Kapha tiredness is an accurate way to describe seasons when you’re feeling lazy and sleepy.

These are some common life situations that make us tired…
✔️Taking care of everyone and their demands
✔️Getting up early for routine work
✔️Staying up late to get more done
✔️Allergy congestion and headaches
✔️Burden from a stressful or emotional situation
✔️Colder seasons
These all put our bodies on overdrive where more rest is needed. And if we’re not giving that to our bodies, then we’re outta balance. Our tired Ayurvedic Kapha runs the show (when Vata and Pitta are still in the background).
We all have Kapha tiredness traits in us and some of us are born Kapha dominant.
In those tired Kapha heavy seasons, whether we sleep 5 hours or 9 hours, we’re tired (and maybe walking around like human zombies).
Because overall we’re not getting enough sleep. And Kapha metabolism may slow down.
These are a few easy, but effective habits to help your body push through (and not cut corners when you’re called for more):
…Having cold brew coffee ready to go while the fresh warm coffee is brewing makes life easier. ☕️ There are many healthy caffeine sources for energy other than coffee.
I didn’t start drinking coffee until I was over 35. Other caffeine sources can be black tea, green tea, and matcha tea.
And there are many other healthy energy sources besides beverages such as:
…Have savory leftovers to tie us over for an energy-giving meal. 🌯. Energy foods include prebiotic pickle juice that’s fermented, eggs with B-vitamins, and pasta.
…Do jumping jacks or running in place to get your heart beat up and blood flowing for instant brain energy.
You could add a spice kick like cloves or cinnamon, or punchy flavors like lime, onion, or cilantro to your meals.
I remember myths (we used to refer to as rumors) that you can’t catch up on sleep. But actually, you can!
And if your body gets a dose, your Kapha tiredness can grow. That’s a sign that you’re depleted.
And if you’re never tired, that can also be a waving flag to pay attention to…
Because this life is meant to have work burdens and unpredictability for our best life of meaning.
Short-term stressors give us growth and can wake us up temporaily. But if we’ve been tired over a season, then for our good we need to do something about it to prevent burnout.
One thing we can try first is to gain more appreciation for what we have so we change our perspective and outlook.
We can also try new things. Failing at many things means we’re trying, and trying is leading us to purpose.
Without purpose, that can lead us to more stuck tiredness and weariness.
If you’ve ever watched the animals in the wild either live or on film footage, every moment is a form of work for them. They sleep out of necessity, but they are always on guard if not hunting.
…Or just surviving the natural that’s getting harder with climate change.
Finding shade in hot temps and shelter in cold seasons is a challenge.
They live nomadic lives that are very different than the house cats and dogs around us, that still have those primitive instincts but to a much lesser degree.
Today’s household pets are kinda like us modern peeps compared to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. 🐯
And what we can learn from wild animals is that: they do it anyway.
They are motivated to stay alive and keep their young alive. They do it tired and for survival.
Laziness would be a luxury.
And in our daily human modern lives, it’s complex because we aren’t often faced with li-gers to deal with.
But our minds are and make it complex. Beneath our rational mind, if the ego intercepts at any moment, then we’re driven down a lesser path.
And for those who don’t even know that they’re being intercepted daily is the biggest danger of all. Those are the male lions of today and the pride in us.
Usually, it’s muddled in modern fear. In those moments for any of us, we all have a choice to either live in denial (stands for “Don’t Even kNow I Am Lying”)… or flip the switch back to healthy thinking.
I’ve written many articles and posts on healthy thinking. And that comes from learning from my own suffering from unhealthy thinking and ego attacks.
Similarly, anyone unaware that they’re under daily attack is the most dangerous to themselves and others especially without a plan
In my case, I moved away from the prideful environment I lived in and gained awareness. It was the same area that had tiring demands and a faster-paced life.
So, if you’re tired or busy, you’re more likely to be unaware.
Changing your environment (work, moving, etc.) could also be your remedy and just what you need too for Kapha tiredness.
When you’re younger you don’t have those choices, but now you do.
Like, when I was a child, they commonly used smelling salt to keep us on our toes and from fainting in body-shocking situations. It worked. As we got older and went through more experiences, our body systems learned to adapt better.
Getting more experiences keeps us growing and helps us from growing tired and the Kapha tiredness in you.
To grow less tired, find something that you can use your gift and talents with. At home, that could be dancing, singing, yoga, or gardening.
Or working on a project like muddling coffee beans or dips, decorating, or painting. It doesn’t have to require much, just change your tired feelings.
And from there, when you’re wrapped up in the moment, then you can think of other wake-up opportunities. Because when you’re alive, that impacts everything you do in the season.
So I have a quick question for you…
Do you remember the last time you were excited about possibilities? You know that feeling where you felt lit up and endorphins awakened your senses.
You probably had strong desires to pursue and stay up late because of the hope in possibilities.
…And if that was too long ago to remember, then you especially want to get going with something new…
Because one day, your biological age will catch up to you. And you’ll realize you aren’t the same age or person you were in your younger adult years (and even a decade ago).
And that could lead to thoughts of regret if you didn’t pursue all that you wanted in those unrepeatable years.
The way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to make every day count.
I know when I worked in the “rat race” that was not how I felt. I did a job, went home, and then did the same work the next day. I was lucky I didn’t spend my time all in one place so I could grow quicker and have more stressor experiences.
Those times and experiences helped me to get to today, the only time that matters.
Tomorrow is the next most important.
And this is for everyone. Your experiences do the same for you (looking different in each of us)!
And especially if you feel stuck, one thing you can do almost immediately is volunteer or try a new activity.
Volunteer experiences were introduced to us as teenagers.
Everywhere on this planet there’s help needed… I was a volunteer candy striper in a local hospital.
And while I was not cut out for the work, I learned to be dedicated and give back my time.
We always have something we can offer even when we don’t have the gifts and talents.
And it’s always a learning opportunity that stimulates our minds as we’re growing and excited about new possibilities. This helps our Kapha tiredness and breaking out of a slump.
Most volunteer general tasks are easy enough to do that even most young teenagers can do. For adults, it can be a welcomed break to do something easy and can open up more doors.
The most valuable is when you do it for a cause or purpose outside of you, then you’re growing and making an impact that awakens our souls.
It’s healthy to think of volunteering not as work, but an opportunity to serve. It’s providing more than what we’re giving. But we won’t know what that “more” is until we raise our hand to participate. ✋
These days you can find volunteer opportunities online or in-person and this can be what sets you apart from the rest. And you gain gratitude for your good fortunes.
You always see friendly volunteer faces that are glad to see you. And that happiness is infectious. You’ll also develop more positive skills and learn sides of yourself that you didn’t know before.
…And that can help you get out of any tired season. 🤗