’ve gotten accustomed to… (or maybe even detest today), I can totally relate.

…When I was a kid, my mom cooked ginger in meals. Not just hints of ginger spice, but actual whole chunks of ginger.

And that’s when I made a face ☹️ and didn’t want to eat food or anything that came within millimeters of the infected ginger taste.

But as our bodies change, our tastes also change.

Little did I know that ginger is Vata balancing.

And it’s surprising I started to like the taste of ginger decades later… it grew on me with ginger and cookies and gingerbread cookies. 😊

…And ginger chocolate.

…So, maybe those are the sweeter ginger tastes needed for you to see the value and bring ginger alive in your life. 😉

Crystallized ginger goes well with chocolate and is one of the happy foods (as it has a little bit of sugar). Sugar and spice is balancing.

You can even make a puzzle game out of it if that’ll bring in the likability factor.

And slowly your tide can change one ginger taste at a time and you find yourself one day drinking ginger water.

And graduate to a smoothie like this one where ginger is one of the star ingredients that gives this beet smoothie some good stars! 🌟

Along with a red apple, this is one anti-inflammatory beet smoothie.

Apples are high in quercetin that daily help us keep the doctor away. 🍎

…And finally, another star ingredient is the blended in super berries, like blueberries (and you can substitute or mix in with strawberries if you prefer).

So, that’s 4-anti-inflammatory ingredients in the smoothie if you’re counting. Anti-inflammatory is good for all ages, as you can never start too soon.

That makes this a super healthy berry beet smoothie slushie ride!

This is one punchy medley of a drink that you just can’t get in a regular fruit punch.

Are you ready to jump in?

And if you like blueberry smoothies, a Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothie or Blueberry Pina Colada smoothie are others to try.


Beet Berry Ginger Smoothie

It's gonna be hard to beat this berry punchy smoothie drink.
Course beverage
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • blender


  • beet, canned (or chopped beetroot and water)
  • berry mix (blueberries and/or strawberries)
  • 1-2 tsp ginger powder
  • 1 medium apple


  • Use a can of beets with juice.
  • Add berry mix (1:1 ratio) and chopped apples.
  • Add ginger powder. Tip: use fresh ginger powder that hasn't expired.
  • Blend. Enjoy!