
Kapha Metabolism and Losing Weight Optimization

Kapha metabolism is one of the barriers to losing weight. This  article explains why and what you can do.


Which btw, we all have these imbalanced needs (Kapha metabolism, Vata anxiety, and Pitta irritated moods for example) from time to time, if not all the time, as we are made of all the earth, wind, and fire elements.

That’s how I like to describe it anyway.

First things first…

An avocado smoothie is in tall order to bring me back to my usual routine… and maybe good inspo for you and your healthy living. This is a great way to break a fast or start your breakfast.

kapha metabolism avocado smoothie drink
deliciously healthy avocado smoothie 🥑

I needed it because last week I was moving (and why you may have missed me last week).

But I’m back now with a new inspo message every Tuesday, so keep comin’ back for more (and you can sign up to get convenient notifications when a new blog post is out so you don’t miss any).

EASY is what we all need more of! One thing that’s never easy is moving that I just did but necessary to reach a new destination in life.

Let me just say, if you’re planning to move, try to avoid the summer when everyone else is moving! Spare yourself the hassle and do it earlier or later in the year.

So to bring me back to this week’s calm, and to please my Vata palate, cool down my Pitta,

AND wake up my Kapha, I took it one step further with an inspirational in-between summer and fall season inspiring quinoa morning bowl that’s loaded with plant-based goodness (great for burning calories and Kapha metabolism).

I recommend this for everyone and anyone looking for anti-inflammatory eating lifestyle ideas! 🫐

Avocado, blueberries, dried papaya, cranberries, walnuts, bananas, and organic quinoa 🥣

…And just to catch us up here… last time I talked about Vata body needs, and before that I posted a summer series that included baking yoga, travel yoga, and chair yoga moves. I’d recommend all these stretch moves year-round.

Because if it ain’t broke, it can be restored with yoga that you can do at home… and I wish I learned this sooner! I can’t say enough about yoga, but will keep it hush-hush this time to focus on the Kapha losing weight topic at hand.

For cool yoga inspiration, you can check out the car yoga and cooling tips blog post article, where I mentioned bits and pieces about turning into a pretzel. That has always been the universal running joke description of yoga. 😊

It’s funny this week… I ended up making homemade pretzels. 🥨 Below is a recipe for sourdough pretzels that I fell in love with growing up with Pennsylvania Dutch pretzels. We had jumbo soft pretzels in the school cafeteria I got excited about and maybe you love those too!

…One of the benefits of baking your own goods is you get to decide what to add in, like sourdough or rye flour to give your pretzels a healthy twist. To make up for the healthy here, I decided to add high mineral Himalayan salt.

Here you can see the salt in working action…

Bonus points are gained 💕 when healthy foods taste good PLUS have body health benefits. Like, Himalayan sea salt is known for its detoxifying properties, and you’ve probably seen or heard of the large crystal lamps or sea salt spa rooms.

We all want to feel more energetic, lighter, and healthier.

And you and I both know that weight is just one measurement of health… and btw, whatever your measurements happen to be, it should not define you.

If weight loss is on your agenda that’s usually with a slowing metabolism body, here are some reasons why it can be SUPER challenging:

  • There’s an abundance of (tempting) convenience food available around us 24-7.
  • Eating isn’t just something we do for sustenance. It’s reward gratification, a social activity, and soothing comfort. It’s an emotional activity and many foods send us back to our childhood roots and happy-sad memories.
  • Computers, cars, and technology have contributed to a much more sedentary lifestyle—we don’t all need to be physically active farmers to survive anymore, so we don’t prepare our own wholesome meals.
  • Reducing daily calorie counts is HARDWORK and it’s not easy to change habits in our busy lifestyle.
  • Diets are hard to maintain and they can work in the short-term, but fail long-term because they’re simply unsustainable and leave us feeling discouraged with diets.
  • And as we age, typically our metabolism slows down, but you can help yourself out!


First, Focus on the Kapha Metabolism Positives

Be easy on yourself so you can feel good about your changes.

And we want to keep our minds hopeful and stay encouraged that we can get our weight and fitness under our belts.

Personally, I’ve found that when trying to make goals, focusing on the positives is going to take you further so you don’t end up beating yourself up…

Accentuating what you’re doing right is sustainable to healthy living, so you can successfully create life-giving habit-forming eating plans daily and year-round.

And so you can get back up from where you left off. Your mind doesn’t forget what worked.

Plus, you can make up for any current deficits you feel, in other healthy ways like cleansing or detoxing, as you work on your sustainable eating routines.

Focus on the daily activity and keep the goal in the back of your mind. You can start with a healthy green smoothie or probiotic-friendly shake.

Staying consistent and away from tempting situations is what I often hear is a common body struggle. That’s what it was like when I worked in, out, and around food careers in catering sales that are not usually focused on healthy foods as a #1 priority. It’s happy over healthy.

And the way I found worked best for keeping consistent in weight (for my body that I manage) is focusing on staying on an eating healthy routine and schedule 5 days a week, versus burning calories (see “it’s hard work” 😭 bullet point above).

Plus, I believe an anti-inflammatory healthy eating plan is the best food planning way to stay fit and healthy.

Because inflammation is an early body warning sign. When left unattended, can lead to complications down the road. So best to change up any food-causing culprits that can show up one day.

The main point is to make healthy changes as needed and not get stuck in: this is what I’ve always done. So many people do this.

And dominant Kaphas (and those with high Kapha mind imbalances) can stay stuck in these stubborn patterns.

Try and stay objective to what works or is the truth (vs. how you feel).

And while health trends keep changing, certain anti-inflammatory foods like broccoli or Brussels sprouts aren’t likely to ever go out of healthy style anytime soon. This is a grocery list of 200 anti-inflammatory foods for ideas and reminders.

And if you don’t like those or the taste of certain healthy foods, you can pick others you like in the same category. Or make them creatively tasty and more exciting. Like sprinkling cauliflower or broccoli on top of your food to avoid the bland tastes and cruciferous textures.

It takes a little thought, but as a side benefit, you also get more choosy about what you put into your body.

And if you’re in a stressful season now where eating healthy is a challenge, you’re definitely not alone!

It’s so easy to slip a little. The idea is to still focus on the positives and get in the good stuff 🥦, while you enjoy some comfort foods. 😋

Just don’t give up!

And the foodie in me wants to help encourage losing weight in a healthy way without compromising good-tasting foods. 😉

So figuring out how to make healthy foods palatable to your tastes is one smart strategy.

Remember the upside: when you change your tastes, your tastes change gradually. So start with one healthy flavor you like. Maybe it’s a spice, herb, or accouterment.

And as long as you personally WANT to go in the right direction and turn that desire into daily reality, you WILL make it happen.

Making habit healthy lifestyle changes today can make all the difference in the world for you.

One reward is you develop better habits, AND the habits you create develop a better lifestyle and quality of LIFE. When you can rewire your body’s metabolism through foods, you can have a better life.

And, here are some key Kapha metabolism things to know that make the difference.

Besides food and calories, your weight is based on genetics, family history, hormones, medications, stress, and sleep amount. There are so many things that your body does at rest: breathing, pumping blood, detoxing, etc. You start each day new and reset.

The amount of energy (calories) your body uses to perform these essential functions is your basal metabolic rate (or metabolism). Overall, your metabolism accounts for about two-thirds of the calories your body burns every day.

The Kapha metabolism is influenced mostly by your body size and composition. This means that people who have bigger bones and more muscle mass burn more calories at rest. Like men usually have more muscle, so they start with a higher metabolism (Kapha dominant or not).

And young people have this advantage too. As we age, bone and muscle mass naturally decrease (and fat mass naturally tends to increase).

Weight training (e.g., using weights or pushing your body against gravity) builds your muscles which increases your metabolic rate. And yes! certain yoga poses can help in this way. This is also where eating more healthy proteins can really give you an upper edge.

And if you struggle with a slow metabolism that Kapha bodies often do, here are some weight loss tips and reminders:

Set specific, realistic, forgiving goals

Instead of a goal to “lose weight,” try smaller and more specific goals that you can attain.

Daily or weekly goals can be, for example, to add more plant-based foods or lean proteins. This focuses on the positives.

Try to stick with a new habit for at least a week or two to start making it routine. Then when one habit becomes consistent, add another one (and habit stack).

It’s not uncommon to take 6 months to lose 5% of your body weight, so that may be a more realistic goal to aim for than the first few pounds that are easier to lose.

Ditch the “diet” mentality and focus on making lasting improvements for sustainable health.

-Focus on improving your food choices and food shopping for overall health or anti-inflammatory living, rather than “dieting” for weight loss. Food choices start with your grocery store cart and how often you go out to eat.

-Ditch traditional eating and try whole and plant-based foods (eating from the rainbow 🌈) in different ways and see what works for you. Like, you could make dinner your smallest meal or change up your cereal to prebiotic overnight oats or a probiotic healthy smoothie.

-Enjoy your food more and listen for fullness cues that subtly signal when you’re getting satisfied and it’s time to stop eating. 

-Eat more mindfully by focusing on and enjoying what you’re eating while you’re eating it. Pay attention to your food’s smell, taste, and texture as you’re eating it. Try to eat without drinking anything that can help you focus on the food more.

-Using your nose helps. Healthy foods that smell favorably strong to you in the moment, are healthy for your body as the fresh food molecules have more healthy-rich goodness. And since your body is intelligent and intuitive, it’s looking for the flavors it needs to restore your body balance. So go for the spices that your nose likes!

-If you have a habit of snacking in front of the TV or computer screen, try getting used to replacing the habit with a glass of water or herbal tea instead. Or better yet, do a ‘lil yoga and get another entertainment view!

Get the FREE Sustainable Intermittent Fasting Guide (The Start & Sustain Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Guide) 🌱

Enjoy these sourdough pretzels on your feasting days. Sourdough has a lower glycemic index so it’s an anti-inflammatory good food.

It also has probiotics good for gut health, so it helps boost good moods in the gut-brain connection.

And sourdough helps absorb some B vitamins and bone health minerals that regular bread is not.

Sourdough occurs like a simple science project. The air and room temperature create the bubbly rise. You simply leave your flour and water mixture covered out in room temperature for a couple days depending on temperature and amount.

That’s where the pet starter starts. 🐶🐱🍞

You don’t use commerical yeast like instant or active yeast packets like regular breadmaking. And that’s it. You can add your dough that becomes sour into any bread, pizza crust, or pretzel dough.

I like to use after about 2 days, when the dough aroma is balanced and smells more like bananas as 3-4 day old sourdough in the making is repelling to my Vata senses. And you and your body have your preferences.

You can also use any type of flour you like to make sourdough. Whole wheat has more protein and fiber than regular bread. I like to combine with bread flour for a balanced taste.

Try these in a nice sourdough pretzel snack.🥨


Homemade Whole Wheat Sourdough Pretzels

Course Snack
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 2 cups flour + instant yeast
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup sourdough (leave water and flour mixed and covered out for two days or until bubbling)
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 egg
  • Coarse Himalayan Sea Salt or Kosher salt (optional)


  • Mix flour, yeast, water, and salt ingredients. Knead into dough. Let double in size. Proof under a towel or in a plastic container with a lid.
  • In a pot, boil water and baking soda. Let rest.
  • Shape pretzel dough into long dough logs. Have fun. Then easy twist them into a simple ribbon (like a Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon). Fold down. And you will see the knotted pretzel shape.
  • Dip them in the water-baking soda.
  • Brush egg wash over pretzels. Add coarse salt of choice.
  • Bake in 350°F oven until golden brown or about 50 minutes.

Getting Best Ideas: When You’re Relaxed (Part 1 of 2)

Himalayan pink salt relaxes the body and is soothing for feet and toes

Are you feeling as productive as you had been? If not as much, maybe this short article will help you to find more peace this season, do the things in your life that matter (and feel more relaxed!).

It’s okay to be uncertain, as we’re all pivoting in some ways. Embracing pivots is helpful for understanding a life of purpose and meaning.

And hopefully you’re still chasing dreams and desiring a better-than-you-started-future outcome, as your optimistic beliefs will carry you far. Believing today accelerates your getting to the other side.

These days you may have to work a little harder to break through the clouds for victories, but they’re there.😊

What could be helpful for you?

First, focus on the right things.

The better idea is to be daily productive and continually develop better ways than from your past. You’re a day wiser than you were yesterday and year wiser than last year.

Spend your time wisely, being conscious to not just take on anything or task put in front of you. We can change and design our paths.

We can remove old ways that don’t serve us anymore or we don’t want again. Evolving helps you grow. It’s a strength.

Sure, life can be easier in a routine and automatic existence, but trying to live in a predictable bubble is not the whole life.

It’s also unrealistic in our unpredictable world and can set up for disappointment.

…When you’re open, loosening the reigns allows you to explore and discover more about yourself and the world around you.

Letting go of the past makes life easier and makes you more nimble to be able to roll with the punches. Then the things that cause unrest can more easily roll off your back.

It’s also much healthier to not live with negative emotions, ongoing stress, anxiety, or irritation from situations or people.

Kind confrontation is better than showing anger, seething, or holding onto stress that no one else knows about.

I used to not like change because I’m a planner. That was the type of work I did too in food menu planning for events. But then I experienced situations where change turned out good so my “all change is bad” theory was busted.

And I realized holding onto the past was fearful thinking. When I let go of what I couldn’t change, life got better. And life is good. And that could be for you too.

And you probably know what that feels like.

Secondly, begin with the end.

From the time we were young kids, we were taught to think in a linear way and to look ahead at tomorrow (or at adult profession dreams when we were way too young to know the realities or what we really wanted).

Today as an adult, a better call is to look at the happiest outcome of your entire life… through the end.

Of course, your perspective will change over the years, but for now, you can consider the question: what legacy do you want to leave?

In other words, what do you want to be remembered for? When you look at it that way, you cut through the stuff you’re preoccupied with today that won’t matter or be as important in the end.

Here’s something you can do today if that’s something you’re trying to answer (or want to discover better ideas about your best life):

Be more relaxed.

You get your best ideas when you and your mind are relaxed and receptive to thoughts from your loving-productive channel.

You’re most relaxed when you’re sleeping, but you’re not able to process your thoughts then and there. Asleep, you can’t really work with those ideas that come in dreams even if they seem productive.

…Btw, I wanted to mention, this is a two-part post. The second part will be about changing, unproductive non-loving thoughts. I think it’s important because that’s where the daily brain can live a good chunk of the day and block out your good ideas if you’re not managing thoughts optimally.

So, getting back to productivity and being relaxed…

When you’re awake you can do two activities at once. Multi-tasking can be productive or counterproductive.

Maybe you’re a natural multi-tasker. That’s me too, my female-Vata side is wired that way, and to like variety.

But there are times when multi-tasking is counterproductive like when you’re trying to read and write at the same time, watch television or listen to a podcast.

Those competing activities create noise in your mind as you have to work twice as hard to drown out one to focus on another.

But when you pair a relaxing activity that you can put on auto-pilot, like thinking through an idea while taking a shower or making your daily tea, new ideas mysteriously and creatively emerge that weren’t there before.

That’s why it’s good too to take mindful breaks, switching up activities to recharge and let new ideas enter. One idea can set you off on a whole new path.

Recently over the past few years, people have changed their thoughts and perspectives on this life: seeing it more precious, valuing time more, and seeing how quickly it goes by.

In our western go-go-go society, it’s common to be unhappy in the corporate world. That’s where I came from.

The more you did and proved your value, the more you could be indispensable (although nobody really is).

The pressure was always there running as an undercurrent. Potentially losing a job for whatever reason was always a looming threat to job security.

And vacations were almost always too short and few. Relax was a bad word in those environments. Taking on stress was not described as life-shortening as it is these days.

Relaxing was associated with being lazy and there was no spinning the idea of laziness as productive.

Laziness was associated with old age, not working, and 4-legged furry pets. Today laziness is normal.

Unhealthy burning the midnight oil, drinking multiple espressos, sugary canned drinks, cramming food down, skipping meals to get more done, and eating junk to get us through, was a growing epidemic.

So hopefully those were our past ways. One good outcome from being more awake and slowing down (and maybe that’s how you are now) is people are taking the burden off their bodies.

We were never meant to have a 24-7-on all the time work-focused mind.

If the body doesn’t want to naturally do this, that’s a sure health warning. Now we’re reconsidering our lives and what we want now and in the future.

And you can leverage these evolving societal changes and reconsider time for your best use.

Finding time throughout the day to do nothing that needs broadcasting (like relaxed yoga poses, napping, meditation, or watching shows) is a good use of time that can lead you to new ideas. And then you can get back to being busily productive as part of the balance.

And if you’re a recovering 24-7 workaholic, you may never want to go back to a rat-race existence if that’s what you had.

You’ve learned some lessons and now know a better way. And you’re smart not to want to go back. You don’t get to redo any age.

Going back would be like wearing a worn-out and familiar old shoe that no longer looks right on you.

Today, you can retire those shoes, and run with a new pair to get to a better place. And don’t be too surprised when new ideas meet you there on your next move. 🎉

Work-Life Balance Ideas For Daily Joy

Work-Life Balance is the way for daily joy and a recipe for daily joy helps too… Like this Almond Joy Smoothie reminiscent of the candy bar you grew up to without the calories and lower sugar.

Almond Joy Smoothie (Recipe description BELOW) 🥥

These days, workers are choosing work-life balance, joy, self-care, and wellness. One healthy reminder and easy way is with an avocado plant. The steps are below to grow from a simple seed. 🌱

Those small ideas help with daily joy as some are consciously walking off the job for their personal lives, health, and safety.

You have to be your cheerleading advocate and make your best decisions for work-life balance.

I know this from my almost two decades in DC working for Corporate America in tech companies, associations, and hotels run like corporate with little time balance.

(Reminder that you only get this one life).

And happiness at the end of the rainbow or sprinkles is something we all identify with and define differently.

In my early workdays, I soon realized happy employees don’t quit good companies and jobs.

The motto used to be, “it’s hard to find a good employee,” and that seems to have shifted to: it’s hard to find a good employer. The roles are reversing in our evolving society to a more balanced approach.

How it pans out is revealed only after you take a job. Most jobs begin great.

Like most relationships, where there’s the honeymoon period. And then the cracks become clear. You wouldn’t enter a bad one knowingly.

The 2021 Great Resignation trend became a more defined movement with dissatisfied employees quitting.

It’s not just one reason, but at the top of the list are better life and care, and overall work-life balance dissatisfaction (work misery, burnout, lack of employee care or concern, being pushed to the limit in work demands… and sadly, work toxicity, harassment, and bullying). Often these areas get brushed under the rug.

I know in my many management experiences, I often questioned demands, decisions, and lack of attention from the-powers-that-be, with no satisfying answers.

Sales was a happier place to be because the role empowered me to make opportunities happen. And those were the good management jobs where I felt like a productive workhorse.

But not everyone is cut out for that work or the one they’re in.

Finding a good job these days is a diamond in the rough. And most are tough and will probably get more demanding before it gets better. So what can you do about a better work-life balance in those situations?

Lessons Learned: Creating Better Work-Life Balance and Happiness

As humans we have to find some joy in our lives, or we can break. Getting up in dread over our work is no way to live. And not having work stability is another tough place to be.

I’d been through the washing machine spin cycle (I thought), several times as an adult – starting at the bottom again after career switching and experiencing massive corporate layoffs.

In the post-2008 economy fallout, many industries fell apart like the one I was in.

I went through years of the next phase (the drying machine years) where I found daily joy in the small things. Like a nice cup of chai tea. Or journaling. Seeing friends and volunteering.

And that’s how I ended up back to my hospitality roots where I left off and new opportunities existed (and now in life’s roll-of-the-dice 2020 uncertainty, is the industry that has been impacted the most).

Entering the dryer process lasted until the appointed time. I lost track of my age, as days turned to months. And then years.

I discovered contentment means happiness (and not what the strong-armed negative side of ego feeds you with baloney and leaves you with negative energy).

True happiness and peace is from within and at the moment in the daily joy. You look out for it (and you can miss it in life’s noise and busyness).

I also learned patience (a virtue) in an impatient culture where Patience is a bad word. And where people show their impatience on the road and is part of the get-ahead mentality. People are irritated and angry and don’t realize it’s in the air. No judgment.

Love thy neighbor. We only see snapshots of people in time, and each person has the freedom and accountability to their own lives.

…and btw, have you noticed that when you purposefully let others go ahead of you in line, then deep down, you feel better that you’re sending good karma in the world. Your angel poofs out the ego critic.

Depending on how often you think to do kind acts, this can be your way or standard.

The more you practice, the more it becomes what you see in the mirror and your daily habits. And you feel the difference between good and icky. It can be counter-cultural as we’re taught to try and be first, but you can realize where there’s misalignment between giving and getting.

And, you and I who are wiser, are looking to create more impact in this world and our lives.

We can connect the dots and letting go of disconnects, doing shadow work from our past so we can live our best life now or at least start the process.

For me, that starts in flow, getting in Happy Baby Pose, working out the neck and body kinks, and getting intentional in daily purpose.

Something to fit in today at home if you need a suggestion.

…So, during the unfulfilling season (about a decade ago) after I started my yoga and quiet practices, I could find deep gratitude, contentment, be patient, and let go of judgment and complaining attitudes.

And that became my way. It wasn’t in the things I had or didn’t have. It was a choice.

As with most things, it was in the missing pieces I had to search for and figure out.

Today, I’m grateful for that long season. The practices and attitudes I adopted help define who I am.

And while that was happening, healthier options and new digital resources are available to us today (something else to be grateful for).

These days, it’s hard to be bored, and very easy to get distracted and not listening to our thoughts.

Growing up we found activities with a radio, television, and books. And that was a lot compared to my parents age who grew up on less book options and radio only.

There was no streaming (live or not) or doing online research… I know it’s hard to think of life without!…right?

I believe whatever time you were born into isn’t going wasted.

You were born for the exact right moment that works with you and what you’re meant to do, and that you can make the most of every day in a joyful way.

On that brighter note…

Here are 3 ways to add joy into your work-life balance and day: Continue reading “Work-Life Balance Ideas For Daily Joy”

Tired, Frustrated, Overwhelmed + Almond Ice Cream Sandwich

Tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feeling as shown in this word cloud are general feelings many of us have.

Tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feeling are common
These are eye-opening common feelings from my community surveyed in September 2021

But you don’t have to stay tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed. It’s the start of a new season and you can transition into your best season (no matter your situation). You can handle it with grace if you stay conscious of your attitudes and what you’re focusing on.

How you react is a direct determinant of how you perceive and interpret your situation.

Today’s blog post (and it’s a big one) is all about your different tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings that bubble up when triggered that arise from some form of dissatisfaction (or trigger) in your life. I’m gonna share how to put those non-serving feelings aside so you can LIVE fully!

And that can start with a recipe that cools and refreshes.

If you’re tired overall, then I’ve also got a tea beverage that’ll help put a pep in your step (especially if you have a Kapha imbalance). So keep on reading…

But – just a little side warning upfront: this is a long (and maybe deep) blog post. I didn’t intend for this to turn into an article-length piece, but I’m very passionate about the topic of balance restoration (having suffered in my ways before with unfulfilling work), so I believe that this is useful information for those who want it (and the data is showing people are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated these days).

So to further help with exhaustion and offer some tired relief in the way I know that works, I’m providing some know-how advice and practical nuggets of wisdom that I picked up along my journey.

I chopped up the blog article down into 4 main sections and here are some of the highlights:

Section 1: I explain how feelings can guide you and share what you could productively do with your feelings, plus lessons I learned that can help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings.

Section 2: I share how to turn your feelings around with your thoughts and two revelations that changed my life (and since the tennis U.S. Open just ended, I use an analogy from the sporting event to describe how you can improve your thought life).

I also share with you some of my lifelong learner ways you can use to help you turn your life around from tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed feelings. And I explain how to reset your life now to a better path of possibilities.

Section 3: You can learn how to change your moods (whether they’re daily or seasonal moods) and how to use your time wisely with a break pause in your day (and life).

I include plenty of peppery questions you can ask yourself to get to the heart of the matter and find yourself in  this season, along with oodles of examples throughout (so be sure to read it all and come back if you need to take a break!)

…and then finally in Section 4:  you can learn how to change your perspectives from the tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed lens.

And I wrap up with some joy and inspiring ways you can look forward to your season and the upcoming  4 seasons.

So be ready to be encouraged and if you’re ready, grab a beverage and here we go!…

Continue reading “Tired, Frustrated, Overwhelmed + Almond Ice Cream Sandwich”

Balanced Living This Season

Balanced living and wellness is the best way to live a life worth living.

body-mind balanced

That’s what people discover after they’ve hit rock bottom or they’ve run ragged for long seasons.

When you reset to your calm and whole equilibrium essence, you find your life meaning, purpose, and happiness now and in this season.

That improves mental health that’s delicate to protect for longevity.

If you live every day busy and stressed, even if it’s doing the thing that  lights you up and gives you purpose, like owning your own business or being the CEO in your household, you can still feel burnout.

If you don’t develop a strong enough reason WHY for what you’re doing, then you can gradually feel unhappy because you can be missing the meaning piece. Why does the business or my family give me purpose?

Getting to those deeper reasons, you can find it has nothing to do with security or a sense of belonging as you could get those from a solid work career or a community of friends.

It could be more about spiritual alignment, personal growth, and discovering more of who you are.

If you were a rose flower, even during blooming season, your intact delicate petals could become brittle, and fall off under wind-blowing conditions.

But if you knew your purpose and greater giving impact was to be naturally beautiful, fragrant, healthy, and alive, and that your inner beauty helps to spread love to your environment and the world, then you would be able to embrace chaos and changing environmental situations.

You can get your unique raison d’etre (reason of being) when seeking meaning and purpose this season which requires your focus, mindful space, and deeper thought.

Quiet time, introspection, and journaling can bring that wisdom out of you.

If you are body-mind balanced in balanced living, then you can tune in more acutely because when you’re healthy you can do infinitely all that you’re capable and willing to do in alignment.

A healthy body-mind provides the starting foundation for your inner wisdom to grow.

To be healthy, it’s important to find time to soak in what your body is conveying to you in each season of your unique life and take time to nourish your naturally resilient but unique body.

The one and only body you will get and can transform if you wish. A simple daily task of moisturizing your dry skin (the largest organ in your body) can be a healthy body-mind exercise especially if you’re a Vata and have those tendencies.

You could stop to smell the roses daily and sense all their pretty features like bright and pastel colors… subtle rose scents (great for a judgmental mind)… soft and silky smooth texture …and balanced intricate design.

In those mindful moments, you can connect with yourself, and realize how you can make an impact in your life and others this season of life… Time you will never get back. Losing time can be a motivator (Your Why) as it has been for me.

Before I was conscious of body imbalances, I didn’t realize I had fallen rose petals from lack of self-care attention. I may have noticed random petals and brushed that off as nothing.

Had I been more in tune back then, I could have adapted and thrived better to my seasonal situations to keep the petals blooming.

And I would’ve reached my higher frequency instead of survival mode in a modern rat-race work life. You can miss out on fulfilling years of personal growth and finding your whole self that way.

Looking back, I went through the motions. In the season when I had a Kapha imbalance, I couldn’t get myself up an hour earlier than I desired and accumulated more than one of everything.

When I had a Pitta imbalance, I noticed acne in new spots and was more critical than usual.

When I had a Vata imbalance, I was more forgetful, inconsistent, unfocused darting from unimportant task to task, and indecisive making small decisions difficult.

Multitasking BTW is the epitome of a lack of mindfulness.

Out of living balanced, inconsistent symptoms show up, such as accumulating body weight, feeling impatient, being withdrawn or slower than usual.. and so much more!

When I learned how to restore my gradually stored up appearing imbalances, then I had a new framework and perspective for tackling all that I wanted to do in a loving way and productively.

More importantly, being the person I wanted to be (…and you can too!).

You could be fully aligned with the creative flow (even if you think you’re not creative or in this season). You gain clarity and laser focus (and feel unstoppable, and not starting and stopping).

You can be your super-productive self while still enjoying some of the uneventful days of this season. They don’t matter in balance.

Finding unique joyful activities you love can help to prevent burnout. And proactively learning how to naturally restore your body-mind balanced self and balanced living is how you can start to be your healthiest self (and the best rose in your life).

Each year can be your best year because you make the most out of it and see how what you did brought you to where you are.

Encouragement for today… you every day feel better than the day before if you proactively look for how to intervene and get those wholesome perspectives and wisdom.

If yesterday wasn’t the best, you have a low bar to surpass today. If yesterday was great (hopefully it was) then today you can follow in those footsteps, and also keep trying new things. You keep going and growing.

As busy humans, we have complex lives. One day, we can be pivoting, and the next day looking for more happiness in our lives while handling the necessary tasks in the here and now.

Some of our specific situations can sometimes leave us feeling drained, tired, anxious, worried, annoyed or irritated. If you feel any of those symptoms, you can do something about it.

You can find out what your body imbalance type is in this season and make positive, restorative changes. Getting aware helps your body-mind balanced lliving.

Your body and mind imbalances can change from season to season and can show up in many ways. The mind and body keeps memory and score.

As part of this season, I hope (and challenge you if that’s what you need!) that you will take time to find your specific purpose, meaning, and take some extra balanced, self-care time out.

6 Productive Take Time Out Activity Ideas For Balanced Living (So You Don’t Burnout!)

Every day, try and choose at least one of these “time out” activities that can be for 10 minutes or more per day. If you only have 5 minutes, then take those 5 minutes. 

If you feel guilt about taking time away from whatever your busy list is (work, family, etc.), recognize the feeling, and reason with yourself that this prevents you from burning out in the long run.

When you come back to your busy life, take note that nothing significantly earth-shattering has happened. The more you can record evidence for that, the less guilt if any, you can feel. And then you also gained quality time for yourself, and you feel healthier and happier, and the people around you notice.

Breathing time. If you can’t remember the last time you paid attention to your breath inhale and exhale breathing, then you’re probably too busy to be mindful and too busy this season. Be intentional and come back to it for your health and balanced living.

Break time. In between busy activities, take short breaks to get mindful, Doing laundry, making a snack, pouring water, and looking at nature or a plant that’s moving or growing as you read this and go about your regular day, can be satisfying to a balanced body-mind. If you feel tensions, then something could be off.

Use mind space and relaxing your body, as your break time theme. You could be standing up, taking a walk, or sitting on the deck, and watching the world go by, looking for productive future thoughts to enter. You can start with something you look forward to. If you find yourself pacing or your mind is racing, step outside into new surroundings and air.

Silent time to get a peaceful mind. Have moments in the day where it’s completely quiet in your surroundings, or you put on white noise or a quieting headset.

Let ideas pop into your head. This means not watching the television.

This means tuning out the sounds from your immediate world that can come from another room.

You can meditate, but I suggest keeping your eyes open so you can take a look at your surroundings for inspirational ideas.

“Me time.” I grew up in a decade where it was a less sensitive world than today. People weren’t as aware or empathetic.

Taking “me time” sounded selfish to others, but then our society became more open to the idea that when you practice self-care and self-love, you have more love to give to others (time, space, and forgiveness).

Thankfully living in a more transparent world frees you to be a better you.

If you find pride creeping up, you can have a daily intention or practice to be grateful.

Find gratitude time. Pause and think of a few moments this week that you’re grateful for.

Write them down in a journal or on the back of a temporary envelope if that will help better solidify those temporary memories in your mind.

You can do this while you turn on the news. With sad headlines, you can have deeper compassion, and that helps you find gratitude, meaning, and contentment in your life.

This can improve your daily happiness and feeling good about what you do have and how you can contribute and make an impact to serve and help others.

Gaining an internal and grounded perspective can keep you feeling peaceful and in control, instead of living an up and down daily roller coaster lifestyle based on the highs and lows going on in your life.

If you’re feeling frustrated or defeated:

Find organize task time (or time to piddle around and tidy up). If you feel overwhelmed or are unwinding from the day, doing mindless tasks can feel good and be productive.  

You can use this time to also catch up on podcasts or listen to music to get calm and back to your usual self.

If you have more time, you can do a rainy day project like organizing a file, bookshelf, or drawer. Make it fun.

You can create a good memory by stuffing a good ‘old photo, some stickers, or memorable words you write on paper, and add them to your project.

When you’re done, you’ll feel better for your small, but mighty in your mind daily achievement. That can be all your mind needs to relax and get back to the mood you want.

And in the future when you pick up the tangible memory you just made, that can put a smile on your face again. Small tasks can make big differences.

Have a good (no, have a GREAT) balanced living week!

blueberry oat waffle.

Easy No Egg Blueberry Waffles

Short on eggs, you can make this easy recipe in 3 minutes.
Course Breakfast, brunch
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 tbsp blueberries, frozen
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup milk or plant-based milk for dairy-free
  • 1 tbsp whole wheat flour, plain flour, or gluten free flour
  • 1 tsp neutral oil


  • Mix ingredients and add to your medium hot waffle maker. This is a liquid-y batter. Add more oats to fill in if it becomes too liquid in spots. This is a very forgiving recipe and great for lazy weekends!
  • Cook for about 3 minutes or until easy to pull in one piece off the waffle iron with a fork.
  • Flip the bottom for the top as often that's better cooked.
  • For healthy version, dust collagen powder on top instead of powdered sugar.