Almond Whoopie Pies
- 2 Egg whites
- 1/4 cup fine almond flour
- Pandan
- Pistachios (optional)
- monkfruit sugar or white sugar
- Greek yogurt (for filling)
- Whip up meringues with egg whites and add monkfruit sugar or sugar, almond flour, and Pandan.
- Bake on 300°F for 12 minutes. Do not overbake. Tip: flip tops over to bottom if edges begin to brown and use top shelf of oven.
- Let cool. Make top and bottom sandwiches with Greek yogurt and decorate with pistachios (optional).

And below, I have some tips on how you can evolve and make the most of your Vata season with autumn mind-body balance tips.
We know we’ve hit a naturally changing season when daylight savings time hits and we fall back in time (and then give back an hour in spring forward).
But before these time clock changes, our healthy bodies naturally start to transition into the upcoming season. And our daily preferences change much sooner. Mostly because the stores and media around us have started their promotions on the first weekend before the new season starts.
And when we are ready, we get ourselves ready for a new season…
We change up our home candles, spices, and teas. And we opt for warm drinks over cold drinks. We also like burnt, spicier shades of browns, reds, and oranges compared to the bright whites and colors of summer.
We subtly shift from light caramel lattes to pumpkin spices. And we feel it in the sea air in the last days of summer.
And for Vata bodies (maybe that’s your dominant dosha), the mind-body can feel most balanced during the Vata season. And for any of us we want to lean into this season. And there are easy changes to help our Vata balance.
Vata Season – Surroundings Change
We lean into Vata season with a change in home décor that can cost nothing like bringing in pine cones or adding a splash of color inspired by the changing of the trees and leaves outside.
I like to pull out different cornucopia color coffee table books or magazines (…remember those?) that have the colors I’m looking for.
So it doesn’t have to cost much of anything except bringing out your creativity and the resources around you. That can help you get closer to your inner child when in those days that’s how everyday was when you wanted to do more.
And maybe that includes rearranging books and decor on bookshelves, and creating new table centerpieces. Some people like to change up their bedroom or wall colors too.
And maybe you have a second getaway place you call home like a cabin retreat, that can be very nourishing as you move away from the summer beachy vibes.
You can look at your new surroundings and inspiration, and feel warm and cozy inside, like you get from a crackling lit fireplace, but it’s still too warm outside for that!
5 Vata Season Body Shifts
1. Warm
In Vata season, we start preferring the warm drinks, but not the hot ones. We prefer warm drinks to start the day, and that gives our soul a small boost to enter the day with optimism.
In the shower, we may feel very relaxed with the therapeutic water pitter patter comfort of warmer water drops, but your skin could still be screaming for cooler jet streams because it’s still hot outside (and you’re part Pitta!).
Vata bodies also shift into their natural dry, wind-like features. Maybe your lips, lizard dry feet, or another part of your body feels the transitioning effects. Even though you may have felt the dry effects during the heated summer that’s another cause.
And Vata season, all around us we see proof as nature is withering into the season.
3. Tastes and smells
And we have certain flavors that we go to that give us seasonal joy. A good reminder for us is when we already know our preferences in food, tea, drinks, and spices. Because we can reach for those with little extra decision effort and maybe they’re on hand already.
But for a Vata who prefers variety and the preferences change daily, cinnamon and ginger does not. And those are good to lean into during Vata season.
Also, orange scented candles as in orange fruits, but could be orange color too. There are so many options in candles these days that I have to specify. 😊 Because pure orange citrus calms the nerves and that helps with Vatas who are feeling naturally anxious in their body when triggered, unlike Pittas and Kaphas who don’t understand.
4. Colors
The changing fall leaves help to inspire fall colors. Out in California where I have family and friends, to me it never feels like fall because the lack of deciduous trees with shedding leaves.
And I always feel “off” like something inside is missing even if I’m only there for a short visit and seeing the lovely evergreen palm trees and coastal vibes.
And my body calls for the changing landscapes of parks and cooler temperature vineyards.
5. Activities
Fall is a great transitional period to start a physical routine again like hiking, pickleball, or YOGA. That’s my favorite.
I’m back in classes and I’m gonna share with you my lessons old and new in the coming few weeks! It’s an anniversary for me as I started going to Hatha yoga classes regularly in the Vata season after I had my Ayurvedic epiphany. 🧘🏻♀️
And even if you’ve just left the happy-go-lucky and vacation summer days, and headed back to busy fall, find time to get your alone time in yoga or meditation wherever suits you best.
That will help you ease into the season, and ground and round out the rest of the year. And gear up for holiday time and a new year that’s getting closer.
And finally…
Get An Vata Season Empowered Reset
The change in season gives us a reason to reset.
We don’t really need a reason because every day is a new start, but a new season like Vata season is a good reminder.
So we can a start new project, have new goals, and a way to remember the same season last year.
Our body cells don’t forget. I learned this experientially in a yoga class when years ago I took a break and my muscles remembered.
And you can consciously activate your brain cells by going down memory lane.
What were you doing this same time last year? I’m sure there are areas that were 180 degrees in another direction when you check.
Maybe you moved or something in your work or relationship changed. You’ve made great strides, so you should pat yourself on the back for all your soft and recognized accomplishments.
You empower yourself with healthy thoughts.
Photos, journal entries, and other personal external things can conjure up happy memories and thoughts that bring nostalgia and joy as you go through the transition of the season.
Make some new routines. Maybe some end-of-year goals. Now is a good time so you can make impact on this year’s progress. Just a thought. 💭